Monday, 2017-02-20

SotKwas it a noice floight?00:31
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Zaraoi'm not speaking to you03:13
Zara(yeah, it was okay)03:13
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Zaramorning, storyboard!13:13
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acoleshi is there any storyboard discussion at PTG? thx14:26
Zarahi, acoles! we're in the infra room atm (grand ballroom B, 3rd floor)14:26
Zarait's on the agenda there as part of the bigger infra agenda14:27
Zarafungi's gonna run through that at 9:3014:27
acolesZara: thanks14:28
fungiyep, coffee's just outside the door too if you need it14:28
fungino promises it's good coffee, but it seems to have suitable levels of caffeine14:28
fungithere may be terrible tea as well, i didn't think to look14:28
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ZaraSotK: I'm sitting near the zuul session so you can live vicariously through me15:30
Zarait's a very focused session on getting v3 up and running this week so I'm missing the context to be useful, wish you were here. :P15:32
SotKsounds exciting15:32
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* SotK wishes he could be there too :)15:37
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Zaranow we've split off for migration script things15:58
ZaraI am no longer in infra ballroom; if you're looking for me, yell! :)15:58
ZaraSotK: want to do a virtual thing tonight?15:59
SotKperhaps, though tomorrow night might be better for me I think16:00
Zaraokay, wfm16:00
Zarahm, am I right in thinking these migration scripts don't cover projects themselves?16:08
persiaHow do you mean?16:09
SotKZara: yes, you need to manually make the project in storyboard16:09
SotKwe should fix that, but it won't be hard and also won't be important until we are migrating many folk at once I think16:10
Zaraokay, I started looking at the branch migration logic and was like 'hang on' since I didn't realise that.16:11
Zaraso in cases where an lp project has specific non-master branches that we want to import, I'm wondering how we automate that16:14
Zarasince the branch names are going to be different for each project aiui16:14
SotKsomething like off the top of my head I expect16:19
* Zara was thinking we need to get launchpadreader to read branch information for a project too (or similiar) and get that to talk to the writer, will take a look at that paste and see how totally different it is16:19
Zaraoh okay so bug comes from the reader to the loader to the writer16:21
ZaraI just didn't realise branches were already included with the bug16:22
SotKbug.branches isn't a thing16:22
SotKbut something like that is16:22
* SotK can't remember the specific words16:23
SotKmaybe bug.linked_branches or something16:23
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Zaralinked_branches_collection_link ?16:26
* Zara is wandering around the lp api16:26
SotKlp api as in launchpadlib?16:27
Zaraah no, I was just looking at
Zarathere is linked_branches, though that's listed in the thing I was looking at as a way of getting all bugs that are linked to branches16:36
Zararather than getting branches for bugs16:36
SotKthe bug.linked_branches (or whatever it was) in launchpadlib returns a list of branch names iirc16:37
Zarahuh, the doc seems to conflict with that but I can believe they don't match.16:39
* Zara wonders if we'll need something different for private bugs16:40
SotKwe'll need to auth as someone with permission to see private bugs, for a start16:40
SotKinstead of accessing LP anonymously like the script currently does16:40
Zarahm, so will it be able to get all branch names or will it fail when it tries to get one that's tied to a private bug?16:41
Zaraif it just skips over private things then it's fine for now16:42
SotKI assume it just doesn't even know of the existence of private bugs16:42
SotKthe branches are per-bug using bug.linked_branch16:42
SotKor w/e16:42
SotKthere may be a way to get all branches in a project, but idk16:43
SotKI couldn't find any useful docs for launchpadlib16:43
ZaraI thought it was just an interface for
Zarawhich itself is pretty minimal16:43
Zaraaiui, what we're trying to do here is get the list of branches per project, so that then we can check they exist in the storyboard project, and then we can populate them16:44
SotKthat would be ideal16:44
ZaraI guess since branches are per-story, maybe we just create the branch when we create the story if it doesn't exist?16:45
Zara*if the branch doesn't exist16:45
SotKyeah, that's what I was thinking originally16:45
dmsimardIs there a bug somewhere that describes how the search box behavior is inconsistent ?16:45
Zaradmsimard: heh, there's a very long story on search, gimme a sec16:46
SotKsince I could only find evidence of branches on a per-bug basis, I was planning to create a story and then a task in that story for each branch16:46
SotK(creating the branches too if they don't exist)16:47
Zaraerm not that16:47
Zarasorry 'bout that :)16:47
dmsimardZara: ah yup, there's a couple of these16:50
dmsimarddo you mind if I add one more16:50
dmsimardIt's hard to explain in writing, see here:
dmsimardbasically depending on the order you add filters in, it doesn't look like it works16:51
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dmsimardi.e, I want to search for the word "filter" in the openstack-infra/zuul project16:52
dmsimardif I do "openstack-infra/zuul" first, then add "filter", it doesn't work -- it erases openstack-infra/zuul16:52
dmsimardif I do "filter" first, then "openstack-infra/zuul", it works16:52
SotKdmsimard: huh, that's an interesting one16:54
* SotK will investigate later if nobody does it before me17:06
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dmsimardSotK: so I add a task in that story ?17:10
SotKdmsimard: yes please17:11
* Zara wonders about best way to test the migration scripts 17:34
SotKI was testing them in my test storyboard instance17:34
SotK`tox -e venv "storyboard-migrate --config-file ./etc/storyboard.conf --from-project monasca --to-project openstack/monasca"` or similar iirc17:35
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Zaraah, I'll give that a go18:38
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Zarahah, I didn't have a launchpadlib module, now I remember that patch :)19:14
* Zara should really learn tox properly sometime; I just know specific commands but not really how it works19:15
* Zara sticks it on the enormous list19:16
Zarabetherly: warning that I may prod you to rebase that less/sass change, I should've merged it originally and dealt with any font strangeness later.19:17
ZaraI'd like to get it in, anyway19:18
betherlyZara: sure thing! there is definite strangeness because of the code hierarchy but as long as you are ok with that and ping me as and when it happens i am happy to merge it19:19
betherlyi can rebase now so you can test it if you want?19:19
Zarayeah, that'd be good19:19
betherlyok give me 519:19
ZaraI think it'll be easier to clean up after and I'd rather it not get lost19:19
acolesZara: further to our conversation earlier, could we get a storyboard project setup for swift but *not* migrate any data from launchpad? that would let us start to use the task tracking features and finding our way round the tool. what do we need to do to get that set up?19:21
Zaraacoles: if you'd just like to test it out, I recommend using the sandbox instance at:!/ . If you want to use it to track production data, though, I think you'd need to migrate data first, though maybe fungi can advise on that.19:23
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openstackgerritBeth Elwell proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient master: Converting less to scss
betherlyZara: ^ done19:24
Zarawow, that was quick, thanks!19:25
betherlyno prob19:25
Zaraoh ha I forgot I updated a bunch of components in the interim19:25
acolesZara: we're thinking we'd use it for real work, but just not yet migrate launchpad bugs. so for example recently we setup a trello board for tracking tasks which we could have done in storyboard if we had a project (I *think*)19:25
fungiacoles: we could manually create an openstack/swift project on; as opposed to how we normally autocreate those by parsing the gerrit/projects.yaml in openstack/project-config which would also switch whether gerrit tries to comment on bugs in launchpad or not19:28
fungiacoles: though there's the outside chance that someone may also open new stories for openstack/swift in sb after that19:29
acolesfungi: would that cause any obstacle to migrating launchpad data to that same storyboard project in the future?19:31
Zarabetherly: there's a bit of noise from the rebase in there that I think needs to be removed, otherwise looks good :)19:32
betherlyZara: oh really? sorry!19:33
Zarabetherly: np, it's way easier to see it when it's in up in gerrit than it is in the raw patch imo19:33
fungiacoles: nope. the import script can be rerun iteratively, and any non-imported stories which get created are assigned a much higher story id number than we ever expect to import from lp so there should be no overlap19:37
Zarahrm, when trying to install launchpadlib, I cleared my old venv and am now seeing:
openstackgerritBeth Elwell proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient master: Converting less to scss
betherlyZara: ye gerrit colour coding helps. cleared up some whitespace grossness too19:41
Zarathanks, I didn't even notice that!19:43
ZaraI tried to find out why npm hates us but the page of logs just froze my laptop instead. \o/19:49
* Zara thinks relevant bit is
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Zaraokay so it dislikes like 39 here:
Zarawell line 40 I think19:52
Zarabuuuuut that hasn't changed in that patch19:52
Zaraso I wonder if our tests were broken earlier19:52
Zaraand falsely reporting success19:53
Zaraistr this patch passed all tests in the past19:53
betherlyrargh annoying. ill take a look when i have more time19:53
Zarayeah, I can try fiddling with it too at some point, that line does look odd to me but I don't know scss, and bit weird that it was fine before19:55
Zararn my venv isn't working19:55
Zara(it's not installing all deps...)19:58
Zaraconversation in #infra suggests it's a problem with the logutils release20:02
ZaraI think that's a transitive dep from our pecan version, and so I suspect we can't work around it in our requirements.20:03
acolesfungi: good to know. thanks20:03
SotKI think you can add it to requirements.txt and limit the version there20:11
ZaraSotK: yeah, fungi just explained to me that pip will go with the first version it sees; I didn't realise (I thought the version got overwritten somehow, though I was fuzzy on how)20:13
Zaraso now I'm trying that :)20:13
fungithe benefits of in-person collaboration!20:13
* SotK wishes he was there20:15
Zarathere's so much zuul, you would be right at home20:16
ZaraI feel bad that I don't have enough knowledge to give you an interesting summary of stuff that's going on20:16
Zara(there is an etherpad for that that if you want to read from a distance: )20:17
Zarapeople are making excited sounds and they all crowded around a laptop.20:18
Zara^ my technical summary20:18
fungiSotK: your presence is sorely missed20:19
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openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard master: Work around broken logutils release
Zara(that's what I have locally; we'll need to merge it if we want any other storyboard patches to merge, though hopefully there will be a fix upstream soon)20:26
Zarahm, that commit message is a bit terrible20:27
openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard master: Work around broken logutils release
ZaraI have published an edit on it, sorry for noise20:29
* SotK contemplates nitpicking it further20:30
SotK(no space after "working,", and you only specify "not the newest release")20:31
Zarahahaha, you're right, I'll fix it20:35
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openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard master: Work around broken logutils release
ZaraI could live with it being vague, but it was inaccurate20:47
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