Wednesday, 2017-11-29

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ZaraIf we have a meeting today I'm not going to be able to be around :/18:43
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diablo_rojoSotK, thanks for covering the Kolla meeting till I showed up.18:51
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SotKdiablo_rojo: you are welcome19:02
diablo_rojoMeeting time?19:02
ZaraI'm very very distracted today unfortunately, maybe got lost in backscroll here19:03
Zaraso I can't give much input to meeting but feel free to go without me if you have annoucnements etc!19:03
* SotK will start it when his computer turns on :)19:05
diablo_rojoSotK, lol sounds good.19:06
Zarasotk's so good he can type with his mind19:07
diablo_rojoHa ha I had guessed phone, but mind is certainly cooler19:08
SotKsorry for the delay19:10
* diablo_rojo did code reviews to pass the time19:11
diablo_rojoSotK, when might you have time to work with me on getting an environment set up?19:37
diablo_rojoLater this week?19:37
SotKdiablo_rojo: I think early next week is the next time I'm free I'm afraid19:49
Zaraif you note stuff in here as you try it I might be able to give pointers in the meantime19:52
ZaraI can't promise to be available since I've had a hectic week so far but in general it's less overhead for me to answer questions than to do anything that requires starting up my own env19:52
diablo_rojoSotK, that works. Ping me when you are free/around and I will shuffle things to fit.19:52
diablo_rojoZara, no worries :)19:53
Zara(main reason I'm behind on reviews atm is that I don't have an instance on the laptop I use for most of the day)19:53
Zarajs draft build ftw19:53
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fungisorry, was on the road during the meeting. i don't think the current migration script cares who's running it because it doesn't authenticate to lp, so only gets public bugs regardless22:19
fungibut speaking on behalf of the vmt we could probably manage to manually import embargoed bugs separately22:20
fungieven we don't have visibility into all projects' private bugs anyway, so projects not under vmt oversight would likely have to take extra steps to get private bugs migrated no matter what22:21
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johnsomAny word on the email notification issue?  I have people complaining.  It's getting to the point of considering moving back to launchpad....23:23
fungijohnsom: what was the email notification issue? messages not being delivered?23:23
johnsomfungi No notifications are coming out of storyboard.23:23
johnsomNobody is getting notified of updates to bugs, comments, etc.23:24
SotKfungi: yeah, seemingly barely anyone gets email notifications from storyboard recently other than me23:24
fungii expect it has to do with some e-mail domains rejecting delivery23:24
fungifor example i'm seeing this in the mta logs for addresses:23:24
fungi"SMTP error from remote mail server after end of data: host []: 550-5.7.1 [] The IP you're using to send mail is not authorized to\n550-5.7.1 send email directly to our servers. Please use the SMTP relay at your\n550-5.7.1 service provider instead. Learn more at\n550 5.7.1 t36si872977ote.504 -23:25
SotKhm, is there some way we can solve that?23:26
fungii'm investigating. i wonder if rackspace added some of its netblocks to a dnsbl or something we need to opt that specific address out of23:26
fungiyup, listed in pbl.spamhaus.org23:28
fungii love that sentence: "If you are not using normal email software but instead are running a mail server..."23:28
fungias if running a mailserver is not normal23:29
johnsomHahaha.  Well, that would probably explain it.  Everyone I know that has complained is using gmail or a large corporation email address...23:29
fungithank you rackspace for being hostile to your customers running mailservers23:30
diablo_rojoHa ha interesting.23:30
johnsomYou are welcome....23:31
diablo_rojoGlad its not storyboard's fault.23:31
fungijust about done filing for an exception for the server23:31
johnsomThough I have to say, I think every public cloud provider does that.23:31
fungiunfortunate the internet has descended into such chaos23:32
* fungi shakes his cane a few more times for good measure23:32
johnsomNever should have left uucp ! addressing23:33
fungiindeed, those were some of the funnest (and longest!) addresses23:33
fungithough not as bad as fidomail routing23:33
diablo_rojoFor someone thats never actually had this issue before..So how do we get off the blacklist?23:33
fungii followed the url above to file necessary (digital at least) paperwork23:34
fungiThe IP address has been added to the PBL Removals database. Please allow 30 minutes for servers around the world to update their data. Under normal circumstances, in approximately 30 minutes you should be able to send email directly to networks that use Spamhaus' Policy Block List system.23:34
diablo_rojo*fingers crossed*23:35
johnsomGrin, so probably a week for the corporate systems to update...  lol23:35
SotKthank you fungi :)23:36
fungii wouldn't be surprised if many of them need the cosysop to wander around and turn the crank every now and again23:36
diablo_rojojohnsom, good news is its being fixed :)23:36
fungiwell, we _think_ it's being fixed23:37
diablo_rojofungi, true23:37
diablo_rojoSotK, what email provider have you been using?23:37
fungigmail just says "you're on a blacklist saying you don't have permission to send e-mail, but we're not going to tell you which one" and then i did some digging at senderbase.org23:37
fungiso hopefully that's what gmail was up about23:37
fungianyway, for anybody who needs to check this sort of thing in the future, queries like are what i usually end up looking at23:38
SotKdiablo_rojo: my email in storyboard is my one23:39
* SotK bookmarks that23:39
diablo_rojoAh yeah that makes sense.23:39
fungii run my own mailservers for my personal addresses and use those pretty much exclusively, so tend to not run into these sorts of delivery issues23:40
johnsomI will let you know if I start getting them. I will poke a story tomorrow either way to see if I get something.23:44
diablo_rojojohnsom, thanks for having patience with us. I really appreciate it.23:47
johnsomHa, I think I have more patience than the other folks bugging me about it.23:47
johnsomThey were getting upset at each other for not responding to comments on stories23:48
diablo_rojojohnsom, its interesting learning how differen projects handle things. I didn't really notice the email issue because I never really paid attention to the lp emails.23:50
diablo_rojoI would just go look at my review inbox in gerrit and pick what to review from there23:51
johnsomYeah, it's all about the comments / updates on the stories.23:51

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