Wednesday, 2018-04-11

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openstackgerritKendall Nelson proposed openstack-infra/storyboard master: Reorganize Docs
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SotKI won't be able to make the meeting tonight I'm afraid08:51
SotKfeel free to have one without me :)08:51
SotKdiablo_rojo: ^08:52
diablo_rojoSotK, can do.08:53
diablo_rojoWe'll miss you!08:53
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moguimarfolks, how do I create a new project in storyboard?13:40
moguimarI'm not able to create a story without a project13:44
TheJuliadiablo_rojo: so, any chance some kind soul might be willing to umm... perform minor database surgery to remove!/board/28 or maybe make me the owner?13:46
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persiamoguimar: Creating projects is restricted to administrators.  For OpenStack's deployment, I believe project creation is handled by automation that processes
persiaOne workaround that has been used by a few folk to describe external tasks for projects not in storyboard is to assign a task to an existing project, where the task name references the external effort.13:54
persiaThere have been a few discussions about the best way to track external tasks (depenencies upon activities actively tracked in other trackers), but I don't believe there is consensus on a solution yet.13:54
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moguimarpersia: I'm looking for a openstack/tripleo project, but there is only openstack/tripleo-ui and openstack-infra/tripleo-ci13:57
moguimarwe're creating a board to track tripleo security tasks13:58
persiamoguimar: The TripleO team has been migrating project-by-project, so some projects are still tracked in Launchpad.13:58
persiaUntil the migration is complete, I think you'll end up with incomplete activities.13:58
moguimarso either openstack/tripleo or openstack/tripleo-sec13:59
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moguimaron my team we were using an etherpad, then some folks sugested storyboard14:00
moguimarpersia: do you know someone I could poke to get us one project for our team?14:00
persiadiablo_rojo has been coordinating migrations in general, and my backscroll seems to indicate EmilienM as the TripleO driver for the migrations.14:01
persiaAnd I picked the wrong projects.yaml: the one that controls storyboard is project-config:gerrit/projects.yaml14:02
persiaMy understanding of the process is that it needs a change like , and coordination to determine how to deal with anything that might be on LP, and then cutover (if any).14:04
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TheJuliaIs there any hope of getting patch links published into storyboard? Task status is updated if there is a task associated, but we don't have the ability to go backwards link wise18:42
fungiTheJulia: it's what i'm working on troubleshooting right now18:57
fungiit used to work but something happened with the its-storyboard plugin for gerrit around when we upgraded to gerrit 2.13 which broke it18:57
fungitrying to figure out whether it was due to a configuration change or a regression in the plugin18:58
fungiand now it's meeting time?19:00
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diablo_rojomoguimar, we just discussed the migration in the storyboard meeting if you want to look back through our logs:
diablo_rojoI will also be in the meeting on Tuesday20:04
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fungidiablo_rojo: the proposed goal text lgtm20:37
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diablo_rojoYou mean forum submission text fungi ?21:16
fungiright, text for the forum abstract about the cross-project goal21:19
diablo_rojoSweet :) I will go ahead and submit then.21:24
diablo_rojoAlso, funny story. OSC and OSDK were both mostly setup for storyboard already21:24
diablo_rojomost of the repos already had the boolean21:24
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: zuul was restarted to updated to the latest code; you may need to recheck changes uploaded or approvals added between 21:30 and 21:4522:31
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