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fungi | just a heads up that i can be around in half an hour if folks want to meet again this week, but also fine skipping and working on stuff | 17:32 |
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diablo_rojo | We are meeting today to decide the Angular.js replacement yes? fungi and SotK? | 17:50 |
diablo_rojo | And any other topics? | 17:50 |
SotK | yeah | 17:52 |
SotK | I'm afraid I don't really have any other topics to discuss yet | 17:52 |
fungi | wfm | 17:53 |
fungi | it can be brief in that case | 17:53 |
diablo_rojo | Sounds good to me. | 18:01 |
SotK | #startmeeting storyboard | 18:01 |
openstack | Meeting started Thu Jan 28 18:01:32 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is SotK. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 18:01 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 18:01 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'storyboard' | 18:01 |
diablo_rojo | Hello! | 18:01 |
SotK | #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/StoryBoard Agenda | 18:01 |
SotK | hello! | 18:02 |
SotK | #topic AngularJS Replacement | 18:02 |
*** openstack changes topic to "AngularJS Replacement (Meeting topic: storyboard)" | 18:02 | |
diablo_rojo | ooOO its all pretty and updated | 18:02 |
diablo_rojo | Well done SotK :) | 18:02 |
SotK | :D | 18:03 |
diablo_rojo | #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/replace-angularjs-storyboard-research | 18:03 |
diablo_rojo | So. Down to React and Vue. | 18:03 |
fungi | seemed like the input on both was helpful | 18:03 |
diablo_rojo | Seems like its reasonably split in terms of community opinion. No one hates either one; they've just had more experience with one over the other. | 18:03 |
diablo_rojo | Yeah, the wikimedia person speaking up was cool too | 18:04 |
fungi | i was thrilled that folks were willing to provide so much info | 18:04 |
SotK | yeah it looked like productive discussions were had | 18:04 |
diablo_rojo | Based on all of that I, personally, lean towards react, to stay in line with the Zuul dashboard and the opendev suite, but can have my mind changed :) | 18:05 |
fungi | i don't really have an opinion, they both sound like fine options to me | 18:05 |
diablo_rojo | I think either one would get the job done and be smaller/easier than Angular? | 18:05 |
diablo_rojo | The bigger argument I see for Vue is that SotK already has experience. | 18:06 |
diablo_rojo | Either way I will need to learn a new language. | 18:06 |
SotK | my personal preference is towards Vue, mostly because I'm more familiar with it than React (where I have only minimal experience) | 18:06 |
fungi | both options meet my (albeit minimal) requirements | 18:07 |
SotK | also I prefer the batteries-included situation of the Vue ecosystem to the more loose community supported extensions around React | 18:07 |
diablo_rojo | Thats totally fair. | 18:08 |
SotK | (eg. single-file components with scoped CSS in Vue are just part of Vue itself, but in React land you need to use third party things like styled-components for the same feature set) | 18:09 |
SotK | but yeah, it mostly boils down to personal preference | 18:09 |
SotK | I think something to consider is if we think using React will allow us to realistically get more help from other folks | 18:10 |
SotK | using Vue would definitely allow *me* to work faster, but if React means more hands then that could be the better choice | 18:10 |
SotK | I'm quite skeptical of that though, given previous experience of StoryBoard development | 18:11 |
diablo_rojo | Yeah. Exactly. | 18:11 |
diablo_rojo | I would like to think that picking React would help- if only review eyes, but it was mostly like.. Monty and Jim that wrote the zuul dashboard right fungi? | 18:12 |
fungi | not really for the react-based one | 18:12 |
fungi | i think most of that may have come from interested users of zuul | 18:12 |
diablo_rojo | Who did that work then? | 18:12 |
diablo_rojo | Oh. | 18:12 |
fungi | i'll have to go digging through commit history, as i wasn't paying close attention | 18:13 |
diablo_rojo | Not that big a deal. | 18:15 |
fungi | looks like felix at bmw did a bunch of it | 18:15 |
diablo_rojo | Okay so probably not someone we can enlist to help out then. | 18:16 |
diablo_rojo | I guess that means we are going with Vue/ | 18:16 |
diablo_rojo | ? | 18:16 |
fungi | also tristan with softwarefactory did a bunch of the early work on it | 18:17 |
fungi | tristan was the author of the initial "web: rewrite interface in react" commit in zuul | 18:17 |
fungi | but yeah, subsequently folks working on zuul have gained familiarity enough to improve it | 18:18 |
fungi | so there are significant commits for it from several of the opendev sysadmins and users | 18:18 |
fungi | not that i'm necessarily arguing for it, just observing that after the initial implementation, folks working on zuul got familiar with the new framework fairly quickly | 18:20 |
diablo_rojo | Hmmmmm | 18:20 |
diablo_rojo | From what I have read, the same oculd be said of vue- that its easy to pick up | 18:21 |
diablo_rojo | I guess I am at an impasse since I will have to learn either one ;) | 18:21 |
fungi | i'm happy to go with SotK's preference on this if he's volunteering to build something based on his earlier poc | 18:22 |
diablo_rojo | Thats true, the POC looked good from the bit of poking around I did. | 18:23 |
diablo_rojo | Didn't dig into the code, just played with the interface a bit. | 18:23 |
SotK | yeah, I found Vue quite easy to pick up and would expect similar with React, I just have more of a head start with Vue | 18:23 |
fungi | for me, it's probably all the same. i'd fumble my way through either looking at local examples in the codebase anyway | 18:24 |
SotK | I feel like the sensible option is to pick Vue and build something based on that PoC, I'm not convinced we'd gain much in the way of contributions just from using React, so it makes sense to start with something rather than nothing | 18:25 |
fungi | no two of our core services in opendev use the same web frameworks anyway | 18:25 |
fungi | (at least as far as i know) | 18:25 |
SotK | we use Pecan for our API because its what the community was familiar with, we used AngularJS for the same reason, it never really generated contributions beyond bug reports | 18:26 |
SotK | (understandably so tbf, task tracking isn't interesting for many people xD) | 18:27 |
diablo_rojo | Sounds like a good plan to me SotK. | 18:27 |
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SotK | sounds like a decision then :D | 18:28 |
fungi | i love it when a plan comes together | 18:28 |
diablo_rojo | I will add 'learn Vue' to my todo list | 18:28 |
fungi | diablo_rojo: can you do the honors of following up to the ml thread(s) with that outcome? just for closure | 18:28 |
diablo_rojo | Yeah totally. | 18:29 |
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fungi | and who knows, maybe we'll gain interest from wikimedia folks, not that i'm expecting that | 18:29 |
fungi | they seem fairly happy with phabricator | 18:29 |
diablo_rojo | At the very least, the creator seems accessible for questions which is cool. | 18:30 |
diablo_rojo | And it does seem to be picking up in popularity | 18:30 |
SotK | alright, so do we have anything else to discuss? | 18:32 |
fungi | i think that was it for today | 18:32 |
* SotK too | 18:33 | |
SotK | in that case, thanks for coming! | 18:33 |
SotK | #endmeeting | 18:33 |
*** openstack changes topic to "StoryBoard - A task tracker for OpenStack development needs :: http://storyboard.openstack.org/ :: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/StoryBoard" | 18:33 | |
openstack | Meeting ended Thu Jan 28 18:33:37 2021 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 18:33 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/storyboard/2021/storyboard.2021-01-28-18.01.html | 18:33 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/storyboard/2021/storyboard.2021-01-28-18.01.txt | 18:33 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/storyboard/2021/storyboard.2021-01-28-18.01.log.html | 18:33 |
diablo_rojo | Nothing from me | 18:33 |
fungi | thanks SotK!!! | 18:33 |
diablo_rojo | Thanks SotK! | 18:33 |
diablo_rojo | Email sent | 18:33 |
SotK | thanks diablo_rojo | 18:34 |
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diablo_rojo | I probably should have linked to the meeting discussion, but someone can follow up if they feel its necessary | 18:34 |
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