Tuesday, 2016-02-09

notmynamekota_: around?00:13
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kota_notmyname: here00:44
kota_notmyname: sorry too late, what's up?00:44
notmynameno worries :)00:45
notmynamekota_: I've got an idea I want to bounce off of you. see what you think00:49
notmynamethis is coming up now because of the ML thread that happened a few days ago00:49
notmynameand I want to talk about this further at the hackathon in a few weeks00:49
notmynamekota_: what do you think about re-adding swift3 into swift's core repo?00:50
notmynameI've talked to a couple people privately about it, but I've not said anything publicly before now. and I do *not* want to start talking on the ML about it before talking with you especially00:50
kota_about keystone auth thing?00:51
kota_ah, no00:52
kota_just thought for re-adding swift300:53
kota_into swift core.00:53
kota_so for my first impression, it's good thing because currently swift3 is maintained so slowly (that is because only I am core reviewer for that) and if swift core reviewers welcome to review about also swift3, that's awsome thing to decrease my hard part of job.00:54
kota_I'm not sure if my boss also has same opinion00:55
kota_can i have a time (1 day or 2 days) to ask him how we can progress this?00:55
notmynameoh, definitely. I do not want to make and decisions or draw any conclusions right now00:56
notmynameat a minimum, it would require a discussion with a lot of people at the hackathon00:56
notmynamebut I wanted to see what you thought first00:56
kota_thanks :-)00:57
notmynamekota_: I'm looking forward to what your boss says :-)00:58
notmynamefeel free to send me an email with your thoughts00:59
kota_notmyname: hehe, will see ;-)00:59
notmynameI've got to go run an errand ont he way home. talk to you later00:59
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openstackgerritTim Burke proposed openstack/swift3: Support x-amz-copy-source-range for Upload Part - Copy requests  https://review.openstack.org/25506917:55
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