Thursday, 2016-03-31

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kota_timburke: hello05:23
kota_timburke: this is not ugent, I hope to hear your opinion if you have time to look at.05:24
kota_timburke: while reviewing signature v4 patch, I found Andrey sometimes write a code for path normalization in itself.05:25
kota_like os.path.normpath('foo/../')05:26
kota_timburke: I tried to know the intention because I'm not sure if actual S3 supports such a syntax relative path.05:27
kota_s/syntax/syntax of/05:27
kota_via boto (it's still <=2.x), I got just 404 NotFound for  "GET /<exisiting bucket>/../" but "GET /<exisiting bucket>" works well as I expected.05:29
kota_timburke: "works" is getting 200 I meant.05:29
kota_timburke: so I'm still in fog because S3 doesn't look to support the syntax but Andrey says 'the canonical string is from actual S3'.05:31
kota_timburke: if you know something about it, please let me know, thanks.05:31
openstackgerritKota Tsuyuzaki proposed openstack/swift3: support AWS signature v4
openstackgerritKota Tsuyuzaki proposed openstack/swift3: run functional tests with 's3v4' enabled
openstackgerritKota Tsuyuzaki proposed openstack/swift3: WIP: Refacor sig v4 patch
kota_Still working on sigv4 refactoring.09:11
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timburkekota_: yeah, that made me nervous, too. try actually creating a key named "foo/../" -- i think that might actually work? i haven't had a chance to circle back on that review lately; i'll set aside some time today or tomorrow17:22
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openstackgerritTim Burke proposed openstack/swift3: Register swift3 version in /info
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