Friday, 2015-10-16

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tbhvishwanathj: Hi02:10
tbhvishwanathj: I have installed sshpass on my system02:10
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ilozgachI'm new in tacker. Can anyone answer some of my questions?09:35
ilozgachI'm able to deploy VNF using sample-vnfd.yaml09:36
ilozgachHow to connect to runned instance?09:37
tbhilozgach: Hi09:38
tbhilozgach: I will try to help09:38
ilozgach{"vdu1": ""}09:38
ilozgachThanks )09:38
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ilozgachI want to connect via ssh09:38
tbh_ilozgach, sorry I lost the connection09:38
ilozgachWell, I'm trying to understand how to connect to the instance using ssh09:39
ilozgachI have management ip09:39
ilozgach{"vdu1": ""}09:39
ilozgachDo I need use keypair or smth else?09:40
tbh_ilozgach, no, you can directly ssh to instance using mgmt IP09:41
tbh_ilozgach, can you able to ping?09:42
ilozgachBut what is login and password? :) I was trying to google for it but nothing found09:42
tbh_ilozgach, which instance are you using?09:42
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tbh_ilozgach,  is it cirros?09:43
tbh_ilozgach,  username : cirros password: cubswin:)09:43
tbh_ilozgach,  with smiley09:43
ilozgachIt worked! :)09:44
ilozgachThanks a lot09:44
tbh_ilozgach, cool!09:44
ilozgachOne more question09:44
ilozgachIs there any documentation regarding next question:09:44
ilozgach"How user metadata is passed to the instance?"09:45
ilozgachI mean09:45
ilozgachI want to add some user matadata <key,value>09:45
ilozgachInto yaml config09:45
ilozgachAnd I want that some application in my VNF will read this metadata and use it09:46
ilozgachAt the startup09:46
tbh_ilozgach,  generally we use --config-file option to do that09:46
tbh_ilozgach, we have VNF descriptors for openwrt09:47
tbh_ilozgach,  using file you can configure09:47
tbh_ilozgach,  or you can try this
tbh_ilozgach,  where user data is the section, where you can pass your commands to run on instance on start up09:49
ilozgachMany thanks! :)09:49
ilozgachI'll check that09:49
tbh_ilozgach, sure09:49
tbh_ilozgach,  nice to see people talking in this time zone  :)09:51
ilozgach:) I have Moscow time (GMT +3)09:52
tbh_oh nice09:52
ilozgachBy the way09:53
ilozgach"tacker help"09:53
ilozgachDo not show "--config-file" option09:54
ilozgachOr did you mean "config include" section in yaml?09:54
tbh_ilozgach,  check this tacker vnf-create --help or  tacker vnf-update  --help09:55
ilozgachAha! I see09:56
ilozgachSo, If I specify config file09:57
ilozgachWill it be uploaded to the instance?09:57
tbh_ilozgach,  no, it will configure09:57
tbh_ilozgach,  for better understanding watch this
ilozgachOk, thanks for a help :)10:07
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damosovHello guys! Could you please advise if there is any official way to install tacker without using devstack? We'd like to find the procedure close to the official openstack installation guide. Are there any impediments in it?10:49
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sripriyatbh: hello16:45
tbhsripriya, Hi16:45
tbhsripriya, trying to push patch for
openstackLaunchpad bug 1506111 in tacker "Unable to configure VDU using openwrt mgmt driver" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to bharaththiruveedula (bharath-ves)16:46
tbhsripriya, can you please review it?16:46
sripriyatbh: qq, on our discussion yest. in the vnf-create with config scenario it returns after hitting L7216:46
sripriyatbh: the same logic works for vnf-update with config scenario16:47
tbhsripriya, l72 of ?16:47
sripriyatbh: of openwrt.py16:47
sripriyatbh: did you try the vnf-update scenario?16:49
tbhsripriya, no I haven't tried with vnf-update16:49
tbhsripriya, is it working with vnf-update?16:50
sripriyatbh: yes, i need to personally test which is what i'm doign right now16:50
tbhsripriya, yes it is hitting16:56
sripriyatbh:can you explain?16:56
tbhsripriya, even with vnf-update, it hits and returns16:57
openstackgerritbharaththiruveedula proposed stackforge/tacker: Check service_type per VDU for openwrt mgmt driver
tbhsripriya, as per the discussion in the morning, I have pushed the patch17:04
sripriyatbh: thanks for confirming, i will look into the patchset17:05
tbhsripriya, thanks17:06
sripriyatbh: last week, as i recall you had mentioned vnf-create with config was working on openwrt and you were able to see the config on the instance? trying to understand...17:06
tbhsripriya, yeah last week it was working,but ..17:08
tbhsripriya, but due to this
tbhsripriya, it was not working, because when you iterate through ('service_type') it will give 's', 'e','r' ..17:10
tbhsripriya, so that's why I pushed this change
tbhsripriya, and now you will service_type in device dictionary but per VDU level for example ..17:12
sripriyatbh: makes sense!17:13
sripriyatbh: thanks for clarifying17:13
tbhsripriya, :)17:14
sripriyatbh: did you try the patch with vnf-update too?17:15
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tbhsripriya, we can do this in one patch, but in future if someone looks at commits, we must differentiate the purpose of each commit17:15
tbhsripriya, so I made it into two patched17:15
tbhsripriya, yeah I have tested with vnf-update also just now before pushing17:16
sripriyatbh: cool! thanks17:17
tbhsripriya, I am facing this error frequently
openstackLaunchpad bug 1505468 in tacker "Error status after creating a vnf - TypeError: <type 'NoneType'> can't be decoded" [Undecided,New]17:19
tbhsripriya, but continuously17:19
tbh*but not17:19
tbhsripriya, I have a question17:22
tbhsripriya,  moving from stackforge to openstack namespace is same as adding to openstack governance tent?17:22
bobhtbh: No - not the same thing.  Governance is still a separate process17:23
tbhbobh, oh okay, I remember sridhar_ram saying we are moving to governance tent in yesterday meeting17:24
tbhbobh, I think we have to raise a patch for that too I guess, is that correct?17:24
bobhtbh: I'm not familiar with the formal process, but I know the namespace changes were unrelated to changes in governance.  The powers-that-be want to shutdown the stackforge namespace and cosolidate under the openstack namespace17:25
tbhbobh, got it17:26
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sripriyatbh: in what scenario are you facing the error?17:54
tbhsripriya, when ever I try to vnf either using dashboard or using vnf-create command17:55
sripriyatbh: are you able to see why heat did not go to CREATE_COMPLETE  in h-api.log?17:55
sripriyatbh: this error is thrown from the monitor code as mgmt_url is None which implies VM did not get created at all, ona different node, we need a way to handle the error gracefully whenever heat stack create fails and not allow it to go further down to monitor code to run with a None mgmt_url17:58
sridhar_rams3wong: sripriya: can you add this one to your review q - ?17:59
sridhar_rams3wong: sripriya: it is one of those no harm patchsets17:59
sripriyasridhar_ram: done17:59
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s3wongsridhar_ram: why do we have extension APIs?17:59
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s3wongtwo sridhar_ram :-)18:02
tbhsripriya_, yeah but I was wondering what might be case where the instance fails?18:02
tbhsripriya_, now I am not getting those erros to actually inspect it18:02
sripriya_tbh: did the n-cpu.log provide any clue?18:03
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tbhsripriya_, no18:03
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tbhsripriya_, I will try to reproduce it again18:04
sripriya_tbh: sure18:05
tbhsripriya_, caught it18:07
tbhsripriya_,  Build of instance 581140f1-b18f-4629-adbd-19a6fd28cc70 was re-scheduled: Unable to create tap device tapa15d9ecf-84: Device or resource busy\n'18:07
sripriya_tbh: can you 'noop' the monitoring policy and retry?18:09
tbhsripriya_, libvirtError: Unable to create tap device tap5090d6b9-a7: Device or resource busy18:16
tbhsripriya_,  got some work for weekend :)18:18
sripriya_tbh: is the monitoring enabled in this case? did this error hit when respawn happened? or is it even before that?18:19
sridhar_ram1s3wong: sorry, got disconnect.. api_extension is still relevant for Tacker as it is for Neutron. so left it as is18:21
s3wongsridhar_ram1: yeah, I was wondering what part of our APIs is considered "extension APIs"18:22
tbhsripriya_, no, checked with sample-vnfd.yaml18:22
sridhar_ram1s3wong: the part desc in tacker/extensions/vnfm.py18:23
sripriya_tbh: hmmm18:24
sripriya_tbh: this is something we observed on the gate too on an intermittent basis18:25
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sridhar_rams3wong: was multitasking.. the our api framework has multiple layers .. described in api_layer.rst. Extenstion framework is one aspect of our API layer.18:40
sridhar_rams3wong: again, nothing new from tacker here... just leveraging neutron / other openstack project's extension + plugin design pattern18:41
sridhar_ramdamosov: Hi there..18:41
s3wongsridhar_ram: I can see the intent --- if Tacker is to become a higher level entity (like NFVO), then one can make argument that support of VNFM is just optional, I guess18:42
sridhar_ramdamosov: we currently don't have separate installation packages for tacker components..18:42
sridhar_ramdamosov: this is something we are working for the liberty release ... to push tacker pkg to pypi18:42
sripriya_tbh: can you share your n-cpu.log  and q-agt.logs?18:43
sridhar_ramdamosov: which distro are you planning to use for your openstack ?18:43
sridhar_rams3wong: yes, general best practice to introduce our feature set in a modular way... the benefit is there for someone who want to write a different implementation of VNFM but use the same Tacker API18:45
tbhsripriya_, trying for that, all successful deployments till now18:52
sripriya_tbh: this looks like a race condition between libvirt and neutron agent...18:53
tbhsripriya_, yeah probably18:54
tbhsripriya_, sridhar_ram  need a couple of reviews 1) API documentation 2)
openstackLaunchpad bug 1501079 in tacker "tacker mgmt-driver support in vnf-create flow" [Medium,In progress] - Assigned to bharaththiruveedula (bharath-ves)18:56
sripriya_tbh: will do by EOD18:57
tbhsripriya_, thanks18:57
tbhsripriya_, q-agt logs
sripriya_tbh: thanks looking into it19:02
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sridhar_ramtbh: for API documentation bobh had a -1. Please ping him to give a thumbs up. I'll merge after that.19:18
openstackgerritSripriya Seetharam proposed stackforge/tacker: Add unit tests for heat infra driver
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trozetsridhar_ram: ping?22:00
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