Monday, 2015-11-02

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openstackgerritbharaththiruveedula proposed openstack/tacker: Set respawn limit to VNF respawn policy
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karimb_hello buddies , i m trying to delete a vnfd and get delete failed (client error): device template 7c6f1b35-76cf-47a5-aa48-fc9ac66a89f4 is still in use15:25
karimb_when i try to delete the device template, i get the same error. how can i find out which device is blocking the delete ?15:27
bobhkarimb_: If you run tacker vnf-list it should show you what VNFs are running, and one of them is probably using the vnfd you are trying to delete15:29
karimb_no vnf are running, no15:29
tbhkarimb_ I think you have restarted the tacker while deleting vnf15:30
karimb_actually, i do see a device in the devices table15:30
tbhSo there must be device in device tavble15:31
tbhWith status as pending delete15:31
karimb_but it doesnt show up in the tacker device-list output ?15:31
karimb_tbh it shows as ACTIVE Rather :(15:32
karimb_weird thing is that this device does show in the tacker.log when i run tacker device-list15:33
karimb_but not on the output15:33
karimb_tbh anything i can do about that ?15:34
tbhJust gimme a min15:35
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tbharathkarimb_, what do you mean by you can see in tacker.log?15:39
karimb_in tacker.log i see an existing device but nothing shows up in the output of tacker device-list15:42
karimb_tbharath ^15:42
tbharathkarimb_, yup, interesting!15:42
karimb_tbharath interestingly , the key of those devices is dead_instance_id_315:43
karimb_which despite this halloween week, doesnt look too promising15:43
tbharathkarimb_, yeah, can you do one thing,15:46
tbharathkarimb_, can you put pdb before this line ?15:46
tbharathkarimb_, and check devices?15:46
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karimb_tbharath let me do that15:49
karimb_tbharath a specific sentence i should put ?15:53
tbharathkarimb_, you mean for pdb?15:54
karimb_lilke ?15:54
tbharathkarimb_,  import pdb;pdb.set_trace()15:54
karimb_ah ok15:54
tbharathkarimb_,  so add that sentence  and restart tacker15:54
tbharathkarimb_,  and try to run "tacker vnf-list"15:55
tbharathbobh, Hi15:55
bobhtbharath: hello15:56
tbharathbobh, how did the summit happen?15:56
karimb_tbharath there you go
bobhtbharath: it went well - lots of interest in NFV and lots of mentions of Tacker15:56
tbharathbobh, oh that sounds good15:57
tbharathkarimb_, are you using tacker?15:57
tbharathkarimb_, sry15:57
tbharathkarimb_, are you using devstack?15:57
karimb_tbharath :)15:57
karimb_manual , and on kilo15:57
karimb_(and rhelosp7)15:57
tbharathkarimb_, oh okay, can you run tacker in foreground15:58
karimb_why ?15:58
tbharathkarimb_,  so that when you run tacker vnf-list, it hits pdb(I mean you can see pdb prompt)15:58
tbharathkarimb_, there we can check the values in variables, just like gdb15:59
karimb_i m there15:59
karimb_at pdb prompt15:59
tbharathtype devices15:59
karimb_tbharath i do get a result16:00
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tbharathkarimb_, the reason is as you can see the ID is 'f82066b2-5849-4aa4-9df5-054c8beb73aa-RESPAWN-5' which is not in the format of uuid16:04
tbharathkarimb_, for some reason it is not deleted16:04
tbharathkarimb_, and it does not refer to any VNF now16:06
tbharathbobh,  I just saw your comments16:06
tbharathbobh, I agree with you16:07
karimb_tbharath ok makes sense16:07
tbharathbobh,  I think there must be some mechanism to reset failure_count value to zero, right?16:07
karimb_tbharath i understand that those ids are temporary, set this way during initial spawning16:07
bobhtbharath: Yes, I think we need a second parameter that specifies a time interval to reset the failure count16:09
tbharathbobh, got it, and one more question, do you feel is it right to add limit checking in ActionRespawn class?16:11
tbharathkarimb_, we usually change the device id based on respawn number, for example
karimb_tbharath so my best shot is delete the device in DB16:12
bobhtbharath: I think it's ok but I think I would change the action specification to make it more obvious that the limit parameter is associated with the respan action16:13
karimb_or rename it quitting the last RESPAWN part ?16:13
bobhtbharath: so maybe have action_parameters: {limit: 2}16:13
tbharathkarimb_, better to delete it16:13
bobhtbharath: that way it is clear that the parameters are passed to the action class16:13
tbharathbobh, action_parameters is associated with action, for example : actions: failure:{ action_name: respawn, action_parameters:{limit: 2}}16:16
tbharathbobh, is that correct?16:16
tbharathkarimb_, I will check and get back to you, why those devices were not removed16:17
bobhtbharath: yes, I think that makes sense.  I'd also like to make actions always be a dict instead of supporting either string or dict - need to check with sridhar_ram to get his opinion16:19
karimb_tbharath thanks ;)16:20
tbharathbobh, yeah16:20
bobhtbharath: if Liberty branch is stable we could put that change in master for release in Mitaka16:20
tbharathbobh, oh okay, for now we are going with action as string in liberty?16:21
tbharathkarimb_, :)16:22
bobhtbharath: I think we could support both in Liberty if we want to but deprecate the string and only support dict in Mitaka16:25
tbharathbobh, oh okay16:26
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tacker: Add Tacker monitoring tests
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