Wednesday, 2016-03-09

gongyshdo you mean other guys are fixing the format issues at the same time?00:01
gongyshi just formated the specs, make them easier to read.00:02
sridhar_ramgongysh: understood, they are quite valuable... however the gerrit patchsets for EVP spec, auto-resource creation and multi-site have already merged into tacker-specs mitaka00:04
sridhar_ramgongysh: sfc spec can definitely fixed up...they are going to repropose to newton00:05
gongyshjust small format, no new functions or sematics change. i think, we can do it on the same cycle.00:07
sridhar_ramgongysh: never seen such "touch ups" after a spec merges00:09
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sridhar_ramgongysh: gongysh_: does this happen in other projects ?00:10
gongysh_I see some before.00:10
gongysh_but I forgot which one.00:10
gongysh_let me try to find00:10
gongysh_sridhar_ram, if it is one.00:13
* sridhar_ram looking up00:14
sridhar_ramgongysh_: This is bikeshedding.. but I do realize our specs will show up soon in and it will look good w/ these changes. Can this be reviewed / merged after we are done w/ Mitaka code changes ? Perhaps after Apr 1st as part of our doc cleanup cycle ?00:18
gongysh_sridhar_ram, new comers enter into the project via: wiki, BP's spec docs.  They easily turn away due to the format problem.00:19
gongysh_sridhar_ram, I just wondering where are our specs landing.00:20
sridhar_ramgongysh_: agree, lets plan to take this up after Apr 1st00:21
sridhar_ramgongysh_: btw, how did you nail this using tox -e docs ? I tried it and I get the html version in the .tox dir00:21
sridhar_ramgongysh_: nothing else to indicate these syntax / format issues ..00:22
gongysh_sridhar_ram, ok. thought I cannot see any sense to post off these change.00:22
gongysh_some thing must be done by man's eyes.00:22
gongysh_this is not syntax error.  tox -e docs cannot tell.00:23
gongysh_s/post off/ put off00:23
sridhar_ramgongysh_: got it.. (for the tox -e docs).. it is manual but still will make our specs readable.. so +1 to that..00:24
gongysh_sripriya, I am wondering the identity change in multi-site feature.00:24
sridhar_ramgongysh_: however,  I want to prioritize the items that will go into our release... we need to do a python-tackerclient by early next week and the rest by last week of march00:24
sripriyagongysh: yes, i missed your ping earlier00:25
gongysh_sridhar_ram,  python-tackerclient should be done along with the API parts of our features.00:25
gongysh_sridhar_ram, no API written, not easy to tell if the tackerclient is right.00:26
sridhar_ramgongysh_: according to the mitaka release schedule client libraries are due Mar 4 (last week). we might get an exception this time to do it by next week00:26
gongysh_sridhar_ram, we can set up API without implementation, and then write the tackerclient, and then implement.00:26
sridhar_ramgongysh_: that's why I want to get max focus on code-reviews now...00:27
sridhar_ramgongysh_: both multisite and tosca-parser00:27
gongysh_sridhar_ram, ok, got it.00:27
sridhar_ramonly multisite has new APIs .. we need to review that ASAP00:27
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gongysh_sripriya,  assume tenant A of tacker API register a VIM with tenant B credential.00:29
gongysh_sripriya,   tenant A of tacker API probably does not exist on VIM.00:30
gongysh_sripriya, right?00:31
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sripriyagongsh_: a user can be associated with multiple tenants00:33
sripriyagongysh_: when a user registers VIM with specific credential and tenant, the actual instances land on the registerted VIM tenant only00:34
sripriyagongysh_: this is independent of the tenant where the Tacker API is exposed00:35
gongysh_sripriya,  this way, the normal tenants in a VIM cannot create their own VNFs?00:38
gongysh_sripriya,  by normal, I mean they are not registered vim tenant.00:40
sripriyagongysh_: the feature as of today moves out of the default 'service' tenant and lands all VNFs on the VIM tenant provided in vim register API for a given vim_id. The case of user landing VNFs in their own tenant will be taken up as a RFE. See
openstackLaunchpad bug 1554287 in tacker "[multi-site-vim] Provide tenant id support for VNF create" [High,New]00:40
sripriyagongysh_: thats correct00:41
gongysh_ok, let's follow this path. thanks00:41
sripriyagongysh_: np00:42
gongysh_sridhar_ram, are u landing our specs to
gongysh_sridhar_ram, do u have review URL?00:48
gongysh_sridhar_ram, do we have other tacker topics selected at summit?00:49
sridhar_ramgongysh_: yes, that's that plan - to hook tacker repo to specs.o.o and docs.o.o00:49
sridhar_ramgongysh_: but first our *highest* priority is get to land the code ASAP00:50
sridhar_ramgongysh_: I'm glad you are already reviewing multisite..00:51
sridhar_ramgongysh_: I'd love to get your code review for bobh'00:51
sridhar_ramgongysh_: bobh's tosca parser as well..00:51
sridhar_ramonce those two lands we will get some breathing time for things like docs, user-guide, etc...00:52
sridhar_ramgongysh_: another summit topic that got selected was an hands on lab on Tacker :)00:52
* gongysh_ on the way to office00:57
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openstackgerritgongysh proposed openstack/tacker: [WIP] Initial patchset for tosca-parser integration
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openstackgerritgongysh proposed openstack/tacker: Initial patchset for tosca-parser integration
openstackgerritgongysh proposed openstack/tacker-specs: Spec for tosca-parser/heat-translator integration
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gongysh_vishnoianil, hi04:56
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gongysh_sripriya_, hi05:29
gongysh_sripriya_, vim client patch cannot merge, can u update it?05:29
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openstackgerritAqsa proposed openstack/tacker: Function to upload OpenWRT sample VNFD during Tacker devstack installation
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openstackgerritvishwanath jayaraman proposed openstack/tacker: Implements the Enhanced VNF placement blueprint
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openstackgerritMartin Oemke proposed openstack/python-tackerclient: Clean up references to neutron
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openstackgerritgongysh proposed openstack/tacker: Initial patchset for tosca-parser integration
gongyshvishwana_, hi09:45
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openstackgerritBob Haddleton proposed openstack/tacker-specs: Spec for tosca-parser/heat-translator integration
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openstackgerritBob Haddleton proposed openstack/tacker: Implement tosca-parser/heat-translator integration
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janki_chhatbarI found a bug in kilo tacker16:25
janki_chhatbarand have reported it on launchpad16:25
janki_chhatbarit is at
openstackLaunchpad bug 1555130 in tacker "tackerclient git repo URL changed" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Janki Chhatbar (jankihchhatbar)16:27
janki_chhatbarI have a patch too16:27
janki_chhatbarthis will be my first commit16:27
janki_chhatbardo I have to wait for the bug to be "confirmed" to release the patch?16:28
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janki_chhatbarI just proposed a patch for a bug on tacker17:31
openstackLaunchpad bug 1555130 in tacker "tackerclient git repo URL changed" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Janki Chhatbar (jankihchhatbar)17:31
janki_chhatbar1 test fails with following error17:32
janki_chhatbarImportError: No module named neutron.version17:32
janki_chhatbarERROR: InvocationError: '/home/jenkins/workspace/gate-tacker-docs/.tox/venv/bin/python build_sphinx'17:32
janki_chhatbarCan anyone please guide me into solving this17:32
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openstackgerritdharmendra kushwaha proposed openstack/tacker-horizon: Doc addition in methods.
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openstackgerritbharaththiruveedula proposed openstack/tacker: [WIP] Implements auto flavor creation
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tbhsridhar_ram, ping18:29
sridhar_ramtbh: pong18:29
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tbhI wrongly assumed that tacker will use service tenant and nova_admin_* credentials for creating the stacks18:32
tbhso I  got "not authorized error"18:32
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sridhar_ramtbh: is your patchset based off sripriya's multisite ?18:34
tbhsridhar_ram, no ... on tosca_parser only18:35
sridhar_ramshe is introducing a "nfv-tenant" and a privileged user with advsvc, admin role18:35
tbhsridhar_ram, oh okay .. as part of EVP?18:36
sridhar_ramtbh: no, as part of multisite..18:37
tbhsridhar_ram, yeah .. sry18:37
sridhar_rambtw, which user are you using for tacker api18:37
sridhar_ramactually, that doesn't matter18:37
tbhsridhar_ram, admin18:38
sridhar_ramcan you explain ur issue again ?18:38
tbhsridhar_ram, I am trying to create a flavor using HOT18:38
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tbhsridhar_ram, but heat stack was created by "tacker" user18:38
openstackgerritBob Haddleton proposed openstack/tacker-specs: Spec for tosca-parser/heat-translator integration
sridhar_ramthe user that tacker uses is what matters here ..18:39
tbhsridhar_ram, yes18:39
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tbhsridhar_ram, later for testing I ran "keystone user-role-add --user tacker --tenant service --role admin"18:39
tbhsridhar_ram, then it worked18:39
tbhsridhar_ram, new patch set for tosca-parser18:40
tbhneed to update the patch18:40
* sridhar_ram notes sripriya in channel18:40
sridhar_ramtbh: HOT flavor creation is controlled by policy.json file in /etc/heat/18:40
sridhar_ramsripriya: in multisite patchset what roles does tacker user get ?18:42
sripriyasridhar_ram: they need to set the advsvc role for vim user18:42
tbhsripriya, and admin too?18:42
vishwanathjtbh you need to edit /etc/heat/policy.json and /etc/nova/policy.json for flavor creation through HOT18:43
openstackgerritdharmendra kushwaha proposed openstack/tacker-horizon: Doc addition in methods.
vishwanathjonly if its executed as a non-admin18:43
sripriyatbh: not needed , this is required for the neutron port attach18:43
sridhar_ramtacker "user" need to be privileged enough to create flavors...18:43
sridhar_ramroles what matter here.. the user can be anybody18:44
tbhvishwanathj, yes, that we can do. But we must not change those values18:44
sridhar_ramI think for now we can go with the rule tacker user needs to have both advsvc and admin roles associated with it18:45
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sripriyafrom heat's policy.json file, the user needs to be admin to create flavor18:45
* sridhar_ram notes tbh has flaky netwrok18:45
sripriyasridhar_ram: agree, so it basically means only admins of remote VIMs can register VIMs18:45
sridhar_ramI see this line in /etc/heat/policy.json .... "resource_types:OS::Nova::Flavor": "rule:deny_stack_user"18:46
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sridhar_ramtbh: you missed couple of lines above ^^^18:46
sridhar_ramsripriya: sridhar_ram: agree, so it basically means only admins of remote VIMs can register VIMs18:46
vishwanathjsridhar_ram that's the modification needed for non-admin user to create flavor using heat18:47
sridhar_ramsripriya: sridhar_ram: agree, so it basically means only admins of remote VIMs can register VIMs18:47
sridhar_ramnot sure how appropriate is to piggybacking on 'admin' role... for short-term we could go w/ that...18:47
sridhar_ramthe ideal solution in my mind is to create a "nfv-admin" role and granularly change policy.json to allow privileges18:48
sridhar_ramsripriya: could this be absorbed into your multisite patchset ?18:49
tbhsridhar_ram, you mean tacker user with admin role for now ... or any user with admin role18:49
sripriyasridhar_ram: you mean we need to modify the heat policy.json file to have this nfv-admin role?18:49
sridhar_ramtbh: with multisite it could be any user .. ofcource devstack will have a default18:49
tbhsripriya, sridhar_ram but I am not sure is it feasible to change heat policy.json file18:50
sripriyatbh: yes we cannot change that18:50
tbhsridhar_ram, one qq why do we need nova_admin_* credentials18:50
sridhar_ramsripriya: tbh: I thought that is upto the deployer to allow such privileges...18:51
vishwanathjchanging the /etc/heat/policy.json and /etc/nova/policy.json should be a documented in pre=requisites section18:51
sripriyasridhar_ram: tbh: or we could use identity trusts to allow certain user to do this operation exclusively18:51
sridhar_ramsripriya: is that something feasible to implement in a week ?18:51
tbhsridhar_ram, I was in a assumption that we use these parameters to create heat stack18:51
sripriyasridhar_ram: tbh: right now, flavor creation is the only operation i believe which needs admin privilege18:52
tbhsripriya, yes18:52
tbhsridhar_ram, or for now, why can't we have admin role to tacker user?18:52
sridhar_ramagain we have to solutions . (1) the easy one, add tacker user to have 'admin' role  (2) look for some granular options18:52
sripriyasridhar_ram: i personally have not tested it, but that is the intention of trusts which is available from keystone version 3, should be doable in a week if it works18:53
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sridhar_ramsripriya: we don't have time for experimentation .. we are cutting too close18:53
* sridhar_ram holding off asking a question until tbh shows up again18:54
sripriyasridhar_ram: i understand, then option 1 is the way i guess18:54
sridhar_ram anyone here have a issue using 'admin' role for now ?18:54
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tbh(sry internet flucatuations :) )18:55
sridhar_ramtbh: noticed..!18:55
sripriyasridhar_ram: we initially started off with the assumption of user not having admin privilege for multisite vim, and that is why we expect the user, tenant to be precreated to register the VIM18:55
openstackgerritLouis Fourie proposed openstack/tacker-specs: Tacker and networking-sfc Integration
vishwanathjI see no issues with that for the EVP....but I am planning to also document that if an enduser is using a role such as 'nfv-admin' what tweaks need to be done by the operator to the policy.json files18:56
sridhar_ramokay.. decision time..!18:57
sridhar_ramlets unblock tbh by adding admin role to tacker user...18:57
sridhar_ramadd 'admin' in addition to 'advsvc' here ...
sridhar_rammeanwhile, separately lets see if we can experiment with some granular options..18:58
sridhar_ramthis experimentation is a low priority for Mitaka18:58
sridhar_ramsounds reasonable ?18:58
tbhyes sridhar_ram, that will be helpful18:59
sridhar_ramvishwanathj: sripriya: thoughts ?18:59
sripriyasridhar_ram: i believe advsvc is subset of admin role, so we can just have the admin role in tacker devstack plugin19:00
vishwanathjsounds reasonable given the time frame and the point in release we are at19:00
sripriyasridhar_ram: fine with me to go with this approach, i can try to look up trusts sometime19:00
sridhar_ramsripriya: no, lets have both .. with the understanding that we will transition to an comprehensive "nfv-admin" role19:01
sridhar_ramsripriya: vishwanathj: thanks .. again, trusts are low priority :)19:02
sridhar_ramtbh: can you go ahead and add the "admin" role to the above line as part of your patchset ?19:02
tbhsridhar_ram, sure19:03
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vishwanathjMy Undestanding ==?I foresee VNF deployments being done by a non-admin nfv user that is identified by the Admin ahead of time, with certain tweaks to enable that non-admin nfv user to deploy my understanding valid?19:04
sridhar_ramvishwanathj: this user we are taking is not the user invoking Tacker API .. but the user invoking other API beneath Tacker like heat API19:06
s3wongtrozet: Tacker VNFFG and networking-sfc integration spec:
sripriyasridhar_ram: the devstack plugin line does not need that change since it is specific to service tenant for tacker user and 'tacker' service, but VNFs will now not get deployed in 'service' tenant19:06
s3wongtrozet: added you as a reviewer as well19:06
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openstackgerritbharaththiruveedula proposed openstack/tacker: [WIP] Implements auto flavor creation
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sridhar_ramsripriya: will come to that.. before that I've a basic question ... are you changing the devstack plugin as part of multisite patchset ?19:08
sripriyasridhar_ram: to register default VIM? yes, i will pushing the change soon19:09
sridhar_ramsripriya: okay.. will be part of ?19:09
sripriyasridhar_ram: right19:09
sridhar_ramsripriya: which patch is appropriate to make this change (to add admin role) to nfv user ?19:10
sridhar_ramtbh or yours ?19:10
trozetthansk s3wong19:10
sripriyasridhar_ram: i think it is appropriate to take care of that change in multisite, as i'm handling creation of new nfv-user for registering default VIM19:11
sridhar_ramsripriya: that is what I thought..19:12
sripriyasridhar_ram: i need to change from advsvc to admin role for the nfv-user19:13
vishwanathjsridhar_ram If I am logged in from Horizon as a demo user and upload a VNFD followed by VNF deploy that requires Flavor creation, would that be possible? making sure if my understanding and thinking is right19:14
sridhar_ramsripriya: again, I'd suggest to keep both roles - advsvc,admin .. so that the transition is explicit19:14
sripriyasridhar_ram: sure19:15
sridhar_ramtbh: I thought flavor creation is taken care by bobh's patchset .. so why do we need ?19:16
sridhar_ramtbh: is that only for old TOSCA syntax ?19:17
tbhsridhar_ram, am not sure why bobh patchset will handle auto flavor creation19:18
tbhsridhar_ram, no.. for the old syntax, we are not handling flavor creation, I guess19:19
sridhar_ramtbh: yes, no need to handle any new feature for old syntax19:19
tbhsridhar_ram, am I missing something?19:19
sridhar_ramtbh: based on our previous irc chat .. my understanding was num_cpu, mem, disk are taken care by tosca-parser and heat-translator ?19:20
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sridhar_ramtbh: damn.. sorry, brain freeze...19:20
sridhar_ramtbh: heat-translator is doing that weird flavor matching .. and that doesn't cut it for us..19:21
tbhsridhar_ram, yes  ... so we don't need to add those details in tacker_defs.yaml or tacker_nfv_defs.yaml19:21
tbhsridhar_ram,  so my patch will remove those details from the template before it handed over to tosca-parser and translator19:22
tbhafter converting to HOT19:22
tbhI will add flavor creation details to the created HOT19:22
sridhar_ramtbh: make sense.. no tosca parser work.. but we still are in the business of creating flavors !19:22
sripriyatbh: you can remove the devstack tacker changes from your patchset, since multisite will handle that change19:23
tbhsripriya, yes I will remove it19:23
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vishwanathjsridhar_ram at your convenience, can you answer my question ^^^^^19:30
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sridhar_ramvishwanathj: your understanding is correct... the user interacting with Tacker - upload vnfd, instantiate vnf, etc - can all be done by unprivileged user like a 'demo' user19:43
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sridhar_ramtbh: you plan to upload separate patchsets for network and image handling ?19:44
tbhsridhar_ram, yes, in the mean while I like to get some comments on the flavor creation patch approach19:45
tbhsridhar_ram, so that I won't continue those mistakes19:45
tbhin the next patches for image and network19:46
sridhar_ramtbh: sounds good..  we all have busy review work ahead of us..19:49
tbhsridhar_ram, yeah  .. I am seeing large patchsets for review and new people are joining the team19:50
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sridhar_ramtbh: yep.. busy but fun times ahead :)19:50
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