Friday, 2016-09-23

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openstackgerritKanagaraj Manickam proposed openstack/tacker: Adds unit test case for scaling
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openstackgerritSridhar Ramaswamy proposed openstack/tacker: VNFFG: neutron networking-sfc driver and plugin fixes
sridhar_ramtrozet: ping00:22
s3wongsridhar_ram: on my IRC client, his nick is being faded out --- meaning that he has been inactive (or the computer went into sleep)00:22
sridhar_rams3wong: possible.. i was trying to track down the portion of his code that grabs neutron ports (resource ids)00:23
s3wongsridhar_ram: I believe that was the get_detail that was done by someone else (forgot who)00:24
sridhar_rams3wong: it was done by janki00:24
s3wongsridhar_ram: yeah, so look for that in trozet's code00:25
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sridhar_rams3wong: looking00:31
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s3wongsridhar_ram: leaving early today to attend some tech talk at Facebook --- please send email if you encounter any further issue(s)00:47
sridhar_rams3wong: okay, thanks00:47
sridhar_rams3wong: will you be online later today ?00:47
s3wongsridhar_ram: probably --- during these times, I usually work at night after my daughter goes to bed00:57
s3wongsridhar_ram: so something like 10pm I should be online00:57
sridhar_rams3wong: okay, thanks00:58
s3wongsridhar_ram: (that was the time I was trying to work with diga, but for that 4-5 nights I didn't see him online)00:58
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openstackgerritSripriya Seetharam proposed openstack/tacker: Fix respawn action for alarm monitor
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openstackgerritSripriya Seetharam proposed openstack/tacker: update vnf monitor to use vim type
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trozethi sridhar_ram, s302:03
openstackgerritSridhar Ramaswamy proposed openstack/tacker: VNFFG: neutron networking-sfc driver and plugin fixes
sridhar_ramtrozet: hi02:23
trozetsridhar_ram: hi trying to test out your patch now02:23
sridhar_ramtrozet: good...i just pushed a new one..02:24
trozetsridhar_ram: heh02:24
sridhar_ramtrozet: look at L23302:25
sridhar_ramtrozet: classifier needs logical_source_port ..02:25
trozetsridhar_ram: hmm02:26
sridhar_ramtrozet: .. for now i'm picking the first CP in the chain ..02:26
sridhar_ramtrozet: finally, finally.. after more than a week of tweaking.. VNFFG now goes to ACTIVE state02:26
trozetsridhar_ram: i think that is an issue02:26
trozetsridhar_ram: i think it is a constraint of the current networking-sfc design02:27
trozetsridhar_ram: they have to have flows that match on source port where traffic will come from?02:27
trozetwell good it went active :)02:27
sridhar_ramyep.. frankly i didn't care for the "correctness" .. just tried to keep the neutron sfc API happy..02:28
sridhar_ramtrozet: at least .. it is a check-point02:28
trozetsridhar_ram: so then due to this constraint, it means we need to remove that line 233, and we need to require a user to put the network_src_port_id in their match criteria02:29
sridhar_ramtrozet: i'm frustrated with lack of useful samples to create an "hello world" networking-sfc chain + classifier..02:29
trozetsridhar_ram: yeah not good docs02:29
trozetsridhar_ram: are you ok with that approach?02:30
sridhar_ramtrozet: hmm.. first i need to understand what is expected to be populated for  logical_source_port in n-sfc..02:31
sridhar_ramtrozet: .. is it the first port in the chain .. or is it the port just before the first port (neutron router port?) where the pkts emerge towards the chain02:31
sridhar_ramtrozet: .. next I'd rather not have user to make this decision if the system can "figure it" out02:32
trozetsridhar_ram: no i do not think it is the first port in the chain02:32
trozetsridhar_ram: the restriction is the very problem that NSH solves02:32
trozetsridhar_ram: its because they dont carry chain information in the packet, they ahve to reclassify every time a packet comes into br-int02:32
trozetsridhar_ram: so the easiest way is to always include the neutron port in that classifier02:32
sridhar_ramtrozet: which neutron port ? there would be many in a multi-VNF chain02:33
trozetsridhar_ram: yeah so if you send  packet to a VNF and it ocmes back into br-int, how do you know where that packet is in the chain?02:35
trozetsridhar_ram: since the packet carries no chain information (unlike NSH)02:35
trozetsridhar_ram: it is a regular packet02:35
trozetsridhar_ram: so the only way to know is to know what port it came back into the bridge on02:35
sridhar_ramtrozet: based on what s3wong said (which u also mentioned about) the pkt get reclassified on every ingress into the br-int and placed on a mpls tunnel towards the next VNF port02:36
trozetsridhar_ram: yeah the mpls tunnel only applies across br-ints though02:37
trozetsridhar_ram: so I remember having this conversation with Cathy actually02:37
trozetsridhar_ram: they require the neutron port as part of hte match, and are planning on removing it02:37
sridhar_ramtrozet: oh.. then we need multiple flow-classifiers .. one per VNF port ?02:37
trozetsridhar_ram: i think we talked about this a networking-sfc meeting02:37
trozetsridhar_ram: no. so the VNFs are all part of the chain, the match source port is the port where traffic will come from that you want to divert to the chain02:38
sridhar_ramtrozet: well, the sad part is we are out of time for newton... i doubt we can take it as far as a traffic test in next couple of days.. we can try02:38
trozetsridhar_ram: http client--(port A)----VNF1---VNF2-- http server(port B)02:38
trozetsridhar_ram: you have to include port A in the classifier02:38
trozetsridhar_ram: right now you are using VNF1 ingress port, which isnt right02:39
sridhar_ramtrozet: to me that make sense.. logical source is the "source" of all pkts toward the chain02:39
trozetsridhar_ram: so try removing that02:40
sridhar_ramtrozet: i understand.. again, i was trying to keep the API happy.. atleast now it proceeds and create port-pairs, port-pair-groups and flow-classifier (even if is incorrect)02:40
trozetsridhar_ram: create a cirros instance, find its neutron port, and include it in the match criteria of the NFP02:40
sridhar_ramtrozet: no, without logical_source_port flow-classifier API fails02:40
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sridhar_ramtrozet: ah, thats punting the problem to the user.. hmm. i like it ;-)02:41
trozetsridhar_ram: yes02:41
trozetsridhar_ram: let me just make sure that is in the classifier stuff02:41
trozetsridhar_ram: when is hte last day we can get the changes in?02:42
sridhar_ramtrozet: hmm.. this also mean this logical src port could be even a neutron port associated with a neutron router for a particalar network the VNFs are hanging off.. yeah ?02:42
trozetsridhar_ram: sure it could be02:42
trozetsridhar_ram: yeah so just create a router, then specify network_src_port_id in your NFP classifier02:43
sridhar_ramtrozet: sounds good.. is this something you can pile into this same patchset ?
trozetsridhar_ram: yeah, i think jenkins verify was failing due to the find_vnf_resource by name thing02:44
trozetsridhar_ram: so we need to fix that too02:45
sridhar_ramtrozet: yes..02:45
trozetsridhar_ram: when is the last day we can merge this?02:45
sridhar_ramtrozet: i'd like to merge this intial iteration by tomorrow..02:46
trozetsridhar_ram: is the deadline monday though?02:46
trozetsridhar_ram: i need to do that dev ref doc as well02:46
sridhar_ramtrozet: planning to request a release by Monday EOD02:46
trozetsridhar_ram: ok can you link me an example dev ref doc in the repo please?02:46
sridhar_ramtrozet: yes, devref.. and just realized i also need a Reno releasenote02:46
sridhar_ramtrozet: here it is ..
trozetsridhar_ram: thanks just booted up tacker iwth your patch, let me see what happens02:47
sridhar_ramtrozet: again, devref can be inspired heavily from your spec write up..02:48
sridhar_ramtrozet: we have room to fix up devref in a follow-on newton dot release02:48
sridhar_ramtrozet: do you know how to create Reno release notes ?02:49
trozetsridhar_ram: yeah i think i did it once before02:49
sridhar_ramtrozet: i can take it up if you are not comfortable02:49
trozetsridhar_ram: sure...i think i only did one line for hte client or something02:49
sridhar_ramtrozet:  okay, i'll push one02:50
trozet        policy:02:50
trozet          type: ACL02:50
trozet          criteria:02:50
trozet            - network_src_port_id: 640dfd77-c92b-45a3-b8fc-22712de480e102:50
trozetsridhar_ram:  ^ i just created a cirros lets see02:50
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trozetsridhar_ram: failed
trozetsridhar_ram: but looks liek it ssomething to do with neutron client heh02:53
trozetsridhar_ram: i'm using stable/mitaka neutron, will the neutron auth changes you made not work for mitaka?02:53
sridhar_ramtrozet: did u install networking-sfc ?02:54
trozetsridhar_ram: oh yeah it is 404... let me see02:54
trozetsridhar_ram: yeah i did, but maybe i didnt restart neutron..sec02:54
sridhar_ramtrozet: neutron shd come up w/ networking-sfc extensions loaded02:55
trozetsridhar_ram: i dont see the extension loaded, do you have to specify it in the neutron.conf02:58
trozetsridhar_ram: it doesnt look like its trying to load it, but it is installed02:59
trozetsridhar_ram: i see
trozetsridhar_ram: have to specify the plugins03:00
trozet2016-09-23 03:02:32.466 12253 INFO neutron.api.extensions [req-fa2af36e-6aed-4d97-a50f-0bf3774f503d - - - - -] Loaded extension: flow_classifier03:03
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trozetsridhar_ram: still there?03:14
sridhar_ramtrozet: sorry, was afk..03:15
trozetsridhar_ram: so i got it to kind of work..03:15
trozetsridhar_ram: the classifier gets created, but port chain create fails03:15
trozetsridhar_ram: seen that one before? this was an OpenDaylight setup, so the instances were setup with ODL as the ML2 driver, i just switched it to be openvswitch as the ML2 plugin03:16
sridhar_ramtrozet: no.. i used devstack master with that enable_plugin line for networking-sfc03:17
sridhar_ramtrozet: it has some sample .conf / .ini file03:18
trozetsridhar_ram: yeah i think i got all that worked out now03:18
sridhar_ramtrozet: cool03:19
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trozetsridhar_ram: but anyway the classifier got putting it into the vnffgd works03:19
trozetsridhar_ram: so we can remove that line 23303:19
sridhar_ramtrozet: can u post ur ffgd template ?03:19
sridhar_ramtrozet: hmm.. using an exact uuid makes VNFFGD template specific to one chain :(03:22
trozetsridhar_ram: no it makes it specific to one port to match traffic on03:22
trozetsridhar_ram: which is not good...but its a networking-sfc limitation- i wonder if we can list multiple ports there03:23
trozetnetworking_sfc/tests/unit/services/sfc/agent/                    'local_endpoint': ''03:23
trozetsridhar_ram: looks like my setup is a little screwed cause i switched from ODL03:27
trozetsridhar_ram: anyway i will clean up your patch in the morning my time tmrw, then when you get online you can review.  I think we are close03:27
sridhar_ramtrozet: i guess so.. if we can get some labels to indicate for logical-source-port .. it wuld be better03:28
sridhar_ramtrozet: lets think a bit more03:28
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trozetsridhar_ram: labels?03:33
trozetsridhar_ram: i mean we could allow port "name" and then do the translation like the resource name to ID function03:34
sridhar_ramtrozet: more like params...03:34
trozetsridhar_ram: oh you mean like give an arg when you create vnffg --source-port or something?03:34
sridhar_ramtrozet: which we can fill during vnffg-create time instead of vnffgd03:34
trozetsridhar_ram: i dont like that because then we are hacking around a design problem in networking-sfc03:34
trozetsridhar_ram: lets just do it like this, and I will talk to Cathy and see if we can proceed with getting that restriction removed03:35
sridhar_ramtrozet: params are general Tosca constructs03:35
trozetsridhar_ram: oh03:35
sridhar_ramtrozet: basically ur approach .. but the value will be substituted during vnffg-create03:36
sridhar_ramtrozet: again this is optional for non n-sfc backend03:36
trozetsridhar_ram: how would it know what to substitute in?03:37
trozetsridhar_ram: would a user input it on the vnffg-create line?03:37
sridhar_ramtrozet: --param file is passed to the vnffg-create cmd03:37
sridhar_ramtrozet: damn, the client is already released03:37
trozetsridhar_ram: so that would be an extra patch to support that argument right?03:38
trozetsridhar_ram: yeah heh03:38
sridhar_ramtrozet: yes03:38
sridhar_ramtrozet: that's a super elegant solution...03:38
trozetsridhar_ram: i think we can fix this in networking-sfc as a bug fix03:38
trozetsridhar_ram: but i do like the params idea, for declaring the classifier at vnffg create time03:38
sridhar_ramtrozet: that need to be supported from general Tosca point of view anyway03:39
trozetsridhar_ram: would be nice to use with matching network names, etc03:39
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sridhar_ramtrozet: exactly03:39
trozetsridhar_ram: ok well you functionally got it working.  So I will clean up this patch in the morning, make the dev ref, and ping Cathy and see about that restriction03:39
trozetsridhar_ram: then we should be good for having something experimental that works03:40
sridhar_ramtrozet: sounds good03:40
sridhar_ramtrozet: definitely a progress, since last many days03:40
trozetsridhar_ram: thanks for driving the testing...sorry i was on vacation/not around03:40
sridhar_ramtrozet: no worries at all...03:40
sridhar_ramtrozet: try tomorrow03:40
trozetsridhar_ram: yep.  talk to you tmrw03:41
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openstackgerritKanagaraj Manickam proposed openstack/tacker: Adds release notes for VNF scaling feature
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openstackgerritHimanshu Kumar proposed openstack/tacker: Changes in to run dsvm-functional tests successfully
openstackgerritHimanshu Kumar proposed openstack/tacker: changes in file
openstackgerritKanagaraj Manickam proposed openstack/tacker: Adds release notes for VNF scaling feature
openstackgerritKanagaraj Manickam proposed openstack/tacker: Adds limitations to scaling dev ref
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KanagarajMsridhar_ram, ping06:49
sridhar_ramKanagarajM: pong06:49
KanagarajMsridhar_ram, can you please review other two patches in scaling06:50
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sridhar_ramKanagarajM: let me lookup06:50
KanagarajMsridhar_ram, sure.06:51
sridhar_ramKanagarajM: I see this..
sridhar_ramKanagarajM: .. and unit testing..06:51
KanagarajMsridhar_ram, yes pls06:52
sridhar_ramKanagarajM: for unit testing, my understanding is we are waiting for coverage for scaling changes in heat driver06:53
sridhar_ramKanagarajM: .. for the code
openstackgerritSridhar Ramaswamy proposed openstack/tacker: Add release notes for VNF Forwarding Graph
openstackgerritdharmendra kushwaha proposed openstack/tacker-specs: Network Service Descriptor support in Tacker
sridhar_ramdkushwaha: ping07:07
dkushwahasridhar_ram, hello07:07
sridhar_ramdkushwaha: any progress on the ceilometer triggering alarm mon ?07:08
dkushwahasridhar_ram, not yet. I am still looking on it.07:09
dkushwahasridhar_ram, waiting for Tung for discuss07:09
sridhar_ramdkushwaha: okay, just checking as we are close the deadline ... i'm glad ur on this subteam :)07:10
sridhar_ramdkushwaha: retiring for the day, will check back in the morning07:10
dkushwahasridhar_ram, sure, will try to fix it by today07:11
sridhar_ramdkushwaha: thanks07:12
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KanagarajMsridhar_ram, its already taken care07:18
KanagarajMsridhar_ram, got the test,
KanagarajMsridhar_ram, as part of the current unit testing patch, the plugin part is taken care07:21
sridhar_ramKanagarajM: cool, thanks07:21
KanagarajMsridhar_ram, :) i think its very late night for you ... still online !!07:22
sridhar_ramKanagarajM: yeah, need to shutdown... long day fighting vnf ffg feature07:23
KanagarajMsridhar_ram, ok. take good rest ... good night !07:24
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jankitrozet: ping09:41
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openstackgerritManikantha Srinivas Tadi proposed openstack/tacker: Store the right description of VNF given from Horizon/CLI.
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openstackgerritManikantha Srinivas Tadi proposed openstack/tacker: Remove the service id from vnfd-create command output
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openstackgerritvishwanath jayaraman proposed openstack/tacker: Devref for event logging feature
openstackgerritvenkatamahesh proposed openstack/tacker: Added py34, py35 to tox.ini
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openstackgerritTim Rozet proposed openstack/tacker: VNFFG: neutron networking-sfc driver and plugin fixes
trozetsridhar_ram:^ i think it is all good now, should pass CI15:55
sridhar_ramtrozet: cool..15:56
sridhar_ramtrozet: I'm thinking to land this first.. but we should continue to test for other issues..15:57
sridhar_ramtrozet: i haven't tried vnf_mapping ..15:57
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gongyshdkushwaha, hi16:03
gongyshdkushwaha, what does mean by "Scaling feature does not support to selectively choose the VDU as part16:03
gongysh  of scaling.?"16:03
gongyshdkushwaha, does we support to choose vdu as the target of scale policy?16:04
gongysh     policies:16:04
gongysh        sp1:16:04
gongysh          type: tosca.policies.tacker.Scaling16:04
gongysh          description: Simple VDU scaling16:04
gongysh          properties:16:04
gongysh             min_instances: 116:04
gongysh             max_instances: 316:04
gongysh             default_instances: 216:04
gongysh             increment: 116:04
gongysh             targets: [vdu1, vdu2]16:04
gongyshsridhar_ram, do you have idea?16:04
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tacker: Adds unit test case for scaling
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tacker: Add release notes for VNF Forwarding Graph
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trozetsridhar_ram: yeah17:13
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openstackgerritTung Doan proposed openstack/tacker: Fix alarms stuck in "insufficient state" and update usage guide
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tacker: Adds limitations to scaling dev ref
openstackgerritTim Rozet proposed openstack/tacker: Adds devref guides for VNFFG
openstackgerritSripriya Seetharam proposed openstack/tacker: Fix respawn action for alarm monitor
sripriyatrozet: s3wong: sridhar_ram: i see a green build now, can you help me understand where exactly it stands now in terms of creating a successful vnffg?19:53
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sridhar_ramsripriya: as of now, vnffg is going to ACTIVE state, the restriction is logical-src-port id is mandatory in VNFD. We remove this restriction either working w/ n-sfc team or introducing param support for vnffg (in Ocata)20:29
sripriyasridhar_ram: thanks for the update20:34
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openstackgerritTony Xu proposed openstack/python-tackerclient: Remove pdb
s3wongsridhar_ram: so the OVS side is relatively pain-free?20:50
sridhar_rams3wong: well, one of the gotchas was logical_source_port id is mandatory and need to be specified by the user in the VNFFGD TOSCA template..20:51
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s3wongsridhar_ram: (putting on my networking-sfc hat) I think that is needed so we know which OVS data path's flow table to add the fc => flow entries20:52
sridhar_rams3wong: i didn't do any traffic test yet.. but the above restriction is bad user-experience..20:52
sridhar_rams3wong: understood, but trozet mentioned there was a thought to remove this restriction in the n-sfc scheme20:53
s3wongsridhar_ram: in fact, I would guess once symmetrical is supported, even the destination logical port needs to be resolved at the time we deploy the chain20:53
sridhar_rams3wong: do you know more about that?20:53
s3wongsridhar_ram: actually no :-)20:53
s3wongsridhar_ram: I do, however, agree that the chain can be a logical construct, and we can have another API to deploy (when the chain needs to be realized from source -> destination)20:54
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dkushwahasridhar_ram, sripriya kindly review the patch
sridhar_ramdkushwaha: sure... what is the current state of things? Do you still have respawn issue ?22:13
sripriyadkushwaha: will do, per your comment, looks ceilometer alarm is triggering the alarm with the new fix.22:14
dkushwahasridhar_ram, regarding respawn, i suspect its might be environmental issue. Because alarm is triggering now22:15
sridhar_ramdkushwaha: okay, and basic respawn from ping / http_ping works fine based on dsvm results22:16
sripriyadkushwaha: i have a related fix for respwan using alarm monitor, not sure if you are facing the same one
dkushwahasridhar_ram, will check for basic ping22:17
dkushwahasripriya, ok, let me check22:18
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openstackgerritSridhar Ramaswamy proposed openstack/tacker: VNFFG: neutron networking-sfc driver and plugin fixes
dkushwahasridhar_ram, I am accessing my office system remotely so unable to login on horizon. Could you please let me know how can i disable ping on cirros, or how can shutdown it?22:48
sripriyadkushwaha: you can ssh to the cirros instance and access the nic23:00
dkushwahasripriya, yes, but permission issue. No sudo allowed on cirros. btw I did it with nova delete :)23:01
sripriyadkushwaha: ‘cirros’ user  has root access, you can just swap to the root user to bring down the nic. anyways :-)23:02
dkushwahasripriya, ok. Thanks23:04
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openstackgerritSridhar Ramaswamy proposed openstack/tacker: VNFFG: neutron networking-sfc driver and plugin fixes
sridhar_rams3wong: trozet: hi guys.. just tried vnffg-delete. Looks only the underlying flow-classifier is correctly delete. The port-pair-group and pair-pairs are not deleted.. See
sridhar_ramsripriya: looks you already pointed this out in the last comment.. some how i missed it23:14
sripriyasridhar_ram: yeah, the methods just need to be invoked as part of delete_chain call in
sridhar_ramsripriya: ack. looks the port-pairs / group id is not stored in tacker.. need to do a getter of the leaf objs, delete them and unwind back23:18
sripriyasridhar_ram: we should be able to delete them based on names as well right?23:20
sripriyasridhar_ram: since you now handle the name based on vnf[‘name], we could pass these down probably?23:21
sripriyasridhar_ram: vnf['name'] + '-port-pair-group' and vnf['name'] + '-connection-points'23:22
sridhar_ramsripriya: yes, name shd work given then are now unique, thanks to u :)23:23
sridhar_ramsripriya: i need to touch up delete_chain() abstract interface.. but doable23:23
sripriyasridhar_ram; np. i just thought about the same, about ‘name’ now being unique :)23:24
sripriyasridhar_ram: ur we had to base it off vnf[‘id’] :p23:24
sridhar_ramsripriya: no thanks.. will stick to 'name' ;-)23:25
sripriyasridhar_ram: lol23:25
dkushwahasripriya, i tried your patch. With this patch respawning started, but failed with error: and the vm got deleted itself23:35
dkushwahasridhar_ram, I also tested basic respawn with ping, and it is working fine23:37
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sridhar_ramdkushwaha: great, thanks for checking.. sigh of relief23:49
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sripriyadkushwaha: is this on top of tung_doan’s new patch?23:51

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