Wednesday, 2018-03-07

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openstackgerritCong Phuoc Hoang proposed openstack/tacker master: Add reusing feature when creating VNFFG.
openstackgerritCong Phuoc Hoang proposed openstack/tacker master: Add reusing feature when creating VNFFG.
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openstackgerritNguyen Hai proposed openstack/tacker master: Check mgmt_driver in TOSCA template supported by VNFM
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gebI am trying to understand would somebody be available for a few questions ? Main one : i don't understand how the code can add rules etc as it *seems* to only launch: cmd = "uci import %s; /etc/init.d/%s restart" % (service, package)15:00
phuocgeb, hi15:00
phuocas you can see, Tacker call RemoteCommandExecutor which use ssh protocol to access the VM15:03
phuocthen execute commands on openwrt VM15:03
gebright, but, it seems to only launch 'cmd = "uci import %s; /etc/init.d/%s restart" % (service, package)' and no special command to add the rules etc15:04
gebor maybe i don't understand the code :)15:04
phuocyou mean that adds new rules, and still keep the old rules15:05
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gebNo. Sorry if i am not clear. As i understand the code,15:07
geb execute the command15:07
geb define the command executed15:07
gebhowever, the only commands which will be launched will be "uci import %s; /etc/init.d/%s restart"15:08
phuocgeb, that's right :-)15:08
phuocI think I get your point15:09
gebthis command will only add services, and not configure then, right ?15:09
phuocgeb, when you look at the line 7015:11
phuocthere is input_data = config15:11
phuocthe input_data will be executed by execute_command function15:13
gebyep, right, but how those input_data, won't end to be valid linux/openwrt commands ?
phuochmm, you mean these config can be wrong15:17
phuocand there are some problems?15:17
gebWell, i don't find the code that transform those "abstract" configuration values to proper openwrt/linux commands15:19
gebif simply try to execute them as they are wrote in i don't understand how it will end in anything else than bash complaining about "command not found" :)15:22
phuocahh, you meet the error command not found :-)15:23
gebWell, i was trying to read the code before launching it ... Will try the inverse and maybe will it answer my questions :)15:26
gebThanks a lot anyway, for the time you took to answer my questions :)15:27
phuocyou can try that15:27
phuocsome guys updated the doc recently15:27
phuocgeb, you're welcome15:28
gebBTW, I am working in a research project to investigate about SDN/NFV, and choose to use tacker as a testbed. I had to adapt a bit the install procedure & kolla quickstart (for example to deploy in all in one). I took notes as a script which should be almost functionnal I would be happy to contribute it if there is any interest15:50
haint_geb, we also research on NFV. Thank you for your contribution.15:56
phuocgeb, nice to meet you15:58
phuocbut that seems '/usr/local/share/' is missing :-)15:59
gebit should be here after pip install kolla-ansible16:01
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phuocoops, that directory /usr/local/share/kolla-ansible/etc_examples16:03
phuocI can not see etc_examples in kolla-ansible16:04
gebon ubuntu ? indicate a different path for centos16:08
gebBut i don't not wrote the script to be run as it, mostly as notes, to have a simplier install procedure than & (for example to use all-in-one, desactivate haproxy, and maybe after some other stuffs like neutron configuration, some vnf creation etc) ... I may end validating it, or using it as a base of a written documentation, as16:09
gebof now its only notes, in a shell script form :)16:09
phuocgeb, I will try your script, thanks ^^16:18
gebphuoc, let me know how it works :). You may have to remove the second "install" mention in line 85 (pip install python-openstackclient python-glanceclient python-neutronclient install python-tackerclient networking-sfc). Just saw it after uploading16:22
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