Tuesday, 2014-02-18

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lifelessyay my pip mirror is up to y00:08
lifelessnearly usable :)00:08
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Workaround broken Neutron requirements.  https://review.openstack.org/7390400:52
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Move init-neutron-ovs to bin dir in src tree.  https://review.openstack.org/7302001:00
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tuskar: Use six.moves cStringIO instead of cStringIO  https://review.openstack.org/7393601:00
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tuskar: Enable gating on E122  https://review.openstack.org/7340001:01
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/python-tuskarclient: Using tox instead of tuskar_with_venv.sh script  https://review.openstack.org/7338301:01
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tuskar: Enable gating on E123  https://review.openstack.org/7367801:02
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tuskar: Enable gating on E124  https://review.openstack.org/7367901:02
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tuskar: Enable gating on E126  https://review.openstack.org/7368001:02
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tuskar: Enable gating on E127  https://review.openstack.org/7368101:02
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tuskar: Enable gating on E128  https://review.openstack.org/7368201:02
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tuskar: Don't raise MySQL 2013 'Lost connection' errors  https://review.openstack.org/7379901:07
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/os-apply-config: fixed syntax error in docs (mustache example)  https://review.openstack.org/7274101:09
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tuskar: Fix typos and formatting in documentation  https://review.openstack.org/7407701:12
lifelessheh ted tso appears to agree without strategy for images - not as 'ideal' but as ok01:12
lifelessmake a small image, copy in, then resize up01:12
lifelessnever ever shrink.01:13
lifelesswhich, we do.01:13
lifeless(make small and scale up)01:13
StevenKlifeless: Based on your mail to -dev, what's the plan re: ATL?01:13
lifelessStevenK: ATL ?01:13
lifelessyou're an ATC? register01:13
lifelessif we can't all go, we'll deal with that at the time it becomes obvious.01:14
lifelessbetter than forking out 600USD to let you go if we decide you can late...01:14
StevenKlifeless: I've hit your problem, the place to put the code is non-obvious01:17
lifelessStevenK: on the page that lists two sorts of tickets01:17
lifelesswith 'how many' etc01:17
lifelessright aligned with the register bit green button, just above it.01:18
lifelessblue text01:18
lifelessnot a link01:18
lifelessnot a button01:18
StevenKGot it01:18
lifeless'apply promotional code' or something01:18
StevenKSo not obvious01:18
lifelessyou should reply01:18
lifelessand say so01:18
* StevenK goes looking for his job title01:22
lifelessMr Huggies.01:23
lifelessSeriously, this is just for the badge.01:24
lifeless"Vim User"01:24
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* SpamapS will o/ back from .ie01:50
lifelessoh cool01:50
mordredSpamapS: fly safe!01:58
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lifeless73G     /var/spool/pypi/02:02
lifelesslargish mirror02:03
lifelessI has mirror now02:04
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* greghaynes wonders if he can now change the title on his openstack ATL ticket02:09
lifelessslagle: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/128132402:15
lifelessslagle: is that what you see?02:16
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StevenKlifeless: Heh, that's probably on the same order of magnitude as your Ubuntu mirror?02:32
lifelessStevenK: yes02:33
openstackgerritYongli He proposed a change to openstack/os-collect-config: Use six.moves cStringIO instead of cStringIO  https://review.openstack.org/7423002:36
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mordredlifeless: wow. 73G - is that from pypi mirror?03:03
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lifelessmordred: yes03:05
lifelessmordred: so, the 256GB drives we're getting should let us mirror pypi and one of Ubuntu|Debian|Fedora and do totally local builds03:06
lifeless120GB in mirrors + 120GB for working space03:06
lifelesslittle tight, but doable03:06
lifelessby little tight, consider seed + undercloud + 5 VM overcloud will be 140GB fully realised03:07
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StevenKOWA, you are a *quality* piece of software03:11
StevenKIt shows attachments with ~103:11
StevenKPLRD1629(12-13) HP YIOE - ~1.pdf actually saves as PLRD1629(12-13) HP YIOE - WEB.pdf03:14
cody-somervilleI'm going to try and get them with 512GB for anybody else.03:15
greghaynesThe laptops?03:15
StevenKcody-somerville: Something about a hotel?03:16
StevenKcody-somerville: Also, the privmsg I sent you03:16
greghaynesI thought I saw talk of using the msata?03:16
cody-somervilleInstead of an SSD?03:16
greghaynesin addition03:16
StevenKWasn't that lifeless?03:17
cody-somervillewell. msata is just a connector.03:17
cody-somervillebut you can't get the msata cache with the SSD if that's what you're talking about.03:19
cody-somervilleStevenK: Should have hotel information tomorrow. I have the hotels selected. Waiting for contract to be signed and stuff.03:19
StevenKcody-somerville: Excellent. Do you need flight information and such like?03:20
greghaynesoh, I think StevenK is right about lifeless mentioning it, but seems like not a bad idea to get the 256gb people up - jbod sata + get a msata 256 drive03:20
StevenKcody-somerville: Not even dates? :-)03:21
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cody-somervilleStevenK: Only if you didn't book with SmartTravel/CWT.03:22
lifelesscody-somerville: oh, can you pull things out of there now ?03:23
cody-somervilleNot automagically or anything.03:23
cody-somervilleThis is a "SmartMeeting".03:23
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lifelessoh, cwt will join the dots?03:23
cody-somervilleYup. :)03:23
lifelessI'm trying to figure out how to get the techcon thing to let me swing by sunnyvale atm03:24
lifelessnontrivial apparently03:24
lifelessalso lol:03:24
lifeless# nice03:24
cody-somervilletechcon thing?03:24
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lifelessoh yay03:31
lifelessoh yay, irssi blocked on io so long it timed out03:32
lifelessperhaps i should have niced this rsync03:32
lifelesscody-somerville: fill you in later, I have to pick up C now03:32
cody-somervilleK. Cheers03:32
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mordredanybody who is around ...03:59
mordredgood cantrip for needing to write the contents of a here document into a file - the file needs root perms, but you're not runnign as root so need to run it via sudo?03:59
StevenKmordred: tee04:02
mordredStevenK: thank you04:03
StevenKcat <<EOF | sudo tee <foo>04:03
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lifelesserm dd04:18
lifelessif you don't want to see the file04:19
lifelesssudo dd of=foo << EOF04:19
lifelessStevenK: you get 5 points for spurious use of cat04:19
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lifelesscody-somerville: right, so04:25
lifelesscody-somerville: I'm going to techcon04:25
lifelesscody-somerville: to book flights there we don't use the cwt website04:25
lifelesstheres a special thing just for it04:25
lifelesswhich for international travellers boils down to 'someone emails you'04:26
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mordredlifeless: that's a spectacular interface04:41
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lifelessmordred: I've seen worse.04:43
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StevenKlifeless: Hm, I've never done tee <<EOF <file>04:47
StevenKBesides cat <<EOF | sudo tee <file> >/dev/null means you don't see it either04:48
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lifelessStevenK: because writing something and then hiding it is better :P04:50
StevenKmordred: Booking flights for C was 'e-mail someone, and then argue about flights and prices for three days'04:51
StevenKOh, sorry. E-mail someone in *Belgium*04:52
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openstackgerritRichard Su proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Messaging backend selection  https://review.openstack.org/7252405:20
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StevenKlifeless: So is 71219 stalled, or what?05:42
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StevenKDan looks to be blocking it in favour of another approach, but that approach has your -1 as well as a bunch of others05:43
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StevenKlifeless: There's already a block in _init_instance() that handles task_states.DELETING05:48
StevenKSo we certainly don't want to return05:48
StevenKRight, I get it. Your patch *stops* the return from firing05:49
lifelessStevenK: 71219, dan says he wants to test it, which is fair enough. The -2 does feel heavy handed, but I think he got stressed out following a debugging chain in the weekend05:52
StevenKmox.IgnoreArg(), that would have been nice to know earlier05:53
lifelessthat whole method looks refactorable to me05:55
lifelessas a separate thing05:55
lifelessturn it into a map of (VM state + task state) -> handler05:55
StevenKYeah, it's a bit messy05:56
lifelesswould force new task states to be explicitly considered05:56
lifelessand possibly show up other existing bugs05:56
StevenKNow I'm cross. If I knew about mox.IgnoreArg(), I wouldn't have to use mock.MagicMock for the spawn deletes images on destroy test.05:57
lifelesstime to clone libvirt and read the migration code05:59
lifelessI clearly don't know enough aboot the plumbing05:59
lifelessalso time to see why overcloud failed again05:59
lifelessand the 'sync' I started 5 hours ago hasn't returned yet.06:00
lifelesssystem might be IO backlogged06:00
StevenKI think might is probably too light06:00
StevenKWhat's the load?06:00
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lifelessits dropped06:07
lifelessits only 32 now06:07
lifelessit was 100 before06:07
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StevenKOh yeah, that sounds like I/O fun06:08
lifelessdm-0              0.00     0.00    0.40  133.20     1.60   531.20     7.98     2.09   15.52   20.00   15.51   7.49 100.0006:08
lifelessiostat -x06:08
lifelessDevice:         rrqm/s   wrqm/s     r/s     w/s    rkB/s    wkB/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz   await r_await w_await  svctm  %util06:08
lifelessI'd need blktrace to be sure06:09
lifelessbut I think its in seek hell06:09
lifelessa bit worringly I am seeing06:09
lifeless[456066.561788] mce: [Hardware Error]: Machine check events logged06:09
lifeless(new machine so wtf)06:09
StevenKmcelog installed?06:10
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lifelesshow did I not know about mcelog06:10
StevenKShrug? :-)06:11
lifelesswow libvirt is big06:11
lifelessReceiving objects: 100% (135639/135639), 134.23 MiB | 179.00 KiB/s, done.06:11
StevenKlifeless: I have a test. It currently fails with and without the patch to the manager, but baby steps.06:11
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lifelesshah, nice06:20
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openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Bail early when updating a FAILED stack.  https://review.openstack.org/7427406:38
lifelessoh joy06:40
lifelessinternal parity error06:40
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lifelesshahaha IO-APIC related possibly...06:42
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Don't include unsupported distro check in docs  https://review.openstack.org/7368306:50
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openstackgerritLadislav Smola proposed a change to openstack/tuskar: Passing correct count to template creation  https://review.openstack.org/7404907:03
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cody-somervillewtf. It's 2am. Literally thought it was like 9pm just... like a moment ago. ;/07:10
cody-somervilletime for sleepies07:10
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openstackgerritLadislav Smola proposed a change to openstack/tuskar: Getting correct count and attributes from database  https://review.openstack.org/7404907:28
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lifelesssigh @ Ubuntu merges07:32
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lifelesshmm, or may new07:33
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openstackgerritRadomir Dopieralski proposed a change to openstack/tuskar-ui: Update the deployment design page  https://review.openstack.org/7323807:43
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openstackgerritRadomir Dopieralski proposed a change to openstack/tuskar-ui: Add a deployment scaling dialog  https://review.openstack.org/7355107:49
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rpodolyakamorning all08:10
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openstackgerritLadislav Smola proposed a change to openstack/tuskar-ui: Passing real params to TuskarAPI  https://review.openstack.org/7399908:20
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jistrlsmola: why did you start a recheck here? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/74142/08:50
jistrthe previous check passed08:51
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lsmolajistr: seems like there is a new pep8 error08:53
lsmolajistr: jdob committed several new rules08:53
openstackgerritLadislav Smola proposed a change to openstack/tuskar: Getting correct count and attributes from database  https://review.openstack.org/7404908:54
lsmolajistr: I will put there a fix08:54
lsmolajistr: my dependent patch was failing on that08:58
openstackgerritLadislav Smola proposed a change to openstack/tuskar: Getting correct count and attributes from database  https://review.openstack.org/7404908:59
openstackgerritLadislav Smola proposed a change to openstack/tuskar: Eager load role data with count information  https://review.openstack.org/7414208:59
jistrlsmola: ah yes the pep8 un-ignore patches probably got merged in the meantime... makes sense09:00
lsmolajistr: yes09:00
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lifelessthis doesn't look so good:09:25
lifelessmachine appears hung at09:26
lifeless[    0.565225] smpboot: Booting Node   0, Processors  #20 OK09:26
lifeless[    0.578597] smpboot: Booting Node   1, Processors  #21 OK09:26
lifeless[    0.591937] smpboot: Booting Node   0, Processors  #2209:26
lifelessderekh: morning / evening as appropriate :)09:29
derekhlifeless: good  evening09:30
derekhlifeless: I'm gonna take a look at the nodepool issue with clouds that dissapere09:30
lifelessderekh: sweet! specifically I believe its clouds that aren't there when it starts09:32
lifelesszuul has the problem with clouds that disappear09:32
derekhlifeless: ok09:32
lifeless[    0.063020] [Firmware Bug]: the BIOS has corrupted hw-PMU resources (MSR 38d09:32
lifelessis 330)09:32
lifelessthats -not- what I want to see on boot09:32
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lifelessid 4, right.09:35
lifelessbye bye overcloud09:36
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Add LICENSE  https://review.openstack.org/7414009:37
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lifelessright, that machine out of rotation, down to 28 machines.09:38
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tuskar: Eager load role data with count information  https://review.openstack.org/7414209:49
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openstackgerritPetr Blaho proposed a change to openstack/python-tuskarclient: Use six.StringIO/BytesIO instead of StringIO.StringIO  https://review.openstack.org/7432110:35
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openstackgerritLadislav Smola proposed a change to openstack/tuskar: Getting correct count and attributes from database  https://review.openstack.org/7404911:41
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openstackgerritLadislav Smola proposed a change to openstack/tuskar-ui: Dealing with Overcloud withou workflow  https://review.openstack.org/7434512:11
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openstackgerritLadislav Smola proposed a change to openstack/tuskar-ui: Dealing with Overcloud withou workflow  https://review.openstack.org/7434513:00
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openstackgerritLadislav Smola proposed a change to openstack/tuskar-ui: Dealing with simplified Overcloud without workflow  https://review.openstack.org/7434513:13
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openstackgerritRadomir Dopieralski proposed a change to openstack/tuskar-ui: Add a deployment scaling dialog  https://review.openstack.org/7355113:30
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openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed a change to openstack/tuskar-ui: Use Django's filesizeformat filter to display table values  https://review.openstack.org/7438013:40
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Use $TRIPLEO_ROOT/seed.qcow2 as the cache.  https://review.openstack.org/7367413:41
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tuskar: Replace assertEqual(None, *) with assertIsNone in tests  https://review.openstack.org/7377413:50
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Stop exporting in devtest_testenv  https://review.openstack.org/7389113:55
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add username parameter for rabbit  https://review.openstack.org/7143014:03
openstackgerritJay Dobies proposed a change to openstack/tuskar: Fix tuskar docs building  https://review.openstack.org/7163314:04
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openstackgerritJay Dobies proposed a change to openstack/tuskar: Fix tuskar docs building  https://review.openstack.org/7163314:09
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openstackgerritPetr Blaho proposed a change to openstack/tuskar: Removes old commented out code  https://review.openstack.org/7439114:11
openstackgerritJon-Paul Sullivan proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Add source-repository element var setting script  https://review.openstack.org/7439314:15
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/python-tuskarclient: Use six.StringIO/BytesIO instead of StringIO.StringIO  https://review.openstack.org/7432114:20
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openstackgerritRadomir Dopieralski proposed a change to openstack/tuskar-ui: Update the deployment design page  https://review.openstack.org/7323814:26
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openstackgerritPetr Blaho proposed a change to openstack/tuskar: Removes old commented out code  https://review.openstack.org/7439114:32
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hewbroccalifeless: is that one of ours?14:36
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openstackgerritLadislav Smola proposed a change to openstack/tuskar-ui: Dealing with simplified Overcloud without workflow  https://review.openstack.org/7434514:47
openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed a change to openstack/tuskar-ui: Use Django's filesizeformat filter to display table values  https://review.openstack.org/7438014:52
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openstackgerritLadislav Smola proposed a change to openstack/tuskar: Getting correct count and attributes from database  https://review.openstack.org/7404915:01
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openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Fix neutronclient element for package based install  https://review.openstack.org/7440115:01
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greghaynes'morning tripleo15:29
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openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed a change to openstack/python-tuskarclient: [WIP] Add initial Sphinx layout and documentation  https://review.openstack.org/7441816:01
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tuskar-ui: Passing real params to TuskarAPI  https://review.openstack.org/7399916:07
openstackgerritRyan O'Hara proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Update neutron config to use multiple dhcp agents  https://review.openstack.org/7442416:08
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SpamapSo/ from Heathrow ;)16:16
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greghaynesHope the flight was bearable :)16:18
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greghaynesDo we know how were planning on specifying how many nodes in the notcompute cluster? Specifically, how heat is going to deal with this?16:20
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greghaynesoh, merge.py16:20
* greghaynes keeps talking to himself16:20
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SpamapSgreghaynes: yeah, I sat next to somebody who has had a brief appearance in a Dr. Who episode so the conversation was.. interesting. :)16:21
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tuskar-ui: Use Django's filesizeformat filter to display table values  https://review.openstack.org/7438016:21
SpamapSgreghaynes: re how many nodes.. eventually we want a scaling/resource/etc. group16:21
SpamapSgreghaynes: for now, same as compute16:22
greghaynesaha, something i should probably read up on though16:22
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greghaynesthis gets interesting with the db cluster - AFAICT the o-r-c scripts need to know whether it should wait for quorum to finish bootstrapping or just be ok with one node16:26
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openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed a change to openstack/python-tuskarclient: [WIP] Add initial Sphinx layout and documentation  https://review.openstack.org/7441816:28
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SpamapSgreghaynes: we ran into this with Juju too16:29
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SpamapSgreghaynes: You just need to tell the cluster members the intended size of the cluster.16:29
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greghaynesSo paremeter into heat template?16:30
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SpamapSgreghaynes: Or just add it to the scaling code in merge.py.. just pop it into the metadata.16:38
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Separate OVERCLOUD_DIB_EXTRA_ARGS into two new variables  https://review.openstack.org/7384216:42
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tuskar: Removes old commented out code  https://review.openstack.org/7439116:43
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openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Add shebang  https://review.openstack.org/7445217:48
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openstackgerritTom Hancock proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: configure horizon when using /etc/apache2  https://review.openstack.org/7445518:02
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openstackgerritTom Hancock proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Configure horizon when using /etc/apache2.  https://review.openstack.org/7445518:20
lifelesshewbrocca: yes18:21
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bnemecHeads up for anyone using F20, I'm getting the following error trying to boot a seed:18:33
bnemecfile /usr/share/man/man1/vim.1.gz from install of vim-common-2:7.4.179-1.fc20.x86_64 conflicts with file from package vim-minimal-2:7.4.027-2.fc20.x86_6418:33
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openstackgerritJay Dobies proposed a change to openstack/tuskar: Fix tuskar docs building  https://review.openstack.org/7163318:50
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pleia2dprince: so nodepool tries to do its thing as soon as it notices ssh is accessible on an image, but with Fedora 20 ssh is made available before the fedora user is created: http://paste.openstack.org/show/66982/18:51
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pleia2dprince: I can't find a bug about this (but bugzilla hates me, so...), any thoughts about tackling this gracefully?18:52
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clarkbpleia2: that is amazing18:53
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pleia2clarkb: debugging was fun18:53
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clarkbpleia2: does the root user get keys too? maybe we can just login as root?18:54
pleia2clarkb: fedora grumps when you try to log in as root (just like ubuntu)18:54
pleia2kicks back "log in as fedora"18:54
pleia2helpfully, even if the fedora user doesn't exist yet :)18:54
pleia2gg fedora18:54
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Add missing +x  https://review.openstack.org/7446818:55
dprincepleia2: can we add a retry to this in nodepool?18:57
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dprincepleia2: as in wait 2-3 seconds and retry it.18:58
pleia2dprince: could, but I believe the reason it fails immediately and goes to rebuild is because cloud images aren't so reliable so we want to trash inaccessible ones immediately and ask for another18:58
dprincepleia2: That sounds a bit agressive here.18:58
pleia2and in my tests, it takes about 18-20 seconds from ssh available to fedora user created18:59
dprincepleia2: It is totally reasonable for ssh to startup before cloud-init creates a user.18:59
pleia2(18 in that paste)18:59
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dprincepleia2: we could work around this (temporarily) by snapshotting a Fedora image and changing the systemd dependenciesfor sshd so that it waits on cloud-init to finish its thing.19:00
dprincepleia2: ideally we wouldn't do this however since that is just a maintenance burden19:01
pleia2yeah, we do have full control over the image, but maintaining it19:01
dprincepleia2: can you point me to where nodepool does its ssh check?19:01
pleia2yep, let me grab it19:01
pleia2so we've got: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/nodepool/tree/nodepool/nodepool.py#n516 (this needs to be patched for fedora, I have a manual patch locally)19:02
pleia2then this, which is used several times in the nodepool thing: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/nodepool/tree/nodepool/sshclient.py19:02
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dprincepleia2: Yeah. So we just plain need to cover this case with nodepool.19:08
dprincepleia2: it is valid for sshd to be up, but the user not to be created yet.19:08
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pleia2dprince: do you have time to write up a patch to do this that I can test?19:08
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dprincepleia2: sure. I'm up for taking a stab at it.19:09
pleia2dprince: awesome, thanks19:09
dprincepleia2: is there a ticket I can post too, or just send you a link to the review?19:09
pleia2dprince: a link is fine, we're loosely tracking outstanding issues in https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/fedora-on-gate19:10
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openstackgerritRyan O'Hara proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Update neutron config to use multiple dhcp agents  https://review.openstack.org/7442419:43
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ccrouch(1:59:50 PM) lifeless: but the top level q - how much should tripleo do? admins shouldn't do anything by hand.20:01
ccrouchbut today, given the ramdisk doesn't do what you describe. There would have to be manual steps right?20:01
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lifelessccrouch: today yes, but the ramdisk is changeable :)20:02
ccrouchlifeless: and you are saying that the partitioning and filesystem creation should go in the ramdisk20:02
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ccrouchwhat about the mount aspects, can what to mount be fed through heat then acted on by a cinder/swift element?20:03
lifelessccrouch: so there is a short and long term answer here20:04
lifelessthe long term idea is that the machine flavor defines the machine layout20:04
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lifelessand that raid configuration is something that depends on the machine layout - e.g. 6x1TB disks20:04
ccrouchagreed, i think i'm mostly thinking of the short term options right now20:04
lifelessbut either way, nova-bm's job is to deliver an OS image on a machine whose hardware config matches20:04
lifelessits job is /not/ to do fs stuff20:05
lifelessephemeral is a bad counter example20:05
lifeless(we know its bad because a trivial change there breaks a bunch of things)20:05
lifelessso the shortest term thing is to make sure machines with a given role match a unique flavor and are configured to the expected raid layout20:06
lifelessthat works today - just change the element code as appropriate.20:06
ccrouch"and are configured to the expected raid layout"20:07
ccrouchyou mean people futz with the boxes prior to tripleo running?20:07
lifelesswith the element code sorted, the next step would be to do the raid setup in the ramdisk, which is actually fairly straight forward20:07
lifelessccrouch: yes20:07
ccrouchok gotya20:07
ccrouch"just change the element code as appropriate."20:07
ccrouchcan you give me an example of this20:07
ccrouchjust of what you mean20:08
ccrouchso would an example be updating the cinder element to support taking a set of disks and adding them to a volume group?20:09
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ccrouchassuming cinder is using the lvm driver20:10
lifelessccrouch: oh, I haven't given any thought to the lvm driver, since its not a realistic production target20:10
ccrouchok, then humor me and think about it now :-)20:11
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lifelessso, the simplest thing is to say use hardware raid20:13
lifelessput it all on /dev/sda20:13
jprovaznSpamapS, Hi20:18
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lifelessccrouch: if you have a non-raid JBOD server with lots of disks20:28
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lifelessccrouch: then I think there are a few key principles20:36
lifelessccrouch: a) the element code can't know how many disks etc will exist20:36
lifelessccrouch: b) heat templates can't know how many disks etc, thats per machine20:37
lifelessccrouch: so I'd want to define a couple of basic policy things - e.g. split disks 50/50 swift and block storage20:37
lifelessccrouch: and the write in-instance code to coerce the mount table etc etc etc into that layout.20:38
ccrouch(2:37:14 PM) lifeless: ccrouch: b) heat templates can't know how many disks etc, thats per machine20:42
ccrouchi guess generally thats true, but you could be deploying onto a homogeneous set of boxes20:42
lifelessccrouch: special cases aren't that special :)20:42
ccrouchin which case you could pass heat a list. but i agree that list would vary per box in general20:42
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lifelessthink about it in UI terms, - small clouds with everything in three boxes - network, hypervisor, storage, just want it to work but be HA20:43
ccrouch(2:37:49 PM) lifeless: ccrouch: so I'd want to define a couple of basic policy things - e.g. split disks 50/50 swift and block storage20:44
ccrouchor even more simply: "mount all your disks besides sda and you use those"20:44
lifelessbig clouds with specialised nodes will throw a pile of disks in and again not want to think beyond a few very specific use cases20:44
lifelessccrouch: right, though that won't work when swift and cinder are on the same box20:44
ccrouchlifeless: right, but maybe that is acceptable if you are running dedicated nodes20:45
lifelessccrouch: sure, buts whats the smallest # of machines we want to specify ?20:45
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lifelessI'd like to specify 4 - a non-HA undercloud (requires seed to redeploy/change), and 3 overcloud all-in-one nodes20:46
lifelesswith everything on it - a 'get me going' scenario20:46
ccrouchi.e. you run everything on the control node, in which these cases dont really apply (you would use the loopback file approach for cinder and the /srv/node/d1 folder approach for swift)20:47
ccrouchbut if you wanted to run cinder on a separate node, on its own, you could give it all the disks20:47
lifelessI don't follow why all in one implies only one disk20:47
ccrouchit doesn't, but I dont think its as important as supporting more disks in the standalone case20:48
lifelessare they in conflict?20:48
ccrouchi.e. the idea of someone putting together one really big machine, to run all the services collocated, versus spinning up a couple of machines and separating stuff20:48
ccrouchi think the latter is more likely20:48
ccrouch(2:48:13 PM) lifeless: are they in conflict?20:49
ccrouchno, but the give cinder/swift "all the disks" seems easier to implement :-)20:49
lifelessI'm entirely fine with incremental implementation, but the implementation doesn't seem that different to be policy based to me20:49
lifelessheres a strawman20:50
ccrouchthen tell people "dont use that setting" if cinder and swift are colocated20:50
ccrouchi guess i'm not seeing immediately how sharing sets of disks could work across elements20:50
lifelessstorage_config: {<key>:<weight>}20:50
lifeless-> storage_config: {'swift': 100} - all swift.20:50
lifeless-> storage_config: {'swift': 100, 'cinder': 50} - 2/3 swift, 1/3 cinder20:51
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lifelesswrite a little utility which will enumerate the available block devices (/mnt, sdb etc etc) and in a stable fashion allocate across the keys20:51
lifelessso you can say 'os-query-storage swift -> 'sdb, sdc20:52
lifelessif there are no devices available, it should divide up the space on /mnt for loopback devices I guess (if we can't just use the filesystem directly)20:52
ccrouchwell for swift the no devices avaialble i guess will just fall back to what we have now20:53
ccrouche.g. /srv/node/d1 folder20:54
lifelessis there a knob for swift to limit the size in that folder ? Thinking we don't want the disk to fill up:)20:55
ccrouchI was just thinking that :-)20:55
ccrouchif there is such a knob, i dont believe we set it right now20:55
lifelessperhaps a quota on the directory or something20:56
lifelessan error in swift >> out of space20:56
lifelesswhat do you think ?20:56
ccrouchi see where you are going with parcelling out the disks20:57
ccrouchi'm thinking a first step on the way to that maybe just supporting {swift:100} or {cinder:100} but not both simulateneously20:58
* ccrouch tries to think of the very smallest next step :-)20:58
lifelessccrouch: as long as the interface is there and code is written to use it, we can make the parcel-outter better later20:58
lifelessccrouch: what I want to avoid is a for loop in the swift element that decides what teh swift element owns20:59
ccrouchlet me go check the heat templates and see where that storage_config would go20:59
ccrouchagree on that, that ownership should be passed in through the templates21:00
ccrouchso  storage_config: {'cinder': 100}21:01
ccrouchcould go under: https://github.com/openstack/tripleo-heat-templates/blob/master/block-storage.yaml#L5621:01
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Add missing +x  https://review.openstack.org/7449521:04
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Add fedora-rdo-icehouse element  https://review.openstack.org/7341121:04
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Fix typo  https://review.openstack.org/7365521:04
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Ability to add *-create-dir service separately  https://review.openstack.org/7039921:04
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Add create-dir service for neutron ovs agent  https://review.openstack.org/7366021:04
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Install lvm2 package for cinder  https://review.openstack.org/7365621:04
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Common cinder install code  https://review.openstack.org/7365721:04
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Use os-svc-restart for cinder-api  https://review.openstack.org/7365821:04
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Remove unneeded chown of /var/run/nova  https://review.openstack.org/7365921:04
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Fix neutron package install  https://review.openstack.org/7160621:04
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Correct owner for glance api log file  https://review.openstack.org/7160721:04
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Add create-dir service for neutron  https://review.openstack.org/7079321:04
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Add create-dir service for nova  https://review.openstack.org/7079421:04
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Fix glance package install config  https://review.openstack.org/7160821:04
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lifelessccrouch: no, I'm suggesting it be top level21:05
lifelessccrouch: its a node specific knob, not a per-service knob.21:06
ccrouchhmm. well isnt it referring to the " BlockStorage0" node?21:07
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ccrouchwhat do you mean by top level here?21:09
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lifelessccrouch: the line you linked to was the cinder subdict.21:13
lifelessccrouch: this may have confused me21:13
lifelessccrouch: anyhow, I'd suggest storage config be in the main template, not block storage21:13
lifelessccrouch: because it affects swift, cinder, trove / mysql, glance...21:14
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ccrouchok, i think get that. So then the cinder element would read that higher level metadata and do the right thing in terms of mounting its share of the drives?21:17
lifelessit would call a script that would read the metadata, enumerate disks etc and report back a list of devices21:19
lifeless / paths21:19
ccrouchwhich it would then mount appropriately?21:19
ccrouchre: devices/paths, yeah I guess we'll have to support both devices and partitions since swift wants useable partitions with existing filesystems21:21
ccrouchwhich ATM will have to be setup prior to tripleo21:21
lifelessswift's element will have to make the filesystem21:22
lifelessif needed21:22
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lifelessand this whole thing will also need to detect if a new deploy has been done (not a rebuild - that should preserve)21:22
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lifelessand re mkfs in that case21:22
lifelesssince nova bm has no 'wipe everything' feature yet21:23
lifeless(or perhaps that needs to be added as a pre-requisite21:23
ccrouchthe more i look at this the more I like remote storage :-)21:26
lifelessccrouch: this is needed to deploy ceph/gluster too21:27
lifelessso we are the remote storage21:27
lifelessLike I say, I wouldn't bother with LVM21:27
lifelessI'd just use this to bring GlusterFS/Ceph straight up21:27
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ccrouchlifeless: right i see. I was more thinking about the easier case of someone else, somewhere else, already having setup glusterfs and ceph21:30
ccrouchthen we just need to wire cinder up to use it21:30
lifelessccrouch: perhaps... but for CI we don't have that :)21:30
lifelessccrouch: and to deploy it in the CI cloud, we'd need ... heat and elements to deploy it, so... same problem :)21:31
ccrouchright, we dont have much in the way of fixed external resources for CI21:33
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derekhlifeless: hi, about the nodepool change, putting patch together at the moment, what I have seems to work22:35
derekhlifeless: will have it up in a few minutes22:35
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lifelessderekh: ah, nuts22:39
lifelessderekh: I hadn't heard back from you for a hour or so so I figured you'd gone to sleep. started on my own...22:39
lifelessderekh: and your timing in popping up was exquisite ;)22:42
lifelessderekh: I'm interested in the approach you took22:43
derekhlifeless: just ran git review, it seems to be stuck22:44
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* SpamapS o/23:11
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SpamapSlifeless: anything I can do to help with the CI23:20
lifelessSpamapS: o/23:20
lifelessSpamapS: uhm, looking at time - sleep :)23:20
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SpamapSI've just spent 8 of the last 14 hours asleep23:24
SpamapSI'll likely pass out in 2 or 3 hours23:24
SpamapSthe wifi on the bus was broken, so I lost 3 hours of time I'd been hoping to catch up on stuff23:24
SpamapSlifeless: anyway, the topic suggests we're still hands off for tripleo-cd while you play with live migration?23:24
SpamapSlifeless: have we addressed the resize mkfs issue yet?23:24
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lifelessSpamapS: a little23:31
lifelessSpamapS: see the infra meeting minutes23:31
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lifelessSpamapS: ok so, yes, I've been stopping and starting tripleo-cd while hitting up live migration23:34
lifelessSpamapS: found another dead node23:34
lifeless[    0.063020] [Firmware Bug]: the BIOS has corrupted hw-PMU resources (MSR 38d23:35
lifelessSpamapS: right now, lets see - getting dprinces make-ext4-resize-optional into dib is probably the most important thing23:35
lifelesscause I tripped on that twice as well23:35
lifelessinfra patches are done, we're waiting for their firedrill to finish23:36
SpamapSalright I'll do  reviews I've been slacking on them anyway23:39
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lifelessSpamapS: after that, have a look at the live migration card23:51
lifelessSpamapS: the hostname population bit would be extremely useful (either via 'use dns fool' or 'here is a thing to do it')23:51
mordredhostname population SUCKS23:53
mordredalso, can someone tell me why nova seems to enjoy translating the name I requested on the boot command line with hostanme.novalocal ?23:53
mordredwhy would I EVER want that behavior?23:53
mordredoh. I forgot23:54
lifelessnova has this idea that dns should be something other than set-once forget forever23:54
lifelessI really want to do what AWS does - create a large zone with all the forward and reverse stuff setup23:54
lifelessand then ignore the instance name when setting hostname23:54
lifelessif you're on you get ip-192-168-1-2.cloud.com23:55
mordredthat's still not what I want?23:55
mordredand it's not helpful23:55
mordredif I say "nova boot foo.bar.com"23:55
mordredwhy would hostname in that instance not say foo.bar.com?23:55
lifelessbecause I can also say nova boot foo.bar.com in the same cloud23:55
mordredI'm not saying set dns for it23:56
mordredthat's a whole other thing23:56
lifelesshostname should match dns23:56
mordredI'm saying, what does this machien think its name is23:56
lifelessmakes a lot of stuff simpler - e.g. puppet enrollments23:56
mordredit does not23:56
mordredit makes it harder23:56
lifelesshow so?23:56
mordredwhat if I'm spinning up a new server23:56
mordredto replace jenkins.openstack.org23:56
mordredI KNOW that the new server is going to become jenkins.openstack.org23:57
mordredonce I cut over dns23:57
mordredbut for now, it's not that yet23:57
mordredso I set its hostname to jenkins.openstack.org so that the server knows its identity23:57
lifelessactually, I really don't have interest in this rabbit hole right now23:57
* mordred backs out23:57
lifelessabout four billion firedrills23:57
lifelessif you want to cut some code for us, great.23:57
SpamapSmordred: I think you're confusing "hostname" with "endpoint DNS name"23:58
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mordredlifeless: I've still got the other patch I need to write23:59
mordredSpamapS: this is entirely possible23:59
SpamapSthere's the unique name of the server for purposes of finding it and identifying it as a unique thing, and then there are service hosts.23:59
lifelessA, CNAME and SRV23:59
mordredSpamapS: all I care about in this context is "what does the hostname command return when I run it?"23:59

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