Wednesday, 2014-02-26

openstackgerritRichard Su proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Additional services to support multiple swift storage nodes
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tchaypobnemec: hear, let me sharpen your razor before you start on the next yak00:03
bnemectchaypo: Indeed. :-/00:05
saurabhsHi I am trying to understand how tripleo-image-elements are layed out to help write elements for trove. I can see that there is nova element and a separate element for nova-api. Inside nova-api there is element-deps on nova, so when we include nova-api, nova will get included by default. So this is pretty clear here.00:09
saurabhsBut when I look at nova elements I can see that its installing nova through git, but nova-api elements are installing it through install-packages. why is it different?00:09
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rbradysaurabhs: the nova-api element was recently refactored to support package installs too00:11
SpamapSsaurabhs: in the git/source based install, we don't split things out. We just install the software in 'nova'00:12
saurabhsrbrady: so I should use nova-api sort of a reference point then? also when you say it it now support package installs too, do you mean it also support source based install in nova-api elements. in nova-api/install.d/nova-source-install/80-nova-api, is that installing from source? I am not clear what its doing there00:14
SpamapSsaurabhs: Heat will be more like Trove than nova.00:15
SpamapSsaurabhs: the *-source-install dirs do the git based/virtualenv approach. the *-package-install dirs do a package based install.00:16
saurabhsSpamaps: so when I include nova-api which also includes nova elements, they will overwrite nova install. correct?00:16
SpamapSsaurabhs: no they will not overwrite nova install. They will be combined.00:16
saurabhsSpamapS: so how do we configure which approach to use, whether to use source-install or package-install?00:17
SpamapSsaurabhs: I don't know. Default is source.00:18
SpamapSsaurabhs: ignore package based. ;)00:18
SpamapSthat's for the package based people to figure out IMO :-P00:18
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SpamapSand if trove isn't even in Fedora/RHEL/RDO ... then well it will just be a noop. :-P00:18
saurabhsSpamaps : when we say installing from source, is it checking it out somewhere and then installing from that checkout stuff? I think it is correct?00:21
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SpamapSsaurabhs: correct00:22
saurabhsif thats true then what this line is doing, is it installing nova from source or only creating daemon/upstart kind of thing00:22
saurabhsos-svc-daemon nova-api              nova nova-api              "--config-dir /etc/nova"00:22
SpamapSsaurabhs: that is installing a startup script and creating users to run as.00:22
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saurabhsSpamaps: so os-svc-daemon really nows where is the nova-api executable? I don't see that we specified the /opt/stack/nova path here, where it was checked out or /opt/stack/venv where it was installed.00:25
saurabhsis that a fixed path where things are supposed to be?00:25
openstackgerritRyan Brady proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Add NFS package mapping
SpamapSsaurabhs: yes00:28
lifelessok wow much meeting00:29
lifelessso many00:29
lifelessnow to book my hotel room00:29
saurabhsSpamaps: thanks this is now more clear00:29
StevenKlifeless: The hotel still doesn't know about me00:29
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openstackgerritRyan Brady proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Adds nfs-server element
SpamapSlifeless: doge much?00:31
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lifelessStevenK: did you use the group code?00:35
lifelessStevenK: use the group code and add yourself00:35
greghayneslifeless: Did your commit c1a97145 close bug 1283921? I dont seem to get that error anymore00:37
StevenKlifeless: Except I'm in the list that CWT were apparently adding00:38
greghaynesthat commit is in t-i-e btw00:38
lifelessStevenK: epic fail do it anyhow :)00:38
lifelessgreghaynes: I think we can close that yes00:38
lifelessgreghaynes: I think I know why we got it00:39
SpamapSWorst case they'll have two rooms for you and you can throw your after parties in one, and sleep in the other.00:39
greghaynesJust wasnt running migrations?00:39
SpamapSYou can probably even request adjoining rooms with yourself.00:39
lifelessgreghaynes: we use the ovs plugin *and* the ml2 plugin.00:39
lifelessgreghaynes: this isn't supported.00:39
lifelessgreghaynes: we have to migrate the ovs agent to use the ml2 plugin with ovs link driver.00:39
lifelessgreghaynes: so I think it ran the ovs plugin migrations when the ovs agent connected, and then the ml2 migrations didn't run00:40
StevenKSpamapS: I bought that up, their system will automatically cancel duplicate reservations for the same person00:40
lifelessbecause OMG YOU DON"T WANT TO KNOW00:40
greghayneshaha, wierd00:40
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tchaypoI'll use the group code as soon as I have flights00:43
tchaypowhich, if everything goes according to plan, should happen this afternoon after I get my account activated in the office at rhodes00:43
StevenKI'm hoping internal webmail doesn't require a class B00:44
StevenKBut we shall see00:45
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openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Store node details in the JSON datafile
greghaynesStevenK: It doesnt00:49
lifelessok omg maybe I get to code today00:50
StevenKgreghaynes: \o/00:50
lifelessmeetings done00:50
lifelessemail done00:50
StevenKlifeless: No. No coding for you.00:50
lifelessbreakfast done; need a sanity break.00:50
lifelessStevenK: wwaaahh00:50
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lifelessStevenK: reviewed
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saurabhsSpamapS : nova/os-refresh-config/configure.d/10-nova-state says : 'install -D -d -o nova -g nova -m 0775 /mnt/state/var/lib/nova'  is it just creating that empty directory with correct permissions there or its doing something more than that?01:04
StevenKlifeless: arch is already present01:04
StevenKpower-manager comes in a later branch01:05
StevenKlifeless: So, I was considering pulling out MACs in setup-baremetal, but I got stuck on trying to work out array indexs01:07
lifelessStevenK: want me to have a noodle on it?01:07
StevenKlifeless: Sure01:07
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SpamapSsaurabhs: install -D just creates dirs yes01:09
lifelessStevenK: ok will in a little01:10
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openstackgerritRichard Su proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Enable horizon on overcloud control node
StevenKlifeless: Re: jq, precise->saucy has 1.2, which has -r01:19
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lifelessStevenK: only in backports01:29
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StevenKlifeless: Huh. I should learn to read. precise and quantal, only in backports, not in raring at all, saucy and trusty universe01:55
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lifelessStevenK: ok, I have the lock on your patch02:31
StevenKlifeless: I am just about to meet up with tchaypo so I can spin him up, so have at it02:32
lifeless/home/robertc/work/tripleo-incubator/scripts/create-nodes: line 44: scripts/get-vm-mac: No such file or directory02:32
lifelessfirst issue :P02:32
StevenKSo I had to do that to get it work in a sub-shell02:33
lifelessits in the path02:33
lifelessremoving the scripts/ prefix fixes for me, did that not work for you?02:34
StevenKWithout scripts/ it gave no such file or directory, I think02:35
StevenKlifeless: Let me push up my rebase, which reverts part of undercloud that you questioned?02:36
lifelessStevenK: sure02:36
openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Store node details in the JSON datafile
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lifelessNobodyCam: around ?04:10
lifelessNobodyCam: what does Ironic want for the virtual power driver - path to a key, or the keys contents?04:18
lifelessNobodyCam: I'm going to guess at key contents04:18
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openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Store node details in the JSON datafile
lifelessStevenK: ^thats my concept05:07
lifelessStevenK: stir to taste05:07
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lifelessStevenK: I really did just mean to address the range offset stuff, but PM was in the way, so I moved it in, and that lead to another thing etc;)05:08
lifelessStevenK: there's a little sci-fi in the help for setup-baremetal now05:08
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lifelessgreghaynes: so if I want to dogpile on HA db06:13
lifelessgreghaynes: where should I start? open reviews - which ones? + what needs doing / testing / etc?06:13
StevenKlifeless: You have some trailing whitespace around the setup-baremetal calls, but it looks really good.06:14
greghaynestheres a todo in which im not sure if we should address06:14
StevenKlifeless: The .nodes[] - [.nodes[0]] is a bit scary06:14
greghaynesThen theres also the issue of - we currently install mariadb on fedora and this installs by tgz06:15
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greghaynesAll this is just for one node setup, is needed along with other things to let us actually do the multi-node06:19
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StevenKlifeless: Your fallback seems to be a bad plan06:31
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StevenKIt might even work locally with the new style06:32
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lifelessStevenK: how so ?07:03
lifelessgreghaynes: looking07:04
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* SpamapS thinking that the hot-software-config stuff may actually get us to within < 100 lines of code change to get graceful updates07:07
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lifelessgreghaynes: so, the t-h-t thing, I've -1'd, explanation in the review07:07
SpamapSand the best part is we don't actually have to switch to HOT to use it07:07
lifelessgreghaynes: let me know if it scans, or if I've missed something07:07
lifelessSpamapS: fuckyeah, $nation07:07
SpamapSsince it is just new types07:08
lifelessis percona in debian *and* Ubuntu now ?07:08
lifelesshmm, we're going to run into user id issues in /mnt/state data at some point07:09
lifelessI see a user-assertion thing being needed07:09
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greghayneslifeless: agree with that -107:12
SpamapSlifeless: Percona no.07:12
lifelessgreghaynes: ok so ^ per spamaps.07:12
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SpamapSlifeless: Percona has just been uploaded to NEW in Debian about 2 weeks ago.07:12
lifelessgreghaynes: I think we should just use the tarball thing to install always07:12
greghaynessounds good07:13
SpamapSlifeless: regarding the user-id thing.. Could we symlink /etc/passwd -> /mnt/state/etc/passwd ?07:13
lifelessgreghaynes: since an apt package from a third-party repo isn't actually any better07:13
lifelessSpamapS: no (think it through)07:13
SpamapSlifeless: or maybe nss lets us specify multiple passwd/shadow files07:13
greghaynesYes, I need to do some digging into how to actually prevent installing mariadb in fedora (and likely suse)07:14
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lifelessgreghaynes: prevent it? what triggers it?07:17
lifelessSpamapS: so the issue is goingto be skew either way07:17
lifelessSpamapS: we eithe rskew in /mnt/* or in /07:17
lifelessSpamapS: and one we can fixup :)07:17
greghaynesI just saw it flash by while watching the image build07:17
greghaynesNot sure why07:17
clarkbmariadb is the db in fedora07:18
clarkbyou ahve to do extra special community contrib stuff to get mysql in fedora now07:18
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clarkbs/ db / mysql derivative db /07:19
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Fixing error in readme
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SpamapSlifeless: I do see what you mean. Would it be too simple if we just select static userids in a given range in os-svc-daemon? Something like 800 - 900, and just pass it in the call to os-svc-daemon?07:21
lifelessSpamapS: its very debian-90's :P07:21
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SpamapSlifeless: aye, but we have a need for them to be stable.07:22
greghayneslifeless: left a comment on
greghayneswoo for -1ing my own code07:22
greghaynesthe adding vars to source-repositories doesnt 'just work' either because of amd64 vs x86_64 :(07:23
lifelessgreghaynes: oh fugly07:24
lifelessyou can do a conditional thingy07:24
lifelesslet me look in a sec07:24
greghaynesYea, in that install script I can... kind of baloons up complexity for modifying source-repositories07:24
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lifelessgreghaynes: so when do we want amd64 vs x86_64 ?07:29
greghaynesthe percona download url wants x86_64, but DIB defines $ARCH as amd6407:30
lifelessso, define FEDORA_ARCH simulataneously or something in evnironment.d ?07:32
* greghaynes is new to the whole DIB thing07:32
lifelessit may not be all glued up for that yet, but it should be close07:32
greghaynesok, well late here07:33
lifelessI'm not around much tomorrow07:33
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greghaynesgood timing catching up now, then :)07:34
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lifelessStevenK: I don't know what you mean07:58
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openstackgerritJan Provaznik proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add rabbit.cookie attribute
rpodolyakamorning all08:09
openstackgerritJan Provaznik proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Update openstack config files to support rabbitmq cluster
openstackgerritJan Provaznik proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Fix rabbitmq env file name and log path
openstackgerritJan Provaznik proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Add cluster support for rabbitmq element
jprovaznHi tripleo folks, if you have a minute, could you please review at the above patches above?08:18
jprovazns/review at the above/review/08:18
rpodolyakajprovazn: sure!08:20
jprovaznrpodolyaka: thanks08:20
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Enable openvswitch
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tuskar: Handle overcloud-block-storage in heat template
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/diskimage-builder: Update pypi element to suggest pypi-mirror
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Enable horizon on overcloud control node
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Use local apt and pypi mirror for tripleo-cd/
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Revert "Workaround broken Neutron requirements."
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Use local apt and pypi mirror for tripleo-cd/
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Allow the testenv client to dictate the worker timeout
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Set the worker timeout
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Kill commands that outlive test env
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openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Use local apt and pypi mirror for tripleo-cd
killer_prince2hi all11:09
killer_prince2I am trying to use first boot hooks for rhel. has anyone tried it before..11:10
killer_prince2I can see that the rhel element is not running anything specific to first boot hooks in finalise step... but ubuntu and fedora seems to run some script..11:11
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killer_prince2is that expected or is there any step that i am missing from my side..11:12
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killer_prince2oh.. forgot to mention that I am using dib with RHEL 6.511:12
lifelesskiller_prince2: don't use first boot hooks; they are deprecated.11:13
lifelesskiller_prince2: (see the docs which say that :))11:13
killer_prince2lifelessk.. is there any alternative that we can use..? I11:14
killer_prince2I plan to run some script on first boot to perform some action on the disk.11:14
lifelessmake it an idempotent action11:15
lifelessand use os-refresh-config to trigger it11:15
lifelesskiller_prince2: what action specifically?11:15
killer_prince2lifeless: lets say setting up grub on the disk.. for local boot support or even disk encryption11:16
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed a change to openstack/tuskar-ui: Manage image ID's for node profile
lifelesskiller_prince2: so, for the bootblock case you'll want to do that everytime grub is updated - make it a configure.d script11:18
lifelesskiller_prince2: (and an optional element to do that for baremetal machines will be quite useful - so please do send a patch :))11:18
lifelesskiller_prince2: for encryption, you have a chicken and egg problem there, I think you'll need to change Ironic to tackle it :)11:19
killer_prince2YEah.. I plan to do so..11:20
killer_prince2lifeless: I do not see configure.d being mentioned on
lifelesskiller_prince2: look into os-refresh-config11:22
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killer_prince2not sure how it will be consumed by disk-image-builder. I do not plan to use it along-with tripleo-image-elements as it builds a dependency on it. I am currently trying to build RHEL 6.5 image with apache 2 using tripleo-image-elements but its not working for me.. its failing for os-refresh-config scripts due to some lxml issue.11:28
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openstackgerritMichael Kerrin proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Add utility to mount and unmount images
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derekh lifeless, devananda, Ng, SpamapS_, jog0_, GheRivero, derekh, dprince, slagle:  ci appears down tracking here
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lifelessjprovazn: looks sane to me12:24
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lifelessderekh: looks up to me12:24
lifelessderekh: nova list works12:25
lifelessderekh: lots of live slaves12:25
derekhlifeless: yes, cloud is up, geard doesn't seem to be doing its job12:25
lifelessderekh: ah, righto12:25
jprovaznlifeless: cool, could you please take a look at implementation of it? - I'd really love to finally get rabbitmq HA in12:25
lifelessI can ssh into the broker12:25
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derekhlifeless: I don't seem to have the right key to log onto broker, can you?12:26
lifelessderekh: yes, have done12:26
jprovaznlifeless: it's markes is WIP, but just because of cross repo dep12:26
lifelessderekh: your key must not be in the cd admins keylist12:26
lifelessI must have failed at registerng keys12:27
lifelessanyhow, a) fixing12:27
lifelessderekh: try logging in now12:29
derekhlifeless: im in, thanks12:29
lifeless telnet localhost 473012:29
lifelessConnected to localhost.12:29
lifelessEscape character is '^]'.12:29
lifelessConnection closed by foreign host.12:29
lifelessit is status right, to debug?12:29
derekhlifeless: error: [Errno 24] Too many open files12:30
lifelessrestarting geard12:30
lifelessok, thats happier12:30
lifelessso lets file a bug on geard12:30
derekhlifeless: yup, restart and I'll see if I can find the leak12:30
lifelessclarkb: where do such bugs go ?12:30
lifelesswe may have a few bad jobs go through12:31
lifelessbecause state will be confused12:31
lifelessdunno, we'll find out I guess ;)12:31
lifelessderekh: thanks for noting!12:31
derekhlifeless: I guess, we should rotate that log file12:32
derekh-rw-r----- 1 root root 15G Feb 26 12:30 geard.log12:32
derekhlifeless: hmm, it is being rotated, I guess once it hit the error it kept spitting out logs12:33
lifelessjprovazn: yes, my friday thugh - am off tomorrow/today:P12:35
lifelessjprovazn: I'm keen too12:35
jprovaznlifeless: yea - I was thinking that it's extremely early morning for you now :)12:36
lifelessjprovazn: btw - looks quite interesting12:38
* jprovazn looks12:39
lifelesslooking at building blocks for doing a correct 'build a cluster from zero knowledge other than the intended peers in the cluster'12:40
lifelessjprovazn: I found it from which is cool too, in aneven more way out way :)12:41
lifelessjprovazn: sanlock would do what we need... but only if one has a san :)12:42
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openstackgerritFengqian.gao proposed a change to openstack/tuskar: Python 3: replace "im_self" by "__self__"
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jprovaznlifeless: TBH, after reading basic info about openreplica and concoord, I'm still not sure how this fits into any cluster setup in TripleO. Most probably because I'm not sure, what are consequences/requirements of  "build a cluster from zero knowledge other than the intended peers in the cluster".12:52
lifelessjprovazn: solving the 'and we use the node with 0 in its name to be the seed' ugliness12:56
lifelessjprovazn: aka master election12:56
lifelessjprovazn: ditto for coordinating 'db sync' execution.13:00
jprovaznlifeless: ah, I see - so you would create a simple replicated python object which would keep info about nodes in cluster. If a node starts, it would save itself into a list of nodes in cluster (saved as the replicated object)13:00
lifelesshandwaving-level, but yes.13:00
lifelessnot sure if we'd store the node list in the objet13:00
lifelessor state13:01
lifeless'we are ready to intiialize the clsuter'13:01
lifeless'we have initialized the cluster and folk can use it now'13:01
lifeless'we are ready to run nova db sync'13:01
lifelessand the master node is the one that would react to the message and actually do the work13:02
lifelessthe master would move around as needed13:02
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jprovaznlifeless: yes, interesting idea13:08
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tuskar: Update context from Oslo
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* Ng imbibes a great deal of plague fighting remedies13:30
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rpodolyakamorning Ng, get well!13:36
Ngrpodolyaka: thanks :)13:37
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openstackgerritMichael Kerrin proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: WIP - Move wait_for for checking exit status to checking for condition to be true
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openstackgerritJon-Paul Sullivan proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Enable simple modification of git repo location
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add waitcondition on test environments
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Shutdown the worker callback client
derekh lifeless, devananda, Ng, SpamapS_, jog0_, GheRivero, derekh, dprince, slagle:  ^^ the cause of this mornings geard outage14:51
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dprincederekh: seems fine (I +2d). Does it belong in a finally block though?14:57
slaglei was going to ask the same :)14:58
slagleall the code in run_callback could be in a try: finally:14:58
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derekhdprince: slagle yup, it would be better in a try/finally , the 3 cases I tried (command success, command error and command times out), run the shutdown as needed, but yes the whole thing should be wrapped15:05
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openstackgerritJon-Paul Sullivan proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Enable custom apt.conf in apt-conf element
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NobodyCamlifeless: also virtual power type. currently this is stored in seed-stack-config elements config.jason, would be great if it was in the $TE_DATAFILE.15:23
tchayposurely sleepless isn't still online?15:24
openstackgerritStuart McLaren proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Glance: Allow logging to be more configurable
NobodyCamtchaypo: I hope not... Juse answering questions he posted to me lastnight15:27
NobodyCamwhile I was asleep :)15:27
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rbradyderekh: ping15:27
derekhrbrady: ack15:28
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rbradyderekh: I keep getting random errors on check-tripleo-overcloud-precise15:29
derekhrbrady: which review are you looking at ?15:30
rbradyderekh: latest log from changing the map-packages in the fedora element:
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derekhrbrady: ya, I've seen them two, havn't looked into tracking it down yet though, it seems to happen on some disk image builds, but not consistently reproducible the once you pointed at is an error building a seed which is weird because the seed built ok in the other two jobs in the review15:37
rbradyderekh: I just wanted to make sure this was noted to someone closer to the CI stuff.  I can keep commenting "recheck no bug" for now15:38
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Add missing +x
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openstackgerritJon-Paul Sullivan proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-incubator: Add source-repository element var setting script
derekhrbrady: ok, probably the best thing todo for now, in the meantime if anybody can reproduce locally it would be great to try and track it down
derekhrbrady: can you file it in launchpad aswell so it gets some attention15:41
slaglepblaho: hi, we're holding off on +A'ing reviews until we get successful CI runs15:41
derekhrbrady: looks like I lied, the error was during the build of the overcloud notcompute image15:44
rbradyderekh: I will dig up the failures from the patches I have now and post them into a bug in launchpad15:44
derekhrbrady: cool, thanks15:45
derekhrbrady: I got another error I'm trying the track down, then will see if I can reproduce15:45
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NobodyCamStevenK: did you get your work email? I'm getting a bounce from stevenk@mangled.wedontsleep.org15:54
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tchaypoNobodyCam: I can confirm that he got access to it - he took me into the office today and helped me set mine up16:07
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NobodyCamtchaypo: TY :) will search in the directory16:08
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NobodyCamtchaypo: Ty Found him!! :)16:13
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openstackgerritStuart McLaren proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Glance: Allow logging to be more configurable
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Link db sync utilities to /usr/local/bin...
openstackgerritStuart McLaren proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Glance: Make API versions configurable
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/tuskar: Python 3: replace "im_self" by "__self__"
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Link db sync utilities to /usr/local/bin...
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Stop using the os-svc-install -n option.
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Drop the os-svc-install -n -c options.
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SpamapSderekh: all good to +A now? it looks sane to me.18:09
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slaglethe CI jobs are running for it18:10
derekhSpamapS: yup, although I think we're supposed to be waiting on 3 successful jobs, a log of the overcloud jobs seem to be failing, trying to figure out why at the moment18:10
SpamapSderekh: is tripleo-ci in the ci? I only see a noop job.18:11
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derekhSpamapS: yup, its a separate queue so returns separately, although the ci jobs will go nowhere near testing this change18:13
openstackgerritMichael Kerrin proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Install latest version of pip and virtualenv
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Testing a hunch
* derekh will check back later to see if that sheds any light to the overcloud ci issues18:16
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SpamapSderekh: Ok.. I really don't understand at all how this works so I'll just leave my +2 :-P18:18
derekhSpamapS: no prob, thanks :-), I think I'll put something together to try and explain it all at the sprint18:19
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jp_at_hpCan any core reviewers take a look at please?18:21
jp_at_hpslagle: SpamapS ^^^ ??18:21
dprincederekh: the most recent set of failures for me were due to Failed to fetch errors.18:21
dprincederekh: undercloud and overcloud, is that what you are seeing as well?18:22
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dprincederekh: send this at will sir
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SpamapSjp_at_hp: as you wish18:26
* SpamapS will now become the dread pirate roberts18:26
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SpamapSdprince: heh, time for local apt-mirrors :)18:27
dprinceSpamapS: yeah. we spoke of that yesterday as well.18:27
dprinceSpamapS: we'll need Fedora too... so may as well do that too18:27
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SpamapSdprince: we have debian-mirror and pypi-mirror elements already.. so probably not much work to get them up and running and then start feeding that into the process.18:35
SpamapSdprince: I presume mirroring fedora is also fairly straight forward18:36
dprinceSpamapS: shouldn't be too bad. Although I haven't tested the pypi element on Fedora so there may be work there too18:36
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SpamapSdprince: Both the 'pypi' element (consumes local mirror) and the pypi-mirror element (makes local mirror) are git/source/pip based and shouldn't have any ubuntu/debian-isms. As long as Fedora has cron.d I think it will be fine.18:38
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SpamapSlooks like apt-mirror was orphaned out of fedora... hrm18:39
dprinceSpamapS: yep. cron.d is there18:39
openstackgerritMichael Kerrin proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Install latest version of pip and virtualenv
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dprinceslagle: could we use environment variables in the source-repository scripts (source-repository-nova for example)18:45
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slagledprince: to do what? i don't think we can as it is today18:52
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dprinceslagle: just checking out the mechanism a bit today. I don't need to touch it ATM...18:53
slagledprince: we do a "read line" now to get lines from the flie now18:53
slagledon't think that is going to interpret environment variables18:53
slaglemaybe if we just eval it after that?18:54
jp_at_hpSpamapS: I take it the changes to the apt-conf element are being mirrored in the apt-sources element from whioch apt-conf was suggested?18:54
SpamapSslagle: greghaynes pointed out that envsubst would do nicely in that situation.18:55
SpamapSjp_at_hp: I know you're just cargo culting, but what a great opportunity to improve both. :)18:55
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SpamapSjp_at_hp: if the other one is really full of all that fail, we should go back and improve on it. For now, we don't want to repeat that mistake for the third thing that cargo cults it and now we have _three_ bits of debt.18:56
greghaynesSometimes its nice, sometimes eval echo "$foo" is nice18:56
jp_at_hpSpamapS: Can I discuss something that I disagree with in your comments?18:56
jp_at_hpI exit if the apt-conf element is included, but there is nothing specified for source to copy in.18:57
greghaynesjprovazn: Have a question about
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jp_at_hpI would argue this is correct behaviour, because this element requires that an apt.conf be specified to copy in.18:57
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jp_at_hpThere is already a mechanism for adding optional elements, so this prevents this element being added without the parameters it needs to funciton.18:58
SpamapSjp_at_hp: Right, that is one approach to take. Another is to have it in a static list of elements that are always used, and if the environment variable is not specified, then we do nothing.18:58
jprovazngreghaynes, sure18:58
jp_at_hpWhy have optional elements if elements need to be able to work without the parameters that make them do anything?18:59
greghaynesjprovazn: The logic for that loop seems odd to me, seems like it should be checking if I (the node of the current host) is not in cluster status18:59
greghaynesrather than the node in $NODES18:59
jp_at_hpIt seems to me it is promoting 2 different ways of achieving the same thing, which can result in user error causing the wrong thing to happen.18:59
greghayneson line 1919:00
SpamapSjp_at_hp: I think it is just a different philosophy. I prefer to include apt-conf in any build where we might want to change the apt.conf .. and you're saying you're only going to include it if you're going to change the conf.19:00
SpamapSjp_at_hp: It is entirely philosophical. I err toward flexibility and resilience, you're suggesting we err toward rigidity and fail faster.19:01
jprovazngreghaynes, I think you are looking at older version of the patchset (the link you pasted above), check patchset 819:01
SpamapSBoth have merrits, so were that the only thing, I would certainly defer to overall reviewer sentiment, and not block a patch purely on that basis.19:01
* greghaynes rereads19:02
SpamapSjp_at_hp: -1 is "I would prefer". There are plenty of disagreements between cores... you just need two of us to +2. :)19:02
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openstackgerritJonathan Brownell proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Add rsync to the package list used by debootstrap
jp_at_hpI'm saying I'm preventing user-error by specifying that I want to change the apt.conf without specifying what I want to change it to.19:03
jp_at_hpIf someone wants to change it there is a defined mechanism for adding the optional element, and use of that element requires a parameter to be set.19:03
jp_at_hpI think it's a clearer user experience, with reduced scope for user error.19:03
greghaynesjprovazn: Makes a lot more sense now :)19:03
jprovazngreghaynes, great :)19:04
SpamapSjp_at_hp: Yes, you should express that in the review. I disagree in that I think it is extra code that will lead to as many frustrating situations as it will solve.19:05
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Nova: don't hard code the source install path
dprinceslagle: do you buy this approach
SpamapSjp_at_hp: consider that if it only hinges on the environment variable, we can include it in the static default list of extra elements, and then users can choose whether or not to override apt-conf only with their .profile which sets DIB_APT_CONF to the thing that makes it better locally...19:06
SpamapSjp_at_hp: and it will always change the apt-conf in all of the places that include the element by default. "Such win"19:07
dprinceslagle: if you buy that for Nova then I'll do it everywhere... and once we have those in place the global venv thing is cake19:07
* dprince untested cake of course19:07
SpamapSjp_at_hp: I really do understand and respect the situation you're trying to prevent, I just don't find the user interface ramifications attractive. I also do not feel so strongly about it that I want to push very hard on it. So as I said, I will gladly defer to the other reviewers. :)19:08
slagledprince: i'll check it out19:11
greghaynesjprovazn: left you some comments, seems pretty close though19:11
dprinceslagle: it is just the first step... but no sense replicating it if I'm on the wrong path...19:11
openstackgerritJon-Paul Sullivan proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Enable custom apt.conf in apt-conf element
jprovazngreghaynes, thanks, going to look19:12
jp_at_hpSpamapS: I think the problem is a lack of clarity in standard approach to elements in dib.  What is meant to be the primary method for selecting what elements do.  The easiest way for a developer to try and understand is use existing elements as a template for new elements, but it appears that is not a reliable way of determining the way things *should* be done :(19:12
lifelessjp_at_hp: thats a great point.19:14
SpamapSjp_at_hp: We miss things. I did not review the element you cribbed from, or I'd have given the same feedback. Sorry that you're stuck in a confusing position.19:14
lifelessjp_at_hp: 2 quirks with it though - firstly,
lifelessjp_at_hp: which describes an architectural problem closely related to the question you raise19:14
lifelessjp_at_hp: and a proposed solution- so would love your thoughts on that19:14
lifelessjp_at_hp: secondly, we have learnt over time and not always gone back and fixed 'everything' - partly because we've only just gotten full CI up and have not yet gotten full coverage.19:15
lifelessjp_at_hp: so - sorry :)19:15
lifelessjp_at_hp: if this is about apt-conf, I was going to suggest in the review that folding apt-sources, apt-conf all into the apt element would make sense to me.19:16
jp_at_hplifeless: SpamapS - No problem.  It's an interesting discussion.19:16
SpamapSlifeless: +1 from me.. let's make apt/dpkg more configurable rather than require adding more elements to the list.19:16
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jp_at_hplifeless: that is not the first time I heard that.  I believe SpamapS said exactly the same thing19:16
jp_at_hpAlthough I think he suggested the dpkg element19:17
* jp_at_hp hopes this isn't the death knell for the apt-conf element19:18
SpamapSRight.. dpkg is a bit of a misnomer at that point.. but.. dpkg and apt go together like steering wheels and wheels.19:18
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jp_at_hpI would ask that the apt-conf element as it stands get accepted prior to any rework.  For any of dib to work within corporate firewalls that is needed, and it is painful to have to hand-patch every developers use right now...19:19
lifelessjp_at_hp: what config setting are you setting ?19:20
lifelessjp_at_hp: if its just http proxy, we should be preserving that into the environment everywhere - not apt.conf should be needed.19:20
slagledprince: there's a corresponding change to os-svc-install neeeded isn't there?19:20
jp_at_hplifeless: it's setting no proxy for a local apt mirror.19:21
lifelessjp_at_hp: in fact, see diskimage-builder/elements/local-config/install.d/61-http-proxy19:21
dprinceslagle: that will come in time... no changes needed yet19:21
jp_at_hpSo yes - the proxy setting is getting through fine ;-)19:21
lifelessjp_at_hp: weshould replicate no_proxy in as well19:21
lifelessjp_at_hp: and probably move much of that install.d to a pre-install.d19:21
dprinceslagle: this is about getting in in one spot in the nova* elements.19:21
lifelessjp_at_hp: this is in DTRT territory19:21
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dprinceslagle: os-svc-install will certain need a change though but that comes laster (either last... or later)19:22
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slagledprince: right, ok19:23
jprovazngreghaynes, could you please provide more info about the issue with hostnames (firrst comment)?19:25
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Neutron: don't hard code the source install path
greghaynesYes, if youre determining which host in the $NODES list is you, hostname -s isnt neccesarially in that list19:25
greghayneson mine its overcloud-notcompute0-ijev3cgjdmpu, for example19:26
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jprovazngreghaynes, well, this is OK - thanks to lifeless - he found a way how to fetch/address hostnames of other nodes in heat template, check line 5219:27
lifelesszomg what have I done? :)19:27
jprovazngreghaynes, and there is already a patch from lifless which makes sure, that /etc/hosts is updated with all hostnames in stack19:27
greghaynesYes, but for line 66 in
greghaynesYour hostname may not match what you put in that list exactly19:29
greghaynesat least in my experience it never does19:30
slaglelifeless: i get this isn't need anymore, but why do you feel it's not specific to installing from source?
jprovazngreghaynes, well, you would have to change explicitly your hostname on the node19:31
slaglelifeless: we don't have git checkouts, or venvs when installing from packages. that is kind of the point19:31
lifelessslagle: the bug would exist in packages of trunk too.19:31
lifelessslagle: so we should still install the fixed client.19:31
greghaynesjprovazn: By default my hostnames are always things like overcloud-notcompute0-ijev3cgjdmpu, where the logical name is just a substring19:31
jprovazngreghaynes, sure, mine too19:32
lifelessslagle: sorry, someone should proably write a manifesto for what the packaging stuff is intended to do then, because that wasn't my understanding at all.19:32
greghaynesI dont see how that that line would not always be false then19:32
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jprovazngreghaynes, but these random hostnames are also fetched by method in heat template:19:32
jprovazngreghaynes, Fn::Select:[name, fn:getatt[node0, show]] (line 52 in README)19:33
lifelessslagle: my understanding is that it was about consistency in vendor products, for support, prior out of band testing and the like19:33
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Revert "Add cpu-{node,mem,disk} to the testenv JSON"
greghaynesYes, but then using hostname -s to determing $LOCAL mixes the two naming schemes19:34
lifelessslagle: and someone confounded into that not using venvs (which is orthogonal IMO : we could not use venvs with git installs too)19:34
slaglelifeless: the packages don't use venvs. there's nothing confounded there19:34
lifelessslagle: source installs could choose to not use venvs too.19:34
greghaynesOr are you saying $NODES will be the full hostname? as I understood I would expect $NODES to be node0,node1... but hostname -s to be overcloud-node0-1234519:35
slaglelifeless: distro packages install can't choose *to* use venvs19:35
lifelessslagle: if we use 'is not source' as equivalent to 'does not use venvs', we're confusing two different things.19:35
lifelessslagle: yes, packages implies !venvs19:35
lifelessslagle: but !venvs doesn't imply packages19:35
slaglebut using our source install implies venvs19:36
slaglewhich makes 99-neutronclient source install specific19:36
slagleis there any other install type implemented that uses venvs?19:36
jprovazngreghaynes, NODES is list like this: overcloud-node0-12345,overcloud-node1-12346...19:36
lifelessslagle: so I agree that as it stood 99-neutronclient was bugg19:36
greghayneswell then I retract that argument :)19:36
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greghaynesI do think it might be nicer if we could ask o-a-c for what my hostname is...19:37
greghaynesbut thats pretty minor19:37
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Shutdown the worker callback client
lifelessslagle: I see my patch reverting it failed,  :(19:38
jprovazngreghaynes, you mean being able to specify hostname in heat template?19:38
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lifelessslagle: but anyway, you asked why I thought it was relevant, I thought installing working code would be relevant everywhere.19:38
greghaynesI think it should already know it19:38
lifelessslagle: there are, AIUI, three different dimensions here - manner of installation, revision of code being installed, and fixing a critical bug19:39
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lifelessslagle: we have no knob at the moment (AIUI) for revision of code, other than git references.19:39
lifelessslagle: and the trunk client fixed a critical bug going back to H - H was broken as well.19:40
lifelessslagle: so stable branch package builds were broken, and trunk branch package builds were broken.19:40
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slaglelifeless: sure, the fix makes sense, where appicable. it's the method of installing the fix19:41
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lifelessslagle: note that the method of installing it - install from git - is nonstandard for source installs too: we install released clients only in our servers19:41
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lifelessslagle: how do you tell yum to use an https proxy ?19:42
lifelessslagle: local-config doesn't propogate https proxies, only http proxies19:42
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slaglelifeless: does it not export https_proxy?19:45
slaglelifeless: barring that, just proxy=<url> in /etc/yum.conf19:45
slaglei hope that works for https proxies19:45
lifelessslagle: so if you http and https proxies, two line? or commas between urls ?19:46
jprovazngreghaynes, I've replied to your second comment - does it make sense or should I elaborate it?19:46
greghaynesjprovazn: Thanks for entertaining my woes - gave you the +119:46
lifelessslagle: I might leave it for a yum expert19:46
jprovazngreghaynes, thanks for looking at it and for valuable comments19:46
slaglelifeless: yea, it used to be separate options, but it got changed to just one "proxy"19:46
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bnemecslagle: Question about how you're handling divergent paths in package installs - rhel7 has dropped the mysql compatibility shims so it doesn't create /var/run/mysqld for the mariadb service, which is the path we configure in tripleo.19:50
bnemecFurther, /var/run is tmpfs so I can't just create it at install-time.19:51
bnemecHave you run into anything like that?19:51
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lifelessbnemec: service unit should do that yeah? what path does rhel7 use for /var/run/$thisthing?19:56
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openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Improve local-config proxy handling.
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Better apt-sources docs.
bnemeclifeless: It's /var/run/mariadb on rhel719:57
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bnemecIn fedora they create both /var/run/mysld and /var/run/mariadb.19:57
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slaglebnemec: yea...os-svc-daemon creates 2 systemd services for everything: one that creates /var/run/$service, and one that creates the service itself19:59
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slaglebnemec: so for the package installs, i added the ability to call os-svc-daemon and tell it to just create the service that creates /var/run19:59
slaglebnemec: it's the -d switch19:59
bnemecslagle: Yeah, that sounds like what I need, thanks.  I'll take a closer look at os-svc-daemon.20:01
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slaglebnemec: here's an example:
slaglesome other uses have already been merged20:02
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bnemecslagle: Okay, cool.  I think this will conflict with the mysql service in Fedora, so it probably needs to be conditional on that service not already existing, right?20:04
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bnemecOh, maybe not.20:06
* bnemec just tries it.20:06
slagleyea, i'm not sure w/o seeing it :)20:06
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openstackgerritTzu-Mainn Chen proposed a change to openstack/tuskar-ui: Add overcloud_role method to Node
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SpamapS2014-02-26 20:19:11.456 3804 WARNING os_collect_config.cfn [-] 400 Client Error: InvalidParameterValue20:19
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SpamapSwhoa weird20:21
SpamapSwe have a notCompute with no rabbitmq-server20:21
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SpamapSincubator/elements skew20:28
SpamapSlifeless: FYI, returned incubator/t-i-e/t-h-t to master branches as all checked out reviews have been merged20:30
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openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add GlanceLogFile and GlanceNotifierStrategy
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Make log_file and notifier_strategy configurable
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Add fedora-rdo-icehouse element
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Fix typo
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Add missing +x
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Add create-dir service for neutron ovs agent
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Install lvm2 package for cinder
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Common cinder install code
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Use os-svc-restart for cinder-api
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Remove unneeded chown of /var/run/nova
* Ng admits defeat and retreats to bed to sleep this silly cold off20:56
greghaynesYouve got to sleep it off before the summit!20:56
greghayneser meetup20:57
* bnemec would be very concerned if a cold lasted from now until summit :-)20:59
greghaynesYes, might want to get that checked out20:59
lifelessSpamapS: may help jp21:01
lifelessSpamapS: awesome, thanks21:01
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slaglelifeless: did you mean to also git rm a file there?21:18
slagle(or maybe i'm just not understanding the change)21:19
lifelessoh did git utterly fail on me21:19
slaglei think so :)21:20
lifelessslagle: deleted file mode 10075521:20
lifelessindex 255df7e..000000021:20
lifeless--- a/elements/local-config/install.d/61-http-proxy21:20
lifelessslagle: gerrit is failing on you I think21:20
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slaglelifeless: yea, i used "git-review -d 76636"21:20
slaglei guess that doesn't delete the file that was deleted in the change?21:21
slaglelocally i mean21:21
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slagleno, it did the right thing actually21:21
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lifelessslagle: I checked with log -p, it looks ok to me21:23
slagleso these 2 files should be extremely similar:21:24
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lifelessthats a bug21:25
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lifelessslagle: fixed21:27
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Improve local-config proxy handling.
lifelessslagle: I changed my mind on the name and failed to cleanup properly- thanks for catching21:28
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rbrady1lifeless: ping21:37
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Glance/Cinder/Keystone/Swift: don't hard code venv
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Neutron: don't hard code the venv dir
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Link db sync utilities to /usr/local/bin...
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Nova: don't hard code the venv dir
lifelessrbrady: pongish21:43
rbradylifeless: I was going to ask for clarification on, but I think it just clicked for me.21:45
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derekhlifeless: that patch to close connections to the geard broker should sort out the problem from earlier, while testing it I came across another problem which we will probably hit at some stage21:46
derekhlifeless: beside those we seem to be getting fairly consitent errors building the overcloud compute image, trying to figure it out at the moment21:48
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derekhlifeless: errors building the overcloud notcompute image21:50
SpamapSUpdating cache of in /root/.cache/image-create/repository-sources/eac807d7dcef19baf421:53
SpamapSdd80e1f38fc67a7720c193 with ref master21:53
SpamapSerror: The requested URL returned error: 403 Forbidden while accessing
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SpamapSlooks like that was a relatively abnormal thing21:55
lifelessprobably we want a cache of all repos in the CI infra21:55
lifelesslike we need a DNS cache21:55
lifelesswe're getting DNS issues too21:55
lifelessand distro etc21:55
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SpamapSlifeless: right, decouple downloading from image building21:56
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tchaypostarts running. Goes to bed. Comes back six hours later, still running.22:02
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SpamapStchaypo: \o/ .. no errors!22:02
* SpamapS hums the eric idle song22:03
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StevenKNobodyCam: That's what I use to connect to IRC, not my e-mail.22:06
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NobodyCamStevenK: yep22:10
StevenKNobodyCam: My e-mail is in the commit logs for swift, nova, tie, dib, ... :-)22:11
StevenKNobodyCam: But yes, I got your e-mail to my corp address22:12
tchaypowell, no *fatal* errors. I might come back later and find some hidden treasure in the logs22:12
NobodyCamStevenK: :)22:12
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SpamapSoh interesting I may have found a bug in our heat templates22:15
SpamapSthe CompletionConditions need to depend on the Config's22:15
StevenKNobodyCam: So my work is going to be a few patches - 73145 is my current WIP22:15
SpamapS'ResourceNotAvailable: The Resource (NovaCompute1Config) is not available.\n']22:15
SpamapSotherwise we get that22:16
* NobodyCam looks22:16
SpamapSsystem boot races with heat-engine22:16
StevenKNobodyCam: So the plan is 73145 in incubator will handle both styles (as it were), nodes in the JSON, or MACs in the JSON.22:17
StevenKNobodyCam: Then I'll patch toci to populate nodes in the JSON it uses, and finally we can drop the old support from incubator22:18
tchaypoand *just now* it got to asking me for my ssh key passphrase22:21
NobodyCamStevenK: are you looking at adding virsh_type to $TE_DATAFILE22:21
greghaynestchaypo: I tend to regret whenever I start devtest scripts without key added to ssh-agent22:22
StevenKNobodyCam: So is that going to be a global setting, or per node?22:22
tchaypoI'm quite surprised that I hadn't already added it.22:23
NobodyCamStevenK: in nova-bm it global Ironic is per node22:23
StevenKNobodyCam: Right, so I'm not looking at adding it, but it can probably land after 73145 does.22:23
tchaypo+ setup-baremetal 1 2048 20 i386 52:54:00:45:e7:c9 seed '' '' ''22:26
tchaypoERROR: The server has either erred or is incapable of performing the requested operation. (HTTP 500) (Request-ID: req-53f53160-a6b8-48cd-91d5-dacf3f06e516)22:26
tchaypothat's the kind of hidden gem I'm talking about.22:26
* tchaypo looks forward to figuring out what exactly happened there22:27
greghaynestchaypo: I think thats missing mac addrs22:28
greghaynestchaypo: so youll probably fail when it tries to heat stack-create22:28
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greghayneswith no valid host found22:28
greghaynesI might of done that a few dozen times22:29
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openstackgerritClint "SpamapS" Byrum proposed a change to openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Make Wait Conditions depend on config creation
SpamapSgreghaynes: we're going to have a "might of" and "should of" jar for times when the person should _have_ used should _have_. ;) It is just like a swear jar. Only you have to put whole bitcoins in it...22:30
SpamapSwhich may or may not mean it is free, or devastating financially.22:30
devanandahave ya'll used the console functionailty of nova-baremetal at all?22:31
StevenKSpamapS: And if you don't believe in the currency at all?22:31
greghayneshaha, ill just have to time my poor grammar to bitcoin market conditions22:31
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devanandaStevenK: hi! at some point I'd like to bend your ear about ironic and getting support for it not only added to tripleo but *tested* too!22:32
greghaynesmaybe I should just write a plugin for my irc client to auto change s/might of/might have22:32
devanandaStevenK: i hear that might be a thing you might know something about or be interested in?22:32
StevenKdevananda: At the moment, I'm refactoring devtest to support full node definitions, rather than just MACs, and have touched base with NobodyCam about ironic and virsh_type.22:33
SpamapSdevananda: never once22:34
devanandaStevenK: :)22:34
SpamapSnot to say I didn't wish it was available22:34
devanandaSpamapS: fwiw, I belieev it /was/ available all this time22:35
devanandaSpamapS: i was goign to ask if ya'll were interested in testing console support in ironic at some point22:36
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Replace more then just "-" in REPONAME
SpamapS$ nova console-log hwtest22:36
SpamapSERROR: Unable to get console log, functionality not implemented (HTTP 501) (Request-ID: req-2fb702ae-b812-4e02-90ad-ca0c640eff40)22:36
devanandaSpamapS: eg, spin up the services in isolation somewhere, enroll one of your hardware nodes, pull a patch from gerrit, and see if it gives you SOL console22:37
devanandaSpamapS: get-vnc-console22:37
devanandaSpamapS: you need to run shellinaboxd next to nova-compute, I think22:37
NobodyCamStevenK: until all the refactoring is done, what are your thoughts on adding an ENV VAR like "IRONIC_VIRT_TYPE" to
StevenKNobodyCam: devananda has dealt with all my concerns on that branch. I think the eventual plan is to get everything into the JSON.22:42
devanandathat patch needs to be rebased :(22:43
SpamapSdevananda: ETOOMUCHINVESTMENT22:43
SpamapSdevananda: it will be amazing, and I desperately want it some day22:43
SpamapSbut I really hope that doesn't block Ironic from being "the thing"22:44
devanandaSpamapS: huh?22:44
lifelessStevenK: you said something yesterday about my refactoring not working ?22:44
lifelessStevenK: but I didn't understand you :)22:44
SpamapSdevananda: vnc.. shellinaboxd time to try all that ;)22:44
lifelessdevananda: I think we (cd-admins) can definitely do it22:45
lifelessdevananda: SpamapS can't because he's key-path on heat.22:45
StevenKlifeless: Sorry. From the console logs:22:45
StevenK2014-02-26 06:23:14.174 | jq: error: null and array cannot be subtracted22:45
StevenK2014-02-26 06:23:14.212 | new22:45
lifelessStevenK: how far in?22:45
devanandalifeless: ack - I had initially just asked whether "ya'll" had tried it, but SpamapS responded :)22:45
lifelessStevenK: that probably means .nodes isn't set22:45
lifelessdevananda: haven't tried it because vnc si blech22:45
StevenKlifeless: Of course it isn't?22:45
StevenKlifeless: That's from a toci run against the branch22:46
lifelessStevenK: oh, crud, and jq is barfing there?22:46
StevenKlifeless: That's where the paste is from.22:46
lifelessStevenK: we should be able to do something there, let me have a look22:46
devanandalifeless: IIRC, pyghmi looks like it's adding a SOL text console impl in python (eg, it won't need shellinaboxd)22:47
lifelessStevenK: or you can:P22:47
lifelessdevananda: ideally there would be a thing I as an admin can ssh to using my nova registered keyring22:47
lifelessdevananda: and nova would of course know I was in a tenant that can see the box22:47
lifelessdevananda: but honestly, shellinaboxd for now is fine22:48
StevenKlifeless: I've been thinking about it22:48
lifelessdevananda: the /real/ thing I'd like is to be able to get console logs etc from 'nova console-log'22:48
lifelessdevananda: (and I mean e.g. iLO textcons output, not serialX voodoo)22:48
lifelessdevananda: or should I say, /another/ thing I'd like22:49
StevenKlifeless: It looks like we don't die horribly, but I'm also not certain that $BACKWARDS_COMPAT actually gets set after the getopt fun22:49
lifelessdevananda: that would be more valuable than on-demand interactive sessions in a lot of ways22:49
lifelessStevenK: I tested backwards compat 6 ways to sunday22:49
lifelessStevenK: just not the expression to get nodes with an old testenv json22:49
lifelessStevenK: I tested it with [.nodes[0]], not .nodes - [.nodes[0]]22:50
StevenKlifeless: Ah ha, so setup-baremetal is fine, it's just the call in _undercloud22:50
NobodyCamStevenK: I am looking to see if I can avoid doing somehting like line #43 in refactoring register-node script.
devanandalifeless: ++22:51
lifelessStevenK: I expect so22:52
lifelessStevenK: though possibly - ah likely even - I didn't fully consider the jq expressions to select from within the nodes22:52
lifelessStevenK: so - thinking out loud - Rather than slicing nodes up in _seed and _undercloud, I think we should pass .nodes in verbatim22:53
StevenKlifeless: Right, but then we need to teach setup-baremetal how to slice it22:53
lifelessStevenK: and add an option to setup-baremetal to select first / rest of nodes.22:53
lifelessStevenK: right, and it can build a jq expression for either new or old style as needed22:53
lifelessStevenK: and then its all happy and light22:54
StevenKlifeless: --only-first and --all-but-one ? :-)22:54
StevenKlifeless: However, it's a pretty elegant solution, so I'd like it to return after toci changes22:55
* greghaynes bandersnatch away!22:56
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lifelessStevenK: --first --not-first perhaps ?23:00
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SpamapSerror: Unable to find 30a7d7430f4eccec942363ac5e9f7c386ce90e98 under
SpamapSCannot obtain needed object 30a7d7430f4eccec942363ac5e9f7c386ce90e9823:20
SpamapSdoh, we still have old broken remotes23:20
SpamapSwith /cgit23:20
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saurabhs1Hi doubt about disk image builder. the numbering of the scripts, how does that play? If two seperate elements have scripts that are of the same number what that will result it? I mean when I write my elements do I need to worry about each and every element in the tripleO image elements and then number my scripts or I should only care about the elements I directly depend upon and number my script after those?23:21
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cd-undercloud************** overcloud complete status=128 ************23:22
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SpamapSsaurabhs1: they are lexically sorted23:22
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SpamapSsaurabhs1: so 01-a and 01-b execute 01-a then 01-b23:22
SpamapSsaurabhs1: We have not had numbering problems thus far.23:22
saurabhs1SpamapS: ok so if two scripts have same number infront of them thats fine, yeh I was just concerned about that. Thanks23:24
SpamapSUpdating cache of in /root/.cache/image-create/repository-sources/6bd7a23:24
SpamapS6223fe50b4a267bc924641d331df94c833e with ref master23:24
SpamapSerror: RPC failed; result=7, HTTP code = 023:24
SpamapSHm looks like maybe git.o.o is having issues ATM23:24
SpamapSsaurabhs1: I believe JP Sullivan is working on a patch to make sure elements don't use the exact same name.23:25
lifelessSpamapS: or possibly network glitches23:25
SpamapSlifeless: true23:26
lifelessSpamapS: or23:26
lifelessSpamapS: see infra they appear to be having load issues ;)23:26
openstackgerritJenkins proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritJenkins proposed a change to openstack/os-collect-config: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack/diskimage-builder: Replace more then just "-" in REPONAME
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derekhpleia2: just got your mail, thanks, I'll give it a whirl tomorrow and add feedback23:50
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pleia2derekh: thanks :)23:52
derekhlifeless, devananda, Ng, SpamapS_, jog0_, GheRivero, derekh, dprince, slagle looks like we just lost the ci-overcloud  again23:56
derekhcan't ssh to ci-overcloud-notCompute0-gxezgcvv4v2q23:56
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