Thursday, 2014-12-18

greghaynesclarkb: I think new pbr broke us00:00
clarkbgreghaynes: huh thats odd00:02
clarkbit looks like the entry point for the json writer was registered but then its trying to run out of /opt/stack/new which is stale?00:03
clarkbI have no idea what your build package thing does but it looks like stale code somewher00:04
greghaynesits just cd /opt/stack/new//pbr;git tag -m 999.999.999 999.999.999;python sdist00:05
* greghaynes will try and replicate00:05
clarkbso why tag at all?00:06
clarkbthat is just confusing and serves no purpose00:06
clarkbalso I think the issue is you are using new pbr to install old pr00:07
clarkband since . ends up in python paths it finds path to old pbr where entry point does not exist00:07
greghaynesso the tagging is unrelated to that00:07
clarkbsure but its hella confusing00:08
greghayneseither way we need to use a venv python to build this00:08
clarkband can't be good00:08
greghaynesbecause old pbr apparently exists00:08
clarkbI think the fix is to update pbr repo first00:08
clarkboh except lol what are you even doing here00:08
clarkbok heres the thing00:08
clarkbpbr master has none of this stuff00:08
clarkbso you are taking backported setuptools fixing pbr and using it to install pbr master00:09
clarkbwhen you should just be installing pibr00:09
clarkbOR use pbr to install itself00:09
clarkbrather than two different sources00:10
*** greghaynes changes topic to "CI failing: | devtest on F20 broken | Mid-cycle meetup Feb 18 - 20 in Seattle | Using OpenStack to deploy OpenStack; meetings Tuesday 1900/0800 UTC in #openstack-meeting-alt"00:10
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clarkbI think you can do that by doing whatever is going on there before anything else (so that pbr isn't already installed)00:11
clarkbbut really what is that code trying to accomplish? you already have pbr installed use that00:11
greghaynesclarkb: that is just trying to build a pbr package00:11
greghaynesclarkb: so we can install it in our mirror00:11
clarkbgreghaynes: so again I ask why are you building it instead of just using what you already have?00:12
clarkband why would you build it with version 999.999.99900:12
clarkbyou have basically prevented my ability to fix anything pbr related now00:12
clarkband its breaking you as a result00:12
greghaynesinside our vm's (not the jenkins slave) we have to install it from somewhere00:12
clarkbso take the sdist I have given you00:13
clarkband install that00:13
clarkbor make pbr go first (you won't get fixed pbr),00:13
greghaynesWhere is "the sdist you have given us"00:13
clarkbgreghaynes: from wherever you installed the pbr that is breaking you00:14
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greghaynesI really dont see anywhere we do a pbr installation00:16
* greghaynes can keep looking00:16
clarkbgreghaynes: something else probably pulls it in for you00:17
greghaynesmy grep pbr on that console.log doesnt show it getting installed00:17
greghaynesso it could be before00:17
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greghaynesbut I dont think a lot happens before then00:17
clarkbI mean installing dib will do it iirc00:17
clarkbso the problem with version 999.999.999 is that is not compatible with pbr<1.0 as in many of the projects00:18
greghaynesyea, were not to that point even I think00:18
clarkbso it is highly likely you don't even use the version of pbr ou are building for your mirror00:18
greghaynesoh, I see why00:19
greghaynesyea, that can be removed00:20
greghaynesrequires some work00:20
greghaynesbut I think its pretty unrelated to this fail00:20
greghaynesWe just did it so we dont have to tunnel --pre everywhere00:20
clarkbsure its just ridiculous and I have to point it out :)00:20
clarkbbecause it does not do what you think it does00:20
greghayneswell, theres two bad optuions00:20
greghayneswe either enable --pre everywhere - which means were not testing the same thing people run00:21
clarkbso you could just stop pacakging pbr alltogether if you want status quo00:21
greghaynes(because --pre applies to dependencies)00:21
clarkband ^ is where it is related00:21
greghaynesyea, thats a good temp fix00:21
clarkbbecause that is honestly the same situation you would have been in before with that verison number00:21
greghaynesfun, so ill make a bug about stop using that tag. I agree that --pre is the lesser evil00:22
greghaynesor maybe we can even *gasp* fix our issue with --pre00:22
clarkbnow to fix it properly you either have pbr build itself in a clean venv, you could checkout the latest release and build that, you could just grab the latest release sdist/whl from "upstream" wherever that is00:22
clarkbgreghaynes: I think the fix for --pre is to use == with things00:23
clarkbbecause if you tell pip to install foo==1.2.3a1 it should always install just that without any additional encouragement00:23
greghaynesthe problem is that we dont know how --pre effects the dependencies of $program00:23
clarkbright so don't use --pre instead use ==00:24
greghaynesthese are being installed as dependencies in a lot of places in the first place00:24
clarkbbut to recap that specific fail is because new pbr 0.10.3 is installed, then the code attempts to build a pbr sdist of another version of pbr that does not have the entrpoint in it. This would be fine in all cases except that paths end up being such that it looks for the entrypoint in the local dir and not from global pbr00:26
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greghaynesSo, Im not sure why we even want to make pbr packages in the first place00:28
greghaynesoh, ZUUL_CHANGES has a pbr at the front of it00:30
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clarkboh then maybe this is a legit fail (note it still wouldn't test that changed version of pbr due to the 999 version)00:31
openstackgerritDan Nguyen proposed openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Adds session_engine variable for memcached config
greghayneswe put it there ;)00:32
clarkboh good00:32
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Fix pbr build fail
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SpamapSwe having timing issues in our o-r-c scripts00:48
SpamapSjust saw keystone fail to start because of "address already in use"00:48
* SpamapS has run into the end of the day. DOH00:48
clarkbSpamapS: are you using 35357?00:49
SpamapScould be that keystone needs SO_REUSEADDR00:49
SpamapSclarkb: it's reserved in sysctl :)00:49
clarkbbecause that port falls in linux ephermeral port range and you can hit it00:49
clarkbSpamapS: oh good00:49
SpamapSclarkb: but no, it was 500000:49
SpamapSworse, o-r-c did not detect that keystone failed00:50
greghaynesthat might make a difference00:51
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derekhgreghaynes: looking at the CI failure, we could probably just add pbr to ALWAYS_MIRROR_PKGS and not add it to ZUUL_CHANGES00:53
SpamapSok running out the door now00:53
greghaynesderekh: ohai00:53
SpamapSnow getting SSL connections reset00:53
greghaynesderekh: we were just talking about this00:53
derekhgreghaynes: adding it to ZUUL_CHANGES was a relic left over from before we had ALWAYS_MIRROR_PKGS00:54
greghaynesderekh: why would that fix the issue? I cant find anywhere were installing pbr beforehand00:54
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greghaynes is something im doing to test the theory that pbr is already installed, btw00:54
clarkbso I think it is potentially possible that in pbr pulls down latest pbr00:54
clarkbwhich may mean pbr master will be broken until mordred ports the entrypoint into master00:55
clarkbso thats the other thing you could likely do is shove that in there00:55
clarkbeven if the entrypoint returned 000:55
derekhgreghaynes: ok, I'm not sure if it already installed or not but if we stop adding it to ZUUL_CHANGES then we wont be trying to build it00:55
greghaynesderekh: oh. well if its in ALWAYS_MIRROR_PACKAGES itll get built too though wont it?00:56
derekhgreghaynes: no it will get downloaded into out local mirror00:56
derekhgreghaynes: not built00:56
clarkbI like that00:56
clarkbbecause then its not circumventing the fixes we are trying to get out00:56
greghaynesyea, I would still kind of like to see what is going on with this issue but I like that as a fix00:57
clarkbya its likely worth understanding what is going on there00:57
clarkbgreghaynes: let me try a thing00:57
derekhclarkb: greghaynes: ack00:57
derekhgreghaynes: btw, I closed about 40 bugs today that were already fixed or no longer relevant etc...00:58
clarkbgreghaynes: ya I can reproduce trivially00:58
greghaynesderekh: aha! so thats why I woke up to the open bug count decreasing that much00:58
greghaynesclarkb: orly00:58
clarkb`git clone pbr && git checkout master && virtualenv venv && venv/bin/python sdist`00:59
clarkbI think this will be broken until mordreds change gets onto master00:59
clarkbpbr is itself pulling in latest pbr00:59
clarkbso let me see if I can make it not explode00:59
greghaynesI have to say it - this sounds like a value we add by building pbr in our ci01:00
derekhgreghaynes: yup, there is probably a load more that can just be closed but I ran out of time01:00
clarkbgreghaynes: I think our ci would catch it too01:00
derekhgreghaynes: yes but we should be doing it as part of pbr ci not in tripleo ;-)01:00
clarkbgreghaynes: we just don't have any changes against master01:00
clarkbderekh: yes we do it there and it should be caught01:01
clarkbhrm this may be even more awesome than it looks01:02
clarkbI am running in a dir local venv but my traceback includes "/usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/"01:02
clarkbwhich is fine because stdlib01:02
clarkbbut maybe distutils is picking up on global entrypoints even within a venv?01:02
greghaynesderekh: oh, so clarkb had a good point about why our git tag 99999 thing might not work01:04
clarkbbecause that entrpoint is for distutils?01:04
greghaynesderekh: a lot of things pin versions <X, apparently lots of things pin pbr<1.001:04
clarkbhrm if thats the case I think we all get pitchforks and chase down mordred01:04
clarkbmordred: ^01:04
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derekhgreghaynes: o, ya thats probably a problem01:05
greghaynesderekh: Im not really a fan of the --pre thing, but clarkb suggested just installing what we build with the correct == requirements line01:06
greghaynesso ill prolly poke at that soon01:06
derekhgreghaynes: ok01:06
derekhgreghaynes: are you doing a patch for the pbr move or will I?01:07
greghaynesIm not at the moment, doesnt matter to me01:07
greghaynesisnt is crazypants late where you are?01:07
derekhgreghaynes: its a little late ;-), 1AM ish01:08
greghayneshaha, ok. ill do it01:08
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Move pbr into downloaded packages
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derekhgreghaynes: lgtm, fingers crossed, ok sleep time.01:15
clarkbok my reproduction case was slightly bong hits. dstufft helped straighten me out01:15
clarkbyou don't want your venv to be in the pbr dir for some reason01:15
derekhSpamapS this is your queue to say I need a bouncer01:16
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greghaynesclarkb: hrm, that shouldnt be an issue in our Ci01:17
clarkbgreghaynes: well I think in your CI I still think you may have a global pbr01:18
clarkbso same error but triggered differently01:18
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SpamapSDec 18 02:05:20 ci-overcloud-controller0-nvacfowhjcy2 stunnel: LOG5[13678:3073579840]: Service [compute] accepted connection from
SpamapSDec 18 02:05:20 ci-overcloud-controller0-nvacfowhjcy2 stunnel: LOG3[13678:3073579840]: connect_blocking: connect Connection refused (111)02:07
SpamapSlistening only on the vip and local... not
SpamapSthis stuff is really just borken isn't it?02:08
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SpamapSlooks like it has the capability02:11
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SpamapSeven odder.. connect_host is set, but stunnel confs don't have it02:14
* SpamapS suspects misunderstanding of mustache or bug in pystache02:15
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SpamapS{{#stunnel}} stuff {{#ports}} {{connect_host}} {{/ports}}{{/stunnel}}   <-- populates connect_host02:19
SpamapS{{#stunnel.ports}}{{connect_host}}{{/stunnel.ports}}  <-- does not populate connect_host02:20
SpamapSand this makes sense02:20
SpamapSbecause stunnel.ports makes the active context stunnel.ports, there's no stunnel to fall back into02:20
SpamapSlooks like we need to get CI on SSL02:30
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openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Fix mustache context cascading in stunnel config
SpamapSWell I've fixed two bugs today.. but they were both bugs I found while debugging other things. DOH02:39
SpamapSgreghaynes: ^^ the patch above fixes SSL for me.02:39
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* SpamapS now runs into OS_CACERT problem which is already patched and just blocked by flaky CI02:50
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untriaged-botUntriaged bugs so far:04:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1402928 in tripleo "RabbitClientUseSSL type error in overcloud-without-mergepy.yaml " [Undecided,New]04:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1403685 in tripleo "Horizon memcached session engine config is not present" [Undecided,In progress]04:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1402795 in tripleo "Keystone token_flush  cron job running at the same time in the controller node causes deadlock" [Undecided,In progress]04:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1387487 in tuskar "tripleo-image-elements/elements/tuskar-ui /os-refresh-config /post-configure.d/101-tuskar-ui  needs authentication from Keystone" [Undecided,New]04:00
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openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed openstack/os-cloud-config: Add tests for setup-flavors command-line utility
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* tchaypo went to bed feeling confident that pbr would be fixed very soon07:15
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GheRiveromorning all07:51
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derekhgreghaynes: still there by any chance ?09:16
derekhpbr patch failed F20 CI, due to unrelated problem, lets merge it now
GheRiveroderekh: are you sure is it safe? I'm still reading trough the irc backlog... but can +A it if needed09:19
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derekhGheRivero: yup, it deals with the pbr problem we had, its the only test passes we've had for the last 16 hours09:20
GheRiverook, on my way09:21
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Move pbr into downloaded packages
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untriaged-botUntriaged bugs so far:10:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1402928 in tripleo "RabbitClientUseSSL type error in overcloud-without-mergepy.yaml " [Undecided,New]10:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1403685 in tripleo "Horizon memcached session engine config is not present" [Undecided,In progress]10:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1402795 in tripleo "Keystone token_flush  cron job running at the same time in the controller node causes deadlock" [Undecided,In progress]10:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1387487 in tuskar "tripleo-image-elements/elements/tuskar-ui /os-refresh-config /post-configure.d/101-tuskar-ui  needs authentication from Keystone" [Undecided,New]10:00
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/tuskar-ui: Updated from global requirements
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lazy_princehas anyone seen this..?
lazy_princecan someone tell me how to fix this..?10:33
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lxslislagle_: please consider +ing ?10:49
openstackgerritErwan Velu proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: dracut-ramdisk: fix support for elements with ramdisk-install.d
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tuskar-ui: Updated from global requirements
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slagle_lxsli: +2'd. sorry i missed doing that sooner!12:07
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lxslislagle: thanks :)12:24
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/os-apply-config: Output useful JSON data
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openstackgerritAna Krivokapic proposed openstack/tuskar-ui: Don't show spinner when deployment failed
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tuskar-ui: Don't show spinner when deployment failed
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ukalifon1slagle: does the instack installation set up a dhcp server? how do I prevent it because it is causing us issues in the lab13:39
ukalifon1slagle: do you know what's the name of the service?13:39
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slagleukalifon1: yes, tripleo uses neutron-dhcp-agent. and there's a second dnsmasq dhcp server running for discovery13:40
slagleukalifon1: you can turn them off, but don't expect any deployments to work if you do13:41
slagleukalifon1: usually you need to setup a private vlan or something if you're in a shared lab environment13:41
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openstackgerritJonathan Brownell proposed openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Add iptables rule for nova and mysql
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openstackgerritRadomir Dopieralski proposed openstack/tuskar-ui: Fix TemplateSyntaxError in the server-side filetring of node list views
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ukalifon1slagle: I will try to recreate the registration issue and get you the logs you asked for the in the needinfo. However, I had to disable the neutron-dhcp-agent.service and openstack-ironic-discoverd-dnsmasq.service... Will it still be a valid case for you?14:46
slagleukalifon1: probably14:47
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esphello, could I get some eyes on this patch please, thx!15:13
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Remove hack to reformat os-apply-config output
openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack/os-cloud-config: Remove sphinx from py3 tests
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SpamapSesp: +2'd15:34
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espthx SpamapS :) much appreciated15:35
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gfidentederekh, is the problem with CI blocking all jobs anywhere near fixed?15:41
gfidenteactually thcaypo was looking into it as well I think ;)15:42
derekhgfidente: things were unblocked about 6 hours ago15:43
gfidenteah wow :)15:43
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untriaged-botUntriaged bugs so far:16:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1402928 in tripleo "RabbitClientUseSSL type error in overcloud-without-mergepy.yaml " [Undecided,New]16:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1403685 in tripleo "Horizon memcached session engine config is not present" [Undecided,In progress]16:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1402795 in tripleo "Keystone token_flush  cron job running at the same time in the controller node causes deadlock" [Undecided,In progress]16:00
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uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1387487 in tuskar "tripleo-image-elements/elements/tuskar-ui /os-refresh-config /post-configure.d/101-tuskar-ui  needs authentication from Keystone" [Undecided,New]16:00
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tchaypoHow's pbr treating us?16:09
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derekhtchaypo: we stopped building it, now things are ok16:21
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openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Additional fixes for horizon package install
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SpamapStchaypo: looks like clarkb is on it
clarkblots of failing test though :( will have to fix17:14
SpamapSclarkb: wasn't pbr supposed to relieve us of the monotony of constantly updating versions....17:17
clarkbSpamapS: I am not sure I understand the question17:18
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clarkbpbr exists because cat herding all of openstack to release consistent python packages is impossible17:19
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SpamapSclarkb: it was snark17:35
SpamapSclarkb: pbr is amazingness... but it seems like we are broken around setuptools and pbr a lot.. and end up having to pin versions.. ;)17:36
SpamapSclarkb: so it was bad snark. :)17:36
openstackgerritNicholas Randon proposed openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Fix race between apache2 starting and o-r-c configuring apache2
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openstackgerritNicholas Randon proposed openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Fix race between apache2 starting and o-r-c configuring apache2
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Disable set -x for passwords
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-incubator: Add sysctl to all images
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openstackgerritLin Hua Cheng proposed openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Adds session_engine variable for memcached config
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/tripleo-incubator: Allow overcloud image customizations
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Set more aggressive keepalive timings
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untriaged-botUntriaged bugs so far:22:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1402928 in tripleo "RabbitClientUseSSL type error in overcloud-without-mergepy.yaml " [Undecided,New]22:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1403685 in tripleo "Horizon memcached session engine config is not present" [Undecided,In progress]22:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1402795 in tripleo "Keystone token_flush  cron job running at the same time in the controller node causes deadlock" [Undecided,In progress]22:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1387487 in tuskar "tripleo-image-elements/elements/tuskar-ui /os-refresh-config /post-configure.d/101-tuskar-ui  needs authentication from Keystone" [Undecided,New]22:00
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Only configure Neutron DB connection if it is set
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