Friday, 2015-02-27

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sdake_hey mandre00:19
mandrehi sdake00:19
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openstackgerritMartin André proposed stackforge/kolla: Have build scripts work in copies of kolla
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openstackgerritMartin André proposed openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Add openstack-keystone to pkg-map
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openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Puppet: First support Ceph
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openstackgerritDaneyon Hansen proposed stackforge/kolla: Adds Keystone Container-Set support
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openstackgerritDaneyon Hansen proposed stackforge/kolla: Removes Kubernetes Variables
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untriaged-botUntriaged bugs so far:04:00
openstackLaunchpad bug 1426116 in os-apply-config "Needs to handle empty data other than {}" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Steve Baker (steve-stevebaker)04:00
openstackLaunchpad bug 1423809 in Ironic "Error returned from deploy ramdisk: Could+not+find+disk+to+use" [Medium,Confirmed]04:00
openstackLaunchpad bug 1416180 in diskimage-builder "Grub install fails for Debian Wheezy on Centos 7" [Undecided,New]04:00
openstackLaunchpad bug 1415674 in tripleo "tripleo rabbitmq logrotate broken" [Undecided,New]04:00
openstackLaunchpad bug 1422470 in tuskar "Installation instruction contains wrong description" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Dariusz Smigiel (smigiel-dariusz)04:00
openstackLaunchpad bug 1409583 in tripleo "overcloud controller os-refresh-config abort because haproxy horizon failed to bind socket" [Undecided,New]04:00
openstackLaunchpad bug 1387487 in tuskar " tripleo-image-elements/elements/tuskar-ui /os-refresh-config /post-configure.d/101-tuskar-ui needs authentication from Keystone" [Undecided,New]04:00
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1424913 in os-collect-config "deployments merging only occurs with the cfn collector" [Undecided,New]04:00
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openstackgerritDaneyon Hansen proposed stackforge/kolla: Adds Keystone Container-Set support
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jerryzStevenK: ping05:19
StevenKjerryz: Hi05:19
jerryzStevenK: since i saw you here, could you please take a look at
jerryzStevenK: i answered your concern and would like to know your idea05:20
StevenKjerryz: So I agree the variable will be defined if the rc file is sourced.05:23
StevenKjerryz: However, you're changing it directly, and I believe we use that script when re-creating the TripleO CI clouds05:23
jerryzStevenK: yes. that's how i saw prepare_ci_overcloud is used.05:26
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StevenKjerryz: Which means it impacts the use of it that it is currently used for05:29
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jerryzStevenK: currently it breaks as is05:29
StevenKjerryz: For your usage? I don't think it breaks for our usage, but I could be wrong.05:30
jerryzStevenK: openstack-nodepool tenant can't be configured with tripleo-ci user credentials05:30
StevenKOh, right05:30
StevenKjerryz: So, I should learn to read at some point.05:31
StevenKIt might make reviewing things simplier.05:31
StevenKjerryz: You're right.05:31
jerryzStevenK: i got invalid nova credentials05:31
jerryzStevenK: so this patch has two purpose, using cache for ubuntu and fedora images, and fix a bug05:32
jerryzStevenK: thanks05:34
StevenKjerryz: It should really be two patches, but I think it's fine as is05:35
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openstackgerritJeff Peeler proposed openstack/tuskar: Support non-role resources in resource registry
mariosjpeeler: wot on earth are you still doing up man07:01
jpeelerha yeah i don't think i'm going to get much done tomorrow morning so i was trying to finish now07:01
mariosjpeeler: see ya in a few hours then :) have a good rest matey07:01
jpeeleri think it's completely finished now, assuming the gate is good and i didn't miss any silly pep errors07:02
jpeelermarios: good night!07:02
jpeelermarios: ps you may have to rebase on my new patchset07:02
mariosjpeeler: sure will be looking at that again today, np good night!07:02
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yog_hi, tried  ironic-python-agent with fedora ramdisk, but during deploying gave error  "append a correct "root=", so tried again with rootfstype=ramfs.. but got call trace related to out of memory .. how do i use ramdkisk from ironic-agent element with ssh_agent (python ironic agent)08:46
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yog_is there any additional  cmd line parameters that must be passed to ramdisk created with ironic-agent element  when python ironic agent(ssh_agent)08:58
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: puppet/loadbalancer: use puppet-tripleo
EmilienMgfidente: ^09:22
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untriaged-botUntriaged bugs so far:10:00
openstackLaunchpad bug 1426116 in os-apply-config "Needs to handle empty data other than {}" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Steve Baker (steve-stevebaker)10:00
openstackLaunchpad bug 1423809 in Ironic "Error returned from deploy ramdisk: Could+not+find+disk+to+use" [Medium,Confirmed]10:00
openstackLaunchpad bug 1416180 in diskimage-builder "Grub install fails for Debian Wheezy on Centos 7" [Undecided,New]10:00
openstackLaunchpad bug 1415674 in tripleo "tripleo rabbitmq logrotate broken" [Undecided,New]10:00
openstackLaunchpad bug 1422470 in tuskar "Installation instruction contains wrong description" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Dariusz Smigiel (smigiel-dariusz)10:00
openstackLaunchpad bug 1409583 in tripleo "overcloud controller os-refresh-config abort because haproxy horizon failed to bind socket" [Undecided,New]10:00
openstackLaunchpad bug 1387487 in tuskar " tripleo-image-elements/elements/tuskar-ui /os-refresh-config /post-configure.d/101-tuskar-ui needs authentication from Keystone" [Undecided,New]10:00
openstackLaunchpad bug 1424913 in os-collect-config "deployments merging only occurs with the cfn collector" [Undecided,New]10:00
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-tuskarclient: Fix invocation of _get()
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openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed openstack/tuskar-ui: Sync common parameters across roles when updating plan
openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed openstack/tuskar-ui: Create form input fields according to service param attributes
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openstackgerritRadomir Dopieralski proposed openstack/tuskar-ui: Make the button label match wireframes
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EmilienMgfidente: I'm investigating why fails but I don't see errors in collect config logs11:15
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openstackgerritAna Krivokapic proposed openstack/tuskar-ui: Add IPMI metrics to node detail page
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gfidenteEmilienM, I think I miss some basics around that change11:37
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openstackgerritRadomir Dopieralski proposed openstack/tuskar-ui: Change the validation message list into checklist
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dmnIs there any other resource available to understand the working of os-collect-config apart from and the code?14:36
openstackgerritPetr Blaho proposed openstack/tripleo-incubator: Adds "/v2" suffix to Tuskar endpoint
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/kolla: Have build scripts work in copies of kolla
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Remove neutron temprevert
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gfidenteEmilienM, spredzy|afk here FWIW15:25
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EmilienMspredzy: we need to work on puppet-tripleo now, to think about an implem with hiera15:26
EmilienMie puppeels15:26
EmilienMgfidente: about our ceph patch, we merge it as it now?15:27
gfidenteEmilienM, I would like to take on something of the comments from Dan which are all about templating part15:28
gfidentenext monday if I haven't got anything working15:28
EmilienMgfidente: ok.15:28
EmilienMgfidente: can spredzy and I start the work  on top of this patch for Cinder backend?15:29
gfidenteI think so15:29
gfidenteI noticed we could easily change the params we pass to cinder::15:29
openstackgerritNaohiro Tamura proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add iRMC virtual floppy media support
gfidentebut we don't have logic in heat which uses either cinder::volume::iscsi OR cinder::volumes::rbd15:30
EmilienMthat's why we should control everything by hiera15:30
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EmilienMcinder::backends:: ['rbd', 'lvm']15:30
EmilienMand in volume.pp, do include depending of which backends we enable15:31
gfidenteyeah that would be nice15:31
EmilienMgfidente: a huge blocker we have today is that it's really hard to test the work15:32
EmilienMie: run an overcloud15:32
gfidenteEmilienM, how about I setup a system15:32
gfidentelike the other we have?15:32
EmilienMgfidente: yes, if you can15:33
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spredzygfidente, indeed that would be really nice and would allow us to get working faster15:35
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EmilienMspredzy: for now, we setup all cinder services on controller ok?15:36
EmilienMspredzy: FYI, cinder is already working15:36
EmilienMwe just need to rethink the "driver" approach15:36
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untriaged-botUntriaged bugs so far:16:00
openstackLaunchpad bug 1426116 in os-apply-config "Needs to handle empty data other than {}" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Steve Baker (steve-stevebaker)16:00
openstackLaunchpad bug 1423809 in Ironic "Error returned from deploy ramdisk: Could+not+find+disk+to+use" [Medium,Confirmed]16:00
openstackLaunchpad bug 1416180 in diskimage-builder "Grub install fails for Debian Wheezy on Centos 7" [Undecided,New]16:00
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1415674 in tripleo "tripleo rabbitmq logrotate broken" [Undecided,New]16:00
openstackLaunchpad bug 1422470 in tuskar "Installation instruction contains wrong description" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Dariusz Smigiel (smigiel-dariusz)16:00
openstackLaunchpad bug 1409583 in tripleo "overcloud controller os-refresh-config abort because haproxy horizon failed to bind socket" [Undecided,New]16:00
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1387487 in tuskar " tripleo-image-elements/elements/tuskar-ui /os-refresh-config /post-configure.d/101-tuskar-ui needs authentication from Keystone" [Undecided,New]16:00
openstackLaunchpad bug 1424913 in os-collect-config "deployments merging only occurs with the cfn collector" [Undecided,New]16:00
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openstackgerritJeff Peeler proposed openstack/tuskar: Support non-role resources in resource registry
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untriaged-botUntriaged bugs so far:22:00
openstackLaunchpad bug 1426116 in os-apply-config "Needs to handle empty data other than {}" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Steve Baker (steve-stevebaker)22:00
openstackLaunchpad bug 1423809 in Ironic "Error returned from deploy ramdisk: Could+not+find+disk+to+use" [Medium,Confirmed]22:00
openstackLaunchpad bug 1416180 in diskimage-builder "Grub install fails for Debian Wheezy on Centos 7" [Undecided,New]22:00
openstackLaunchpad bug 1415674 in tripleo "tripleo rabbitmq logrotate broken" [Undecided,New]22:00
openstackLaunchpad bug 1422470 in tuskar "Installation instruction contains wrong description" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Dariusz Smigiel (smigiel-dariusz)22:00
openstackLaunchpad bug 1409583 in tripleo "overcloud controller os-refresh-config abort because haproxy horizon failed to bind socket" [Undecided,New]22:00
openstackLaunchpad bug 1387487 in tuskar " tripleo-image-elements/elements/tuskar-ui /os-refresh-config /post-configure.d/101-tuskar-ui needs authentication from Keystone" [Undecided,New]22:00
openstackLaunchpad bug 1424913 in os-collect-config "deployments merging only occurs with the cfn collector" [Undecided,New]22:00
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openstackgerritAbel Lopez proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: CentOS 6 Element
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greghaynesshameless plug for reviews on
greghaynesits been a few weeks and im tired of cherry picking that in23:53
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alopgreghaynes: is $PACKAGES supposed to be a string or a file?23:58
alopI confused it for the .yaml23:59

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