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openstackgerrit | Haomeng,Wang proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Try 5 times for rmdir command call after umount https://review.openstack.org/137737 | 01:57 |
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untriaged-bot | Untriaged bugs so far: | 03:00 |
untriaged-bot | https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1439567 | 03:00 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1439567 in tripleo "[tuskar] wrong URL for tuskar in default installation of TripleO " [Undecided,New] | 03:00 |
untriaged-bot | https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1430445 | 03:00 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1430445 in tripleo "Horizon translations aren't compiled" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Steve McLellan (sjmc7) | 03:00 |
untriaged-bot | https://bugs.launchpad.net/diskimage-builder/+bug/1422723 | 03:00 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1422723 in Ironic "Ironic sets instance as active even if bootloader installation fails when boot_option is 'local'" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Ramakrishnan G (rameshg87) | 03:00 |
untriaged-bot | https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1434431 | 03:00 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1434431 in tripleo "Abnormal exit in building rhel images by diskimage-builder for system is not registered." [Undecided,New] | 03:00 |
untriaged-bot | https://bugs.launchpad.net/diskimage-builder/+bug/1440728 | 03:00 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1440728 in diskimage-builder "Generate the default en_US locale (debian)" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Cédric OLLIVIER (m.col) | 03:00 |
untriaged-bot | https://bugs.launchpad.net/diskimage-builder/+bug/1412561 | 03:00 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1412561 in Ironic "IPA/DIB is not compatible to create the uefi capable images" [Medium,Confirmed] | 03:00 |
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openstackgerrit | Steven Dake proposed stackforge/kolla: Remove building of pam+noaudit and place in copr instead https://review.openstack.org/169927 | 03:22 |
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openstackgerrit | Steven Dake proposed stackforge/kolla: Remove EXPOSE options from Dockerfiles https://review.openstack.org/168589 | 03:25 |
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untriaged-bot | Untriaged bugs so far: | 09:00 |
untriaged-bot | https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1439567 | 09:00 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1439567 in tripleo "[tuskar] wrong URL for tuskar in default installation of TripleO " [Undecided,New] | 09:00 |
untriaged-bot | https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1430445 | 09:00 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1430445 in tripleo "Horizon translations aren't compiled" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Steve McLellan (sjmc7) | 09:00 |
untriaged-bot | https://bugs.launchpad.net/diskimage-builder/+bug/1422723 | 09:00 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1422723 in Ironic "Ironic sets instance as active even if bootloader installation fails when boot_option is 'local'" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Ramakrishnan G (rameshg87) | 09:00 |
untriaged-bot | https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1434431 | 09:00 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1434431 in tripleo "Abnormal exit in building rhel images by diskimage-builder for system is not registered." [Undecided,New] | 09:00 |
untriaged-bot | https://bugs.launchpad.net/diskimage-builder/+bug/1440728 | 09:00 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1440728 in diskimage-builder "Generate the default en_US locale (debian)" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Cédric OLLIVIER (m.col) | 09:00 |
untriaged-bot | https://bugs.launchpad.net/diskimage-builder/+bug/1412561 | 09:00 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1412561 in Ironic "IPA/DIB is not compatible to create the uefi capable images" [Medium,Confirmed] | 09:00 |
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openstackgerrit | Yanis Guenane proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: puppet: implement MongoDB on controller nodes https://review.openstack.org/165474 | 09:04 |
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openstackgerrit | Dougal Matthews proposed openstack/python-tuskarclient: Add a help message for the plan-templates command https://review.openstack.org/171096 | 09:25 |
openstackgerrit | Yanis Guenane proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: puppet: Ceilometer use MongoDB datastore backend https://review.openstack.org/165480 | 09:26 |
openstackgerrit | Yanis Guenane proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: puppet: Ceilometer use MongoDB datastore backend https://review.openstack.org/165480 | 09:27 |
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openstackgerrit | Yanis Guenane proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: puppet: Ceilometer use MongoDB datastore backend https://review.openstack.org/165480 | 09:43 |
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openstackgerrit | Yanis Guenane proposed stackforge/puppet-tripleo: Rethink the backup option for Galera https://review.openstack.org/170021 | 09:56 |
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openstackgerrit | Yanis Guenane proposed stackforge/puppet-tripleo: Loadbalancer: Add support for Redis https://review.openstack.org/171121 | 10:44 |
mark-os | Is there any zypper packages for Tuskar? | 10:46 |
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openstackgerrit | Yanis Guenane proposed stackforge/puppet-tripleo: Loadbalancer: Add support for Redis https://review.openstack.org/171121 | 10:56 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged stackforge/kolla: Remove EXPOSE options from Dockerfiles https://review.openstack.org/168589 | 11:41 |
gfidente | jistr|biab, have plans to submit that change to use libvirt_rbd_secret_key ? looking forward for it | 11:42 |
gfidente | cd | 11:44 |
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openstackgerrit | Jiri Stransky proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Pass in libvirt_rbd_secret_key for nova compute https://review.openstack.org/170518 | 11:57 |
openstackgerrit | OpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Updated from global requirements https://review.openstack.org/166431 | 11:58 |
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jistr | gfidente: the first approach didn't work, i now tried another one which worked on one compute and failed on the other the first time i tried, not sure why, trying to decrypt now what's going on | 11:59 |
gfidente | jistr, thanks | 11:59 |
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jistr | gfidente: maybe i'll just add it as another param for OS::TripleO::Compute, but originally i wanted to avoid that and i'm still investigating if we can | 12:00 |
gfidente | jistr, yeah sad thing is the key is provisioned via CephCluster because that is where it supposedly belonged | 12:03 |
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jistr | gfidente: yeah, but we still have that file available in the compute node presently, so we should be able to fetch from that | 12:03 |
gfidente | jistr, I see what you mean, so maybe the %{hiera()} is evaulated only once ? | 12:05 |
jistr | gfidente: umm not sure what you mean... | 12:07 |
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dprince | gfidente: so with https://review.openstack.org/#/c/170407/ we'll be able to set libvirt_rbd_secret_key for the compute nodes. | 12:36 |
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dprince | gfidente: What sets the equivalent on the controller nodes for Ceph? | 12:36 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/tuskar-ui: Remove all mentions of Nova Baremetal from the docs https://review.openstack.org/165819 | 12:40 |
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jistr | and now it succeeded, funny | 12:46 |
jistr | we have a race condition on the compute nodes | 12:46 |
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openstackgerrit | Jiri Stransky proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Pass in libvirt_rbd_secret_key for nova compute https://review.openstack.org/170518 | 12:57 |
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jistr | yeah... ComputeCephDeployment is a "dangling resource"... it creates a hiera file which is meant to be used when Puppet is running on the compute, but ComputePostDeployment doesn't depend on it. So if it happens that ComputePostDeployment runs first, the hiera file created by ComputeCephDeployment is never used, so the secret key and fsid would not be set on the computes. | 13:00 |
jistr | gfidente: ^ | 13:00 |
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jistr | ok, stack-create failed for me anyway now... well well | 13:02 |
* jistr back to debugging | 13:02 | |
dprince | jistr: why not just add a depends_on and make sure its there? | 13:04 |
jistr | dprince: that's what i did https://review.openstack.org/170518 | 13:04 |
jistr | jistr: but doesn't seem to help, so i'm looking further | 13:04 |
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dprince | jistr: does the ordering here http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/tripleo-heat-templates/tree/puppet/compute-puppet.yaml#n288 effect how this works perhaps? | 13:07 |
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dprince | jistr: Looking at your reply above you are saying that the Ceph hiera data just isn't showing up in time though right? | 13:09 |
jistr | dprince: i don't think the order affects anything else than priority of where the value is taken from. I'd expect that if that was the problem, the failure would be constant and not intermittent. | 13:10 |
dprince | jistr: agree | 13:10 |
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dprince | jistr: FWIW this sounds just like an issue I had w/ Swift a few months back | 13:11 |
jistr | dprince: yeah somehow the value is probably missing. ComputePostDeployment Puppet run fails for me because it tries to fall back to the old way of fetching the ceph secret into libvirt | 13:11 |
dprince | jistr: and depends on with the Post deployment resources fixed it | 13:11 |
gfidente | jistr, ComputeNodesPost should definitely depend on ComputeCeph as I did that for Controllers and CephStorage nodes; I might have missed that for Computes | 13:11 |
jistr | dprince, gfidente: yeah i'd say that *should* fix it... | 13:12 |
dprince | jistr: might be nice to add an explicite 'notice' for the hiera variable in question and logs its value along the way | 13:12 |
jistr | dprince: yeah good idea, thx | 13:13 |
openstackgerrit | Ryan Hallisey proposed stackforge/kolla: WIP Cinder container https://review.openstack.org/170965 | 13:16 |
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openstackgerrit | Ryan Hallisey proposed stackforge/kolla: WIP Cinder container https://review.openstack.org/170965 | 13:23 |
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openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: puppet: install Horizon on overcloud-controller https://review.openstack.org/164392 | 13:37 |
shardy | Anyone seeing devtest failures registering nodes with "NotAcceptable: Not Acceptable (HTTP 406)" errors? | 13:37 |
gfidente | shardy, I've seen it in CI | 13:38 |
shardy | dtantsur: ^^ could it be related to the backwards-incompatible version bump in ironicclient? | 13:38 |
dtantsur | shardy, should be | 13:38 |
shardy | http://paste.openstack.org/show/199450/ | 13:38 |
shardy | gfidente: aha, do you have a bug raised already? | 13:39 |
gfidente | shardy, no, sorry | 13:39 |
shardy | gfidente: Ok, I'll raise one | 13:39 |
dtantsur | shardy, it's really weird to get 406 in response to node-list | 13:40 |
shardy | https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1441170 | 13:41 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1441170 in tripleo "ironicclient "Not Acceptable" error" [Undecided,New] | 13:41 |
jroll | shardy: wait, is this node-list or node-create? | 13:42 |
jroll | never mind, looks like node-list | 13:42 |
shardy | dtantsur: I assume os_cloud_config needs a corresponding change to match the expected steps for new ironicclient? | 13:42 |
jroll | shardy: this seems like a server bug, do you have api logs? | 13:43 |
shardy | jroll: yeah, looks like the error is in the list | 13:43 |
shardy | jroll: sure, let me grab them.. | 13:43 |
jroll | not sure if there will be anything there, but worth a shot | 13:43 |
jroll | seeing the raw request would be helpful too | 13:43 |
jroll | but it looks like it's just GET /v1/nodes | 13:43 |
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shardy | jroll: yeah it's just a GET: | 13:48 |
shardy | Apr 07 13:02:46 localhost ironic-api[4316]: - - [07/Apr/2015 13:02:46] "GET /v1/nodes HTTP/1.1" 406 193 | 13:48 |
jroll | O.o | 13:49 |
dtantsur | WUT? | 13:49 |
jroll | there's no GETs that raise a 406 | 13:49 |
shardy | other api logs for the same call return 200 | 13:49 |
jroll | right | 13:49 |
jroll | is it reproducable with just the client? | 13:49 |
jroll | OH | 13:49 |
jroll | I bet the new client is requesting 1.6 | 13:50 |
jroll | and the server doesn't have that | 13:50 |
jroll | can you grab the latest client, run "ironic node-list" | 13:50 |
jroll | er, ironic --debug node-list | 13:50 |
jroll | I bet you get a 406, and there's a max version header less than 1.6 | 13:50 |
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shardy | Hmm, I didn't use cached images so I'm assuming the seed has latest ironic | 13:51 |
* shardy checks | 13:51 | |
lucasagomes | jroll, sometimes I wonder if the client should just ask for "latest" | 13:51 |
jroll | lucasagomes: yeah, there was a reason we didn't do that | 13:51 |
jroll | but this breaks the other way | 13:51 |
jroll | even if this isn't the problem here, just upgrading your client without upgrading ironic breaks it | 13:52 |
shardy | yeah, ironic node-list 406's | 13:52 |
jroll | what's the max version response header? | 13:52 |
shardy | I guess I must have something cached locally by mistake | 13:52 |
shardy | http://paste.openstack.org/show/199456/ | 13:55 |
shardy | jroll: you appear to be right, the client is requesting 1.6, but it seems that the API only speaks v1 | 13:55 |
jroll | no response headers? | 13:56 |
jroll | shardy: well, /v1 is really v1.* | 13:56 |
shardy | what path exposes the supported api micro-versions? | 13:56 |
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jroll | it's /v1, with X-OpenStack-Ironic-API-Version: 1.6 | 13:57 |
jroll | there should be a client option for it, but I don't recall off the top of my head | 13:57 |
shardy | http://paste.openstack.org/show/199462/ | 13:58 |
shardy | jroll: ok, thanks, that explains it, I've got 1.1 and 1.4 | 13:58 |
jroll | --ironic-api-version 1.x | 13:58 |
shardy | I'll dig into how that happened.. | 13:59 |
jroll | cool, glad we found it, upset that we broke you :/ | 13:59 |
jroll | that's 1.1 *through* 1.4, FWIW | 13:59 |
shardy | Yeah, this doesn't seem like the most user/operator friendly interface change really... | 13:59 |
jroll | also there should be a response header for that, odd it isn't showing up yet | 14:00 |
jroll | agree; I don't love that we default to a specific version | 14:00 |
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shardy | slagle: with a puppet+heat enabled devtest, does the seed configuration now happen via puppet and delorean, or is it still element based? | 14:09 |
shardy | I'm wondering if that's the source of my old ironic API, as I'm using the same delorean pin as in toci_gate_test.sh (which is pretty old now) | 14:10 |
slagle | shardy: the seed happens via delorean packages, but not puppet | 14:11 |
shardy | https://github.com/openstack-infra/tripleo-ci/blob/master/toci_gate_test.sh#L51 | 14:11 |
shardy | slagle: Ok, thanks, so that means the DELOREAN_REPO_URL will mean we pull in older-than-master ironic for the seed? | 14:12 |
shardy | gfidente: do you have any links to where you saw the NotAcceptable error in CI? | 14:13 |
shardy | was it on the puppet job? | 14:13 |
gfidente | shardy yes | 14:13 |
slagle | shardy: correct | 14:13 |
shardy | slagle: OK thanks | 14:14 |
slagle | shardy: from that same f20puppet job config, you can see the DIB_DEFAULT_INSTALLTYPE is set to package and delorean-repo is is included with all image builds | 14:14 |
gfidente | shardy, http://logs.openstack.org/74/165474/12/check-tripleo/check-tripleo-ironic-overcloud-f20puppet-nonha/d209d21/console.html | 14:15 |
gfidente | better link http://logs.openstack.org/74/165474/12/check-tripleo/check-tripleo-ironic-overcloud-f20puppet-nonha/d209d21/console.html#_2015-04-07_09_38_35_987 | 14:15 |
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* shardy wonders if that pin is causing all puppet jobs to fail since ironcclient released.. | 14:15 | |
gfidente | not all jobs no, sorry I am not following the entire conversation but reading it in bits and pieces | 14:18 |
gfidente | probably all, sorry, I thought there was one which passed ... but it wasn't checked by CI | 14:19 |
shardy | gfidente: Ok, so we've seen check-tripleo-ironic-overcloud-f20puppet-nonha pass since ironicclient released yesterday? | 14:20 |
gfidente | shardy, no sorry probably not | 14:20 |
openstackgerrit | Ryan Hallisey proposed stackforge/kolla: WIP Cinder container https://review.openstack.org/170965 | 14:21 |
gfidente | shardy, indeed no successful runs http://goodsquishy.com/downloads/tripleo-jobs.html | 14:26 |
shardy | gfidente: Ok, thanks, I've rechecked https://review.openstack.org/#/c/162666/ to see if removing the pin solves it | 14:28 |
* jistr 's seed filled up the / partition, had to rebuild, hit the 406 error too | 14:28 | |
shardy | I'm not sure if we also need os-cloud-config changes tho, re-testing locally to find out | 14:28 |
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jistr | this one failed puppet job on the 406 error on Apr 6 https://review.openstack.org/#/c/167003 | 14:31 |
jistr | and this one passed the puppet job on apr 7https://review.openstack.org/#/c/161277 | 14:31 |
gfidente | jistr, that one is the only which passed as it was using current delorean | 14:34 |
gfidente | shardy, ^^ | 14:34 |
gfidente | jistr, history can be seen here http://goodsquishy.com/downloads/tripleo-jobs.html | 14:35 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged stackforge/kolla: libvirtd provides was removed from centos7.1 https://review.openstack.org/169926 | 14:50 |
* jistr running locally with delorean current + 21 + kilo | 14:53 | |
openstackgerrit | Merged stackforge/kolla: Remove building of pam+noaudit and place in copr instead https://review.openstack.org/169927 | 14:53 |
jistr | i mean i'm running a deployment now to see it works, not that it already worked... | 14:54 |
jistr | s/see it/see if it/ | 14:54 |
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untriaged-bot | Untriaged bugs so far: | 15:00 |
untriaged-bot | https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1439567 | 15:00 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1439567 in tripleo "[tuskar] wrong URL for tuskar in default installation of TripleO " [Undecided,New] | 15:00 |
untriaged-bot | https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1430445 | 15:00 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1430445 in tripleo "Horizon translations aren't compiled" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Steve McLellan (sjmc7) | 15:00 |
untriaged-bot | https://bugs.launchpad.net/diskimage-builder/+bug/1422723 | 15:00 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1422723 in Ironic "Ironic sets instance as active even if bootloader installation fails when boot_option is 'local'" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Ramakrishnan G (rameshg87) | 15:00 |
untriaged-bot | https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1434431 | 15:00 |
untriaged-bot | https://bugs.launchpad.net/diskimage-builder/+bug/1440728 | 15:00 |
untriaged-bot | https://bugs.launchpad.net/diskimage-builder/+bug/1412561 | 15:00 |
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openstack | Launchpad bug 1434431 in tripleo "Abnormal exit in building rhel images by diskimage-builder for system is not registered." [Undecided,New] | 15:00 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1440728 in diskimage-builder "Generate the default en_US locale (debian)" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Cédric OLLIVIER (m.col) | 15:00 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1412561 in Ironic "IPA/DIB is not compatible to create the uefi capable images" [Medium,Confirmed] | 15:00 |
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dprince | jistr: commented, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/170518/3 | 15:08 |
jistr | dprince: thanks | 15:08 |
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dprince | jistr: I pasted the wrong error. updated it BTW | 15:13 |
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jistr | dprince: oh i guess i know why the syntax "worked" for me sometimes... it actually didn't work, but the fallback did work, on the occasions when the ceph cluster was formed timely. That would explain it. cc gfidente | 15:16 |
jistr | dprince: thx. Will update the patch as soon as i get my devtest env back up | 15:17 |
gfidente | jistr, when the cluster formed timely yes, that sometimes happens | 15:17 |
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gfidente | jistr, can I add tripleo to https://bugs.launchpad.net/puppet-nova/+bug/1439949 ? | 15:18 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1439949 in puppet-nova "virsh rbd secret setting assumes client.admin privileges" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Giulio Fidente (gfidente) | 15:18 |
jistr | gfidente: ack | 15:19 |
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openstackgerrit | Giulio Fidente proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Wire in list of controller nodes as memcache_servers for Swift proxy https://review.openstack.org/171248 | 15:23 |
gfidente | dprince, ^^ I'm getting practiced with str_replace, doh! ;( | 15:25 |
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gfidente | not that it was hard, just saying | 15:25 |
jistr | dprince: re your suggestion of passing the param directly in .pp file -- i wonder should we instead put the key into a ceph_client_openstack_key variable like this https://github.com/openstack/tripleo-heat-templates/blob/0c14b2ad3e0114ffa0aa9514cdfe3dd9d9d212a8/puppet/ceph-cluster-config.yaml#L29 | 15:33 |
jistr | and next step | 15:33 |
jistr | we could distribute ceph_cluster only to compute nodes, and generate a different yaml for computes which would only contain variables that the compute *needs* to know | 15:34 |
jistr | (currently just fsid and client.openstack key) | 15:34 |
jistr | and then next step we use different keys for client.admin and client.openstack and then things will be beautiful | 15:35 |
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openstackgerrit | Ben Nemec proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Don't trace RHEL Registration scripts https://review.openstack.org/169404 | 15:39 |
jistr | doh... s/distribute ceph_cluster only to compute nodes/distribute ceph_cluster only to controller nodes/ | 15:41 |
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gfidente | jistr, it makes sense to me but we'd need to figure what are the minimum options required in the ceph.conf for the client to work, which I am unsure | 15:45 |
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jistr | gfidente: ack, i don't know that either, so i'll leave the refactor be for now and do it the way dprince suggested, we can revisit this any time | 15:46 |
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openstackgerrit | Ben Nemec proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Don't unregister if we didn't register https://review.openstack.org/171261 | 15:59 |
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openstackgerrit | Jiri Stransky proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Pass in libvirt_rbd_secret_key for nova compute https://review.openstack.org/170518 | 16:20 |
jistr | ^^ updated | 16:20 |
jistr | ControllerPostDeployment failed for me because it failed to start mariadb for some reason, trying again with rebuilding images | 16:20 |
jistr | i'm thinking it should be unrelated to the change i did though | 16:21 |
SpamapS | jistr: nice to see ceph stuff going forward. :-D | 16:21 |
jistr | :)) | 16:21 |
gfidente | SpamapS, actually for puppet version it landed, this is an attempt to fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/puppet-nova/+bug/1439949 | 16:23 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1439949 in tripleo "virsh rbd secret setting assumes client.admin privileges" [Medium,In progress] - Assigned to Jiří Stránský (jistr) | 16:23 |
gfidente | SpamapS, is anyone there interested in the 'using elements' implementation as well? | 16:23 |
* jistr off | 16:27 | |
jistr | o/ | 16:27 |
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SpamapS | gfidente: Not I. :-P | 16:27 |
gfidente | SpamapS, sigh ... those are up for review from a while, need an update as well | 16:28 |
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openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: overcloud stepped deployment environment https://review.openstack.org/161927 | 16:41 |
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openstackgerrit | Victor Lowther proposed openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Have all os-refresh-config elements use su instead of sudo https://review.openstack.org/171303 | 17:12 |
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dprince | gfidente, spredzy: has either of you pushed a Glance RBD patch yet? | 17:30 |
gfidente | dprince, I haven't | 17:30 |
* dprince would like to have a GLanceEnableRbdBackend setting as well | 17:31 | |
dprince | gfidente: I may try my hand at that today | 17:31 |
gfidente | dprince, yeah I remember we discussed that | 17:31 |
gfidente | wasn't it in theory going through radosgw? | 17:31 |
dprince | gfidente: could be either way I think | 17:31 |
dprince | gfidente: this would just be an option | 17:31 |
dprince | gfidente: which if enabled would use Ceph for Glance images | 17:32 |
dprince | gfidente: and I think by doing so we'd significantly speed up the Cinder image --> volume conversion we are doing as well | 17:32 |
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gfidente | dprince, ack would be nice to have it | 17:36 |
dprince | gfidente: Yeah. I think this Ceph stuff is coming together nicely | 17:36 |
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gfidente | dprince, looking at the split jistr suggested, I think what we really need to take out of ceph-cluster and (eventually) duplicate across nodes is the client_keys part | 17:37 |
dprince | gfidente: Yep. I agree. | 17:37 |
gfidente | so I might have tried that with the restructuring | 17:38 |
dprince | gfidente: his patch as is works though. SO I'm fine with it for now | 17:38 |
gfidente | but didn't yes, I am as well | 17:38 |
dprince | gfidente: we can refactor this out more properly later I think | 17:38 |
dprince | gfidente: I do prefer using straight hiera for the configuration though like you are suggesting | 17:38 |
dprince | gfidente: very much inline with where we want to go with this implementation I think | 17:39 |
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gfidente | dprince, just had to mark this critical though https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1441170 | 17:45 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1441170 in tripleo "ironicclient "Not Acceptable" error" [Critical,Confirmed] | 17:45 |
gfidente | meeting in 15mins? | 17:45 |
slagle | i believe it's in 1h 15m? | 17:46 |
dprince | gfidente: we could bump to Delorean current on F21 I think, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/161277/ | 17:46 |
gfidente | slagle, auch I have troubles with the daylight thing, thanks | 17:46 |
dprince | gfidente: need to recheck it again first though (although the puppet run passes) | 17:46 |
gfidente | dprince, noticed yes | 17:46 |
gfidente | let me point at it from bz | 17:47 |
dprince | gfidente: but thanks for pointing it out, we can work around it on our side I think... but is anyone actually fixing the Ironic client regression? Or was it expected? | 17:47 |
dprince | gfidente: nm, I got that from the bug | 17:49 |
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openstackgerrit | Daneyon Hansen proposed stackforge/kolla: Adds Initial Logging Support https://review.openstack.org/169878 | 18:09 |
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openstackgerrit | Daneyon Hansen proposed stackforge/kolla: Adds Initial Logging Support https://review.openstack.org/169878 | 18:14 |
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openstackgerrit | greghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Improved apt-sources README https://review.openstack.org/171320 | 18:21 |
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openstackgerrit | Daneyon Hansen proposed stackforge/kolla: Adds neutron-server to neutron container-set https://review.openstack.org/168126 | 18:29 |
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openstackgerrit | Ryan Hallisey proposed stackforge/kolla: WIP Cinder container https://review.openstack.org/170965 | 18:39 |
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slagle | meetin time in #openstack-meeting-alt! | 19:02 |
slagle | i heard there was free beer | 19:02 |
larsks | slagle: beer-as-a-service? | 19:02 |
slagle | yep, just don't POST a DELETE | 19:04 |
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openstackgerrit | Daneyon Hansen proposed stackforge/kolla: Adds Initial Logging Support https://review.openstack.org/169878 | 19:14 |
openstackgerrit | Daneyon Hansen proposed stackforge/kolla: Adds neutron-server to neutron container-set https://review.openstack.org/168126 | 19:14 |
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stevebaker | bnemec: hey, you about? | 19:41 |
bnemec | stevebaker: Sort of. In the tripleo meeting right now, but I think we're close to wrapping up. | 19:41 |
stevebaker | bnemec: kk | 19:42 |
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openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-incubator: WIP Adding stepped deployment to devtest_overcloud.sh https://review.openstack.org/162109 | 19:50 |
dprince | gfidente, bnemec, slagle: the F21 puppet job failed :( | 19:52 |
dprince | gfidente, bnemec, slagle: some sort of mariadb startup issue, http://logs.openstack.org/77/161277/11/check-tripleo/check-tripleo-ironic-overcloud-f20puppet-nonha/5e20aed/logs/ov-d7xvqa2tljj-0-q5wy4jyodmde-Controller_logs/os-collect-config.txt.gz | 19:53 |
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bnemec | stevebaker: Okay, we're done | 19:55 |
openstackgerrit | Daneyon Hansen proposed stackforge/kolla: WIP: Adds Neutron Agents Support https://review.openstack.org/171346 | 19:55 |
gfidente | dprince, I still don't have f21 to try that though | 19:55 |
gfidente | maybe switching to current in a separate change is quicker? | 19:56 |
stevebaker | bnemec: do you have time at some point to help with my quintupleo setup? I solved my last problem and am on to the next one | 19:56 |
dprince | gfidente: all it takes is DIB_RELEASE=21, RDO_RELEASE=kilo | 19:56 |
bnemec | stevebaker: Sure | 19:57 |
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openstackgerrit | Daneyon Hansen proposed stackforge/kolla: WIP: Adds Neutron Agents Support https://review.openstack.org/171346 | 19:59 |
greghaynes | mordred: Something that came up at tripleo meeting is whether we should try and keep the simple-init as its own project now that it seems to be working-ish | 20:04 |
greghaynes | mordred: Theres a big plus side here in that it makes the patches a lot easier to get merged | 20:05 |
mordred | greghaynes: yes - I think it should be its own project and that this element should raelly just install it | 20:06 |
greghaynes | awesome | 20:06 |
mordred | greghaynes: although that may mean reworking tests mildly | 20:08 |
greghaynes | yep, im up for that. Any idea where the project should live? | 20:09 |
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untriaged-bot | No untriaged bugs so far! \o/ | 21:00 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/os-cloud-config: Refactor glance.create_or_find_kernel_and_ramdisk https://review.openstack.org/150269 | 21:01 |
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greghaynes | tchaypo: Just send an ML I think you might like :) | 21:07 |
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tchaypo | greghaynes: when i see it | 21:10 |
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openstackgerrit | Daneyon Hansen proposed stackforge/kolla: Updates Docker bin in Heat template https://review.openstack.org/168645 | 21:18 |
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tchaypo | greghaynes: oooh | 21:33 |
tchaypo | greghaynes: why did the para starting on line 14 with "If you want … “ go away? | 21:34 |
greghaynes | tchaypo: I think DIB elements shouldnt reference tripleo specifics | 21:36 |
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tchaypo | I agree. | 21:40 |
tchaypo | Could you mention that in the commit message? | 21:40 |
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openstackgerrit | OpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/os-cloud-config: Updated from global requirements https://review.openstack.org/157776 | 21:58 |
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openstackgerrit | Jeff Peeler proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Make all default values match overcloud defaults https://review.openstack.org/171411 | 22:16 |
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openstackgerrit | Giulio Fidente proposed openstack/tripleo-incubator: Switch USE_MERGEPY default to 0 https://review.openstack.org/171413 | 22:21 |
openstackgerrit | Jeff Peeler proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Make all default values match overcloud defaults https://review.openstack.org/171411 | 22:22 |
gfidente | bnemec, a CI job for the deprecated templates? | 22:27 |
bnemec | gfidente: Yes. Until they're removed they should keep working, and if we don't test that then at some point they most likely will break. | 22:27 |
bnemec | Unless they've been deprecated long enough that we can just remove them, but I don't think that's the case. | 22:28 |
gfidente | bnemec, well I agree with you on the idea that we should try to keep them in a working state but given the CI resources are limited, I would use those resources for hot-ter jobs | 22:30 |
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bnemec | gfidente: I'm not looking for a new job, just to set NO_MERGEPY=0 in one of the overcloud jobs. | 22:32 |
bnemec | Given that the heat templates are pretty platform agnostic, I don't think we lose any real test coverage doing that. | 22:32 |
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gfidente | bnemec, sure that I agree with you, we should pass USE_MERGEPY=1 to at least one job; I think only fedora jobs force it to 0 now | 22:38 |
gfidente | *one of the existing jobs | 22:38 |
bnemec | gfidente: Oh, so maybe we're already covered? | 22:39 |
gfidente | bnemec, well switching the default is probably going to make all of them not to use mergepy, so we need to pass USE_MERGEPY=1 to one of them | 22:40 |
gfidente | the current logic is to pass USE_MERGEPY=0 to those that shouldn't | 22:40 |
gfidente | http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/tripleo-ci/tree/toci_gate_test.sh | 22:40 |
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bnemec | gfidente: Okay, I think we're on the same page at least. Once we see how that CI run goes we can figure out the details of test coverage. | 22:41 |
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openstackgerrit | greghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Improved apt-sources README https://review.openstack.org/171320 | 22:49 |
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* tchaypo waits for docs job | 22:53 | |
tchaypo | it took 70 minutes last time though. | 22:53 |
greghaynes | It doesnt report until all the jobs are done | 22:54 |
greghaynes | so its blocking on the dsvm test | 22:54 |
greghaynes | actually | 22:54 |
greghaynes | if ironic is essentially dropping us | 22:55 |
greghaynes | we should drop that test | 22:55 |
tchaypo | I’m sorry greghaynes | 22:57 |
tchaypo | I told you wrong. | 22:57 |
tchaypo | I meant `` not ` | 22:57 |
tchaypo | want me to patch? | 22:57 |
greghaynes | go for it | 22:57 |
* greghaynes is no rest guru | 22:58 | |
openstackgerrit | James Polley proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Improved apt-sources README https://review.openstack.org/171320 | 22:58 |
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greghaynes | tchaypo: actually, I noticed the content of the readme is not entirely correct | 23:04 |
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openstackgerrit | greghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Improved apt-sources README https://review.openstack.org/171320 | 23:05 |
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devananda | fwiw folks, there's a WIP fix up for https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-ironicclient/+bug/1441170 | 23:47 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1441170 in python-ironicclient "ironicclient "Not Acceptable" error" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Devananda van der Veen (devananda) | 23:47 |
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