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openstackgerrit | Merged stackforge/kolla: Update developer documentation https://review.openstack.org/172998 | 01:31 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged stackforge/kolla: Adds a Status Script https://review.openstack.org/173511 | 01:36 |
openstackgerrit | Merged stackforge/kolla: Updates Docker Client in Heat Template https://review.openstack.org/173648 | 01:50 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged stackforge/kolla: Adds OpenStack Clients to Heat Template https://review.openstack.org/173638 | 01:55 |
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openstackgerrit | Steven Dake proposed stackforge/kolla: Add workaround to work with cirros image https://review.openstack.org/174158 | 02:19 |
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openstackgerrit | Martin André proposed stackforge/kolla: Introduce `tools/kolla` to interact with kolla https://review.openstack.org/174192 | 04:16 |
openstackgerrit | Martin André proposed stackforge/kolla: Add remove command to `tools/kolla` https://review.openstack.org/174193 | 04:16 |
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openstackgerrit | Martin André proposed stackforge/kolla: Add remove command to `tools/kolla` https://review.openstack.org/174193 | 05:58 |
openstackgerrit | Martin André proposed stackforge/kolla: Introduce `tools/kolla` to interact with kolla https://review.openstack.org/174192 | 05:58 |
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gfidente | jistr, morning | 08:15 |
jistr | o/ | 08:15 |
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gfidente | derekh, I have a couple of changes which got the +A but didn't get merged as I suppose that was yesterday during gerrit/zuul issues | 08:21 |
gfidente | derekh, shall I "reverify" ? | 08:21 |
derekh | point me at them, I'll see if a second a+ will do it | 08:21 |
gfidente | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/172572/ and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/173454/ | 08:22 |
gfidente | I read on the wiki there is some magic keyword which triggers a new 'verify' after they got the +A | 08:22 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Perform basic setup of pacemaker cluster on controllers https://review.openstack.org/172572 | 08:22 |
gfidente | but can't find it anymore | 08:22 |
gfidente | oh wow, thanks for that | 08:22 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Do not downcase IP addresses https://review.openstack.org/173454 | 08:23 |
derekh | gfidente: no prob | 08:23 |
derekh | gfidente: ZUUL probably just missed the first A+ in the stream it follows, but got the second I just added | 08:24 |
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gfidente | so what I was looking for used to be in the gerritworkflow wiki, but that is now migrated into a doc and can't find it there | 08:26 |
derekh | gfidente: reverify? it used to be used if your patch failed gate checks but I'm not sure if its still in use, gotta pop out again bbiab | 08:30 |
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gfidente | ttyl thanks | 08:30 |
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openstackgerrit | Ben Kero proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Fixes path for distros lacking :/bin https://review.openstack.org/174107 | 09:01 |
bkero | SpamapS: ^ :) thanks for the feedback | 09:02 |
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openstackgerrit | Thomas Bechtold proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Fix partition table creation https://review.openstack.org/174272 | 09:22 |
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openstackgerrit | Giulio Fidente proposed openstack/tripleo-incubator: Cleanup logic which enable NeutronDVR https://review.openstack.org/174282 | 09:57 |
gfidente | this guy has 2x +2 but needs +A https://review.openstack.org/#/c/173248/ | 09:57 |
openstackgerrit | Giulio Fidente proposed openstack/tripleo-incubator: Cleanup logic which enables NeutronDVR https://review.openstack.org/174282 | 10:00 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/tripleo-incubator: Switch default COMPUTESCALE setting down to 1 from 2 https://review.openstack.org/173248 | 10:04 |
bkero | gfidente: heya, not sure I understand your comment on that path bug | 10:08 |
bkero | /usr/local/sbin would be nice to have, but scripts in many elements are calling 'sh', which is in /bin/. Since arch doesn't have that in the path, building images from it will be broken unless it is added. | 10:09 |
gfidente | bkero, so on arch I see /bin and /sbin linking /usr/bin | 10:10 |
gfidente | bkero, and even /usb/sbin links to /usr/bin | 10:11 |
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bkero | gfidente: correct. On Arch the PATH environment variable lacks /bin/. | 10:11 |
bkero | Since the chroot is passing that PATH environment variable in, the 'chroot sh "$cmd"' will fail with 'sh: command not found'. | 10:12 |
gfidente | bkero, yeah and /sbin as well or /usr/sbin because they all point to same path | 10:12 |
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bkero | I tried hardcoding 'sh' to '/bin/sh', which did work. But then it complained about mktemp and grep being missing because they are also in /bin/ | 10:12 |
bkero | appending :/bin/:/sbin/ solved that problem | 10:13 |
gfidente | which image distro are you building? | 10:13 |
bkero | I tried building ubuntu and centos. Both had the same problem. | 10:13 |
gfidente | so I think the script is just passing your $PATH | 10:14 |
bkero | Correct | 10:14 |
gfidente | but you're trying to build an image which doesn't work well with the PATH inherited from arch | 10:15 |
bkero | Also correct, that is what the patch is solving. | 10:15 |
gfidente | ok it wasn't clear to me from the commit message | 10:16 |
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gfidente | can I suggest a slightly harder approach which I think would be nice to have? how about we use pathmunge to make sure $PATH has all those you listed? http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/redhat-linux-pathmunge-command-in-shell-script/ | 10:18 |
gfidente | bkero, do you think it is worth? | 10:18 |
openstackgerrit | Ben Kero proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Fixes path for distros lacking :/bin https://review.openstack.org/174107 | 10:19 |
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gfidente | bkero, maybe we default to add all the standard paths 'after' to make sure if one customizes his PATH gets his stuff working | 10:19 |
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bkero | gfidente: are you suggesting including pathmunge inside img-functions somewhere? | 10:20 |
gfidente | bkero, yeah | 10:20 |
gfidente | not sure if it is overkilling | 10:21 |
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gfidente | what do you think? | 10:21 |
bkero | If we were setting PATH in more places than just right there I think it might be worth it | 10:21 |
bkero | Also if we could reliably source pathmunge from somewhere else instead of having to include our own it might be worth it | 10:22 |
bkero | but failing those probably overkill :) | 10:22 |
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gfidente | bkero, ack, I'll post a comment about it, thanks for pinging here :) | 10:23 |
bkero | gfidente: Thanks! | 10:23 |
bkero | gfidente: another problem is that the comment right above it tells that it is expected to escape-out the PATH variable (\$PATH) so it gets eval'd later. I bet pathmunge wouldn't like that at all. | 10:23 |
* bkero back to debugging exactly why sfdisk broke when trying to reread disk. | 10:24 | |
bkero | It's calling ioctl(fd, BLKRRPART), which is returning -1, errno 22, which means Invalid Argument. I see the parted folks patched that to be expected and acceptable behavior though, so I might try to do the same for sfdisk and see if util-linux takes it as a bugfix upstream. | 10:25 |
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openstackgerrit | Giulio Fidente proposed openstack/tripleo-incubator: Cleanup logic which enables NeutronDVR https://review.openstack.org/174282 | 10:40 |
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bkero | Okay, patch submitted to sfdisk to hopefully fix this nonsense, time for bed. | 11:00 |
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openstackgerrit | Giulio Fidente proposed openstack/tripleo-incubator: Add some logic to optionally use L3 agents relocation/ha/dvr https://review.openstack.org/174308 | 11:25 |
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openstackgerrit | Giulio Fidente proposed openstack/tripleo-incubator: Add logic to select L3 agents configuration https://review.openstack.org/174308 | 11:31 |
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openstackgerrit | Jiri Tomasek proposed openstack/tuskar-ui: Update roles in Service config https://review.openstack.org/174311 | 11:40 |
openstackgerrit | Giulio Fidente proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Switch VIP management from Keepalived to Pacemaker https://review.openstack.org/173773 | 11:41 |
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openstackgerrit | Giulio Fidente proposed openstack/tripleo-incubator: Add logic to select L3 agents configuration https://review.openstack.org/174308 | 12:30 |
openstackgerrit | Ryan Brady proposed openstack/tuskar-ui: Update roles https://review.openstack.org/173914 | 12:35 |
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openstackgerrit | Yanis Guenane proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: galera: Allow installer to setup galera cluster https://review.openstack.org/164983 | 13:23 |
openstackgerrit | Dan Prince proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add support for generic controller validations https://review.openstack.org/174150 | 13:25 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/tuskar-ui: Update roles in Service config https://review.openstack.org/174311 | 13:26 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/tuskar-ui: Update roles https://review.openstack.org/173914 | 13:32 |
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openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: puppet: add missing ::glance include on controller https://review.openstack.org/174382 | 13:34 |
EmilienM | dprince, slagle ^ | 13:35 |
dprince | EmilienM: fine with the change (because include would only import it once), but what functional issues would this cause? | 13:36 |
spredzy | dprince, on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/167538/, did you get to read my answer ? What are your thought ? | 13:36 |
EmilienM | dprince: we are (trying) to solve packaging issues... | 13:37 |
dprince | EmilienM: okay, packaging what? glance itself? or these templates? | 13:38 |
* dprince is still slow this morning | 13:38 | |
EmilienM | dprince: https://bugs.launchpad.net/puppet-glance/+bug/1444974 | 13:38 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1444974 in puppet-glance "openstack-glance which provides glance-manage not getting installed on red hat platforms" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Emilien Macchi (emilienm) | 13:38 |
dprince | EmilienM: I see. Sounds like a breaking package change that needs to be reverted. | 13:39 |
dprince | EmilienM: regardless I'm fine with this fix to the templates on its own. | 13:39 |
EmilienM | dprince: they are fixing it in RDO right now. | 13:39 |
EmilienM | dprince: yeah with/without the packaging issue, we always need to load ::<module> | 13:40 |
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dprince | EmilienM: cool. +2 on your patch as well | 13:40 |
EmilienM | it's a convention | 13:40 |
EmilienM | dprince: thx. | 13:40 |
dprince | EmilienM: sure, appreciate the explanation. Just wanted to know why this came up | 13:40 |
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dprince | spredzy: I didn't see your explanation on 167538. Reading now... | 13:41 |
dprince | spredzy: I still think I'd like the template and the module that uses to to be in the same project. | 13:42 |
dprince | spredzy: otherwise, someone might come and think they could remove the template (because it isn't used) | 13:43 |
spredzy | dprince, so you'd rather go with a new class in tripleo that just call the file resource ? | 13:43 |
dprince | spredzy: I think so. Only because to me a template (in the puppet sense) is a private resource and shouldn't be used externally | 13:44 |
spredzy | dprince, well actually we can put it in the if $redis {} in the loadbalancer, since this will be only used when doing HA | 13:44 |
dprince | spredzy: okay, could do that | 13:44 |
dprince | spredzy: so long as the template and the puppet code using that (private) template live in the same repo I think I'm happy | 13:45 |
spredzy | dprince, ack | 13:46 |
dprince | spredzy: while I've got you lets talk about validations again | 13:47 |
dprince | spredzy: have you had a chance to review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/174150/ yet? | 13:47 |
dprince | spredzy: I just fixed an issue I hit with a Heat parameter with my initial patch this morning. | 13:48 |
dprince | spredzy: get_file didn't like {get_param: ...} for some reason. So I removed that bit | 13:48 |
spredzy | dprince, yes, I've got a review w/ the same idea (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/173758/) but was trying to use EmilienM's serverspec hook | 13:49 |
spredzy | this was before our talk yesterday | 13:49 |
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spredzy | dprince, I think Steven comment https://review.openstack.org/#/c/173758/1/puppet/controller-post-puppet.yaml,cm (the 2nd one) also apply | 13:52 |
jistr | gfidente: fyi here's a first glance at the pcsd work https://github.com/jistr/puppetlabs-corosync/commit/b1c88d5efbab27530680b500273f0f790a3091b8 | 13:52 |
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jistr | turns out following the HA pacemaker setup steps from the ref doc precisely clashes with the way puppet-corosync works | 13:53 |
jistr | i *think* the commands in the ref doc probably alter corosync.conf and build it step by step, and then puppet-corosync comes and rewrites it from scratch, so things went bad really fast when i tried to merge the two approaches | 13:55 |
gfidente | jistr, looking at the change now, do you have it posted against puppet-corosync? | 13:58 |
jistr | fortunately the pcs commands seem to be pretty smart in a way that e.g. if i don't provide the nodes for "pcs cluster auth", they are taken from corosync.conf. So i let the ::corosync class write the conf first, and then i call "pcs cluster auth" and it reads the nodes from there. This is a bit of a departure from the HA docs, but it seems to be the only way to make it work with puppet-corosync's approach to dealing with corosync.conf. | 13:59 |
jistr | gfidente: not yet, i just cleaned the code and moved it from the tripleo composition layer to puppet-corosync, now i'll use the code from the composition layer, test it end 2 end and then when i know it still works, i'll submit the PR | 14:00 |
gfidente | jistr, I *think* we're good as long as we implement same config | 14:00 |
dprince | spredzy: maybe, I did something a little different because I'm not using depends_on | 14:01 |
dprince | spredzy: well, I'm using depends_on, but I'm not depending on the validations themselves. | 14:01 |
dprince | spredzy: if that makes sense. I left an inline note on my review about this subtle behavior | 14:01 |
dprince | spredzy: essentially I wanted the validations to run immediately after each puppet deployment | 14:02 |
dprince | spredzy: so I used the 'name' property to order them as such. The effect is the validations run in the same os-collect-config pass | 14:02 |
spredzy | dprince, ack will go through it again | 14:03 |
dprince | spredzy: depends_on for everything might be simpler but the extra round-robin for each Heat API -> os-collect-config run concerned me. | 14:04 |
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openstackgerrit | Yanis Guenane proposed stackforge/puppet-tripleo: Loadbalancer: Add support for Redis https://review.openstack.org/171121 | 14:07 |
openstackgerrit | Yanis Guenane proposed stackforge/puppet-tripleo: Loadbalancer: Add support for Redis https://review.openstack.org/171121 | 14:08 |
openstackgerrit | Yanis Guenane proposed stackforge/puppet-tripleo: Loadbalancer: Add support for Redis https://review.openstack.org/171121 | 14:09 |
gfidente | spredzy, I will never vote that anymore | 14:10 |
spredzy | gfidente, ahaha sorry some typos I noticed just after :/ | 14:11 |
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openstackgerrit | Yanis Guenane proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add support for Redis configuration https://review.openstack.org/167538 | 14:15 |
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gfidente | spredzy, EmilienM is there a recommendation in between cs_primitive from corosync and pacemaker/service in openstack_extra? | 14:20 |
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gfidente | looks like we can stick with cs_primitive to me? | 14:24 |
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jpena | gfidente: using pacemaker/service from openstack_extras gives you some advantages, such as automated service stop/start when you do any action that requires refreshing the service | 14:25 |
jpena | e.g. update a keystone config file -> restart service, this is handled by the pacemaker provider | 14:26 |
spredzy | gfidente, agree with jpena, worth case scenario you can still use it just to create the cs_primitiv | 14:26 |
spredzy | until we need mofre feature from that class | 14:26 |
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spredzy | dprince, went though the review again, Ok I see where I misundertood it the first time. Looks what we needed :) Thanks. | 14:27 |
spredzy | dprince, do you confirm that if validation fail, the stack will stop and the resource will be in a CREATE_FAILED status ? | 14:27 |
dprince | spredzy: it should, yes | 14:28 |
spredzy | ok, then yep, it does what's it supposed to. Will deploy an overcloud with your patch and try to stick the rabbitmq test in it to have a meaning full basis | 14:29 |
spredzy | thanks dprince ! | 14:29 |
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dprince | spredzy: so feel free to adopt this and run with it. I would like shardy to look at it too | 14:30 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/tripleo-puppet-elements: Implement serverspec elements https://review.openstack.org/171785 | 14:39 |
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untriaged-bot | Untriaged bugs so far: | 15:00 |
untriaged-bot | https://bugs.launchpad.net/os-collect-config/+bug/1444999 | 15:00 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1444999 in os-collect-config "oslo.config requirement is not following global requirements" [Undecided,New] | 15:00 |
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jistr | core folks: i've triggered a CI run for this - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/166447/ if you recall later today, please take a look at the result and do a +A | 15:58 |
jistr | seems like it breaks devstack https://bugs.launchpad.net/os-collect-config/+bug/1444999 | 15:58 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1444999 in os-collect-config "oslo.config requirement is not following global requirements" [High,Triaged] | 15:58 |
* jistr bumped it to critical after second thought | 16:00 | |
dprince | jistr: I'll watch for it | 16:01 |
jistr | dprince: thx | 16:01 |
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openstackgerrit | Yanis Guenane proposed stackforge/puppet-tripleo: Loadbalancer: Add support for Redis https://review.openstack.org/171121 | 16:08 |
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openstackgerrit | Giulio Fidente proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: puppet: install Horizon on overcloud-controller https://review.openstack.org/174449 | 16:18 |
openstackgerrit | Giulio Fidente proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: puppet: install Horizon on overcloud-controller https://review.openstack.org/164392 | 16:20 |
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openstackgerrit | greghaynes proposed openstack/tripleo-specs: Add spec for DIB element testing https://review.openstack.org/174456 | 16:29 |
greghaynes | SpamapS: ^ | 16:29 |
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greghaynes | its a very tripleo-esque proposal | 16:32 |
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dprince | greghaynes: the spec looks fine. I gotta ask though do we *really* need a spec to propose unit test to a project? | 16:42 |
dprince | greghaynes: if you just simply proposed some testing patches it seems like you might get better feedback... | 16:42 |
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dprince | greghaynes: oh, and I'm not sure the existance of these tests supplants the desire to have actual integration tests which use DIB (i.e. TripleO w/ Ironic) | 16:43 |
dprince | greghaynes: not sure if it is related but I saw someone added that as a potential summit topic | 16:44 |
SpamapS | greghaynes: \o/ | 16:44 |
greghaynes | dprince: heh, you wont get any argument from me on just writing the code already | 16:44 |
greghaynes | I wasnt expecting it to be that brief | 16:44 |
SpamapS | dprince: That seems like it would be a good working topic. I don't know that we want fishbowl for it since it will be heavy on internals. | 16:44 |
SpamapS | dprince: The main reason to have narrow tests is to allow developers to move faster. The main reason to have integration tests is to make sure they don't move TOO fast. ;) | 16:45 |
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* SpamapS turns that into a tweet. | 16:45 | |
dprince | The topic I see on the etherpad is "Is there a path where we can stop 'gating' DIB changes on TripleO tests? Maybe better DIB tests?" | 16:47 |
dprince | I'm all for better DIB tests. But I'm not sure the goal of adding them should be to supplant TripleO as a testing tool. That is my point | 16:47 |
dprince | It should be help developers (who can more easily run DIB tests locally) propose better quality DIB patches, which would still get integration tested to ensure something hasn't slipped in | 16:48 |
openstackgerrit | Giulio Fidente proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Configures haproxy as a Pacemaker resource when EnablePacemaker https://review.openstack.org/174465 | 16:48 |
SpamapS | dprince: Oh no I don't think thats a good topic. No there's not a point and I don't want to do that. :) | 16:49 |
greghaynes | Yes, so I think adding unit tests and even smaller integration tests is a thing we all should want reguardless | 16:49 |
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greghaynes | its kind of a no brainer win | 16:49 |
greghaynes | my real hope here is that I can do some hotpathing for container building and maybe some improvements to caching and we all of a sudden have a way to develop elements that we can iterate really fast on | 16:50 |
dprince | greghaynes: sure | 16:51 |
dprince | SpamapS: not sure who proposed the topic, only mentioned it because it seemed related to the spec | 16:51 |
openstackgerrit | Ryan Brady proposed openstack/tuskar-ui: Show required service configuration parameters as required https://review.openstack.org/166235 | 16:51 |
greghaynes | Yea, so I proposed that, just want to make sure they are separate things | 16:52 |
greghaynes | my issue is - what value do we provide for infra's use case with those tests | 16:52 |
SpamapS | dprince: it's possible I did. I may sometimes go crazy and reverse position. ;) | 16:52 |
greghaynes | or troves | 16:52 |
SpamapS | dprince: I don't remember proposing it though. :-P | 16:53 |
dprince | greghaynes: the value is Infra isn't the only user of DIB | 16:53 |
greghaynes | yes | 16:54 |
greghaynes | and youre right - we need to make sure ironic and such still integrates | 16:54 |
greghaynes | maybe I made it sound more dire than I thought - I dont want to rip out tripleo CI from dib now, I want us to get comfortable without the goal of cogating with every user | 16:55 |
dprince | greghaynes: cool. I'm all for better tests. with or without a Spec | 16:55 |
dprince | greghaynes: if spec'ing helps then we can approve it I think... | 16:56 |
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SpamapS | mordred: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/166650/ is in merge conflict | 16:56 |
SpamapS | Also, it would be most appreciated by the infra team if https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/diskimage-builder+branch:master+topic:dib-nodepool,n,z would get priority the next time people do a cycle of reviews on diskimage-builder. Thanks. | 16:57 |
mordred | SpamapS: yay! | 16:57 |
greghaynes | Yes, its much less LOC now :) | 16:57 |
greghaynes | ok, so a different change that came up in that patch set - we dont have a way to opt-in to caching | 16:58 |
greghaynes | and some caching is pretty heavy handed | 16:58 |
openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add a yum-minimal element that just uses yum https://review.openstack.org/166640 | 16:58 |
openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Port centos-minimal to yum-minimal https://review.openstack.org/166641 | 16:58 |
openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Support VHD output format https://review.openstack.org/156433 | 16:58 |
openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Break install-types out of base https://review.openstack.org/173048 | 16:58 |
openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Split the debootstrap functions into an element https://review.openstack.org/166650 | 16:58 |
openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add element to process config-drive network info https://review.openstack.org/167003 | 16:58 |
openstackgerrit | Ryan Brady proposed openstack/tuskar-ui: Show required service configuration parameters as required https://review.openstack.org/166235 | 16:58 |
greghaynes | the example being that we tar up the rootfs after a debootstrap since its a 1:1 with a cached cloudimg | 16:58 |
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mordred | greghaynes, SpamapS: ^^ that should be all rebased up and whatnot | 17:08 |
mordred | greghaynes: except we never consume that tarred rootfs by default | 17:09 |
SpamapS | mordred: sweet I'll rebase-review them now (which means I'll make sure you didn't slip in any Superman 3 hacks and then +2) | 17:09 |
greghaynes | mordred: yes. Im just thinking that since we should either use it by default or not make it by default | 17:10 |
mordred | SpamapS: ignore the superman 3 hacks. they are not the droids you are looking for | 17:10 |
greghaynes | since only doing one of those two things mean by default its not very useful | 17:10 |
greghaynes | and using it by default is hard, so the not making it by default might be the way to go | 17:11 |
SpamapS | greghaynes: --offline opts out of cache refresh. We could also add a --refresh-cache which does the opposite.. ONLY refreshes cache. | 17:11 |
SpamapS | I'm not actually certain what it is you're trying to achieve though. :-P | 17:12 |
mordred | SpamapS: so - currently, the tarball is created and cached and never used | 17:12 |
mordred | SpamapS: which means everytime you build an image using debootstrap, you're creating a tarball which is then never consumed | 17:13 |
SpamapS | Ah right, because only --offline disables refreshing it | 17:13 |
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SpamapS | so yeah, we need --online :) | 17:13 |
greghaynes | yerp, and we dont have an invalidation mechanism for it | 17:13 |
mordred | yah. and if you ARE doing the workflow where you want to run debootstrap every time - there's no way to say "yeah, no need to copy tons of data kthbai" | 17:14 |
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SpamapS | that we can do now | 17:14 |
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SpamapS | hm no | 17:15 |
mordred | of course, what I really want is "reuse the debootstrap tarball if it exists, but run all the other elements online" | 17:15 |
mordred | because honestly, I do not care if debootstrap has changed its output since 20 minutes ago | 17:15 |
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greghaynes | maybe we just mtime the tarball? | 17:16 |
greghaynes | if its over a day stale, dont use it unless offline | 17:16 |
mordred | ++ | 17:16 |
SpamapS | Ok so let's just make a DIB_ONLINE which has precedence over DIB_OFFLINE, and basically means "You must always fetch even if you have a cache." | 17:16 |
SpamapS | Hm | 17:16 |
greghaynes | both those things | 17:16 |
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SpamapS | Really yeah. | 17:16 |
SpamapS | DIB_CACHE_EXPIRE=<an int number of seconds> ? default to 86400 ? | 17:17 |
greghaynes | +2 | 17:17 |
SpamapS | we could even get clever and use that in our fetches for cloud images so we don't ever pull two down in one day even if they were updated. | 17:17 |
SpamapS | since right now we IMS based on mtime. | 17:17 |
mordred | ++ | 17:19 |
mordred | agree | 17:19 |
mordred | because sometimes, you just don't care | 17:19 |
mordred | and DIB_CACHE_EXPIRE=0 means "never expire" perhaps | 17:19 |
greghaynes | dib offline can just set that | 17:19 |
mordred | or never cache | 17:19 |
mordred | yeah | 17:19 |
mordred | something | 17:19 |
mordred | chicken | 17:19 |
greghaynes | implementation left as exercise for the reader | 17:20 |
* SpamapS is poking at a patch now | 17:21 | |
SpamapS | tired of having good ideas and not seeing them immediately implemented. ;) | 17:21 |
greghaynes | speaking of actually implementing - annoying thing about the unit testing spec is that we dont have a way to test for failures | 17:22 |
SpamapS | greghaynes: we don't? | 17:22 |
SpamapS | greghaynes: we have break=after-error .. seems like you can coopt that. | 17:22 |
greghaynes | ah! | 17:22 |
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greghaynes | SpamapS: You wouldnt have slides from a dib intro-ey talk, would you? | 17:46 |
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openstackgerrit | Ryan Brady proposed openstack/tuskar-ui: Show required service configuration parameters as required https://review.openstack.org/166235 | 17:56 |
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openstackgerrit | OpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Updated from global requirements https://review.openstack.org/166431 | 18:18 |
openstackgerrit | Ben Kero proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Append full path to img-functions:run_in_target https://review.openstack.org/174107 | 18:23 |
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SpamapS | greghaynes: no | 18:32 |
SpamapS | greghaynes: but lifeless does | 18:32 |
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greghaynes | lifeless: hey there | 18:42 |
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openstackgerrit | Abel Lopez proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Use environment setfiles https://review.openstack.org/174561 | 18:48 |
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openstackgerrit | Yanis Guenane proposed stackforge/puppet-tripleo: Loadbalancer: Add support for Redis https://review.openstack.org/171121 | 19:13 |
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lifeless | greghaynes: ? | 19:32 |
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: gerrit has been restarted to clear a problem with its event stream. any gerrit changes updated or approved between 19:14 and 19:46 utc will need to be rechecked or have their approval reapplied for zuul to pick them up | 19:48 | |
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greghaynes | lifeless: I hear you have slides from an intro to diskimage-builder talk | 20:20 |
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untriaged-bot | Untriaged bugs so far: | 21:00 |
untriaged-bot | https://bugs.launchpad.net/diskimage-builder/+bug/1445161 | 21:00 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1445161 in diskimage-builder "setfiles doesn't work on all distros" [Undecided,New] | 21:00 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged stackforge/puppet-tripleo: Loadbalancer: Add support for Redis https://review.openstack.org/171121 | 21:02 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/os-collect-config: Updated from global requirements https://review.openstack.org/166447 | 21:03 |
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openstackgerrit | Dan Sneddon proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Separate the network config by family and add a "node_index" for each group. https://review.openstack.org/173624 | 21:06 |
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lifeless | greghaynes: are you greg or gregory in OWA? | 21:48 |
greghaynes | lifeless: unsure, im greghaynes@hp | 21:49 |
lifeless | greghaynes: greg then. | 21:50 |
greghaynes | got it, ty | 21:50 |
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openstackgerrit | Daneyon Hansen proposed stackforge/kolla: Fixes a bug with stop script for neutron server https://review.openstack.org/174624 | 22:09 |
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openstackgerrit | Daneyon Hansen proposed stackforge/kolla: Disables firewalld for Heat-deployed Fedora instances https://review.openstack.org/174628 | 22:26 |
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openstackgerrit | Daneyon Hansen proposed stackforge/kolla: Adds Mariadb-client to the Heat template https://review.openstack.org/174629 | 22:31 |
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openstackgerrit | Dan Prince proposed openstack/tripleo-incubator: build-images: drive DIB via YAML config file https://review.openstack.org/173644 | 22:50 |
openstackgerrit | Dan Prince proposed openstack/tripleo-incubator: devtest_overcloud.sh: split out image building https://review.openstack.org/173645 | 22:50 |
openstackgerrit | Dan Sneddon proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Separate the network config by family and add a "node_index" for each group. https://review.openstack.org/173624 | 22:52 |
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stevebaker | lifeless: hey, can you point me to where untriaged-bot is configured? | 23:02 |
lifeless | stevebaker: uhm, ask rpodolyaka IIRC. | 23:03 |
lifeless | stevebaker: I have zero clue | 23:03 |
stevebaker | ok | 23:03 |
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