Monday, 2016-02-29

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openstackLaunchpad bug 1550772 in tripleo "stable/liberty CI: all jobs failing due to nodes stuck in wait call-back" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to James Slagle (james-slagle)00:10
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1550772 in tripleo "stable/liberty CI: all jobs failing due to nodes stuck in wait call-back" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to James Slagle (james-slagle)01:10
mandrewhen installing the undercloud, do we support having a mix of puppet modules installed from source and from package?01:21
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Use set -e for validation-scripts/
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mandreaccording to the doc all is needed is export DIB_INSTALLTYPE_puppet_xxx=source for the desired module, but in that case the module cannot be found in /etc/puppet/modules/01:23
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mandreit's missing symlinks from /opt/stack/puppet-modules/* to /etc/puppet/modules/01:25
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/tripleo-puppet-elements: Add overcloud-base element
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Enable network isolation on all the jobs.
openstackgerritMartin André proposed openstack/tripleo-puppet-elements: Fix puppet modules in mixed src/pkg environments
mandre^ would appreciate a review, I'm not sure the issue is due to my environment or not01:39
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1550772 in tripleo "stable/liberty CI: all jobs failing due to nodes stuck in wait call-back" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to James Slagle (james-slagle)02:10
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1550772 in tripleo "stable/liberty CI: all jobs failing due to nodes stuck in wait call-back" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to James Slagle (james-slagle)03:10
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Fix PATH when being run from unactivated venv
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1550772 in tripleo "stable/liberty CI: all jobs failing due to nodes stuck in wait call-back" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to James Slagle (james-slagle)04:10
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Prioritize venv python on hose
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Prioritize venv python on host
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Make debootstrap cache opt-in
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1550772 in tripleo "stable/liberty CI: all jobs failing due to nodes stuck in wait call-back" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to James Slagle (james-slagle)05:10
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openstackgerritIshant Tyagi proposed openstack/os-collect-config: Add insecure option to the cfn collector
openstackgerritMichael Chapman proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Adds OpenDaylight support
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1550772 in tripleo "stable/liberty CI: all jobs failing due to nodes stuck in wait call-back" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to James Slagle (james-slagle)06:10
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1550772 in tripleo "stable/liberty CI: all jobs failing due to nodes stuck in wait call-back" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to James Slagle (james-slagle)07:10
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openstackgerritMartin André proposed openstack/tripleo-specs: Spec for TripleO validations
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jaosoriormarios; Hey dude, if you get some time could you give this spec a read? There is some stuff I need to solidify (mostly regarding the renovation workflow) but getting more input would be appreciated08:02
mariosjaosorior: will do (added to list, if don't get to it today will do tomorrow review time)08:03
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jaosoriormarios: Thanks dude08:06
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1550772 in tripleo "stable/liberty CI: all jobs failing due to nodes stuck in wait call-back" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to James Slagle (james-slagle)08:10
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openstackgerritLenny Verkhovsky proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Get max retries for the interface from environment
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1550772 in tripleo "stable/liberty CI: all jobs failing due to nodes stuck in wait call-back" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to James Slagle (james-slagle)09:10
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Enable notifications on the overcloud
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jistrmarios: good morning. your t-h-t patch is in the gate now09:39
mariosjistr: o/ thanks man, I just finished my main round of reviews and started looking at my outstanding things in review09:43
jistrmarios: was thinking about what slagle wrote here  -- in theory operators can select the node names freely AFAIK, so perhaps detecting by node name isn't bulletproof. This circles back to what i think gfidente suggested some time ago -- perhaps we don't need to have any special detection to exclude controllers from that script. They should never contain the, so we can09:50
jistreffectively exclude them by checking+printing "upgrade script not found on this node". (Perhaps we could also rename the operator tool script to I don't see any of this as a blocker though. The operators should only attempt to run the script on non-controller node types, and for this use case, nothing changes with the discussed things. (I don't think someone would name their compute nodes with "controller" in the hostname.)09:50
hewbroccaIf they do, they can keep both halves09:52
jistrmarios: ^ re rename -- that's just a nit too. I know i asked a rename before :) This is all just hazy corner cases. My 2 cents is that we should probably land what we have now.09:52
openstackgerritIshant Tyagi proposed openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Add insecure option for cfn in os-collect-config conf
mariosjistr: yeah ok, i can revisit that should be quick enough... but to be clear, in detecting and just exiting when the file doesn't exist, it doesn't really address slagle comment. I would have like to land this today and fixup. I think it makes more sense to fix the 'detect non controlelr bit' and then add the 'detect names from heat' as an enhancement09:54
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jistrmarios: yup, agreed. So we just need someone else to add another +2 on that patch.09:54
* hewbrocca adds +209:55
mariosjistr: yeah probably gfidente will do once we implement the 'all nodes' since that was his main concern09:55
hewbroccaoh, wait...09:55
mariosjistr: but i will update in a bit09:55
marioshewbrocca: thanks :) you can always +1 things though09:56
marioshewbrocca: or -1 for that matter09:56
* hewbrocca +1s all the things09:56
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gfidentejistr, marios morning10:00
jistrgfidente: good morning10:00
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Write the compute upgrade script for tripleo major upgrade workflow
marioso/ gfidente10:07
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1550772 in tripleo "stable/liberty CI: all jobs failing due to nodes stuck in wait call-back" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to James Slagle (james-slagle)10:10
mariosjistr: if we ignore the controller bit and we don't care what node. then we don't need to query heat at all10:10
jistrmarios: yeah, at least not for checking which nodes to prevent upgrading, since we wouldn't be preventing anything. Things would prevent themselves by not finding the script.10:12
mariosjistr: i guess it is enough that the operator will have to explicitly deliver the upgrade script with a follow on command10:16
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jistrmarios: yeah. but we're not expecting them to run anything on the controllers anyway, at the moment. So in the ideal case we don't expect any script delivery via the tripleo-common script. That's there just as a "plan B".10:17
* jistr likes having a plan B whenever possible10:18
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mariosjistr: right i meant from the angle of 'safety' like we don't want this run on controllers typically10:18
mariosjistr: 'it is enough'10:18
mariosjistr: digital recycling10:19
mariosjistr: i didn't know where this was going to end up so just threw beta-1 on github10:20
mariosjistr: also had a post upgrade reboot there... :)10:21
mariosjistr: nyway, doing that is what makes me so resistant to this script doing any more/less than it needs to10:22
marios(like the stackrc check)... though agree gfidente you were right about the name/not checking controller10:23
marioswill make it simpler10:23
jistrmarios: ++, except the error message could be misleading from finding the root cause in some situation (could just change to "script cannot be found or has incorrect permissions"). Also given that we run it like "/bin/bash /root/$YUM_UPDATE_SCRIPT", the file actually doesn't need to be executable, so alternatively we don't have to check for it. I'm fine with it either way.10:24
mariosjistr: yeah yewah going to shape it to fit10:24
mariosi mean not going to blidnly copy/paste that10:24
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mariosjistr: sry +1 on the error message I see what you meant there10:29
marioswilll do10:29
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add mirror server
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Used the mirror server for the centos image and git repos
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Use instack-qcow2 from cache if available and appropriate
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Upload the instack qcow image after periodic jobs
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: [NO MERGY] Test a fake periodic job
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openstackgerritImre Farkas proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: [WIP] Update baremetal ready state command
openstackgerritImre Farkas proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: [WIP] Update baremetal ready state command
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1550772 in tripleo "stable/liberty CI: all jobs failing due to nodes stuck in wait call-back" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to James Slagle (james-slagle)11:10
jaosoriorWhere can I get the logs for the puppet apply that's done when installing the undercloud?11:16
openstackgerritMarios Andreou proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Adds a bash script that operators will use during upgrades
jaosoriorWhile trying to deploy I've been getting an error in that phase but have been unable to find where the errors are dumped to :/11:17
jaosorior'puppet apply exited with exit code 6' ... and I haven't found any error in the run :/ pretty weird11:18
mariosjistr: gfidente v6 (jistr: removed the permissions check alltogether)11:19
mariosjaosorior: did you try .instack/install-undercloud.log11:20
gfidentemarios, ack11:21
gfidenteguys, have you tried upgrading with ?11:21
jaosoriorAaaah now I find the error11:22
jaosoriorMistral install fails :/11:22
gfidenteI think the pcmk restart should make that work now11:22
gfidentemarios, jistr any chance you could try pulling it in when doing controller update?11:22
jaosoriorthanks marios11:24
gfidentemarios, should confirm_ exit if file is not found?11:27
dtantsurmorning folks! A trivial patch with 1x +2 for your consideration please:
dtantsurthis may finally end the painful story about nova-ironic race11:27
dtantsur(at least for vast majority of cases)11:27
mariosgfidente: we have set -e so exits in that case (file not found)11:28
dtantsuralso please another one profile matching patch: (gate passed, more than a week without reviews)11:29
gfidentemarios, ah right11:30
gfidenteso I think it's cool11:30
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openstackgerritMarios Andreou proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Write the compute upgrade script for tripleo major upgrade workflow
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/instack-undercloud: Increase scheduler_max_attempts on undercloud and make it configurable
mariosjistr: you are already +2 here, green run from friday (won't merge anyway since has the "Add IPv6 Support to Isolated Networks" parent review)11:53
mariosjistr: (green run don't mean much here since we don't have net-isolation, never mind v6 at this piont so)11:54
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jistrmarios: +A'd, but yeah, it won't merge just yet11:56
mariosjistr: thx11:56
mariosjistr: jistr hmm i see there is no stable/liberty for the v6 yet so can't cherrypick (there will be quite a few reviews in this state gfidente right?, i mean that have the main v6 review as parent)11:57
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openstackgerritJavier Peña proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Bind Galera on a hostname for compat with IPv6 addresses
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Infra currently has a long backlog. Please be patient and where possible avoid rechecks while it catches up.12:07
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1550772 in tripleo "stable/liberty CI: all jobs failing due to nodes stuck in wait call-back" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to James Slagle (james-slagle)12:10
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gfidentemarios, yeah I'm trying to make netiso to pass12:15
gfidentemarios, so we can test the ipv6 changes on the netiso job12:15
gfidente(even though we'll be testing ipv4/netiso initially)12:15
gfidentemarios, should you find anything ... it seems to be timing out12:17
mariosgfidente: great!noted (likely tomorrow reviews)12:18
openstackgerritMatthew Thode proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add Gentoo to the list of supported distributions
gfidentemarios, jistr, this is pretty much same as the memcached fixup12:24
gfidentewhich just landed12:24
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/instack-undercloud: Increase scheduler_max_attempts on undercloud and make it configurable
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jistrmarios: do we want to `exit 1` if the script wasn't found there?
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mariosjistr: we have set -e12:33
mariosjistr: so it fails,. seemed to work ok for me12:33
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jistrmarios: ah ok. +212:34
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mariosjistr: thx12:44
mariosjistr: if we need a recheck I'll remove the results var12:47
jistrmarios: ack, thx12:47
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slaglehi everyone, it looks like IPA has been reverted back to the liberty build in rdo liberty, hopefully that will fix up the tripleo liberty ci13:08
slaglei rechecked a change on stable/liberty to test13:09
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1550772 in tripleo "stable/liberty CI: all jobs failing due to nodes stuck in wait call-back" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to James Slagle (james-slagle)13:10
gfidentejistr, I asked to marios same question only few lines early13:10
gfidenteso I think this deserves a topic13:11
gfidente"ask marios on irc"13:11
jistrmarios, gfidente: oh sorry, i missed that :/13:14
gfidentejistr, oh that wasn't the point13:15
mariosgfidente: no thanks. jistr np. as usual, it was gfidente's fault for not updating the review.13:15
mariosbut what can you do?13:15
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Adds v6 capability to the deploy validation test (pings)
EmilienMa backport to stable/liberty ^13:16
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EmilienMcan we have a review on this backport please ?
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Use set -e for validation-scripts/
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jistrContrail integration is still ready to land. just sayin :)
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dprinceshardy: this will help fix IPv4 network isolation upstream
dprincemarios: also, related to getting IPv4 network isolation working again could you have a look at both patches in this ticket:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1551048 in tripleo "network validation tests fail: No module named ipaddr" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Dan Prince (dan-prince)13:51
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jistrdprince: so that makes it work so that Heat notifications can go through swift rather than heat-cfn API?13:53
* jistr inclined to +2+A13:54
shardydprince: Hi!  Ouch, that's confusing, we use metadata_put_url inside heat, then request/metadata_url in the occ data13:54
jistroh sorry metadata... ok i'll just +1 and leave the rest to shardy :D13:55
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Correct ping test when using Swift temp_urls
dprincejistr: We already switched our default (upstream) to use Swift. What I'm fixing here is the ability to obtain the correct metadata_url13:55
dprinceshardy: yes, it is confusing13:55
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shardyjistr: Hey, sorry I just +A'd it13:55
dprinceshardy: I actually had to review the code to get this right. What I've posted functionally works though13:55
jistrshardy: haha np :)13:55
dprincegfidente: hi, so I've made progress on the IPv4 network isolation CI job:
mariosdprince: looking13:57
dprincegfidente: it is now hanging in the Post deployment steps. On the non-HA job it seems to hang in the compute post deploy... Puppet apply is running but then it times out/aborts13:57
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gfidentedprince, noticed, non-ha doesn't use netiso though right?13:59
dprincegfidente: I pushed a patch to enable it in all of them (as a test)14:00
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gfidentedprince, ah okay I was looking only at the older patch14:00
dprincegfidente: once we get it working we can land only the HA patch I guess. We can debate this. See my patch also has some critical fixes to allow it to get further14:00
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gfidentedprince, oh you mean this
gfidenteit landed though14:02
dprincegfidente: yes, it did :). 5 minutes ago14:02
dprincegfidente: my patch also Depends-On these fixes too:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1551048 in tripleo "network validation tests fail: No module named ipaddr" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Dan Prince (dan-prince)14:03
dprincegfidente: anyways, with that fixed our network isolation seems to be working. We can ping things anyway14:04
gfidenteyeah a recheck might pass now without the BZ patches14:05
gfidentecan I look for a specific indication in the logs14:05
gfidenteto figure if the timeout was due to ?14:05
gfidenteshardy, can I change in CI stack-show with resource-list -n514:08
gfidenteso we get understanding of which nested stack is going bad? dprince ^^14:08
gfidentedprince, I don't see the output from last puppet apply14:09
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gfidenteso some puppet must be timing out there ... that's why resource-list :)14:09
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1550772 in tripleo "stable/liberty CI: all jobs failing due to nodes stuck in wait call-back" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to James Slagle (james-slagle)14:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1551234 in tripleo "stable/liberty: openstack-keystone failing to start with ImportError: No module named Cryptodome.PublicKey" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Alan Pevec (apevec)14:10
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Collect status of all nested stacks in resource-list and event-list
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gfidente^^ :)14:12
gfidentelet me depend on it and see if we get anywhere further14:12
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Use netiso in the ha job
dprincegfidente: exactly, there is no output. It just hangs14:13
gfidentedprince, yeah because I think some puppet is timing out14:14
gfidenteso I am trying the -n5 to see if heat can give better indication of when this happens14:14
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zigogreghaynes: Hi there, is there any reason why is stuck?14:36
zigoI'm looking forward having it approved, because that's blocking the Debian image patch in infra, which blocks Debian packaging on upstream infra.14:37
gfidentedprince, regarding the ip on vlan10 and related FLOATING_* settings, I didn't add that because we default to 192.0.2. in upstream CI14:37
gfidentewhich we should reach from the undercloud14:37
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zigogreghaynes: I was in fact talking to that one:
zigoThe other one is the Debian one which is stuck because of #21185914:41
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dtantsurfolks, one more kind request to review
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-common: Updated from global requirements
dtantsurthis small patch will open much more opportunities for the profile matching (and other advanced introspection applications)14:54
jistrgfidente: hmm i'm not sure about this one
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jistrHeat could use a way to do per-OS defaults of some sort14:55
jistror t-h-t rather than Heat14:55
jistrby moving ::osfamily up in the hierarchy, we're essentially saying "CinderISCSIHelper" stack parameter on RH platforms will always be ignored14:56
gfidentejistr, so let me add some context14:56
gfidenteyes we're saying the hiera value preveals on the tht value, for a specific platform and people can only override it with ExtraConfig hiera14:57
jistryea :(14:57
gfidenteon the other hand, I like the idea of per-OS defaults in tht but we don't have it today14:57
gfidenteand my interest in this change was landing
gfidentewhich "relies" on appropriate default for that CinderISCSI thing14:58
jistroh i think we might make the per-os defaults work actually14:58
gfidentein tht?14:58
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/instack-undercloud: Enable IPA debug logging during introspection when undercloud_debug is True
jistrgfidente: yea. will describe on the review14:59
rhalliseydprince, ping got a puppet tags question14:59
shardyOne way to enable optional additional overrides from a mapping is shown here btw:14:59
shardy(needs reviews! ;)15:00
shardyThat would get messy if we wanted lots of os-specific overrides, but it might work for simple cases15:00
gfidenteshardy, ah so the map overwrites the str template15:01
gfidenteyou're damned15:01
gfidenteas in cool but reads more like 'how did you even think about that'15:01
shardywell it makes sense in the hostname case, where you know that e.g you'll always have overcloud-controller-0, and you want to map that to something different15:02
shardyit may not be a clean solution for general hiera overrides, just wanted to point out the technique15:02
gfidenteshardy, yeah because we need for each param we want to override15:03
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jistrgfidente: wdyt
jistri mean
dprincerhallisey: hi, whats up?15:04
gfidentejistr, I think it's fine15:05
rhalliseydprince, I'm wondering if we're missing a tag. I'm not seeing puppet generate /usr/share/neutron15:05
rhalliseymaybe neutron_api_config ?15:05
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gfidentejistr, if we don't move osfamily though we'll have to do that for all the params which need os-specific default15:06
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Install dstat after we set the fedora mirror
jistrgfidente: yes, but only if we want to combine setting them from a Heat stack parameter with an os-specific default15:08
dprincerhallisey: /usr/share/neutron would be owned by the neutron package right?15:08
jistrgfidente: i hope there wouldn't be so many of those (we have 1st one now)15:08
gfidenteyeah so the real thing here is in letting tht preveal when we have two definitions15:08
dprincerhallisey: I'm not sure puppet-neutron generates that. My guess is that it doesn't15:08
jistrgfidente: yea exactly15:08
rhalliseydprince, ok so if it doesn't then..15:08
rhalliseymaybe we need to install another neutron package15:09
jistrgfidente: honestly, i think the best solution here would be to not have CinderISCSIHelper param at all... but that breaks backwards comp.15:09
gfidenteyou had me there15:09
gfidenteagreed then15:09
derekh8 falures in CI caused by a failing fedora mirror list, this should fix it
jistrgfidente: alright, thanks15:09
derekh*8 failures today15:09
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1550772 in tripleo "stable/liberty CI: all jobs failing due to nodes stuck in wait call-back" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to James Slagle (james-slagle)15:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1551234 in tripleo "stable/liberty: openstack-keystone failing to start with ImportError: No module named Cryptodome.PublicKey" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Alan Pevec (apevec)15:10
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Change the default value for NetworkNexusVxlanGlobalConfig
jistrgfidente: rather than CinderISCSIHelper in particular, i don't like the ::osfamily move in the hierarchy and introducing the pattern of overriding per-role params via osfamily. That's reverse order than what it should be like.15:11
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* jistr going to mention that on the review too actually15:12
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gfidentejistr, yeah but I am unsure what we want to override there15:12
gfidentebecause tht doesn't have per-OS defaults15:12
gfidenteso it makes sense to have per-OS defaults in hiera overriding the tht defaults15:13
rhalliseydprince, nevermind.  Ya it can't be puppet.. Something is just off with the config15:13
gfidentewhat I liked of the %{} is that it behaves as phasing out a parameter15:14
gfidentejistr, ^^15:14
jistrgfidente: "so it makes sense to have per-OS defaults in hiera overriding the tht defaults" -- yeah i see what you mean... but still, then we have a stack parameter that doesn't work on the platform where we made the override. Feels like the priority (tht custom set value vs. hiera defaults) is then reversed on that platform.15:17
gfidenteso I'll update it without moving osfamily15:17
jistrgfidente: cool, thanks!15:17
gfidenteas in your comment15:17
gfidentewe'll probably never cross it again and put defaults in common/RedHat appropriately instead of THT15:18
jistrgfidente: yea agreed. Usually for the parameters where we want per-OS defaults, we wouldn't want users to customize those super-easily, i think. As we discussed above, the ideal solution here would probably be "simple" defaults in hiera, and not introduce the CinderISCSIHelper parameter at all.15:20
jistrso i hope there's a good chance we won't hit this issue again15:20
* jistr crosses fingers15:20
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openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Default CinderISCSIHelper to lioadm for RH based systems
dprincemarios: I commented here. I'd like to see us maintain the custom error messages I think. That was the reason for the set +e, set -e bits.15:31
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Default CinderISCSIHelper to lioadm for RH based systems
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: OpenContrail heat templates
dprincegfidente: you realize you just put a hiera setting at the top level here:
dprincegfidente: we can't/shouldn't do that!15:32
openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Deploy Aodh services, replacing Ceilometer Alarm
gfidentegfidente, see last 2/3 comments in the review ;)15:34
gfidentedprince, ^^15:34
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jistrdprince: ok, good point. Do you have some idea how to do OS-specific defaults in t-h-t though? We need iloadm on RH platform, tgtadm elsewhere. Putting it into RedHat.yaml won't help, because it's going to get overriden by the t-h-t param. Moving ::osfamily up in the hierarchy does the reverse -- it makes the t-h-t param effectively ignored, regardless what you set.15:37
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mariosjistr: thanks15:41
marioserr... sorry i mean dprince thanks (revisited the review)15:41
jistrgfidente, dprince: we might get back to what gfidente had initially, if that does the least amount of damage (having hiera hierarchy of "osfamily > per-role > common" rather than the usual "per-role > osfamily > common"). i forgot to pay attention to non-puppet use cases when reviewing15:42
jistrdprince: would you be ok with the hierarchy change? ^15:42
jistrdprince: patch set 1
gfidentedprince, /me overlooked the non puppet scenario too, thanks :)15:45
gfidenteI'm telling you the review process is important!15:45
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openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/puppet-pacemaker: Basic beaker one node test.
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openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/puppet-pacemaker: Add a service provider.
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openstackgerritDan Radez proposed openstack/os-cloud-config: Adding support for pxe_amt
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openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Move ::osfamily up in the hiera hierarchy, after extraconfig
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Print failed overcloud info
akrivokadprince: may I suggest flfuchs as a tripleo-ui core, instead of myself? he's much more familiar with the code base than me16:07
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1550772 in tripleo "stable/liberty CI: all jobs failing due to nodes stuck in wait call-back" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to James Slagle (james-slagle)16:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1551234 in tripleo "stable/liberty: openstack-keystone failing to start with ImportError: No module named Cryptodome.PublicKey" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Alan Pevec (apevec)16:10
jistrgfidente: changed my -1 to +1. Would be nice to see a third core give a + there, as it seems to be somewhat controversial. Sorry about misleading you towards the hiera defaults way.16:13
gfidentejistr, ack16:13
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openstackgerritDan Sneddon proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add a sample network-environment.yaml file to environments
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openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Upgrades: quiet yum update
openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Upgrades: install zaqarclient
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gfidentedprince, so from the new output we can tell it's loadbalancer_step1 failing17:03
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gfidentedprince, corosync says it couldn't reach the other nodes17:07
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1550772 in tripleo "stable/liberty CI: all jobs failing due to nodes stuck in wait call-back" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to James Slagle (james-slagle)17:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1551234 in tripleo "stable/liberty: openstack-keystone failing to start with ImportError: No module named Cryptodome.PublicKey" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Alan Pevec (apevec)17:10
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slagleboth of those should now be fixed ^^^17:11
gfidentederekh, dprince I think we're blocking multicast17:12
derekhgfidente: in the test envs ?17:13
gfidentederekh, yeah17:15
gfidenteand I remember we could configure corosync for regular upnp but I'd need to check how and if the puppet module supports this17:15
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derekhgfidente: hmm, so eth1 on the undercloud is on the same ovs bridge at eth0 on each barmetal node, nothing should be getting blocked in that scenario17:17
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gfidentederekh, multicast should be going across the nodes on the interface where we plug the internal_api network17:18
gfidentederekh, I'm bringing up something locally to have better understanding17:18
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gfidente(across the overcloud nodes only)17:18
gfidentethe corosync timeouts are in the pcs logs17:19
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derekhgfidente: ok, if you have no luck give me a shout and I'll set you up a test env on the ci Rack incase your local env is somehow different17:20
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-tripleoclient: Removes as it is not needed explicitely by PBR
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dprinceakrivoka: yes, perhaps just reply with his name on the list instead of yours17:20
gfidentederekh, so corosync resolves by name, in non-ha corosync that is 192.0.217:20
gfidentederekh, sorry in non-netiso17:21
gfidentederekh, in netiso that becomes the internal_api vlan17:21
dprincegfidente: I was looking at the more simple non-HA job. And it was even hanging17:21
gfidentederekh, but I don't see why that should fail given this all goes on same physical nic17:21
dprincegfidente: on compute though17:21
gfidentedprince, so we might hit that too but for HA we're stuck in Step1 (I can tell now that I added the -n5 thing to resource-list)17:22
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack/instack-undercloud: Set max_resources_per_stack to -1
derekhCan I get a second +2 on this, A+ it also ;-), it has passed all 3 jobs
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gfidentedprince, what was the submission fixing ImportError: No module named ipaddr ?17:24
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derekhAlso while I'm on the topic, all of our jobs are being delayed by an hour, as they are waiting on the containers job to finish, what do ye think of temporarily disabling it?
dprincegfidente: two I would recommend. This makes the script fail better:
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dprincegfidente: and this actually adds the python-ipaddr dependency
gfidentegod you pointed me there before17:26
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akrivokadprince: ping, not sure if you saw my msgs earlier17:27
akrivoka<akrivoka> dprince: may I suggest flfuchs as a tripleo-ui core, instead of myself? he's much more familiar with the code base than me17:28
akrivoka<akrivoka> dprince:
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-puppet-elements: Add overcloud-base element
dprinceakrivoka: yes, sorry.l I thought I replied17:28
dprinceakrivoka: I'm fine with your suggestion, would you mind proposing the alternative to the list?17:28
akrivokadprince: sure, will do17:29
akrivokadprince: thanks!17:29
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Install dstat after we set the fedora mirror
shardyrhallisey: ^^ can you respond to derekh's comment re disabling the containers job?17:29
shardywhat's the status re making that reliable?17:29
shardyI recall it was working for a time, but not recently?17:29
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rhalliseyshardy, after rebuilding some of the containers neutron-ovs-agents isn't working properly17:30
rhalliseyso it's causing the ping test to fail17:30
rhalliseytrying to adjust to some of the changes in the images17:30
rhalliseyshardy, comments on the review17:31
rhalliseyI think we should disable until further notice..17:31
shardyrhallisey: Ok, thanks for confirming!17:32
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dprincerhallisey: is there no way to easily revert to a working container currently?17:33
rhalliseyno problem17:33
rhalliseydprince, I could go back and build an old one with new packages.  The only issues though is it increases our delta from kolla17:34
rhalliseywhich I'd rather not do17:34
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gfidentederekh, dprince I'm trying to switch hostname resolve network to ctlplane so corosync will use 192.0.2 for multicast17:39
gfidentecause that used to work without netiso17:39
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack/instack-undercloud: Add ability to auto-generate self-signed certificates
derekhgfidente: ok17:40
jaosoriorbnemec: Was that just a rebase? ^^17:41
bnemecjaosorior: Yes.  And the only conflict was in the sample config file, so I just regenerated it. :-)17:41
jaosoriorbnemec: Alright17:41
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dprincegfidente: okay, would that fix the other non-HA jobs too?17:44
gfidentedprince, no I don't think it's same issue17:44
dprincegfidente: Right now I'd take any job as the network isolation job17:44
gfidenteoh I see what you mean17:45
dprincegfidente: right, so if that only fixes corosync I'm wondering if perhaps we should focus on non-HA first17:45
gfidenteok well I had this 'on hands', I'm checking the non-ha now17:49
EmilienMgfidente: if you remember our IPv6 concerns about adding brackets when needed, you  might want to look
gfidenteEmilienM, nice :)17:52
EmilienMgfidente: puppet-nova already has it to add brackers for VNC URLs17:52
EmilienMand I'm doing a patch in puppet-glance to add it too for registry_host17:52
EmilienMgfidente: we should use it, instead of adding brackets in the manifests (if we did)17:52
gfidentetotally nice17:53
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Collect status of all nested stacks in resource-list and event-list
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Use netiso in the ha job
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openstackgerritRichard Su proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add missing createUser line to /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
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bnemecCould somebody push the button on and ?18:01
bnemecThey're simple ci changes to add more information to our logs.18:02
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shardybnemec: lgtm, done18:04
bnemecshardy: Thanks!18:04
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Get more info from ps command
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Remove unused urllib
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Run top in batch mode
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gfidentebnemec, ?18:10
gfidentesorry wrong link18:10
bnemecgfidente: What about it?18:14
gfidenteI noticed you were in 'more logs' mood18:14
bnemecgfidente: Ah, gotcha.  I was kind of enjoying the <1 MB console.logs though. :-P18:18
gfidenteI forgot you -1 my patches anyway18:19
gfidentecan I get resource-list -n5 five at least? :)18:19
bnemecgfidente: I +2'd it.  I'm just giving you a hard time. :-)18:21
gfidenteand that's good18:22
gfidenteI tell the review process is important18:22
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gfidentedprince, so yes there must be some connectivity issue across nodes on the vlans, it isn't only multicast for corosync because compute never gets to connect to rabbit in non-ha18:36
dprincegfidente: right, and it doesn't effect the ping check. Because that is now passing18:37
dprincegfidente: do you have it failing locally?18:37
gfidenteno not locally18:37
dprincegfidente: yeah, me neither :/18:37
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gfidentedprince, I just noticed this from derek18:43
gfidente<derekh> gfidente: hmm, so eth1 on the undercloud is on the same ovs bridge at eth0 on each barmetal node, nothing should be getting blocked in that scenario18:43
gfidentedoes that mean on overcloud nodes the vlans should go on eth1 and not eth0 ?18:43
gfidenteoh no he said eth0 on overcloud nodes18:43
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dprincegfidente: yeah, we can certainly review this but last we talked about it I don't think the bridges should block anything18:45
gfidentedprince, oh I am thinking the ping test in non-ha works because it's a single node18:47
gfidenteso it has all the IPs locally18:48
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openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add Satellite 5 support
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openstackgerritLeon Zachery proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Cisco nexus config template - obsolete parameter (replay count).
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack/instack-undercloud: Delete default flavors in Python
bnemec^is what happens when I'm sitting around waiting for images to build :-)19:11
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openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add Satellite 5 support
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openstackgerritKambiz Aghaiepour proposed openstack/instack-undercloud: Enable AMT driver
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openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Deploy Aodh services, replacing Ceilometer Alarm
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-common: Adds a bash script that operators will use during upgrades
openstackgerritLeon Zachery proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Cisco nexus config template - obsolete parameter (replay count).
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openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Deploy Gnocchi as a Ceilometer metrics storage backend
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Convert port cidr splitting to str_split
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openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: DO NOT MERGE: Print output of ovs-vsctl show from hosting node
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openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Implement ViewManager list_software_deployments
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Implement ViewManager list_stack_failures
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Implement ViewManager show_software_deployment
trownif 2 environment files define controllerExtraConfig, what is the expected behavior? merge the two dicts? overwrite the contents of the last one?21:10
dmsimard"RDO Manager" is now "TripleO"
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gfidentedmsimard :)21:18
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: DO NOT MERGE: Print output of brctl show from hosting node
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trownfor anyone curious about my question above wrt controllerExtraConfig, the behavior is to merge21:38
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openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Revert "Revert "neutron: enable nova-event-callback by default""
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Revert "Revert "neutron: enable nova-event-callback by default""
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Set project name for nova -> neutron notifications
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slaglebnemec: i'm feeling good about that one ^ :)21:58
slagleapparently we need the suffix in neutron.conf, but not nova.conf21:58
bnemecslagle: Consistency FTW! :-)21:58
slaglewell it is in mitaka i guess :)21:59
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slagleactually it's the other way around, no suffix in neutron.conf, suffix in nova.conf22:00
pradkslagle, could we bump the memory on oc nodes? i keep hitting - Cannot allocate memory - fork(2)22:04
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Enable notifications on the overcloud
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openstackgerritDan Sneddon proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add IPv6 Support to Isolated Networks
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openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Deploy Gnocchi as a Ceilometer metrics storage backend
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dmsimardDon't know if anyone could answer this guy, just don't want to redirect him to rdo-list
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bnemecdmsimard: I'm not on the operators list, but the config he wants is max_concurrent_builds in /etc/nova/nova.conf.22:33
dmsimardok i'll get back to him22:33
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openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Deploy Aodh services, replacing Ceilometer Alarm
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openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add --version option to disk-image-create
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add --version option to disk-image-create

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