Friday, 2016-04-01

openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: dhcp-all-interfaces depends on dhcp
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Use generic "dhcp-client" name
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openstackgerritDmitry Ilyin proposed openstack/puppet-pacemaker: [WIP] Merge with fuel-infra/puppet-pacemaker
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openstackgerritMatthew Thode proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add Gentoo to the dhcp-all-interfaces element
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zoli|gonegood morning07:28
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jaosoriorAny +A for this? :D07:48
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jistrccamacho: good morning08:15
ccamachojistr, good morning!!!!08:16
jistri didn't answer your br-ctlplane question right away because i didn't know the answer and didn't have bandwidth to start investigating yesterday, and then i forgot about that, sorry08:16
jistrccamacho: did you get to an answer somehow?08:16
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ccamachojistr, no no np, at the end I have abandoned the patch as is not mandatory and I wanted to automate that step, but now is documented as optional08:17
jistrccamacho: ok. Looking through code now, it looks like the interface is named br-ctlplane by default (e.g. in instack-virt-setup environments, and i don't know if anyone ever tried to change the default there). But perhaps in non-virtual environments the name of the interface might be different.08:20
jaosoriorjistr: Hey dude, got time to check this one out?
jistryup, looking08:29
jistrit's on its way08:31
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-tripleoclient: Don't configure Nova v3 service
jaosoriorthanks dude08:32
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tripleo: Make cipher suite and SSL options configurable
openstackgerritMerged openstack/instack-undercloud: Temporarily set +e on systemd-journald restart for +bug/1564471
openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack/instack-undercloud: Temporarily set +e on systemd-journald restart for +bug/1564471
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openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack/instack-undercloud: Update .gitreview defaultbranch for stable/mitaka
openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack/instack-undercloud: Temporarily set +e on systemd-journald restart for +bug/1564471
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ccamachojistr, thanks for the info :)08:51
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openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Don't configure Nova v3 service
openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Don't configure Nova v3 service
gfidenteporting fun08:58
gfidentejistr so the two nodes thing works because pcs is setting two_node:1 for us when the list is of only two members08:59
jistrdoes fencing work with 2 nodes?08:59
gfidenteyes as long as the two_node is set09:00
jistrhmm interesting09:00
gfidentethen the quorum rule is not enforced and cluster remains quorate with 1 vote09:00
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openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Disable Nova v3 API
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Use values from endpoint map for service endpoints
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jistri can already see that CI on failed very early with something unrelated to the change, going to submit a new patchset with improved commit message (similar as on the other two reviews) and it will also retrigger CI09:06
openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack/os-cloud-config: Set compute API version to 2.1, don't use v3
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-docs: Fixed typos across the TripleO documentation
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mburnedhmm...tripleo ci failing on centos-cloud-rdo.repo not existing10:50
openstackgerritAparna proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Support to add self-signed certificate in ironic-agent
mburned <-- seems to have disappeared10:50
mburnedbreaks image building in ci...10:51
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trownmburned_out: probably just need rebase,
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openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Remove centos-cloud-repo element from image building
openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Remove centos-cloud-repo element from image building
jistrtrown, mburned_out: ^^ cherry-picked to liberty and mitaka11:03
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hewbroccajistr: thanks!11:08
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hewbroccamy eyes swam there for a minute: 300142 vs 30041211:08
hewbroccaactually both valid numbers...11:08
hewbroccajust funny that two separate but related reviews have those two numbers11:10
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mburnedtrown: note that ci is failing on liberty and mitaka, not master12:09
mburnedso rechecks are good there12:10
mburnedor whoever can change /topic...12:10
trownya... I can not... bnemec did that12:10
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*** slagle changes topic to "TripleO | CI blocked by on liberty/mitaka No point rechecking until that merges | CI status: | Docs:"12:14
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numansHello, I am trying to build overcloud centos image, but everytime i am getting the below error. some one has any idea what could be wrong..12:16
numans+ echo dib-run-parts Fri Apr 1 11:31:32 UTC 2016 Running /tmp/in_target.d/pre-install.d/01-delorean-clean-metadata12:16
numansdib-run-parts Fri Apr 1 11:31:32 UTC 2016 Running /tmp/in_target.d/pre-install.d/01-delorean-clean-metadata12:16
numans+ target_tag=01-delorean-clean-metadata12:16
numans+ date +%s.%N12:16
numans+ /tmp/in_target.d/pre-install.d/01-delorean-clean-metadata12:16
numans+ yum clean metadata12:16
numansLoaded plugins: fastestmirror12:16
numansFile contains no section headers.12:16
numansfile: file:///etc/yum.repos.d/centos-cloud-rdo.repo, line: 112:16
numans'<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">\n'12:16
numanstrown, thanks for pointing this .12:17
trownpretty easy patch to apply :)12:17
numanstrown, yes.. i will apply myself. thanks again :)12:17
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add scripts to generate website
dprincejrist: ^^ that commit should help you with the website stuff12:48
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openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Show correct missing files when an error occurs
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trownslagle: can we tag this commit in tripleo-incubator as 0.1.0? `curl -s | grep tripleo-incubator | cut -d ',' -f3`13:10
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gfidente slagle this was trying to solve same issue13:17
gfidentenot sure which one is better13:17
gfidenteif any is13:17
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trowngfidente: oh, ya that one is actually working :)13:18
trownand has unit test13:18
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trownslagle: cool if we +A instead?13:20
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slaglethese patches do different things13:23
slaglei dont think they are mutually exclusive13:24
slagleone is valdating environemnt files from the command line13:24
slaglethe other is reporting errors that bubble up from heat after the yaml is parsed13:24
trownah true, there could be other issues than the missing files13:25
slagletrown: personally, i'm not in favor of tagging incubator, just for the sake of packaging.13:25
slaglei guess if everyone wants to, then ok13:25
trownslagle: it is for the sake of releasing13:25
trownI get we didnt want to release it... but we did13:26
slagleit's not released13:26
slagleno, rdo packaged it13:26
trownwell if it isnt released then it shouldnt be packaged13:26
slaglethat's not really true at all13:26
slaglelots of projects don't do releases and are still packaged by distros13:26
trownnot in openstack13:27
slaglek, you aren't going to convince me :)13:27
trownand in the external to openstack puppet modules that do stuff like that, we are similarly trying to convince them to release :)13:27
slaglei'm not in favor of tagging it, i'd rather see the package use git or date based version13:28
slagleor move off of incubator entirely, then it's not an issue at all13:28
trownI think that is the better plan, but too late for mitaka13:28
slaglethat being said, if someone wants to create a tag, then fine13:28
slagleit seems backwards to tag and release soemthing, we plan on not using and moving off of, nor ever supporting that release long term13:29
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-tripleoclient: Clarify error when a template is missing
slaglethat's what i mean by it'd be just for the "sake of packaging"13:29
jristdprince: sweet, thanks13:30
openstackgerritDmitry Ilyin proposed openstack/puppet-pacemaker: [WIP] Merge with fuel-infra/puppet-pacemaker
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jristdprince: yup, that sed flip was the missing line13:33
jristdprince: thanks for getting back to me13:33
dprincejrist: yep, now you have the whole thing though. So if you wanted to tinker with how the CI reports are generated, etc. you've got it all13:34
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Show correct missing files when an error occurs
jristdprince: with great power...13:35
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dprincejrist: I put the SKIP_ options in there for what you are doing though. For quick style changes I stub out the reviewday, and CI reports13:36
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dprincejrist: should take about 10-15 seconds if you use the SKIPs.13:37
jristah, good to know13:37
dprincejrist: once you get it like you want it'd still be good to run a final full pass to make sure there aren't any odd spacings that effect the CI reports though13:37
dprincejrist: if I recall I did something magical to fix the CI spacings13:38
dprincejrist: magical in that it was so long ago I don't remember13:38
dprincejrist: could be in the tripleosphinx git history though I guess13:38
trownslagle: I am torn, as I see your argument, but it is kind of a requirement for delorean to have tags if we ever want to get rid of yum-plugin-priorities13:39
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jristdprince: yeah, I'm not planning on changing too much. but this is all good to know13:40
dprincetrown: what don't you like about yum-plugin-priorities13:40
jristdprince: unless of course we want some more change...13:40
dprincetrown: I kind of like it I think for ad-hoc ninja Yum repos13:41
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trowndprince: it is a bit hacky :P, and hides legitimate version problems13:41
dprincetrown: but it is really, really useful for developer workflow13:42
trowndprince: for the tripleo case we pretty much solved the need for it by having a timestamp in the release13:42
dprincetrown: what about the case where I build locally, or have a locally (older) RPM that I want to trump all?13:42
dprincetrown: for local development I typically want my Yum repo to win.13:43
trowndprince: since developer built packages will have a newer timestamp, they will upgrade the repo packages13:43
slagletrown: if the tag were there, how would it be used? tripleo-incubator isn't even setup to release to tarballs.openstack.org13:43
slagletagging it just really feels like a hack to make delorean happy13:43
dprincetrown: they might have a newer timestamp, they might not... and that is where yum-priorities helps13:43
trownslagle: ya, that is the part of your argument I am agreeing with now13:43
slaglewhat happens if we need to update it, we tag again?13:43
dprincetrown: I don't always re-build my packages each day, but I may use a newer Delorean URL13:44
trowndprince: ok, for that use case it makes sense, but for RDO where we want to actually catch version problems it is not ideal13:44
trownslagle: ok I think we will just artificially bump version for mitaka to 0.0.8, but we probably need to get rid of it in newton13:46
openstackgerritMerged openstack/instack-undercloud: Update .gitreview defaultbranch for stable/mitaka
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openstackgerritRaoul Scarazzini proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Adding filter on local nodes to check_resource function
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openstackgerritRaoul Scarazzini proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Adding filter on local nodes to check_resource function
openstackgerritRaoul Scarazzini proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Adding filter on local nodes to check_resource function
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openstackgerritRaoul Scarazzini proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Adding filter on local nodes to check_resource function
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dtantsurslagle, bnemec, hey! I suspect one of you knows about dhcp-all-interfaces thing, right?14:15
dtantsurI've got a bug with IPA starting before we get at least one IP address, even though it has a dependency on network-online: bug 1322892 in openstack-ironic-discoverd "No valid interfaces found during introspection" [Unspecified,New] - Assigned to dtantsur14:18
slagleHTTP Redirect 301 -> dprince14:18
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dprincedtantsur: I will review your notes14:18
trownslagle: you messed that up this is openstack that should be a 50014:18
trownor a 114:18
dtantsurlol, IRC redirects14:18
trownI think cinder was returning an HTTP code of 114:18
slagletrown: actually i would just wrap it all in a Keystone AuthorizationFailed14:18
slagleor "no valid host"14:18
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dtantsurno valid host ftw14:19
trownthat would be a good April 1 patch... replace all nova errors with "no valide host"14:19
dtantsurisn't it already done?14:19
shardyslagle has erred or is incapable of performing the requested action ;)14:19
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dprincedtantsur: are both of your NICs attached to the same switch?14:20
dprincedtantsur: if so this could be ARP flux related14:20
dprincedtantsur: I'd look into this first14:21
ayounglarsks, so, adding the external network to the nodes caused quickstart to hand14:21
ayounglarsks, what I am thinking is this:14:21
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dprincedtantsur: second thought would be to try, stable-interface-names (the element)14:21
ayoungwe add a public interface only to the controller node, but leave it deactivated to start14:21
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ayoungthen, once the cluster is up and running, we can activated it.14:21
dtantsurdprince, could you please leave your questions on the bugzilla?14:22
dtantsurdprince, anyway, I'm thinking of a way to be absolutely sure that has finished by the time we run IPA14:23
larsksayoung: you show open on rfe in the tracker, in case someone else has clever ideas along these lines, too.14:25
larskss/show/should/ thanks fingers14:25
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ayounglarsks, yeah, it is a fingers kind of day14:25
ayounglarsks, is that launchpad>?14:25
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larsksayoung: nope, github:
dprincedtantsur: commented on the BZ14:26
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ayounglarsks,  added it to
larsksayoung: Thanks!14:28
ccamachojistr, one question. This repo file does not exist anymore14:29
trownlarsks: ayoung, actually could we put that on launchpad :)
larskstrown: oh, are we moving issues there as well?14:30
trownI need to migrate existing issues over, hence the cleanup yesterday14:30
trownI think that is an openstack requirement no?14:30
larsksEh, maybe.  I dunno :)14:30
trownit was listed as a step in the project config docs14:31
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trownoh shiny we have repo on openstack
dtantsurtrown, congrats14:34
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jistrshould we just push this through? it blocks mitaka CI, and HA and non-HA passed.
jistrand hopefully we'll get results on soon, which blocks liberty CI14:49
trownI think so14:49
trownit is clearly 404'ing on image build with that, and clearly working without14:49
jistryea +114:50
jistr+A'd. Without the patch everything is red, here we got at least 2 green, and the third failed in delorean phase14:51
mburnedjistr: trown:  the stable/liberty passed 2 so far14:52
mburnedthird job seems stuck...14:52
mburnedoh, wait, just updated...14:52
mburnedit's create_complete14:52
jistrmburned: yeah, it's been taking a long time. I've ben watching zuul and it seemed like it restarted it right before it finished14:52
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mburnedit sat at image build for a *long* time14:53
mburnedjust finished overcloud deploy though14:53
slaglelet's just go with the liberty patch if it's already passed 2 jobs14:54
pradkhas there been any changes to galera mysql config recently? I'm seeing my upgrade and ha job fail which was passing until two days ago14:54
ayoungtrown, larsks14:54
openstackLaunchpad bug 1564946 in tripleo-quickstart "Provide (remote) access to overcloud services " [Undecided,New]14:54
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jistrboth patches are on the way14:55
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pradkgfidente, ^^ do you know of any recent changes to galrea/mysql config?14:57
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pradkgfidente, seeing db sync fail and mysql connection failures since i rebased gnocchi patch on Mar 30th14:58
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-tripleoclient: Remove centos-cloud-repo element from image building
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openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart: Separate preparation (always enabled) and run of tempest
toskytrown: first patch ^^ :) (with a locally tweaked .gitreview)15:04
trownnice, just fixing .gitreview now15:06
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-tripleoclient: Remove centos-cloud-repo element from image building
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openstackgerritJohn Trowbridge proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart: Fix .gitreview for move to openstack git
trowntosky: mind if I use your patch to test third-party CI (I don't have it setup yet)15:10
toskytrown: whatever you need, it's public there15:11
trownmeh, actually I can use any patch for that... better to get the repo synced up and get rid of redhat-openstack repo15:11
mburnedslagle: <-- this didn't seem to trigger merge process,15:14
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slaglemburned: yea it's b/c of the depends-on15:17
slaglewhich is not branch aware15:17
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slaglewas just talking with jistr about that, i think he's just going to remove it from the commit msg, and we can push it through15:17
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-quickstart: Fix .gitreview for move to openstack git
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-quickstart: Separate preparation (always enabled) and run of tempest
jistrthere's another patch on top of that one which has the CI all green15:18
jistrthis one
slaglek, +A'd that one15:19
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openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack/os-cloud-config: Set compute API version to 2.1, don't use v3
jistrthanks. Now we just need +2s back on this one ^ and +A it (based on the CI results from the one on top) so both will get merged, and i'll backport them15:21
slagledone :)15:21
jistrcool, thanks15:21
openstackgerritMiles Gould proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart: Document support for distros other than CentOS 7
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-quickstart: Document support for distros other than CentOS 7
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zoliXXLhave a good weekend15:40
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/os-cloud-config: Set compute API version to 2.1, don't use v3
larskstrown: I want to create a POC job to try and reproduce some of the issues that bkero was seeing.15:43
larskstrown: (on Got a minute to provide some pointers?15:43
trownlarsks: sure15:43
larskstrown: pm to avoid cluttering channel?15:43
trownya, and it requires gerrit login so not super relevant15:44
trownerr jenkins login rather15:44
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Add Glance profiles
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openstackgerritDan Radez proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Enable deployment of Ceph Storage (OSD) on the Compute Nodes
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mburnedslagle: jistr:  i see os-cloud-config patch merged, but 299896 isn't triggering15:52
mburnedit was dependent on the os-cloud-config15:52
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jistri'll +A too15:54
slaglemburned: ok it's in the gate queue now15:54
jistrah ok15:55
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jistri think i'll backport the top one just to liberty initially, to avoid another depends-on lock15:56
jistrdidn't backport the middle one yet for the same reason. Want to make sure that everything's in master first15:56
jistrerr i mean the middle one needs to be backported just to liberty initially15:56
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Disable Nova v3 API
openstackgerritRaoul Scarazzini proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Fixing filter on local nodes to check_resource function
jistrumm... i might need to re-add the depends-on on the middle one for the backport, as the dependency isn't in liberty yet either. What i think could be a better solution is simply to recheck once the dependency merges to liberty, because if i re-add the depends-on, it will wait for mitaka backport of the dependency too. (i already submitted backport of the bottom patch to both liberty and mitaka in the morning)16:02
openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Don't configure Nova v3 service
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Restart haproxy after configuring SSL certs
mburnedslagle: the pcs status | grep haproxy-clone is checking to see that haproxy is running, right?16:05
mburnedto keep the external lb case from breaking?16:05
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jistrmburned: i think so16:09
slaglemburned: it doesnt check if it's running, just that the resource is defined16:11
slaglewhich it won't be if using external lb16:11
mburnedslagle: perfect16:12
* mburned not qualified to review other than that 1 question...16:12
slaglejistr: i'm actually not very thrilled about this16:14
jistri commented on the review16:14
slaglejistr: since now we have an unconditional haproxy restart on every stack-update16:14
jistrhmm right on every stack update16:15
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jistrslagle: it's a bit worse because it will probably restart all openstack services too16:15
jistrslagle: maybe if `systemctl reload haproxy` would suffice, it might be better. (It would have to be done on all nodes rather than just pcmk master.)16:16
slaglewe can't, then pacemaker will blow up16:16
slagleoh, does reload not restart?16:17
jistryeah afaik it doesn't16:17
jistri tried it just once on my env, to work around the "haproxy isn't listening on glance-registry port after upgrade", but pcmk didn't seem to go crazy in my env16:18
jistrslagle: ^16:18
slagleand did it pick up changes from haproxy.cfg?16:18
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jistri didn't change anything so i can't say with certainty (for some reason haproxy ran desynced from the config file state), but i think it should. I mean, it did start listening on the glance-registry port. (but it should have been listening on that port before too AFAICT)16:19
jistrhttpd does pickup config changes on systemctl reload though16:20
* jistr googles a bit about haproxy reload16:20
jistrok the first thing that pops up is this :D16:20
jistrso it should pick up config changes iirc16:21
jistrbut it might be buggy (?)16:22
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slaglehmm, random blogs on the internet seem to suggest that a reload will re-read ssl certs16:24
slaglelet's go with it16:24
jistrslagle: another option might be to first enable the maintenance mode and then do `systemctl *restart* haproxy`. This would have to be done on all nodes, including the maintenance mode enabling, because we can't be sure that $pacemaker_master will be the first one to execute that script. Setting the maintenance mode boolean to true multiple times shouldn't be a problem.16:24
jistrin fact we already were setting it to true from all controllers, looking at the removed code in
slagleyea, that would work. i think we should try the reload though16:27
slaglebecause even a restart would cause an unecessary service outage16:27
jistrok +116:28
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rookhey shardy -- anything else to get this added?
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shardyrook: it just needs to pass CI - I rechecked16:34
jistrmburned: os-cloud-config doesn't have stable branches, so nothing to backport there, so i submitted both mitaka and liberty backports of -- no additional depends-on lock there16:37
slaglejistr: gerrit irc bot is awol, but i pushed a new PS,
slaglei think that will do it16:40
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jistrslagle: +216:45
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slaglei probably should have done a new patch since i changed what bnemec had done so much :)16:47
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trownslagle: which release here is mitaka?
trownthe numbers are a bit confusing17:25
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slagletrown: it's 1.0.017:34
slagleit's confusing b/c if you just look at the tags in stable/mitaka, you will see the 2.0.0 tag, b/c i tagged master17:34
trownslagle: but that was tagged on Jan2917:34
slagletrown: yea that's right, we haven't done a recent release17:35
slaglei cut branches, i didn't do mitaka releases17:35
trownah right ok17:35
slagleso the next release from mitaka would probably be a 1.1.017:35
slagleand from master it'd be 2.something17:35
trownmakes sense, and that lines up with delorean17:36
slaglebut since the commit tagged 2.0.0 is in both branches, you will see it17:36
slaglein both places17:36
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trownI was just thought we did mitaka releases already17:36
slaglewe probably should17:37
trownya context is trying to put together the RDO release for mitaka, and the python-tripleoclient version in our testing repo is super old17:38
trownsince it was built from that 1.0.0 tag17:38
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trownslagle: is tagging releases something anyone in tripleo core can do? would it be helpful if I just tagged some RCs from the current-passed-ci in RDO?17:40
slagleyou have to be in the tripleo-ptl group in gerrit17:43
slagleor maybe it's tripleo-release17:43
slagleit's separate from core17:43
slaglei could do it next week17:44
trownI am willing to take on release duties, as I am pretty intimately involved in the packaging in RDO17:44
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trownI think we should have branched mitaka before tagging releases... I think PBR is going to explode if we tag a lower number on the stable/mitaka branch now17:46
slagleit wouldn't have mattered17:47
slaglethe same commit is in both branches17:47
slaglewe could have waited until something merged on master, then tagged that17:47
trownI think that is what we would need to do in the future17:48
trownslagle: is there a reason why tripleo is not release:managed?17:50
slaglenot sure tbh17:51
slagleit will be17:52
trownoh cool, for newton?17:52
EmilienMtrown: it has to be17:53
EmilienMtrown: project not release:managed won't stay big tent17:53
trownoh awesome17:53
slagletrown: how does pbr calculate the version?17:53
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EmilienMtrown: nothing is official afik, but I've heard about it on different conversations17:54
trownit looks at the highest tag and increments the last digit, so is in our delorean mitaka repo now17:54
trownI think we have to use 2.0.0 for mitaka and bump newton to 3.0.0 or PBR will throw a tantrum17:55
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slagletrown: i meant how does delorean use pbr to calculate the version18:00
slagleit must be getting a value for the version for the spec18:00
trownpython --version18:00
trownwhich goes through pbr18:01
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slagleok, well that's perfectly happy with a tagged 1.1.018:01
slaglebut it doesnt really matter either way18:02
slagleif we want to use 2.0.0 for mitaka, fine18:02
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/instack-undercloud: export OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION=3 in stackrc
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/instack-undercloud: Switch glance/swift auth to use keystone v3
trownok, if it works I am fine with 1.1.018:03
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slagletrown: but, yes, we will be moving to release:managed aiui18:05
slaglethere was an email on openstack-dev a couple days back about all projects18:05
dprinceEmilienM: instack switching to use the v3 for glance->swift18:06
openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Deploy Gnocchi as a Ceilometer metrics storage backend
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EmilienMtrown: re- releases. this is what I'm doing for puppet:
EmilienMand iiuc, projects without release:cycle-with-intermediary after newton will be in bad shape18:27
EmilienMpradk: small nit on
EmilienMpradk: also if you can add a reno18:29
EmilienMthat would be cool18:29
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pradkEmilienM, in ceilo we usually run tox -e venv -- reno new .. is it different in puppet?18:33
EmilienMpradk: it's same, you can use it.18:33
EmilienMit just I installed tox on my lapptop18:34
pradkk will try18:34
EmilienMpradk: err, I installed reno on my laptop I wanted to say18:34
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openstackgerritJohn Trowbridge proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart: TESTING THIRD-PARTY CI
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openstackgerritBrad P. Crochet proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Implement overcloud upgrade start-non-controller command
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/os-cloud-config: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Updated from global requirements
EmilienMdprince: works fine:
EmilienMdprince: can you review it?19:44
EmilienMdprince: same for your patch, works fine with domain params19:44
openstackgerritDmitry Ilyin proposed openstack/puppet-pacemaker: Merge with fuel-infra/puppet-pacemaker
dprinceEmilienM: _219:50
dprinceEmilienM: +219:50
EmilienMdprince: can you +A?19:51
dprinceEmilienM: sure, np19:51
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slagleci jobs failing with 404'ing?20:02
slaglewas that the repo we just removed or something else20:02
trownslagle: is that during image build?20:03
slagletrown: yes20:03
trownya that would be that element we removed then... is it a python-tripleoclient patch failing?20:04
trownmaybe just need a rebase... if not "ruh roh"20:04
slagleno, it's an instack-undercloud patch20:04
slagleok, i still see the element in the build20:05
trownwith no depends-on?20:05
slaglei thought this job started after we merged the patch to liberty, but maybe not20:05
slagleyea, that's it20:06
slagleit started before that patch merged20:06
* slagle been looking at too many failed ci logs20:06
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pradkslagle, i'm seeing the error mentioned in in ci non ha deploy .. is that fix for that merged already or under review?20:43 bug 1322336 in openstack-tripleo-heat-templates "IPv6 overcloud deployment fails" [Urgent,On_qa] - Assigned to gfidente20:43
pradkslagle, oh hmm looks merged, weird i still see it  ..
slaglepradk: it's a different error isn't it?20:48
slaglethey both start with Error: Error from DataBinding 'hiera' while looking up 'tripleo::packages::enable_install':20:48
slaglebut then after that, it's different20:48
pradkError: Error from DataBinding 'hiera' while looking up 'tripleo::packages::enable_install': (<unknown>): mapping values are not allowed in this context at line 318 column 42 on node overcloud-controller-0.localdomain\u001b[0m\n20:49
slagleand the bz says "while scanning a plain scalar"20:49
slaglei will never understand why people knock bash script output compared to puppet :)20:50
pradkhmm yea i dont see scalar.. any idea how to debug this.. i see no useful info in logs and cant reproduce it locally20:50
slaglepradk: i don't really know tbh. /etc/puppet/hieradata will be in the ci log tarballs20:51
slagleyou could download that and poke around20:51
pradkk checking20:51
slaglemaybe copy it to a local environment and see if hiera commands work?20:51
slaglepradk: line 318 might refer to the line in the manifest it's executing20:52
slagleor a hiera file20:52
slaglei don't really know20:52
pradkslagle, hiera command as in just run hiera manually and see if passes on that file?20:52
slagleyea that's what i was thinking20:53
slaglehiera <something>20:53
slaglesee if the file parses?20:53
slagleEmilienM: any ideas about ?20:54
slagleError: Error from DataBinding 'hiera' while looking up 'tripleo::packages::enable_install': (<unknown>): mapping values are not allowed in this context at line 318 column 42 on node overcloud-controller-0.localdomain\u001b[0m\n",20:54
pradkit just return nil on any file20:54
slagleyou have to ask it for a variable, not a file name20:55
slaglehiera controller_node_ips20:56
slaglefor instance20:56
EmilienMslagle: looking20:56
EmilienMbut we saw that alrady20:56
EmilienMwhen testing ipv620:56
EmilienMand I thought gfidente fixed it, it was related to the iscsi ip address20:56
slagleEmilienM: if you're talking about, then the error is different20:56 bug 1322336 in openstack-tripleo-heat-templates "IPv6 overcloud deployment fails" [Urgent,On_qa] - Assigned to gfidente20:56
pradkEmilienM, this looks similar but apparently different20:57
slagleone was about scanning a plain scalar20:57
slagleand we all know you should never scan a plain scalar!!!20:57
slaglepradk: any chance something in puppet-gnocchi changed to no longer expect a map?20:58
EmilienMlet me look20:58
pradkhmm dint think we changed anything recently to expect a map21:00
EmilienMslagle: is it on *one* patch or in all IC?21:00
slagleEmilienM: i think it's just this patch21:01
EmilienMthe gnocchi?21:01
slagleEmilienM: yea,
slagleit's your patch man :)21:01
EmilienMslagle: I hate pastas now21:01
EmilienMok, let me look again...21:02
EmilienMI'm pretty sure tripleo::packages::enable_install has nothing to do21:03
EmilienMit's a databinding issue21:03
EmilienMI'm reviewing the code again, there must me a typo21:03
pradkslagle, i took over the patch pretty much since ps4 so we cant blame Emilien for it :) .. its probably something stupid i'm doing21:04
EmilienMpradk: he's always blaming me :(21:04
slaglewhat about:21:05
slaglegnocchi::storage::swift::swift_user: service:gnocchi21:05
slagledoes that need quotes?21:05
slaglemaybe it's interpreting that as a map?21:05
EmilienMoh nice catch21:05
EmilienMyes, use quotes in strings when you can, specially with hiera21:06
slagleit's been that way for a while though21:06
pradkslagle, hmm so i moved that from controller.yaml to hiera file.. so it needs quotes in hiera?21:06
EmilienMyes !21:06
pradkhmm so how is it working for me locally21:06
EmilienMyes, I think this is it21:08
EmilienMI'm trying to reproduce it21:08
pradk[heat-admin@overcloud-controller-0 ~]$ sudo cat /etc/puppet/hieradata/controller.yaml |grep swift_user21:09
pradkgnocchi::storage::swift::swift_user: service:gnocchi21:09
pradkthis is on my deployed controller21:09
slagleyea, i dunno. i can't explain these things21:10
slagleyou could try adding the quotes and see if it makes ci happy21:10
pradksure worth a shot i guess21:11
EmilienMeverything uses quotes21:11
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pradkEmilienM, yea i'll try .. what i dont understand is it works fine in other scenarios for example ha overcloud deploy actually completes in ci21:12
pradkwhich should use same hiera data21:12
pradkand it works locally21:12
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Use already Deployed/Installed servers
pradkEmilienM, slagle,  sudo hiera "gnocchi::storage::swift::swift_user" /etc/puppet/hieradata/controller.yaml21:20
pradkso looks like its interpreting it fine?21:20
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EmilienMit looks like21:21
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openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Use already Deployed/Installed servers
EmilienMI'm still trying to reproduce, let me 2 min21:22
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EmilienMthis error usually happens when you have key:value instead of key: value21:23
pradki see, ok lemme double check21:23
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pradkslagle, EmilienM, i think i found the problem21:27
EmilienMdid we miss bolognese?21:29
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pradki found a problem.. not sure if its related -> gnocchi::storage::ceph:ceph_pool: {get_param: GnocchiRbdPoolName} should be ... s/ceph:/ceph::/21:30
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EmilienMfor sure it is21:30
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EmilienMand you did not have it becuase you don't run ceph21:31
pradkyea and non ha runs with ceph?21:31
EmilienMI don't think so21:31
pradkk pushing fix, fingers crossed21:31
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EmilienMpradk: nice spot! this one my fault I think21:31
pradkbut yea wish the error reporting was better21:32
EmilienMhiera is terrible for that21:32
pradkyea i see it21:32
EmilienMI mean, Hiera is awesome in term of data management21:32
EmilienMbut for debug, it's DIY21:32
openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Deploy Gnocchi as a Ceilometer metrics storage backend
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