Wednesday, 2016-07-06

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thrashEmilienM: Ok.00:03
thrashEmilienM: tomorrow. :)00:04
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/os-apply-config: Updated from global requirements
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EmilienMthrash|g0ne: sure! no hurry at all, just a remark01:01
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hewbroccaFirst day with only OVB CI.... what will it bring??05:55
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: All python 3.5 jobs are failing today, we need to build new xenial images first.06:29
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ccamachoHappy Wednesday all! Good morning!07:17
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openstackgerritXiang Chen proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Give a more clear definition abount vm element in README
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hewbroccaHow's the CI looking folks?07:41
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hewbroccaI'm curious how our 15-machine OVB cloud is holding up to the load07:41
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shardy doesn't look too bad07:44
shardySo it looks like it's holding up pretty well :)07:44
hewbroccaGreen jobs are passing, I guess?07:45
hewbroccaOf course we've lost our upgrade job and a couple of others until we get the rack back07:45
hewbroccabut still this is good07:45
shardyI've not looked at the failing jobs yet to see if they're real or issues with the job/infra07:45
shardyYeah. we'll have to be careful of merging some patches, anything that touches upgrades or network-isolation in particular07:46
hewbroccaOh, right, no net-iso job either :(07:46
hewbroccaIs it possible to test net-iso on OVB at all?07:47
hewbroccaI guess it is with no bonding07:47
shardyI think it will be, but not right now due to the network/nic setup07:47
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gfidentewe could add ceph though07:57
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gfidenteuseful to test the rgw submissions07:58
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openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add Ceph to the OVB job
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hewbroccagfidente cool, yes indeed08:09
gfidenteit takes one more node though08:10
hewbroccawith OVB I don't think that matters08:10
hewbroccaDerek had an 80-node test job on there at one point08:11
hewbroccaon 15 physical hosts08:11
hewbroccaCloud, how it works?08:11
gfidenteyeah though I think it might lower the number of jobs we can run in parallel08:12
gfidentebecause it'll just be one more node for all submissions08:12
gfidenteshardy, ^^ about the above, I figured we can filter which jobs are executed matching the files changed in a submission08:13
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gfidentebut it wasn't easy for me to find any set of files which would be sufficient to test on a subset of the jobs08:14
gfidenteoh actually, we don't need one more node08:15
gfidentewe have roles08:15
gfidentewe can deploy osd on the compute node!08:15
* gfidente looks around him suspiciously08:16
gfidenteleaving a comment on the review, to see what other people think08:17
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shardygfidente: actually, there are some folks asking for co-located compute and OSD, so testing that (even locally) would be a very good thing! :)08:34
gfidenteshardy, yeah08:34
gfidenteso should be simple, I add an environment and call it from toci08:35
shardyI actually got access to the 80 node OVB environment, it was very useful from a scale testing standpoint08:35
shardyNote the event-list took over 6 *minutes*08:35
shardyI then applied a heat patch from stevebaker and it went down by a factor of 12 :))08:36
gfidenteso curiosity, what was cpu/memory on the undercloud?08:36
shardyHmm, I don't actually recall, sorry, derekh probably knows08:37
* shardy should have run sar or something to collect more data08:38
gfidenteoh I meant how many cores and how much memory08:38
gfidentenot the load08:38
shardyIdeally I'd like to do regular testing at that scale, then we can more clearly see the impact of fixes over time08:38
shardygfidente: Yeah, sorry, I didn't record that, probably should have08:39
derekhshardy: gfidente 16G RAM, 8vCPU08:39
gfidenteah ok I thought you mentioned sar to collect load08:39
gfidentederekh, ack08:39
derekhI tried it first with 2vCPU, that got nowhere08:39
gfidentederekh, weren't we fixing workers on undercloud?08:40
gfidentenumber of workers08:40
gfidentenot for the scale test I suppose08:40
shardyderekh: do you still run your home lab with OVB on packstack?08:40
derekhgfidente: for ci we are, this isn't ci08:40
derekhshardy: it still exists, but I havn't turned it on in some time since I've been testing rh2, so I've just been using that08:41
shardycool - I've got three local boxes and would like to make a small OVB cloud - I tried a while ago using TripleO but found one of the boxes was UEFI and I couldn't get ironic to boot it (that may be fixed now)08:42
derekhgfidente: actually maybe we're just pinning the number of workers on the overcloud08:43
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derekhshardy: iirc, I went through a normal packstack install and then edited the various config options listed in the OVB readme08:44
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tripleo: nova: do not manage nova-compute with pacemaker
derekhshardy: you'll have a choice of using an unpatched  nova-compute with a PXE image08:45
derekhshardy: or patch nova-compute08:45
derekhshardy: I'd personaly go with the patch option, I'm thinking of switching to this on rh2 also, will talk to bnemec about it later08:46
derekhshardy: if you go with the pxe image option, you have to redeploy nodes on your cloud after each time you used them, as the pxe image has been overwritten08:47
shardyderekh: cool, thanks for the info :)08:49
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Modify ComputeServices to include CephOSD in puppet-ceph-devel env
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openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add Ceph to the OVB job
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ccamachoHey guys, anyone available for some love review? already +2 and passing all CI gates :)09:10
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openstackgerritMichele Baldessari proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Minor updates might fail with missing MysqlClustercheckPassword property
gfidenteshardy, derekh I posted the changes to test osd on compute, let's see how it goes09:23
gfidenteI also wanted to ask if we can use the 80nodes environment to gather some data for ?09:23 bug 1313479 in rhel-osp-director "[Heat] NodeUserData cannot scale beyond 3 nodes" [Urgent,New] - Assigned to athomas09:23
gfidenteI don't think we have a launchpad for this, but seems valid09:24
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sshnaidmshardy, FYI, you have now successful periodic jobs listed here:
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shardygfidente: To make OSD on compute work with net-iso, do we need to wire in the StorageMgmtPort, or is just the StoragePort enough?09:52
gfidenteshardy, ah good point09:52
shardygfidente: re the 80node environment, it's been deleted to make space for our CI I believe09:52
shardyhopefully we can get access to a similar setup again in future tho09:53
shardysshnaidm: great, thanks!09:53
gfidenteshardy, so regarding the networks, we want storage and storagemgmt on computes yes09:54
gfidentethe ports are wired into the templates, I think we're just nooping them in registry09:54
shardygfidente: yeah, we noop the StorageMgmt one in network-isolation.yaml09:54
shardyI guess we can change that in a ceph specific template09:55
gfidentebut the cluster works with single network too09:55
gfidenteack we can change it in env file09:55
shardycool, will be interesting to see how this works :)09:55
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gfidentewell let me update puppet-ceph-devel to add storagemgmt port first ok?09:55
gfidentestoragemgmt addresses default to ctlplane when nooped09:56
gfidenteand it uses storage network for clients09:56
gfidentes/how/if/ :)09:56
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openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Modify ComputeServices to include CephOSD in puppet-ceph-devel env
jpichIs using bug signatures to identify failures, kinda like elastic-recheck? Where are they stored?10:18
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openstackgerritBrad P. Crochet proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Split Sahara pacemaker roles into separate services
shardysshnaidm|afk: ^^ perhaps you can answer jpich's question, I'm also interested in the answer :)10:27
openstackgerritBrad P. Crochet proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Split Sahara pacemaker roles into separate services
sshnaidm|afkjpich, shardy yes, they're now WIP in repo , patterns themselves are in
sshnaidm|afkjpich, shardy when I'll feel it's ready maybe I'll fill a blueprint to include it in TripleO CI officially, but for now it's completely useful10:29
shardysshnaidm|afk: it is useful - I think figuring out how to wire this in to tripleo-ci (and the status report on is a good idea10:30
jpichsshnaidm|afk: Thanks!10:30
shardyit'd be nice to consider the potential overlap with tools like elastic-recheck tho10:31
thrashd0ugal: can you look at
jpichSince our logs are stored in the same place maybe there's bits of the e-r infrastructure we can reuse10:32
sshnaidm|afkshardy, in best case I'd use my own elastic-recheck setup, the openstack's one can only print a hardcoded bug attention. I worked a little on it (, but haven't found too much practical usage10:34
d0ugalthrash: sure10:34
sshnaidm|afkshardy, but involving elastic-recheck is definitely in roadmap of this effort..10:35
openstackgerritRyan Brady proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Adds parameters actions
d0ugalthrash: LGTM10:36
shardysshnaidm|afk: ack, sounds good, thanks :)10:36
thrashd0ugal: awesome. Now go brow-beat another core to +2 it. :P10:36
derekhsshnaidm|afk: are you going afk? or coming back?10:36
thrashderekh: j/k10:36
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-docs: Composable services within roles Tutorial
d0ugalthrash: lol10:37
sshnaidm|afkderekh, already running for a lunch :)10:37
sshnaidm|afkderekh, brb10:37
derekhsshnaidm|afk: ok, ping me when your back, I'm ready for you to be the guinne pig to try out rh210:37
openstackgerritBrad P. Crochet proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Split Sahara pacemaker roles into separate services
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jpichsshnaidm|afk: Thank you for the links, they were helpful11:14
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weshaysshnaidm|afk, let me know if this looks the same..11:15
openstackLaunchpad bug 1582651 in tripleo "Mistral db-sync failure in CI jobs" [High,Fix released] - Assigned to Steven Hardy (shardy)11:15
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thrashshardy: it's likely that the sahara templates need more work. I may end up rebasing your change on top of another fix.11:18
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sshnaidmweshay, the effect is the same, but reason is different, anyway it should be solved in new versions of mistral as I see in the code11:25
sshnaidmderekh, hi, I'm here now11:25
weshaysshnaidm, which new code are you looking at?11:26
sshnaidmweshay, afaiu the import errors should be solved by importutils.try_import11:27
ansiwenEmilienM: hi, can you explain me more or give me pointers regarding the beaker tests you were talking about in my ec2api change?11:28
weshaysshnaidm, k.. I see the diff.. thanks!11:28
EmilienMsshnaidm: fyi
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EmilienMsshnaidm: tempest broke puppet CI (we fixed it by promoting to latest OpenStack trunk)11:28
EmilienMsshnaidm: but tripleo CI won't pass tempest tests until next promotion to trunk11:29
EmilienMsshnaidm: see context in the patch11:29
sshnaidmEmilienM, hi, thanks, will look at it11:29
EmilienMansiwen: puppet-ec2api has 0 functional test that deploys ec2 api service11:29
EmilienMsshnaidm: there is nothing to do11:29
EmilienMansiwen: look nova
sshnaidmEmilienM, although right now tempest is broken in tripleoci anyway, I've replied to your comment there11:30
thrashEmilienM: so, just no pacemaker profile in puppet-tripleo, and point to the same template for both in tht?11:30
EmilienMansiwen: look ec2api
EmilienMsshnaidm: ok11:30
EmilienMthrash: yes?11:30
thrashEmilienM: re: removal of pacemaker from zaqar and mistral11:31
ansiwenEmilienM: ok, I will read. But how is it releated to beaker?11:31
thrashEmilienM: sorry for the lack of context. :)11:31
EmilienMthrash: yes I know11:31
derekhsshnaidm: ok, wanna try the instructions I put on the etherpad ?11:31
EmilienMthrash: I'm just wondering if it follows pacemaker lite approach but I think so11:31
sshnaidmderekh, yeah, let's do it11:31
EmilienMansiwen: not beaker redhat11:31
EmilienMthrash: go for it11:32
sshnaidmderekh, where should I connect to first?11:32
ansiwenEmilienM: oh, thanks... that was actually my misunderstanding :-)11:32
derekhsshnaidm: ok, I've email you some credentials, the commands on the etherpad with local> can be run on your local machine (assuming it has novaclient installed)11:33
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Fix tempest configuration
sshnaidmderekh, ok, got it11:33
thrashEmilienM: sounds good11:34
openstackgerritBrad P. Crochet proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Add zaqar profiles
openstackgerritRyan Brady proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Adds action for template processing
openstackgerritBrad P. Crochet proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Composable Zaqar services
sshnaidmderekh, the new keypair should be combined from existing one (yours) and my keys, right?11:38
derekhsshnaidm: correct, whatever you add there will just be put into authorized_keys11:39
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thrashshardy: I'm just going to put my fixes in your review.11:53
thrashotherwise, I think we'd be in a chicken-egg situation.11:54
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Update overcloud log retrieval of rh2
openstackgerritBrad P. Crochet proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Split Sahara pacemaker roles into separate services
openstackgerritBrad P. Crochet proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add Sahara services to ControllerServices list
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Remove Fedora support from CI scripts
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derekhsshnaidm: going for lunch, back in a bit12:04
sshnaidmderekh, ok, I'm in middle of script..12:04
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derekhsshnaidm: ok12:05
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openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Update overcloud passwords on deploy command
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gfidentetherve, d0ugal, ^^ assuming it'll need unit tests fixing, would you check if the above looks valid?12:13
gfidenteah sorry I meant to ping thrash12:14
thrashgfidente: ack12:14
thrashwill look in a sec12:14
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openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: WIP: Update overcloud passwords on update command
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shardythrash: sorry been at lunch, that's fine, pls feel free to push whatever is needed to my review12:16
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thrashshardy: already done. :)12:18
openstackgerritRyan Brady proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Adds parameters actions
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dprincerbrady, jtomasek: good morning. Just wanted to point out this one from yesterday
dprincerbrady, jtomasek: basically I hope that is the last time we see instack break due to a new python client dependency getting added to Mistral12:21
rbradydprince: ack12:22
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snecklifterMorning folks, would it be possible for someone to review please?12:27
gfidenteshardy, hey the ceph osd role works!12:28
gfidenteupdating the submissions12:28
snecklifterIts a Mitaka backport and the upstream patch has got stuck on the big composable roles changes12:28
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Modify ComputeServices to include CephOSD in puppet-ceph-devel env
yolandahi trown, i'm testing oooq deployment in another server and works fine for me. But i have a problem with swift failing as i told you yesterday, on a single server. I actually can see errors with , 503 service unavailable12:33
openstackgerritBrad P. Crochet proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Add Mistral profiles
openstackgerritBrad P. Crochet proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Composable Mistral services
hewbroccagfidente woop woop!12:34
shardyEmilienM: Hey, when you get a moment can you pls check
shardyit's the master patch referred to by snecklifter, and IMO we'd be better to just land it (it's passing CI) so the backport to mitaka will be clean12:36
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sneckliftershardy: yes, thanks12:36
shardyIf it had just been posted, I'd be more inclined to say block it until composable services lands, but it's been there since december last year :(12:37
shardysnecklifter: thanks for highlighting it12:37
sneckliftershardy: no prob, wasn't sure how much of an interest folks take in backports12:37
snecklifterbut as it took me a while to track down the fix I guess it will be affecting others12:38
shardygfidente: nice!12:38
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shardygfidente: Hey, FYI I was thinking more about ControllerEnableCephStorage/ControllerEnableSwiftStorage12:44
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shardygfidente: despite me arguing we should include them, I actually don't think they will work, because we've no longer got any way to pass a Controller specific value to that parameter12:44
shardye.g parameter_defaults will affect both the Controller and the *Storage nodes, because they use the same service template12:45
shardyI'm thinking of ways we can work around that12:45
shardypossibly we can process the ControllerServices list with yaql, so we exclude certain services if e.g CephStorageCount is non-zero12:46
openstackgerritBrad P. Crochet proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Split Sahara pacemaker roles into separate services
openstackgerritBrad P. Crochet proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add Sahara services to ControllerServices list
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ccamachoGuys quick question is anyone getting this message when deploying master?  heat stack-list shows a CREATE_COMPLETE but that last message is, I think wrong..13:04
_xou_nop ccamacho13:07
derekhsshnaidm: hows it going?13:07
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ccamacho_xou_ ack, Ill double check it.13:08
openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Gnocchi composable roles
slagleshardy: hi, do you have any ideas about how I might be able to seed the credentials on the deployed servers for ?13:09
slagleshardy: right now, my script just copies over the admin credentials, which is obviously not ideal13:09
sshnaidmderekh, fine, installed undercloud, registering nodes13:09
derekhsshnaidm: cool13:09
derekhslagle: dprince bnemec so I'm trying to set up instructions on rh2 so that people can try a replicate CI
pradkEmilienM, i kept talking guess you guys couldnt hear me in the mtg13:11
EmilienMnope :)13:11
derekhslagle: dprince bnemec I've added a user "tripleo-user", with enough quota for 3 HA ci tests13:11
shardyslagle: Hi, have you tried deploying the configuration stack first, then looking at heat resource-metadata for the resources that own the deployed-server.yaml nested stacks?13:11
pradkEmilienM, so yea gnocchi i fixed the db sync issues you pointed out.. should be in good shape13:11
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EmilienMpradk: ok, i'll test & review today13:11
pradkEmilienM, aodh the profiles are looking good and passing ci13:11
shardyslagle: there should be credentials for each server (or, actually, a swift tempurl in recent tripleo) there, which your script can grab?13:11
derekhslagle: dprince bnemec , sshnaidm is going through the instructions at the moment, and I'll send ye the credentials now13:11
pradkEmilienM, the tht changes are in merge conflict i'll resolve that in a bit13:12
slagleshardy: ok, let me check that. i see the users created in the heat_stack domain in keystone13:12
slaglei didnt realize i could query heat for them as well13:12
shardyslagle: or, rather, it's the metadata pushed to deployed-server inside deployed-server.yaml13:12
shardyslagle: Yeah you should be able to, see line 113 in
shardyyou can get the exact same data normally read via o-c-c on the heat CLI13:14
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openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add hyperconverged-ceph environment to include CephOSD on computes
derekhbnemec: About , I've updated the bmc image we use to include that patch13:17
openstackLaunchpad bug 1599299 in tripleo "openstackbmc still failing with concatenation errors" [High,Triaged]13:17
derekhbnemec: but I'm also wondering if we should just apply the nova-compute network boot patch to rh2,13:18
shardyslagle: Hmm, actually when using the swift transport that may only give you the URL for signalling back to heat, not collecting the metadata13:18
shardyslagle: so you may need to use SoftwareConfigTransport POLL_SERVER_HEAT13:18
derekhbnemec: mainly to make it easier to use for non CI13:18
shardythat will give you a username and random password for each server, which can be used to both poll and signal heat13:18
shardyslagle: probably we could add the poll tempurl to the metadata too inside heat, I think it's currently only added to the server user_data13:19
derekhbnemec: but also, I'm worried, maybe the instances get partialy deployed and then the retry's (after a timout) don't work because the PXE boot image is gone13:19
slagleshardy: yea all i see is the signal url13:20
slaglelet me try setting SoftwareConfigTransport13:20
slagleshardy: related question, would there be any way to predefine the stack uuid of the deployed-server nested stack?13:21
_xou_anyone can drive me to the right path to have CinderVolume BlockStorage to be installed on all my compute nodes ?13:21
slagleshardy: so i don't have to do a lot of fuzzy querying for it13:21
shardyslagle: Hmm, sorry SoftwareConfigTransport won't work, because that's still only the polling configuration (which you don't get in the current server metadata)13:22
shardyyou need to change one of any SoftwareDeployment signal_transport to HEAT_SIGNAL13:22
EmilienMpradk: ack13:22
shardyslagle: or you can set default_deployment_signal_transport = HEAT_SIGNAL in heat.conf13:23
shardythat may be easier13:23
EmilienMgfidente, shardy, dprince: can you guys review and please?13:24
openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Fix retrieval of hostname fact based on network.
shardyslagle: Hmm, re the ID, you might be able to make the nested stack ID predictable via OS::stack_id, but I'm not sure if the metadata polling will work if you do that13:26
openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Move nova constraints to tripleo-puppet.
openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Move nova constraint, and refactor its declaration
shardybecause the metadata is really being pushed to the deployed-server-config resource13:27
shardyfor which you can't control the UUID13:27
openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/puppet-pacemaker: WIP: integrate PCS provider in the merge.
shardyslagle: we might be able to refine that so the metadata is pushed directly to the nested stack, but IIRC that didn't work when I last tried it13:28
slagleshardy: ok, i already gave that a try, didnt work :) at least what i was doing13:28
slagleshardy: i tried adding OS::stack_id as an output13:28
slagledidnt seem to do anything13:28
shardyIt'll just redefine the get_resource output in the owning stack13:28
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shardywhich will probably break the pushing of metadata to the "server"13:29
shardyslagle: if you need that I can take a closer look and see how we might enable it13:29
shardyfor now a heat resource-list -n5 overcloud | grep deployed-server-config or something is probably best13:29
slagleshardy: i dont need it per se, i can make do with the script i have for now13:29
shardyslagle: cool, when I get some time I'll see if/how we might do it13:30
slagleideally, i could preconfigure occ on each node before we have to start creating the stack13:30
slaglethat's my perfect world anyway13:30
shardyyeah, it's a bit chicken/egg13:30
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slaglefor now, i just start a backgroud script that starts resource-list'ing heat until the nested stacks get created13:30
shardyit's probably possible, will give it some thought13:30
shardyslagle: even if we fixed the predictable ID part, I think you'd still need to create the stack to get the credentials13:32
shardyheat internally creates the users that poll in a special domain/project, so that has to exist before any user/password details can be defined13:33
shardy(unless you just use admin or something else in the default domain with access)13:33
shardyeven more so with swift, as we've got no way to predict the tempurls used for polling/signalling13:34
shardyso what you're doing sounds fine to me13:34
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slagletrown: any thoughts on ?13:36
openstackLaunchpad bug 1599509 in tripleo-quickstart " [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/var/cache/tripleo-quickstart'" [Undecided,New]13:36
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trownslagle: will look, localhost probably broke again... a workaround to allow running locally is to make sure you can `ssh root@`, then use instead of localhost to trick ansible13:39
slagletrown: ok, yea, using looks like it's working13:41
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Add new nuage agent profile.
openstackgerritBrad P. Crochet proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Split Sahara pacemaker roles into separate services
openstackgerritBrad P. Crochet proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add Sahara services to ControllerServices list
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trownslagle: ya by doing that you are not using the ansible local connection, which is a different path than what is CI'd (though our usbkey job is supposed to approximate it)13:43
trownclearly it is lacking though, as that is pretty constantly breaking13:44
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sshnaidmderekh, overcloud failed: Error: /Stage[main]/Nova::Db::Sync/Exec[nova-db-sync]: Failed to call refresh: /usr/bin/nova-manage  db sync returned 1 instead of one of [0]13:52
sshnaidmderekh, I'll try again13:52
derekhsshnaidm: wait a sec, and I'll take a quick look13:52
sshnaidmderekh, ok13:52
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derekhsshnaidm: ok, its not what I thought it might be, was just checking your mtu settings13:54
derekhsshnaidm: all 4 nodes went active, which show the deployment/provision part is working13:54
shardyHow does puppet resolve e.g Package[openstack-swift] ?13:54
shardyI'm refactoring the ringbuilder stuff and puppet says Could not find dependency Package[openstack-swift]13:55
derekhsshnaidm: so here is the down side, if you want to try again you have to either13:55
EmilienMyou're missing ::swift13:55
shardythe package is installed, so I guess I'm missing a puppet dependency?13:55
shardyEmilienM: ah, thanks, will try that13:55
shardyawesome, that fixed it, thanks EmilienM! :)13:56
derekhsshnaidm: 1. delete the overcloud, and then to this command on all of the baremetal_sshnaidm_* nodes "nova rebuild baremetal_sshnaidm_x ipxe-boot"13:56
derekhsshnaidm: 2 or start again, you can't delete the overcloud and then deploy it again13:57
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derekhsshnaidm: this is because those nodes are using a PXE booting image, and once you use them that image is overwriten and replace with the overcloud13:57
sshnaidmderekh, ok13:58
derekhI'm thinking of changing that by patching the comute node on rh2 but want to run it by bnemec  first13:59
derekhsshnaidm: ^13:59
sshnaidmderekh, ok, and how could it be patched?14:00
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Restore the NtpServer parameter name
dprinceccamacho, EmilienM:: ^^^14:00
dprinceccamacho: just noticed my dev environment was broken by the recent NTP composable service. We need to be careful not to rename parameters... in this case I don't think CI covers NTP14:01
derekhsshnaidm: its a patch on the underlying cloud your using14:01
ccamachodrpince, sorry for that, ack14:01
derekhsshnaidm: this would be it
derekhsshnaidm: if we do that it makes the baremetal nodes reusable14:02
ccamachodprince, sorry for that, ack14:02
EmilienMdprince: nice catch14:02
dprinceccamacho: we were getting by without NTP in our CI before because all testenv's lived on the same host. With OVB I'd guess we might see intermittent results without NTP enabled... unless the base cloud guarantees the VMs are also in sync14:02
sshnaidmderekh, I see14:02
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derekhdprince: clocks are all in sync on the base  cloud14:03
dprincederekh: cool. If they get out of sync we'll know14:04
derekhdprince: it should be using ntp, checking now14:05
openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Composable Horizon service - tripleo-heat-templates
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derekhdprince: I can't see any logs of it running but all the servers are < .001 seconds out, so it must be keeping in sync ... where does it log too....14:13
dprincederekh: not sure actually14:13
dprincederekh: I think .001 is probably close enough for us :)14:14
derekhdprince: id imagine so14:14
trownyolanda: mind checking out it moves your patch around a bit and adds the ability to use a refspec from an open review14:14
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yolandatrown, i reviewed, looks good to me14:14
trownyolanda: whoops... sorry14:14
yolandanp :)14:15
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-quickstart: Move THT clone to undercloud post install
yolandatrown, have you ever hit an issue with swift proxy giving 503 errors? same test with same oooq settings, works in one server and fails in another14:16
yolandaso far the error i can see is a 503 error on port 8080, but when i login to undercloud, and i do a swift stat or swift list, it works14:17
yolandathe server that fails has plenty of free disk, and has even more memory than the one that succeeds14:17
trownmaybe swift was not up when the 503 happened, but came up later?14:17
yolandamm, i can reproduce with a swift put14:18
yolanda swift upload test overcloud-full.qcow214:18
yolandaObject PUT failed: 503 Service Unavailable  [first 60 chars of response] <html><h1>Service Unavailable</h1><p>The server is currently14:18
trownso maybe it is glance that is failing, because I think swift is using glance backend14:19
trownyolanda: is it causing undercloud post install to fail?14:19
yolandatrown, no, i did a swift upload test overcloud-full.qcow2 to valiadte14:19
yolandathat's command that fails, i can reproduce14:19
yolandaand yep, causes undercloud post install to fail14:19
trownk, so it is swift upload of introspection data then... someone was asking about that yesterday14:20
chemhe, are you aware of any error with Exec[neutron-db-sync], I have a big stack strace with "Table 'agents' already exists" ?14:20
trownworkaround is to skip introspection, but I am curious why that is happening14:20
yolandatrown, seems that any swift upload commands on my server fail14:20
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Plumgrid compute helper
trownadding "-e step_introspect=false" to quickstart invocation will workaround it14:21
yolandatrown, i did yesterday and doesn't work14:22
trownyolanda: but mind filing a tripleo-quickstart bug for it? not sure if it is tripleo-quickstart specific or a larger tripleo issue14:22
yolandait's the step of openstack upload overcloud image, basically14:22
trownoh... that shouldnt hit swift though14:22
yolandai see swift configured as backend14:23
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Opencontrail helper profile
yolanda /etc/glance/glance-api.conf:stores =,
yolanda /etc/glance/glance-api.conf:default_store = swift14:26
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d0ugalshardy: Hey, did you get a chance to try the CLI commands with Mistral?14:27
shardyd0ugal: sorry, not yet, it's the next thing on my todo list today14:28
d0ugalshardy: no worries, just thought I'd check in :)14:29
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yolandatrown, so that's not expected oooq behaviour? swift as default backend?14:30
yolandai see that swift-proxy is down on my server, and with swift-init main restart, i can see now Exception: Could not bind to after trying for 30 seconds14:30
trownyolanda: well oooq does not do anything different there :), it is just my ignorance on tripleo expected behavior14:31
yolandatrown, we are learning together then :)14:31
trownhmm that is something... is there something else on 6001? or is SELinux somehow in enforcing?14:31
yolandaselinux is disabled, i already tried14:32
shardyyolanda: swift is configured as the backend for glance, but we recently had to temporarily switch it back to file because of memory issues with swift-proxy14:32
shardybug #159591614:32
openstackbug 1595916 in tripleo "Swift memory usage grows until it is killed" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Derek Higgins (derekh)14:32
trownhmm that commit should be in the latest master stable image though14:33
trownyolanda: could you cat your /etc/yum.repos.d/delorean.repo on the undercloud?14:33
openstackgerritHarry Rybacki proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart: Remove superfluous 'fi' from
yolandatrown ok14:34
trownyolanda: at least it seems like known/fixed issue :)14:34
trowns/fixed/worked around/14:35
EmilienMdprince: I did some reviews on your neutron patches... not really blockers but still14:35
trownyolanda: ah mitaka14:36
trownyolanda: maybe we need to backport that instack-undercloud patch14:36
openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Composable Horizon service - tripleo-heat-templates
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yolandatrown, so seems that there are old processes for proxy, object-server, etc... that are stale. When i start again, there is that error "cannot bind". If i kill the processes and start again, seem to work14:37
yolandaso memory...14:37
trownyolanda: you could try that server on master with "--release master"14:37
dprinceEmilienM: I will get them, trying to finish the idea first :)14:37
yolandatrown, mitaka is the default release supplied in oooq right? i did not specify any setting for it14:38
trownyolanda: default is set to mitaka, because the aim of defaults is to provide the highest liklihood of success at any given time... though I guess that is not happening at the moment14:38
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yolandatrown, even worse. I use the usbkey script, and that doesn't seem to support the --release param14:39
trownyolanda: you are using usbkey script so that running against localhost works?14:40
yolandatrown yes, i had issues with root script, was not working in localhost14:40
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yolandamm, it supports, but with a different command line14:41
yolandausbkey/ virthost release14:42
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trownoh interesting, so something is breaking localhost specifically in, that is really helpful :)14:42
yolandatrown, actually i was hitting some of the reported bugs.. i guess one about permissions14:42
yolandaand i've been using the usbkey for a pair of weeks now14:42
trownyolanda: ya, slagle put up a bug this morning... I will try to look into that later... another workaround is to use to trick ansible into not using a local connection14:43
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EmilienMwe still don't have logs on ovb jobs14:43
trownyolanda: that does require being able to `ssh root@`14:43
EmilienMis someone on it already?14:43
bnemecderekh: If we're going to have developers on rh2 then definitely +1 on patching nova-compute14:43
yolandatrown yes, i did that config for as well14:44
EmilienMbnemec: your patch didn't help to have logs14:44
yolandausbkey was having issues with
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derekhbnemec: ok, I'll patch it this afternoon14:44
EmilienMderekh: do you know why we don't have overcloud logs on OVB jobs?14:45
derekhbnemec: btw, I noticed some problems getting testenvs today again, looking at the rh2 heat logs, I see these14:46
derekhbnemec: 2016-07-06 12:38:03.434 24257 ERROR heat.engine.resource ResourceFailure: ConnectionError: resources.openstack_baremetal_servers.resources[2].resources.baremetal_server: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=13774): Max retries exceeded with url: /v2.1/462104cced0f442d91f9a25f9b80a29a/extensions (Caused by NewConnectionError('<requests.packages.urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x7a6a090>: Failed to estab14:46
derekhlish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution',))14:46
derekhbnemec: I've added the dns entry to /etc/hosts on the overcloud14:46
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Opencontrail vrouter profile
derekhbnemec: slagle dprince I'm tracking any tweaks I do to rh2 here while we find out all the teething problems
derekhEmilienM: yes I do14:47
bnemecderekh: Cool, hopefully that will help.14:47
EmilienMbnemec, derekh: can we approve that please? ^
EmilienMmitaka & liberty failure are not related14:49
EmilienMthey worry me though14:49
derekhEmilienM: +1 to approving14:50
derekhEmilienM: the liberty error is fixed by
openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Composable Horizon service - tripleo-heat-templates
derekhEmilienM: I've never seen the mitaka error though14:51
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dprinceEmilienM: are we merging sysctl_settings parameters?14:52
dprinceEmilienM: I don't want to set this unless plumgrid is enabled... so I think we'd need to do it in the manifest14:52
dprinceEmilienM: anyways, I think this can be a cleanup that comes later. I will rename now though14:53
EmilienMdprince: in a next iteration I'll add the param in
EmilienMdprince: that's why I wanted you to review it14:53
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Plumgrid helper
EmilienMso I can move forward with kernel params but the role would be in place14:53
dprinceEmilienM: How are you going to "compose" the sysctl parameters?14:54
dprinceEmilienM: is it merging hiera?14:54
EmilienMdprince: don't know yet :) but probably some merging stuff yes14:54
EmilienMlike we do for firewall14:54
EmilienMit should not be hard14:54
derekhbnemec: ok, I think I know what happened on friday, now that we have stderr, its a bit more obvious14:54
dprinceEmilienM: okay, I'd like to look into it. But my goal here is parity14:55
EmilienMdprince: my first step is parity now14:55
openstackgerritJulie Pichon proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Add 'openstack overcloud node introspect' command
EmilienMdprince: if you look my patch, it's parity14:55
dprinceEmilienM: If kernel lands first I and supports merging I'm happy to use it14:55
dprinceEmilienM: are you suggesting we block the compute work on this!?14:55
EmilienMderekh: why do we have a lot of ovb failures due to "no valid host found"?14:56
dprinceEmilienM: cause... I can finish compute today... but with this extra merging I think it will take some more time14:56
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EmilienMdprince: not at all14:56
EmilienMdprince: I just want you to +A my 2 kernel roles patches asap14:56
dprinceEmilienM: I will look at them14:56
EmilienMdprince: also, please open in a tab and when you have time give me some feedback14:57
openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Composable Horizon service - tripleo-heat-templates
dprinceEmilienM: already got it :)14:57
bnemecderekh: Sounds good.  I was planning to poke through the logs today just for reference anyway.14:57
derekhbnemec: sorry got distracted and didn't finish my explanation14:58
bnemecderekh: That _never_ happens to me. :-)14:58
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Add new nuage agent profile.
derekhbnemec: so we have 15 workers max and any one time creating envs for CI14:58
derekhbnemec: sometimes they hit this error, one sec looking for it again14:59
derekh+ nova interface-attach --net-id 7f859f59-6f60-4234-8fc2-3031e0d25253 01448a30-9521-4b6f-93cf-712a12b0c7d614:59
derekhERROR (CommandError): No server with a name or ID of '01448a30-9521-4b6f-93cf-712a12b0c7d6' exists.14:59
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derekhbnemec: I reckon zuul started a job and then delete the node before we got a chance to allocate it a obv env15:00
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derekhbnemec: this would be ok, only I thought I was being smart when I added line 6 here
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: deploy composable firewall rules for Keystone & HAproxy
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: deploy composable firewall rules for Keystone & HAproxy
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derekhbnemec: that sleep infinity was intended to stop a worker if it failed to creat an env, my assumption was that, heat stacks would fail with we hit a resource limit of some kind15:02
derekhbnemec: se we would want it to be taken out of the pool until somebody intervened15:02
derekhbnemec: I think we should just remove the trap and deal with any problems instead if they arise15:03
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Remove execution_id from the workflows
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: make sure we start nova-compute after nova-conductor
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Update overcloud log retrieval of rh2
derekh<EmilienM> derekh: why do we have a lot of ovb failures due to "no valid host found"?15:15
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Composable midonet for neutron
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Composable neutron core compute plugin
derekhEmilienM: I don't know yet, I made a change to the bmc image we use to see if it help15:15
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derekhEmilienM: and I'm also about to patch the compute nodes with something else that might help15:16
EmilienMok cool15:16
EmilienMthanks for the info15:16
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sshnaidmderekh, Stack overcloud CREATE_COMPLETE  \o/15:21
gfidentebnemec, regarding the jobs where to enable ceph15:21
gfidentebnemec, we actually had ceph in nonha and upgrades so adding to ha means they will all use ceph15:22
gfidenteis there work in progress for more ovbjobs?15:22
openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add Aodh composable roles
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derekhsshnaidm: nice one, so that us using the exact same env that CI uses but its not yet exactly the same as CI, two things are needed for that15:28
bnemecgfidente: Not sure yet.  I think eventually we'll be all OVB, but there's still discussion going on about whether to do that when rh1 comes back up or wait and bring rh1 back up the same as it was before.15:28
derekhsshnaidm: 1. the same undercloud image, I'm working on this now15:28
derekhsshnaidm: and 2. instead of using ./ directly we should be using which drives the whole thing15:29
derekhsshnaidm: for 2. it should mainly involve making sure the correct env variables are set before calling it15:30
derekhsshnaidm: do you want to see if you can try that out?15:30
EmilienMpradk: where did you fix the dbsync thing in gnocchi?
sshnaidmderekh, ok15:31
sshnaidmderekh, I think I ran some time "env" on tripleo-ci job, I can see if I find the results and just copy most of them, maybe to save them for future anywhere15:32
derekhsshnaidm: sounds good, before you run it set TE_DATAFILE=~/instackenv.json so it uses the env you created and doesn't create a new one15:33
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add hyperconverged Ceph to the HA job
sshnaidmderekh, where should I run - on undercloud?15:34
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Update overcloud passwords on deploy command
derekhsshnaidm: yup, on the undercloud15:35
EmilienMtrown: hey, sorry for asking it again but it's still unclear to me. WHat is the automatic / manual process that pin TripleO CI to a RDO repo?15:35
derekhsshnaidm: see the bottom of
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derekhsshnaidm: if TE_DATAFILE isn't set it will get a new one and it will be deleted when its done15:36
pradkEmilienM, i fixed that in PS#4615:36
openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Composable Horizon service - tripleo-heat-templates
derekhsshnaidm: so you want to have it set to use the one you've created15:36
EmilienMpradk: right sorry15:36
EmilienMpradk: +A15:36
sshnaidmderekh, ok15:36
pradkEmilienM, yea ccamacho might have replied by mistake15:37
pradkEmilienM, cool np15:37
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: WIP: Update overcloud passwords on update command
EmilienMpradk: +2 THT also15:37
trownEmilienM: may need derekh to explain/confirm the tripleo-ci side, but there is a job that gets triggered in RDO when tripleo-ci succeeds15:37
pradkEmilienM, yay no lets hope it stays that way ;)15:38
EmilienMpradk: if ccamacho addressed all shardy's comments, maybe shardy can +A15:38
trownEmilienM: prior to the server move, there was a cron job that collected results of periodic jobs and if all passed would trigger the job in RDO which does the promote15:38
openstackgerritMerged openstack/instack-undercloud: Maintain quotes if present at end of secure_path
trownEmilienM: not sure if that changed with server move though15:39
pradkcool, i'll let shardy decide .. i think its in good shape15:39
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Allow neutron_options customization for dashboard
EmilienMstable/liberty CI is now fixed15:39
EmilienMmgould: fyi ^15:39
derekhtrown: EmilienM what do ye want confirmed?15:39
derekhEmilienM: I don't think it is fixed, yet15:39
trownderekh: just how current-tripleo is promoted15:39
EmilienMtrown: do you know why we haven't promoted in 5 days?15:40
EmilienMtrown: I see 0 blocker on puppet side15:40
trownEmilienM: there was an issue with mistral that just got resolved15:40
derekhEmilienM: trown: its isn't promoted at the moment, its in my mail about rh215:40
trownEmilienM: it was failing to import tackerclient, but dprince++ fixed it15:40
derekhEmilienM: trown I've yet to put the promotion bits in place15:40
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derekhEmilienM: trown we need to answer the question about an instack image first, if we promote we wont have one15:41
trownEmilienM: I expect to get a promote in RDO today15:41
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tripleo: neutron/plugins/ml2/bigswitch: do not require agent
EmilienMderekh: can we try to get a promotion by Friday? neutron milestone 2 is next week, we might need to promote before it15:41
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trownderekh: ya, I think we can use the centos image from infra as long as the overcloud images are still published15:42
derekhEmilienM: so we would promote and have no instack.qcow image?15:42
trownderekh: it seems like there is not much done on the instack.qcow2 anyways15:42
derekhtrown: EmilienM ok, I'll take a look at it tonight15:42
derekhtrown: ya, we mainly just preinstall the packages15:42
trownderekh: ya and only some15:43
EmilienMsounds like we have a plan15:43
trownso quickstart will be slightly less quick, but not such a big deal15:43
derekhtrown: it was all packages at one stage, we just didn't keep it uptodate, probably a good reason not to do it anyways15:43
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mgouldEmilienM: great!15:44
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ccamachoEmilienM pradk, yeahp sorry before patchset 46 I added that comment, about changing it to step 3. About the THT submission, indeed there was an unused parameter (removed already) But I always used the map_merge (In those cases using parameters from the base file)15:44
trownderekh: ya, actually... I might rework the code that consumed tripleo-ci image to instead consume the overcloud-full image... that is actually pretty close to an undercloud image, and we already have the conversion code in the image building role15:45
EmilienMtrown: I'll proceed to puppet n2 release monday morning and then work on ooo release15:45
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EmilienMccamacho: cool15:45
derekhtrown: sounds good15:45
trownEmilienM: cool, I think it is pretty safe to take ooo hashes from RDO current-passed-ci if we havent worked out promote on RH215:46
EmilienMtrown: ok, milestone don't really block us15:46
sshnaidmderekh, should I run destroy-env before running ?15:46
ccamachoEmilienM In any case, please let's wait for CI :)15:46
EmilienMtrown: it's more an upstream visibility15:46
trownEmilienM: ya exactly15:46
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-tripleoclient: Add Mistral password to deployment
EmilienMccamacho: CI ran
derekhsshnaidm: if your creating a new env you should run destroy and and then createenv again15:47
sshnaidmderekh, I have it installed now, but it's better to start from scratch, no?15:48
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ccamachoEmilienM, neat! shardy, when having some time, can you check the changes and my comments for ??15:48
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tripleo: Add gnocchi profiles
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derekhsshnaidm: so what have you got now, a fresh undercloud with a new unused ovb env attached ?15:50
sshnaidmderekh, not yet, right now I have a overcloud deployed15:51
derekhsshnaidm: ah ok, I'd start with a brand new undercloud and testenv, so yesy call destroy-env to delete the ovb env you have15:52
derekhsshnaidm: then start on a branch new undercloud and create and env for it15:52
sshnaidmderekh, ok, doing so15:53
EmilienMderekh: will we get upgrade job tomorrow?15:53
EmilienMI hope we didn't inject regression over the last days, we haven't tested upgrades15:53
derekhEmilienM: no, why tomorrow? we only have the jobs we have until rh1 is redeployed15:54
EmilienMderekh: I remember you mentionned Thursday but I might be wrong15:54
openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Implement aodh profiles
derekhEmilienM: ahh, I said the HW would be back in the new datacenter tomorrow, but don't expect it to be back running for a week after that minimum15:55
EmilienMderekh: don't we have an upgrade ovb job?15:55
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sshnaidmEmilienM, derekh we have a periodic one, do we?15:56
EmilienMok, let me rephrase, why don't we have an upgrade ovb job?15:57
derekhEmilienM: nope we don't, we didn't have time to get it working and wouldn't have the capacity on rh2 for it15:57
EmilienMok, makes sense.15:57
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yolandamm, trown, when i deploy with release master, i hit a different issue: /home/stack/stackrc is not present, i found it on /root/stackrc15:57
derekhsshnaidm: yes, I added a periodic one, but it wont work unless we add multinic support to the OVB envs we are creating15:57
EmilienMderekh: is there something I can help for rh1 re-deployment? do we have an etherpad etc? who is working on it?15:58
EmilienMblame me if I didn't read an email I might have missed15:59
derekhEmilienM: RE rh1 redeployment , nothing to be done yet but once its ready to go we can figure out what work needs to be done16:00
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EmilienMderekh: please let me know16:00
derekhEmilienM: the main thing we have to fist figure out is if we are going to be redeploying a OVB cloud or going back to the old deployment16:00
EmilienMderekh: re upgrade job: is it only a resource problem? or also because the job is actually not working16:01
EmilienMderekh: I see16:01
derekhEmilienM: both16:01
EmilienMderekh: ok16:01
derekhEmilienM: we don't have the resource right now and also16:01
EmilienMderekh: we need to carefuly patch tripleo-ci then (ie logs) if we switch back into old system16:01
derekhEmilienM: need to add multiple nics to the testenvs that we create for the overcloud16:01
EmilienMok it's more clear now16:02
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EmilienMI really hope we won't break the upgrade job too much16:02
EmilienMand fix it asap16:02
derekhEmilienM: yup, manual testing is what we have to rely on at the moment16:02
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derekhbnemec: compute nodes all patched, and nova-compute restarted on each node16:04
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EmilienMok so from now, we should potentially have the "No hosts" thing fixed16:04
bnemecderekh: Cool.16:04
derekhEmilienM: maybe, that two things I've updated todate to try and help it16:05
derekhEmilienM: but now 100% sure16:05
bnemecderekh: I'll try to take a look at your quintupleo patch today.  That would get us multinic support basically for free.16:06
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derekhEmilienM: if neither of those work, the next thing to try would be changing lin 196 to have $(NODECOUNT+1) here
derekhEmilienM: that would make another overcloud node available to the deployment if one failed16:07
derekhEmilienM: but I'd like to avoid that if we can because it would also take more ram from the ci quota16:07
derekhbnemec: soulds good16:07
EmilienMderekh: right16:09
lucasagomeshi all, maybe it's a dummy question but... Does tripleo have any spec/patches (something more tangible) on the split-stack work?16:10
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lucasagomesI can see blog posts and ML threads about splitting the heat stack in two smaller pieces (one for baremetal configuration and another one for configuring the OS services)16:10
derekhsshnaidm: I've applied this patch to rh2, so baremetal nodes should now be reusable
lucasagomesbut I can't find whether it's being worked on or not16:11
lucasagomesslagle, ^ maybe you know?16:11
ccamachogfidente, can you check my last comment on just to see if I got it right.16:12
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gfidenteccamacho, sure, thanks16:13
gfidenteso the parameters should be distributed to the services which need them16:13
gfidente-base should be fine16:14
gfidentebut yes it's mainly about removing those from ceph-cluster.yaml yes16:14
gfidenteccamacho, and this guy as well
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ccamachogfidente, didn't noticed the last one, /me applying the changes! Thanks!16:16
openstackgerritMichele Baldessari proposed openstack/tripleo-specs: Add initial next generation HA architecture spec
slaglelucasagomes: the most concrete thing we have so far is:
slaglenot a true split stack though16:22
openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Gnocchi composable roles
lucasagomesslagle, thanks16:23
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openstackgerritMichele Baldessari proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: WIP Next generation HA architecture work
openstackgerritMichele Baldessari proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: WIP Next generation HA architecture work
derekhcan somebody else give this a look,
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openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Composable Horizon service - puppet-tripleo
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/instack-undercloud: Use the print function to fix the tests on Python 3
EmilienMderekh: +A16:35
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Log stderr when creating and destroying envs
openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Composable Horizon service - tripleo-heat-templates
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derekhEmilienM: thanks, bnemec I'm going to reinable the cronjob on the te_broker node so it again gets updates to tripleo-ci scripts automatically16:36
bnemecderekh: Finally getting back to your comment on
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bnemecRemoving that for OVB probably makes sense.16:36
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bnemecIn the old CI env if something went wrong it was likely we couldn't recover automatically, but now we're in THE CLOUD!!116:37
bnemecSpurious failures have to be expected. :-)16:37
derekhbnemec: ok, will push a patch up in a minute16:37
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Remove sleeps if testenv create/destroy fails
derekhbnemec: ^16:42
derekhbnemec: I've re-enabled auto update for the broker, so any changes should be picked up automatically16:43
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bnemecderekh: Cool, +2.16:46
bnemecderekh: To recover from this, did you just kill the stuck te-workers?16:46
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derekhbnemec: to recover from a worker going to sleep?16:47
derekhbnemec: I had never killed the worker, just the sleep command, that way the destroy script would be called16:47
bnemecderekh: Yeah, just wondering in general what the recovery steps from a worker going horribly wrong are.16:47
bnemecAh, okay.  Makes sense.16:48
* bnemec makes a note to not kill testenv-workers16:48
derekhbnemec: but once thats merged any worker will no longer sleep, so they shouldn't get "stuck"16:49
bnemecIt saddens me how little we are actually using our faster compute nodes in rh2.16:49
bnemecderekh: Right.16:49
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derekhbnemec: ya, we should fix that also16:50
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bnemecderekh: I've looked into it, but I haven't found a simple way.  From a pure numbers standpoint the slower boxes just look better (more cpus, more ram, more disk).16:52
derekhbnemec: pitty ;-(16:53
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bnemecAlthough we might be able to force certain node types onto the faster boxes using host aggregates.16:54
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derekhbnemec: I'm kindof under the impression (maybe illusion) that the extra RAM on the boxes with the slowers disks compensates16:56
bnemecOr we could just disable a couple of the slower boxes.  With 15 testenvs we're not even close to maxing out the available hardware from what I can see.16:56
derekhbnemec: because we have the VM running in an unsafe disk caching mode, so nothing is waiting for disk syncs as longs as there is enaough RAM to allow it16:56
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bnemecderekh: Good point.  I guess the jobs really aren't that slow right now either.  They're mostly finishing in 1:30-1:40.16:58
derekhbnemec: worth thinking about, but then we might end up CPU bound,16:58
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bnemecMaybe a benefit of spreading the load of multiple hosts instead of putting all the HA overcloud nodes on one box at the same time.16:58
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derekhbnemec: yup, I thinkk once we improve the failure rate a bit, we can try tweaking a couple of things until we find whats optimum16:58
derekhbnemec: anyways I gotta run, will check in on the cluod later to see if anything is on fire16:59
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padkrishHello all, i am running into issues trying to install TripleO in a VM environment. Can i ask in this forum or is there a different IRC or mailing list?17:04
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openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: WIP: Update overcloud passwords on update command
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shardypadkrish: Hi, you can ask your question here :)17:11
padkrishshardy# thanks :)17:12
padkrishI was following the instructions in (stable/liberty)17:13
padkrishWhen i do a "“openstack undercloud install”", it eventually fails with:17:13
padkrish+ puppet apply --detailed-exitcodes /etc/puppet/manifests/puppet-stack-config.pp17:14
padkrishError: Resource type oslo::cache doesn't exist on node instack.localdomain17:14
padkrishError: Resource type oslo::cache doesn't exist on node instack.localdomain17:14
padkrishI had to make couple of changes manually, as per bug 1304395 in openstack-tripleo "openstack overcloud image upload fails with "Required file "./ironic-python-agent.initramfs" does not exist."" [Unspecified,Closed: worksforme] - Assigned to jslagle17:15
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shardypadkrish: Hmm, sounds like a puppet module is missing or the wrong version, it's possible there's a docs bug if you've followed the docs for stable branch17:16
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shardypadkrish: you might try cloning the tripleo-ci repo and re-configuring the repos with tripleo.sh17:16
shardyyou can do export STABLE_RELEASE=liberty17:17
shardythen --repo-setup17:17
shardymaybe copy/tar your /etc/yum.repos.d before so you can compare before/after and figure out what in the docs is wrong17:17
shardythat script is what we use in CI, so it's possible it's more current than the docs, especially for old stable branches17:18
shardyis there a reason you're using liberty instead of mitaka?17:18
padkrishshardy# no specific reason as of now, i was just following the docs for the stable version :)17:19
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padkrishshardy# it's my first install, so thought would follow the stable branch, nothing else17:20
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padkrishshardy# i am assuming i should be cloning the tripleo-ci repo in the undercloud VM?17:23
shardypadkrish: ack, I can see the docs still point to liberty, so we should probably update to the current latest stable/mitaka17:23
shardypadkrish: yes, if you clone that repo, you can then run which will automate a few steps from the docs17:24
shardyit's possible (even likely) that the stable branch docs and that script have diverged17:24
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padkrishlooks like the script is also deploying the overcloud, should i pass any arguments for it to deploy it as --libvirt-type qemu as given in the docs?17:28
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shardypadkrish: did you just run --repo-setup?17:28
padkrishshardy# i will do that first...sorry, i started looking into the script..17:29
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Composable neutron core compute plugin
ayoungshardy, is it possible to run just a nested stack that makes up part of tripleo?  Like, can I run Tripleo one Heat (sub) stack at a time?17:29
shardyayoung: Yes, but in some (many) cases there are dependencies on data from the parent17:30
shardyso it can get tricky17:30
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ayoungshardy, is there someway to snapshot that data?17:30
shardyit is possible to deploy any heat stack seperately though, provided you can pass in some valid data17:30
shardyayoung: you could write a script that dumps the stack-show output for all stacks returned from heat stack-list -n I guess17:31
shardyit'd be kinda hard work unravelling all the data though17:32
shardyand you'd need to figure out the DAG so you could create things in the correct order17:32
ayoungshardy, but otherwise there is no way to say "run just the hardward setup stage, but use all the data from the full overcloud deploy"17:32
ayoungshardy, we need a Heat debugger17:32
shardypersonally I only sometimes create nested stacks directly, mostly when debugging an issue with some nested stack template17:32
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shardyayoung: well, it depends what you're trying to do, it is possible to noop the software configuration, run the deployment, then enable it17:33
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shardyand you could enable it incrementally17:33
shardyayoung: there is also an interface for heat hooks (aka breakpoints) which enables stopping at a pre-defined point in the graph17:33
ayoungshardy, because in a redeploy heat  is smart enough to skip what is already done17:33
shardyayoung: yup17:33
ayoungshardy, that is key knowledge...17:34
shardyeven from a FAILED state, it won't replace COMPLETE resources, it'll just walk the graph and carry on17:34
EmilienMpradk: is green!17:34
shardyayoung: yeah, you can just keep running openstack overcloud deploy until it works17:35
shardywith no delete inbetween17:35
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ayoungshardy, I can only find this as docs for breakpoints
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ayoungis there better?17:37
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shardyayoung: ^^17:38
shardythe interface is a bit awkward because the status of the hook is output via events17:38
ayoungshardy, so, one thing about OOOqs is that it does a shell script, and keeps adding more -e options.  Am I right in thinking that a deploy should have a singe record of environmental state, and we should have one file that you include with all of the customizations for the deploy?17:41
ayoungsomething like17:41
ayoungopenstack overcloud deploy --templates $TEMPLATE_DIR  -e  my_setup.yml17:42
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ayoungso if I do a redeploy, I am sure to get the same state each time, maybe with just the delta for what I am working on?17:43
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: [WIP] Update to use quintupleo
shardyayoung: You can do that, but it requires manually merging the various -e enable_foo.yaml templates17:44
shardyayoung: anoter alternative is to point to a directory of environment files:17:44
shardymostly folks do want to have several -e enable_foo.yaml -e enable_bar.yaml environments17:44
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: WIP: Update overcloud passwords on update command
shardyas it's a bit easier to manage than maintaining one mega-environment17:45
ayoungshardy, right, but what happens if you execute opentack overcloud deploy a second time and leave on off?  Didn't you possibly undo work someonelse did?17:45
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ayoung"leave One off"17:45
shardyayoung: Possibly, but we do a PATCH update, so in most cases existing data shouldn't be changed17:46
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shardywe just reuse the current e.g parameter_defaults if you don't pass a new value17:46
shardysame for all the templates17:46
padkrishshardy# i ran --repo-setup? after setting the STABLE_RELEASE to liberty17:46
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ayoungshardy, I see.  So if I do a stack show, I see the current state of the env vars.  When I do a new redeploy, it updates those before continuing17:47
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shardyayoung: yes, any new data you pass in to the next overcloud deploy will take effect when the update happens17:48
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padkrishshardy# after running it, i do not see the delorean-liberty.repo in /etc/yum.repos.d, i see delorean-current.repo17:49
shardypadkrish: yup, but if you look inside it, does it point to the same place as the old delorean-liberty.repo?17:50
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padkrishshardy# nope, it's empty, the file is not populated at all...i did not get any error when i ran tripleo.sh17:51
padkrishshardy# delorean-deps.repo seem to be the same as the old delorean-deps-liberty.repo except for priority17:52
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pradkEmilienM, nice, thx!17:53
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shardypadkrish: ack, I think that's OK
shardypossibly the priority is what we have wrong in the docs17:54
shardydoes yum check-update show you changes to the puppet modules?17:55
openstackgerritMatt Young proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Add support to image build yaml input to handle env vars
thrashmyoung: where ya been? :)17:57
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myoungthrash: see, there was this bus...on fire...full of orphans...heading for a cliff.  someone had to step up.  I'm back now.18:00
padkrishshardy# looks similar18:00
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gfidentemyoung, I suppose the orphans are safe now?18:01
gfidenteI mean, I hope so18:02
thrashmyoung: lol18:02
padkrishshardy# yum check-update does not show changes to puppet18:02
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EmilienMWent to status ERROR due to "Message: No valid host was found18:05
EmilienMI still see the error FYI18:05
EmilienMbnemec: ^18:05
gfidenteI hit that as well it sees18:06
gfidenteEmilienM, ^^18:06
EmilienMgfidente: hey can you review and please?18:07
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bnemecHmm, okay.  I haven't seen any errors in the bmcs all day, so I suspect this is a different thing.18:08
yolandatrown, found problem with swift...  ERROR with Object server re: Trying to write to /v1/AUTH_ea990020037e482c9f7eb01762e325fb/glance/5564afbd-03a5-4ef4-8a1c-cd7917f875ae: ChunkWriteTimeout (10.0s)18:08
yolandais there any way to manipulate that timeout from oooq?18:08
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trownyolanda: not directly, but if it is exposed via puppet, we could change it in instack-undercloud18:10
openstackgerritRichard Su proposed openstack/tripleo-image-elements: WIP Remove unneeded SELinux custom policies
trownyolanda: it is happening even on master where we switched to file backend?18:12
bnemectrown: yolanda:
yolandatrown, master had another problem. stackrc was not present under /home/stack, but on /root/stack18:12
bnemecyolanda: That means the undercloud install failed.18:13
yolandaoh bnemec , that's the change i needed!18:13
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bnemecWe should probably backport it.18:13
yolandaplease :)18:13
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yolandaconfirmed, that timeout increase solves the problem18:15
yolandaas a workaround i can just add a sed on proxy-server.conf on undercloud post deploy script, but it will be super helpful to have it on mitaka18:16
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack/instack-undercloud: Increase swift-proxy node_timeout
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack/instack-undercloud: Increase swift-proxy node_timeout
bnemec<yolanda> as a workaround i can just add a sed on proxy-server.conf on undercloud post deploy script18:20
bnemec^Please don't do that.  Anyone can propose backports, which is the right way to handle something like this.18:20
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tripleo: Create kernel profile
EmilienMyolanda: right, please keep in mind config management is done via Puppet, nothing else for now.18:21
EmilienMdon't hack things with bash please :-)18:21
EmilienMbnemec: +2 on backports18:21
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EmilienMgfidente: thx man18:22
trown+1 to not adding it into quickstart tree, but hacking around broken stuff to get work done is totally fine18:23
dmsimard+1 to not forget to eventually remove the hacking18:23
trowndmsimard: right that is why it would not go in tree :P18:23
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add kernel service
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Composable midonet for neutron
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EmilienMdprince: rebasing our tht work18:27
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Composable neutron core compute plugin
dprinceEmilienM: no please!18:28
dprinceEmilienM: I have 4 more patches to post now... :/18:28
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Update overcloud passwords on update command
dprinceEmilienM: okay, besides the rebase there were no changes?18:28
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jidarI'm trying to deploy using the DeployIdentifier stuff from suggested by shardy and running into an issue, I'm on a fairly old patchset from Kilo and I keep getting this error: Resource CREATE failed: resources.ExtraConfig: Property error: Property DeployIdentifier not assigned18:30
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Composable Neutron Core Compute Plugin
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Composable Midonet for Neutron
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Composable Nuage Compute Plugin
jidaranybody familiar with how that param gets passed in and how it needs to be setup in a template?18:31
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Composable Midonet compute plugin
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Composable Plumgrid compute plugin
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Composable OpenContrail compute plugin
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EmilienMdprince: no change18:32
dprinceEmilienM: there are 4 more patches now18:32
dprinceEmilienM: ^^^18:32
dprinceEmilienM: neutron is now gone from compute18:32
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dprinceEmilienM: still testing but I think this should work out18:32
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EmilienMI'll test it too18:33
EmilienMI can't deploy quickstart now, having troubles18:33
EmilienMis master supposed to work?18:33
dprinceEmilienM: that is next up for me as well. Something seems to have broken in my dev environment18:34
dprinceEmilienM: using master18:34
dprinceEmilienM: just looked at your kernel stuff. Looks like it landed18:35
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dprinceEmilienM: I might have split out sysctl... but if others are fine I guess it is fine18:36
dprinceEmilienM: Honestly we always want sysctl there anyways.18:36
EmilienMdprince: split kmod & sysctl?18:37
dprinceEmilienM: yes, they are separate things18:37
dprinceEmilienM: but we likely always want them on so whatever18:37
EmilienMthey are not really separate things18:38
EmilienMone is loading the module and another is configuring the module18:38
dprinceEmilienM: it is entire possible to use sysctl without kmod18:38
dprinceEmilienM: perhaps risky, but possible18:38
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-quickstart: Remove superfluous 'fi' from
EmilienMyeah except if your module is not loaded18:38
dprinceEmilienM: it would be if a used a static kernel18:38
EmilienMyeah, right now I did a baby step by moving the code.18:38
EmilienMwe can change it later18:39
EmilienMsysctl is clearly not my priority18:39
dprinceEmilienM: you asked me to review. This is my feedback :)18:39
EmilienMdprince: my goal is to evacuate overcloud_*.pp18:40
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tripleo: Add non-pcmk Trove API/Conductor/Taskmanager profiles
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Trove Integration
EmilienMdprince: thx for feedback18:40
dprinceEmilienM: yep, those last 4 neutron patches removed a huge chunk of overcloud_compute.pp.
EmilienMdprince: excellent, this is our priority now :)18:41
gfidentethose kmod/sysctl are probably a bit like role-specific implementations of OVS18:42
gfidentewe might want to distribute role-specific keys from the templates18:42
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EmilienMdprince: there is a puppet syntax error:
gfidentesay load a certain controller module only on storage nodes, or sysctl settings only on the nodes running neutron18:42
EmilienMgfidente: right, also swift18:42
EmilienMgfidente: I could make it like firewall rules18:43
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EmilienMgfidente: what do you think about ?18:43
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EmilienMcan you look at it?18:43
gfidentenaaaah I was about to leave man :)18:43
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gfidentethough the various *ExtraConfig interfaces should be good for the purpose of having role-specific module/keys18:44
EmilienMgfidente: yeah also18:45
EmilienMdprince: if you got 2 min, can you look before I continue this work?18:45
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openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add mulitnode CI job support to tripleo-ci
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gfidentefwiw this is a recent 'no valid host'18:48
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openstackgerritBrent Eagles proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add environment file to enable DVR
dprinceEmilienM: seems fine. But per our conversation earlier about sysctl settings... as I understood you your preference was to configure things via Hiera in t-h-t.18:48
dprinceEmilienM: with these firewall rules you are going to make an exception though?18:49
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dprinceEmilienM: could we figure out a way to merge the hiera (only for firewall settings) and then apply it via one function?18:49
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dprinceEmilienM: because I would prefer managing it that way, as opposed to hard coding the ports into the manifest18:49
colonwqgfidente, can you review 324774, 334081 and 289027? They are 'all green' but I need some good eyes to help finish polishing these patches.18:49
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EmilienMdprince: I'm still thinking about it. What do you prefer on your side?18:50
EmilienMah hiera18:50
dprinceEmilienM: I like the idea of the t-h-t mechanism18:50
EmilienMok I can investigate a hiera thing for iptables & sysctl, let me think about it :)18:50
EmilienMI'll WIP my patch in the meantime18:50
dprinceEmilienM: If it were just a single patch I would say lets land it. But I wouldn't spend time moving this around until we investigate the hiera mechanism myself.18:51
EmilienMdprince: right let me some time to think about it18:51
bnemecgfidente: Hmm, the ironic logs for that job look pretty ugly.  NodeAssociateds everywhere, then a couple of ipmi errors.18:52
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EmilienMdprince: we'll need
EmilienMthis thing is AWESOME18:55
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openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add Aodh composable roles
EmilienMdprince: but I have to think about a merge mechanism18:56
dprinceEmilienM: cool18:58
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gfidentecoolsvap, done, we're almost there I think :)18:58
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EmilienMbnemec: nice catch on
EmilienMbnemec: a comment though19:13
yolandaEmilienM, ok.. i meant temporarily to make my tests run19:14
yolandaso backports are managed via a normal change?19:15
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openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Fix Ceilometer profiles
EmilienMpradk: if you do that ^ can you recheck ceilo patch?19:21
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EmilienMdprince: sorry wrong window, but here:
EmilienMwe can't use hiera for firewall rules19:26
EmilienMbecause we have some (good) logic that enable binding options in our manifests19:26
EmilienMmaybe for sysctl we can do it with Hiera, I'm pretty sure19:26
EmilienMand even for some firewall rules19:26
EmilienMbut not all19:26
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EmilienMwe can do it with hiera19:27
EmilienMwe'll need to add though19:27
EmilienMI can prepare a demo and PoC19:27
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: deploy composable firewall rules for HAproxy
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EmilienMdprince: I updated ^ for HAproxy and now I'm working on the PoC for keystone with hiera19:30
Jabadialast night I was able to use disk image build. now i cant.19:30
JabadiaI'm getting "failure: repodata/repomd.xml from openstack-kilo: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try."19:31
Jabadiaand indeed '' does not exists19:31
Jabadiait need to be s/7Server/7/g19:31
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Jabadiais there a channel for DiB ? or this is the right place ?19:32
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-puppet-elements: Add puppet-hiera_resources to TripleO
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Create firewall_rules from an Hiera Hash
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Move Keystone firewall rules into the service
EmilienMdprince: boom ^ last 2 patches20:02
EmilienMdprince: pure hiera20:02
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dprinceEmilienM: could you just do them all at once? It wouldn't be too large to do that way... especially since it is currently one big blog anyways20:05
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dprinceEmilienM: I hate to see us spend time cranking 20+ patches through CI when it could be a simple medium size one...20:06
openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: Clear up "already provided" message
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EmilienMdprince: it's a PoC20:09
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EmilienMdprince: if you like it I can do them all in one man20:09
jidarman I'd kill for a validater that actually told me what was wrong with my templates20:09
* jidar groans20:09
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dprinceEmilienM: cool, lets see if it passes20:10
dprinceEmilienM: +2 on the puppet-tripleo patch20:10
EmilienMdprince: ok I'll check logs & make sure it does what we want20:10
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EmilienMdprince: let me submit another patchset with another service to see if merge workd20:11
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ayoungopenstack overcloud deploy is the same as heat stack-create <what>?20:11
dprinceEmilienM: same patch would work too I think20:12
dprinceEmilienM: just need to put it into another nested service stack20:12
thrashayoung: there's a lot more to it than that20:12
jidarayoung: you can run a --debug and get the http posts to heat20:12
ayoungthrash, maybe now, but I read somewhere that it was originally a heat-stack create20:12
jidarbut yea, what thrash said20:12
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Move Keystone and Neutron Server firewall rules into the service
EmilienMdprince: done ^20:13
thrashayoung: you *can* recreate it by hand. And as jidar said, you can run overcloud deploy with --debug, and see the api call that is made to heat20:13
EmilienMdprince: if ^ pass, please tell me it's good and I'll do all services in this same patch so we can easily switch20:13
ayoungjidar, thrash I have a fairly unstable system, and am unwilling to poke at it too hard.  I'd like to be able to look at the existing stack and see how it was put together, first20:13
ayoungI'm running quickstart, and it adds a bunch of additional parameters20:14
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ayoungis there any way to track back from running stack to template?20:14
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trownayoung: the deploy script in quickstart accepts additional args now... so you can run ` --debug` and "--debug" will be passed to the deploy command20:15
EmilienMdprince: btw, we'll still need because of the logic we have in manifests, but not a big deal20:15
ayoungtrown, cool20:15
trownayoung: assuming a relatively recent checkout of quickstart anyways20:15
trownotherwise you could always `vim` and just add it20:16
dprinceEmilienM: see my comment on
dprinceEmilienM: just put the check for 'manage_firewall' there20:16
dprinceEmilienM: and I think we'd be good...20:16
ayoungtrown, seems to be working, but the questions still stands:  how do I work backwards, or do I?  If I have a failiuing deploy, I want to figure out which template failed20:16
EmilienMdprince: ack thw20:17
jidarayoung: there's a few commands you can run to figure out what's going wrong20:17
trownayoung: if a software deployment failed, quickstart will even create that for you
jidarthen depending on what method you're deploying with you can either set a root password on the overcloud image and log in and check the logs, etc.20:18
thrashayoung: and
trownayoung: so you could just check for a "failed_deployment_<UUID>.log" in /home/stack/20:19
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ayoungthrash, I know that page well :)20:19
jidarspeaking of, is there a way to debug what the validation failed on?20:19
trownif something other than a StructuredDeployment failed, then it requires more sleuthing20:19
jidarie: a deploy isn't actually run20:19
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jidarall I've got is: >{"explanation": "The server could not comply with the request since it is either malformed or otherwise incorrect.", "code": 400, "error": {"message": "Failed to validate: Failed to validate: Invalid type (String)",20:20
EmilienMdprince: commented
EmilienMI have an improvement to do in the patch for performance20:21
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Create firewall_rules from an Hiera Hash
EmilienMdprince: ^ see20:21
jmiuaside from sshing into the node itself and looking at the logs, what else can you do?20:21
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ayoungjidar, where do you see that message?20:22
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dprinceEmilienM: cool. Then we are good. I don't think we'd need the one-off HAproxy patch then right?20:22
jidarayoung: inside the --debug of a deploy20:22
thrashjidar: and a stack isn't even created in that instance, correct?20:22
jidarthrash: I'm re-running the deploy on an excisting cloud20:22
EmilienMdprince: yes we need20:23
jidarexisting rather20:23
thrashjidar: any failed resources at that point?20:23
EmilienMdprince: because we can't compose the HAproxy rules in Hiera20:23
jidarthrash: it never kicks off20:23
thrashjidar: gotcha20:23
jidarie: the validate failed, not the deploy20:23
ayoungjidar, that looks like an API call that failed.  Any logging before it?20:23
EmilienMbecause we have some logic in haproxy.pp about what services are enabled20:23
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jidarayoung: nothing helpful20:23
thrashjidar: or, better yet, what did you change? :D20:23
dprinceEmilienM: okay, so I see. it is using variables20:23
jidarhah! now that's the real question - I'm trying to get DeployIdentifer to work20:24
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Move Keystone and Neutron Server firewall rules into the service
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Don't try to get stack details if the stack doesn't exist
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: TEST: Delete the overcloud when finished
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Stop piping yes to Heat
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Test overcloud deletion in periodic job
jidarlike so:
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ayoungjidar, ok,  so am I right in understanding that most API calls are done on the controller, from the os-update-config [name?] daemon and that should have a log?20:24
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openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/tripleo-puppet-elements: Add puppet-ec2api module
jidarthe undercloud is going to be making calls to its own heat engine20:25
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ayoungjidar, so that call was made from Heat itself?20:25
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jidarthat call was made TO heat20:25
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ayoungjidar, can you paste the log, with maybe the 50 lines before it, so I can see? I need to learn how to do this20:26
jidarit's obviously an issue with my templates, but figuring out which one or where is not really well explained20:26
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: TEST: Run undercloud idempotency test on all jobs
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add undercloud idempotency test
jidarI can not :( customer info20:26
jmiuwhat does doing a dry run on the template give?20:27
jidarthis is an older version of kilo, on rhel - no --dry-run/--dryrun option I can pass in20:28
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jmiuoh :(20:29
jidaryea... tell me about it20:29
jidaryou should see what I did to rebuild the lab to the same patch set as prod :P20:29
jidarI'll give you a hint, it involves 1000 packages on a single line installed by yum and unlinked the yum install script used by undercloud install20:30
jmiu:| ...20:30
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Record Heat resource deployment times to Graphite
ayoungOK,  so I followed jidar and thrash 's advice and now I have  UPDATE_FAILED20:33
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ayoungso I've got that going for me20:33
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Re-enable keystone init deprecation message
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openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add mulitnode CI job support to tripleo-ci
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openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Add swift ringbuilder profile
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openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Convert Swift ringbuilder to composable services format
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Nothing to see here
derekhbnemec: something occured to me, see ^^21:08
derekhbnemec: when testing rh2, I became paranoid that ARP traffic was leaking between tenant nodes21:09
derekhbnemec: it didn't always happen, but when it did, the deploy image failed to get an IP21:09
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bnemecderekh: Hmm, interesting.21:10
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bnemecI'm pretty sure that won't work though.21:10
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derekhbnemec:  the first thing that dhclient does is sent out an ARP request for the IP it was given over dhcp, it then stopped and just sat there until a timeout21:10
bnemecYou can't randomly select the ip ranges that way.21:10
derekhbnemec: no?21:11
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* derekh thought it might work because we got arp spoofing turned off21:11
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bnemecderekh: Oh wait, I'm reading that wrong.21:12
derekhbnemec:  this was the main reason that I didn't select the default range for rh221:12
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bnemecThat will work fine.21:12
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bnemecI was thinking the change randomized the last octet, but it doesn't.21:12
derekhbnemec: I never tracked down exactly what combination of a setup made it happen but I thought using a different range for rh2 would prevent it21:13
derekhbnemec: anyways, I'm going to recheck that a bunch of time to see if it reproduces or not21:13
derekhbnemec: just a hunch, but once based on something I observed a few weeks ago21:13
bnemecderekh: Yeah, sounds good.  I feel like it _shouldn't_ make a difference, but bugs happen.21:13
derekhbnemec: ya, it shouldn't make a difference, it if it does its probably a neutron bug allowing traffic between tenant networks in some cases21:15
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derekhbnemec: but we do have arp spoofing allowed and have turned off the firewall...who does that..21:15
bnemecYeah, OVB seems to be pretty good at finding OpenStack bugs. :-)21:15
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bnemecderekh: NFV people, who are kind of important from what I hear. ;-)21:16
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derekhbnemec: they might have something to say about it21:16
derekhbnemec: if a few recheck work I'll make it a proper patch and we can see if it helps21:17
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bnemecderekh: Yeah, honestly I wouldn't mind doing it anyway.  It would be nice to catch bad assumptions on our part about what CIDRs are being used simply because they're the default.21:18
jidar(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻21:18
derekhbnemec: yup, thats also a thing21:19
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/instack-undercloud: Increase swift-proxy node_timeout
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Remove the rewrite of TOCI_JOBTYPE
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openstackgerritKeith Schincke proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Add RGW to the Ceph rgw profile.
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openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add mulitnode CI job support to tripleo-ci
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: Make ubuntu-core support releases
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openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add mulitnode CI job support to tripleo-ci
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