Friday, 2016-07-22

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openstackgerritSarath Kumar Sankaran Kutty proposed openstack/os-net-config: Enable os-net-config to support and configure NFVSwitch
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/instack-undercloud: Remove "OK_FILE" from undercloud-install element
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed openstack/tripleo-ui: Use Webpack for application processing
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openstackgerritMarios Andreou proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Enable Manila integration - as a composable controller service
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bandinimarios, can we plus +A this one now?
mariosbandini: ACK05:58
mariossry, too early for shouting05:58
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bandinimarios, thank you!06:01
bandinidciabrin, ^06:01
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Minor updates might fail with missing MysqlClustercheckPassword property
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openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed openstack/tripleo-ui: Stop Validation
openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed openstack/tripleo-ui: Triggering validations and messaging
openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed openstack/tripleo-ui: List Validations and Validation results
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openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed openstack/tripleo-ui: Use Webpack for application processing
openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed openstack/tripleo-ui: Stop Validation
openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed openstack/tripleo-ui: Triggering validations and messaging
openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed openstack/tripleo-ui: List Validations and Validation results
openstackgerritXiang Chen proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: add no_proxy when debootstrap trying to use proxy
openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap) proposed openstack/instack: Remove discover from test-requirements
openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap) proposed openstack/instack-undercloud: Remove discover from test-requirements
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openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed openstack/tripleo-ui: Use Webpack for application processing
openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed openstack/tripleo-ui: Stop Validation
openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed openstack/tripleo-ui: Triggering validations and messaging
openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed openstack/tripleo-ui: List Validations and Validation results
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openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap) proposed openstack/os-refresh-config: Remove discover from test-requirements
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openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap) proposed openstack/os-net-config: Remove discover from test-requirements
openstackgerritMichele Baldessari proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: WIP Move rabbit's clustering port away from the ephemeral port range
openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap) proposed openstack/os-collect-config: Remove discover from test-requirements
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openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap) proposed openstack/os-cloud-config: Remove discover from test-requirements
openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap) proposed openstack/os-apply-config: Remove discover from test-requirements
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openstackgerritXiang Chen proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: add no_proxy when debootstrap trying to use proxy
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Enable keystone to use the SSL middleware
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Enable glance to use the SSL middleware
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Migrate Puppet Hieradata to composable services
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openstackgerritAdriano Petrich proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart: Add third party gating to quickstart
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openstackgerritAdriano Petrich proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart: WIP gate upgrade
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openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Add pacemaker mistral profile
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openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Composable Mistral services
openstackgerritChris Jones proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Next generation HA architecture work
openstackgerritAdriano Petrich proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart: WIP gate upgrade
openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed openstack/tripleo-ui: Use Webpack for application processing
openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed openstack/tripleo-ui: Stop Validation
openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed openstack/tripleo-ui: Triggering validations and messaging
openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed openstack/tripleo-ui: List Validations and Validation results
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openstackgerritChris Jones proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Next generation HA architecture work
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openstackgerritChris Jones proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Next generation HA architecture work
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hewbroccaGood morning everyone08:11
jaosoriorhey man, what's up?08:11
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hewbroccaWell, unfortunately,
openstackLaunchpad bug 1605359 in tripleo "[trunk] With master of Ironic, node registration fails" [Critical,Triaged]08:12
hewbroccais STILL BLOCKING the promote job08:12
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jaosoriorbummer :/08:14
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hewbroccatrown|outtypewww: had the idea that we don't actually test Ironic node registration in tripleo CI08:14
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hewbroccawhich is disappointing, but I have no context really08:14
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-ui: Add error handler to FileReader
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: openstack-core resource does not have interleave=true
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Remove two races during the L->M Keystone under httpd migration
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Generate HAProxy certificates in base profile
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Generate HAProxy certificates in base profile
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Generate HAProxy certificates in base profile
hewbroccawho owns the mistral workflow for node registration?08:46
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hewbroccashardy: do you recall who was working on the Ironic node registration workflow in mistral?08:52
hewbroccalucasagomes: has posted a solution to
openstackLaunchpad bug 1605359 in tripleo "[trunk] With master of Ironic, node registration fails" [Critical,Triaged]08:52
shardyhewbrocca: I think d0ugal, jpich or rbrady can probably help08:55
shardyIf not then I'll take a look08:55
hewbroccajpich: around?08:55
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hewbroccaBug above is blocking the RDO trunk promote job, and lucasagomes has posted a fix to the bug08:56
shardyseems like we need to emulate the export OS_BAREMETAL_API_VERSION=1.11 we have in stackrc inside the mistral action08:56
hewbroccaeither that or add the flag lucasagomes suggests08:56
hewbroccano idea which is better08:56
shardyah, yeah, either is probably fine08:56
hewbroccashardy: do you know how it makes it through TripleO CI?08:56
shardyhewbrocca: not sure, my guess is that the stackrc environment is passed through by mistral, but would have to check to confirm08:57
lucasagomesshardy, yeah either one should work, the starting with enroll state is just to give operators a time to register the nodes and validate it before it actually goes to the pool of the available nodes08:57
hewbroccaIt seems to me like we *always* want to start with "available"08:58
hewbroccaso maybe having the flag is the best approach in this case?08:58
hewbroccawe being TripleO, I mean08:58
jpichI think that flag won't be used anymore though, it lives outside of the workflows08:58
shardylucasagomes: can you start introspection from an enroll state?08:58
shardyI can imagine operators not wanting new nodes to be available until after introspection is completed, so we need to ensure that's possible08:59
jpichBased on we want to let the user decide if they want the nodes to be 'manageable' (and run introspection, etc) or 'available' for deployment08:59
lucasagomesshardy, you can not, so introspection is at the manageable state, after enrolling you can call "ironic node-set-provision-state manage"08:59
lucasagomesto move that state08:59
shardylucasagomes: ack, thanks for the confirmation08:59
lucasagomesshardy, I believe tripleo will do the same, but from available to manageable08:59
lucasagomesand then back to available08:59
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lucasagomesenroll -> manageable -> available Vs available -> manageable -> available09:00
shardyjpich: Yup, we should give them the choice to either require introspection, or skip it09:02
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jpichSo would the flag be something we only set on CI for now?09:02
shardywhat we need to avoid is folks adding a bunch of new nodes, then having the scheduler pick them before they've been introspected, e.g if the operator chooses the mandatory introspection path09:02
shardyjpich: I think the workflow/action/cli needs to enable choice of the initial state, not only for CI09:05
shardySo, we'd import nodes as manageable by default, but for cases where we don't run introspection we can choose to go direcly to available (including in CI jobs where we're not running introspection)09:06
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shardylucasagomes: is that accurate?  And the bug is that we're instead defaulting to enroll state09:07
* lucasagomes reads09:07
jpichshadower: Ok, so implementing that flag to be "manageable or available" instead of "enroll or available" is needed as well (adding to my TODOs for the new import command)09:07
lucasagomesshardy, that's accurate yes09:08
shardylucasagomes: Thanks, and if we pin to 1.11 the default initial state is managable?09:08
lucasagomesby default ironic will create the node in available (as it was before) unless you pin it to a microversion >= 1.1109:08
lucasagomesshardy, enroll09:08
lucasagomesbut you can move it to manageable by calling "ironic node-set-provision-state manageable"09:08
shardyOk, so it sounds like we revert to the available behavior then figure out the managable/available choice later09:09
lucasagomesthe difference is that at manageable the nodes will have credentials sorted, where enroll is just the initial state09:09
lucasagomesshardy, that will fix that problem I believe, yes09:09
shardygreat, thanks :)09:09
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/instack-undercloud: Use certmonger for automatic cert generation
jaosoriorfinally! :D09:11
jaosoriorccamacho duuuuude09:11
ccamachohey jaosorior morning!09:12
jaosoriorccamacho hey dude! how's it going?09:12
ccamachojajaja finally finished the mistral submission :)09:12
ccamachojaosorior, you?09:12
ccamachoseems quite happy it because it's friday!!!09:13
jaosoriorccamacho: Pretty excited getting shit working :D. Are you really busy? Just got that patch working with EmilienM's suggestions. Would use an extra hand testing. Tested it myself with FreeIPA now and it seems to work. But of course, extra eyes are always good :D09:13
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jaosoriorccamacho this patch
ccamachojaosorior, man I was lurking in your blog xD really interesting, so, why don't you add yourself to xD09:14
ccamachojaosorior, np man09:14
jaosoriorccamacho: I still need to separate the RSS feeds09:15
jaosoriormaybe I'll start posting about random stuff and nobody here is interested in that haha09:15
jaosoriorso when I finally separate the feeds then I'll add it09:15
shardySo we already explicitly set the state to available, with state_action=provide09:15
shardyeven after removing the stackrc version pin I can't make that fail locally09:15
jaosoriorccamacho: Anyway, that commit needs the latest puppet-tripleo. And this patch
ccamachojaosorior, mmmm yeahp, but, when having some time, its interesting stuff.. will test it now provisioning as yesterday I messed it up XD09:16
ccamachojaosorior same steps than yesterday/or your blog post :)09:16
jaosoriorccamacho: So, it would be this for instack-undercloud and this for puppet-tripleo
ccamachojaosorior ack :)09:16
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jpichlucasagomes: Is going directly from 'enroll' to 'available' allowed?09:19
lucasagomesjpich, no, it has to go to manageable in between first09:19
jaosoriorccamacho: now, for that commit only thing you need to do is set this in undercloud.conf:  generate_service_certificate = true09:19
lucasagomesjpich, enroll -> manageable -> available09:20
ccamachojaosorior same as yesterday :) np09:20
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jaosoriorccamacho: Awesome, let me know when you're ready09:20
jpichlucasagomes: Ok, thank you - sorry, you actually explained that earlier then :-)09:20
shardyIf I do ironic node-create -n foo -d pxe_ssh without OS_BAREMETAL_API_VERSION set the node goes direct to available09:20
lucasagomesjpich, no problem09:20
shardyso the problem must be RDO are pinning to a newer version?09:20
ccamachosure now installing the packages should not take much time09:21
lucasagomesshardy, tripleo-common is09:21
* lucasagomes gets the link09:21
jaosoriorccamacho: did you read my PM?09:21
shardylucasagomes: ah yeah, np got it09:21
ccamachojaosorior, yahp I have it under control :)09:21
jpichshardy: Would you happen to have a link to the full logs of a job that failed like this?09:22
lucasagomesright, sorry double paste then09:22
shardyOS_BAREMETAL_API_VERSION is wrong, should be IRONIC_API_VERSION09:22
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shardyso our stackrc pin does nothing09:23
openstackgerritXiang Chen proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Explain the difference between 'DIB_OFFLINE' and 'DIB_DEBIAN_USE_DEBOOTSTRAP_CACHE'
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openstackgerritXiang Chen proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Explain the difference between 'DIB_OFFLINE' and 'DIB_DEBIAN_USE_DEBOOTSTRAP_CACHE'
hewbroccashardy: huh... how the heck's it working at all then?09:33
shardyhewbrocca:  the env vars are different for ironicclient and openstackclient I think09:33
hewbroccaof course they are, why wouldn't they be09:34
shardyjpich: Sorry, I don't, and there's no link in the bug09:34
shardyjpich: pulling trunk ironic locally trying to reproduce09:34
jpichshardy: No problems, thank you09:34
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apevecshardy, which repo(s) have you used in ?09:50
openstackLaunchpad bug 1605359 in tripleo "[trunk] With master of Ironic, node registration fails" [Critical,Triaged]09:50
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apevecalso please check patch in comment 3 based on lucasagomes' comment 1 suggestion09:50
shardyapevec: Hi!  I first tried with the tripleo-common pin, overlaid with trunk tripleo pieces09:51
shardynow I've tried with trunk ironic upgraded, still works09:51
shardynow trying an upgrade of ironicclient09:52
shardyapevec: agree a quickstart patch may be the easiest short term fix09:53
hewbroccalucasagomes: are we sure that the API change was in 1.11 and not 1.12?09:53
lucasagomeshewbrocca, I am yeah09:54
lucasagomeswe have a history of what each version includes09:54
hewbroccaMakes me wonder why we are pinning to 1.11 then09:54
hewbroccawhen to avoid the API change we would actually need to pin to 1.10...09:54
lucasagomeshewbrocca, by default the ironic client uses 1.9 (historical reasons), so if you don't pin it will go to that version09:55
hewbroccavery interesting09:55
hewbroccashardy: ^^^ if we were using the wrong env var to pin, that's why it didn't fail for us09:56
lucasagomeshewbrocca, yeah, we have to keep the backwards compat, so since 1.11 is a breaking change we opt to leave the client as-is09:56
lucasagomesso that we don't break people's script09:56
lucasagomeshewbrocca, maybe tripleo pinned to 1.11 so that it can use the "new" flow, I believe that starting at enroll state is more correct09:56
hewbroccaI was just assuming that if you did not pin it would go to the latest version09:56
lucasagomesbecause at least we don't have that widows where the nodes is ready for scheduling before inspection and all that09:57
lucasagomeshewbrocca, yeah no. There's a special value "latest", if you pin it to "latest" it will always go to the last version available09:58
lucasagomesbut that's not what we want09:58
hewbroccagot it09:58
jpichhewbrocca: It looks like we explicitly wanted to use the new state in TripleO:
lucasagomesjpich, btw, miles is mgould|afk09:59
hewbroccaOh, very interesting09:59
jpichlucasagomes: Thanks!10:00
apevecso forcing avaiable would decrease test coverage10:00
hewbroccawow, there's a lot of code in that patch about that, yeah10:01
hewbroccaSo... if we are able to get the Mistral workflow pinned to the right API version, then it seems like that solves the real problem? i.e. the problem is the --enroll state isn't available in the version of the Ironic API that Mistral is trying to use?10:02
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shardywell in that patch we default --initial-state to available10:03
apevechewbrocca, that's what trown attempted based on dprince's advice but it didn't seem to work10:03
shardyso we must have broken that in the move to mistral10:03
apevecah so oooq just tested default10:04
apevecthen tripleo-quickstart patch might be fine10:04
apevecbut with TODO10:04
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hewbroccaapevec: right10:04
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jpichIf the state is in 'enroll' to start with, doesn't it mean we're using the correct API version? The issue seems to be switching directly from 'enroll' to 'available'10:11
jpichThe workflow should be setting the state to manageable when registering, by default ->
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shardyIf I set --initial-state enroll the nodes still end up as manageable10:21
apevecok, then we need more info from trown  how to reproduce10:23
jpichshardy: I think that's the new workflow's doing - the default state has become manageable (see above URL) and we do nothing if the user specified enroll
shardyjpich: Yup, but that still doesn't explain how trown has nodes in enroll state entering the provide workflow?10:24
ccamachojaosorior env ready, testing your submission10:25
jpichshardy: Indeed. Maybe something failed earlier, I'd love to see more logs10:25
shardyI'm going to mark the bug incomplete unless apevec can provide a link to some logs for a failing CI job?10:25
apeveclatest run failed w/ something else :(
apevechead-dbsync failed with Access denied for user 'heat'@''10:26
openstackapevec: Error: "@#@!#" is not a valid command.10:26
apevecyeah it is not10:26
apevecopenstack, ^10:27
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apevechmm Dependency Package[swift] has failures: true10:27
apevecok, back to #rdo10:27
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openstackgerritAlan Pevec proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart: Set explicit default provision state [RFC incomplete fix]
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hewbroccajpich: thanks for your efforts on that10:38
hewbroccablearrgh, however10:39
hewbroccaI am getting close to saying we need to down tools entirely until both promote jobs pass again10:39
jpichWish I could be more helpful10:39
jpich"down" tools?10:39
hewbroccajpich: halt all work10:39
shardyhewbrocca: it's tough, because the tripleo promote worked yesterday, and some of the reports have been lacking a bit of detail10:47
shardywhich obviously makes the process take longer10:47
hewbroccaYeah. We've got a lot of room for improvement in the process10:47
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* shardy snapshots undercloud and pulls trunk everything10:50
jaosoriorccamacho hey dude, how's it going?10:52
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: WIP: Containerized Services for Composable Roles
openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed openstack/tripleo-ui: Use Webpack for application processing
openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed openstack/tripleo-ui: Stop Validation
openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed openstack/tripleo-ui: Triggering validations and messaging
openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed openstack/tripleo-ui: List Validations and Validation results
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ccamachojaosorior deploying the undercloud should be fine this time11:00
jaosoriorccamacho: Had you missed the puppet-tripleo part?11:01
jaosoriorhappens to me a lot11:02
openstackgerritLukas Bezdicka proposed openstack/instack-undercloud: Drop broken keystone pki setup
openstackgerritLukas Bezdicka proposed openstack/instack-undercloud: Upgrade only necessary packages
openstackgerritLukas Bezdicka proposed openstack/instack-undercloud: Update puppet dependancies before running puppet
openstackgerritLukas Bezdicka proposed openstack/instack-undercloud: Call systemctl-daemon-reload only if necessary
openstackgerritLukas Bezdicka proposed openstack/instack-undercloud: Use ironic::inspector::ipxe class to setup iPXE
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ccamachojaosorior, man this should be finish soon, which command can I run to test it?11:25
jaosoriorccamacho: openstack endpoint list --long11:26
jaosoriorto see if it's setting the public endpoints to TLS11:26
jaosoriorsudo getcert list11:26
jaosoriorto see that certmonger is managing HAProxy's certificate11:26
ccamachonice, BTW in the logs are lot of Notice: /Stage[main]/Ironic::Api/Ironic_config[keystone_authtoken/auth_uri]/value: value changed '' to '' messages, going without errors but taking ages,,11:26
ccamachoIll let you know when finish :)11:27
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add 'service_name' to composable services
hewbroccashardy: so, weirdly,
hewbroccapassed trunk quickstart CI, but not liberty or mitaka quickstart CI11:31
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-ui: Check if parentPath exists
ccamachojaosorior, stuck here
jaosoriorccamacho: Is HAProxy running?11:44
jaosoriorsystemctl status haproxy11:44
jaosoriorccamacho: That's the issue11:46
jaosoriorccamacho: Try bringing it up again11:46
ccamachoshould be active default?11:46
jaosoriorwait up11:46
jaosoriorccamacho: Is that the same machine where you tried the ironic-inspector TLS stuff?11:46
ccamachoa new one (same hardware just reprovisiones)11:47
jaosoriorccamacho: It shouldn't be active by default. It's actually very strange that it died11:47
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ccamachoIll cancel it and re launch the install11:48
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ccamachowatching the ha proxy status11:48
jaosoriorbefore that11:48
ccamachotell me11:48
jaosoriorsudo openstack-service stop11:48
jaosoriorto stop all the openstack services, just in case there is some issue there11:48
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Don't fail if no zuul telnet is opened
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Move nova::db data within service template
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Record Heat resource deployment times to Graphite
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ccamachoyou still have access to the machine12:01
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ccamachoha proxy cant start12:01
ccamachoand openstack service list cant connect with ssl12:01
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openstackgerritAdriano Petrich proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart: WIP gate upgrade
jaosoriorwell that's messed up12:05
jaosoriorfor a strange reason keystone is trying to start in IP
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jaosoriorccamacho: can you PM me again how to log to that machine?12:05
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add 'service_name' to composable services
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openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add temporary script to collect the status of periodic jobs
EmilienMhello folks12:11
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tobias_fiberdata0.0.0.0 is the same as localhost jaosorior12:19
jaosorioris it? AFAIK indicates that it's listening on all interfaces in the given port12:20
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openstackgerritMartin Mágr proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: New composable service: Sensu
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tobias_fiberdatalet me rephrase ;) it's listening on all the local IP-adresses assigned to the machine12:21
tobias_fiberdatai think that i have had some problems with just that in our productionenv12:22
tobias_fiberdataand that the RH support has told me to change it to, but we are running a single controller env aswell.12:23
tobias_fiberdatabut dont know if that was keystone12:23
tobias_fiberdatacould of been something else.12:23
tobias_fiberdatawas like 1y aog12:24
openstackgerritLukas Bezdicka proposed openstack/instack-undercloud: Use ironic::inspector::ipxe class to setup iPXE
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tobias_fiberdatahmm interesting12:32
tobias_fiberdata./var/lib/os-collect-config/local-data not found. Skipping12:33
tobias_fiberdatai get this12:33
tobias_fiberdatachecking the os-collect-config12:33
tobias_fiberdataNo local metadata found (['/var/lib/os-collect-config/local-data'])12:34
gfidentemerge anyone ?
dprinceflaper87: I commented here
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dprinceflaper87: +2 on the approach but do note I think I can make a good bit of that go away with a custom Puppet package provider12:40
dprinceflaper87: let me get you a sample patch and you might tinker with it?12:40
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flaper87dprince: absolutely, thanks :)12:42
flaper87dprince: any chance we can get this one in already? Or do you want me to implement the Puppet package provider in this same patch ?12:42
dprinceflaper87: sent12:43
dprinceflaper87: you patch is fine12:43
flaper87dprince: can hax +W ? Or are we missing something ?12:43
flaper87dprince: email ?12:44
dprinceflaper87: sent the patch12:44
dprinceflaper87: +A12:44
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flaper87dprince: danke12:45
jaosoriorAny +A for this?
EmilienMdprince: can you quickly look (really small patch)12:47
dprincejaosorior: +A12:47
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add multi-node job in cistatus.html
jaosoriordprince: Thanks12:48
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-common: Extract `etc` files from openstack packages
dprinceEmilienM: can you fix them all?12:51
dprinceEmilienM: there are more...12:51
dprinceEmilienM: figure out a way to grep them12:51
EmilienMdprince: yes I'll in a next patch12:51
dprinceEmilienM: same patch please :)12:52
EmilienMdprince: please merge this one and next patch will fix them all12:52
dprinceEmilienM: otherwise it makes it look like you ignore my comment :)12:52
EmilienMdprince: no, I'm working on the next step right now12:52
hewbroccadprince: don't be so sensitive man12:53
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EmilienMjust merge this one please, we avoid running CI again for this one and we can merge the undercloud patch12:53
dprinceEmilienM: sorry, man. This is just a general review pattern we seem to run into a lot. I'm happy to land small patches but if I review something and you always fix it another patch it really looks like you ignore me12:53
EmilienMif I would ignore you I would not ask you to review12:53
EmilienMare you trolling me? it's Friday?12:53
dprinceEmilienM: the point is us. it is other reviewers12:53
dprinceEmilienM: someone else will come in and look at this and be like !? Why did he switch to +212:53
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-tripleoclient: Handle empty list of introspected nodes
mariosjaosorior: hey man do you want to re-add you +2 I just rebased for merge conflict12:54
EmilienMthey'll just think you're a nice guy12:54
dprinceEmilienM: finish the idea and I'll +2, +A12:54
dprinceEmilienM: well I am, sometimes12:54
EmilienMyou make my life hard12:54
EmilienMok, Im doing them all12:55
EmilienMand then you leave on PTO and you'll never +212:55
EmilienMI know the story12:55
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack/instack-undercloud: Flush puppet output piped to awk
dprinceEmilienM: funny you should mention this right when I'm working on a new version of this for Flavio,
dprinceEmilienM: that is hard12:55
dprinceEmilienM: what we speak of here is tiddlywinks12:56
mariosshardy: hey o/ another pass on manila appreciated if you get some time, it had a green ci run at - i think it is ready, most of your concerns from last time should be addressed now. thanks12:56
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paramiteslagle, EmilienM: is this ok?
EmilienMparamite: we need to check with shardy if it's enough or if we need a long spec12:57
EmilienMin tripleo-specs repo12:57
shardymarios: sounds good, got a meeting now but will review it later this afternoon :)12:58
paramiteOk, let me know. Will submit the same for centralize logging in the meantime12:58
mariosshardy: np thanks for acknowledging, bumping to monday is perfectly acceptable :) but would be nice, of a friday ;) to land that. end of the day, it is an optional service disabled by default. iterating, e.g. to remove the extraconfig, and any fixes come later13:00
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: use parameter to lookup the step instead of hiera again
EmilienMdprince: ^13:01
EmilienMcommit message err13:02
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: use parameter to lookup the step instead of hiera again
mariosthanks jaosorior13:02
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gfidenteEmilienM slagle I think you have to remove +a from and add it back ?13:05
EmilienMnot needed13:05
EmilienM+A triggers gerrit to merge it13:05
EmilienMit's in check13:05
EmilienMit will be in gate once check jobs are finished13:05
gfidenteEmilienM heh it didn't post the message in gerrit13:06
EmilienMand since we have the multinode job, we just need to be patient.13:06
EmilienMgfidente: what message?13:06
EmilienMgfidente: it's not in gate now, when it will be the message will be posted13:06
EmilienMslagle: we have now multinode :)13:07
gfidenteEmilienM ah because you gave recheck13:08
EmilienMgfidente: I think it is required to send it in CI again, since it failed to merge13:09
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gfidenteEmilienM right or you can remove/add +a I think13:10
gfidenteanyway, check too13:10
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Migrate Puppet Hieradata to composable services
EmilienMgfidente: have you seen why CI fails?13:10
EmilienM Resource CREATE failed: The Referenced Attribute (ComputeServiceChain role_data) is incorrect. | CREATE_FAILED13:11
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shardy_mtgEmilienM: that is normally a misleading error, the outputs of one of the service templates probably has a syntax error in it13:13
shardy_mtgwhich means the role_data get_attr fails13:14
shardy_mtgI raised a heat bug to make the error more specific13:14
EmilienMright, I think it's related to his patch13:14
shardy_mtgEmilienM: yeah, you can tell which by doing heat stack-show on each of the nested stacks (the service nested stacks) and looking at the outputs13:15
shardy_mtgone of them is probably null for role_data13:15
slaglegfidente: it's b/c the pep8 job failed in the gate pipeline13:18
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slaglegfidente: in these cases, you can do "reverify bug ###", but you need a bug13:18
jaosoriorEmilienM: I moved all the logic for TLS in the undercloud to the profiles as you proposed: how does it look?13:18
gfidenteEmilienM fyi it's the NovaPassword thing13:18
EmilienMjaosorior: I'll look at it13:18
tobias_fiberdatajaosorior, do you have any tips of how to solve this error? Command failed, will not cache new data. Command 'os-refresh-config --timeout 14400' returned non-zero exit status 213:19
hewbroccajpich: trown|outtypewww did update that but a bit13:20
hewbroccaer that bug13:20
jaosoriortobias_fiberdata: I actually haven't seen that before :/13:20
hewbroccadon't know if what he posted helps or not?13:20
jaosoriorslagle: have you seen what tobias_fiberdata is posting?13:20
hewbroccamgould: actually, hey, maybe you could help with this13:21
slaglejaosorior: there ought be some surrounding context to help find the issue13:21
jpichhewbrocca: I'm trying to create a new environment where "everything comes from master", to see if I can reproduce then13:21
hewbroccamgould: have a look at this bug:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1605359 in tripleo "[trunk] With master of Ironic, node registration fails" [Critical,Incomplete] - Assigned to Steven Hardy (shardy)13:21
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slaglejaosorior: undercloud, overcloud?13:21
hewbroccajpich: oh, makes sense13:21
slaglejaosorior: check the other logs, and output13:21
jaosoriortobias_fiberdata ^^13:21
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Move nova::db data within service template
tobias_fiberdataslagle, it's when deploying on overcloud13:21
mgouldhewbrocca: looking13:22
gfidenteEmilienM actually do you have a patch to move those nova::api and nova::neutron params out of controller.yaml and into service?13:23
slagletobias_fiberdata: what is the earlier output from os-collect-config when it hit that timeout?13:23
slagletobias_fiberdata: what command was it running, etc13:23
EmilienMgfidente: ?13:23
mgouldhewbrocca: yeah, unless you specifically request API >=1.11, you should get the appearance of the old behaviour13:24
tobias_fiberdatai'll post a pastebin13:24
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gfidenteEmilienM no the nova:: data in controller.yaml I mean13:24
hewbroccarbrady: you in yet?13:25
rbradyhewbrocca: yes13:25
hewbroccarbrady: did you do any work on the Mistral workflow around node registration, or if not do you know who did?13:25
mgouldI think that was d0ugal13:25
d0ugalNo, it was rbrady13:26
d0ugalI just added it to python-tripleoclient13:26
rbradyhewbrocca: dprince and I13:26
mgouldoh right, sorry13:26
hewbroccarbrady: have a look at ttps://
openstackLaunchpad bug 1605359 in tripleo "[trunk] With master of Ironic, node registration fails" [Critical,Incomplete] - Assigned to Steven Hardy (shardy)13:26
tobias_fiberdataslagle, stuck on these
hewbroccathis turns up in the RDO promote job13:27
hewbroccabut we don't hit it in TripleO CI13:27
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EmilienMgfidente: no13:27
gfidenteEmilienM ack sounds like we can get rid of NovaPassword there entirely13:28
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openstackgerritMartin André proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: WIP: Containerized Services for Composable Roles
flaper87 <- 178MB  BOOOOOOM13:31
EmilienMjaosorior: done13:31
EmilienMgfidente: ok13:31
jaosoriorEmilienM: Answered13:32
EmilienMjaosorior: dude you're so fast13:32
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jaosoriorEmilienM: How do you get puppet facts in hiera? I've been trying to get the host's domain hiera with this: "%{::domain}" and it keeps returning an empty string13:34
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mgouldhewbrocca, rbrady OK, I think I see what's going on13:35
EmilienMjaosorior: in THT or puppet-tripleo?13:36
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jaosoriorEmilienM: I'm trying to set it up in the hieradata file of the undercloud13:36
jaosoriorEmilienM: Basically the line looks like this:13:37
jaosoriorprincipal: "haproxy/%{hiera('controller_public_vip')}@%{upcase(::domain)}"13:37
jaosoriorI need the domain in uppercase there13:37
shardyrbrady: FYI I investigated earlier and cannot reproduce - AFAICS we're passing the correct 1.11 version to ironic, and doing all the right things in terms of moving it from enroll to managed then polling for the state change13:38
jaosoriorbut it keeps returning an empty string there13:38
shardyso without logs or access to an environment where this happens, I'm a bit confused13:38
EmilienMjaosorior: what does it return now?13:38
ccamachoslagle, EmilienM, gfidente, mind to check the composable Mistral submission when having some time?  I had applied the same patch as the one in the gnocchi bug there (missing sync_db)  thanks!13:40
jaosoriorthat turns out as haproxy/
rbradyshardy: +1.  Nothing jumped out at me while reading through the comments on the bug13:40
slagletobias_fiberdata: in the pastebin, i see that after the error it shows the os-refresh-config usage message13:40
jaosoriorEmilienM ^^13:40
EmilienMI think you might need something like @%{upcase(%{::domain})}"13:41
EmilienMI can test it in a few, just finishing something now13:42
jaosoriorEmilienM: tested it and it still gives an empty string13:43
gfidentejaosorior you can only run hiera() and scope() functions when interpolating in the hieradata13:43
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jaosoriorgfidente: I see, is there a way I can call puppet functions from hiera then?13:44
gfidentejaosorior not that I know of13:44
gfidenteyou can only call it from the .pp13:44
EmilienMI think you can't use stdlib functions right13:44
EmilienMso your domain might have uppercase, is it a big deal?13:44
jaosoriorEmilienM: basically the kerberos realm is (in 99% of the cases) the machine's domain in uppercase13:46
jaosoriorall uppercase13:46
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EmilienMjaosorior: I can you can use puppet-tripleo to compute the parameter13:48
EmilienMit's not a big deal13:48
jaosoriorEmilienM: I guess I could, only thing is that it differs how you get that value from undercloud to overcloud. Was trying to get the most generic solution13:49
tobias_fiberdataslagle, so what exactly does that mean? What can i look for to find something that causes the errors?13:49
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EmilienMjaosorior: you could use puppet-tripleo from undercloud too13:50
hewbroccamgould: don't leave me hanging, what do you think is going on :)13:50
jaosoriorEmilienM: That's what I'm doing here
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EmilienMjaosorior: so you can build the parameter in puppet-tripleo from using generic hiera parameters that you both have in uc and oc13:51
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mgouldhewbrocca: sorry :-)13:53
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mgouldjust posted a comment on the bug, but tl;dr: two codepaths, only one supports AVAILABLE state for new nodes13:54
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mgouldthis code's evolved a bit since I last looked at it13:55
openstackgerritwes hayutin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart: check the return code of the tempest run and junit2html
jpichMy attempt at creating an environment with the master of everything' didn't work (as in, importing nodes works fine) so I still can't reproduce...13:55
hewbroccaahhhh very interesting, two codepaths13:55
mgouldyeah, not sure how that happened13:55
hewbroccaIs it possible that at least some version of the mistral workflow would hit that second codepath13:56
mgouldsounds plausible13:56
hewbroccathe question is why would it do it only on the promote job13:57
hewbroccawell carry on and let us know what you find13:57
mgouldwill do!13:57
jpichIt's not totally clear to me this was actually seen in the promote job13:57
jpichSince the only link is to the last known time it worked13:57
hewbroccaWe saw the failure in the promote job, I'm fairly sure13:58
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hewbroccaSee the very top of the bug13:58
shardymgould: I'm not sure there are two codepaths, but it is a bit confusing13:58
shardythere are two workflows, and we only invoke both if the initial state is specified as available:13:58
shardythats where they are defined, and they reference the action you mention I think13:59
mgouldshardy: ah, thanks13:59
shardythere, we only call the provide workflow (that moves them from managable to available) if --initial-state is available14:00
shardywhich is the default14:00
shardythe mystery is why, at that point, they are still in enroll vs managable state14:00
mgouldyeah, that was my codepath #114:00
mgouldthere's also actions.baremetal.RegisterOrUpdateNodes14:01
* mgould needs a minute to read the Mistral code, brb...14:01
gfidenteshardy going back to the net_ip_map emitting _uri and _subnet (as I am updating the bind within services submission)14:02
shardymgould: You can see how the workflow maps to that here:14:02
gfidenteshardy on instances like {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, IronicApiNetwork]}14:02
remix_tjhi, i'm experiencing issues deploying with tripleo from rdo liberty. Controllers are deployed, but when configuration of the cluster is started (i.e. overcloud-ControllerNodesPostDeployment-3e3spuxutu5b-ControllerLoadBalancerDeployment_Step1-znnud3ecxo2p) goes to UPDATE_FAILED because cluster doesn't start. Looking around on the deployed  host i see that corosync.conf is completly missing and the server hangs on pcs cluster auth invoked by puppet14:02
gfidentewhat's a quick way to append _uri to the IronicApiNetowk name?14:02
remix_tjanyone has ever seen this behavior?14:02
shardymgould: ^^ it's the same code-path I think, the tripleoclient calls the workbook which calls the action14:03
jaosoriorEmilienM: I ended up just passing the principal as a configuration option. It's only needed for CAs that use kerberos (the local CA doesn't need it; and probably anchor doesn't either). And it gives better flexibility for the deployer to give haproxy whatever service name they want14:03
jaosoriorjust takes one more configuration option for the undercloud14:03
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Move mysql::host param from MysqlInternal to MysqlNoBracketsInternal
jaosoriorin the overcloud it'll come from t-h-t anyway14:03
shardygfidente: I was thinking we could use str_replace?14:03
honzathe tripleo-ui rpm now a) builds the js app b) adds an httpd config file c) reloads httpd --- does it need to do anything else?14:03
EmilienMjaosorior: excellent14:03
shardygfidente: it's a bit ugly but it should work14:03
shardystr_replace: {template: "NETWORK_uri", params: {NETWORK: {get_attr ...14:04
mgouldshardy: right, OK14:04
hewbroccajpich: so you could not reproduce it after pulling trunk of everything14:05
gfidenteshardy ack14:05
hewbroccathe hell14:05
jpichhewbrocca: No, but I'm going to add a comment with the steps I followed in the not unlikely event that I Did It Wrong14:05
mgouldjpich: that would be very helpful, thanks!14:06
jpichhonza: I think most of the rpm experts hang out on #rdo :)14:06
honzajpich: i thought it was more about what we need to have happen14:06
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ansiwenEmilienM: what is the difference between "class { '::nova' : ..." like in overclud_controller.pp and "Nova { ..." like in nova.pp?14:08
EmilienMansiwen: the second is a collector, to override a value14:09
ansiwenEmilienM: so I would just use "class { '::nova::cache' : ..." in nova.pp?14:11
ansiwenEmilienM: ok, thanks14:11
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mgouldshardy: OK, I think I understand now14:13
mgouldwe should remove the now-unused "provide" kwarg to utils.nodes.register_all_nodes14:14
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ansiwenEmilienM: can I do a dry-run or something to test if the manifests are consistent at least?14:14
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* slagle notes that there isn't actually a failed CI job that failed with the error in
openstackLaunchpad bug 1605359 in tripleo "[trunk] With master of Ironic, node registration fails" [Critical,Incomplete] - Assigned to Steven Hardy (shardy)14:15
slaglehewbrocca: jpich ^14:15
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slaglei wonder if we're spinning our wheels hee14:15
hewbroccaslagle: well, trown|outtypewww didn't just make it up :)14:15
slaglehewbrocca: well, there isnt enough information in the bug to reproduce apparently14:16
hewbroccaThe job that failed was the trunk promote job14:16
slaglehewbrocca: yes, that job did fail14:16
slagleNOT with this error14:16
hewbroccaNow that they've fixed a *different* problem with the promote job, we might be able to try to reproduce it again14:16
hewbroccahmm, I wonder14:16
* mgould boils the kettle for about the fifth time - will I manage to make some tea this time?14:16
slaglethis is the latest error in the promote job:
slaglethat is before node registration even attempted14:17
hewbroccaright, that's due to subsequent breakage of swift packaging14:18
openstackgerritwes hayutin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart: add TestNetworkBasicOps to the tempest skip list
hewbroccawhich dmsimard is testing a fix for now14:18
mgouldOK, I have a new theory as to how it could be breaking14:18
slagleneutron-db-manage fails with an access denied b/c of swift packaging?14:18
hewbroccaso they tell me, anyway14:19
mgouldregister_or_update_nodes workflow calls set_nodes_managed on success14:19
dmsimardslagle: swift packaging failure cascades down to other things and puppet doesn't configure some things because dependencies have failed14:19
slagledmsimard: ok, i can believe that :)14:19
mgoulddoes control return to take_action after register_or_update_nodes, or after set_nodes_managed?14:20
slagledmsimard: is there a bug? i did check here first:
slaglei see the swift issue, but no way to correlate that with this neutron failure14:20
jpichmgould: Finally updated with the steps I followed, should that happen to be helpful (if you know where I missed something please let me know!)14:20
dmsimardslagle: hopefully bad packaging patches should not land in trunk repositories soon, we're adding gate jobs14:20
mgouldjpich: thanks, will take a look14:20
openstackgerritwes hayutin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart: add TestNetworkBasicOps to the tempest skip list
dmsimardslagle: it's not a neutron failure, it's a swift failure that prevents other things to be configured14:20
slagledmsimard: i understand. was just asking if there was a bug14:21
dmsimardslagle: the bug is the swift one in the etherpad14:21
slagleok, so there is no bug *filed*14:22
dmsimardno, it's a bad merge on the packaging end14:22
dmsimardthat occured.. yesterday I think14:22
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Remove deprecated net_ip_subnet_map output
dmsimardslagle: this:
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slagledmsimard: yea, i got it. all i'm saying is that a filed bug showing the error (neutron-db-manage) that this ^^ causes might be helpful14:24
openstackgerritwes hayutin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart: add TestNetworkBasicOps to the tempest skip list
dmsimardhm, I guess the root cause is documented but not the effects14:24
dmsimardslagle: it's a bug affecting tripleo, puppet-openstack and packstack and all three behave differently14:25
slaglepeopel looking at the promote job trying to fix it, i have no idea there is already a fix14:25
dmsimardslagle: really, now ?
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-quickstart: add bugs associated w/ tempest failures (master)
dmsimardThe text at the job doesn't make it obvious ?14:26
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-quickstart: add TestNetworkBasicOps to the tempest skip list
slagledmsimard: no. b/c i was looking at
dmsimarddoh ...14:27
slagleand looking at another bug filed that linked to failed job 38614:27
dmsimardsorry, I tried to make it obvious :(14:28
slagleno worries, if this is where the notices go, let's add it to the etherpad14:28
dmsimardwell, yes and no, it's not an official form of communication or anything14:28
dmsimardbut when we disable the pipeline, there is usually a comment to mention why14:28
slagledmsimard: i dont think we're connecting on this point anyway :)14:30
hewbroccaslagle: in general, we need to improve the process for reporting and tracking CI failures14:30
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/instack-undercloud: Use certmonger for automatic cert generation
hewbroccamorazi: is working on whole proposal. We should always know exactly what the state of blocked jobs is, who is working on them, etc.14:31
hewbroccaincluding, bugs filed14:31
slaglehewbrocca: sure, i'm just trying to get context around
openstackLaunchpad bug 1605359 in tripleo "[trunk] With master of Ironic, node registration fails" [Critical,Incomplete] - Assigned to Steven Hardy (shardy)14:32
slaglee.g., what was being done/run to trigger that failure14:32
slaglesince we have, what 3, 4 people looking into it?14:32
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shardyslagle: I think someone needs to try running a clean quickstart trunk setup equivalent to the CI job14:34
slagleshardy: yea, +114:35
shardyI tried pretty hard to reproduce it on my based environment and failed14:35
hewbroccaas did jpich14:35
hewbroccamakes sense to me14:35
shardyAFAICT the tripleo-common stuff is working just fine14:35
slagleshardy: honestly, i'd just wait for rdo to fix the swift packaging issue14:35
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slagleand kick off another CI job at that time14:35
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hewbroccathat time may be close at hand14:35
shardyyeah if that's happining soon then lets do that14:35
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slagleall environments i have are already polluted14:35
mgoulddo we have the number of a build where this failure occurs?14:37
shardymgould: no context other than what's in the bug unfortunately14:37
mgouldand trown is ill14:38
slaglemgould: the node registration? No14:38
shardysince it's been declared a promotion blocker, I assume it's happening always14:38
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Skip pingtest cleanup
bnemec\o/ faster ci jobs14:39
* mgould sees the sea of red on rdo-delorean-promote-master14:39
slaglemgould: i should clarify, before I delclare there is no failed CI job this way. but i definitely dont see one here:
dprincebnemec: FWIW, this means we won't catch Heat convergence cleanup issues anymore
openstackgerritBrent Eagles proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add environment file to enable DVR
dprincebnemec: we've already seen those... I'm still fine with your patch just a heads up14:40
mgouldtrown filed the bug at ~1900 UTC last night, so if there is one it should be shortly before then14:40
bnemecdprince: I have another patch that should help with that:
openstackgerritwes hayutin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart: add debug if introspection fails
openstackgerritAna Krivokapic proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Fix formatting in doc files
bnemecOnly in periodic jobs, but it's deleting a much more complex stack so it's more likely to catch bugs too.14:42
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-common: Fix code highlighting in the README and the title in the toctree
dprincebnemec: we aren't using convergence on the undercloud though. Only the overcloud at this point so we'd need the periodic job to also delete pingtest stack14:43
bnemecdprince: Ah.  We could do that.  I'll push a patch today that makes it configurable.14:44
dprincebnemec: cool, thanks for this14:44
jaosoriorbnemec, dprince: Hey guys, did you get time to take a look at the ironic-inspector TLS stuff?14:44
jaosorioragain tried to reproduce it and couldn't14:45
dprincejaosorior: yeah, it looked fine to me as well. I haven't spent the time to try it yet locally...14:45
dprincejaosorior: sorry, had some issues in my dev env yesterday14:45
jaosoriorbnemec: Did you get a chance to try the certmonger cert autogeneration?14:47
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jaosoriorwould really appreciate some reviews here: tried it with both local CA and using FreeIPA too. If someone wants to try with the local CA I would really appreciate it (not much to configure there, just make sure to include the patch needed from puppet-tripleo14:49
openstackgerritAna Krivokapic proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Fix formatting in doc files
shardyslagle: Hey, if you get a moment I'd appreciate your views on
openstackLaunchpad bug 1605596 in tripleo "Depends-On doesn't work for multinode job" [Undecided,New]14:51
shardyAFAICS we've got issues with Depends-On and the multinode job14:51
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slaglei'll take a look14:54
bnemecjaosorior: No, sorry.  Swamped with other stuff right now.14:54
jaosoriorno  problem14:55
jaosoriorI'm gonna be off next week14:55
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jaosoriorif someone can take care of these two patches I would really appreciate it14:56
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jaosorioralright guys, I'm off for a week15:13
openstackgerritMartin Mágr proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add opstools candidate repo
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weshayshardy, slagle k.. apetrich is going to send up some bugs..15:17
weshayFYI.. we have a job here.
shardyweshay: I created a tag
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slagleweshay: cool....yea what shardy said :)15:17
weshayapetrich, ^15:17
slagletypes faster than me :)15:17
shardywe could create another one to differentiate update from upgrade bugs15:18
weshaylooks like the undercloud works, overcloud fails15:18
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shardylet me know if that would be useful15:18
apetrichshardy, brilliant. right now I can be sure of only one issue. adding there15:18
weshay(pymysql.err.InternalError) (1054, u"Unknown column 'nodes.network_interface' in 'field list'")15:20
shardyok sounds like the DB sync didn't happen, or happened at the wrong time15:20
openstackgerritMartin Mágr proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: New composable service: Sensu
weshayshardy, here's the undercloud upgrade
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shardyDo we store the delorean build logs anywhere in CI?15:28
shardythat is failing with a heat package build and I can't figure out why15:28
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shardybuilds find locally15:29
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slagleshardy: should be in
shardyaha, I just downloaded that, thanks :)15:29
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slagledmsimard: i see the promote pipline reenabled15:32
slaglei guess i can trigger ?15:32
dmsimardslagle: not me, shouldn't be15:32
dmsimardslagle: the fix has not yet merged and has not yet been built15:32
slaglewhat am i looking at15:32
dmsimardslagle: is still disabled to me15:32
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dmsimardslagle: also, that particular job shouldn't be triggered by itself15:33
dmsimardslagle: it depends on an artifact that is produced upstream of it15:33
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dmsimardslagle: in the full pipeline I just linked you see there's a step before it that builds an image15:33
slagleso we just wait a couple hours and see what happens?15:33
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dmsimardslagle: no, the fix is merging right now and will be built shortly. I am monitoring the builds and as soon as it's built I'll re-enable the pipeline and fire a build15:33
slagleok, thanks15:34
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tripleo: Generate HAProxy certificates in base profile
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openstackgerritMartin André proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Create new docker command hook.
openstackgerritMartin André proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Add keystone config files and utilities to heat-agents
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EmilienMshardy, gfidente: I had to rebase - could you +2 it again?15:46
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shardyEmilienM: sure, looking15:46
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shardyEmilienM: I actually never +2'd it ;)15:47
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shardyI did test it locally, and it works, but did we figure out why trown|outtypewww said it was broken?15:47
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shardyI'd like to see it merge, but I'm kind of keen to not get shouted at any more about RDO regressions ;)15:48
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EmilienMI'll let him approve it15:48
shardyEmilienM: ack, I'm about to deploy an overcloud so I'll also re-test locally15:49
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hewbroccaEmilienM: Somebody needs to test the patch using oooq15:50
hewbroccathat's the only time the failure reproduces15:50
zoliXXLhave a nice weekend15:50
openstackgerritSven Anderson proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Configure memcached using new settings in [cache] section
gfidenteEmilienM can you vote, its depending change15:51
gfidenteand too15:51
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EmilienMgfidente: ok15:52
mgouldshardy: what's going on with ? Are we going to wait for trown to provide more info?15:52
openstackLaunchpad bug 1605359 in tripleo "[trunk] With master of Ironic, node registration fails" [Critical,Incomplete] - Assigned to Steven Hardy (shardy)15:52
shardymgould: we're waiting for the next RDO CI run to hopefully reproduce it15:52
hewbroccashould start momentarily15:52
mgouldshardy: cool, thanks15:52
* mgould -> relocate, brb15:52
EmilienMgfidente: all +215:53
gfidenteEmilienM tks15:53
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openstackgerritMartin Mágr proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: New composable service: Sensu
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tripleo: Remove unused redis_vip parameter
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Increase RabbitMQ maximum file descriptors.
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Increase RabbitMQ maximum file descriptors.
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Remove unused redis_vip parameter
dmsimardhewbrocca, slagle: swift fix still hasn't been built by dlrn, I'll let you know when it has and I've triggered a promote job16:07
slagleok, great16:10
weshaydmsimard, hewbrocca tested locally.. seems to fix the undercloud install16:10
weshayyup.. undercloud is good w/ the new swift package16:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tripleo: use parameter to lookup the step instead of hiera again
EmilienMweshay: any chance you can test using oooq?16:12
EmilienMshardy, gfidente: could I have your +2 at least? So we can merge it as soon as we know it works in RDO16:12
EmilienMshardy, gfidente: for
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Enable keystone to use the SSL middleware
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Enable glance to use the SSL middleware
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-common: Updated from global requirements
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EmilienMslagle: about
EmilienMslagle: I think I'm going to make undercloud deployment in one step instead of 2. Thoughts?16:16
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EmilienMslagle: mhh but it's tricky, because of the os-net-config thing16:17
slagleEmilienM: yea, i was going to say, go4it16:17
slagleif you can make it work16:17
slaglethar be dragons if you ask me16:17
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EmilienMslagle: I see some other ways to trigger db_sync, but they would be hacks and I don't want that.16:18
slagletriggering db_sync based on package update is a hack :)16:18
dmsimardslagle, hewbrocca: swift is built, firing promote16:18
bnemecdb syncs are idempotent, we shouldn't have any logic around it at all...16:18
EmilienMslagle: I have an idea16:19
slaglebnemec: yes16:19
slaglethat's why we should just run it every time16:19
EmilienMslagle: I'll use puppet anchor16:19
slaglepart of the issue here is that we've never told anyone they cant use "yum" if they want16:20
slagleso if someone does yum update an openstack package, the db sync will not fire16:20
bnemecIn fact we've been explicitly telling people they can yum update packages any time they want.16:21
bnemecWhich isn't actually true either.16:21
bnemecBut I can tell you we've swapped in newer Heat packages in the field.16:21
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/instack-undercloud: Deploy MySQL using composable role
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weshayshardy, ping re: httpd not starting in newton16:25
weshaycan someone verify this issue and
openstackLaunchpad bug 1572976 in tripleo "Periodically Apache httpd restart fails" [Medium,Triaged]16:26
weshayis the same root cause.. the bug is written on newton, the log is mitaka16:26
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Implement tripleo::network::os_net_config class
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Implement tripleo::network::os_net_config class
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weshayslagle, so I think I recreated the registration issue that trown|outtypewww was hitting16:37
weshayon a local box16:37
weshay+ openstack baremetal import --json instackenv.json16:38
weshayWARNING: openstackclient.common.utils is deprecated and will be removed after Jun 2017. Please use osc_lib.utils16:38
weshayException registering nodes: The requested action "provide" can not be performed on node "0da378d8-74d9-4293-b1fd-97873620669b" while it is in state "enroll".16:38
weshay[stack@undercloud ~]$ source stackrc16:38
dmsimardweshay: so that means the promote job will fail ? :(16:39
jpichweshay: How did you do it?16:40
openstackgerritMartin Mágr proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: New composable service: Sensu
weshayjpich, using the latest undercloud test image + the rpm update for swift
weshayjpich, undercloud-install then. + openstack baremetal import --json instackenv.json16:41
jpichweshay: Oh, thank you. Sorry for the basic question, where do these undercloud test images live?16:42
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/instack-undercloud: Deploy undercloud in 1 step instead of 2
EmilienMslagle: ^16:44
EmilienMslagle: I have a question inline16:44
weshayjpich, no worries16:45
jpichweshay: I guess next on my to-learn list will be to figure out how these are made and how to work with them. Thank you for the information!!16:45
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Implement tripleo::network::os_net_config class
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EmilienMok rebased16:46
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/instack-undercloud: Deploy undercloud in 1 step instead of 2
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/instack-undercloud: Deploy undercloud in 1 step instead of 2
EmilienMslagle: with upgrade support and db_sync thing ^16:56
slagleEmilienM: you have a merge conflict marker in there :)16:57
slagleEmilienM: and where is the part that runs dbsync every time, regardless of the package update?16:57
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/instack-undercloud: Deploy undercloud in 1 step instead of 2
EmilienMslagle: ah, fixing merge conflict, a sec16:57
weshayshardy, slagle added logs for
openstackLaunchpad bug 1605359 in tripleo "[trunk] With master of Ironic, node registration fails" [Critical,Incomplete] - Assigned to Steven Hardy (shardy)16:58
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/instack-undercloud: Deploy undercloud in 1 step instead of 2
EmilienMslagle: I explain the magic here:
weshay2016-07-22 16:51:43.601 14550 ERROR tripleo_common.utils.nodes.set_nodes_state [-] FAIL: Error transitioning Ironic node 5f7bd602-cfc0-4604-b1da-7d5279da3ecd to provision state manageable: Failed to get power state for node 5f7bd602-cfc0-4604-b1da-7d5279da3ecd. Error: SSH driver was not able to find a VM with any of the specified MACs: [u'00:cb:71:df:5f:4f'] for node 5f7bd602-cfc0-4604-b1da-7d5279da3ecd.. Now in16:59
weshay state enroll.16:59
EmilienMslagle: the db_sync are already in catalog, they just need to be refreshed everytime packaging is updated17:00
EmilienMit was not because it was not in same step17:00
EmilienMso not in same catalog17:00
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Delete ping test environment in periodic jobs
slagleEmilienM: what i was saying though is that i'd prefer to see the dbsync run every time17:00
EmilienMslagle: see
slagleEmilienM: regardless of if a package update happens or not17:00
EmilienMslagle: oh...17:01
EmilienMI can't do this without a terrible hack to run it in a exec17:01
EmilienMright now our puppet modules run dbsync only when config change or packaging is updated17:01
EmilienMright now == in my patch17:01
EmilienMI think it's a good first step, isn't?17:02
slagleEmilienM: probably is, i'll have to look closer, it's a big patch17:03
slaglefor what is 6 or 7 lines of cli commands :)17:03
EmilienMslagle: it's a small patch but I'm removing the steps so it's moving code to the left17:03
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slagleEmilienM: ok, well give me a minute, you uploaded 3 PS's in 2 minutes17:04
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EmilienMno hurry17:04
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EmilienMslagle: there is a dependency17:04
slaglebut i do think this is a pretty big hammer, for what is effectively "call 6 db sync commands"17:04
EmilienMslagle: it's doing more than that, it's making the deployment more efficient17:06
hewbroccaweshay: where's that trace from?17:06
slagleweshay: 2016-07-22 16:51:43.601 14550 ERROR tripleo_common.utils.nodes.set_nodes_state [-] FAIL: Error transitioning Ironic node 5f7bd602-cfc0-4604-b1da-7d5279da3ecd to provision state manageable: Failed to get power state for node 5f7bd602-cfc0-4604-b1da-7d5279da3ecd. Error: SSH driver was not able to find a VM with any of the specified MACs: [u'00:cb:71:df:5f:4f'] for node 5f7bd602-cfc0-4604-b1da-7d5279da3ecd.. Now in state enroll.17:07
slagleweshay: soemthing wrong with virt setup maybe?17:07
weshayya.. I'm looking at that now17:07
weshaymatching the macs17:07
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slagleweshay: this log is helpful :)17:07
weshay Error: SSH driver was not able to find a VM with any of the specified MACs: [u'00:cb:71:df:5f:4f'] for node 5f7bd602-cfc0-4604-b1da-7d5279da3ecd.. Now in state enroll.17:08
weshay <interface type='bridge'>17:08
weshay      <mac address='00:cb:71:df:5f:4f'/>17:08
weshaythat was the compute node17:08
slagleweshay: check ironic-conductor.log17:10
slagleweshay: 2016-07-22 16:51:35.845 14604 DEBUG ironic.drivers.modules.ssh [req-3cd9e8fa-c288-4a82-848b-105a0999d677 - - - - -] Retrieved Node List: [u'', u''] _with_retries /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ironic/drivers/modules/
slagleweshay: ironic can't find any nodes17:10
EmilienMslagle: yes, it sounds big but any suggestion is welcome. git diff is big because I move the code to the left, that's it.17:10
beagleswrong user doing the virsh list?17:10
slagleso the macs may indeed match, but virsh list isn't returning any nodes17:11
slagleEmilienM: yep, i'll have a look. if it works, i'm good with it17:11
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slagleEmilienM: would still like to do the dbsync though, but it can come later17:12
EmilienMslagle: I'll think about it17:12
weshayFailed to get power state for node 0da378d8-74d9-4293-b1fd-97873620669b. Error: SSH driver was not able to find a VM with any of the specified MACs: [u'00:cb:71:df:5f:4b'] for node 0da378d8-74d9-4293-b1fd-97873620669b.17:12
EmilienMslagle: I actually prototype something that will notify the execs without hack17:12
EmilienMslagle: I have an idea for it but I would like to do it in a separated patch17:12
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slagleweshay: virsh uri maybe?17:14
weshayslagle, not sure.. looking into it17:14
slaglek, let me know if you want me to assist17:14
weshayk.. rlandy and I are going to poke around, if we get stuck we'll hollar17:15
weshaythank you!17:15
weshayrlandy, the full context is here.
openstackLaunchpad bug 1605359 in tripleo "[trunk] With master of Ironic, node registration fails" [Critical,Incomplete] - Assigned to Steven Hardy (shardy)17:16
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/instack-undercloud: WIP: run neutron-db-sync at every puppet run
EmilienMslagle: here we go ^17:17
hewbroccaweshay: is that from the promote?17:17
EmilienMslagle: I take the resource from puppet-neutron and override refreshonly from True to False17:18
hewbroccaahh, no, I see the promote is running now17:19
slagleEmilienM: i like it17:19
EmilienMwell all of this needs to be tested, I'll keep an eye on this17:19
weshayhewbrocca, a local recreate of the promote ya.. which is building a new image now.. so we should know in 25 min if it recreates there17:19
hewbroccaOK then17:20
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weshayslagle, the only very recent change is that.. we're using the very latest ipxe rom17:25
weshayall the macs line up17:25
slagleweshay: it's not that the macs don't match17:26
EmilienMslagle: did you already start the work on a "undercloud job only" ?17:26
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slagleweshay: it's that the ironic found 0 nodes17:26
weshayk.. here's what I have17:26
weshay 2     undercloud                     running17:26
weshay -     compute_0                      shut off17:26
weshay -     control_0                      shut off17:26
slagleweshay: no...17:27
slagleweshay: from the ironic side17:27
slagleRetrieved Node List: [u'', u'']17:27
slaglein the conductor log ^17:27
slaglecheck the ssh user, private key in the ironic node details17:28
slaglesee what user it is using, try to reproduce as that user17:28
weshayk.. it's stack  and checking the key17:29
weshaykeys appear to match17:31
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weshayironic node-show.. has17:33
weshay| 4/1ia9RtTuWMpnSGv0zWeZ9hvJEkqVKtkGEg7cl9ro0ivjabL0dzBSV/q/WKw==          |17:33
weshay|                        | -----                                                                    |17:33
weshay|                        | END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----', u'ssh_virt_type': u'virsh', u'ssh_address':   |17:33
weshayinstackenv.json has17:33
weshay7BTaf/auqopv3MQMlMVYJIaDm/Qp92MK/spE7mVyOz+3HfSFVz3yo\nn4/1ia9RtTuWMpnSGv0zWeZ9hvJEkqVKtkGEg7cl9ro0ivjabL0dzBSV/q/WKw==\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----",17:33
weshay      "pm_type": "pxe_ssh",17:33
beaglesweshay: if there is an identify file in ~stack/.ssh for that key you could try something of the form of 'ssh -i .ssh/id_rsa_virt_power root@ virsh list --all' ...17:36
slagleweshay: yea you need to try something like that ^17:36
beaglesweshay: replacing file and usernames as necessary of course17:36
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beagles(shameless plug: this kind of thing is part of my guerilla tripleo preso I proposed for Barcelona ;))17:37
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP - test undercloud deploy only
EmilienMslagle: ^ for testing17:38
bnemecEmilienM: I'm inclined to say we don't want to use tripleo-ci for that.  Otherwise the undercloud-only job is going to get assigned an entire six-node environment and only use one.17:39
bnemecWe should be able to do undercloud-only installs on regular infra instances.17:39
EmilienMbnemec: I'm using infra instances in my patch17:39
bnemecEmilienM: Oh, never mind then. :-)17:40
EmilienMbnemec: note: my patch is using multinode job now for testing purpose because we don't have undercloud-only job atm17:40
shardyslagle thanks for picking up bug #1605359, excellent that it's now been reproduced, but the root cause seems pretty strange17:40
openstackbug 1605359 in tripleo "[trunk] With master of Ironic, node registration fails" [Critical,Incomplete] - Assigned to Steven Hardy (shardy)17:40
EmilienMbnemec: if my stuff works, I'll propose a new job in infra using infra instances and I'll run this thing17:40
EmilienMbnemec: right now, I'm re-using multinode job that slagle created17:40
shardyIf one of you wants to take that then feel free, I'm at EOD now but will be checking in during the evening17:40
bnemecEmilienM: That would be awesome.  I've been wanting to do something similar for an undercloud upgrade job too.17:41
shardy+1 on an undercloud upgrade job17:41
slaglewith ssl!17:41
EmilienMshardy: wait, right now I'm working on a undercloud-only job17:42
EmilienMnext step will be upgrade17:42
EmilienMslagle: you don't mind if I pick this work?17:42
shardyEmilienM: Yup, I was responding to the comment from bnemec17:42
slagleEmilienM: go4it man17:42
EmilienMshardy: cool. Once we have undercloud only job, should not be hard to run upgrade17:42
EmilienMslagle: ack17:42
EmilienMnow we can use openstack instances for free, let's do it :)17:43
shardythose DB sync issues would be caught if we ran the undercloud upgrade job as part of the periodic promote pipeline17:43
EmilienMshardy: I proposed a PoC17:43
shardy(and other similar problems that we've seen recently)17:43
EmilienMfrom L16 to L42 is what you need to actually review17:44
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bnemecI was running an undercloud upgrade job locally on all instack-undercloud patches, but it got broken by the mariadb major version upgrade and I haven't had a chance to figure out how to fix it yet.17:44
EmilienMslagle: do we have a storyboard now?17:45
bnemecThe relevant bits of the script:
slagleEmilienM: no, sorry17:46
slagleEmilienM: i've been slacking all week17:46
EmilienMslagle: do you want me to create it?17:46
slagleyou caught me :)17:46
slagleEmilienM: sure, if you want to. the tripleo-ci project should be imported already17:46
EmilienMbnemec: ack, I'll bookmark it17:46
slagleEmilienM: supposedly they have imported all of openstack-infra17:47
bnemecslagle: You know what your problem is, McSlagle?  You're a slacker!  Just like your old man.17:47
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slagledmsimard: i see weirdo promote jobs running, but not quickstart. will those start soon?17:49
* beekneemech notes that he hasn't participated in CNF for a while17:49
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dmsimardslagle: look at the top left of the UI17:49
dmsimardslagle: the builds are queued17:49
dmsimardthey haven't started yet17:49
slagleok :)17:50
slagledmsimard: clearly i dont know how to use jenkins :)17:50
dmsimardslagle: top left of UI here:
EmilienMis it good?17:50
slagleEmilienM: yes, but I would like all user stories to start with "As an owl..."17:51
shardy"since we don't need to test overcloud." is a little confusing, since any undercloud changes must still be proven to deploy an overcloud17:52
EmilienMas an own17:53
EmilienMl o l17:53
shardyI guess the main argument for an undercloud-only job is that we can do more stuff e.g upgrades within the infra timeout17:53
EmilienMI think we'll need like a pingtest for undercloud17:54
EmilienMto make sure openstack is actually up and running17:55
EmilienMI'll poke beekneemech for that17:55
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beekneemechYeah, my undercloud upgrade job was taking over 20 minutes and that was starting with a pre-built Mitaka image.17:59
beekneemechNot something we could just tack onto our existing jobs without murdering the runtime.17:59
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openstackgerritSarath Kumar Sankaran Kutty proposed openstack/os-net-config: Cleanups and new unit test for IVS
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Fix Neutron enable_*_agent* Hiera parameters
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EmilienMweshay: it failed18:25
* weshay looks18:25
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weshayEmilienM, "Message: No valid host was found.18:26
EmilienMweshay: it's not related to my patch I guess18:26
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EmilienMwhat is the state of the job? I see last success, 2 days ago18:27
EmilienMweshay: should it work?18:27
EmilienMcan I run rdo-ci-check again?18:27
weshayEmilienM, it worked against
weshayEmilienM, ya man18:27
weshayEmilienM, we can have adarazs help out when he's back from pto18:28
weshayI think trown|outtypewww was concerned about that patch18:28
EmilienMright that's why we are blocking it :)18:31
weshayEmilienM, can you look at
weshayand see if it looks like the right packages were built for that change18:32
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EmilienMweshay: yes it is18:33
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP - test undercloud deploy only
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slaglewe are so agile18:39
* slagle bobs and weaves18:39
openstackgerritwes hayutin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart: use jinja to update ironic vs. ansible
EmilienMslagle: don't tell alexis18:40
openstackgerritHonza Pokorny proposed openstack/tripleo-ui: Add visual indicator that a deploy was requested
weshaybeat me to it .. lolz18:43
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slagleweshay: is already passed node registration i guess?18:45
slaglecan't tell where that happens18:45
weshayI hope so18:45
weshayit's in undercloud-post.. you can't see it until you get the logs18:45
weshayslagle, you probably want to review as well18:47
openstackgerritwes hayutin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart: use jinja to update ironic vs. ansible
openstackgerritwes hayutin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart: use jinja to update ironic vs. ansible
slagleweshay: ok, do we not already get /var/log/journal anyway?18:48
weshayslagle, we do get the journal info from /var/log..  ya18:49
weshayI can remove that.. but def. looking for any additional debug info we can get when it fails18:49
slagleoh it's fine i guess if that makes it easier for folks18:50
slagleinspector should really be configured to create log files18:50
slaglelike every other openstack service18:50
weshayya.. if people want that out.. that's fine18:50
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/instack-undercloud: Deploy undercloud in 1 step instead of 2
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/instack-undercloud: Deploy undercloud in 1 step instead of 2
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dmsimardslagle, weshay, hewbrocca-afk: everything green except quickstart:
weshayslagle, dmsimard hewbrocca-afk well.. they're not done yet :)19:09
dmsimardweshay: I didn't say it was red19:10
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slagleweshay: it failed19:30
openstackLaunchpad bug 1605744 in tripleo "openstack-swift-container.service fail to start on newton master" [Undecided,New]19:31
slagleweshay: swift isn't installed19:31
weshaysec.. chatting in #rdo about it19:31
openstackgerritElise Gafford proposed openstack/tripleo-puppet-elements: Updating .gitreview for stable/mitaka
openstackgerritElise Gafford proposed openstack/tripleo-puppet-elements: Installing openstack-sahara-ui
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Delete ping test environment in periodic jobs
EmilienMbeekneemech, slagle: so I managed to deploy an undercloud only
EmilienMbut what worries me is that there is no "ping test"19:34
EmilienMin regular jobs, deploying an overcloud is the kind of pingtest19:35
EmilienMbut now we don't deploy overcloud, we need something that test nova/neutron/heat etc19:35
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beekneemechEmilienM: That's why I made calls against all of the services at the end of my upgrade job.19:35
beekneemechIt's not great, but at least it verifies they're running and responding to requests.19:35
EmilienMbeekneemech: in ?19:36
beekneemechI'm not sure what we can do beyond that.19:36
EmilienMbeekneemech: deploy a small stack like you did with pingtest?19:36
beekneemechEmilienM: Yeah.19:36
beekneemechEmilienM: We can't.  You need baremetal nodes to deploy a stack from the undercloud.19:36
beekneemechYou might be able to set Nova to the fake driver and deploy something that way, I suppose.19:36
EmilienMah ok19:37
EmilienMcool I can iterate by having your checks19:37
beekneemechEmilienM: Yeah, we could formalize those checks to actually look at the output to verify everything we expect is there.19:37
beekneemechI was verifying everything by hand in my local job so I just eyeballed it.19:38
beekneemechEmilienM: Actually, I wonder if we could run the Tempest API tests at the end of the undercloud install.19:39
EmilienMslagle: fyi I'm going to create a new experimental job for undercloud-only19:39
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weshaywe have that :)19:40
* weshay runs19:40
EmilienMweshay: where?19:40
weshayEmilienM, contact hrybacki19:40
EmilienMweshay: where?19:41
EmilienMI'm asking where is the job ;-)19:41
EmilienMI'm going to make it in OpenStack Infra19:41
slagleEmilienM: it's not in openstack ci, so just go ahead and add it19:41
weshaynot sure if hrybacki has a job.. but he built out tempest to run against the undercloud for ironic19:41
EmilienMslagle: ack, thx19:41
hrybackiweshay: EmilienM lemme go digging for a patch19:42
EmilienMhrybacki: I already did the patch
EmilienMnow I'm doing the project-config patch19:42
slagleweshay: so the swift rdo promote problem. it must be in how quickstart is building images i guess19:45
slaglei moved the bug to tripleo-quickstart19:48
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP - test undercloud deploy only
EmilienMbeekneemech: with sanity ^19:49
openstackgerritElise Gafford proposed openstack/tripleo-puppet-elements: Installing openstack-sahara-ui
EmilienMbeekneemech, slagle:
EmilienMbeekneemech, slagle : feel free to change name19:54
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/instack-undercloud: Deploy undercloud in 1 step instead of 2
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EmilienMslagle: I am wondering if yes/no running a single-node job would work out of the box with our current tripleo-ci scripts20:16
EmilienMyou might know since you did multinode20:16
slagleEmilienM: no, it's going to need a few changes probably20:18
slagleyou dont need multinode for just the undercloud install20:19
EmilienMslagle: see
slagleEmilienM: yea, that's going to take some changes to toci_gate_test20:22
EmilienMcool /me looking at it20:22
slagleEmilienM: and you can probably just copy to a new toci_instack_undercloud.sh20:22
slagleand call that20:22
slagleif you find anything common to refactor out, you could have a go at that too20:23
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EmilienMslagle: I was about doing it, cool20:24
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Don't kill zuul-console service
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pabelangerwe can land that any time^20:35
pabelangerzuul-console is using tcp/19885 now20:35
pabelangerthe last 2 zuul-launchers are shutting down for restart20:36
slaglecool, lgtm20:36
EmilienMsame, i'll wait for CI results and approve it20:39
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/instack-undercloud: Flush puppet output piped to awk
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Allow to run single node
EmilienMslagle: too lazy to duplicate scripts :P20:45
EmilienMI'll save this time for the tatoo20:46
EmilienMslagle: thoughts on jobname? so we can go ahead20:47
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slagleEmilienM: yea, let's just go with "undercloud"20:47
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slagleEmilienM: since that is nv, we could put it straight into the check queue20:57
slaglebut either way works for me20:57
EmilienMslagle: mhh it's going to consume openstack-infra nodes20:58
EmilienMslagle: while I'm uncertain I can make it work in short time20:59
slaglek, wfm20:59
EmilienMI prefer taking my time to make it work & stable and then move it20:59
EmilienMso we save infra resources20:59
openstackgerritwes hayutin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart: use jinja to update ironic vs. ansible
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pabelangerEmilienM: I like the job, especially if it is running on all the clouds21:11
EmilienMpabelanger: it will21:14
EmilienMpabelanger: feel free to review :)21:15
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EmilienMslagle: I might need your help or Ben probably, to move the templates out from tripleo-ci to THT. After the discussion on the ML I realized it's more complex that I expected and I'm not sure I can do it quickly21:18
EmilienMslagle: there is one thing I would like to investigate when this move is done, is creating some deployment scenarios in our CI, a bit like I did in Puppet CI
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openstackgerritwes hayutin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart: use jinja to update ironic vs. ansible
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slagleEmilienM: yea, that'd be good.21:49
EmilienM is ready to review if you want to look21:50
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP - test undercloud deploy only
EmilienMslagle, beekneemech: I got undercloud deployed in one step :)22:06
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openstackgerritMatt Young proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Add support to image build yaml input to handle env vars
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/instack-undercloud: WIP: run neutron-db-sync at every puppet run
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-puppet-elements: Updating .gitreview for stable/mitaka
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