Thursday, 2016-08-11

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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: secure_path in sudoers: deal with possible quotes
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slagleEmilienM: i yamld again00:39
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openstackgerritHarry Rybacki proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart: Expand templated bash to allow for doc generation
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dtrainortrying to debug a keystone issue here.  /etc/keystone/keystone.conf is now supposed to reference /etc/keystone/keystone-paste.ini for pasteconfig, correct?  trying to figure out what role /usr/share/keystone now plays, if any, in the runtime configuration of keystone under apache's wsgi02:24
dtrainorline 200 of provides the only real clue that I've seen so far02:25
dtrainorkeystone_spec.rb has an override_params value of paste_config to still be /usr/share/keystone/keystone-paste.ini02:27
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dtrainorI'm trying to configure keystone for cors and it's as if none of my changes are taking effect, that's why i ask02:34
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openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap) proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart: Add undercloud reboot
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jaosoriormarios: How's it going?05:33
jaosoriormarios: Got anything in need for review?05:33
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Remove Compute role parameters from overcloud.yaml
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mariossup jaosorior05:49
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jaosoriormarios: Chilling, having a review round and getting coffee. How's it going over there?05:50
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jaosoriormarios: Anyway, so if you need some reviews, I can check stuff out. Currently I'm just going through the list in no particular order.05:57
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mariosjaosorior: thanks man will do, theres a bunch of stuff i still need to revisit/rebase after long context switch - want to try and poke at the manila netap at some point06:00
jaosoriormarios: Talking about manila06:02
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jaosoriormarios: manila::keystone::auth assumes two versions of manila will always be deployed06:02
jaosoriorso with the switch to puppet handling the keystone endpoints, it creates an extra endpoint pointing to localhost06:02
jaosoriorso I ended up adding an endpoint for it in t-h-t to address that
jaosoriorif you can take a look, it's not a big CR06:03
jaosoriorI'm not sure if I needed to capitalize those v1 though06:04
mariosjaosorior: ack will look06:04
jaosoriormarios: Nevermind, I needed to capitalize them06:04
jaosoriorjust checked06:04
jaosoriorlol, sorry dude06:04
mariosjaosorior: np man added to list anyway06:04
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add hieradata for Manila v1 and v2 endpoints
jaosoriormarios: If you have time, there is a really similar patch addressing cinder v3
jaosoriorthat one I did capitalize06:07
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Convert EndpointMap to not require per-service VIP parameters
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Convert ServiceNetMap to a nested template
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/instack-undercloud: HAProxy should start before ironic and inspector
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jaosoriorshardy: Hey dude, just so you know, I rebased a couple of your patches07:11
shardyjaosorior: ack, thanks07:11
jaosoriorthis (also fixed the missing replacement for the nobrackets SQL)07:12
jaosoriorand this
jaosorior* no brackets mysql endpoint07:12
shardyjaosorior: thanks for that, I meant to do it yesterday but ran out of time07:12
jaosoriorshardy: Also, I think I found the issue that I had wrongly thought was a heat issue.07:12
shardyaha, what was it?07:12
jaosoriorin the nonha case07:13
jaosoriorhaproxy is started sometimes after some openstack services07:13
jaosoriorso, for instance, ironic inspector tries to ping ironic07:13
jaosoriorand it can't07:13
jaosoriorso one of the two (haven't figured out which) ends up in an error state because of that07:14
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jaosoriorthat's why those test runs always failed when trying to provision the nodes07:14
jaosoriorand somehow that ended up being reflected further in the overcloud deploy07:14
shardyjaosorior: interesting, so we can probably fix that with some puppet orchestration in the undercloud manifest?07:14
jaosoriorshardy: this is my attempt to do so
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jaosoriorbut yeah, it's quite an intermittent issue in the nonha case07:16
shardyjaosorior: ack, thanks for tracking this down, lets see what CI thinks but the patch lgtm07:16
jaosoriorcause of puppet's random ordering07:16
shardyit'd also be good to discuss with dtantsur|afk if this is an ironic/inspector bug (e.g should it retry instead of fail)07:16
shardyperhaps you can raise a bug with details so that can be discussed?07:16
jaosoriorshardy: checking the logs, it seems it retries around 7 times07:17
shardyah, perhaps that's configurable07:17
shardybut +1 on the puppet orchestration regardless07:17
jaosoriorshardy: Do we know of any cause of those: NodeLocked: Node a7dc9450-7a4c-4746-b000-827e50a45985 is locked by host localhost.localdomain, please retry after the the current operation is completed.07:20
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jaosoriorshardy: Hey dude, could you check this out? it's a commit bumping up the overcloud nodes' memory a bit07:32
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mariosjaosorior: there goes my 32 gb minimum virt box setup07:33
mariosjaosorior: and that is my "good" box, the other one has 24 gb but it does nothing in its life cos 24gb07:34
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jaosoriormarios: FWIW it's for the ovb jobs07:35
mariosjaosorior: yah was just looking at that. was going to comment about why 5.5 not 6 but i saw it wasn't for instack-undercloud07:36
jaosoriormarios: I have a 32gb box and it works pretty good for a basic virtual HA setup07:41
mariosjaosorior: yeah me too i was thinking it was suddenly not enough on master07:42
mariosjaosorior: though, 32gb is just enough for 3control 1 compute 5gb nodes with a slightly bigger undercloud node07:43
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jaosoriorit's not optimal :(07:43
jaosoriorwish I could get a 64GB machine07:43
mariosjaosorior: yeah exactly i have heard rumours hewbrocca-afk was handing some out behind the bike shed yesterday but it could all be lies. srsly though there have been rumblings about a new round of h/w for devs so ask whoever approves those things for you07:45
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mariosjaosorior: at least i've heard of beaker boxes getting bumped to 64 gb anyway so hoping mine will at some point too carlos was looking into that07:46
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jaosoriormarios: I actually have a physical machine bellow my desk :P07:46
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jaosoriormight need to upgrade it myself07:46
jaosoriorused to have a node in beaker. But we don't have as much resources (different org)07:47
mariosjaosorior: yeah my main box is actually a machine here with 32gb ram but would be great to have another beaker box too.07:47
mariosjaosorior: like setup for >1 version cos upgrades testing/bz etc07:47
jaosorioryeah, every time I need to test a different version I need to whipe out my dev setup07:48
mariosjaosorior: indeed, been meaning to open this box up cos not sure what is happening with the ram slots... i suspect 4x807:48
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hewbroccaMorning folks08:14
hewbroccaYes, ram is raining from the heavens08:14
mariosonto the golden flocks of roaming boxen08:16
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pandaif it is this kind of ram  we may be in trouble08:16
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openstackgerritMartin André proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Allow running validation against different plans
openstackgerritMartin André proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Disable retry files for ansible validations
openstackgerritMartin André proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Workflow to setup validations
openstackgerritMartin André proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Workflows to load validations
openstackgerritMartin André proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Workflows to run validations
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jaosoriorSimple commit removing a parameter that's no longer used and passing CI
jaosoriorBy the way, it appears that liberty is broken :/08:46
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ccamachojaosorior quick question im getting several OOM errors in CI for the Mistral service, the OOM fix re sahara that you pushed "SaharaWorkers = 0" worked?08:48
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jaosoriorccamacho: no08:48
jaosoriorccamacho: Seems that sahara already had a default of 008:48
shardyFor most services workers=0 means use the number of CPUs08:48
shardyI would say try workers=108:48
shardywe already do that for heat and some other services in CI08:48
jaosoriorshardy: sahara's documentation claims that 0 is one thread for all sahara08:49
shardyyay for openstack consistency08:49
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Set Sahara workers to 1
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ccamachoIm adding the workers param to puppet-mistral and then to the submission and also to CI to see if this helps08:50
jaosoriorsahrdy, ccamacho: restored the commit, there it is ^^08:50
jaosoriorccamacho: does mistral take workers as a parameter? I thought it didn't08:50
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jaosorior* shardy08:51
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ccamachojaosorior not in puppet-mistral but is a parameter supported by mistral API, so first im adding it to puppet-mistral, then the THT and finally to CI08:51
jaosoriorccamacho: Good idea!08:52
ccamachohopefully this helps a little bit there08:52
shardyccamacho: you could test it with the generic config interface without changing puppet-mistral08:53
shardyby passing that in ControllerExtraConfig08:53
shardylike that but s/heat/mistral08:54
jaosoriorgfidente: hey dude, could you check this out?
ccamachoshardy =-O cool that at least will show me if it works08:54
gfidentejaosorior, morning08:54
shardyccamacho: Yeah, it's another approach if you don't want to wait on the puppet-mistral patch08:54
jaosoriorgfidente: morning, dude. How's it going?08:54
ccamachoshardy I'll test it then :P thanks!08:55
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shardyjaosorior: re I can't add a Depends-On or it will be circular08:55
shardyas I already commented08:55
shardyI'd suggest we just land them together?08:56
jaosoriorI see08:56
jaosoriorsure, lets do that08:56
jaosoriorshardy: done08:57
shardyjaosorior: thanks!08:57
Jokke_shardy: I think the worker value behavior really depends if that part of the project was implemented before or after Nova changed the behavior09:00
jaosoriorgfidente: thanks for checking it out dude09:00
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shardyJokke_: Yeah, but to be fair oslo.service (and before that processutils in oslo-incubator) have been around for years09:03
shardythere's been plenty of time for per-project interfaces to align with the patterns there09:03
shardyI'm sure we'll get more consistent eventually09:04
jaosoriorthen again, it's openstack09:04
Jokke_shardy: that, but again it's not that often people are willing to break established ops facing patterns just because someone merged different behavior in oslo09:04
shardyJokke_: I guess that's my point, options are deprecated all the time, and a really good reason to take that pain is to establish consistent conventions09:05
Jokke_like we deploy glance on single worker 64 threads just because 0 ment never "cpu count" for glance09:05
shardysome projects aren't willing to do it, which I accept but find frustrating09:05
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shardyin the long term, it's harmful to everyone involved with deploying openstack09:05
shardyJokke_: sure, so we have to stick with the status-quo which is all operators need to know the historical quirks of every single service09:06
shardythere are ways it could be done in a backwards compatible way, e.g a new common config section for all projects or something09:07
Jokke_shardy: I think the biggest problem there is that none of those are actually results of crossproject discussions. Someone implements A into nova dozen others copy it from there, someone else changes it in nova and next guy goes and implements it in oslo purely based on Nova behavior09:07
shardyJokke_: Yeah, I know, sad isn't it09:07
jaosorioradding an endpoint for manila ready for merging
Jokke_shardy: yup and even more frustrating09:08
jaosoriorshardy, Jokke_ wasn't that what the cross-project meetings were supposed to solve?09:08
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jaosoriorwell, issues like that09:08
jaosoriorI think it'll get better09:09
shardygfidente: Hey, if you have time please can you revisit (and the subseqent patch in the series :)09:10
Jokke_jaosorior: problem with cross project meetings seems to be that they attract that exactly same group of people ;)09:11
jaosoriorshardy: I actually think we're gonna need to re-fresh that commit09:11
jaosoriorwith the merging of the cinder endpoint that was missing09:11
jaosoriorthe endpoint_map will change09:11
shardyjaosorior: yeah one of us is going to get hit with a rebase09:11
Jokke_jaosorior: and AFAIK that meeting got discontinued due to the fact that it was all bikeshedding and nothing got done :P09:11
shardyOk I guess lets land the manila one then I'll rebase it again09:12
jaosoriorshardy: I can do the rebase, it's not a big deal09:12
shardyanyone have anything else endpoint related we need to land before I rebase this?09:12
jaosoriorshardy: not that I know. But the commits providing a new service will need to be rebased too (mistral and barbican, that I know of) but those are easy09:13
jaosoriorshardy, lets land manila and I'll push the rebase for your patches09:13
gfidenteshardy, ack09:14
socialEmilienM: I already separated it to different class - it's and
socialEmilienM: only issue is that I thought it's mostly ironic inspector dependancy as that is taking care of putting pxe configs in place09:14
openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: TEST DO NOT MERGE - Adding api_workers = 1 for composable mistral
shardyjaosorior: ack, done, thanks09:15
shardythat EndpointMap patch was always going to be tough to land but I'd like to try to get it done soon if possible09:16
openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Do not merge, checking composable mistral.
jaosoriorshardy: I know the feeling. I'm really eager to get those patches for puppet managing the services/endpoints merged. Already have a special celebration beer and everything bought for when that merges09:18
hewbroccaNot to repeat myself, but09:19
hewbroccamight as well09:19
* shardy needs to get some special custom-roles beer in ;)09:19
mariosi totally missed this special beer thing for manila :/09:20
gfidenteshardy, thanks for host_nobrackets :)09:20
* d0ugal needs to get some Mistral deploy beers09:20
shardyd0ugal: Hey, good idea :)  What's the status of the tripleoclient deploy patch?09:22
shardyready for it to be pulled, tested, reviewed?09:22
* shardy hasn't tried if for a few days09:22
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Initial support for bindep
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jaosoriorshardy, d0ugal by the way, what if the endpoint_map.yaml would be generated from a mistral workflow? That way we wouldn't need to maintain that file like we do now09:27
jaosoriorand adding endpoints to tripleo would be way easier09:27
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Add cinder-backup profiles
jaosorior* slightly easier09:27
shardyjaosorior: Yeah we could do but it would make things a bit more opaque for template authors09:28
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Jokke_anyone here familiar enough with puppet that could have a look on my manila cephfs manifest and point me to right direction with it?09:30
d0ugalshardy: I am currently trying to figure out the best way to store the list of Heat environments. Just adding it to the Mistral env breaks the UI I think.09:31
d0ugalshardy: and I some rough path munging code that I need to create an obscure heat env to test with09:32
hewbroccasocial: ^^^ is familiar with puppet Jokke_09:32
shardyd0ugal: Hmm, I assumed it would be added to the mistral envioronment09:32
d0ugalshardy: Yeah, but I don't think that is enough for the UI09:32
shardyit will be very confusing if the UI stores the list there and the CLI stores it somewhere else09:32
d0ugalshardy: Indeed, they will both store it there - but I don't think it is that simple. jtomasek said something but I forget what it was09:33
shardyd0ugal: Ok, well if you want someone to try and break it I'm happy to try ;)09:33
* shardy has lots of obscure env stuff to try 09:33
d0ugalshardy: Do you have one you could send me?09:33
d0ugalshardy: I'm 99% sure it will break, so might be easier for me to itterate on it09:33
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/instack-undercloud: Add constraints needed for ironic and inspector
socialJokke_: I don't think enabled_share_protocols belongs to cephfs backend09:36
socialJokke_: and you are missing spec test for the class09:36
socialJokke_: I'll comment on the review09:36
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Jokke_social: thanks. Yes that spec testing is one thing I had no idea about. I was trying to look into them, but just couldn't figure it out what I'm supposed to be doing there :(09:38
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-quickstart: Run dstat on the virthost and the undercloud
openstackgerritTomas Sedovic proposed openstack/tripleo-validations: Validation to verify connectivity to overcloud
shardyd0ugal: is a starting point09:40
shardyIf those all work the basics are probably OK09:41
shardyalso need to test combining multiple environments which are conflicting09:41
shardyto ensure the CLI ordering is persisted into the environment_files list09:41
d0ugaloh interesting, I wouldn't have thought of all of those. I'll let you know how I get on.09:42
shardyd0ugal: sounds good, thanks!09:43
shardyd0ugal: we need to think about that password generation stuff too, but that can be done after the basic flow is fixed09:43
d0ugalshardy: Yeah, at the moment I am leaving that in the CLI.09:44
shardyd0ugal: Yeah, I think we'll need to fix the bug I referenced, then move it to mistral afterwards09:45
shardyd0ugal: FYI I also had a discussion in the heat meeting, where we agreed I can probably remove the restriction about having one parameter_group per parameter09:45
shardywhich means we can probably add all *Password parameters to a special "generate_password" group09:46
d0ugalshardy: oh, that would be useful.09:46
shardyto identify those which need creating without the hard-coded list09:46
openstackgerritMartin André proposed openstack/instack-undercloud: Introduce 'enable_validations' option
* d0ugal needs to move his yubikey09:54
openstackgerritTomas Sedovic proposed openstack/tripleo-validations: Validation to check ulimits on controller
shardygah, we made the multinode job voting in the gate pipeline didn't we09:58
shardywhich probably means will fail validation09:58
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/tripleo-puppet-elements: Add thias/puppet-selinux module
gfidentesocial, ^^10:00
gfidenteis there a problem for opm?10:00
gfidenteI think puppet-ceph will have to set dircontext ...10:00
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Jokke_social: where am I supposed to hook into that enabled_share_protocols if I move it away from the backend manifest? Just trying to figure out the basic logic of these10:02
socialgfidente: not much, create new distgit and poke rdo people with it. but what we need it for?10:02
gfidentecheck the comments10:03
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socialuuuh I need to read bit more about this10:04
gfidenteselinux::dircontext is going to run the same exec10:05
openstackgerritTomas Sedovic proposed openstack/tripleo-validations: Validate the IP range for the control plane
gfidentebut hey ... what can I tell10:05
socialwell we used to have rule to use defaults so it should land in location which already has ceph_var_lib_t and if user wants something else he should set it up sooner10:06
gfidenteright, we're in the scenario where 'user should set it up'10:06
* shardy shakes fist at gate jobs10:06
socialgfidente: this is ugly even with selinux module, we are just hiding the exec :)10:07
gfidentesocial, right selinux is doing the exec anyway10:07
gfidentebut at least if we manage it in ceph module we can test ! -b $data :)10:08
gfidentegoal seems good to me though, we just want the right selinux context applied to the data dir given10:08
openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP - Implement overcloud upgrade job - Mitaka -> Newton
socialgfidente: if we go down this path we should start setting up selinux context for ports on which we listen for keystone, nova...10:09
socialgfidente: eg we should use selinux module everywhere :)10:09
socialgfidente: which might help us getting rid of openstack-selinux package but I'm not sure if puppet upstream would like this10:10
gfidenteok I see what you mean10:10
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gfidenteso there are two problems10:10
gfidenteosd.pp expects you to give a path, not sure we can just default it to /var/lib/ceph10:11
gfidenteso it's slightly different than default binding ports10:11
openstackgerritTomas Sedovic proposed openstack/tripleo-validations: Validate haproxy configuration values
gfidenteand then there is the tripleo specific issue, we used to go in /srv/data10:11
socialbtw if you set selinux contexts before even creating path puppet will use the correct one and it'll work nicely so it is definetly matter for user to set up if he wants to override10:12
gfidenteso we need that dir to be labeled correctly, we can't "migrate" users10:12
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Align node_ips hiera keys with the service name.
socialgfidente: another one for openstack-selinux package :(10:12
gfidentesocial, yeah I was trying to avoid that, but maybe we can walk both paths in parallel10:12
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Align hiera keys with service names
socialgfidente: move the exex and selinux_type to THT10:15
gfidentesocial, huh how?10:15
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openstackgerritTomas Sedovic proposed openstack/tripleo-validations: Validate the instackenv format
jaosoriorshardy: what had merged that ended up in a merge conflict in those commits?10:18
shardyjaosorior: nothing, we made the multinode jobs gating, so it's impossible to merge anything with red CI now10:18
jaosoriorI see10:19
jaosoriorshardy: should I workflow them again or do I wait for CI?10:21
shardyjaosorior: I guess we wait for CI again10:22
shardyit can't merge without CI passing anyway10:22
jaosoriorwhen it passes CI I'll +A it10:23
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openstackgerritTomas Sedovic proposed openstack/tripleo-validations: Validate the open-files-limit value in mysql
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Move common includes to init.pp
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Include ::tripleo which imports the common manifests
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sshnaidmdoes anybody deal with os_vif module problem in case?10:33
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openstackgerritTomas Sedovic proposed openstack/tripleo-validations: Validate ntp is running and synchronised
openstackgerritTomas Sedovic proposed openstack/tripleo-validations: Validate pacemaker status
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-validations: Validation to verify undercloud disk size reqs
openstackgerritTomas Sedovic proposed openstack/tripleo-validations: Validate rabbitmq limits
gfidentesocial, those policies are executed at the time the package is installed and as such available from the first moment the node is booting right?10:41
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openstackgerritTomas Sedovic proposed openstack/tripleo-validations: Validate rogue DHCP servers
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add support for cinder v3 endpoint
yolandaquestion... i'm hitting an error with a baremetal deployment just on liberty, that complains about external network conflicting with another network10:44
yolandai've been checking and seems that neutron needs a flag allow_overlapping_ips set to true10:44
yolandawhat shall be the best way to set it? i tried on my env file, on parameter defaults, with ExtraConfig: neutron::allow_overlapping_ips: true, but no luck10:45
openstackgerritTomas Sedovic proposed openstack/tripleo-validations: Check for differences between introspected HW
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jaosoriorshardy: Your patches for the endpoint map already went into merge conflict. I'm waiting for the manila patch to merge to push a rebase of them10:49
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openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Align node_ips hiera keys with the service name.
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openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Composable Mistral services
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openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Add ironic inspector as a terminated HAProxy endpoint
jaosoriorshardy: thanks for updating the commit message there11:20
shardyjaosorior: np, when it passes CI I'll approve it11:20
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add hieradata for Manila v1 and v2 endpoints
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: DO NOT MERGE - Periodic ha test
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Allow to parameterize the number of kernels to be kept
openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Do only a strick grep on nova show status
sshnaidmFYI, , handled by amoralej11:32
openstackLaunchpad bug 1612178 in tripleo "Nova compute fails because of "No module named os_vif"" [Critical,In progress]11:32
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Remove the incorrect warning caused by the boot_option local dict
shardysshnaidm: is there a patch fixing the spec file posted we can follow?11:34
sshnaidmshardy, not yet, I'll post it into bug when it will be ready11:34
shardysshnaidm: Ok, thanks!11:34
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: NO MERGE Test periodic
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Convert EndpointMap to not require per-service VIP parameters
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Convert ServiceNetMap to a nested template
openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP - Implement overcloud upgrade job - Mitaka -> Newton
shardyAnyone know why puppet fails to run like this:
shardyError: Could not run: Could not retrieve facts for overcloud-controller-0.openstacklocal11:40
shardyAFAICS the facts are available via facter, but clearly I'm missing something11:41
slagleshardy: probably more hostname shenanigans11:41
gfidenteyeah needs a mapping in /etc/hosts11:42
slagleshardy: try export FACTER_fqdn=overcloud-controller-0 before the puppet apply11:42
slagleif that works, you know it's hostname related11:42
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shardyslagle, gfidente: Ah, yeah facter fqdn doesn't match hostname -f, something is broken in the hosts file11:44
gfidentethough it says no address so looks like it's the ip > name mapping missing11:45
shardyyeah the domain is missing from the hosts entry, not sure why, will debug11:45
slagleyou also need to check searchdomain in resolv.conf11:46
slagleas puppet might be pulling domain from there11:46
shardyslagle: Yeah that has search openstacklocal, but openstacklocal is missing from the hosts entry11:46
shardynot sure why that happens but I'm testing some local patches so will have to bisect and see what broke it11:47
shardythanks for the pointers :)11:47
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openstackgerritJustin Kilpatrick proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart: Add documentation for add-on roles
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pandapabelanger: do you know if there's any spell check non voting upstream test ? It's useful when reviewing documentation11:53
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Migrate the deploy command to use the Mistral workflows
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d0ugalshardy: ^ Close, but still not there. The path munging is messy. I added a comment about the bit missing if you want to take a look. I gotta run now (see your emails if you've not yet)11:56
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amoralejshardy, sshnaidm, i need to create a new package so first thing to do is to send a package review bz, then add the new package to rdo and finally add the dependency to nova spec11:58
shardyd0ugal: ack, thanks!11:58
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Update Ironic composable services
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openstackgerritMarios Andreou proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Add manila-netapp backend to manila class
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/tripleo-docs: [WIP] Documentation for installing and using Ironic in overcloud
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openstackgerritMarios Andreou proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add integration with NetApp Manila driver
openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Composable Mistral services
mariosrhefner: bswartz tbarron ^^^ i poposed a new review, bswartz was right in the end there wasn't much left in terms of files. there was a bit of copy/paste with the params, but it wasn't worth the rebase pain. I've proposed a new review and the puppet-tripleo side in the depends on.12:22
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mariosrhefner: are you ok with abandoning in this case? i added you as co-author in the new one12:23
mariostbarron: hope that helps as a start regardless of how we proceed... i also want to revisit the manila generic puppet-tripleo side tomorrow since that needs a tidy up - we are duplicating config unnecessarily between tripleo-heat-templates and puppet-tripleo. but we don't need to block manila netap because of that.12:25
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-quickstart: remove hard setting of ssh.config.ansible in roles-deploy
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openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Do not merge, checking composable mistral.
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/os-net-config: Enable os-net-config to support and configure NFVSwitch
openstackgerritMarios Andreou proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add integration with NetApp Manila driver
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tripleo: Fix comparison to control_virtual_ip
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rhefnermarios: yep, I'll abandon the old change now12:38
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mariosrhefner: appreciate thanks12:39
rhefnermarios: thank you for working on this!12:40
tbarronmarios: thanks, we'll take a look!12:40
honzafor tripleo-heat-templates, which environment files are commonly passed to "stack create" or is there one that imports everything?12:41
honzaah, the root environment file i guess :)12:47
mariosrhefner: tbarron ack thanks very much, please add yourselves as reviewers if you like I will revisit tomorrow for updates discussion etc. esp Q @
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jaosoriorpabelanger: Hey, I saw your commit about adding bindep to python-tripleo. Can you explain how that works? We might need that for a barbican job12:47
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tbarronmarios: sure thinng and thanks again12:48
shardyhonza: overcloud-resource-registry-puppet.yaml is always passed, most other environment files are optional12:54
honzashardy: thanks12:55
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mariostbarron: np, in the end wasn't as painful as expected... imo it shows the composable services is working very well. on the tht side, we have the env file for the netapp params, and then all the changes are in the manila-base file12:56
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tbarronmarios: yeah, i'm thinking we want to move the ManilaGeneric parameters out of manila-base to a manila-generic env12:58
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tbarronmarios: related to your Q in the review12:58
mariostbarron: ack thanks will look and fixup but context switch for now12:59
tbarronmarios: but we need to hash this out with bswartz (NetApp) and Jokke_ (cephfsnative plugin)12:59
mariostbarron: right OK, so give folks a chance to see it too12:59
tbarronmarios: yeah, we need to talk through the approach withh everyone first anyways12:59
mariostbarron: ok, today was just about getting a first pass out so we have something to actually point at.13:00
tbarronmarios: yep, perfect!13:01
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openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Removing WARNING: line has more than 140 characters in puppet-tripleo profiles
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Update Ironic composable services
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weshaysshnaidm, panda can one of you guys put in a review to update the tripleo periodic jobs to run every four hours vs. nightly13:15
rookEmilienM: can we get this pulled in? or get some comments on what needs to change?
yolandahi... so i'm doing a baremetal deployment on liberty. I see that the setting allow_overlapping_ips is hardcoded to false on neutron.conf, while on mitaka and master is just commented. Is there any way i can customize that with tripleo on liberty, to be set as true?13:16
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/tripleo-docs: [WIP] Documentation for installing and using Ironic in overcloud
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Move Nova settings out of puppet/compute.yaml
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Mv Ceilometer settings out of puppet/compute.yaml
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jaosorioryolanda: I think you can do it by setting the appropriate hieradata in the controllerExtraConfig parameter, which you can set by creating an environment file and adding that to parameter_Defaults13:20
jaosorioryolanda: however, you would need to investigate if that parameter setting is set, first, somewhere in tripleo-heat-templates; second, somewhere in puppet-neutron (both in the liberty branches)13:21
yolandajaosorior, i tried something like13:22
yolanda  ExtraConfig:13:22
yolanda    neutron::allow_overlapping_ips: true13:22
yolandabut it doesn't seem to be applied13:22
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openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack/instack-undercloud: Ironic: Remove dnsmasq-ironic.conf
jaosorioryolanda: can you check if there's an extraconfig.yaml in /etc/puppet/hieradata ?13:25
weshaypanda, sshnaidm you there?13:25
openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP - Implement overcloud upgrade job - Mitaka -> Newton
jaosoriorshardy: is ExtraConfig supposed to still work in master?13:25
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Reinstate CloudDomain properties for Controller/Compute roles
shardyjaosorior: yes13:25
pandaweshay: how many hours ?13:25
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weshaypanda, 413:25
jaosoriorshardy: do we pass that through parameter_defaults nowadays?13:25
yolandajaosorior, in tripleo-heat-templates, i see puppet/hieradata/common.yaml, with neutorn::allow_overlapping_ips: true13:25
shardyslagle, gfidente: ^^ FYI that fixes the hostname issue I was seeing13:26
pandaweshay: oh, I read few, not four13:26
shardyturns out it was a custom-roles refactoring patch that broke the hosts file (without breaking CI..)13:26
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shardyjaosorior: yup, everything should be passed via parameter_defaults13:26
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shardyyolanda: I'd double check you don't have ExtraConfig defined in more than one environment file13:27
shardyand grep in /etc/puppet/hieradata on the node for the key you're setting13:27
jaosoriorshardy: alright, just making sure. Cause it's been removed from the parameters that overcloud.yaml passes from the controller and compute, but not the rest of the node types13:27
yolandai don't have that setting on hieradat, looking more in depth13:27
shardyjaosorior: yup, by using parameter_defaults it should still be applied13:27
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dtantsurfolks, has anyone seen deployment step 3 failing because of missing sql_connection option in nova.conf?13:28
dtantsuror maybe at least has an idea why it could happen?13:28
jaosoriordtantsur: got a link to the logs?13:29
dtantsurnope, this is locally13:29
dtantsurI can dump the whole "stack failures list" if that helps13:30
dtantsurjaosorior, ^^13:30
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jaosoriordtantsur: haven't seen that, but it seems to me that it might be an ordering issue..13:31
dtantsurdo we have any places where ordering matters?13:31
jaosoriordtantsur: was it the db-sync failing?13:32
dtantsurjaosorior, yep. I'm testing locally13:32
jaosoriordtantsur: Let me check puppet-nova13:32
dtantsurbefore I introduced the environment file, everything was fine :( maybe I've messed some ordering when doing it13:32
jaosoriorwell... that's weird, nova's db-sync is supposed to be anchored13:33
jaosoriordtantsur: gotta go to a meeting :(13:33
dtantsuryeah.. so I'm getting a very partial nova.conf for some reason13:33
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dtantsurjaosorior, np, thanks13:33
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jaosoriordtantsur: but which db-sync was, nova's db-sync or ironic's?13:34
lucasagomeshi all, any chance someone can take a look at ? It has a +2 already :-)13:34
dtantsurjaosorior, /Stage[main]/Nova::Db::Sync/Exec[nova-db-sync] and /Stage[main]/Nova::Db::Sync_api/Exec[nova-db-sync-api] both failed13:35
pandaweshay: this may probe difficult, there is a single periodic definition for all the projects in zuul layout. It may mean that periodicities below 1 day are not encouraged.13:35
weshayof course13:35
weshaypabelanger, is that the case re: periodic ^13:35
jaosoriordtantsur: :( I see... well, I think it's an ordering issue. and it's weird cause there is an anchor set for both of those
jaosorioranyway, I do have a meeting13:36
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weshaypanda, go see if there is another trigger defined13:36
pandaweshay: I see only periodic and periodic-stable, both once a day13:36
weshaypanda, meh.. ok go put in a new definition and see what kind of reviews we get13:37
pandaweshay: ok13:37
dtantsurok, I'll try refreshing the environment, maybe old images or something like that13:38
pandaweshay: but it's better to explain exactly why we want to do this, if we'll have to defend the change.13:39
bandinigfidente: do we need to recheck due to the POST_FAILURE?13:39
gfidentebandini, the patch testing that passed but ...13:39
yolandajaosorior_mtg, shardy , i found that only on one place, on /home/stack/network-environment.yaml. Maybe is not a good place to define that?13:40
bandinigfidente: does it mean I should recheck?13:40
* bandini slightly confused13:41
gfidentebandini, yes13:42
bandinigfidente: thanks!13:42
shardyyolanda: provided it's not malformed and you're including /home/stack/network-environment.yaml that should work - if you'd like it checked can you paste it somewhere?13:43
shardyyolanda: you can also run the overcloud deploy with --debug and tee the results to a file, then check the ExtraConfig you expect is included in the call to heat13:43
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Update Ironic composable services
yolandashardy, here it is
yolandathis file is being picked because it gets the network config from there13:45
yolandashardy, i wonder if i'm missing concepts again... because actually, that value is on neutron.conf of the undercloud13:46
shardyyolanda: Hmm, so you want that to be set for the undercloud neutron?13:46
shardyExtraConfig will only influence the overcloud services13:46
yolandathat was my suspect... so in undercloud for mitaka/master, that value is just commented13:47
yolandain liberty, is set to false, then network step of overcloud fails13:47
yolandawhere is that value set for the undercloud, you know?13:47
shardyyolanda: for recent undercloud versions you can pass a hieradata_override = option in the undercloud.conf13:48
shardyI'm not sure that got backported to mitaka tho13:48
yolandait is liberty so even worse13:48
yolandano hieradata_override for instack-undercloud on liberty13:50
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sshnaidmweshay, hi13:55
shardyEmilienM: Hey, testing your hiera/json patch, and I think there's a problem when a file doesn't exist that's defined in the hierarchy13:55
shardythe deployment gets stuck in a loop doing that at step313:55
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yolandashardy, maybe a way can be to have a script that updates that setting on neutron?13:56
weshaysshnaidm, can you work w/ EmilienM so that we can add the puppet CI to the tripleo periodic job set that votes13:56
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shardyyolanda: you could manually configure it every time the undercloud install is run as a workaround13:56
EmilienMshardy: will look in a few, in a mtg now13:57
yolandayes, something like that, oooq allows to have that custom post template, that could make the trick, although it looks a bit dirty13:57
shardyEmilienM: np, thanks - it may be a json/yaml issue13:57
shardyas it's looking for the yaml files as foo.json13:57
sshnaidmweshay, EmilienM, sure, which puppet CI job are we talking?13:58
slagledeep dive starting,
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hewbroccaslagle: I hope the pool for the deep dive isn't green...14:00
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EmilienMshardy: I don't see how it's related to my patch in puppet-openstacklib, it must be something in tht, I can look14:01
shardyEmilienM: Ok, np I've got the related t-h-t patch applied so perhaps that's somehow broken14:02
shardyI don't see how either, will dig deeper14:02
mandreEmilienM: just to confirm I'm on the right track for
EmilienMshardy: my patch in puppet translate a string json into the right puppet type14:02
mandreEmilienM: I'll need a couple of patches like this one, correct?14:03
shardyEmilienM: Hmm, running it again perhaps those warnings are spurious14:03
slagledprince: you dropped14:03
shardysorry, it may be getting stuck somewhere else14:03
shardywill try again, sorry for the noise14:03
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EmilienMmandre: what is the context?14:05
mandreEmilienM: you asked me to submit patches to puppet-* to configure cors settings14:06
EmilienMah maybe14:06
EmilienMmandre: good14:06
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EmilienMmandre: patch needs tests & release note14:06
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mandreEmilienM: so, yeah, I'm a puppet noob so I just wanted to confirm that was the way to go14:07
EmilienMmandre: it is14:07
mandreEmilienM: excellent! I'll add specs and release notes14:08
openstackgerritSaravanan KR proposed openstack/os-net-config: Add support for OVS DPDK Bridge and Port
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trozetEmilienM: thanks for reviewing 335173, can you tell me more about what this "HA light" arch is?14:15
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trozetEmilienM: thanks14:17
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openstackgerritSaravanan KR proposed openstack/os-net-config: Add support for OVS DPDK Bridge and Port
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openstackgerritSaravanan KR proposed openstack/os-net-config: Add support for OVS DPDK Bond
EmilienMshardy: re - t-i-e, do you want me to branch it and release it?14:24
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shardyEmilienM: I think probably not now, lets decide if it should be branched when we branch everything for Newton?14:33
shardythanks for offering though14:33
EmilienMshardy: ack14:33
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shardyEmilienM: so, testing further, it seems that the interpolated value looks correct (json string), but the value which we put into the service templates is not14:37
shardye.g passing a list into keystone::rabbit_hosts gives rabbit_hosts =
trozetEmilienM: ok I like this new arch.  So as long as the service is under overcloud resource-registry, it should just work with HA?14:37
shardybut passing a json string gives rabbit_hosts = [""]14:37
shardyso it would seem that the json->list conversion isn't working?14:38
shardyEmilienM: any tips on how to debug the code you added?14:38
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EmilienMshardy: what happens if you don't use my code?14:40
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shardyEmilienM: Not tried that yet as it's a combination I didn't expect to work, sec let me try14:42
openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Removing WARNING: line has more than 140 characters in puppet-tripleo profiles
EmilienMshardy: I also found that my patch might be not finished14:44
EmilienMshardy: Ineed to patch another provider14:44
EmilienMlet me iterate on it14:44
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shardyEmilienM: ack, thanks!  I can re-test when you're ready14:45
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EmilienMshardy: please test without my patch and see the result if it's different14:46
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EmilienMshardy: I updated the patch14:52
mariosdprince_: thanks dan well done fwiw14:52
shardythanks dprince_!14:53
dprince_ack, thanks guys14:53
EmilienMdprince_: ++14:53
EmilienMdprince_: we want to see the switch now14:53
dprince_EmilienM: meh, it isn't that exciting I think14:54
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openstackgerritLars Kellogg-Stedman proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart: files on undercloud had wrong uid
openstackgerritLars Kellogg-Stedman proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart: fix teardown (tagging and ansible_user)
jaosorior_mtglarsks: in quickstart is it possible to only run a specific task depending on what release we're deploying15:00
larsksjaosorior_mtg: you could add specific conditionals to a task to do that, yes.15:01
jaosorior_mtglarsks is there an example somewhere?15:01
larsksjaosorior_mtg: not on a task right now, but in some of the templated shell scripts.  On a task you would add something like "when: release in ['mitaka', 'liberty']"15:02
jaosorior_mtglarsks: thanks15:02
jristdprince_: thanks for the dd, can you add this to the etherpad?
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dprince_jrist: sure15:08
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EmilienMI like how UI folks always have fancy tools :-)15:09
EmilienMjrist: I'm jealous !15:09
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart: Persist ironic configuration changes
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jristEmilienM: hahaha15:17
jristEmilienM: like what? Invision?15:17
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Move Nova settings out of puppet/compute.yaml
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Mv Ceilometer settings out of puppet/compute.yaml
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EmilienMjrist: yeah15:19
jaosoriorEmilienM: couple of simple commits :D
EmilienMjaosorior: ack15:19
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jristEmilienM: command line is so well done at this point15:19
jristwhat with emacs and all15:19
* jrist starts holy war15:20
jristtmux and vim15:20
jristwhat else do you need? :)15:20
dprince_jrist: nothing15:20
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dtantsurso folks, I guess is not enough for haproxy to start working with ironic, is it?15:21
dtantsurdo you know what I can be missing?15:21
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shardyEmilienM: still not working - does the PSON::load work by reference, or should it be new_value = PSON::load(new_value) ?15:23
shardyseems like it's just passing the json string into the service config15:23
EmilienMshardy: so you tried without my patch and you got same results?15:23
shardyEmilienM: yup15:24
EmilienMyeah it's possible15:24
shardyEmilienM: I'll try adding the assignment15:24
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openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Removing WARNING: line has more than 140 characters in puppet-tripleo profiles
jaosoriorEmilienM: What do you mean they won't exist anymore? We still need to have common stuff for all the nodes15:25
jaosoriorwhat's gonna replce that?15:26
* shardy wonders if a unit test may be a quicker way to debug this15:26
bswartzjrist: why does everyone love tmux now?15:26
EmilienMjaosorior: the overcloud_*.pp files won't exist anymore15:26
dtantsurhmm, openstack-ironic-api fails with "address in use", so I guess I need to somehow tell it to move15:26
EmilienMshardy: I'll look in a few, I'm currently doing a CI thing for puppet/tripleo15:27
EmilienMshardy: I figured we don't run tripleo jobs in puppet stable/mitaka CI15:27
shardyEmilienM: Ok, no problem, thanks15:27
EmilienMI'm on it15:27
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jaosoriorEmilienM: sure, so what will replace that? will we have a common role or something of the sort?15:28
jaosoriorwould be better to give an alternative than just say "I won't support it"15:28
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sshnaidmEmilienM, hi, regarding puppet CI job as part of promotion jobs, are you familiar with this idea? just checking to be on the same page15:28
EmilienMI'm shutting down IRC, can't focus on my CI problem15:29
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tripleo: Handle redirects for keystone
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rookhey shardy - is there somewhere I can track for custom roles?15:35
jristbswartz: no idea haha15:36
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Update Ironic composable services
openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP - Implement overcloud upgrade job - Mitaka -> Newton
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shardyjaosorior: Common stuff will have to be defined either via composable services (which can be deployed on all roles), or via the allNodesConfig for cluster-wide stuff (which I'm currently working on refactoring)15:42
shardythere will be no per-role manifests tho15:42
jaosoriorshardy: sure, that's no biggie. I'm just wondering where are ::tripleo::packages and ::tripleo::firewall gonna be included from?15:43
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shardyjaosorior: I think they'll need to move to a services template15:43
jaosoriorshardy: by the way... the keystone endpoints via puppet are being quite problematic. I'm running into a lot of OOM crashes there.15:43
jaosorioreither we bump up the memory for the nodes and hope it works there. Or I think we're gonna end up doing those in mistral15:44
shardyjaosorior: oh dear, that doesn't sound good15:44
shardywhy would puppet creating the endpoints use much more ram?15:44
shardyI assumed it probably just shells out to openstackclient (maybe openstackclient is the reason?)15:45
jaosoriorshardy: I have no ide dude15:45
jaosoriorbut it does use openstackclient in the background15:45
jaosoriormight be15:45
jaosoriorshardy: could also be that puppet does things quite concurrently. So doing several of those endpoints at the same time could be problematic due to the memory usage?15:46
shardyjaosorior: possibly, need to profile the memory usage while it's running really I think15:46
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openstackgerritJulie Pichon proposed openstack/tripleo-common: [WIP] Add Mistral actions for boot & root device configuration
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Initial support for bindep
jaosoriorshardy: somehow I don't get OOMs when running that locally though15:47
EmilienMjaosorior: we need to find a mechanism that include ::tripleo class all the time15:50
jaosoriorEmilienM: so, for now I think we can have that as a base.yaml or common.yaml15:50
jaosoriorin the form of a composable service15:50
jaosoriorbut we do need a way to make sure that all the node types always include it15:51
EmilienMjaosorior: yeah, I just don't want our users to forget addin git15:51
EmilienMright !15:51
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jaosoriorelse we're gonna shoot ourselves in the foot and we're gonna have really funky bug reports15:51
EmilienMsshnaidm: yes i'm familiar, we need to run puppet-openstack-integration jobs on centos715:51
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EmilienMjaosorior: ok, let me think about it15:52
jaosoriorEmilienM: that's the reason why I was really stubbornly still using those templates15:52
jaosoriorI mean15:52
EmilienMyeah but they will be gone very very soon15:53
EmilienMwe don't need it anymore15:53
EmilienMjaosorior: maybe in short term we can include ::tripleo in all base profiles in puppet-tripleo?15:54
mandreEmilienM: regarding, the spec was failing in my environment, I'm not too sure why15:57
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mandreEmilienM: you might want to hold on before approving too quickly15:57
mandreEmilienM: how long before the test job returns in puppet-keystone usually?15:58
EmilienMmandre: ~30 min15:58
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EmilienMit depends if osinfra is busy15:59
EmilienM250 jobs in queue, its busy15:59
EmilienMso maybe 45 min15:59
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mandreEmilienM: here is the exact failure in my environment,
mandreEmilienM: I don't understand enough to debug why cors/allowed_origin defaults to nil16:01
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/tripleo-docs: [WIP] Documentation for installing and using Ironic in overcloud
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jaosoriorbnemec: Hey dude, what do we do with your commit that bumps the memory for the ovb nodes?
bnemecjaosorior: Really all we need to do is merge it.  I've already applied the change to rh1.16:16
jaosoriorshardy: could we merge this? it bumps up the memory for the ovb nodes, would surely be useful16:17
jaosorioror slagle, dprince_ ^^16:17
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dprince_jaosorior: +A16:20
jaosoriorawww yeah16:20
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slaglejaosorior: they are already bumped up16:21
slaglejaosorior: bnemec did it manually yesterday16:21
slagleif we could find out how much memory we actually need...16:22
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slagleif creating endpoints via puppet requires another 512mb, then i don't think we want to do it16:23
jaosoriorslagle: well... I use 6144 for the overcloud nodes :/16:23
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Move neutron settings out of puppet/compute.yaml
jaosoriorslagle: I'll see if it can pass with the current upgrade. and if it doesn't then we gotta do it in mistral then16:23
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jaosoriorI'm off. Have a good day guys!16:25
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bnemecDB on rh1 crashed. :-(16:30
bnemecThings are going to be bad on the CI front for a while.16:30
gfidenteEmilienM, this is only adding files
gfidentethere is no way it can ever make CI fail and in fact16:32
gfidente which depends on it passed, can we merge them all?16:32
EmilienMgfidente: yes16:32
EmilienMgfidente: done16:33
gfidentethanks :016:33
slaglebnemec: looks like you restarted mariadb?16:35
bnemecslagle: Yeah.16:36
bnemecLooks like maybe it ran out of fds.16:36
bnemecI also dropped the number of Heat engine workers.16:36
bnemecWhen it died, we had like 13 heat stacks creating.16:36
bnemecAnd the cpu was pegged.16:36
shardymichchap: Hi, I think can be marked implemented now, do you agree?16:37
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michchapshardy: I agree. Done.16:39
shardymichchap: thanks!16:39
michchapshardy: sorry for ending up the owner of that - it was other people's work!16:39
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EmilienMmichchap: lol16:40
EmilienMthanks for the 123023 patches !16:40
shardymichchap: hehe - it was a team effort :)16:40
michchapEmilienM: I submitted like 1 change at the start because I was impatient :D16:40
slaglebnemec: i guess we never fixed the fd limit on the oc16:41
bnemecslagle: Yeah, I looked into it when this first happened and it looked like it was set to 4096 correctly.16:42
bnemecWhen I was watching the mysql connections they were hovering around 700, which seemed pretty safe.16:43
bnemecBut I haven't checked in a couple of days, so it's possible they had increased when we re-enabled jobs and increased the number of envs.16:43
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slaglebnemec: i dont think it's the connections, it's the open files limit16:46
slaglemaybe they're related16:46
bnemecslagle: Yeah, I think they are.  Rabbit has the same issue.16:48
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bnemecAnd I see it's limited to 1024: open files                      (-n) 102416:49
bnemecI thought we had fixed that. :-/16:49
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sshnaidmbnemec, does geard run therE?16:49
bnemecsshnaidm: No, that runs in a VM.  This is the host cloud controller.16:50
sshnaidmslagle, it's the same limit for both of them - files and connections16:50
shardyJokke_, gfidente: should we be either marking invalid or wontfix?16:50
openstackLaunchpad bug 1589922 in tripleo "OSD data dir expected in /var/lib/ceph/osd" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Erno Kuvaja (jokke)16:50
slaglebnemec: we fixed in the undercloud16:50
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pabelangerSo, regarding tripleo-test-cloud-rh1.  What are the changes of getting a new project called openstackzuul created?  Reason being, from nodepool we can see all the private infrastructure being run in the openstack-nodepool project which is starting to flood our nodepool debug logs16:50
sshnaidmbnemec, ok, because it was the same problem with geard before16:50
shardyThe discussion in the bug seems inconclusive16:50
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pabelangerwe'd still keep openstack-nodepool just add openstackzuul where we launch our VMs16:51
slaglebnemec: and also in my ha pacemaker env, the limit is 2048516:51
gfidenteshardy, was just working on that, let me add a comment16:51
slaglebnemec: so i think it's just not fixed for non-pacemaker envs16:51
shardygfidente: Ok, thanks, I'm just trying to groom the newton-3 bugs a bit16:51
slaglesince mariadb is started under systemd16:51
bnemecslagle: Oh /facepalm16:51
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slaglebnemec: quick fix would be to copy /etc/systemd/system/mariadb.service.d/limits.conf from uc to the oc, and restart mariadb16:52
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bnemecslagle: Done16:54
bnemecWe need to add that to the deployment docs too so this doesn't happen again.16:55
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slagleyea i'll add it to the etherpad16:56
slagleand file a bug to fix in tht16:56
pabelangerbnemec: slagle16:56
pabelangerbnemec: slagle: does openstack-infra have admin credentials on tripleo-test-cloud-rh1?16:57
pabelangershould they?16:57
pabelangerI would ask, because might be able to drive some of the configuration of the cloud via ansible and system-config16:57
pabelangerbut I'd need to confirm with openstack-infra if we wanted to do that16:58
bnemecpabelanger: It's a TripleO-deployed cloud, so we wouldn't want to do that.16:58
slaglepabelanger: afaik, openstack-nodepool is not admin16:58
bnemecIt's actually an excellent exercise in dogfooding.16:58
slaglepabelanger: what type of configuration?16:58
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bnemecBecause we probably have users who have hit this too.16:58
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pabelangerslagle: basically, were using ansible now to provision our openstack clouds configuration, like projects, security groups, etc.  EG: Be relaunched blueblox yesterday and it worked well16:59
pabelangerwas going to talk with tripleo and see if you'd be interested in starting to do that too. From what I see, it is just bash scripts for the most part17:00
bnemecOh, so this is unrelated to the mariadb thing. :-)17:00
slagleyea :)17:00
slaglepabelanger: i guess this might work. you're just configuring things in keystone/neutron/etc?17:01
bnemecI'm fine with using standard infra tooling to configure things.17:01
slagleby talking to api's?17:01
pabelangerslagle: if you see scroll back about the openstackzuul project / user, I plan to use ansible to create our projects settings with it17:01
pabelangerslagle: creating of security groups for example, and flavors17:02
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pabelangerthings we need to do to make nodepool work but now we are automating it with shade and ansible17:02
slagleok, i think it sounds fine17:03
slaglewhat do other clouds do?17:03
slagledo they create an admin user for infra to use?17:03
pabelangerusually not,17:03
pabelangerwe only have admin for bluebox17:03
pabelangerso, tripleo doesn't need to share admin creds with openstack-infra17:04
pabelangerbut maybe we start moving tripleo-ci away from bash scripts to ansible playbooks17:05
pabelangeronly if people are interested17:05
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slaglepabelanger: is what it replaces?17:07
slagle(from tripleo-ci)17:07
pabelangerslagle: Ya, that was the file I was looking at.17:08
slaglei think it makes sense. happy to use standard infra tooling if we can make it work17:08
bnemecNote that there's tripleo-specific stuff in that file too.17:08
slaglebnemec: yea, ovb stuff17:08
bnemecInfra's not going to configure the OVB flavors, for instance.17:09
slaglei noticed, we'd have to split that out17:09
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openstackgerritMiles Gould proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Allow installing proliant tools from an OS package
pabelangerLets do this, if you create the openstackzuul user / project (see backscroll for reason), I'll push a patch to review.o.o showing an example configuration17:09
bnemecBut yeah, total +1 to using infra tools to create infra bits.17:10
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slaglepabelanger: ok. is there any special way I should create it?17:11
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pabelangerslagle: I don't think so.  The openstackzuul user needs to be part of the openstackzuul project, everything else we should be able to automate for settings17:12
pabelangerslagle: we need to be on the same network as your private infra and OVB servers17:12
pabelangeras we are moving nodepool vms from openstack-nodepool to openstackzuul17:13
pabelangerwe won't make the cut over until we can manually launch a server and test networking bits17:13
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bnemecThat shouldn't be a problem.  The private network is already shared.17:15
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openstackgerritSaravanan KR proposed openstack/os-net-config: Add support for OVS DPDK Bond
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openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/tripleo-docs: Document Ceph repositories to be enabled
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Move neutron settings out of puppet/compute.yaml
dprince_bnemec: hey, what do you have in mind for here
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Disable sahara services by default
dprince_bnemec: I would like to get that in. It has been broken for months now17:55
gfidenteEmilienM, slagle ^^ that sahara thing landed in mitaka17:56
gfidenteso I am not sure it's good to disable it in newton17:56
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-quickstart: files on undercloud had wrong uid
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-quickstart: fix teardown (tagging and ansible_user)
slaglegfidente: why? we dont need sahara by default17:57
gfidenteslagle, right I am just saying people upgrading have it enabled though17:58
slagleupgrading from mitaka?17:58
gfidentefrom mitaka yes17:58
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/tripleo-docs: Document Ceph repositories to be enabled
slaglegfidente: ok, well darn18:00
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gfidenteslagle, yeah in general we don't have a 'ensure disabled' mechanism though it sounds like what we need really18:01
slaglegfidente: can u comment on the review?18:02
slaglegfidente: my motivation with disabling it is mainly for CI18:02
slaglebut i can do that via an environment18:02
slaglei'd like to optimize what we test in the gate to what is required18:02
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EmilienMoh dear...18:12
EmilienMagain an exec?18:12
gfidenteI think we'd need an exec to check if {data} is a dir or a block device anyway18:12
gfidentebut I have a local copy using selinux::dircontext18:12
gfidentemeantime as per comment in the BZ I think we can make '/srv/data' labeled correctly by ceph-selinux18:13
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EmilienMgfidente: I -1 for stylistic things but I won't block the exec if we really need it18:15
gfidentethanks so I will fix those18:16
gfidentebut also let's wait if we can get ceph-selinux to adopt us18:16
gfidentethough in general the puppet-ceph feature looks sensible18:16
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/os-cloud-config: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/os-collect-config: Updated from global requirements
gfidentewhat did you mean here "can't we do it in packaging side? do we really need this exec?" ?18:17
gfidentewhich alternative were you thinking about?18:17
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EmilienMgfidente: in ceph-selinux?18:24
EmilienMI don't know..18:24
gfidenteah right18:24
EmilienMall those execs scare me18:24
EmilienMlunch now18:24
gfidenteyeah the probblem is if people passes any non-default path they will get denials18:24
gfidenteso we *can* fix the default path in ceph-selinux but in general the problem remains in the module18:24
EmilienMok let's ffix it in the module then18:25
gfidentewe're doing things in ceph-selinux as well, so we have less pressure on module part18:27
openstackgerritSarath Kumar Sankaran Kutty proposed openstack/os-net-config: Cleanups and new unit test for IVS
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openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap) proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart: Add undercloud reboot
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jtomasekd0ugal, shardy: here is what the example mistral environment looks like:
jtomasekd0ugal, shardy: that way is totally fine for GUI19:06
jtomasekd0ugal: GetCapabilitiesAction combines environments from here with the capabilities map structure19:07
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jtomasekd0ugal: IOW, GetParametersAction goes through the capabilities map and adds enabled: true to the environments there if they are present in mistral environment.19:08
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openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add missing deprecated param
openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Removing WARNING: line has more than 140 characters in puppet-tripleo profiles
openstackgerritStephanie Miller proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Spec for adding diskimage_builder module in-chroot
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP - Implement undercloud upgrade job - Mitaka -> Newton
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openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Remove deprecated net_ip_subnet_map output
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rlandybnemec: if these are the values tripleo-quickstart uses for undercloud and overcloud vms,, how are you getting away with using such small flavors for baremetal and undercloud in OVB testing?20:19
bnemecrlandy: I have nothing to do with quickstart.20:20
bnemecOur CI has always run on the smallest vms possible.20:20
rlandy that's admirable20:20
bnemecFor resource reasons, and to avoid us bloating the memory usage accidentally.20:20
rlandyI am not having a lot of success dropping the flavor requirements20:21
bnemecrlandy: undercloud, overcloud, or both?20:21
bnemecNote that we just bumped the overcloud vms to 5.5 GB because we were seeing intermittent ooms in jobs.20:22
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rlandybnemec: I used smaller flavors for both undercloud and overcloud ...20:22
openstackgerritwes hayutin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart: Only set  if it is not already defined
bnemecrlandy: How big?20:23
rlandyin the past, with a smaller undercloud, I was seeing issues with keystone dying - probably the same oom errors20:23
rlandynow, with a m1.medium undercloud, deploy is failing out20:23
bnemecrlandy: medium is only 4 GB.  That's not enough, unfortunately.20:24
bnemecWe run 6 in CI.20:24
rlandythe main issue is that I don't have access to create custom flavors (relic of the aim to optimize general cloud usage - not my personal quota)20:24
rlandyso I land up loosing 2,4,8, 1620:25
bnemec| 18e29a9b-8b32-4b61-bc76-6346dc7468f2 | undercloud | 6144      | 40   | 0         |      | 2     | 1.0         | True      |20:25
bnemec| 2aaef5e1-a585-4bb9-b1e8-134d82f55982 | bmc        | 512       | 20   | 0         |      | 1     | 1.0         | True      |20:25
bnemec| 49a7fbb0-2c0b-4441-a298-d69085760516 | baremetal  | 5632      | 41   | 0         |      | 1     | 1.0         | True      |20:25
bnemecrlandy: You're probably stuck with 8 then.20:25
rlandyI can accept that baremetal may be big enough (if I use your requirements) when we move to public cloud20:25
rlandybut the undercloud size surprises me20:26
bnemecIf they won't give you custom flavors, then the extra memory usage is the cost, I guess.20:26
bnemecThe other problem is that when you add vcpus to the flavor, it increases the memory usage too.20:26
bnemecSince I think m1.large has 4 vcpus, that might make 8 GB required anyway.20:27
rlandyyeah - I am probably doing a useless test here - trying to get minimum requirements for a public cloud using a ' no custom flavor' private one20:27
rlandystill - that aside, I had oom issue with a 8G undercloud20:28
bnemecStrange, I periodically use an 8 GB undercloud if I don't need to build images.20:30
rlandyI can get away with it for mitaka - not master20:32
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openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Set coordination url for gnocchi storage
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openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Remove deprecated net_ip_uri_map output
openstackgerritwes hayutin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart: Only set  if it is not already defined
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Remove deprecated net_ip_uri_map output
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openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Set the default gnocchi driver to swift
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openstackgerritwes hayutin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart: Only set  if it is not already defined
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openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Remove unneeded net_ip_map dump into hieradata
dtrainorHi.  I'm playing around with the UI and when I try to do node assignment, I see some failures that I don't recognize.  I think I'm missing an allowable method somewhere but I'm not certain where
dtrainorif i had to guess, it's ironic-inspector not allowing a PATCH method I think...20:58
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dtrainorahh, i see it.... "Client-side error" is a red herring.  The real problem is with the UI preforming introspection.21:07
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stevebakerbnemec: does bmc-image.qcow2 get rebuilt?21:16
* stevebaker is *so* lazy21:16
bnemecstevebaker: No, it won't.  I uploaded it manually.21:17
bnemecI should upload a patched one though.21:17
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stevebakeryeah, it would reduce problems for others21:29
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openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Pass ServiceNetMap to services
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slaglehmm? we promoted. how?21:48
slagleand now the promoted repo is breaking the multinode job with the same cinder error21:48
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gfidenteslagle, cinder error was fixed in cinder21:51
openstackLaunchpad bug 1612434 in tripleo "multinode jobs failing during pingtest with "Resource CREATE failed: ResourceInError: resources.volume1: Went to status error due to "Unknown""" [Undecided,New]21:52
slaglegfidente: maybe a repo got promoted that did not yet have the fix21:52
slagleb/c now i'm seeing the error in the check queue21:52
gfidenteis that possible at all?21:53
slaglei dont know it could have happened21:53
slaglei'm asking in rdo if it got done manually21:53
slagleperhaps accidentally21:53
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Don't deploy net-iso env when we won't use it
bnemecYeah, I'm seeing a bunch of cinder errors killing the ping test.21:55
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Now fly and set cinder::api::bind_host within service template
bnemeclol, nice commit message22:02
bnemecFly, you fools!22:02
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openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/tripleo-docs: Document Ceph repositories to be enabled
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openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Use non-bracketed version of addresses for keystone.initialize
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Use non-bracketed version of addresses for keystone.initialize
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openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: DO NOT MERGE - Periodic test
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: DO NOT MERGE - Periodic test
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