Wednesday, 2016-09-07

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openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Make os-apply-config package driven
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Make os-refresh-config element package driven
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Make os-collect-config element package driven
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tripleo: Manage Redis VIP when deploying with keepalived
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Set Redis VIP on all nodes
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Use Redis VIP when deploying with keepalived
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Fix aodh auth url to remove suffix
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Test scenario001, 002, 003
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Test scenario001, 002, 003
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-tripleoclient: Add libffi-dev to bindep.txt
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Make os-apply-config package driven
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Make os-refresh-config element package driven
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Make os-collect-config element package driven
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openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Make os-apply-config package driven
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Make os-refresh-config element package driven
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack/tripleo-image-elements: Make os-collect-config element package driven
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Convert SwiftDevicesAndProxyConfig to composable format
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Move role deployment steps into puppet/post.yaml
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Get template contents from plan, not local path
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add bootstrap_node and vip_data to hierarchy for all roles
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add VIP names to allNodesConfig
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Create entries for overcloud VIPs in /etc/hosts
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add parameters for internal TLS
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add HAProxy TLS handled by certmonger as composable service
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Hook internal TLS flag to apache-based services
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openstackgerritwes hayutin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart: create release files that link to master and master-testing for promotion jobs
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openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: TEST: DONT RECHECK: periodic jobs
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jaosoriorAny +A for this? :D05:41
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sshnaidmjaosorior, can you please take a look at ? I don't understand why it doesn't work05:54
sshnaidmjaosorior, seems like these hiera settings are not applied - no changes in configuration05:55
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jaosoriorsshnaidm: that will only work on master, by the way06:19
jaosoriorbut lets see06:19
shardymorning all06:20
jaosoriorshardy: supd due06:20
jaosorior* sup dude06:20
sshnaidmjaosorior, yeah, these changes were introduced by dtantsur|afk recently06:20
shardy and ready for reviews if anyone has time to look06:20
jaosoriorsshnaidm: are you sure those changes were included already in the image?06:22
jaosoriorsshnaidm: you are right, they don't seem to have been applied06:22
sshnaidmjaosorior, I think so06:22
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jaosoriorshardy: hey man06:23
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jaosoriorshardy: so for 36576306:23
jaosoriorshardy: to enable then a new node type, we will need to create a file puppet/<node type>-post.yaml?06:24
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jaosorior<node type>-config.yaml06:24
jaosoriorshardy: they all seem quite similar06:25
shardyjaosorior: yes, although as mentioned we might be able to avoid that in future06:25
jaosoriorshardy: how?06:25
shardyits already a huge patch so i didnt want to mess with the puppet stuff there06:25
jaosoriorshardy: fair enough, just wanted to understand the direction of that series06:26
shardyjaosorior: not quite sure or i'd have done it already ;)06:26
jaosoriorshardy: seems to me that the main issue is that get_file06:26
shardywe need to completely remove those almost empty manifests06:27
shardyI think we can set the node type in hiera and do the hiera_include etc in puppet-tripleo06:28
shardyjust not tried it yet06:28
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jaosoriorshardy: I think that's the only way to go around that get_file. At least the only way available at the moment.06:30
shardyyeah, but we've been aiming to remove the per-role manifests anyway06:30
jaosoriorsshnaidm: can you pass a link to the puppet-tripleo change that added those?06:30
shardyso we just need to finish that06:30
shardyIMO it's not super high priority, and custom-roles can work fine with this small duplication for now06:30
sshnaidmjaosorior, it's puppet-ironic:
jaosoriorshardy: would still be nice to have a cleaner solution.06:31
shardyjaosorior: yeah, I agree, will try to look into it as a followup06:32
jaosoriorshardy: Hey man, by the way, can you check this commit out?
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add bootstrap_node and vip_data to hierarchy for all roles
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jaosoriorsshnaidm: it seems to me that it's not being included06:35
jaosoriorsshnaidm: I didn't find any trace of it here
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Migrate to using osc-lib
jaosoriorsshnaidm: I think we still don't get the version of puppet-ironic in order to use that06:36
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Set Deployment Parameters
shardyjaosorior: Yeah, looks OK, as previously mentioned I suspect it can be simplified but I can help with that later06:36
shardyjaosorior: my only other comment is the same data could be derived in puppet by combining the $service_vip with $network_virtual_ip lookups06:37
shardybut this solution is a little more convenient I guess06:37
sshnaidmjaosorior, it used puppet-ironic-9.2.0-0.20160905145838.d14c611.el7.centos.noarch with hash d14c611 and it's exactly the hash of this change06:37
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sshnaidmjaosorior, it's last change of puppet-ironic actually06:38
jaosoriorsshnaidm: well, the logs show that ironic::conductor is being included, but the ironic::drivers::agent is nowhere to be seen06:38
sshnaidmjaosorior, where do you see it?06:38
jaosoriorsshnaidm: this log
jaosoriorsshnaidm: grep for Ironic::Conductor06:39
sshnaidmjaosorior, yeah, I see now06:39
jaosoriorsshnaidm: if you grep for "agent" (ignoring caps) only thing that shows up is neutron related stuff06:40
sshnaidmjaosorior, I would say it may be a problem06:40
sshnaidmjaosorior, maybe something in my override file is wrong??06:40
sshnaidmjaosorior, syntax and all this06:40
jaosoriorsshnaidm: the point with my comment is that, if nothing from ironic::drivers::agent is showing up in the logs. It means that the include for ironic::drivers::agent is not being done. Which will then ignore your overrides06:41
sshnaidmjaosorior, oh, I see06:42
sshnaidmthat's odd06:42
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jaosorioryour syntax IS actually wrong06:42
jaosoriorI'll fix it up quickly06:42
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Update the Mistral action names
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Save console logs from all vms to files
sshnaidmjaosorior, thanks, I suspected it is..06:43
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Save console logs from all vms to files
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Update the Mistral action names
jaosoriorsshnaidm: I fixed it up and rebased it on top of tripleo-ci. Just in case06:43
sshnaidmjaosorior, oh, two colons, thanks!06:43
jaosoriorsshnaidm: this is what I changed
jaosoriorsshnaidm: I'm still puzzled why ironic::drivers::agent didn't show up in the logs at all. As it was explicitly included in the commit by dtantsur|afk you showed me06:44
jaosoriorbuuut lets see what the next run says06:44
sshnaidmjaosorior, let's see..06:44
jaosoriorshardy: what do you mean you can derive the same info?06:45
jaosoriorshardy: Ok, I'll show you in a bit what I want to do with that networkname. That I don't think I can derive from the VIP parts you mentioned06:45
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jaosoriorjust gotta brew coffee first :P06:46
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openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Update the Mistral action names
shardyd0ugal: Hey, FYI I got the j2 templated deploys working via tripleoclient w/mistral yesterday06:53
d0ugalshardy: Nice one06:53
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Remove the old, deprecated action names.
shardyd0ugal: is the tripleoclient part (needs tests) feedback appreciated06:53
d0ugalshardy: I'll take a look now.06:53
shardyd0ugal: I think there's scope for simplifying the client side stuff, but for now I've just switched from pointing heatclient at the local tht_root, instead pointing it at the swift bucket06:54
shardywhich heatclient supports, just in a slightly non-obvious way06:54
d0ugalshardy: right, it looks like it was fairly easy to fit in which is nice!06:55
shardyd0ugal: Yeah, it took a while to figure out but it's not too bad06:56
shardyd0ugal: also see the Depends-On patch, I added the process_templates action to the create_plan* workflows06:56
shardyso we do the j2 render when the plan is created06:56
shardywe'll also need to figure out how that step happens when an existing plan gets updated06:56
shardybut that looks like a problem in general that's not super well solved atm?06:56
* shardy didn't see any update plan workflows06:57
d0ugalshardy: hmm, good point, I don't think it is very well tested at least.06:58
cmysterdid someone say test?06:58
shardyd0ugal: we need to fix that asap, like what happens if you run deploy --templates tht/old then deploy --templates tht/new ?06:58
shardyit looks like we skip creating the plan and just use the old one?06:59
d0ugalshardy: due to backwards compat, `openstack overcloud deploy --templates` pretty much ignores there is a plan if it exists and overwrites it.06:59
d0ugalshardy: because we couldn't have it change behaviour on a second deploy now we suddenly have a plan behind it06:59
shardyd0ugal: Ok, it wasn't clear if it just ignored it and used the old one, will test it out later06:59
d0ugalReally? I need to check that... that isn't what I had wanted :/06:59
d0ugalI'll look at that now06:59
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Remove the old, deprecated Mistral action names.
shardyd0ugal: to be honest I was looking at it very late last night, so I could be wrong07:00
d0ugalshardy: damn, I think you are correct.07:00
shardybut I don't see where we update the container with tht/new when an existing deploy is updated07:00
d0ugalshardy: this probably got lost in all the rebasing07:01
shardyd0ugal: can you please raise a critical bug and target it at rc1 ?07:01
d0ugalshardy: Sure.07:01
shardyI don't think we can release without fixing it07:01
cmystershardy: are you talking about the new (simpler) tht templates that were getting ?07:02
d0ugalshardy: sure, I'll have a fix soon.07:02
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shardycmyster: No I'm talking about our new method of deploying which is tripleoclient talks to mistral and swift, vs directly to heat07:02
shardycmyster: there's a few remaining issues we're working out07:02
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1620932 in tripleo "openstack overcloud deploy will use the old plan and wont update on a second deploy" [Critical,Confirmed]07:03
shardyd0ugal: thanks - if you've got bandwidth to help with a fix that would be great07:04
d0ugalshardy: doing it now07:04
shardyI can help with testing/reviews when it's ready07:04
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d0ugalshardy: The easy option is just to delete the plan if it exists, but that is a bit hacky - since we don't have any history anyway it is almost the same as updating the plan but easier and cleaner. what do you think?07:05
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shardyd0ugal: sounds OK as a first step, but I wonder if we'll need something more robust if we offer a create plan, modify plan, deploy scheme07:07
shardyvs just create plan, deploy07:07
shardyI guess it fixes the immediate regression tho07:07
d0ugalshardy: Yeah, agreed. I'll get that review up and then start looking at it properly.07:08
shardydentist, bbiab07:08
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openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Cleanup the existing plan before deploying if one already exists
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openstackgerritMartin André proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Have docker start script honor configuration
openstackgerritMartin André proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add steps to containerized compute deployment
openstackgerritMartin André proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: WIP: Containerized Services for Composable Roles
openstackgerritMartin André proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Bind mount files to run DiD in latest atomic host
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Fetch internal certificates for HAProxy based on network
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openstackgerritTomas Sedovic proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Allow the validations to run openstack commands
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Hook internal TLS flag to apache-based services
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add HAProxy TLS handled by certmonger as composable service
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openstackgerritJulie Pichon proposed openstack/tripleo-ui: Expand help message on config sample file
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Update the Mistral action names
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jaosoriorshardy: hey man, this is what I was planning to use the network for
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jaosoriorshardy: the other way to do it is to pass everything via t-h-t. But that we need to set up a big chunk of yaml with all the services and a reference to their specific certificate... So I figured this was the best way to do it in a composable service type of way.08:04
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shardyjaosorior: ack, yeah that makes sense08:06
shardythanks for the clarification08:06
shardyfits pretty well with the other $service_* stuff we have in hiera now08:06
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jaosoriorshardy: so what do you think? Did it make sense to you? Or do you think we could do it another way?08:06
d0ugalshardy: Just waiting for a deploy to finish to test it08:07
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shardyjaosorior: I think it's fine given the cert-per-network requirement08:09
d0ugaljtomasek: ping08:09
jaosoriorshardy: alright. Will continue this path and test it out. Thanks for checking it out08:09
jtomasekd0ugal: pong08:09
d0ugaljtomasek: Can you point me to the UI code that creates a plan?08:10
d0ugaljtomasek: or do you only offer the default plan now?08:10
jtomasekd0ugal: sec08:10
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shardyd0ugal: ack - we also should follow-up on the update/upgrade testing CI patches, as we should ensure this is tested in future (including making a change to the plan/templates)08:11
d0ugalshardy: +1, shall I open another bug for that?08:11
jtomasekd0ugal: it is a series of api calls08:11
d0ugaljtomasek: You create the container with swift directly?08:12
jtomasekd0ugal: yes, as that is what the workflow expects as an input08:12
jtomasekflorianf: ^08:12
d0ugaljtomasek: k, you should sitch to the create_container action08:12
d0ugalotherwise the container will be missing the tripleo metadata08:13
jtomasekd0ugal: ook, what metadata is it?08:13
d0ugaljtomasek: It's just a key to mark it as a tripleo-managed container08:13
jtomasekd0ugal: won't that happen during plan creation? why does that need to be run before it?08:14
d0ugaljtomasek: because that needs to happen when you create the container AFAIK08:15
florianfd0ugal: we add a bit of metadata when creating the container.08:15
d0ugalflorianf: oh :(08:15
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d0ugalit would be better to use the action - I'll open a bug.08:16
jtomasekd0ugal, florianf: I think we can do that08:16
florianfd0ugal: the metadata was exactly my concern about creating the plan via swift. because we basically need to keep the business logic of tripleo-common and tripleo-ui in sync08:16
jtomasekflorianf: what metadata do we add? is it still relevant to mistral driven plan management?08:16
d0ugalflorianf: unless you use the action and then it is all the same :)08:16
florianfd0ugal: Of course, it makes things slightly more stable to use the action08:16
florianfd0ugal: But what if tripleo-common decides to add meta data to each object?08:17
jtomasekyeah, not possible:)08:17
d0ugalflorianf: well, we would only do that in an action or a workflow?08:17
d0ugalflorianf: but "what if" could be said about many things ;)08:17
florianfd0ugal: Sure, but that's why we advocated to create a plan using *only* the tripleo-common api and ignore swift08:18
d0ugalflorianf: I didn't disagree, I wanted it too.08:18
florianfd0ugal: Let the API take care of storage08:18
shardyd0ugal: sure, please do, and tag it with ci08:18
d0ugalflorianf: I also don't want anyone to use actions directly08:18
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jtomasekflorianf, d0ugal: I think we're going to get there, eventually08:18
* jpich side-glance to the JSON workflow patch08:19
florianfd0ugal: But yeah, it still totally make sense to use the action for container creation.08:19
openstackgerritMartin André proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Manage tripleo-ui configuration files with puppet
d0ugalflorianf: +1, I'll open a bug, it's non-urgent :)08:20
florianfd0ugal: thanks!08:20
florianfjpich: :-)08:20
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jbadiapaI tried to test tripleo-quickstart with newton and apparently the links are broken. I meant there is no undercloud.qcow2 at
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jbadiapacan anyone help to solve this?08:23
jaosoriorjbadiapa: you might want to ask in #oooq08:23
jaosoriorjbadiapa: there's most of the people that could help with that08:24
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jbadiapajaosorior, thanks08:24
* shardy feels sad that has a different channel08:24
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jaosoriorshardy: I actually don't know why it's a different channel either :/08:24
jaosoriorit's not like theres a lot of traffic in this one08:25
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shardyIt's part of a broader problem which is that oooq was never fully integrated upstream, e.g in our CI/docs etc08:25
shardyhopefully we can discuss the way forward with that for Ocata08:26
jaosoriorI think it would be great to include tripleo-quickstart in the tripleo-docs08:26
jaosoriorbut yeah, probably something to talk about in Barcelona08:26
shardyI would support that, but not until we're testing it in upstream CI08:26
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jaosoriorshardy: I think sshnaidm had a commit for that08:26
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/tripleo-ui: Update the Mistral action names to use the new version
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* shardy rebases patches due to merge-confict08:27
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Remove the old, deprecated Mistral action names.
jaosoriorshardy: haha I know the feel. This chain is gonna be a real pain
shardyYeah, just frustrating, I expected those two patches to land this morning08:28
shardyoh well, same for all of us :)08:28
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jaosoriorshardy: they already had a +A, right?08:29
shardyOnly one of them08:29
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jaosoriorshardy: I'll just +A it again.08:30
sshnaidmjaosorior, shardy oooq patch, fyi:
jaosoriorshardy: the other one was the one moving the swift stuff, right?08:30
shardyjaosorior: Yeah, the swift one is the top of the branch08:30
shardywe'll need to wait for CI anyway08:30
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jaosoriorsshnaidm: nice!08:31
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openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Move role deployment steps into puppet/post.yaml
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Convert SwiftDevicesAndProxyConfig to composable format
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openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Remove *ExtraConfig parameters from overcloud.yaml
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Fetch internal certificates for HAProxy based on network
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sshnaidmOMG, delorean setup takes 45(!) minutes in jobs08:43
sshnaidmand they tell me there is no AFS mirror issues08:43
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openstackgerritJulie Pichon proposed openstack/tripleo-ui: Expand help message on config sample file
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shardysshnaidm: that can't be right, surely?08:50
shardyit takes a few seconds locally08:50
sshnaidmshardy, either it gets socket timeout and fails or takes about 45 mins08:51
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shardysshnaidm: Hope we can fix that.  I guess it also impacts image building too?08:54
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shardyI know we have that cached now, but some jobs will still need to build images08:54
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sshnaidmshardy, it affects every job, we install delorean anyway, looking into..08:56
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sshnaidmwho changed scripts/te-broker/create-env on te-broker machine?08:57
sshnaidmderekh, bnemec ^^08:57
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derekhsshnaidm: I think bnemec did, he mentioned it in his email last night08:58
sshnaidmderekh, ok, seems like there is na error in it, but it affects only failed cases, so it's ok08:59
derekhsshnaidm: where is the setup taking 45 minutes08:59
derekhsshnaidm: ok08:59
sshnaidmderekh, pip install, using afs mirrors08:59
sshnaidmderekh, pip installs delorean for a 45 minutes, or just disconnects09:00
sshnaidmderekh, seems like we have the same problem as yesterday in addition09:01
derekhsshnaidm: hmm, I don't see it on any jobs I've looked at so far, can you point me at an example?09:02
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Migrate to using osc-lib
jtomasekd0ugal: the new action names are now merged in tripleo-common, right?09:04
d0ugaljtomasek: yup09:04
derekhsshnaidm: thats a job failing to get an env, I was looking for an example of a 45 minute delorean setup09:04
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sshnaidmderekh, oh, just a sec09:05
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openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Remove "type: direct" from workflows as it is the default
sshnaidmderekh, telnet://
sshnaidmstill running09:10
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shardydtantsur: Hey, if we land this docs patch, is that the ironic-integration BP completed?09:12
shardynvm, sorry just refreshed and saw your reply ;)09:12
shardysorry for the noise09:12
shardycan someone please review ^^09:13
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openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed openstack/tripleo-ui: Implement Validation Detail modal
openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed openstack/tripleo-ui: Run Validations automatically
openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed openstack/tripleo-ui: ModalPanel component
dtantsurshardy, so yeah, feature-wise it's complete. I might eventually extend these docs to cover two NICs, but I should figure it out myself first. this works and is safe to land IMO09:14
shardydtantsur: ack, thanks09:14
shardyjust trying to complete all-the-things for rc109:15
dtantsurfair call :)09:15
dtantsuralso good morning/afternoon everyone09:15
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derekhsshnaidm: wow, that did take a long time09:16
dtantsurshardy, btw, does the host aggregates thing make sense to you? it's the first time I'm doing something like that. works for me locally, but dunno if it can be made simpler/saner...09:17
openstackgerritSaravanan KR proposed openstack/os-net-config: Fixed nic numbering issue of DPDK nics after the nic has bound
shardydtantsur: Yeah it does, but I suspect we'll be looking for ways to simplify the docs overall during Ocata09:19
shardyseems fine to me for a first pass tho, thanks for including so much detail09:19
derekhsshnaidm: the AFS mirror seems to have gotten fast again now, I wonder was the repository updated or something09:19
dtantsurshardy, yeah, I was essentially dumping everything I was doing while testing it :)09:19
shardydtantsur: Yeah, I kinda guessed that :)09:20
shardyseems like a good starting point09:20
derekhsshnaidm: testing it like this, the first download of each file is slow and then it gets faster
shardykarthiks: Hey I spotted an issue with
derekhsshnaidm: although 40 minutes still seems too long09:21
shardyplease see if you agree, I think the yaml list syntax is wrong09:21
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dtantsuron a bright side, I've learned so many new things while working on it :)09:21
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shardywould be good to get some confirmation this has been tested, as I don't think that will work as posted09:21
karthiksshardy,  Will look in to09:21
skramajashardy: i guess beagles just followed as like
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Migrate to using osc-lib
openstackgerritAttila Darazs proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart: create release files for consistent and current-tripleo
skramajashardy: i will test it and revert back.09:26
openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Make sure major upgrade script fails.
shadowerare the OVB jobs busted again or just generally flakey?09:31
openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP -- clean full upgrade review
sshnaidmderekh, first download problem I know from my dev envs runs, it's usual thing there, didn't have a chance to handle this09:31
shardyskramaja: weird, I don't see how that can work09:32
shardyit's not valid yaml09:32
skramajashardy: even for dpdk, i have did it in the same way -
shardyskramaja: I'll test it too, I suspect the evaluation order of the functions means we're getting away with it09:32
skramajashardy: and i have tested and validated it. i will cross check again and will revert back.09:32
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add VIP names to allNodesConfig
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dtantsurhow to screw up your tripleo deployment: 1. expect that overcloud-full contains the latest puppet modules, 2. done! >_<09:34
shardyupload-puppet-modules ftw09:35
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shardymake sure you have the latest tripleo-common though as I landed a fix to it yesterday09:35
jaosoriorshardy: derekh seems that the ovb gate is broken again (seen 4 commits fail very early on the process just now)09:35
dtantsurshardy, yeah... I wonder how I ended up with overcloud-full not matching undercloud, provided that I've built the image myself...09:36
shardykarthiks: shows the error I'm referring to09:37
skramajashardy: i am looking in to..09:38
shardyskramaja: actually, my example was wrong, it works!09:39
shardythe fact that it works is a heat bug IMO09:40
shardyso we should change it anyway09:40
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skramajashardy: ok. got it. we will rework both sriov and dpdk templates.09:41
derekhjaosorior: all kinds of random things are still happening on the controller and we havn't nailed down the problem, for one you linked we got09:41
derekh2016-09-07 09:20:43.892 19121 ERROR heat.engine.resource MessagingTimeout: Timed out waiting for a reply to message ID 4c6911b7a50d40c18438f37e95d09c3009:41
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jaosoriorderekh: ah, same stuff as yesterday then?09:41
jaosoriorderekh: sorry for the noise. Thought this was a different issue.09:42
derekhjaosorior: looks like it09:42
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shardyskramaja: actually, it doesn't work - the error is sliently ignored, but the output format is wrong09:42
shardyI'll raise a heat bug09:42
skramajaok.. thanks shardy .. i will modify accordingly.09:43
derekhsshnaidm: I'm thinking we just try the reboot to make bnemec's cpu change, any one of those should make the situation better, do you know how to do the CPU thing?09:43
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derekhshardy: btw, sshnaidm got heat-manage to work yesterday, something to do with a rc file that needed to be sourced09:45
shardyderekh: Ok, that sounds unexpected, a bug report would be good as it should at least fail with an error if it's missing variables from the env09:46
derekhshardy: ack, sshnaidm ^09:46
openstackLaunchpad bug 1620985 in heat "map_merge accepts invalid input, produces unexpected output" [Undecided,New]09:46
shardyskramaja: ^^ FYI09:46
jaosoriorsshnaidm: what did heat-manage need to work?09:47
sshnaidmderekh, he wrote it here:
sshnaidmjaosorior, I forgot to source rc file09:48
sshnaidmderekh, we talked about enabling rh2 yesterday09:50
jaosoriorsshnaidm: why would you need to source the rc file?09:51
sshnaidmderekh, the problem was that pabelanger wanted to create openstackzuul tenant there and share networks between the current one09:51
sshnaidmjaosorior, I don't know, but it stared to work then09:51
jaosoriorsshnaidm: heat-manage should need admin permissions from the system it's ran at, but shouldn't be using keystone :/09:51
jaosoriordamn, that's weird dude09:51
shardyit definitely shouldn't need the rc file to purge DB data, and it shouldn't fail silently09:53
shardyso at least one bug there09:53
shardysshnaidm: can you please raise a bug report against heat showing what you found?09:53
derekhsshnaidm: I'm not sure rh2 would be enough, we've renabled a bunch of jobs and would end up with queues days long09:54
sshnaidmshardy, sorry, which exactly problem to report?09:54
shardysshnaidm: that heat-manage silently did nothing until you sourced an rc file09:55
sshnaidmshardy, oh, heat-manage, ok09:55
shardyit probably shouldn't need the RC file, and if it does then it should really fail loudly when it's missing09:55
shardysome weird stuff got added to heat-manage the last couple of cycles, but I don't see why we'd need the rc file to purge the DB09:55
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jaosoriorshardy: WTF... heat-manage requires admin context from keystone09:57
jaosoriorthat makes no sense...09:57
jaosoriorshardy: I see this was the thing
shardyjaosorior: ack, makes sense - still don't see why it needs it for purge, probably a bug09:59
derekhsshnaidm: bnemec I can't get a console to change the biod setting on the controller because "This feature requires an iDRAC Enterprise license. For more details on how to obtain a license, visit License Page."09:59
jaosoriorshardy: seems like it. It should only need it for the heat services status09:59
derekhzoli_gone-proxy: ^^ any ideas ?
openstackgerritSaravanan KR proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add base neutron service configuration
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sshnaidmderekh, could you please check before this: /opt/stack/tripleo-ci/scripts/te-broker/create-env on centos@te-broker machine10:02
sshnaidmderekh, last lines there10:03
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sshnaidmderekh, I see in te logs a lot of repeating creating env, but it seems to succeed each time.. or I don't understand something10:04
derekhsshnaidm: is that what bnemec put in the file?10:05
sshnaidmderekh, yes10:05
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derekhsshnaidm: it looks ok to me, this isn't the part where we create a env, this is where we get details about the env10:06
derekhsshnaidm: last night we noticed that the envs sometimes got created correctly but then10:06
derekhsshnaidm: build-nodes-json hit errors when getting details about the env10:06
derekhsshnaidm: so bnemec added a retry to get the env details10:07
derekhI wonder should thse be cleared
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sshnaidmderekh, and /var/log/testenv-worker.log looks ok?10:10
sshnaidmderekh, yeah, rabbit is the monster in controller10:12
openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Refactor upgrade checks.
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derekhsshnaidm: actually your correct, something is wrong with create-env, its retrying to call build-nodes-json when it doesn't need too and eventually gives up10:17
derekhsshnaidm: I think the break isn'#t working because it in a subshell, tesating something10:18
sshnaidmderekh, yeah, looks like this10:18
sshnaidmand hav_json.. is always 010:19
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derekhsshnaidm: updated the file, can you see what you think10:21
jaosoriorshadower: ovb jobs are currently broken, so if you tried to recheck because of that it's not gonna work yet :/10:22
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Get template contents from plan, not local path
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openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Refactor upgrade checks.
shadowerjaosorior: oh ok :-(10:26
sshnaidmderekh, yep, should work, let's see10:26
openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP -- clean full upgrade review
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP: DONT MERGE TESTING
sshnaidmderekh, did you see this?
openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Refactor upgrade checks.
openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP -- clean full upgrade review
sshnaidmderekh, is there described a problem with your login to drac?10:29
derekhsshnaidm: I'm able to login to drac, and poke around a things, but the place where the console should be it just says "This feature requires an iDRAC Enterprise license. For more details on how to obtain a license, visit License Page."10:31
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sshnaidmok, didnt' see this before..10:32
openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Refactor upgrade checks.
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b00tcatI can't get an overcloud deployed successfully (following the docs) because the resource ControllerNodesPostDeployment can't be created correctly...10:33
b00tcatI can see this on the logs does anybody have a clue?10:33
derekhcielometer should be consuming these correct?   so I should be ok purging those queues?10:33
jaosoriorb00tcat: can you check if the heat logs say anything?10:34
shardyb00tcat: what is the output from "openstack stack failures list overcloud"10:34
openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP -- clean full upgrade review
shardyb00tcat: that resource applies puppet to configure all the services, we need to see the actual puppet error to help10:35
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b00tcatjaosorior, shardy : can that be found elsewhere than /var/log/heat/heat-engine.log ?10:36
b00tcatI only see python stacktraces there10:36
jaosoriorshardy: the log he sent seemed like a heat crash10:36
jaosoriorb00tcat: well, what stacktraces are there?10:37
shardyjaosorior: No it looks like the deployment failed10:39
shardyDeployment exited with non-zero status code: 610:39
shardypuppet failed10:39
* b00tcat creating a paste10:39
jaosoriorshardy: ah I had misunderstood. Thought that came up from the overcloud deploy10:40
shardyjaosorior: Yeah, sometimes heat logs a traceback when a resource failure happens10:40
jaosoriorb00tcat: the logs won't tell much. I do recommend you follow shardy's advice and run openstack stack failures list10:40
shardyperhaps we should fix that, but it's sometimes useful10:40
b00tcatyou're right the logs don't tell much10:40
b00tcathm it says that `stack failures` is not a valid command10:41
jaosoriorb00tcat: alright, seems you don't have that command available yet. Then lets do this10:42
jaosoriorb00tcat: heat resource-list -n 5 overcloud | grep FAIL10:42
jaosoriorb00tcat: that will tell you which specific heat resources failed10:43
jaosoriorb00tcat: then you need to look for something of the type OS::Heat::SoftwareDeployment or OS::Heat::StructuredDeployment10:43
jaosorioryou can then use the UUID of that to inspect the failure10:43
jaosoriorb00tcat: heat deployment-show <failed deployment UUID>10:44
b00tcatright I see two of these10:44
b00tcatis `StructuredDeployments` also relevant?10:44
jaosoriorb00tcat: no, that is just the envelope that groups several deployments10:44
jaosoriorb00tcat: you can also do heat deployment-output-show <failed deployment UUID> deploy_stderr10:45
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b00tcatnice, Puppet output - now this I can understand :-)10:46
b00tcatI see memory allocation problems10:46
jaosoriorb00tcat: well, that's that. Seems that your nodes have too little memory for the deployment :/10:47
jaosoriorb00tcat: what are the specs you gave?10:47
b00tcatI followed everything as is in the docs:/10:47
b00tcatlet me check10:47
jaosoriorb00tcat: so these are the values I've been using10:49
jaosoriorcontrol_memory: 614410:49
jaosoriorcompute_memory: 614410:49
jaosoriorundercloud_memory: 819210:49
b00tcatso I set these values as env variables before executing `instack-undercloud` - now that I have my undercloud created (and I'm inside it) how can I change that 5120M memory value?10:50
b00tcatjust re-export the var?10:50
jaosoriorb00tcat: that I don't know :/ I use quickstart myself10:50
b00tcatI'll investigate10:50
b00tcatthis was very helpful thanks!10:50
openstackgerritSaravanan KR proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Fix service config files having wrong map_merge format
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shardyb00tcat: it's possible you need to increase the memory available - usage has crept up recently as we've added a bunch of stuff10:53
shardyit also depends what services you have enabled, you could disable stuff by passing a modified ControllerServices list10:54
shardy shows how10:54
b00tcatthanks shardy, going to read it10:55
shardyb00tcat: FYI this is how I configure things
shardy8G for undercloud and overcloud nodes10:55
shardyI can launch three overcloud nodes and the undercloud on a box with 32G ram10:56
skramajashardy: while verifying the map_merge issue, i found another 2 files with the same problem in the whole of puppet/services. i have fixed all..10:56
skramajashardy: raised
openstackLaunchpad bug 1621008 in tripleo "Fix service config files having wrong map_merge format" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Saravanan KR (skramaja)10:57
b00tcatok I'll give them more resources then - this server that I'm using has 128G of ram and I just followed the docs values ^^"10:57
shardyskramaja: nice, thanks!10:57
shardyb00tcat: sounds good - we should probably update the docs and/or show how to turn off services there10:57
dtantsurI even use 12 Gi for undercloud, 8 Gi is not too much11:00
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dtantsurcontrol_memory: 819211:00
dtantsurcompute_memory: 614411:00
dtantsurundercloud_memory: 1228811:00
dtantsurundercloud_vcpu: 411:00
dtantsur(ironic does put some additional load on controllers, hence 8 Gi for them)11:01
dtantsurb00tcat, ^^^11:01
dtantsurI launch 6 vms on my 64 Gi machine, so your can have more :)11:02
dtantsur* 7 vms counting undercloud11:02
b00tcatgood to know ;)11:03
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shardydtantsur: Yeah, I do enable 1G swap on my undercloud, although it doesn't get used much11:13
* shardy looks around for more ram11:13
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sshnaidmderekh, it seems not bad at all now11:21
derekhsshnaidm: whoop ;-)11:21
openstackgerritAna Krivokapic proposed openstack/tripleo-ui: Extract Mistral action and workflow names into constants
sshnaidmderekh, I think to workaround this afs issue with first pip failure..11:22
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derekhsshnaidm: not sure what that means11:24
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openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Try again to install modules from AFS PyPi mirror
sshnaidmderekh, ^^11:26
sshnaidmderekh, it's what we talked about, with long and broke pip installations11:26
jaosoriorjistr: could you check again this ? I was told to change the path for the puppet manifest11:27
derekhsshnaidm: ok11:28
sshnaidmderekh, but I still see delete_failed and create_failed stacks in the controller :(11:28
sshnaidmseems like restart is inevitable11:29
derekhsshnaidm: yup, I just don't think we can make the cpu change without console access or somebody at the actual host doing it11:30
sshnaidmderekh, and where are hosts physically?11:32
sshnaidmor geographically11:33
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derekhshardy: phoenix , we may need to talk to zoli|brb about having somebody at the host to change the bios11:41
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jaosoriorthanks jistr11:44
jistrhehe np :)11:45
derekhshardy: sorry wrong person, sshnaidm ^11:45
jaosoriormarios, shardy: You guys think we can merge this?
shardyjaosorior: have we moved creating hosts files into puppet now?11:48
jaosoriorshardy: only the overcloud VIP-related hosts for now. haven't gotten to move the other hosts yet11:48
jaosoriorshardy: currently there is nothing creating /etc/hosts entries for the VIP endpoints11:48
shardyI was wondering how we deal with the overlap with an element and puppet configuring the same file11:49
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shardythe ordering means it'll probably work11:49
shardybut it may end up being fragile11:49
jaosoriorshardy: we already went through that actually. The ordering works, and when there's an update, the element only changes the stuff that is between some special flags it sets11:50
dtantsurshardy, speaking of overlaps, we need you opinion on - overlap between PXE in puppet and the iPXE element in i-u11:50
jaosoriorshardy: the element doesn't nuke the /etc/hosts file11:50
shardyjaosorior: ack, that's what I was wondering11:50
jaosoriordoes anyone have some extra cycles to help me debug some heat templates?11:51
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jaosoriorEmilienM: hey dude, what's up? Saw your commits regarding the fernet tokens work. Good stuff!11:51
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jaosoriorEmilienM: I just have one doubt about those. But need to wait for ayoung to login to ask him about it11:51
EmilienMjaosorior: it's not fernet, it's only credentials now11:51
jaosoriorEmilienM: ah, I see. thought we were also covering fernet with that. I misunderstood then11:52
mariosjaosorior: i haven't looked at that one before11:52
EmilienMjaosorior: I'll do fernet right after this11:52
mariosjaosorior: added to queue but for tomorrow if still around11:52
shardydtantsur: approved11:52
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mariosjaosorior: thanks I see is related to the " Add VIP names to allNodesConfig" i looked at earlier - anyway will have a acloser look11:54
sshnaidmderekh, connection to afs mirror is really bad11:56
dtantsurfolks, do we still need ?11:56
sshnaidmderekh, but no idea whom to blame, rh1 or afs..11:56
derekhsshnaidm: looks like a DNS problem, "Could not resolve host:; Unknown error"11:57
EmilienMfyi, CI scenarios are now all working, we're going to enable voting on them
jaosoriorEmilienM: duuuude nice!11:57
jaosoriorEmilienM: was zaqar added already to a scenario?11:58
dtantsuralso do we really need ?11:58
jaosoriorEmilienM: don't remember exactly which was it that it was being added on11:58
EmilienMjaosorior: it's in progress11:58
dtantsurEmilienM, do you plan on adding ironic there now? ;) sorry for being annoying, would be cool to get it there before RC, even if it only covers the actual installation only11:59
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EmilienMdtantsur: yes, ironic too11:59
EmilienMdtantsur: I can describe the process to do it12:00
dtantsurEmilienM, yes please.12:00
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jaosoriorEmilienM: can you do that via documentation or a blog post? I would like to start working on barbican (for Ocata)12:01
* dtantsur will be back in ~ 30 minutes, sorry12:01
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EmilienMdtantsur: you first need to submit a patch into tripleo-ci to patch scenario002 heat template and add Ironic services. Also patch the scenario002 pingtest to create an Ironic resource (goal here is to test the API). Send the patch and -1 it. Now send a patch into THT and modify puppet/services/ironic-base.yaml for example with a dumb modification. Ue depends-on in the commit message and jobs will run12:02
EmilienMI'm going to blog post about it12:02
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NikoHermannsErichey, I am using tripleo in redhat OpenStackPlatfrom12:09
NikoHermannsEricI see the problem that the authentication token is somehow wrong of nova12:10
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NikoHermannsEricnova-compute is flipping from up to down constantly12:10
zoliXXLderekh, shardy_lunch - which hosts need BIOS update/cahneg/whatever?12:11
NikoHermannsEricseeing this errors in nova-api:12:11
NikoHermannsEric2016-09-07 08:03:50.960 44603 WARNING keystonemiddleware.auth_token [-] Identity response: {"error": {"message": "Could not find token: c5b36be6b9224de282612bd6af88fdff", "code": 404, "title": "Not Found"}}2016-09-07 08:03:50.960 44603 WARNING keystonemiddleware.auth_token [-] Authorization failed for token12:11
NikoHermannsEricTimeout, server cic1 not responding.12:11
jaosoriorNikoHermannsEric: which version (liberty, mitaka, newton) and which nova? the one from the overcloud or undercloud?12:12
NikoHermannsEricohh no sorry osp 8 that is liberty i think12:13
jaosoriorjistr: hadn't there been a similar issue in mitaka that was backported and fixed? ^^12:13
ansiwenchem, mwhahaha: what user and project can I use in the init.pp of puppet-tempest. Are there certain users/project predefined, that I can use?12:13
derekhzoliXXL: we were talking about chaing the CPu setting on the overcloud controller, it has to be done in the BIOS, but I can't get a console , see
* zoliXXL looks12:15
zoliXXLsame here12:15
zoliXXLiDRAC issue ?12:16
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jistrNikoHermannsEric, jaosorior: hmm it doesn't ring a bell to me at least... We've seen general problems with keystone tokens at times, if the overcloud nodes didn't have a properly configured NTP and their clocks were offset from each other. Is there a chance this could be the problem?12:17
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ansiwenchem, mwhahaha: ok, I guess I found the answer by myself, $project_name and $username should be a fair guess12:18
NikoHermannsEricat least that makes it clear why I don't see issues in other deployments12:18
NikoHermannsEricok I will check that12:19
NikoHermannsEricthanks for the help12:19
jistrsure thing :)12:19
openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP -- clean full upgrade review
derekhzoliXXL: don't know, do this things need a license installed or something?12:21
beaglesshardy: is someone going through the other yaml files and making sure that they dont' have that syntax-after-map-merge issue?12:22
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zoliXXLderekh, it seems that the time for another round of "iDRAC housekeeping" is coming :)12:22
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beaglesshardy ne'er mind12:23
skramajabeagles: i have gone through it and and found fiew including dpdk. added
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beaglesskramaja, yup looking at patch now12:24
beaglesskramaja, considering it is neutron api and ovs agent - pretty weird things haven't been blowing up all along12:25
skramajabeagles: since neutron base config is included in multiple locations, those hiera will be set by other means.. and as per the bug, whatever set on the yaml will work.. what evenr included is not working.12:26
beaglesskramaja, ah good point12:26
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dtantsurEmilienM, hmm, I think we don't have ironic resources in Heat..12:28
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EmilienMdtantsur: sad12:28
dtantsuryeah... it was blocked by devananda some time ago.. now he no longer blocks it, but somebody needs to finish them12:29
dtantsurstill, I would like to test that the installation succeeds12:29
EmilienMwe can find a workaround12:29
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-quickstart: create release files for consistent and current-tripleo
dtantsurEmilienM, thanks anyway, I will propose something after lunch12:32
EmilienMdtantsur: i'll also think about it later today12:34
ayoungjaosorior, yeah, I saw those, too.12:36
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dtantsurEmilienM, hmm, I guess I also need to update project-config to trigger the job on *ironic*.yaml, right?12:43
EmilienMdtantsur: I'm writting a blog post atm12:44
mandremy overcloud deployment fails with "Could not find class ::tripleo::profile::base::database::mysql for overcloud-controller-0.localdomain", does it ring a bell?12:44
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tbarronmarios: I just reported a new overcloud deploy result on
mandreI do have the ::tripleo::profile::base::database::mysql profile on my undercloud12:46
dtantsurEmilienM, mm, I think a see a problem. do we really configure nova-compute on a controller in these scenarios?12:47
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dtantsurmandre, you should have it in your overcloud-full, not on undercloud12:51
mariostbarron: thanks will have a closer look in a bit... could be an issue with the manila-ceph backend since that has already landed into puppet-tripleo12:52
dtantsurmandre, see example #2 in or try rebuilding the image12:52
mandredtantsur: ohhh thanks... I'm using atomic host so rebuiling overcloud-full is not really an option12:54
dtantsurtoo many moving bits still, such cases should become more rare after RC, I hope :)12:55
dtantsurI got hit by an even nastier problem with the same root cause today12:55
mandredtantsur: haha, this morning it took me way too long to realize I wasn't dealing with a bash variable in
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-ui: Update the Mistral action names to use the new version
thrashdtantsur: fyi...
dtantsurawesome, thanks13:05
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tbarronmarios: that is my suspicion as well, i'm going to attempt to patch that locally and re-deploy13:07
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dtantsurdo we support (out of box at least) advances network configuration NOT related to network isolation?13:07
dtantsureverything I've seen so far was more or less part of this feature...13:08
openstackgerritSaravanan KR proposed openstack/os-net-config: Fixed nic numbering issue of DPDK nics after the nic has bound
shardy_lunchdtantsur: you can configure the host networking however you like, within the constraints of what is supported by os-net-config, if that's what you mean?13:08
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openstackgerritFlorian Fuchs proposed openstack/tripleo-ui: Update validations after Mistral executions listing is updated
dtantsurshardy, probably :) please bear with me, I don't know much about OS networking. I want to explore 2 NICs configuration for Ironic in overcloud, where a separate NIC (and a separate flat networking on it) is using for bare metal instances.13:09
dtantsursocial_, is something wrong with ?13:09
social_dtantsur: nevermind taking it away, it's RHEL issue13:10
EmilienMdtantsur, jaosorior:
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/instack-undercloud: Use ironic::pxe class to setup PXE
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social_dtantsur: it will break anyway just later, I'll try to get that fixed before we hit it :)13:10
dtantsurEmilienM, please see my ping above.. if I get it right, we configure nova-compute on a controller with libvirt... this is not compatible with how we cook ironic now.13:11
shardydtantsur: I'd look at these as a starting point:13:11
EmilienMdtantsur: I know Sir13:11
shardyyou'd need to adapt them to have two nics, and pass in the configuration parameters for the baremetal dedicated interface13:11
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jristjtomasek, flfuchs - did you guys get my email about ?13:12
EmilienMshardy: can I have a review on and please?13:12
shardydtantsur: see the list in the network_config: key from line 9213:12
dtantsurshardy, thanks. so it's not quite out of box, we need to build such configuration ourselves13:12
dtantsurshardy, do you think it would be useful to have it in tree? or is it too specific?13:13
EmilienMdprince: how many time is required before tripleo planet shows a new blog post?13:13
shardydtantsur: Yeah, we provide a few sample configs, but it's pretty hard to ancipate all the special snowflakes around nic configs13:13
jtomasekjrist: yeah, make sure you have latest tripleo-common installed13:13
jtomasekjrist: pull latest master from tripleo-common and do steps in README.md13:13
shardydtantsur: not sure, push the review when you have something working & we can discuss if it fits in t-h-t13:13
jristthanks jtomasek13:14
jristjtomasek: thought I did have latest but there are a few changes13:14
dtantsurshardy, fair enough13:14
jristjtomasek: bleeding edge!13:14
jtomasekjrist: it is especially bleeding lately heh13:14
shardyEmilienM: sure, I looked at those this morning but it looked like we were blocked on the puppet-keystone patch13:15
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openstackgerritMartin André proposed openstack/instack-undercloud: Setup CORS settings for tripleo-ui
openstackgerritMartin André proposed openstack/instack-undercloud: Introduce 'enable_ui' option
dtantsurshardy, do I get it right that I'll only have to override network configuration for controllers in my (ironic) case?13:16
jaosoriorshardy: do you have any idea what could be wrong with this? seems that something in the certificates_specs section is messed up13:17
shardydtantsur: sure, if you only need the extra nic configured there13:17
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dtantsurI *suspect* so, as I guess virtual traffic will get routed via controllers anyway13:17
EmilienMshardy: ok good, just making sure you're ok with all of this13:17
jaosoriorshardy: I tested it locally in a separate stack, with sample data (that I got from my deployment) and it works there. But when I run in the template. It seems to break the output of that stack. having roles_data as None13:17
shardyEmilienM: I think the tripleoclient stuff may need to go into a mistral action (like the password generation)13:18
shardyotherwise this change will break tripleo-ui13:18
* shardy looks for where it should go13:18
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EmilienMshardy: I would like to move forward with my work, it is currently blocking the promotion of keystone package13:19
EmilienMshardy: we can have a mistral workflow in the next iteration if you don't mind.13:19
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EmilienMshardy: I don't see how it would block UI, since I'm using the same mechanism as Ceph FSID.13:19
shardyd0ugal, jtomasek: did password generation move to mistral?  I don't see it13:19
EmilienMnot afik13:19
shardyEmilienM: we're moving all this stuff into mistral actions, where it can be consumed by the UI13:20
shardythe UI doesn't use tripleoclient13:20
shardyso any fixes which only land in tripleoclient now, break the UI13:20
shardywe don't want to release with a broken UI, hence raising this13:20
EmilienMI'm happy to move is in mistral after that13:20
shardyEmilienM: sure13:20
EmilienMshardy: well, right now we're even not deploying latest keystone13:21
EmilienMimho that's more critical than everything else13:21
EmilienMif you're missing context, Keystone merged a patch that is not backward compatible because it requires to setup Keystone credentials13:21
EmilienMhence my patches to do it in tripleo13:21
shardyEmilienM: I understand the problem, I'm just trying to ensure the fixes go in the right place13:21
EmilienMI would use some help to do it in mistral workflows13:22
EmilienMafik the password generation is still in tripleoclient13:22
dprinceEmilienM: 5 minutes13:22
shardyEmilienM: that's why I'm asking d0ugal and jtomasek how the UI handles this13:22
EmilienMdprince: I see it now :)13:22
* shardy sighs13:22
EmilienMdprince: my first post13:22
jistrshardy: hey sorry -1'd this -- if you are swamped i can do the change and rebase the things on top13:22
EmilienMshardy: no problem13:23
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shardyEmilienM: to clarify, I'm not blocking this, just trying to get someone to commit to the follow-up fix on the mistral/UI side13:23
EmilienMshardy: ok, good.13:23
jtomasekshardy: I don't know tbh, I'd expect it to happen in deploy workflow13:23
dprinceEmilienM: nice, thanks for posting it13:23
jaosoriorjistr: how's your yaql foo?13:24
shardyjtomasek: I expected that too, but I don't see the list of passwords referenced there13:24
* shardy looks more closely13:24
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jistrjaosorior: heh mediocre i'd say, but had some success with things earlier. Do you want help with sth?13:25
shardyjistr: Ok, thanks, I'll update it now13:25
shardythanks for the review13:25
jistrshardy: ok thanks13:25
jaosoriorjistr: yeah dude, can't figure this out. Got this
jaosoriorjistr: and somewhere in the certificates_specs section things get messed up13:25
jaosoriorjistr: I tested it locally in a separate template and it worked there will sample that that I got from my deployment13:26
jaosoriorjistr: but when I actually try it in the overcloud I just can't figure out what's wrong there :/13:26
jaosoriorjistr: what happens is that it results in the whole role_data being Null13:26
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jaosoriorjistr: what I try to do there is iterate through the networks that are being used by the services, and generate the map that I'll use for the certificates from there.13:27
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jistrjaosorior: ah i think i spotted it -- it happened to me too earlier. the heat_template_version needs a bump to 2016-10-xx otherwise the yaql function isn't available13:28
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jistrheat_template_version: 2016-10-1413:28
jistrjaosorior: ^13:28
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jaosoriorDUDE nice!!!13:28
openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP -- clean full upgrade review
jaosoriorjistr: will try it out, thanks a lot dude!13:29
jistrhehe np :)13:29
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Hook internal TLS flag to apache-based services
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add HAProxy TLS handled by certmonger as composable service
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openstackgerritRyan Brady proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Wire in jinja templating for custom roles
EmilienMshardy: the tripleoclient, can be merged without dependencies, if you ok13:33
shardyEmilienM: Ok, can you please follow up with d0ugal and rbrady about where/how that should be wired in when deployments happen via the UI13:34
EmilienMshardy: I will for sure13:35
EmilienMmatbu: can you follow-up regarding comments please? this patch has been standing for long, I want to merge it asap.13:35
EmilienMmatbu: everything is WIP for too long time, let's make progress and merge the patches when they pass CI.13:36
jistrEmilienM, matbu: yea i'd be fine with that approach. Anyway this shouldn't be handled in the CI eventually, we should rather land the tripleoclient and instack-undercloud patches we referenced.13:37
EmilienMjistr: instack is already merged13:39
EmilienMjistr: we miss tht now13:39
openstackgerritAttila Darazs proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart: Fix the ansible-lint gate job
matbuEmilienM: +1 yep i want to merge it today if it's possible13:40
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Move role deployment steps into puppet/post.yaml
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Remove *ExtraConfig parameters from overcloud.yaml
EmilienMmatbu: hum. Have you seen comments first?13:40
matbuEmilienM: not the one from jistr13:41
matbuEmilienM: the +1 from marios  was fine too me :D13:41
mariostbarron: you're right, gimme few mins trying to untangle, reviews incoming13:41
derekhsshnaidm: can you run the heat-manage purge again with 2 days, its not working for me and I'm not sure what file you sourced? I wanna see if it makes heat stack-list faster13:41
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rbradyEmilienM, shardy: I think really belongs in tripleo-common.  I can get an equivalent patch up in a couple of minutes13:42
mariostbarron: but its a bit of a  mess.. basicallypuppet-tripleo side for manila-cephfs landed wihtout default for class params, so when you only include generic for example, that file is still expecting those values, cos no defaults. but you didn't set them , cos no cephfs native13:42
shardyrbrady: nice, thanks - I grepped and failed to find where it needs to go13:43
d0ugalshardy: Sorry, was on lunch - yeah, the password stuff hasn't been moved over yet13:44
openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Update capabilities-map.yaml
d0ugalshardy, rbrady: we might just want to do it all in one step rather than adding that one bit to Mistral.13:44
shardyd0ugal: Ok, should we go with the tripleocient patch now, then port over to mistral asap?13:44
matbujistr: EmilienM so iiuc , we can try to just stop the service and make a yum update instead ?13:44
d0ugalshardy: Yup, sounds good. I am writing the status email now, I'll include this.13:44
shardyd0ugal: relatedly - when I delete a stack, why isn't the overcloud plan deleted from swift?13:45
shardyI guess I can use your delete plan on deploy patch to work around it13:45
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d0ugalshardy: How did you delete the stack? overcloud stack delete?13:45
shardyd0ugal: No.  I need more coffee :)13:45
rbradyd0ugal: guess I should wait on the port then?13:45
* rbrady needs to sync up on current status after PTO13:46
d0ugalrbrady: I'm suggesting you move all the password generation etc. to the Mistral workflows, not just one or two new parameters13:46
shardyrbrady: sounds like we need all this stuff in mistral actions/workflow anyway so tripleoclient can switch over to it?13:46
EmilienMhonestly, I would not block the patches I did13:46
d0ugalrbrady: because without all the others I doubt it is useful.13:46
d0ugalshardy: Are you asking why when you delete the environment it isn't deleted from swift?13:46
* shardy still wants to know how the UI is generating these13:47
EmilienMwe can move it to tripleo-common but I spent all my day from yesterday to make it working on overcloud13:47
d0ugalshardy: I don't think the UI is generating them yet.13:47
shardyEmilienM: we're just having a discussion here13:47
d0ugalEmilienM: This?
shardynobody is blocking anything13:47
d0ugalEmilienM: I think it should go into tripleoclient first, because as it stands the workflows are not ready yet.13:47
EmilienMd0ugal: the puppet-keystone patch, THT and the tripleoclient13:47
shardyOk, lets do that13:47
openstackgerritMarios Andreou proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Add manila-netapp backend to manila class and tidy up generic
openstackgerritMarios Andreou proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Fixup manila-cephfs native backend defaults
ansiwenmwhahaha: thanks for you review! btw. Is there a simple way to do some local consistency checks before pushing? to find these kinds of mistakes?13:48
shardyrbrady: Are you OK if we land then rework to pull all the password stuff into mistral?13:48
rbradyshardy: I removed my -113:49
shardyrbrady: Ok, thanks13:49
openstackgerritMarios Andreou proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Fixup manila-cephfs native backend defaults
EmilienMmarios: I don't understand your +1 on , why not +2 if you're core reviewer?13:50
jristjtomasek: is rc1 right?13:50
EmilienMmarios: does it need more work?13:50
jtomasekjrist: that one is finished13:51
jristjtomasek: thanks13:51
jistrmatbu: re just stopping, i think we can do that yea, but if the current state passes CI then i'd be ok to land and iterate13:52
mariosEmilienM: i wanted to get some thoughts on the inline comment about the service stop and the package remove/re-install. still not clear to me if this is a packaging issue or what13:52
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-ui: Implement Validation Detail modal
EmilienMmarios: i'll let matbu comment and unblock the situation. We want to test upgrades asap13:52
matbujistr: k, yep the current state passed the CI (i mean the upgrade)13:52
EmilienMand I see nothing in our gate13:52
jistrEmilienM, matbu: regarding the unlanded patches that would be solving these issues, i meant and
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matbujistr: marios EmilienM but i think we can itterate13:54
jistrmatbu: yea i agree13:54
matbujistr: marios EmilienM merge this review as is and then iterate with a new one when ^ would be merged13:54
b00tcatif I see a bug on the docs, what should I do with it? is on a repo or something so I can create a patch?13:54
matbui'm pretty close to deliver the full upgrade jobs13:55
mariosEmilienM: also, imo, being core does not make the +1 button unclickable... just saying, for me +1 can mean 'see comment but not blocking' or 'im not confident to +2 this cos big review and will revisit, but not blocking' etc13:55
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-ui: Run Validations automatically
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-ui: Expand help message on config sample file
EmilienMmarios: I agree, but in the case you use +1, please explain why not +213:56
mariosmatbu: ack thanks so i can revote if we are happy ... _right now_ those reviews for the service stop and package remove/reinstall are in review and apparently very controversial so we just do it in the script as is13:56
EmilienMmarios, jistr: anyway, let's make progress on upgrade testing. I'm really scared by all upgrade work that you guys are doing and this isn't tested by our CI at all13:56
EmilienMit's blind reviewing13:57
chemEmilienM: like it was before :)13:57
EmilienMmarios: I've +2ed a lot of upgrades patches I could not test myself13:57
EmilienMchem: well, it has to change13:57
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mariosEmilienM: ok, i thought that was apparent in the comment i made my apologies i will try and be clearer on my intentions in future13:57
mariosEmilienM: yes so have I13:57
EmilienMmarios: I initiated the work to have upgrade job testing13:57
matbumarios: cool13:57
EmilienMplease help me now13:57
mariosEmilienM: and i will now revote but let the records show that EmilienM threatened my family in order for this to happen13:57
chemEmilienM: anyway I think the removal of the package is not needed13:57
chemEmilienM: stoping services is enought13:58
EmilienMmarios: ?13:58
mariosEmilienM: i am joking man, trying to make light of the discussion... like "he was threatened and changed his vote to +2"13:59
EmilienMoh ok13:59
mariosEmilienM: i am going to revote on the review .13:59
EmilienMmarios: once we have undercloud upgrade tested (non voting), matbu will make progress on overcloud13:59
jistrmarios, EmilienM, matbu: i gave in under the threats and +2'd the patch13:59
EmilienMthanks guys13:59
jistrno torturing pls13:59
EmilienMjistr: i'll make you write Puppet unit tests if you don't +2 lol14:00
* matbu is now afraid of working on tripleo-ci14:00
chemEmilienM: well you should remove the deinstall/reinstall14:00
jistrnot sure if we need the OVB jobs passig too though, before we merge?14:00
sshnaidmderekh, sorry, was in the meeting14:00
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EmilienMchem: right. matbu wdyt?14:01
EmilienMjistr: yeah, we don't want to break CI, I think another iteration is necessary14:01
matbuEmilienM: chem ack14:01
sshnaidmderekh, I ran it before, in the morning as well, but not sure what it does, it's very quiet tool14:01
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/tripleo-docs: Documentation for installing and using Ironic in overcloud
openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Implement undercloud upgrade job - Mitaka -> Newton
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Hook internal TLS flag to apache-based services
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add HAProxy TLS handled by certmonger as composable service
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bnemecderekh: sshnaidm: Damn, so I broke create-env?14:07
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sshnaidmbnemec, it's already over :)14:08
mariosjistr: yeah everyone has their breaking point man, don't be hard onyrself14:08
bnemecsshnaidm: Sorry about that.  What's the current status?14:08
bnemecI saw the thing about the controller DRAC not having the proper license.14:09
bnemecOr possibly the proper hardware.  I thought iDRAC enterprise was actually a separate card from express.14:09
tobias_fiberdatai've got a question about the different networks you can configure. in the openstack-plattform we have today i have 3 different networks for API, one public API, one adminAPI and one internalAPI, is the adminAPI gone?14:10
tobias_fiberdatai cannot see that network in the heat-templates14:10
derekhbnemec: dunno, but I can't see how to get a console(was going to try it earlier), so to change the CPU profile we need somebody at the host to do it14:10
tobias_fiberdatain the stable mitaka one14:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-common: Fix error when identity file is missing
sshnaidmbnemec, we still suffer from similar issues14:11
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bnemecderekh: Yeah, I see the same thing.14:11
derekhbnemec: current status is that lots of stacks are still failing to be crated14:11
bnemecI noticed we've mixed single and dual rank DIMMs on that box too for some reason.14:11
bnemecWhich may be exacerbating the problem.14:11
sshnaidmbnemec, it's not good to do, right?14:11
derekhbnemec: just noticed this in the scheduler logs14:11
derekh2016-09-07 14:05:19.299 18985 INFO nova.filters [req-8d618f13-a11b-4915-a922-73f32b956626 ba119eef29ce49f5b8697f4d63948e3c b79291658f384b7ebbc9019b6349e5c9 - - -] Filtering removed all hosts for the request with instance ID '20f43fe5-5d69-41ad-bb04-a29ccd244cdc'. Filter results: ['RetryFilter: (start: 33, end: 32)', 'AvailabilityZoneFilter: (start: 32, end: 32)', 'RamFilter: (start: 32, end: 30)', 'DiskFilter: (start: 30, end: 4)', 'ComputeFilter: (start:14:11
derekh 4, end: 0)']14:11
openstackgerritMarios Andreou proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Fixup manila-cephfs native backend defaults
derekhbnemec: disk filter is removing all the nodes14:12
bnemecderekh: Yeah, I have to think that's because of all the leftover resources still in use.14:12
bnemecWe've got a ton of dead stacks that haven't been removed.14:12
openstackgerritAna Krivokapic proposed openstack/tripleo-ui: Extract Mistral action and workflow names into constants
derekhbnemec: yum, need another cleanup14:13
EmilienMrbrady: do you want me to file a launchpad bug and assign to you about porting my oooclient patch?14:14
derekhbnemec: and I turned on mysql logging of slow queries too /var/lib/mysql/overcloud-controller-0-slow.log14:15
derekhbnemec: most of the queries taking over a second are listing nova instances14:15
bnemecderekh: Yeah, not surprising.14:16
derekhbnemec: so I tries to purge them but guess what .... it doesn't seem to be doing anything14:17
derekh> nova-manage db archive_deleted_rows --max_rows 10014:18
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mariostbarron: posted a comment hope that helps for now. i guess i promised erno an update tht side for that cephfs-manila since he is away, and this has forced my hand :) but i will do that tht side later or tomorr. shouldn't impact the generic/netapp if you include the cephfs puppet-tripleo side14:20
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rbradyEmilienM: d0ugal created a bug14:21
EmilienMrbrady: ok, good14:21
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-validations: Cleanup tox.ini, enable constraints
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openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP -- clean full upgrade review
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openstackgerritRyan Brady proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Set Deployment Parameters
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bnemecderekh: Thinking about trying something a little crazy on the controller since we can't change the performance profile.  I think if I start a process that uses 100% cpu and is niced it will force the cpu to stay at full speed, but shouldn't steal cpu from the openstack processes.14:36
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derekhbnemec: thinking outside the box, I like it14:37
derekhbnemec: should we stop the te_broker again and clean up?14:37
openstackgerritBrad P. Crochet proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add Zaqar to scenario002
openstackgerritBrad P. Crochet proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add Zaqar to scenario002
shadowermandre: do you know whether the tripleo-validations docs live anywhere public?14:41
shadowerI tried to look for them on but couldn't find anything14:41
bnemecderekh: We definitely need to clean up.  I don't know whether stop the broker helps or not.14:42
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shadower(maybe we need to enable something somewhere to get them published)14:42
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-common: Allow the validations to run openstack commands
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derekhsshnaidm: wanna try and delete the old envs again? I'm gonna see if I can find out how to remove the old instances for the nova db,14:44
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mandreshadower: they don't atm, you need to add a doc-publish job at
sshnaidmderekh, you mean to run that script?14:45
derekhsshnaidm: which script?14:45
openstackgerritBrad P. Crochet proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Terminate Zaqar websocket endpoint in HAProxy
thrashjaosorior: ^^^ just rebased it14:45
shadowermandre: ah, awesome, thanks! /me creates a LP so we don't forget14:45
sshnaidmderekh, that deletes ports, networks and then stacks14:45
mandreshadower: i'm unsure if the validations doc should be in at or
derekhsshnaidm: yup, and if its not clearing them fast enough we may want to stop the broker service again so it can catch up14:46
mandreor wherever the tripleo docs live14:46
sshnaidmderekh, yeah, actually I'm already running it for 20 minutes..14:46
derekhsshnaidm: ok14:46
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shadowermandre: yeah. I'd prefer them to be at but barring that, anything public is fine14:47
sshnaidmderekh, maybe really to purge all dbs - nova, neutron, heat like dprince suggested?14:47
jaosoriorthrash: alright. You should probably use this one too that's how you'll know it's working (or not)14:47
thrashjaosorior: ack. thanks.14:47
shardyshadower, mandre: can the docs not just go into tripleo-docs?14:47
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derekhsshnaidm: iirc dprince suggested dropping the heat db, the others wouldn't be some simple as they have things we want to keep14:48
mandreshardy: part of the documentation is autogenerated from the content of the ansible files14:48
shardymandre: ah, OK14:48
shadoweryeah what mandre said14:49
sshnaidmderekh, ok14:49
mandreshadower, shardy: probably there's a way to integrate the doc nicely in tripleo-docs, I haven't really looked at it yet14:50
dprincederekh: yep, if you drop more than heat you'd get into rebuilding territory pretty quick14:52
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bnemecI'm not entirely convinced heat is the problem here.  It's neutron that's throwing the errors about subnets in use and not deleting ports and such.14:54
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derekhbnemec: there is lost of weird crap14:56
derekh2016-09-07 14:52:48.993 19028 INFO nova.api.openstack.wsgi [req-7a709547-cdfc-4fc9-b898-972c476dd7d2 ba119eef29ce49f5b8697f4d63948e3c b79291658f384b7ebbc9019b6349e5c9 - - -] HTTP exception thrown: Flavor baremet14:56
derekhal could not be found.14:56
derekhbnemec: the baremetal flavor dissapears and reappears again ?14:56
bnemecderekh: Those were actually there before all the trouble started.  My theory is that Heat uses EAFP when finding flavors, so it first looks for a flavor with the id "baremetal", which doesn't exist, then looks for the name "baremetal" after.14:57
derekhbnemec: ok, I buy that14:57
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bnemecderekh: But that notwithstanding, there is indeed a lot of weird crap going on here. :-)14:58
dprincebnemec: perhaps a bug that heat even logs it as an exception if that is the logic14:58
bnemecdprince: Heat isn't logging it, Nova is.14:59
dprincebnemec: same :)14:59
bnemecI think it's only logged as info too, which seems valid.14:59
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bnemecderekh: Note that nova-manage claims it is doing things when you run it verbose:
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-tripleoclient: Generate Keystone credentials for overcloud
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: scenario001: deploy Ceph
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: scenario001: test when ceph is installed
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derekhbnemec: so it thinks it doing something but yet shadow_instances contains no entries15:15
derekhMariaDB [nova]> select count(*) from shadow_instances;15:15
derekh|        0 |15:15
derekhHow this file got to be 1.3G baffles me15:16
derekh-rw-rw----. 1 mysql mysql 1.3G Sep  7 15:01 /var/lib/mysql/nova/shadow_instances.ibd15:16
bnemecderekh: Well, it doesn't actually claim that it archived any instances.15:16
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bnemecI do seem to recall reading that those ibd files don't shrink though, so there must have been a lot of data in it at some point.15:18
tobias_fiberdataa question, why is the network part of tripleO so damn complicated? Wouldnt it be easier to put every configuration needed in one file instead of having 15 different files that depends on 15 other files?I'm thinking on the heat-templates.15:19
derekhbnemec: which suggests the archive_deleted_rows command worked at some point15:19
sshnaidmpabelanger, ping me please when you're around15:19
openstackgerritAlejandro Andreu proposed openstack/tripleo-docs: Fixes path for configure-tempest-directory
b00tcat^ just made this small patch, as I had to locate that file manually - this might come in handy for someone else15:21
derekhbnemec: I'm running archive_deleted_rows several times until its stops claiming its archiving things15:23
bnemecderekh: Sounds reasonable.15:24
shardyb00tcat: thanks!15:24
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derekhnow we're suckin diesel15:28
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EmilienMtripleo CI jobs are broken because RDO has expired SSL certificate15:30
derekhbnemec: so apparently when using --max_rows X it looks like you need to have at least X instances to archive
openstackLaunchpad bug 1305892 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "nova-manage db archive_deleted_rows fails with pgsql on low row count" [Undecided,Expired]15:31
EmilienMjpena: I don't want to disturb during RDO meeting but TripleO CI is broken15:31
EmilienMflepied: ^15:31
jpenaEmilienM: trying to get the SSL cert back, we should be good soon (I hope!=15:31
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EmilienM@all: please do not 'recheck'15:32
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jpenaEmilienM: should be back in business15:36
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EmilienMjpena: you rocks.15:38
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sshnaidmderekh, should we stop te.worker? I see AFS mirrors are slow like a hell again, anyway it won't pass..15:39
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: scenario001: deploy Ceph
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: scenario001: test when ceph is installed
openstackgerritAttila Darazs proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart: Fix the ansible-lint gate job
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Move AllNodesValidationDeployments into jinja template loop
openstackgerritAttila Darazs proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart: WIP: Fix ansible-lint errors in all the repo
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Convert overcloud.yaml to support jinja2 templating
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Convert allNodesConfig properties to composable jinja2
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Move AllNodesDeployments into jinja template loop
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Move role ResourceGroups inside the jinja2 loop
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Move per-role NetIpListMap's into jinja template loop
derekhsshnaidm: go for it, looks like just are failing anyways due to the ssl cert problems15:41
bnemecderekh: I did optimize table on nova.shadow_instances and it dropped to 304 MB.15:41
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derekhbnemec: and dropping the number of row you archive at once amd it archive some of them, its not doing nay more for some reason15:41
bnemecderekh: Yeah, I see there are 13000 some rows in the shadow table now.15:43
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Get template contents from plan, not local path
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Fetch internal certificates for HAProxy based on network
sshnaidmderekh, stopped15:44
derekhsshnaidm: ack15:45
openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP -- clean full upgrade review
pabelangersshnaidm: hello15:46
sshnaidmpabelanger, hi15:46
sshnaidmpabelanger, maybe you can help15:47
sshnaidmpabelanger, we suffer from weird slowness while using afs pypi mirrors in rh115:47
bnemecderekh: Woot, optimize table on heat.event and heat.raw_template took our disk usage down 90% for the Heat db.15:47
sshnaidmpabelanger, sometimes pip install takes about 40 mins, usually it should take about 2 mins15:47
pabelangersshnaidm: networking issue?15:48
sshnaidmpabelanger, sometimes it just disconnects15:48
sshnaidmpabelanger, seems like it, it passed away during a day but is back now15:48
sshnaidmpabelanger, although I saw first pip connection dropped during last weeks when used rh1 manually..15:49
sshnaidmpabelanger, afaiu yolanda saw dropped connections in afs logs, maybe it'll help15:50
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Fetch internal certificates for HAProxy based on network
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sshnaidmrh1 is being affected from all kinds of issues that you can imagine..15:51
derekhbnemec: now we're seeing something usfull in the slow query log (I think we had to wait for new sql session to be restarted)15:52
derekhbnemec:  a bunch of 3 second updates on heat tables15:52
derekhbnemec: e.g.15:53
derekhUPDATE resource SET nova_instance='27c8f7eb-833d-459a-8290-a518bf16d7f8' WHERE = 632236;15:53
pabelangersshnaidm: I'd say this is likely a networking issue limited to tripleo-test-cloud-rh1. I don't think we are having issues with pip in other cloud regions15:53
derekh# Query_time: 3.707108  Lock_time: 0.000104  Rows_sent: 0  Rows_examined: 115:53
shardyouch :(15:53
sshnaidmpabelanger, I see15:53
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bnemecderekh: Interesting.  The resource table isn't actually all that large.15:54
pabelangersshnaidm: you're going to have to talk with NOC and see what is going on with UDP traffic from the AFS mirror to upstream.  Since the network is behind a firewall and port filtering enabled, it could be anything15:54
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derekhsshnaidm: in the mean time we could just switch back to the centos mirrors maybe ?15:55
bnemecderekh: Note that I did start a process to keep the cpu pegged.  It's niced, but maybe it's still impacting mysql?15:56
pabelangerderekh: not sure that will be easy, we setup mirrors in nodepool15:56
derekhpabelanger: the mirror would still be there, we just wouldn't be using it15:57
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pabelangerI would not be in favor of that15:57
pabelangerwe shouldn't be by passing openstack-infra when things stop working15:58
derekhpabelanger: ya I didn't think you would be, it was just an option15:58
sshnaidmpabelanger, I'm not sure it's not controller machine issue, so talking to NOC..I don't even know who are them :)15:58
sshnaidmpabelanger, why do you think UDP?15:58
pabelangersshnaidm: derekh: I'm trying to bring rax-iad back online, but happy to help once I finish that15:58
pabelangerwhen did the problem start?15:58
pabelangersshnaidm: AFS only supports udp15:58
sshnaidmpabelanger, about 8-10 hours ago15:59
pabelangerSo, we should try to isolate the problem15:59
pabelangeris the issue between the node / afs mirror or afs mirror / afs01.dfw.openstack.org16:00
derekhbnemec: I'm not sure if it would be impacting mysql or not16:00
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derekhpabelanger: I don't think we can answer that as we can't get onto the mirror16:01
pabelangersshnaidm: and since there has been a lot of issue around tripleo-test-cloud-rh1 the while, I'm leaning towards a local issue16:02
EmilienM@all you can do recheck if you see a rdoproject SSL issue. Problem is fixed and tested16:02
pabelangerderekh: once I'm finished with rax-iad, I can look16:02
derekhpabelanger: ack16:02
pabelangerotherwise, #openstack-infra might be able to help16:02
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sshnaidmpabelanger, derekh maybe it's better not to deal with this until we have rh1 running well, just not to waste time on something that could be a consequence of current problems16:04
thrashjaosorior: so, what part wasn't working?16:04
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jaosoriorthrash: the actual haproxy configuration. When you enable SSL websockets aren't working16:05
sshnaidmany neutron problem on rh1 could be a reason16:05
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jaosoriorthrash: websockets start with http(s) and then switches down to TCP. For some reason the handshake (I think the one switching down to TCP) fails16:06
thrashjaosorior: tips for doing that? :)16:07
thrashGot a curl command or something?16:07
jaosoriorthrash: well, I was just trying to do introspection, since it uses websockets for that16:07
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thrashjaosorior: ah... good man. :)16:07
weshaytrown, is there a bug for the issue you're hitting locally.. is it gnocci-statsd still?16:08
apevecweshay, trown, EmilienM, derekh - so ovb jobs failing in is infra issue or something else?16:08
sshnaidmpabelanger, derekh but this is better to merge, I've been seeing this for a weeks on rh1, it's not recently:
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Move AllNodesValidationDeployments into jinja template loop
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Convert overcloud.yaml to support jinja2 templating
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Convert allNodesConfig properties to composable jinja2
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Move AllNodesDeployments into jinja template loop
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Move role ResourceGroups inside the jinja2 loop
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Move role deployment steps into puppet/post.yaml
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Remove *ExtraConfig parameters from overcloud.yaml
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Move per-role NetIpListMap's into jinja template loop
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Convert SwiftDevicesAndProxyConfig to composable format
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Convert deploy steps to jinja2 loop
trownweshay: I have not filed a bug yet... but yes it is gnocchi-statsd flapping and consuming all resources on the overcloud16:09
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sshnaidmapevec, ovb is not functional now16:09
openstackgerritMarios Andreou proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add NetApp Manila driver integration and tidy up generic
openstackgerritMarios Andreou proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Add integration with Manila CephFS Native driver
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trowncan be seen pretty clearly in
weshaymburned, ^16:09
trownfiling a bug now16:10
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apevecweshay, patches that EmilienM listed in master_current_issues had Related-Bug: #161851016:10
openstackbug 1618510 in tripleo "unable to reach redis service in non-ha deployments" [Critical,Fix released] - Assigned to Jiří Stránský (jistr)16:10
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trownactually looks like a possible match16:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1619243 in tripleo "CI: periodic jobs fail because of exceeded timeout" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Ben Nemec (bnemec)16:10
apevecthat was for issue 60. in
derekhapevec: We're definitely having infra issues, our cloud is having problems and we're trying to track it down16:11
trownoh nvm16:11
weshaytrown, just confirming.. Sep  7 15:58:34 localhost systemd: Unit openstack-gnocchi-statsd.service entered failed state.16:11
pandabnemec: hey, in, when you set resource_registry in test-environments/ipv6-network-templates/network-isolation.yaml, you use relative paths, and deploy does not find some of the files.16:11
EmilienMI'm not sure why gnocchi tries to use swift backend16:11
apevectrown, ah so that's 59.16:11
EmilienMoh, that's the default backend in Gnocchi composable service.16:11
trowncan we change that default?16:12
EmilienMmaybe should just we disable gnocchi ?16:12
pandabnemec: should I use that or stick to the one in /usr/share ?16:12
EmilienMwe already test it with scenario00116:12
trownya, or disable gnocchi by default would also work16:12
pabelangersshnaidm: not sure I like the idea of hiding networking issue.  We should be working to fix them over adding work-arounds to the installation process16:12
derekhsshnaidm: lgtm, but we still gotta sort out the cloud errors16:12
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Fetch internal certificates for HAProxy based on network
EmilienMtrown: I'll let you going ahead16:12
EmilienMor i can do it16:13
trownEmilienM: k, filing a bug first, then will put up a patch16:13
bnemecpanda: Yeah, that's intentional.  That environment file is supposed to be copied into the tht tree so it can find the templates (this is covered in the new shiny README file :-)16:13
EmilienMtrown: put the service optional like we do with sahara, etc16:13
apevectrown, so it's not ?16:13
openstackLaunchpad bug 1619243 in tripleo "CI: periodic jobs fail because of exceeded timeout" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Ben Nemec (bnemec)16:13
bnemecpanda: I would just use the one from tht itself though:
pabelangersshnaidm: I don't like the idea of adding fixes specific to tripleo-test-cloud-rh1, and we should avoid doing that if possible16:13
b00tcathi, is there any extensive doc on tripleo heat templates? as in, what's in each folder and so on?16:13
trownapevec: the description is similar, but looks like a different root cause16:13
bnemecpanda: That should be doing the same thing in this case since we're enabling all the networks.16:13
bnemecThe generated one is more for if you're only using some networks and need a custom network-isolation.yaml.16:14
derekhsshnaidm: bnemec: I only got another hour, wanna just restart the controller anyways and see if it helps, I can't think of anything else worth trying16:15
weshaytrown, EmilienM so we're going to give it one more go w/ disabling gnocci?16:15
apevectrown, yeah, that looks like networking issue from rh1 to trunk.rdo16:15
openstackgerritMarios Andreou proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Fixup manila-cephfs native backend defaults
apevecweshay, that means new hash16:15
apevecchange would be in THT right?16:15
shardyb00tcat: is a good place to start for per-service templates16:15
derekhsshnaidm: bnemec I mean the outage is about 2 days now, so it can't get much worse ;-)....we'll >2 is worse but you know what I mean16:16
pandabnemec: ok, thanks, rerunning with stock net-iso-v6 from tht then.16:16
shardyb00tcat: I have some blog posts which may help at
b00tcatthanks shardy , I just stumbled across your blog too in google :D16:16
shardyb00tcat: also we recorded some deep-dives which are on youtube:16:16
mariostbarron: so, ftr, the issue you saw was indeed cephfs related and not to do with generic or netapp16:17
bnemecderekh: Yeah, I have no objections to trying a reboot.  Like you say, things are pretty well hosed anyway.16:17
shardyb00tcat: in particular may help give you an overview16:17
tbarronmarios: ack, and thans for the patches, i'll try again when I get out of meeting hell16:17
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derekhsshnaidm: bnemec: ok, anything ye need to finish up on the controller before I reboot ??16:18
mariostbarron: i have updated the tht for cephfs and made a new (fixup) puppet-tripleo depends on which it now points at which is
tbarronmarios: ack16:18
mariostbarron: both of those are rebased onto their netapp counterpart... i.e. tht side if you see shortlog;a=shortlog;h=80b658f6135fbc7863c83abfc95d705477bf3c6816:18
derekhpabelanger: FYI: rebooting the rh1 controller , for lack of a better thing to try16:18
mariostbarron: same for the puppet-tripleo reviews... made sense since cephfs side was waiting to see the pattern established by netapp/generic16:19
bnemecderekh: No, the cleanup I'm running can be restarted once the controller is back up.16:19
openstackgerritGabriele Cerami proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add IPv6 network configuration for ipv6 job types
mariostbarron: but for your testing, because of the manila puppet-tripleo class error (cos of cephfs) you will need to include the puppet-tripleo side cephfs fixup too.16:19
tbarronmarios: ok16:20
trownEmilienM: thinking about it, wouldnt making our user-facing default match the multinode test be better than disabling gnocchi?16:20
trownfiled btw16:21
openstackLaunchpad bug 1621164 in tripleo "gnocchi statsd consumes all overcloud resources when configured with swift backend" [Critical,Triaged]16:21
mariostbarron: will catchup tomorrow. so in any case, the netapp should land first, but really they'll all land together (since you won't be able to deploy wi/out the cephfs fixup)16:21
derekhsshnaidm: bnemec ok, going for it16:21
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tbarronmarios: have a good night, see you tomorrow :)16:24
EmilienMtrown: how would you do that?16:25
EmilienMpradk: in case you're missing the conversation about gnocchi problem ^16:25
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trownEmilienM: hmm not sure actually... there is no default environment file that is passed in for the base case16:27
trownEmilienM: we could change the default in puppet16:27
EmilienMtrown: I would suggest to switch the default backend to "file" in tripleo16:28
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EmilienM'file' backend just work out of the box16:28
EmilienMand we are currently gating on it16:28
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Migrate to using osc-lib
EmilienMI'm afk for lunch but will follow-up later16:28
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Cleanup the existing plan before deploying if one already exists
trownEmilienM: where can we set that default though in tripleo that it would be picked up by simply `openstack overcloud deploy` with no args16:29
sshnaidmderekh, yeah, I think it's the best thing to do now..16:29
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Update the Mistral action names
sshnaidmderekh, gotta run for a while, I'll be back later16:30
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openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Remove the old, deprecated Mistral action names.
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Remove "type: direct" from workflows as it is the default
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Add an optional timeout when waiting for websocket messages
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Use a released version of tripleo-common
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Remove the unused service_host arg from node registration
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Fix an autoclass reference and add missing pages to the toctree
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Ignore the .eggs directory
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pradkEmilienM, hmm so we dont run swift out of the box either?16:36
pradkEmilienM, thought we did?16:36
pradktrown, trying to understand why you want to change the backend.. i would prefer we test it with swift as backend by default16:37
trownpradk: because with swift backend statsd blows up the overcloud16:38
trownit loops trying to start and consumes all CPU16:38
openstackLaunchpad bug 1621164 in tripleo "gnocchi statsd consumes all overcloud resources when configured with swift backend" [Critical,Triaged]16:38
pradktrown, the same auth error?16:38
trownpradk: ya
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derekhbnemec: controller back up, FIP's not working16:39
pradktrown, looking at the conf.. one sec16:39
bnemecderekh: Awesome. :-(16:40
bnemecderekh: Wonder if we need to bounce ovs-agent on the compute nodes.16:41
EmilienMpradk, trown: AFIK swift is deployed by default so it might we something we would need to fix in Gnocchi?16:42
pradkyea i'm checking the conf ..16:42
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-common: Fix an autoclass reference and add missing pages to the toctree
pradkno point switching to file by default, instead lets fix the auth issue.. lemme chase it down16:42
pradktrown, EmilienM, if you want to override to file just for ci.. thats probably ok16:43
derekhbnemec: nope, I thinks the controller might be the problem
pradki'll figure out the auth issue in a sec16:43
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derekhbnemec: this also used to happen on the 3 year old deployment of RH1...16:43
trownpradk: well the other option is to disable gnocchi by default...16:43
EmilienMpradk: I agree16:43
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EmilienMpradk: i'm working on testing rbd backend instead of file for tripleo/scenario00116:44
trownit doesnt work as configured...and our CI is just masking it16:44
pradktrown, if nothing is using it sure16:44
derekhbnemec: the hostname now has .localdomain appended to it, we need to remove that and restart the neutron services16:44
bnemecderekh: Oh ****, that bug.16:44
derekhbnemec: so that they have the origional hostname16:44
bnemecderekh: Yeah, I think we may need to do nova too.16:45
derekhbnemec: doing it now16:45
derekhbnemec: ok16:45
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pradkEmilienM, shouldnt keystone create the service info at the beginning? or is it still in post deploy step via tripleoclient?16:54
pradkthe keystone init step i mean16:55
derekhbnemec: ok, FIPS working again16:55
EmilienMpradk: i'm not sure tbh16:55
EmilienMpradk: do we deploy swift in the CI job?16:56
bnemecderekh: Cool16:56
derekhbnemec: I believe the cleanup script may have deleted the mirror server16:56
EmilienMyes I see
bnemecderekh: !!!16:56
derekhbnemec: I'm going to deploy a new one then I gotta vanish of a couple of hours, will come back to see what else I can help with16:56
EmilienMpradk: i'm afk for lunch, brb16:56
pradkEmilienM, the issue seems to be that swift client cannot get a token so its credential are invalid16:57
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bnemecderekh: Cool, thanks16:59
derekhbnemec: I think in  ~heat-admin/cleanup-stack nova list for -${num} I think may have got it (mathced the instance uuid)16:59
derekhbnemec: anyways its gone now16:59
bnemecderekh: Ah, dammit.  I forgot the uuid also has -'s in it.17:00
* bnemec headdesks17:00
EmilienMpradk: swift_tenant_name is missing in gnocchi.conf, no?17:00
EmilienMis it critical?17:00
pradkEmilienM, the error seems to indicate not.. it thinks the credentials are not valid. which means they are not in keystone17:01
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EmilienMwhy would we fail now?17:02
EmilienMwhat did we change recently?17:02
pradkEmilienM, not sure if this could be relevant but the url and uri are different17:03
pradkshould they both be the same 172.17:03
pradkme checks other services17:03
EmilienMit's network isolation, admin network vs public network, should be fine17:03
pradkyea ceilo has the same17:04
pradki'm wondering if swift is even up before gnocchi tries to connect17:04
pradkare swift credentials in keystone when statsd requests it17:04
EmilienMok I'm afk for real, back in 20 min17:05
pradkthis was an issue in mitaka as keystone init was done by tripleoclient17:05
derekhok, its there now, will be back later17:05
pradki thought we moved aways from that to puppet managing it17:05
derekhbnemec: ^17:05
pradkbut not sure17:05
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EmilienMafik puppet manage endpoints etc17:05
EmilienMmaybe gnocchi starts before that17:06
EmilienMwe need to check in puppet tripleo, the steps17:06
bnemecderekh_afk: Thanks.  Will fix the cleanup script so it doesn't happen again.17:06
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jpenawe've had the latest python-tripleoclient fail to build from source in RDO:
jpenafrom the logs and some tests I've done, it only happens with more recent python-heatclient than what's in the gate17:13
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openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Wire in jinja templating for custom roles
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Enable j2 rendering of any file, not just overcloud.yaml
sshnaidmbnemec, derekh_afk so what is the plan now? continue to clean up?17:15
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Enable j2 rendering of any file, not just overcloud.yaml
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Convert allNodesConfig properties to composable jinja2
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Move role ResourceGroups inside the jinja2 loop
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Convert deploy steps to jinja2 loop
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sshnaidmslagle, hi17:20
EmilienMpradk: back17:25
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EmilienMgnocchi statsd is deployed at step 4 while keystone create gnocchi credentials at step 517:26
EmilienMpradk: i'm proposing a patch. weshay, trown|lunch: is there a quick way to test my patch? (RDO CI?)17:26
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bnemecsshnaidm: Yeah, basically.17:27
weshayEmilienM, there is.. it stopped working last night after a ci.centos jenkins upgrade.. I have an email on it.  apetrich you still around?17:27
pradkEmilienM, that matches the error.. i see.. $step >= 417:28
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EmilienMpradk: I'm working on a patch now.17:29
EmilienMpradk: it will be the first time scenario001 will be actually useful, as the patch will be test against a real gnocchi deployment (with file backend now though)17:31
pradkEmilienM, cool17:31
pradkEmilienM, hmm but since statsd is loopong around shouldnt it fix itself after step 5 is called? unless its not getting called17:34
pradkgnocchi_api_enabled fallsback to false.. lemme check if thats true in deploy17:34
slaglesshnaidm: hello17:36
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: gnocchi: move statsd and metricd at step5
EmilienMpradk: ^17:40
EmilienMweshay: ^ feel free to test it17:40
sshnaidmslagle, I have a question about multinode job, how does it known where exactly to deploy overcloud? How is all subnodes info is got into overcloud deployment?17:41
slaglesshnaidm: there are various files that are populated under /etc/nodepool, by nodepool itself17:41
pradkEmilienM, cool, I'll do a new deploy in a bit .. will pull this in17:41
sshnaidmslagle, yeah17:42
weshayEmilienM, k17:42
EmilienMgate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario001-multinode-nv is in queue, let's see how it goes17:42
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slaglesshnaidm: so then all we need to do in tripleo-ci is look at those files to get the IP addresses of the other nodes17:43
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sshnaidmslagle, ok, and then?17:46
slaglesshnaidm: then what? can you elaborate on what you're asking17:46
apetrichweshay, if you open the config and save again it starts to work again17:46
sshnaidmslagle, do you create instackenv.json from this?17:47
weshayapetrich, yup.. just took the time to read it.. apetrich I'm adding puppet-tripleo to the trigger.. ok w/ you? will send a review shortly17:47
slaglesshnaidm: no. we don't need that b/c the multinode jobs do not use ironic17:47
apetrichsure am17:47
apetrichweshay, ^17:47
sshnaidmslagle, I mean how overcloud deploy knows exactly where to deploy, I think I miss the connection here17:47
slaglesshnaidm: once the overcloud deployment starts, we ssh into the subnodes and configure os-collect-config to poll for metadata from Heat17:48
slaglesshnaidm: we configure os-collect-config on the subnodes to poll Heat for metadata on the undercloud17:48
slagleusually that step is done via injected user-data from nova17:48
slaglesince we're not using nova to deploy the nodes, we do it manually via ssh17:49
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slaglesshnaidm: look at where we call in tripleo-ci17:49
slaglethat is the script that will ssh to each subnode and configure os-collect-config to poll the undercloud17:50
apetrichweshay, neat +1ed17:52
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EmilienMI'm currently testing scenario001 with Ceph and RBD backend for Glance, Nova and Gnocchi. The pingtest is failing at uploading a second image on glance (first seems to work) with this error: 504 Gateway Time-out: The server didn't respond in time17:53
EmilienMdoes it ring a bell?17:53
EmilienMlogs are available here
EmilienMI haven't found 504 in glance logs17:53
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EmilienMit sounds like a timeout17:57
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EmilienMtrown: FYI
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trownEmilienM: thanks giving it a spin locally17:58
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: DNM Testing experimental
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: scenarios: set Debug to True
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: scenario001: deploy Ceph
trownEmilienM: in order to test puppet-tripleo changes does the change need to be on the overcloud image?18:23
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EmilienMtrown: yes18:23
trownah k that would explain my test run still doing gnochhi in step 418:24
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EmilienMbnemec: I missed all your convo with derekh_afk, what is rh1 status now? still down?18:37
EmilienMstill see lot of red on
bnemecEmilienM: Yes, still down. :-(18:38
bnemecClose to being able to turn it back on though.18:38
EmilienMok great, thanks18:39
bnemecOne stack that doesn't want to go away for some reason.18:39
EmilienMplease let us know, maybe on ML or something18:39
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openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP -- clean full upgrade review
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openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Expose parameter to enable combination alarms
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openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Implement undercloud upgrade job - Mitaka -> Newton
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: gnocchi: move statsd and metricd at step5
trownanyone can do a quick review on it would be blocking the OVB jobs if the OVB jobs were not already blocked and it blocks promotion in RDO19:03
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EmilienMtrown: thx for the review19:03
EmilienMtrown: i'm afk a bit, bbl19:03
trownEmilienM: thanks for the quick patch19:03
EmilienMhope it will help19:03
trownstill seems like a bit of a gnocchi bug that it can go so haywire if it is unable to start19:04
trownbut that patch does fix it19:04
trownthanks slagle19:06
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Add heat-config-apply-config element to images
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derekh_afkbnemec: back19:13
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bnemecderekh: o/19:14
derekhbnemec: does anything seem better at all?19:14
bnemecThe stacks and instances are all gone.19:14
bnemecFinishing cleanup on the network bits.19:14
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Add heat-config-apply-config element to images
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Use new 'apply-config' to apply oac data
beaglesdprince, will these patches effectively address ?19:31
openstackLaunchpad bug 1596373 in tripleo "40-hiera-datafiles takes over 20 seconds to run" [High,Triaged]19:31
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bnemecderekh: I think we're just about ready to try te-broker again.  I assume we want to restart geard again too?19:35
derekhbnemec: yup19:36
derekhbnemec: are you doing it or will I?19:36
bnemecderekh: I'll do it.19:36
bnemecte-workers are starting19:37
derekhbnemec: ok19:38
bnemecderekh: I also tried halving the number of api workers for nova and neutron in hopes that maybe less concurrency will help with all these issues.19:39
derekhbnemec: makes sense, there is a lot of processes running that are possibly redundant19:39
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-tripleoclient: Ignore the .eggs directory
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Re-add undercloud.yaml
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: Use new 'apply-config' to apply oac data
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient: Deploy the undercloud with Heat
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derekhbnemec: everythings looking ok so far that I've seen, you see any problems?20:02
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/tripleo-common: Set Deployment Parameters
bnemecderekh: Nope, not so far.  Crossing my fingers.20:04
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weshayEmilienM, your patch passed my local test20:07
weshaytrown, ^20:07
* weshay checks it to see if everything we expect is there20:08
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apetrichweshay, I don't understand I've just reran the jjb and it created correctly20:20
weshayapetrich, yes sir20:20
weshayapetrich, I think we're hitting a jenkins bug20:21
apetrichweshay, seems likely20:21
weshaywill explain later20:21
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apetrichweshay, no worries about that. what I'm more worried about is the testing job that failed because of the new --release ${CI_ENV:+$CI_ENV/}$RELEASE${REL_TYPE:+-$REL_TYPE} \20:25
apetrichthat is trying to get the release cicentos/master-testing.yml that is not there20:25
derekhbnemec: sshnaidm|afk things appear to be doing reasonably, I've seen 2 failures getting testenvs, hopefully isolated problems, I'm gonna call it a night20:25
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apetrichweshay, there's only
apetrichweshay, should we rename REL_TYPE from testing so something else? like consistent ?20:27
weshayapetrich, I just opened a bug on that in launchpad20:27
apetrichoh cool20:27
weshayapetrich, I think adarazs  needs to have a look20:28
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates: OVN heat templates
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openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP -- clean full upgrade review
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rcritquickstart is trying to fetch a non-existant undercloud image,, and of course failing21:01
rcritthis worked a couple of days ago.21:01
rcritI updated my pull and same21:02
rcritstarting with ./ --config config/general_config/ha.yml -R master --no-clone $HOST21:02
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rcritdropping the --config value seems to have helped21:26
openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP -- clean full upgrade review
apevecweshay, EmilienM, so issue is that gnocchi goes mad w/o keystone!? re.
apevecif so, I don't think closes-bug is quite right, it should be added as a bug in gnocchi21:47
openstackLaunchpad bug 1621164 in tripleo "gnocchi statsd consumes all overcloud resources when configured with swift backend" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Emilien Macchi (emilienm)21:48
* apevec adds it in LP21:49
pradkapevec, the service is just retrying in a loop as it cant get auth token, i dont know if its a bug21:50
apevecpradk, bug is that it tries in such a tight loop21:51
apevecthis is esp bad w/ new HA plan, where all services must reconnect reliably21:51
apevecanyway, I've added please comment there21:52
openstackLaunchpad bug 1621164 in tripleo "gnocchi statsd consumes all overcloud resources when configured with swift backend" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Emilien Macchi (emilienm)21:52
pradkapevec, k please add necessary info so we can look at it upstream21:52
apevecyeah, we'll need simpler reproducer that "run tripleo CI job"21:52
apevecbut it's a serious issue imho21:53
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EmilienMI agree, service should loop until it works21:55
apevecEmilienM, yes but not all-cpu-belongs-to-me kind of loop :)21:56
EmilienMapevec: today promotion in puppet CI failed for transients issues21:57
EmilienMIt should land tonight21:57
apeveccool, many stars aligned tonight21:57
EmilienMNow I'm afk ttyk21:58
EmilienMTtyl even21:58
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openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP -- clean full upgrade review
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tripleo: gnocchi: move statsd and metricd at step5
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