Wednesday, 2017-08-02

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openstackLaunchpad bug 1708014 in tripleo "multinode-oooq-container-upgrades deploys master instead of stable" [Critical,Triaged]00:10
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/paunch master: Log stdout/stderr during error
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient stable/newton: Add --skip-deploy-identifier
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack/tripleo-common stable/newton: Add skip_deploy_identifier
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient stable/newton: Add --skip-deploy-identifier
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: [WIP] LVM support for dib-block-device
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openstackgerritOliver Walsh proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Use normal socket file permissions instead of polkit
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openstackgerritBob Fournier proposed openstack/os-net-config stable/newton: Use os-net-config mapping file when interface in bond or bridge
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1708014 in tripleo "multinode-oooq-container-upgrades deploys master instead of stable" [Critical,Triaged]01:10
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Adds stop and disable for libvirtd on upgrade to containers
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Add support for custom additional repos in featureset
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Remove empty metadata_settings from iscsid and multipathd templates
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Fix network-isolation.j2.yaml to ignore VIPs for disabled networks
openstackgerritNuman Siddique proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Support deploying OVN as container services
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openstackgerritJohn Fulton proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Cinder volume/backup containers shouldn't mount two paths at same point
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1708014 in tripleo "multinode-oooq-container-upgrades deploys master instead of stable" [Critical,Triaged]02:10
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michapmaEmilienM: ack02:18
openstackgerritMerged openstack/paunch master: paunch apply should exit nonzero for failures
michapmaEmilienM: well at least the overcloud completes now. Is there an easy way to recreate that scenario locally so I can see what causes the validation error?02:23
EmilienMmichapma: looking02:25
EmilienMmichapma: ^02:26
EmilienMnova couldn't spawn a VM02:26
EmilienMlet me dig02:26
EmilienMwe're deploying openvswitch backend, not opendaylight02:28
michapmaEmilienM: well that explains it02:28
EmilienMI'm about to eat dinner now02:28
michapmaEmilienM: is that because I removed the duplicate parameters?02:28
EmilienMI'll be online after02:28
michapmaEmilienM: sure, thanks for the help02:28
EmilienMcheck that parameters are well loaded02:28
EmilienMopenstack overcloud deploy --templates /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates --libvirt-type qemu --timeout 80 -e /home/jenkins/cloud-names.yaml -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/deployed-server-environment.yaml -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/deployed-server-bootstrap-environment-centos.yaml -e02:30
EmilienM/usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/ci/environments/scenario008-multinode.yaml -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/puppet-pacemaker.yaml -e /home/jenkins/neutronl3ha.yaml -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/low-memory-usage.yaml -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/disable-telemetry.yaml --validation-errors-nonfatal --roles-file02:30
EmilienM/home/jenkins/overcloud_roles.yaml --compute-scale 0 -e /opt/stack/new/tripleo-ci/test-environments/worker-config.yaml -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/debug.yaml --overcloud-ssh-user jenkins02:30
EmilienMsorry for spam02:30
EmilienMbut I don't see opendaylight environment02:30
EmilienMsounds like quickstart related, the extra args interface doesn't seem to work02:31
EmilienMin the meantime, re-add stuffs in /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/ci/environments/scenario008-multinode.yaml02:31
EmilienMlike I did before02:31
EmilienMand continue testing02:31
EmilienMmichapma: ^02:31
michapmaEmilienM: I'll check extra-args, thanks.02:32
EmilienMmichapma: yeah and in the meantime, add stuffs from the odl env into scenario008-multinode.yaml02:34
EmilienMand check experimental02:34
EmilienMso we can make progress02:35
EmilienMif we could test ODL before pike final release it would be awesome02:35
michapmaEmilienM: the things I removed yesterday?02:35
EmilienMmichapma: yes02:38
openstackgerritMichael Chapman proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Add OPNFV scenario environment
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michapmaEmilienM: the extra args should be coming in via this:
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openstackgerritDan Sneddon proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Convert compute-role.yaml to role.role.j2.yaml
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EmilienMmichapma: indeed :/03:01
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1708014 in tripleo "multinode-oooq-container-upgrades deploys master instead of stable" [Critical,Triaged]03:10
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openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Upload remove defaults for pull_source, push_destination
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openstackgerritMichael Chapman proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Implement scenario008 (opnfv)
EmilienMmichapma: just fyi, when you update a patch that is in Depends-on of another patch, you need to 'recheck' the patch that has Depends-on03:35
EmilienMso this one:
EmilienMSee the comment: "This change depends on a change that failed to merge."03:36
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Add OPNFV scenario environment
EmilienMI also rebased it ^03:36
michapmaEmilienM: ah, so I add a recheck comment before the check experimental comment03:36
EmilienMyeah or the other way no problem03:37
EmilienMmichapma: please check CI results when it's executed03:37
EmilienMmichapma: it will probably fail, look at neutron server logs on subnode-2 (overcloud node)03:38
michapmaEmilienM: I checked the other scenarios and they seem to use extra_args without any issues. I had some extra stuff in there for controlling the quickstart network creation but I'm not sure that will work in th emultinode tests03:38
EmilienMmichapma: let me know on IRC if you found something new03:38
EmilienMmichapma: ok, I'm not familiar with this interface but I can look tomorrow03:38
EmilienMI'm about to leave the computer now03:38
michapmaEmilienM: yeah will do. trozet and I are meeting tomorrow morning and we'll have a look then as well.03:38
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EmilienMmichapma: good03:39
EmilienMmichapma: keep in mind that tripleoclient logs are in undercloud/home/jenkins/03:39
EmilienMthey are very helpful if the overcloud stack failed to be started03:40
EmilienMmichapma: also if there is a Puppet error, also check in /var/log/messages of the subnode-203:40
michapmaEmilienM: ok thanks, will give it a go03:40
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pabelangerEmilienM: will land tomorrow03:58
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stevebakerpabelanger: do you know when node images will be rebuilt to include this change?
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pabelangershould be starting in 23 mins04:09
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1708014 in tripleo "multinode-oooq-container-upgrades deploys master instead of stable" [Critical,Triaged]04:10
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pabelangerstevebaker: oh wait, that will need a release of diskimage-builder04:10
pabelangerso, won't land in our images until it is tagged and uploaded to pypi04:10
stevebakerpabelanger: ok, its to fix gate-tripleo-buildimage-overcloud-full-centos-7. Maybe we should make it non-voting so python-tripleoclient things can land04:11
pabelangerstevebaker: I thought that job used a clonemap for diskimage builder04:13
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pabelangerso, if that code landed, then that jobs would use the master branch04:13
pabelangerya, unless this is on stable branch jobs04:14
stevebakerpabelanger: I'll try another recheck, maybe I did it a little early04:14
pabelangerthen it pulls from upper constraints04:14
pabelangerstevebaker: which review?04:14
pabelangerstevebaker: try adding depends-on to 48943404:15
pabelangerthat should fix it04:15
stevebakerpabelanger: ok, I'll give it a crack04:15
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openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Add --set argument to prepare command
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itlinuxhello all any tips. on this error .. The following properties for node 4a690a1e-b199-4e92-a029-a74ae587bc1d should be non-negative integers, but provided values are: memory_mb= (HTTP 400)04:33
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1708014 in tripleo "multinode-oooq-container-upgrades deploys master instead of stable" [Critical,Triaged]05:10
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Fix iscsid role data's section
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/puppet-pacemaker master: Switch requires for wait-for-settle into resource collectors
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/puppet-pacemaker master: Switch requires for wait-for-settle into resource collectors
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openstackgerritNuman Siddique proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Support deploying OVN as container services
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openstackgerritMichael Chapman proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Implement scenario008 (opnfv)
jistrEmilienM: where did you see the upgrade jobs deploy Pike? they should deploy according to "previous_release_from" function, which for "master" as input will produce "ocata" as output currently:
openstackgerritMichael Chapman proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Add OPNFV scenario environment
jistri'm not sure if anything changed but i'm quite sure they used to deploy ocata originally06:08
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jistrEmilienM: all looks ok? or is the problem somewhere else?   /cc ccamacho06:09
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1708014 in tripleo "multinode-oooq-container-upgrades deploys master instead of stable" [Critical,Triaged]06:10
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* jistr updated the bug ^06:17
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openstackgerritNuman Siddique proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Add pacemaker packages to ovn_northd image
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openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/ocata: Remove docker references from Ocata scenarios
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jistrthat could fix the scenarios for upgrades ^06:32
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openstackgerritNuman Siddique proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Add neutron-server-ovn image to the overcloud containers
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openstackgerritNuman Siddique proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: DO NOT REVIEW: TESTING ONLY
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Make containerized nova-api run with httpd
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jaosoriorjistr: hey dude06:44
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Make containerized nova-api run with httpd
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jaosoriordciabrin: you around?06:55
dciabrinjaosorior, yep o/06:55
jaosoriordciabrin: hey dude, I saw that your commit adding the MySQLClient resource to almost all the docker/services files merged06:56
dciabrinjaosorior, yeah saw that yesterday evening, w00t06:56
jaosoriordciabrin: I think it's missing from here though
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jaosoriordciabrin: or isn't it?06:57
thervejaosorior, Heat API shouldn't connect to the SQL server06:57
dciabrinjaosorior, hmmm, it should have been catched by the new check in, let me check06:57
therveI don't know if it's the reasoning06:57
dciabrintherve, ah that would explain :)06:58
jaosoriortherve: oh, that makes sense06:58
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jaosoriordciabrin: did the mysql container with TLS work?06:59
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Enable TLS for nova api and placement containers
dciabrinjaosorior, the mysql server starts now, I also needed to chown the cert on the host so it can be read in the container07:00
dciabrinjaosorior, i'm about to retest a full overcloud deploy07:00
jaosoriordciabrin: awesomeness :D07:00
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1708014 in tripleo "scenarios in Ocata reference services introduced in Pike" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Jiří Stránský (jistr)07:10
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Ensure directory exists for certificates for haproxy
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Change the directory for haproxy certs/keys to be service-specific
openstackgerritHonza Pokorny proposed openstack/tripleo-ui master: Download logs interface
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Enable TLS for containeried haproxy
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openstackgerritMichael Chapman proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Implement scenario008 (opnfv)
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jaosoriorjistr: any idea what I missed from here ?08:09
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1708014 in tripleo "scenarios in Ocata reference services introduced in Pike" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Jiří Stránský (jistr)08:10
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Ensure directory exists for certificates for haproxy
jistrjaosorior: looks like a CI issue rather08:14
jaosoriorjistr: I just noticed. Seems like a lot of patches are failing on the undercloud installed O_o08:15
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jaosorioron the os-refresh-config bit08:15
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openstackgerritMarios Andreou proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Drop step_config as top level docker requirement
jistrjaosorior: repo issue08:24
jistrmaybe unsynced mirror08:24
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openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: WIP: Ensure openstack-nova-compute stopped during batch compute upgrade.
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owalshmarios, chem: hey, I guess you're looking at compute upgrades...08:32
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openstackgerritMarios Andreou proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Drop step_config as top level docker requirement
chemowalsh: hi, yeah, at some point we have to work on the details of the non-controller upgrade08:33
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owalshmarios, chem: hmm, not sure how the upgrade pin will work08:34
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mariosowalsh: o/ yeah ... it seems this part has not been tested/considered well enough yet for P  (i was looking at yesterday)08:34
marioschem: i think if we manage to prove the update_tasks + deploy-steps works well (assuming we get it in time) then we could consider doing the same with upgrade_tasks + deploy _steps as a workbook, so we don't have that script... but i don't know if there is enough time for this08:36
mariosowalsh: so i need to check (containers team has really been working on the upgrades code for P) but it should be similar to previous cycles, that is pin on upgrade of controllers, pin on compute upgrade, unpin all on converge08:37
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owalshmarios: ok, I'll need to take a look over it all to refresh my memory... but I figure we need to pin the compute container nova.conf, not the BM nova.conf yes?08:41
mariosowalsh: indeed there are the expected env params (environments/major-upgrade-converge-docker.yaml UpgradeLevelNovaCompute: auto ) and then on converge UpgradeLevelNovaCompute: ''08:41
chemmarios: owalsh shouldn't this pinning/unpinning be unecessary since some time ?08:42
owalshchem: no, still required AFAIK08:42
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/tripleo-ui master: Imported Translations from Zanata
mariosowalsh: ah indeed... so the config will be set in the container config... not sure how that UpgradeLevelNovaCompute is wired up so you may want to start by checking that (i mean is it wired up for the container config, not sure)08:43
marioschem: so apparently there was an issue when we even left it as 'auto' and didn't explicitly set it to '' on converge, recently if i recall correctly (so apparently still a thing)08:43
owalshmarios: so environments/major-upgrade-converge-docker.yaml pins the upgrade level on the controllers, but IIRC it's extraconfig/tasks/ that pins the computes08:43
mariosowalsh: right that is what will be executing on the host that is your compute node - so any docker/config will have to go there (until/unless we get a rework, but that is not clear atm)08:44
owalshmarios: but do we deploy the containerized computes at converge?08:44
mariosowalsh: well yeah there should be full config run, i.e. the postdeploy steps. it would have been puppet previously, now it would be docker config (and puppet ...i.e. what you get on 'normal deploy' today)08:45
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Support for Dell EMC Unity Cinder Driver
chemmarios: owalsh I guess we still need the puppet run for the host and a "docker run" for the rest08:46
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Let the pre-upgrade hook stop services in pike+
openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Support keystone wsgi logging to syslog
chemmarios: owalsh that was the way to mimic what the heat was doing
chemmarios: owalsh we need the "new" way as well08:47
owalshmarios: ack, yea, just about to ask about that08:47
marioschem: yeah i think that is right, would be great if we can grab and apply the docker config there too08:47
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owalshmarios, chem: we may not need a puppet run08:48
marioschem: well except08:48
marioschem: it would be duplicating what will happen on converge :/08:48
marioschem: that is what the puppet stuff does too though so..08:48
owalshmarios: not exactly, we would have the pin08:48
chemmarios: yeah, but it's necessary to have the node able to work before converge08:49
chemmarios: it's required :)08:49
marioschem: ack08:49
prateekchandankumar, arxcruz , can you please review
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bogdandowhat a pitty . sigh08:51
openstackLaunchpad bug 1700045 in tripleo "httpd logs hidden inside containers" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Bogdan Dobrelya (bogdando)08:51
bogdandojistr: ^^ seems we have no choice but using host mounts08:51
chemowalsh: marios I'll do a launchpad bug that capture this like "Ensure non-controller converge the node", wdyt ?08:51
bogdandopity* but pitty as well08:51
chemowalsh: marios with a note about pin/unpin for the nova rpc ?08:52
marioschem: sounds good (maybe avoid 'converge the node' may not be obvious what yu mean, 'usable after upgrade and before converge'08:53
owalshchem: sound good to me08:53
chemmarios: yeah, that's sound better08:53
chemowalsh: ack08:53
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owalshmarios, chem: in the meantime I'll look over this with lyarwood and sven08:54
chemowalsh: thanks08:55
jistrbogdando: ack08:55
arxcruzprateek: done08:55
bogdandojistr: so sad. I hoped we will have smooth experience with sysloggish containers :D08:55
bogdandolarsks: ^^ :)08:56
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chemowalsh: marios
openstackLaunchpad bug 1708115 in tripleo "Ensure non-controller are usable after upgrade and before converge." [Critical,Triaged]08:59
mariosack owalsh chem08:59
owalshmarios, chem: just to confirm... we definitely don't need to support BM -> BM upgrades09:02
chemowalsh: hum ... not sure what you mean09:02
owalshchem: i.e upgrading to a non-containerized deployment09:03
mariosowalsh: well, i don't think that has been declared explicitly yet, but the focus is on containers and will be the 'recommended' way afaik09:04
openstackgerritHonza Pokorny proposed openstack/tripleo-ui master: Add 'discover and enroll nodes' workflow
chemowalsh: marios I guess that if we keep the puppet step then it will be covered, and I don't currently see why we should removed it09:04
chemowalsh: marios by puppet step I mean that
owalshchem: ack09:05
owalshchem: will need a flag for this then, and only stop/disable services when it's a docker env09:06
chemowalsh: marios it just that the manifest should be mostly empty when using docker09:06
marioschem: right, it would be the 'same' upgrade_tasks at least the difference would be what config is applied after09:06
marioschem: oh, except, we'd need to check/make sure the puppet/services upgrade_tasks are in sync/up to date since this cycle has been all about docker/services upgrade_tasks so those may need updating (the puppet ones)09:07
owalshmarios, chem: yea, e.g we can drop the openstack-nova-migration install09:09
chemmarios: and now that I think about it, if we have the puppet upgrade_tasks ok, there is no way to apply them blindly, as owalsh said the non-controller script should be aware of which are puppet and which are not ...09:10
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1708014 in tripleo "scenarios in Ocata reference services introduced in Pike" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Jiří Stránský (jistr)09:10
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chemare not -> docker09:10
mariosowalsh: yeah thats the kind of thing i was thinking of09:10
marioschem: yeah i guess we can find a way (e.g. some hiera value that is only on containerized)09:11
chemmarios: owalsh then it will be either puppet or docker but we can't run both09:12
owalshchem, marios: ack, ok. I'll spin up an env to experiment with this asap09:12
openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Add validation task in docker services
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chemowalsh: marios in fact with this review I think that running both can work09:14
chemowalsh: make sure to include it in your env.  The puppet manifest should then be empty for all containerized services09:14
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openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Add validation task in docker services
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openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Allow tripleo-admin creation both for Nova-managed and split-stack
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openstackgerritMichele Baldessari proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Fix up multipath docker indentation
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openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Persist containerized services httpd logs
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1708014 in tripleo "scenarios in Ocata reference services introduced in Pike" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Jiří Stránský (jistr)10:10
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openstackgerritDamien Ciabrini proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Enable TLS configuration for containerized Galera
openstackgerritJose Luis Franco proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Add validation task in docker services [Neutron]
openstackgerritMichael Chapman proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Implement scenario008 (opnfv)
openstackgerritDan Sneddon proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Convert compute-role.yaml to role.role.j2.yaml
openstackgerritDamien Ciabrini proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Enable TLS configuration for containerized Galera
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openstackgerritGabriele Cerami proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: enable container periodic job
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amoralejhi, both ovb jobs fail in periodic pipeline10:51
amoralejwith 2017-08-02 08:06:32 | Timed out waiting for messages from Execution (ID: 0cd8b935-d268-4297-b2e7-f6c8d6bf45ac, State: RUNNING). The WebSocket timed out before the Workflow completed.10:52
amoralejis it known issue?10:52
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openstackgerritOr Idgar proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: WIP Integrating octavia post deploy to overcloud deploy
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amoraleji just reported issue in periodic jobs in
openstackLaunchpad bug 1708146 in tripleo "OVB periodic jobs fail in overcloud deploy task with timeout waiting for messages" [Undecided,New]11:07
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1708014 in tripleo "scenarios in Ocata reference services introduced in Pike" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Jiří Stránský (jistr)11:10
openstackgerritOr Idgar proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: WIP Add Octavia post deployment steps to tripleo workflows
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* jistr reported
openstackLaunchpad bug 1708156 in tripleo "Undercloud install fails to find openstack-tripleo-ui RPM" [Critical,Triaged]11:52
openstackgerritJaganathan Palanisamy proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Derive Params failure message format change
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bandinijaosorior: ideas as to how fix the puppet-unit-4.5 job ?
bandiniam looking at it, but can't see the issue yet12:00
jaosoriorbandini: not really. No idea how that one works. But maybe mwhahaha has seen that before.12:00
* mwhahaha hides12:00
mwhahahathat's a new one12:00
mwhahahawonder if pupppet bug since it's failing on some puppet type12:01
mwhahahaor some rspec gem update that's breaking things12:01
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openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Update capabilities map to match latest environments
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mwhahahabandini: it passed locally, so maybe a recheck is in order12:06
jaosoriormwhahaha: it's been failing for a couple of days now12:07
* mwhahaha tries again12:07
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michapmajistr: we have that tripleo-ui rpm issue in apex for offline tests - it's one of the few packages that isn't on the undercloud images already and has to come in from the repo12:07
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1708014 in tripleo "scenarios in Ocata reference services introduced in Pike" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Jiří Stránský (jistr)12:10
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1708156 in tripleo "Undercloud install fails to find openstack-tripleo-ui RPM" [Critical,Triaged]12:10
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mwhahahajaosorior: oh it looks like stdlib updated something12:11
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mwhahahajaosorior: so we might need to pin stdlib for testing12:11
bandinithat pw_hash sensitive argument addition thing?12:11
bandiniah I see12:12
mwhahahait worked on my old fixtures, i reran and it's broken now since i just go teh new version12:12
mwhahahaso i assume it's because we test with 4.512:12
mwhahahabroke it12:13
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Updated from global requirements
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mwhahahaso latest stdlib requires pouppet 4.712:19
mwhahahaso we need less than 4.17.012:20
mwhahahaor update our jobs to 4.812:20
mwhahahathe problem being that tripleo uses 4.612:20
bandinilet's start with the first option?12:21
mwhahahaso we'll need to pin rdo and puppet to use less < 4.1712:21
mwhahaha to fix puppet tests12:23
mwhahahajaosorior: what's the best way to pin stdlib in rdo to 4.16.0?12:24
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atothbeagles, have a sec?12:25
beaglesatoth, yup12:25
atothbeagles, on the repo fron, I'm not sure I'm including the right ones in the image. which RDO repo(s) would you say I should include?12:26
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beaglesatoth: probably the ones that you used when creating the image I think (i.e. ones from the undercloud) - otherwise you'll end upgrading any dependencies that have changed version12:27
beaglesatoth, does that make sense to you?12:28
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Updated from global requirements
atothbeagles, all repos from undercloud?12:29
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atothbeagles, I'm assuming the delorean*.repo are the openstack repos12:30
atothbeagles, which is what I added but still does not work12:30
beaglesatoth, just the delorean ones I thin12:30
beaglesatoth, k... then you need to sort out why :)12:30
atothbeagles, yep, just making sure I started correctly :-)12:31
beaglesatoth, by doesn't work do you mean that the puppet outright fails or do you mean "runs, but does not install packages"?12:31
openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Allow tripleo-admin creation both for Nova-managed and split-stack
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fultonjjistr ^ thanks, I think I could use that for my problem with
jistrd0ugal, thrash: have you ever seen a nova.servers_list mistral action (or any action really) stuck like this?
jistrfultonj: yea that's the purpose of that patch :)12:33
jaosoriormwhahaha: I don't know :/12:33
mwhahahajaosorior: i checked, the rdo pkg should be ok for now because it hasn't picked up that commit12:33
atothbeagles, same issue as always, doesn't find certain classes and stuff, but works just fine when the 2 repos are actually installed in the image12:34
atothbeagles, rpms12:34
jistrd0ugal, thrash: the stuck action is the one on line 90 here
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atothbeagles, openstack-neutron-lbaas.noarch and python-neutron-lbaas.noarch to be exact12:35
atothbeagles, so I'm just trying to figure out how it all works ;-)12:36
d0ugaljistr: the nova.servers_list action is running but not completing?12:36
jistrd0ugal: yea exactly12:36
d0ugaljistr: any errors in the executor log?12:36
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d0ugaljistr: I've not seen it with this action, but I have seen actions fail badly and Mistral doesn't mark them as finished - not seen this for some time tho12:36
beaglesatoth, k. so it isn't actually installing the packages.. you could adding some warning messages in the puppet in relevant places and try rerunning the last puppet apply you find in the /var/log/messages - that way you can check if the expected puppet code paths are getting hit12:37
thrashjistr: same here...12:37
jistrd0ugal: no errors, this is tail of executor log
atothbeagles, that would be a good option, any quick pointer to something spitting out a log message?12:38
jistrlooks like it got the response from nova12:38
jistrthrash, d0ugal: i managed to find this though It's not exactly the same, but i do use with-items in the action right after the "not finishing one"12:39
jistrso i wonder if the get_servers is actually ok (we do use it elsewhere)12:39
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jistrand mistral doesn't want to start the next one for some reason12:39
* jistr will try reverting to previous state where i didn't get this error yet12:40
d0ugaljistr: hmm, possibly. I am going to experiment in my env12:40
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atothbeagles, thanks, looking through it now but if you know off hand, where will those log messages  go?12:41
beaglesatoth, /var/log/messages12:41
atothbeagles, ah, cool, thanks12:41
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jistrd0ugal, thrash: hmm funny, it seems like it gets stuck when i use jinja in the next task. I may need jinja as i need the |tojson(indent=4) filter. Unfortunately for running ansible via os-collect-config i need the tasks as string, while for running it via Mistral i need the tasks as a data structure. I could just write the whole thing twice, but i'm still trying to have it DRY as datastructure and then just12:43
jistrconvert it to string for the os-collect-config way.12:44
jistrnot sure if there's |tojson(indent=4) equivalent with the <% %> yaql templates (?)12:44
openstackgerritBrent Eagles proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Add Neutron SR-IOV agent container
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jistrd0ugal, thrash: so when i change it to it doesn't get stuck, but it also doesn't work as the playbook is garbled12:48
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d0ugaljistr: interesting, maybe we have a bug with jinja212:48
jistryea possibly..12:50
jistrthis is how the garbled playbook looks. If i could get it from the pythonish output to proper json, we'd be golden.
* jistr searches if yaql can do that somehow12:51
d0ugaljistr: I am trying to find out how to do this with YAQL12:51
* jistr too12:51
d0ugaljistr: <% json_pp($.tasks) %>12:52
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jistrd0ugal: whoohoo great thank you very much12:52
d0ugalI think, A custom YAQL function added by Mistral12:52
thrashjistr: I was going to say <% str($.tasks) %> if it doesn't necessarily need to be pp12:53
thrashbut not sure that would quite do it.12:53
thrashd0ugal's is better. :D12:53
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jistrAug 02 12:54:24 overcloud-controller-0 os-collect-config[1270]: PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************12:55
jistrAug 02 12:54:24 overcloud-controller-0 os-collect-config[1270]: localhost                  : ok=6    changed=5    unreachable=0    failed=012:55
jistr[root@overcloud-controller-0 ~]# getent passwd tripleo-admin12:55
jistrperfect! :))12:56
jistrd0ugal, thrash thanks a lot12:56
openstackgerritAttila Darazs proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Add timestamper_cmd for tripleo-validations
fultonjthanks d0ugal jistr thrash12:56
fultonjjistr: may i add you to ?12:58
fultonjjistr: i am about to reply but would appreicate if you could check my understanding12:58
bogdandofolks, do you know from which puppet module the cron class comes into puppet-openstack as a dependency? I can't locate it...12:59
jistrfultonj: ack i added myself. Feel free to add me to any review you need. I just have a lot of those incoming (currently 332 unread gerrit messages) so if i miss something and you want my feedback, feel free to ping.12:59
bogdandomwhahaha, EmilienM: ^ ^ perchance?12:59
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mwhahahabogdando: what do you mean13:00
bogdandomwhahaha: I need to pin it in the rdoinfo13:00
mwhahahabogdando: cron { } is a puppet resource13:00
bogdandomwhahaha: oops13:00
bogdandomwhahaha: no more questions :)13:00
mwhahahak :D13:00
fultonjjistr: ok, thanks. it's regarding the generation of ceph.conf and how we map it to containers using kolla_config: and then volumes: that we had talked about previously.13:00
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Drop step_config as top level docker requirement
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: docker: Add unit tests on service_name
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Add docker templates to configure Ironic inspector
slaglefultonj: one thing to consider, does /etc/ceph exist if no ceph packages are installed on the host?13:03
slaglefultonj: and if it doesn't, is that going to cause the docker run to fail, since the path does not exist13:04
fultonjslagle: it exists as per the original patch in either case. a line was added to ensure that. i will dig it up.13:05
fultonjslagle: it did cause the docker run to fail when the original patch was going in, but that line was added to address it13:05
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slaglefultonj: i see it. in host_prep_tasks13:06
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slaglethis just feel like way too tight coupling between ceph and cinder_volume13:07
slaglenow we need a /etc/ceph, just to run cinder_volume?13:07
slagleeven if you are not using ceph, or dont even want it installed13:08
openstackgerritGabriele Cerami proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: WIP: containers periodic test
openstackgerritBrent Eagles proposed openstack/tripleo-docs master: Post deployment installation instructions for Octavia
fultonjit's an empty directory otherwise, that already exists as per the overcloud image13:08
slaglefultonj: we shouldn't have a dependency on it. split-stack doesn't use images13:09
fultonji added more details in reply to you and bogdando13:09
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fultonjin the split stack scenario wouldn't host_prep_tasks take care of it?13:10
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1708014 in tripleo "scenarios in Ocata reference services introduced in Pike" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Jiří Stránský (jistr)13:10
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1708156 in tripleo "Undercloud install fails to find openstack-tripleo-ui RPM" [Critical,Triaged]13:10
slaglefultonj: it would. but cinder_volume requiring /etc/ceph to exist is odd13:11
slagleit's cinder_volume. it supports different backends. it shouldn't require anything ceph specific if not using ceph13:11
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slaglefultonj: is the ceph configuration generated with
slaglefultonj: i'm trying to understand the reasoning here. because no other services that use generate config files under /etc on the container host13:14
slagleor does puppet-ceph actually get applied directly on the host?13:15
fultonjthe ceph configuration not generated with docker-puppet.py13:15
fultonjthe configuration is genereated directly on the host13:15
* fultonj gets spec13:15
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fultonji suppose i could generate the configuration in another directory in another patch13:16
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fultonjbut the proposed patch fixes the bug of the container not starting without taking out the work that was done to implement the spec13:17
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slaglefultonj: sure, we can go with that. it needs to get passing CI though13:19
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fultonjslagle: ok, thanks very much13:20
slaglei dont know why it faiiled on scenario0002, or if that has anything to do with the patch or not13:20
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slaglethe logs didn't get captured it looks like13:20
fultonji'll get it passing ci next then13:20
fultonjslagle: i'll open another bug for cinder not requring /etc/ceph you can follow13:21
fultonjif you like13:21
mwhahahacinder requires /etc/ceph/ceph.conf when configured with rbd13:24
fultonjmwhahaha: the bug would be that it not requre /etc/ceph to exist if it is not configured with rbd13:25
slaglemwhahaha: yes. it's the tight coupling between cinder_volume and /etc/ceph when not using ceph that I object to, on stricly nit-picking grounds :)13:25
mwhahahaeh sounds like a personal problem to me :D13:26
slagleone of many13:26
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mwhahahaseems to be a limitation in our ability to know when it is or isn't configured for inclusion with docker13:27
mwhahahapesky mount paths13:28
slagleit can be done13:28
* mwhahaha shudders13:28
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mwhahahait can eb done, but should it be done13:29
slagleyaql is the basis for everything we do in tht13:29
slaglenot that you should shudder any less about that :)13:29
* fultonj cant't wait to change it with yaql13:30
zoliping all - anyone able to help with this error?
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slaglezoli: i would guess that your overcloud node can't resolve undercloud.localdomain13:35
slaglehowever, curl return code 7 is actually "Failed to connect() to host or proxy. "13:35
slagleand not couldn't resolve13:36
slagleso i'll change my guess to undercloud.localdomain not resolving to the IP where swift is bound13:36
zolislagle, it resolves hostname/IP:13:36
zoliPING undercloud.localdomain ( 56(84) bytes of data.13:36
zoli64 bytes from undercloud.localdomain ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.071 ms13:36
slagleis that the undercloud IP where swift services are bound?13:37
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zolislagle, checking13:38
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openstackgerritGabriele Cerami proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: WIP: containers periodic test
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/instack-undercloud master: Run online_data_migrations for Ironic on upgrade
openstackgerritBrad P. Crochet proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Add Mistral event engine
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openstackgerritTim Rozet proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Adds networking-sfc support
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openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Enable repo for python-os-testr
jistrfultonj: i'll probably just squash this one into the bigger patch that follows it13:56
jistrfultonj: it doesn't do much good by itself13:56
fultonjjistr: ok, it gather it's kind of like a POC13:57
fultonjthanks jistr13:58
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: We have disable infracloud-vanilla due to the compute host running mirror.regionone.infracloud-vanilla.o.o being offline. Please recheck your failed jobs to schedule them to another cloud.13:58
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jistrfultonj: yea originally it was meant as the full solution but that was before we found out that none of the actions work with split stack *at all* :))14:00
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1708014 in tripleo "scenarios in Ocata reference services introduced in Pike" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Jiří Stránský (jistr)14:10
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1708156 in tripleo "Undercloud install fails to find openstack-tripleo-ui RPM" [Critical,Triaged]14:10
EmilienMjistr, ccamacho: ok but how do you explain jobs are failing14:11
EmilienMjistr: ah, we need ?14:11
jistrEmilienM: i updated the bug. It's just the scenarios that are wrong.14:11
jistrEmilienM: yea i think so14:12
EmilienMjistr: ahhhh :) I can remove the alert ?14:12
jistrEmilienM: +1 yea14:12
jistrEmilienM: so the normal upgrade job goes Ocata->Master as it should have. And the scenario upgrades weren't made to work yet.14:12
EmilienMjistr: ok good14:13
EmilienMjistr: so my patch merged in project-config - let's make the job working !14:13
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openstackgerritGabriele Cerami proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: WIP: containers periodic test
openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Allow tripleo-admin creation both for Nova-managed and split-stack
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openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Default $NODEPOOL_PROVIDER
jistrfultonj: ^ i hope that should be it as far as that patch goes. However, the CI will not be passing yet. We need to execute the workflow differently in CI, i.e. extend tripleo-quickstart and/or tripleo-ci to run the workflow with proper ssh_user, ssh_private_key and ssh_servers.14:20
jistr..that match the CI environment14:20
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openstackgerritSébastien Han proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: openstack-heat-templates: fix deprecation path
jistrslagle: ^ fyi eventually i went with creating the new ssh admin user as that will 1) give a consistent environment across split-stack and Nova-managed and 2) we will not have to pass ssh creds to *every* workflow that needs to run Ansible on overcloud, we'll be able to assume those.14:21
jistrslagle: i haven't gone for Heat woodoo when figuring out how to create the user though, i went for providing explicit ssh creds. So the ssh admin creation workflow should be the only workflow where we pass explicit ssh creds in the splitstack case. The rest of the workflows can assume we're using the created user/creds.14:22
itlinuxhello all any suggestions on this error Failure caused by error in tasks: fail_workflow\n\n  fail_workflow [14:23
itlinuxthe workflow timed out.. on my introspect14:23
jistrslagle: if i'm making any sense :)14:24
slaglejistr: yea, i follow, makes sense to me14:25
jistrslagle: cool, thanks14:25
slagle+1 for less Heat voodoo...although at this point we're pretty deep :)14:25
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itlinuxhi all14:27
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itlinuxany suggestions on introspect with Dell R630 looks like a known issue.. TY14:27
* fultonj reads up14:27
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hewbroccadeep voodoo or deep doodoo?14:29
adarazsEmilienM: hi, are you around?14:30
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openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/instack-undercloud master: Install pankoclient on undercloud
amoralejcould someone take a look at today's ovb jobs in periodic failed with that14:34
openstackLaunchpad bug 1708146 in tripleo "OVB periodic jobs fail in overcloud deploy task with timeout waiting for messages" [Undecided,New]14:34
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EmilienMadarazs: in a mtg14:36
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adarazsEmilienM: ack. when you have time, have you seen this/do we have a bug for it?
openstackLaunchpad bug 1708146 in tripleo "OVB periodic jobs fail in overcloud deploy task with timeout waiting for messages" [Undecided,New]14:37
openstackgerritGabriele Cerami proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: WIP: containers periodic test
amoraleji reported it earlier14:37
adarazsamoralej: I should have asked you first :)14:37
adarazsamoralej: thanks.14:37
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adarazshewbrocca: so this blocks upstream promotion: -- which blocks RDO CI promotion due to weirdo failing. we should probably have some mistral folks on it.14:38
openstackLaunchpad bug 1708146 in tripleo "OVB periodic jobs fail in overcloud deploy task with timeout waiting for messages" [Undecided,New]14:38
* d0ugal looks14:39
d0ugalThat error is usually a sign that something is wrong with Zaqar.14:39
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openstackgerritGael Chamoulaud proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Add pre-deployment negative tests for validations
openstackgerritMichael Bayer proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Enable innodb_buffer_pool_size configuration
d0ugaladarazs: there is no activity in the zaqar logs:
d0ugalOnly a 404, which is weird.14:41
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therved0ugal, That's only the websocket logs though14:44
therveThe http ones have info14:44
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d0ugaltherve: where do I find those?14:45
d0ugalgot it14:45
openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Add logrotate-crond configuration
therveIt looks like the queue got messages posted accordingly14:47
therveSo maybe a failure with the subscription14:47
openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Add logrotate with crond service
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hewbroccad0ugal: any more ideas?15:00
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d0ugalhewbrocca: no, not yet - still looking at the logs.15:02
d0ugalI'm not sure what scenarios would cause the websocket to timeout.15:03
fultonjjistr: thanks, i'll try depending on that in my CI change to scenario00115:06
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karthiksbnemec, dsneddon  Can you please review
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itlinuxhello guys is this a bug or something that I can find a workaround for it. :
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1708156 in tripleo "Undercloud install fails to find openstack-tripleo-ui RPM" [Critical,Triaged]15:10
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d0ugaltherve: so, maybe we need to try and write something that attepts to reconnect on a timeout?15:11
d0ugalI guess websocket-client may raise WebSocketTimeoutException if the connection is interrupted?15:11
bogdandoslagle, jistr|mtg: jfyi15:12
openstackLaunchpad bug 1708180 in tripleo "Remote ssh administration user creation not working with split stack" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Jiří Stránský (jistr)15:12
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d0ugaltherve: they both seemed to timeout after ~8mins - could something be killing connections after that length of time?15:12
therved0ugal, Probably, but I don't that is the issue. It's not getting messages most likely15:13
d0ugaltherve: sorry, I don't follow - what isn't getting messages?15:14
d0ugaldo you mean just because it is idle?15:14
therved0ugal, The websocket connection is not getting the message15:14
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therveLooking the previous build, that step finished in about 3 minutes15:15
therveSo it should fit in the 8 minutes we see here15:15
d0ugalso where are the messages getting lost? :)15:15
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therveYeah that's the question15:17
therveIt looks like they are correctly posted15:19
therveAnd zaqar doesn't complain when it gets them15:19
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openstackgerritJohn Fulton proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Convert scenario001-multinode-containers job to ceph-ansible
d0ugaltherve: Yup, that was my conclusion too15:19
d0ugaltherve: unfortunately we have less information from tripleoclient.15:19
d0ugalWe should really have it always log the debug output.15:20
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d0ugalAlso, why are workflows started after there is a timeout.15:20
therveYeah that's another story :)15:21
therveSo I just tested websockets subs on master, and it works, so at least that is not completely broken15:21
d0ugaland it doesn't print the "Started Mistral Workflow ..." before the timout15:21
d0ugalso which workflow is actually timing out.15:21
d0ugal(not that the workflow itself seems to be timing out, but you get what I mean I think)15:22
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d0ugalThe check_pre_deployment_validations workflow is started here:
d0ugalI can't see a workflow call before that15:24
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therved0ugal, There is more logs in messages15:29
d0ugaltherve: ?15:30
therved0ugal, zaqar websocket logs there for some reasons15:30
therveOK found the one15:31
therved0ugal, queue 5205ebec-ee69-401d-99a5-4e36703a336815:31
thervetakes about 8 mins to get the message15:31
therve45s on the previous build15:32
d0ugalAny guesses why?15:32
hewbroccaMistral went out  for a smoke?15:33
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therveWell yeah the 8am coffee break15:34
dtantsureven mistral needs coffee15:34
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* dtantsur had 4 coffees today to just be able to work a bit15:35
thervedtantsur, And how many workflows did you complete? :)15:35
dtantsurhaha, not so many, unfortunately15:35
slaglebnemec: tripleo-repos enables for current-tripleo. which is ancient for some reason. is that the right link?15:35
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d0ugaltherve: I see that queue UUID in messages - why don't I see it in the mistral logs? does it have more than one ID?15:36
d0ugaloh wait15:36
d0ugalI see it15:36
therveYeah it's there15:36
d0ugalI think I was in the wrong file, sorry15:36
bnemecslagle: It may be out of date now.  The repos were current as of many months ago, but it looks like we're no longer using buildlogs in the docs.15:38
bnemecslagle: It looks like we should be using now15:39
itlinuxhi bnemec: could you suggest what could be the issue on instack
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d0ugaltherve: I might be reading the wrong, but wasn't a message sent at 8am and 8:08?15:44
d0ugali.e. two messages, not one taking that long15:45
therved0ugal, Yeah it times out at 8:06 though15:45
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therved0ugal, Looks like a heat issue15:49
hewbroccaO NOES15:50
d0ugaltherve: what. How?15:51
therved0ugal, It's the one taking 8 minutes15:51
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Prepare pike.yaml config for TripleO CI
EmilienMadarazs: can you review this one please? did I miss something? Also, do you know if we can have builds for pike instead of using master? ^15:53
therveProbably 4a4a172d5b464c1bfc080da15a6a3c2af51a2be515:53
adarazsEmilienM: looking15:53
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openstackgerritJohn Fulton proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Add support for installing Ceph MDS via ceph-ansible
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openstackgerritJaganathan Palanisamy proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: CPU threads range format for derive parameters
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adarazsEmilienM: I think it's good, +216:01
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bogdandostevebaker: hi. Could you please refresh my mind with the source of the images listed, once the environments/docker-centos-tripleoupstream.yaml is under rework. So there should I add a new image?16:02
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EmilienMadarazs: also, can we have builds for pike instead of master?16:04
EmilienMadarazs: who controls again?16:04
EmilienMadarazs: i'm happy if you make a symblink for now16:04
bogdandostevebaker: is it tripleo-common's container-images/overcloud_containers.yaml ?16:04
d0ugaltherve: good detective work - any idea what the fix is? I know very little about Heats code :)16:04
adarazsEmilienM: I don't have access. maybe panda?^16:04
EmilienMamoralej: ^16:05
therved0ugal, Chatting with Zane about it. We can try a revert, because we don't get why it's failing this way16:05
michapmais anyone looking at the tripleo-ui failures in CI? The jobs still seem to be using which can be rate limited, so it will cause failures in that package as it's one of the few that is not part of the undercloud image.16:06
bogdandoand which is the place to define parameters defaults for 'Docker.*ConfigImage' ?16:06
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amoralejEmilienM, your plan is to move existing jobs to pike or create new ones?16:07
amoralejyou are setting
therved0ugal, It's really unfortunate that we have to jump through so many hoops to find a small clue :/16:08
EmilienMamoralej: my plan is to make stable/pike branch working (tripleoclient was branched)16:08
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d0ugaltherve: indeed, I have been trying to figure out how we can make it easier to track down these issues, but I have no idea how we would automate that.16:08
EmilienMamoralej: can you create ?16:08
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d0ugaltherve: It would help if the logs were easier to query16:08
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amoralejEmilienM, nop, i don't have access to that server16:08
amoralejwhere's that?16:08
EmilienMamoralej: who has access?16:08
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therved0ugal, Yeah I thought I fixed zaqar logs, but apparently not16:09
therveAnd swift logs are still broken as well16:09
amoralejthat server is in upstream infra?16:09
EmilienMamoralej: no16:09
EmilienMamoralej: it's hosted by redhat16:09
amoralejmaybe weshay_pto ?16:10
EmilienMamoralej: I'm sure wes knows but he's on pto16:10
d0ugalobligatory ^16:10
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1708146 in tripleo "OVB periodic jobs fail in overcloud deploy task with timeout waiting for messages" [Critical,Triaged]16:10
EmilienMamoralej: let's use master in meantime16:10
openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Add crond container image
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EmilienMtrown also might have access but on pto16:10
EmilienMmyoung: ^ any thoughts on who has access to ?16:10
amoralejEmilienM, currently pike builds are in centos7-pike-bootstrap, but i can change it right now16:11
amoralejother problem is that we are not consistent because of an issue with cloudkittyclient, i need to branch it now16:11
myoungEmilienM: dmsimard?16:11
pandaEmilienM: I have access16:11
openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Add logrotate with crond service
EmilienMpanda: how can we get builds for pike?16:12
EmilienMpanda: is there a patch to do somewhere?16:12
hewbroccatemplate validation yay16:12
openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Add logrotate-crond configuration
therved0ugal, Do we log the template in CI?16:12
d0ugaltherve: no, I don't think so.16:13
pandaEmilienM: we have to add the jobs16:13
therveThat'd be useful as well16:13
EmilienMpanda: in RDO, right?16:13
EmilienMpanda: I'm working on the openstack-infra/tripleo-ci and projcet-config bits for pike now16:13
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pandano, in upstream16:14
EmilienMpanda: ok I'm preparing it now and I'll ping you for review16:14
pandaEmilienM: that's the right place16:14
pandaEmilienM: ok16:14
pandaI have to run, I'll be back in ~2 hours16:15
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mwhahahais CI clear to recheck or do we have oustanding issues?16:15
* mwhahaha thinks we need a good way to indicate this status16:16
openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Add logrotate with crond service
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EmilienMmwhahaha: clear to land runway 27 and recheck on taxi alpha, delta16:16
pandaEmilienM: pike link created16:17
* mwhahaha notes the missing landing gear but rechecks anyway16:17
bogdandostevebaker: folks, PTAL
EmilienMpanda: really cool, thx16:17
EmilienMmwhahaha: just pull-up :)16:17
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therved0ugal, Should we propose a temp revert to unblock things?16:21
d0ugaltherve: yup, I think that makes sense - it would also verify that patch as the problem.16:21
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openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Improve ansible.cfg ssh args
therved0ugal, Can you handle it? I got to go16:25
d0ugaltherve: sure16:26
d0ugalI can try16:26
adarazstherve, d0ugal: it would be cool if we could get in the revert before tomorrow morning so that we could promote upstream. we need that to unblock the CI.16:26
jistrbogdando: thanks, that does look related indeed. From a quick read i'm not sure if it will help us solve the issue we have, but at the very least i'd like to make sure that what we do doesn't collide with the new role. I'll take a closer look at the patch tomorrow. Thanks!16:26
adarazstherve: also please update the bug amoralej opened about your hunches and findings, might be useful later. :)16:27
therveadarazs, I did I think :)16:27
adarazstherve: oh I see, I didn't refresh. thanks! :)16:27
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bogdandostevebaker: oh, got it, it's container-images/overcloud_containers.yaml.j216:28
jistrbogdando: my comment was re  -- sorry for late reply, was on meeting until now16:29
openstackLaunchpad bug 1708180 in tripleo "Remote ssh administration user creation not working with split stack" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Jiří Stránský (jistr)16:29
d0ugaladarazs: How do we test CI with ?16:29
bogdandojistr: yeah, got it. Thanks!16:29
d0ugaladarazs: to verify the revert helps16:29
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adarazsd0ugal: you can comment "check experimental" to run some tripleo experimental jobs on it.16:31
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Add bits to support stable/pike
d0ugaladarazs: done, thanks.16:32
d0ugaladarazs: unrelated, I added that comment here:
d0ugaladarazs: expecting tripeo jobs, but didn't get any.16:33
adarazsd0ugal: yep. I see the tripleo gates got queued up in zuul according to
adarazsin the "experimental-tripleo" queue.16:34
dsneddonkarthiks, Workflow +1 on change 48054016:35
d0ugaladarazs: thanks - is the mistral repo not setup for it?16:35
adarazslet me check.16:35
karthiksdsneddon, Thanks !16:35
openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Add logrotate-crond container images params
openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Add logrotate with crond service
adarazsd0ugal: it's not set up there, I will add it.16:41
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bnemecEmilienM: is the rh1 mirror server.  It's managed by
bnemecYou'll need to propose a patch to that to add a builds-pike directory.16:44
EmilienMbnemec: yeah I'm working on it16:44
EmilienMthanks for confirming16:44
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bnemec(ci-admins have direct access to it, but we shouldn't be making one-off changes)16:44
d0ugaladarazs: thanks!16:46
EmilienMbnemec: panda just created builds-pike directory16:46
d0ugalapetrich: FYI ^16:46
bnemecEmilienM: panda|bbl: Please don't do that.16:46
openstackgerritBrent Eagles proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Add Octavia API endpoint to haproxy
bnemecIf we have to rebuild the mirror server for some reason (and it has happened) manual changes won't be persisted.16:46
* bnemec notes that this is why developers usually don't get access to production systems :-)16:47
EmilienMbnemec: I agree16:47
EmilienMbnemec: they should be maanged by puppet I guess16:47
openstackgerritBrent Eagles proposed openstack/tripleo-docs master: Post deployment installation instructions for Octavia
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adarazsd0ugal, EmilienM: added 'check experimental' jobs to mistral in case we'll need it:
dsneddonbnemec, EmilienM: Is there any way to generate the undercloud-role.yaml similar to how I can generate the other configs by running ./tools/ or ./tools/roles-data-generate-samples.sh16:54
EmilienMbnemec: files are managed by puppet already16:55
bnemecdsneddon: mwhahaha is probably the person to talk to about roles.16:55
EmilienMbnemec: so it's good16:55
dsneddonmwhahaha, Any ideas? ^^^16:55
bnemecEmilienM: What?  There's no builds-pike directory in the puppet manifest.16:56
bnemecUnless something _just_ merged.16:56
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Add bits to support stable/pike
bnemecEmilienM: That's for ocata...16:57
mwhahahadsneddon: you mean roles_data_undercloud.yaml?16:57
EmilienMbnemec: right and I'm doing pike ^p16:57
EmilienMamoralej, bnemec : please review
mwhahahadsneddon: will do that based on what is in roles/Undercloud.yaml16:57
EmilienMI'm working on the project-config patch now16:57
dsneddonmwhahaha, No, I mean undercloud-role.yaml. I'm getting a CI error on that file here:
mwhahahai have no idea what undercloud-role.yaml is16:58
bnemecEmilienM: Okay, so you meant in general they're managed by puppet, not that the new pike one was already.  Think I got it now. :-)16:58
mwhahaha(and am concerned that that's a thing)16:58
dsneddonmwhahaha, Yeah, me too!16:58
EmilienMmwhahaha, dsneddon: AFIK it's to deploy the heat installer16:58
EmilienMundercloud services using THT16:59
EmilienMdprince wrote that, afik ^16:59
mwhahahabut where is it coming from16:59
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mwhahahaoooq maybe (and theni would say see topic)16:59
dsneddonEmilienM, Yeah, I'm making changes to role.role.j2.yaml, and just when I think I've got it working with all the overcloud roles, it fails in CI because my changes break undercloud-role.yaml.16:59
mwhahahaoh wait doesn't role.role.j2.yaml create that?17:00
mwhahahaor isn't that how it's created17:00
EmilienMlol see topic17:00
mwhahahaie that's a parse error from the generated role.role.j2.yaml17:00
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EmilienM(I should probably add the landing gear stuff from mwhahaha)17:01
mwhahahait could also be from tripleo-client for the undercloud install command which was experimental but is now being use din voting ci17:01
* mwhahaha pulls out the look of disapproval ಠ_ಠ 17:01
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EmilienMadarazs, bnemec:
adarazsEmilienM: +117:04
EmilienMianw: we need a release of dib in fact (since CI use pip to deploy it for this job)17:07
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openstackgerritGael Chamoulaud proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Better long validation task management
EmilienMyolanda: you're release manager on DIB, can we get a release now please?17:08
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EmilienMwe need to fix tripleoclient gate17:09
mwhahahadsneddon: undercloud-role.yaml comes from config.role.j2.yaml17:09
bnemecEmilienM: I -1'd the tripleo-ci pike patch.  There are a couple of problems with it.17:10
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1708146 in tripleo "OVB periodic jobs fail in overcloud deploy task with timeout waiting for messages" [Critical,Triaged]17:10
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mwhahahadsneddon: no that's not right, i think it's roles.role.j2.yaml that does it. this is our glorious jinja2 rendering stuff17:11
mwhahahadsneddon: so it is coming from role.role.j2.yaml
dsneddonmwhahaha, Yeah, that makes more sense, since it's changes to role.role.j2.yaml that's causing the error.17:11
mwhahahaseems to just be a yaml parsing problem17:11
dsneddonmwhahaha, But that doesn't get rendered when you run tools/process_templates.py17:12
dsneddonmwhahaha, So I'm not sure how to do a test render to see what's going wrong.17:12
mwhahahadsneddon: probably because uses roles_data.yaml and not roles_data_undercloud.yaml17:12
mwhahahadsneddon: use --roles-data roles_data_undercloud.yaml17:13
openstackgerritJohn Fulton proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Pass UserKnownHostsFile and deploy ssh key
dsneddonmwhahaha, Ah, but there is a --roles-data parameter17:13
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Add bits to support stable/pike
EmilienMbnemec, amoralej : thank you for your comments, all done ^17:16
openstackgerritJohn Fulton proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Allow tripleo-admin creation both for Nova-managed and split-stack
dsneddonmwhahaha, It works! Many thanks.17:17
openstackgerritGael Chamoulaud proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Better long validation task management
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amoralejEmilienM, it's not needed to update ?17:22
dprincemwhahaha: we have gotten some good feedback from the undercloud-heat installer. what issues are you having?17:22
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mwhahahadprince: this isn't necessarily an issue with it but more of a commentary on we're using an 'experimeental' feature for our voting ci :D17:24
EmilienMamoralej: ah probably17:25
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Add bits to support stable/pike
EmilienMamoralej: thanks! nice catch17:25
amoralejgrep catched it :)17:26
dprincemwhahaha: sure, but do keep in mind I added the 'experimental' statement there per comments from you I think :)17:27
mwhahahadprince: yea because i didn't like what it was doing so it was the only way i wanted to allow it17:27
dprincemwhahaha: and I think it would be worth considering dropping that in Queen17:27
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dprincemwhahaha: "didn't like what is was doing"?17:27
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* mwhahaha goes and digs up the review17:28
mwhahahaspecifically the stuff required to make it work which we put in oooq17:31
mwhahahaso if we want to unmark it as experimental we need to figure out a way to take the stuff out of oooq17:32
mwhahahain a semi userfriendly fashion17:32
dprincemwhahaha: fwiw, I never intended the primary use case for this to have anything to do w/ oooq. It was added there as a convenience to oooq users17:32
dprincemwhahaha: I don't use oooq with it17:33
dprincemwhahaha: nor is it a requirement17:33
mwhahahadprince: right but we need to take that stuff that lives in oooq and make it userfriendly17:33
mwhahahaso yes i know you don't need to use oooq but you do need to do something so it works17:33
mwhahahathat's the something i have issues with17:33
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openstackgerritAttila Darazs proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Better long validation task management
adarazsEmilienM: can I get a review on this? will need it to get a Phase1 promotion:
EmilienMadarazs: sure17:56
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adarazsis there any other tripleo core around for this simple change so that I don't have to merge it with 1 +2? :)18:02
amoralejEmilienM, tripleo-dlrn-promote-pike job is created in so that we can start doing promotions in pike but we'd like to move to dlrnapi based promotions as soon as we can18:03
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/os-net-config master: OvS 2.7 support - dpdk-devargs needs to provided for DPDK devices
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Use normal socket file permissions instead of polkit
EmilienMjistr: I love your ASCII charts in commit message18:09
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1708146 in tripleo "OVB periodic jobs fail in overcloud deploy task with timeout waiting for messages" [Critical,Triaged]18:10
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Remove vars from multinode common config which can be overriden
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Use stdout_lines instead of stdout for subnode inventory
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Add node config variables to support deployed server
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Move common multinode role setup from tripleo-ci
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Add featureset for 3nodes multinode job
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Consolidate puppet/docker deployments with one deploy steps workflow
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Move deploy-steps-playbook to deploy-steps-tasks
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Default docker_puppet_debug to false
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Add RoleConfig output
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Add support for update_tasks
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Add environment to disable deploy steps
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Replace references to deprecated controllerExtraConfig
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Enable tempest on scenario001-multinode job
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Prompt to clear breakpoints when using deployed-server
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Move release notes to the right directory
EmilienMarxcruz: what is the progress to run tempest in other jobs?18:20
arxcruzEmilienM: requires this
arxcruzthen is just alter the featureset00x for each job with the tests we want to run18:21
EmilienMarxcruz: afik we can't have whilelist working WITH blacklist right?18:22
arxcruzEmilienM: we can, but one will anulate the other18:23
EmilienMyeah, I just want to make sure we don't do that18:23
arxcruzEmilienM: if a job is in the blacklist and in the whitelist, it will not be executed, but still, we can set the blacklist file to none18:23
EmilienMchandankumar: can you review please?18:24
EmilienMadarazs: ^ also plz18:24
arxcruzEmilienM: on my last comment I show the run with and without the whitelist18:24
adarazsarxcruz: thanks for the fixes on that change. looks good now.18:25
EmilienMcool, let's merge it18:25
adarazsEmilienM: submitted.18:25
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Enable pingtest on scenarios container jobs
EmilienMadarazs: I almost had an heart attack when I did that ^18:26
adarazshuh, how did we forget about that :)18:27
EmilienMjistr: ^ how come we don't test services when deploying with containers???18:27
adarazsEmilienM: +2, let's see if they pass.18:27
EmilienMI just hope it will pass18:28
EmilienMadarazs: it's not tested18:28
EmilienMadarazs: we need to run container jobs18:28
adarazsI understand. if it passes we can submit it.18:28
EmilienMI'll use THT + Depends-On for now18:28
adarazsah right, it won't trigger those.18:28
adarazsgood idea.18:28
adarazsEmilienM: you can -W it to be sure, but I guess nobody will accidentally merge it.18:29
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Upgrade testing
EmilienMadarazs: done18:30
EmilienMso we never ran pingtest against container jobs18:30
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EmilienMjistr: sounds like you created the featureset but never enabled pingtest18:31
adarazsd0ugal, therve: -- looks like the nonha gate managed to deploy the overcloud, that's a good sign.18:31
arxcruzEmilienM: next step now is collect which tests we want to see on each scenario, I already have the tests for scenario001 from pradk today18:35
EmilienMarxcruz: autoscaling for scenario00118:36
EmilienMarxcruz: I'll take care of other scenarios, I have an idea of what we need to test18:36
arxcruzEmilienM: cool!18:37
arxcruzEmilienM: pradk pointed me for this for scenario00118:38
EmilienMarxcruz: yes18:38
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Prompt to clear breakpoints when using deployed-server
EmilienMarxcruz: test_telemetry_integration is the most important one IMHO18:39
EmilienMarxcruz: don't include Vitrage please18:39
EmilienMarxcruz: I would say, start with test_telemetry_integration only for now and see how it works18:39
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openstackgerritAndy Smith proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: WIP OpenStack containerized qpid-dispatch-router service
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EmilienMadarazs: see comment on
openstackgerritBob Fournier proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Convert compute-role.yaml to role.role.j2.yaml
openstackgerritBob Fournier proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Render IP map and host maps according to network_data.yaml
openstackgerritBob Fournier proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Convert controller-role.yaml to role.role.j2.yaml
openstackgerritBob Fournier proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Convert objectstorage-role.yaml to role.role.j2.yaml
openstackgerritBob Fournier proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Convert blockstorage-role.yaml to role.role.j2.yaml
openstackgerritBob Fournier proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Convert cephstorage-role.yaml to role.role.j2.yaml
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jtomasekhonza: I think we need more opinions here so we can make the decision :)19:01
honzajtomasek: i'm good at opinions :)19:05
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1708146 in tripleo "OVB periodic jobs fail in overcloud deploy task with timeout waiting for messages" [Critical,Triaged]19:10
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openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Prompt to clear breakpoints when using deployed-server
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slaglewhy do our docs say to use and not
slaglecurrent-passed-ci vs current-tripleo19:27
slaglecurrent-tripleo is what we promoted 2 days ago19:27
slaglecurrent-passed-ci...i have no idea what that is. but it's 11 days old19:27
slagledoes anyone know what repos quickstart uses?19:29
EmilienMslagle: current-tripleo in
EmilienMand consistent for promotion jobs:
slagleEmilienM: ok. does the same19:31
slagleso the docs are just wrong then19:31
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: DNM - run tempest in scenario001-container
EmilienMarxcruz: ^ just experimenting19:31
arxcruzEmilienM: cool, I'll take a look if there's some error19:32
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack/tripleo-docs master: Document using current-tripleo
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: CI testing: run tempest in container jobs
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openstackgerritGabriele Cerami proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: WIP: containers periodic test
vkmchey all, I've mentioned this before but couldn't get much information... I'm getting several errors with Ironic on the undercloud19:48
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vkmcprecisely this
openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Start redis service after upgrade
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vkmcI can always reproduce this, in a minimal deploy19:55
vkmcEmilienM, ^19:55
vkmcdprince, ^19:55
openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Add Telemetry services to scenario002
EmilienMvkmc: I'm currently eating lunch, gimme some time :D19:57
bnemecvkmc: That looks like an issue with the liveness checks from haproxy.19:59
bnemecAt least that's what used to cause the broken pipe in the api logs.19:59
bnemecI thought it got fixed in Ironic, but maybe not Inspector.20:00
vkmcEmilienM, sharing is caring20:00
vkmcbnemec, not sure if I can provide more logs to confirm this20:01
bnemecvkmc: Is anything actually malfunctioning?  In the past I thought this was a cosmetic issue that resulted in spurious log entries, but nothing else.20:01
openstackgerritJohn Fulton proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Add support for installing Ceph MDS via ceph-ansible
vkmcbnemec, not sure if it's related, but I'm seeing lots of dhcp interfaces being started and failing in systemctl20:02
vkmcand I'm afraid this is causing network issues20:02
vkmcin my late deploy, after a reboot, I wouldn't be able to access the endpoints20:03
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openstackgerritJohn Fulton proposed openstack/tripleo-docs master: Update Pike storage documentation for ceph-ansible
openstackgerritGabriele Cerami proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: WIP: containers periodic test
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mwhahahaafternoon :D20:40
mwhahahabnemec: do you know what generates cistatus.html?20:48
bnemecmwhahaha: It's a cron job that runs the script in
bnemecWhich I guess actually calls to create cistatus.html20:50
* mwhahaha wishes we had decent numbers for the gates as seems also not to be working right20:51
bnemecmwhahaha: I've found that often I have to shift+refresh that page a number of times to get the stats to show.20:51
bnemecNot sure why.20:51
* mwhahaha shakes fist at his screen20:51
mwhahahagate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-ha-oooq appears to be having a 42% failure rate for infra issues today20:51
bnemecFor the past three days we've had a <60% pass rate on all jobs, so that sounds about right. :-/20:53
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Configure dockerd with --iptables=false
EmilienMmwhahaha: we need to look at logstash20:53
EmilienMwhy it fails20:53
mwhahahaprobably same reason vanilla cloud was failing20:53
mwhahahait stopped around 12:00 (whatever TZ gets reported)20:53
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bnemecI see a massive number of yum failures in the ovb jobs for some reason.20:54
EmilienMmwhahaha: gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-ha-oooq isn't run in vallina, right?20:54
bnemecNo, that's all rh1.20:54
mwhahahaEmilienM: no but maybe there was a larger connectivity problem20:55
bnemecUnless someone turned on rdo cloud, which would also explain the massive failure rate. :-)20:55
mwhahahaie major provider problems20:55
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mwhahahaZeroDivisionError: float division by zero20:57
mwhahahadat math20:57
openstackgerritGabriele Cerami proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: WIP: containers periodic test
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Fix ceilometer agent compute service name
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bnemecmwhahaha: When I had issues running the script locally, I think it usually had to do with my gerrit username not matching the username I was logged in locally with.21:11
bnemec(I tried it against just the ovb-ha job - about a 35% failure rate since ~July 20th)21:12
mwhahahayea it needs a username21:12
bnemecI just added this to my ~/.ssh/config:21:12
bnemecHost review.openstack.org21:12
bnemec   User=bnemec21:12
mwhahahaor that :D21:13
bnemecDamn, we are merging inconsistent parameter definitions faster than I can fix them. :-P21:19
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Make UpgradeLevelNovaCompute parameters consistent
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Make many networking parameters consistent
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Make RoleParameters and key_name descriptions consistent
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openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Add --set argument to prepare command
fultonjdoes anyone with "the power" want to +W ?21:41
slaglefultonj: thanks for fixing this21:42
fultonjslagle: happy to, thanks for accepting this fix21:42
openstackgerritMarius Cornea proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: WIP: Stop and disable openstack-nova-compute service on compute nodes
* bnemec gets his recheck button warmed up21:45
bnemec+W is only the start of merging a patch these days.21:45
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fultonjthanks bnemec21:49
fultonjslagle: fyi
openstackLaunchpad bug 1708302 in tripleo "openstack clients which can use ceph, should not need to depend on /etc/ceph" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to John Fulton (jfulton-org)21:54
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* fultonj back tomorrow22:01
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openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Prompt to clear breakpoints when using deployed-server
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ianwEmilienM: ok, i'll do a dib release in a little22:38
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EmilienMianw: thanks23:34
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