Wednesday, 2018-02-14

openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-tripleoclient master: undercloud_deploy: add opts to setup virtual-ips
rlandymwhahaha: I don't see any tripleo bug report yet from infra. I can see how CI could set up dns with ovb/other deployments but not with multinode (which runs on the donor cloud). I'll be back in a few hours to check the bug list00:05
fungirlandy: i'm still working on it00:08
fungijust finished the correlation:
fungigood news is tripleo-ci only seems to be the snmp public community exposed to internet ones00:08
fungiopenstack-helm is exposing ipmi and open recursive dns resolvers00:09
fungikolla ansible is the memcached hits00:09
fungiand the ntp servers came out since they turned out to not be our instances (something in the provider's infrastructure, we think)00:09
rlandyyeah - I wasn't sure how tripleo ci multinode was exposing dns00:10
fungii'll get the snmp thing summarized into the tripleo bug i'm opening, and i'll get bugs open against openstack-helm and kolla-ansible for the rest00:10
rlandyfungi: thanks00:14
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Fix lint errors
EmilienMfungi: when you have something please link it here, I'm here all evening00:28
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: prep-containers: include containerized undercloud bits
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rlandyEmilienM: see the SNMP listings in
EmilienMdmsimard, pabelanger, mwhahaha : FYI third party voting works:
fungirlandy: EmilienM: mwhahaha: i've opened bug 174932400:34
openstackbug 1749324 in tripleo "Exploitable services exposed on community test nodes" [Critical,Triaged]
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: DNM - run container-multinode (fs010) with a containerized undercloud
fungii'm proceeding to open similar ones for openstack-helm and kolla-ansible00:34
EmilienMrlandy: ok I'm looking at it00:34
EmilienMrlandy: can you please review ?00:35
EmilienMsshnaidm|off: please update and remove -nv, so we can move forward. Thanks00:35
dmsimardfungi: thanks00:35
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: DNM - run ovb-ha with a containerized undercloud
EmilienMI'm looking at snmp00:37
fungithanks EmilienM!00:37
EmilienMfungi: any chance to tell if it's subnode-2?00:37
EmilienMbut either way I'm investigating00:37
fungiEmilienM: the etherpad does have that detail00:37
EmilienMoh right sorry00:37
fungilooks like it is00:37
fungie.g. <Node 0002477112 ['secondary-2']:centos-7>00:38
EmilienMit sounds like the overcloud00:38
fungiskimming i think it's always secondary-200:38
* EmilienM pokes at it now00:38
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EmilienMthe snmp config is here:
EmilienMrocommunity public
EmilienMrocommunity6 public ::100:45
EmilienMfungi: "tripleo-ci only seems to be the snmp public community exposed to internet ones" where did you see that?00:47
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EmilienMI'm trying to see what is unsecure in the snmpd.conf00:48
fungiEmilienM: the provider managed to get those servers to respond to snmp gets with a read community of "public"00:49
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fungiall instances where the servers responded to snmpget turned out to be running one of those tripleo-ci jobs mentioned in the bug report00:50
EmilienMrocommunity public
EmilienMI'm reading man now but to me the config looks good so far -- still investigating00:51
fungidid that change recently? the most recent response they got from one was 2018-02-11 04:29:13 utc, but i have no idea whether that's just the last time they scanned or if it's been fixed in the past few days00:51
EmilienMI can check our stable branch CI jobs00:52
fungithat was the most recent incident they reported to me00:52
EmilienMon ocata:
EmilienMsame config00:53
EmilienMrocommunity public
EmilienMand we have: createUser ro_snmp_user MD5 "273a2b6e4eeae4a72ae7b762ee375b528397cf0c"00:53
EmilienMwhich is very secure afict00:53
EmilienMbut obviously missing something00:53
EmilienMand same on pike:
fungiwe likely need to catch one of those jobs in progress and try running an snmpget against it or something00:54
EmilienMfungi: easy, we can do it now if you want00:55
EmilienMa bunch of jobs are being run00:55
fungibut i would find it hard to believe they magically guessed which nodes were running as the second node of a tripleo-ci multinode job00:55
EmilienMand they all deploy SNMP00:55
EmilienMfor example if you can catch this one ^00:56
EmilienMfrom 54350800:56
EmilienMfungi: ^00:56
fungii'm in the middle of openening the rest of these bugs against the other projects indicated in the report00:56
EmilienMok no prob00:56
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1749324 in tripleo "Exploitable services exposed on community test nodes" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Emilien Macchi (emilienm)01:10
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fungiEmilienM: okay, i'm done opening tickets and pinging people in irc, taking a look at a tripleo job build now to see what i can get from it01:15
EmilienMfungi: let me tell you one01:17
EmilienMone sec01:17
EmilienMif you can get it01:17
fungii think i have one, just trying to run it down01:17
fungitesting `snmpwalk -v1 -c public .` and get Timeout: No Response from
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fungii'll try to catch the one you linked01:19
EmilienMfungi: the password is generated during the deployment01:19
EmilienMyou need to log on subnode-2 and see in /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf01:20
EmilienMso you can get credentials01:20
EmilienMalee: around?01:20
fungiwell, the provider was finding instances responding to an snmp v1/2 with community "public"01:20
EmilienMsure I believe them01:21
EmilienMbut so far the config looks secure and we aren't able to reproduce it01:21
fungi23.253.109.191 is the one you suggested01:21
fungialso no response for me01:22
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EmilienMdo we have more details on the attack?01:22
fungithey had examples of snmp retrieving the uname details:
EmilienMjaosorior, alee : issue to build barbican-api containers, it blocks production chain01:23
EmilienMyeah the port is open01:24
EmilienMbut then you need credentials01:24
fungiwell, i don't see how they're retrieving the uname oid (which is what it looks like there?) if snmp is locked down01:25
fungisomehow they're getting snmpd to report back the hostname, kernel version, build date and architecture01:26
EmilienMsince it's inap we should ask mgagne01:26
EmilienMmgagne: if you around we need help on the security thing that you guys found01:26
fungiyep, he's the one who handed thid sata over to me01:27
fungier, this data01:27
EmilienMprobably a bit late for east coast01:28
* EmilienM remembers fungi is east coast as well01:28
fungiyeah, we can likely pick it up tomorrow01:28
EmilienMjaosorior: I think you broke it01:29
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EmilienMjaganathan__: seems like "cannot operate on dangling symlink" on barbican healthchecks, I can't figure why now01:42
EmilienMjaosorior: ^01:42
EmilienMbut you can easily see it on
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1749335 in tripleo "Failing to build barbican containers in rdo-kolla-build-integration" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Juan Antonio Osorio Robles (juan-osorio-robles)02:07
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1749335 in tripleo "Failing to build barbican containers in rdo-kolla-build-integration" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Juan Antonio Osorio Robles (juan-osorio-robles)02:10
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Prepare t-h-t for undercloud in a work dir
EmilienMjaosorior: also IPsec job is failing02:19
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/instack-undercloud master: docker: use ensure_resource
EmilienMdsneddon: FYI I approved - we need to be careful from now if things go south02:21
openstackLaunchpad bug 1749338 in tripleo "tripleo-ipsec : failure to set current IP fact" [High,Triaged] - Assigned to Juan Antonio Osorio Robles (juan-osorio-robles)02:23
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EmilienMmandre: can you look my comment on please02:42
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Add tripleo-ui container
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: [WIP] tripleo ui docker
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Add tls roles for undercloud
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Undercloud: fix stackrc TLS URL detection
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Undercloud: support for external VIP for SSL
EmilienMstevebaker: hey, need your help if you're still around02:55
stevebakerEmilienM: yo02:55
EmilienMstevebaker: yo02:55
EmilienMstevebaker: I'm deploying a containerized undercloud and then a containerized overcloud02:56
EmilienMstevebaker: and it fails to prepare containers for the overcloud02:56
EmilienMagain this error02:56
stevebakerEmilienM: is that still the docker group thing?02:57
EmilienMoh I think I know why02:57
EmilienMyeah the code isn't in puppet-tripleo yet02:57
EmilienMstevebaker: thx. I'm pushing a patch02:57
EmilienMstevebaker: but there is this user thing02:59
EmilienMI guess I need to move the parameter to undercloud.conf and consume it from puppet? mhh I hate that03:00
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EmilienMright now we compute the username in instack-undercloud03:00
EmilienMbut with containerized undercloud we need to do something else03:00
EmilienMstevebaker: what is the recommended way for our production users?03:00
EmilienMto manually add the user to docker group?03:01
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stevebakerEmilienM: that doesn't seem ideal, but if we did require that we could at least add a preflight check to assert it03:04
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stevebakerEmilienM: actually, just for this issue the prep_containers script could run as sudo03:05
stevebakerEmilienM: I mean the upload command inside the prep_containers can be sudo03:05
stevebakerEmilienM: ah, production docs also run the upload command as sudo03:08
stevebakerEmilienM: our upstream docs do not use sudo, for the upload command, maybe they should
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1749335 in tripleo "Failing to build barbican containers in rdo-kolla-build-integration" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Juan Antonio Osorio Robles (juan-osorio-robles)03:10
stevebakerEmilienM: with undercloud install --use-heat, what is it that installs/enables/starts docker and docker-registry?03:12
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EmilienMstevebaker: sorry I was afk for dinner03:31
EmilienMstevebaker: puppet-tripleo docker.pp03:32
stevebakerEmilienM: no problem03:32
EmilienMif prod doc says sudo, let's use sudo03:32
EmilienMso we don't have to do magics03:32
EmilienM(and of course fix the upstream doc)03:33
EmilienMI'm back in 1h. bbl03:33
EmilienMstevebaker: ^03:34
stevebakerEmilienM: yeah, on the other hand its convenient for the undercloud user to be able to do other docker calls without sudo, and removing that capability could be seen as a regression. Why not have a user specified in undercloud.conf and have puppet-tripleo do it?03:35
EmilienMstevebaker: yeah also03:36
EmilienMstevebaker: is the default user "stack" on the undercloud right?03:36
EmilienMjust looking for a default value03:36
EmilienMI need to disappear a little03:37
openstackgerritRonelle Landy proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Add feature set to test public bond network isolation
stevebakerEmilienM: yeah, by convention we create and use a stack user, but I think it is appropriate for the user who runs the "undercloud install" command to be added to the docker group03:38
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openstackgerritSaravanan KR proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Add docker service for neutron-ovs-dpdk-agent service
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1749335 in tripleo "Failing to build barbican containers in rdo-kolla-build-integration" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Juan Antonio Osorio Robles (juan-osorio-robles)04:10
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jaosoriorEmilienM: fuck04:54
jaosoriorwhen did it start failing?>04:54
jaosoriorthe IPSec job04:54
jaosoriorwould this help the barbican job ?04:55
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jaganathan__d0ugal, please look into
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EmilienMjaosorior: yesterday (for you)05:05
EmilienMjaosorior: you got it...05:06
EmilienMjaosorior: we need to be really careful of all jobs even non voting, when approving patches05:06
EmilienMjaosorior: we're working on making third party jobs voting but it'll take some days, in meantime, let's be super careful05:06
EmilienMI'm approving
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1749335 in tripleo "Failing to build barbican containers in rdo-kolla-build-integration" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Juan Antonio Osorio Robles (juan-osorio-robles)05:10
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: DNM - manage docker group
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: DNM - run container-multinode (fs010) with a containerized undercloud
jaosoriorEmilienM: did something change recently in the dynamic inventory code?05:16
EmilienMjaosorior: I'm not sure about that05:16
jaosorioror in the hostnames?05:16
EmilienMah yes05:16
EmilienMlet me find it, give me a sec05:16
jaosoriorthe task that's failing is this one
EmilienMwe did things like this
jaosoriorall it does it get the inventory hostname, and fetch the IP from the fact05:17
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EmilienMto generate HostnameMap in quickstart05:17
jaosorioris that used in the ovb jobs?05:18
EmilienMI'm not sure but we would probably have to05:18
jaosoriorok, goo dto know05:18
EmilienMjaosorior: I'm going to bed, was a long day05:19
jaosoriorI'll check it out05:19
EmilienMI can check out too tomorrow, sorry I'm leaving now05:19
jaosoriorhave a good one05:19
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: DNM - manage docker group
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: DNM - run container-multinode (fs010) with a containerized undercloud
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Tenguhello there05:41
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jaosoriorTengu: sup dude05:48
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Tengua bit frozen to be honnest :). was about 2°C today on the road, and some snow was falling. nice day for motorbike :). what about you?05:49
* Tengu ready to sing "let it go"05:50
jaosoriorlol dafuq05:50
jaosorioruuuh... dealing with broken stuff05:50
Tenguas usual isn't it?05:50
Tenguneed some external eye?05:50
jaosoriornot sure if there's relevant logs in CI05:51
jaosoriortrying to reproduce it currently05:51
Tenguhmm ok05:51
jaosoriorbut the issue is this
openstackLaunchpad bug 1749338 in tripleo "tripleo-ipsec : failure to set current IP fact" [High,Triaged] - Assigned to Juan Antonio Osorio Robles (juan-osorio-robles)05:51
jaosoriorit fails with this error message {"msg": "Error in in json_query filter plugin:\n'query' is undefined"}05:51
TenguI see that. where's the ansible stuff?05:52
jaosoriorthis is the specific line where it fails
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jaosoriorand this is the inventory
jaosoriorall I really do is this "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname][ip_var_key] }}"05:53
jaosoriorwhere inventory_hostname should be provided by ansible05:53
jaosoriorso that part is fine05:53
jaosoriorin the logs, which are these   we can see "ip_var_key": "management_ip"   a little bit above the failure05:54
jaosoriorso the ip_var_key is defined properly05:54
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Render NIC config templates with jinja2
jaosoriorand management_ip is defined for all nodes in the inventory05:54
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: remove duplicate README file
jaosoriorso wtf05:54
Tengunot for undercloud in fact, but I guess it's intended?05:55
jaosoriorbut that doesn't run in the undercloud05:55
Tenguwas going to ask :)05:55
jaosoriorTengu: also, you can see that the IPs that reported the failure are the overcloud nodes05:56
Tenguhmm, is it really hostvars[] and not ansible_facts[] ?05:56
Tenguhmm ok.05:57
Tenguwhat about quoting?05:57
Tenguin the example they actually quote the indexes.05:57
jaosoriorTengu: by the way, this had been working just fine for a while, it just broke yesterday, and the ansible playbook I linked you hasn't changed in some time05:58
openstackgerritSaravanan KR proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Add role_specific tag to missing role-specific parameters
Tengujaosorior: duh. ok.05:58
Tengujaosorior: did the ansible version on the CI change?05:58
jaosoriorTengu: they quote the indexes cause in the examples they're constants. In this case they're unquoted because they're variables.05:58
jaosoriorTengu: so that might be a possible cause05:58
Tengujaosorior: ip_var_key is a constant string, isn't it?05:59
jaosoriorTengu: another possible cause is the ansible_hostname not being populated correctly05:59
Tengui.e. you want to access the "ip_var_key" for host foo in hostvars hash05:59
jaosoriorTengu: nope, defined here
Tenguhumpf. ok05:59
jaosoriorjust above the "Set current IP fact"05:59
TenguI didn't really dig into the "facts" in ansible until now.06:00
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jaosoriorTengu: aaand there might be another possible cause06:05
jaosoriorso, for some reason, the result of this is saved in the inventory06:06
jaosoriorany change that is not rendered correctly will break in the inventory if ran via mistral06:06
jaosoriorthis doesn't seem to be the case if ansible is ran manually06:06
jaosoriorso it gets extra confusing :D06:06
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jaosoriorTengu: lol yeah06:08
Tengugrmbl. network outage -.-.06:09
Tenguand peering issues now that it's back.06:10
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1749335 in tripleo "Failing to build barbican containers in rdo-kolla-build-integration" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Juan Antonio Osorio Robles (juan-osorio-robles)06:10
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Tengujaosorior: have to debug some issues at my current work - apparently a network provider has "some" issues… the range they allocated us is down.06:17
jaosoriorgood luck06:18
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Revert "ffu: Add fast-forward upgrade outputs to RoleConfig"
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Revert "ffu: Add fast-forward upgrade outputs to RoleConfig"
jaosoriorTengu: spotted the issue ^^06:46
jaosoriormarios: ^^ :/06:46
Tengujaosorior: gg :)06:49
Tenguand our network seems to be stable again here.06:49
mariosjaosorior: ack checking (so it appears there is a problem with the playbook 'outputs' from ffu in that patch?06:50
jaosoriormarios: yes06:52
mariosjaosorior: ack, added a comment on the review (I'll revote and we should merge it today unless someone else offers a better suggestion by EU lunchtime wdyt?)06:55
mariosjaosorior: its a little early still for the rest of the folks in the EU team wdyt?06:56
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mariosjaosorior: i'm scanning trying to spot the issue (maybe its in the yaql collector in services.yaml?)06:57
marioschem: fyi lucas isn't around (he might still be away today lets see)06:57
jaosoriormarios: no worries, I'm trying to fix it as well, so the revert hopefully is not the ultimate solution06:57
mariosnot lyarwood06:57
jaosoriormarios: so... slagle had stumbled around some issues regarding the rendering (something about the quoting) which was ultimately fixed by shardy moving most of the deploy steps to deploy-step-tasks.yaml instead of the deploy-steps.j206:58
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jaosoriorhowever, I'm not entirely sure how that part worked. Nor why we're putting the output of deploy-steps.j2 as part of the ansible inventory06:59
mariosjaosorior: but hold on, i mean, just reverting that ffu patch fixed it for you?07:00
jaosoriormarios: pretty much07:01
mariosjaosorior: heh 'pretty much' != yes but OK i'll take it as a yes :)07:01
jaosoriorit's a yes in my book07:01
jaosoriormy deployment is still on-going, but it already finished the IPSec deployment. So yeah, reverting it fixes the issue.07:02
marioscool tx07:02
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1749335 in tripleo "Failing to build barbican containers in rdo-kolla-build-integration" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Juan Antonio Osorio Robles (juan-osorio-robles)07:10
openstackgerritJanki Chhatbar proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Minor update steps for ODL
openstackgerritJanki Chhatbar proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Minor update steps for ODL
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/tripleo-ui master: Imported Translations from Zanata
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Enable Barbican health checks
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openstackgerritAttila Darazs proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: GATE CHECK for quickstart-extras
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skramajaneed reviews on and ?08:04
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1749335 in tripleo "Failing to build barbican containers in rdo-kolla-build-integration" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Juan Antonio Osorio Robles (juan-osorio-robles)08:10
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openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/pike: DNM Testing O->P with tripleo-upgarde
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Tengugrmbl. why doesn't tripleo find my ceph-storage nodes now… that's the last issue I have :(.08:22
openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Set tripleo-upgrade vars in featureset.
openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Upgrade UC and OC using tripleo-upgrade role.
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openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Set docker and image value to the right value in mixed version.
openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: [WIP] Use tripleo-upgrade role for p->m job.
openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed openstack/tripleo-ui master: Convert Role detail dialog to redux-form
openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed openstack/tripleo-ui master: Parameters cleanup
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openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Inherit UpdateCommand class from overcloud DeployCommand class
bogdandofolks, how can I check the older builds history for ?08:45
bogdandoit shows only Feb 1308:45
openstackgerritKarthik S proposed openstack/os-net-config master: WIP: Adding VLAN support and other configs for sriov_vf
bogdandoas we have now RDO CI switched voting, would be nice to know for how long those 2 minor/major upgrades jobs keep being red08:46
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bogdandogot it !08:47
bogdandowhy did we set into voting the jobs being red for long?08:47
bogdandosshnaidm|ruck: ^^ perchance?08:48
bogdandomwhahaha: ^^08:48
bogdandowhat is the procedure for making jobs voting?08:48
sshnaidm|ruckbogdando, they won't be voting, waiting on patch:
holser@sshnaidm|ruck - please fix CI for
bogdandosshnaidm|ruck: ack, thanks08:49
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holsersshnaidm|ruck - Can we revert back CI to working stage, then fix with then merge it08:51
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holserliterally, all patches get -1 from RDO cloud CI08:51
holserand will require rerun which is time and resources08:52
bogdandoholser: yes, I hope to see merged shortly though. Hope that works for us, if merged today08:52
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sshnaidm|ruckholser, I understand your concern, but reverting is not possible in current stage, we are waiting for patch to land08:52
bogdandowe prolly can live one day blocked from merging :)08:52
holserHope is not estimation08:52
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holsersshnaidm|ruck - Why can't we revert?08:53
sshnaidm|ruckholser, in your patch you mentioned there is gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-master that fails and will vote in any case, so you need to ensure it passes in your patch firstly08:53
holserCan you please explain08:53
openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Upgrade UC and OC using tripleo-upgrade role.
openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Provide a way to change docker registry path during mixed upgrade.
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bogdandoholser: IIUC, sshnaidm|ruck means that that's gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-master blocks your patch atm, not those minor/major jobs being permanently red for a while. Exploring the logs (with getthelogs) it seems like another known issue with heat stacks timing out09:06
bogdandoyou can get the tool to fetch logs locally here holser09:07
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1749335 in tripleo "Failing to build barbican containers in rdo-kolla-build-integration" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Juan Antonio Osorio Robles (juan-osorio-robles)09:10
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jpichEmilienM++ Thanks for the weekly owl, nice & helpful :)09:17
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openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Use overcloud_templates for deployed server prepare scripts.
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openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/newton: [newton only] Fix get-occ-config when some roles are not defined.
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openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Upgrade UC and OC using tripleo-upgrade role.
openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Use overcloud_templates for deployed server prepare scripts.
openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Add a hook to run a bash script at the end of the overcloud prep.
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/tripleo-common-tempest-plugin master: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-common master: Fix overcloud export plan
jaosoriorlyarwood: the commit you pointed that looks more like what could have caused the issue. Thanks for pointing it out09:37
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jaosoriorlyarwood: as of examples of how it gets rendered. I actually don't know how to get it. We had a similar issue before, since, for some reason, the tasks get persisted onto the ansible inventory. So slagle fixed a bunch of similar issues at some point. and ultimately shardy moved most problematic steps out of common/deploy-tasks.j2, which ended up fixing the issue.09:38
openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Upgrade UC and OC using tripleo-upgrade role.
openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Use overcloud_templates for deployed server prepare scripts.
openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Add a hook to run a bash script at the end of the overcloud prep.
lyarwoodjaosorior: np, did you also back that change out in your test?09:39
lyarwoodjaosorior: if that is the issue it should be a simple fix tbh09:39
openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Provide a way to change docker registry path during mixed upgrade.
jaosoriorlyarwood, marios: gonna test a revert with now09:40
lyarwoodjaosorior: kk09:40
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jaosoriorlyarwood: I didn't. merely reverting that one commit I posted was enough.09:40
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Revert "ffu: tripleo-packages repo management"
lyarwoodjaosorior: right, thinking about this, that original revert corrects this as it removes the ffu tasks from tripleo-packages09:45
lyarwoodjaosorior: but I think it's the actual tasks in tripleo-packages that are causing this09:45
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jaosoriorlyarwood: that makes sense.09:46
jaosoriorlyarwood: I pushed the commit, so it'll be tested in CI. But I'm also testing locally.09:46
lyarwoodjaosorior: ack, do we only have non-voting CI for this btw?09:47
lyarwoodjaosorior: I assume that's how this was missed for so long?09:47
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jaosorioryep, it's non-voting09:47
jaosoriorlyarwood: although, the failure had already manifested in that patch
jaosoriorhere in the gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset042-master-tht job09:49
jaosoriorso yeah, it was unfortunate that the job wasn't voting09:50
lyarwoodjaosorior: yeah indeed, chem has found something new FWIW, posting a change now that might avoid reverts09:51
* lyarwood heads back to nova for a while09:51
jaosoriorlyarwood: something new?09:51
jaosoriorlyarwood: good luck09:51
lyarwoodjaosorior: well, a nit with the original ffu packages change I think09:52
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openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Add missing string block for fast_forward_upgrade_playbook.
chemjaosorior: lyarwood marios ^ this may be the root cause, even If I couldn't say why09:54
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jaosoriorchem: alright! we'll see what CI says :D09:55
jaosoriorhopefully that fixes it09:55
lyarwoodhaha, yeah that might be it09:55
chemjaosorior: lyarwood marios it's very hard to read actually09:55
lyarwoodchem: without that, wouldn't we include fast_forward_upgrade_release_tasks.yaml in post_upgrade_steps_playbook ?09:56
lyarwoodchem: ouch09:56
lyarwoodchem: nice catch09:56
chemlyarwood: not sure what's going to happen to this "...: {get_param: [FastForwardUpgradeReleases]}"09:56
openstackgerritMartin Mágr proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Add healthcheck script for memcached
chemlyarwood: will it be rendered ok by, the level of parsing of this file make it hard to predict what's going to happen09:57
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chemjaosorior: oki, let's wait on CI, until then I'll W-1, drop a not in the review when the test has run09:59
marioschem: checking09:59
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marioschem: cool10:00
marioschem: thanks :)10:00
chemmarios: too much magic in that file ...10:01
openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Prepare t-h-t for undercloud in a work dir
marioschem: honestly i was staring at it earlier10:02
marioschem: and didn't see that10:02
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chemmarios: the only thing that bother me is the get_param inside this "new" string block, I'm not sure if heat parser will render it correctly10:04
openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Prepare t-h-t for undercloud in a work dir
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chemmarios: I've droped a comment on my concern.10:06
marioschem: hmm good point10:06
marioschem: we might have to resolve that by setting jinja like we have for the _max things10:06
chemmarios: a template_str may be the solution.  Anyway let's wait for the ci result before moving forward, will see how to deal with that then I guess.10:07
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1749335 in tripleo "Failing to build barbican containers in rdo-kolla-build-integration" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Juan Antonio Osorio Robles (juan-osorio-robles)10:10
openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: New featureset for fast forward upgrade testing.
openstackgerritAdriano Petrich proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: WIP move password generation to deployment phase
karthikschandankumar, Regarding, the CI is failing. Could you please suggest if anything is missing ?10:14
openstackgerritMichele Baldessari proposed openstack/tripleo-docs master: WIP Add Instance HA docs
openstackgerrithanish proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Added and modified the services for ComputeLiquidio role
openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: New featureset for fast forward upgrade testing.
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: WIP: libvirt hosts with reproducer
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openstackgerritOliver Walsh proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Add support for libvirt VNC TLS with option of a dedicated CA
openstackgerritOliver Walsh proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Add support for libvirt VNC TLS with option of a dedicated CA
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-ui master: Imported Translations from Zanata
chandankumarkarthiks: let's see recheck will fix the issue.10:24
karthiksthanks chandankumar10:24
openstackgerritOliver Walsh proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Add support for libvirt VNC TLS
chandankumarkarthiks: File not found: /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/os-net-config-8.2.1-0.20180214102350.6e9eb68.el7.centos.x86_64/usr/bin/os-net-config-sriov10:25
chandankumarkarthiks: we need to merge upstream patch first then i think we can merge rdo patch10:26
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openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Inherit UpdateCommand class from overcloud DeployCommand class
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karthikschandankumar,  oh !!! looks like chicken-egg problem :)10:28
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jistrfolks does it ever happen to you that with quickstart, the libvirt socket disappears?10:30
jistrmine was /run/user/1001/libvirt-sock10:31
jistrand it's not there and i have no idea how to bring it back :D10:31
jistrit should be autocreated, i found some bugzillas mentioning problems with this, but all are closed or don't really mention any workarounds10:31
bogdandojistr: did you try with priv mode?10:32
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jistrbogdando: sorry i don't follow, what priv mode? if you mean container priv mode -- i'm talking about libvirt on BM host, it's not containerized10:33
jistrthat could solve so many problems :D10:33
jistrthanks bogdando10:33
bogdandoyay indeed10:33
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Tengujaosorior: oh, btw, I just found out why novajoin was failing on my lab: routing. because network ftw :)10:33
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jistrbogdando: i've had issues with qemu://session libvirt since forever, it's so flaky10:34
bogdandowhat's why I'm used to deploy on rdo cloud10:34
Tengujaosorior: as my DoubleNO³ mimic/spoofs the productive public network, I had to add "some" routes in order to let the lab access services that are hosted on the public range (but not in openstack), like freeIPA. Or our git repository :]10:34
jaosoriorTengu: remember that the overcloud nodes need a way to contact freeIPA as well10:35
Tengujaosorior: yep, it's OK now - the lab-prenat instance has the right config, and I added specific routes in a "dedicated lab" env file.10:36
Tenguso now I should get a working lab. without any further hacks.10:37
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openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Undercloud: fix stackrc TLS URL detection
openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Undercloud: support for external VIP for SSL
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karthiksdsneddon, The patch  and rdo patch has nested dependencies with respect to the entrypoint os-net-config-sriov. Can you please suggest a way forward ?10:45
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-common master: Deprecate group:os-apply-config with config-download
openstackgerritChandan Kumar proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Updated tempest plugin names
shardymarios, chem: Hey, ramishra is investigating an issue with node delete, and I think it might be related to changes between versions where node delete implementation changed between e.g Newton and later releases10:51
shardymarios, chem: I was wondering if you guys are testing upgrades, particularly FFU from newton, if you could try doing a node delete, then upgrade, then do another node delete, and capture the openstack stack environment show (and a heat DB dump) at each stage10:51
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shardyI can test it on master, but I was thinking you may have faster access to the upgrade-ready test environments?10:52
chemshardy: I don't have a working env right now, if that happen soon enought I'll try.10:53
ramishrashardy,chem: so the customer is on newton, so it's something after liberty->mitaka->newton upgrade10:54
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shardyramishra: Oh!10:54
shardySo it's expected that the ComputeRemovalPolicies is in parameters, but that may be a problem for subsequent versions10:55
mariosshardy: o/ i am focusing on q upgrades these days so don't have an ffu env10:55
mariosshardy: lbezdick might but i think he is away10:55
shardyramishra: can you pls link the bz and we can decide if some upstream bug(s) are needed?10:55
openstackramishra: Error: Could not parse XML returned by HTTP Error 403: Forbidden (
mariosshardy: (might/very likey/i know he does/was running the workflow end of last week)10:55
shardymarios: ack thanks, we may need some collaboration between the upgrade and workflow squads to sort this out I think, my worry is that ComputeRemovalPolcies moves from parameters <= Newton to parameter_defaults in subsequent versions10:57
shardybut that may be an issue beyond the bug ramishra is looking into10:57
mariosshardy: thanks for the context. fwiw the versions that matter here are exactly newton and queens (we don't use 'in-between' templates, all the upgrade stuff comes from q tht)10:58
shardymarios: ack, yeah it's not really specific to ffu, my worry is node delete is broken for all versions beyond Newton when upgrading10:59
shardythat would be surprising, hence wanting some other eyes/testing on it10:59
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1749335 in tripleo "Failing to build barbican containers in rdo-kolla-build-integration" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Juan Antonio Osorio Robles (juan-osorio-robles)11:10
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shardyramishra: AFAICT node delete doesn't work at all on master...11:18
shardy raised11:18
openstackLaunchpad bug 1749426 in tripleo "Node delete is broken" [High,Triaged]11:18
ramishrashardy: no surprise:)11:18
shardyramishra: I think we'll have to ask thrash|g0ne or rbrady to take a look and get that on the workflow squad backlog11:19
shardyperhaps they can also look at the node delete between versions issue, maybe in collaboration with lbezdick11:20
openstackgerritMarios Andreou proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Adds --all option to overcloud upgrade for running all playbooks
ramishrashardy: sure, as the immediate problem for the customer is resolved (though they can't use node delete, if some node has problem), I think we have time to investigate11:21
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openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: WIP: Take mixed upgrade into account for boostrap_subnode_minimal.
openstackgerritMichele Baldessari proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: WIP During a minor update make sure docker service has live-restore option
d0ugalshardy: is there something I can help with re: workflow squad stuff?11:35
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d0ugalshardy: oh, the node delete bug.11:36
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shardyd0ugal: Hey!  Yeah the issue is there are some issues with node delete11:43
shardyd0ugal: it is broken on master AFAICS, also the heat environment is overwritten every node delete, and it's possible we have an issue where Newton and older used "parameters" but later versions switched to the workflow which I think uses parameter_defaults11:44
shardyessentially we need some workflow folks to give node delete some love and help figure out what is broken ;)11:45
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d0ugalshardy: the workflow squad meeting is today at 3pm - you may want to join, I added it to the agenda:
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d0ugalshardy: I wont make it today unfortunately, normally I run it but rbrady will be handling it today11:46
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d0ugalshardy: sounds good - I can help tomorrow if you don't get any support before then.11:48
d0ugalI have never actually used it, so I'll have some learning to do :)11:48
shardyd0ugal: ack, OK I also raised for another issue I noticed when helping ramishra debug11:48
openstackLaunchpad bug 1749435 in tripleo "Node delete always overwrites *RemovalPolicies" [Medium,Triaged]11:48
shardyd0ugal: heh, yeah that seems to be part of the problem, it's not widely used and there's no CI coverage11:49
shardymaybe we can look at adding some11:49
d0ugalYeah, good idea11:49
shardyd0ugal: I suspect there may be a third bug related to doing a node delete on Newton or before, then upgrading to a more recent version, but we need some more testing to confirm that11:49
shardyobviously making node delete work at all on master is the first step :)11:50
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openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Keep a default value for NODEPOOL_CENTOS_MIRROR.
moguimaris it possible to run TripleO Quickstart virtualy, with something like docker or vagrant?11:51
moguimarI'm trying to run it on vagrant, ssh to root without password is already figured out11:51
moguimarbut I can't get it to connect to the right port for ssh11:52
shardymoguimar: Some of the roles could work in such an environment, but one of the main reasons -quickstart exists is to setup VMs via libvirt11:52
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d0ugalmoguimar: if you are using virtualbox with vagrant I don't think it supports nested virt11:52
d0ugalor it didn't the last time I looked (a few years ago!)11:52
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moguimaroh geez11:53
moguimarhow could I try tripleO without messing arround my machine and not having access to other machines?11:54
openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Prepare t-h-t for undercloud in a work dir
shardymoguimar: do you have any access to existing OpenStack clouds?  Some folks do test via quickstart on e.g RDOcloud11:55
moguimarRDOclould new accounts are on hold11:56
shardypersonally I run it on a local development machine, nearly all changes are inside VMs so it doesn't do much to the host11:56
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moguimarI have also tried devstack, without success11:56
moguimarshardy: I think I'll have to go that same way11:57
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moguimarwould you have any directions?11:57
d0ugalYeah, I use RDOCloud and have a local dev box11:57
shardydevstack is unrelated to tripleo, but we do have an experimental tripleo feature which enables an all-in-one deployment11:58
shardythat could work in a VM, I've tested it in a libvirt VM before via
jaosoriorchem: tested out your patch. It didn't fix the issue :()11:59
chemjaosorior: same error ?12:00
moguimarthanks guys12:01
jaosoriorshardy: fyi
openstackLaunchpad bug 1749338 in tripleo "tripleo-ipsec : failure to set current IP fact" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Juan Antonio Osorio Robles (juan-osorio-robles)12:01
chemjaosorior:  marios in mtg currently12:03
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Add OVNController service to Networker role
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1749335 in tripleo "Failing to build barbican containers in rdo-kolla-build-integration" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Juan Antonio Osorio Robles (juan-osorio-robles)12:10
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shardyjaosorior: We shouldn't need to use string blocks anywhere, we yaml dump in the config dowload code12:11
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jaosoriorshardy: actually I think the yaml dump is the issue here12:12
jaosoriorshardy: check my last comment in (I just made it)12:12
openstackLaunchpad bug 1749338 in tripleo "tripleo-ipsec : failure to set current IP fact" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Juan Antonio Osorio Robles (juan-osorio-robles)12:12
shardyjaosorior: is the problem that we're consuming FastForwardUpgradeReleases without converting it to json12:12
shardye.g via str_replace?12:12
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shardythat may not be valid yaml syntax?12:12
jaosoriorshardy: no, the problem is that that specific function relies on the order of the variables.12:12
jaosoriorwhen it gets persisted, they're out of order12:13
jaosoriorand so it fails12:13
jaosoriorthat's my current theory12:13
jaosoriorI tried removing the query variable and setting the query in the cmd_args declaration. Hopefully that works.12:13
* Tengu wonders if the fact novajoin can't be reached should really trash the tripleo deploy completely12:14
shardyjaosorior: sorry which variables are out of order?12:14
jaosoriorshardy: cmd_args and query12:14
jaosoriorwhich were introduced here
shardy doesn't touch those, looking at the other patches12:15
jaosoriorshardy: correct, which is why that patch doesn't fix the issue12:15
jaosoriorshardy: sorry to bring it out without proper context12:16
shardyjaosorior: Ah I see so the j2 reference to query may not work due to the ordering, got it12:16
jaosoriorshardy: so, the IPSec deployment started failing yesterday12:16
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jaosoriorand we tracked it down to a couple of patches from the ffu series12:17
shardyjaosorior: Ok, sounds like you're on it but let me know if I can help12:18
jaosoriorshardy: thanks.12:18
jaosoriorshardy: caught the variable issue about a minute after I poked you12:18
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openstackgerritTom Barron proposed openstack/tripleo-docs master: Update manila deployment doc
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shardyAnyone know why the UI validation always runs, even if validate_ui_simple: false is set (which seems like it should be the default..)?12:30
* shardy adds debug12:30
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openstackgerritHarald JensÃ¥s proposed openstack/tripleo-docs master: Documentation - TripleO routed-spine-and-leaf
openstackgerritSergii Golovatiuk proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Refactor repo_cmd_before
holsersshnaidm|ruck - I have addressed your concerns12:31
dalvarezhi folks, has anyone seen this failure during the overcloud deployment?
dalvarez            "Error: /Stage[main]/Apache::Service/Service[httpd]: Could not evaluate: Puppet::Util::Log requires a message",12:32
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sshnaidm|ruckholser, ??12:39
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holserI am talking about
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chemjaosorior: so you're on something or is the revert still needed ? I have to do another task from my mtg before switching back to that to help12:42
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Add Featureset 39 -- HA deploy w/ IPA
jaosoriorchem: testing out a potential fix12:44
chemjaosorior: ack cool.12:44
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jtomasekshardy: hi, network config guestion: What is the difference between e.g. ExternalIpSubnet and ExternalNetCidr ? ExternalINetCidr is used in network.j2 and is populated by ip_subnet in network_data.yaml, ExternalIpSubnet is used in role.role.j2.yaml and is empty by default (not populated by network_data.yaml)12:52
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openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Pass the queue_name to messaging_websocket function for update
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jtomasektbarron: ^^maybe you know the answer too?12:59
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oidgarhi, we have a small patch for tripleo-common for about 2 weeks:
oidgarIf someone can review this I'll be appreciate13:02
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openstackgerritBrent Eagles proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Handle failed nodes when enabling ssh admin
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1749335 in tripleo "Failing to build barbican containers in rdo-kolla-build-integration" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Juan Antonio Osorio Robles (juan-osorio-robles)13:10
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openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Upgrade UC and OC using tripleo-upgrade role.
Tenguhmmm. weird. when I want to deploy the ceph-storage node, I don't find any trace of "ceph-storage" in the nova-scheduler log - although I actually DO traces of compute-* nodes and controller-* node…13:14
jaosoriorchem: where does fast_forward_repo_args come from ?13:14
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chemjaosorior: looking13:16
tbarronjtomasek: good question, before I see both, with the *NetCidr parameter_defaults in environment files and *IpSubnet in network/config/.. files13:17
tbarronjtomasek: I think just tries to maintain backwards compatability13:17
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chemjaosorior: by default it's a json hash that describe how to switch repos13:18
chemjaosorior: is that what is causing the issue ?13:18
jaosoriorchem: not sure yet. tried my fix and got a failure related to that not being defined13:19
jtomasektbarron: so those 2 parameters are basically the same value?13:19
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tbarronjtomasek: so far as I can tell, we better ask someone who knows more that I do, dsneddon or bnemec maybe?13:20
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chemjaosorior: strange as it has a default value there
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jtomasektbarron: cool, I couldn't see *IpSubnet parameter set in any environment files examples. If those 2 parameters are the same thing, then 1. role.role.js.yaml should populate IpSubnet default value with ip_subnet from network_data.yaml or 2. *IpSubnet should be removed and replaced with *NetCidr in nic configs (role.role.j2.yaml)13:23
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tbarronjtomasek: no argument from me, I'm just learning this stuff (and am a consumer of the template generation in
openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Set tripleo-upgrade vars in featureset.
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mwhahaharbrady, thrash: not sure if you've seen but node delete workflow might be broken13:31
openstackLaunchpad bug 1749426 in tripleo "Node delete is broken" [High,Triaged]13:31
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d0ugalmwhahaha: I spotted it, it is on the agenda for the squad meeting in 1.5 hours13:32
mwhahahad0ugal: thanks13:32
thrashmwhahaha: ack.13:32
d0ugalmwhahaha: if nobody beats me to it, I plan to take a look tomorrow13:32
rbradymwhahaha: saw the discussion with d0ugal and shardy, started looking13:32
d0ugal /query thrash13:32
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openstackgerritSergii Golovatiuk proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Refactor repo_cmd_before
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openstackgerritOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/instack-undercloud master: Update reno for stable/queens
openstackgerritOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/os-net-config master: Update reno for stable/queens
openstackgerritOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/paunch master: Update reno for stable/queens
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Add featureset045: master to master update
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openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Use overcloud_templates for deployed server prepare scripts.
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openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Add a hook to run a bash script at the end of the overcloud prep.
openstackgerritJohn Trowbridge proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: remove duplicate README file (part deux)
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jaosoriorchem: ok, I'm not sure what to do now :/14:02
jaosoriorI tried with and without your patch trying to define the query elsewhere
jaosoriorand I get this fatal: []: FAILED! => {"msg": "Error in in json_query filter plugin:\n'tripleo_repos_cmd_args_query' is undefined"}14:03
chemjaosorior: looking14:03
slaglei saw the same error in failed CI on one of my patches14:10
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1749335 in tripleo "Failing to build barbican containers in rdo-kolla-build-integration" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Juan Antonio Osorio Robles (juan-osorio-robles)14:10
slaglewasn't sure where it was coming from14:10
jaosoriorslagle: tracking it here
openstackLaunchpad bug 1749338 in tripleo "tripleo-ipsec : failure to set current IP fact" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Juan Antonio Osorio Robles (juan-osorio-robles)14:11
slaglejaosorior: k. i saw the error here on this patch:
slaglewhich is not related to ffu, but i guess somehow ansible is getting tripped up14:12
slaglejaosorior: i think it might be when you try and access hostvars14:12
slagleb/c i'm doing that in my patch14:13
bnemectbarron: jtomasek: The *IpSubnet parameters are passed in based on what neutron assigns the node.  They don't need to be set in an environment file.14:13
jaosoriorslagle: correct14:13
jaosoriorslagle: that's exactly what triggers the issue14:13
jaosoriorslagle: why do we store the tasks in the inventory?14:13
jaosoriorslagle: seems to me that what's in common/deploy-tasks.j2 ends up in the ansible inventory. which is quite sensitive regarding quoting and such14:14
slaglejaosorior: shardy did that, i don't recall the exact reason14:14
jaosoriorwhich is similar to the issues I was initially having with the IPSec deployment14:14
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jtomasekbnemec: I see, so these parameters are set during deployment? they should not be set at all?14:14
slaglejaosorior: some of the task files i noticed we can actually get rid of since they are now in the inventory as well14:15
jaosoriorslagle: like which?14:16
bnemecjtomasek: Right, those are dynamic values, calculated at deploy time.14:16
chemjaosorior: oki, so the root cause is that order within a task is not preserved during the dump14:16
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slaglejaosorior: well, things like Controller/docker_config.yaml appears entirely redundant now14:17
jtomasekbnemec: thanks, that's very helpful14:17
jaosoriorslagle: what's the advantage of having them in the inventory and not just relying on include_task: relevant_file.yaml  ?14:17
slaglejaosorior: as well as puppet_config.yaml14:18
slaglejaosorior: shardy had a reason :). let me dig up the patch and review the commit message.14:19
slaglejaosorior: also it helped with our quoting problems14:19
slagleiniitially anyway14:19
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jaosoriorslagle: oh, I think I had initially understood your statement backwards then14:19
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tbarronbnemec: jtomasek: thanks, makes sense.14:20
jaosoriorslagle: so yeah, I remember shardy moving the stuff from deploy-tasks.j2 to deploy-steps-tasks.yaml helped with the quoting issue14:20
jaosoriorif we can move more files that would be great14:20
fungiEmilienM: looking back over the snmp analysis notes, the ones which were consistently returning data in the "3nodes" jobs were the "secondary-2" nodes in the inventory (as opposed to "primary" or "secondary-1") so i think that makes them the third node in the set. maybe we were looking at the wrong config last night?14:21
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fungii'm logged into one early in the lifecycle of one of those jobs now, waiting to see snmpd show up in the process list14:22
slaglejaosorior: i think that could be done14:22
chemjaosorior: marios for what it's worth as "vars" in ansible are hashes instead of list, I think that we shouldn't rely on the order so we should fix it inside that task14:22
jaosoriorchem: that's what I tried, and for some reason am still having an issue. Did you see the diff I posted?14:23
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shardyslagle, jaosorior: I added all of RoleData to the inventory so I could write out the various json files we need for containers in a block at the start of step114:23
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shardyvs relying on a heat driven ansible step to do that outside of deploy_steps_tasks14:24
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shardyand yeah, it makes the quoting easier14:24
slagleright, yea that14:24
chemjaosorior: yeah, trying to understand why that one has failed as well, but this is the right path and we should remove the inter-var order dependency14:24
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shardyslagle, jaosorior: I didn't necessarily need to put the *tasks into the inventory, that was just a side effect of adding all role_data_* I think?14:24
chemmarios: ^14:25
slagleshardy: i think we need to clean up one or the other, b/c it's confusing as is14:25
shardyI agree the includes in the config download structure make sense, that was kinda what I was trying to iterate towards, e.g incrementally reducing our reliance on the shim that runs heat deployments via ansible14:25
jaosoriorslagle, shardy: I'm just trying to understand why quoting issues get reflected when we try to access hostvars14:25
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slaglei was doing a bunch of stack-updates and config downloads last night trying to figure out why nothing i was updating was taking effect. it was b/c i wasn't regenerating the invneotry14:26
slaglewhich you now have to do after every stack-update14:26
shardyslagle: my original aim was to remove
shardysince we can do the host_prep_tasks via includes so that isn't needed anymore in the --config-download case14:27
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shardybut then we decided against moving to config download by default, and I didn't manage to reach agreement to move into tripleo-common14:27
shardyso the refactoring kinda stalled14:27
shardyslagle: happy to help revive the work as I agree there's still more to do14:27
shardyslagle: can't you just use the dynamic inventory?14:28
slaglewe should probably at least capture somewhere what you intended to do as remaining work14:28
beagleswe are deliberately *not* using keepalived in a container, correct?14:28
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slagleshardy: yes of course. but I wasn't14:29
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* beagles trys to think who that would be best directed at.. gfidente, jaosorior, ^14:29
jaosoriorbeagles: where what?14:29
shardyslagle: ack, I wonder if we can deprecate the static version as it'd be nice to have just one inventory (even though it's now pretty much the same code)14:30
slagleshardy: i think what's important is to document how people should interact with config-download. e.g.,
beaglesjaosorior, I just noticed that while we deploy haproxy in a container, we are not doing so for keeplived14:30
openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Autoeval container images for legacy services
jaosoriorbeagles: I thought we were14:30
beaglesjaosorior, was wondering if that was deliberate or not14:30
jaosoriorbeagles: dunno :/14:30
shardyslagle: agreed, I've always used -i /usr/bin/tripleo-ansible-inventory so perhaps it was a mistake to assume everyone did that14:30
beaglesshardy, slagle, thoughts?14:31
jaosoriorshardy: I did that as well, we started having the issues in CI, so I started uding --config-download since that's what gets tested14:31
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openstackgerritAndy Smith proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Support separate oslo.messaging services for RPC and Notification
shardybeagles: has keepalived containerized?14:33
openstackgerritMarios Andreou proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Adds --all option to overcloud upgrade for running all playbooks
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shardybeagles: it could be we're missing some resource_registry mapping somewhere tho, I know this is not well tested compared to pacemaker14:33
beaglesshardy,  there is a container def for it ,but we aren't modifying the registry to load afaict14:34
jaosoriorbeagles: it isn't in environments/docker-ha.yaml?14:34
shardybeagles: I think that's because most overcloud testing enables pacemaker14:34
beaglesdon't think so.. unless it's been updated recently14:34
shardydocker-ha enables pacemaker, which is the default downstream, so keepalived is not needed in that case14:35
shardyit's only used for the containerized undercloud I think14:35
jaosoriorchem: uhm... at this point I've spent all day working on this and can't come up with a fix, have you gave it a look?14:35
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shardywe could add an environment to enable keepalived, but then we'd have to test it in CI14:35
chemjaosorior: I have one last review for you before we go the revert way14:36
chemjaosorior:  coming with 5min14:36
beaglesshardy, ah right (re: pacemaker)14:36
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openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Do not depends on the order of the hash vars in ffu repo switching.
shardybeagles: we could add it to environments/docker.yaml, then I guess it'd get some CI coverage14:37
beaglesshardy, I don't particularly need it, I was just looking at options for the neutron agents cases and noticed that the keepalived container existed but wasn't being used14:37
shardyI do wonder if we should just enable pacemaker by default though to reduce the test matrix14:38
beaglesshardy, and didn't want to *not* say something in case it was an oversight :)14:38
shardybeagles: ack, yeah it may be14:38
openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Autoeval container images for legacy services
chemjaosorior: marios
beagleson a related note - the only way 'image prepare' will do its thing if a.) there is a docker service file for the container and b.) it configured for that deployment, correct?14:39
jaosoriorchem: thanks, gonna try it out14:40
beaglesI'm trying to sort out what it would take to get container images in place for dnsmasq etc, for neutron to do it's thing with, but they won't actually be started by the deployment - I guess a docker service file that doesn't actually start the service?14:41
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EmilienMjpich: thanks for the feedback!14:51
EmilienMfungi: sure, let me know if you have more details14:51
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EmilienMshardy: have you ever deployed an overcloud with a containerized undercloud? I've been doing some testing since a week and blocker after blocker making little progress, so I just wonder if someone made it working before14:55
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EmilienMsshnaidm: you missed fs042 (ipsec job), which doesn't work (in
chemjistr: you may want to sync with panda as there is a new featureset045 that's driving testing of update of the overcloud.14:58
openstackgerritSandhya Dasu proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/pike: Adding new config parameters for Cisco UCSM ML2 driver
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jistrpanda, chem: why? :D the etherpad we have says it's 03714:59
shardyweshay, sshnaidm: Hey FYI I just raised - let me know if there's anything else I can check before I kill the async tasks and continue with other testing14:59
openstackLaunchpad bug 1749477 in tripleo "Quickstart installed undercloud async tasks broken" [Medium,Triaged]14:59
openstackgerritSandhya Dasu proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/ocata: Adding new config parameters for Cisco UCSM ML2 driver
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jistrpanda: please can you have a look at ?15:00
rbradyworkflows squad meeting: apetrich,thrash,toure,jtomasek,
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jaosoriorchem: that did the trick so far15:01
jtomasekrbrady: too many meetings right now, sorry15:02
jaosoriorchem: it did the trick!15:02
jaosoriorchem: awwww yeah15:02
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mcorneadtantsur: hi o/ I'm seeing an issue with the pike to queens undercloud upgrade caused by ironic dbsync could you please advise what can I do to move forward when you have some cycles?15:03
openstackLaunchpad bug 1749476 in tripleo "Pike-> Queens undercloud upgrade fails during ironic-dbsync The database is not compatible with this release of ironic (10.1.1.dev18). Please run "ironic-dbsync online_data_migrations" using the previous release." [High,Triaged]15:03
chemjaosorior: ah cool.  So let's merge this as it. We will check later that it's still working for ffu.15:03
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chemjaosorior: so that you (and other) don't randomly bump into this anymore.15:03
sshnaidmEmilienM, what doesn't work with it..?15:03
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dtantsurmcornea: "Please run "ironic-dbsync online_data_migrations" using the previous release." :)15:04
openstackgerritMarios Andreou proposed openstack/tripleo-docs master: WIP: Add docs for Q upgrade workflow
dtantsurmcornea: it may be confusing at first, but some services (nova and ironic including) have two stages of database migration15:05
chemmarios: could you look at and push it.  It solves the issue.  We will have to test that that oneliner is still working after.15:05
mcorneadtantsur: I tried reverting the ironic packages to the previous release version ran online_data_migrations then retried the undercloud upgrade but got the same result15:05
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Due to a race in stable/queens branch creation and some job removals, Zuul has reported syntax errors for the past hour; if you saw a syntax error reported for "Job tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-containers-oooq not defined" you can safely recheck now15:06
chemjaosorior: could you paste me somewhere the compiled ansible for the fast_forward_upgrade_tasks ?15:07
marioschem: ack done +A it when ci is done?15:07
chemmarios: yeah15:07
marioschem: and i actually just got it (you mean the ordering of the task vars... :/15:08
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1749335 in tripleo "Failing to build barbican containers in rdo-kolla-build-integration" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Juan Antonio Osorio Robles (juan-osorio-robles)15:10
openstackgerritAde Lee proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Add dns info for hosts and vips to metadata
dtantsurmcornea: what exactly are you doing? if you just installed pike, you should have the database ready, I think..15:10
mcorneadtantsur: the initial deployment is newton and I'm doing upgrade of newton->ocata->pike->queens; note that this issue is recently introduced, it used to work 2 days ago15:12
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Add workflows-based role listing commands
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dtantsurmcornea: we did not merge anything to pike, I think..15:12
dtantsurmcornea: oh, one guess: are you sure you're using ironic *QUEENS*, not Rocky?15:13
openstackgerritMarios Andreou proposed openstack/tripleo-docs master: WIP: Add docs for Q upgrade workflow
dtantsurmcornea: like, taken from stable/queens, not from master15:13
mcorneadtantsur: hmm, I think that might be it, I'm using the current repos provided by tripleo-repos15:14
dtantsurmcornea: then what you do is upgrade Pike -> Rocky. and indeed, a day or so ago we landed a change making it impossible.15:14
mcorneadtantsur: ok, that makes sense. I'll try with the queens repos. thanks for the help!15:14
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openstackgerritMarios Andreou proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Add pacemaker upgrade_tasks for P..Q major upgrade
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jaosoriorEmilienM: testing locally, this seems to fix the config-download issue we were discussing in my morning/your evening
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Revert "Default to instead of"
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sshnaidm|ruckykarel, amoralej apevec ^^15:21
apevecuhm why was this changed for promoation jobs?15:22
apevecah it was single config for both15:22
sshnaidm|ruckapevec, it's settings for all rdo cloud jobs15:22
mwhahahacause we don't have good seperation of configs for environments15:22
sshnaidm|ruckapevec, yeah, we need to find a way to separate it15:23
mcorneadtantsur: checking the repos I see I have openstack-ironic-10.1.1 for both queens and master: and
sshnaidm|ruckmwhahaha, actually there is separate config for environment15:23
mcorneadtantsur: is 10.1.1 the queens versions?15:23
fungiEmilienM: i don't think the one i've been watching has gotten far enough to start up its snmpd yet and i have to disappear in ~25 minutes so may not catch it (i do have a loop trying to hit it though just in case), but also i dug out the snmpd.conf for one of the exact nodes which showed up in the provider's scan:15:23
sshnaidm|ruckmwhahaha, the problem is not with environments15:23
mwhahahasshnaidm|ruck: right but we really need to audit/explicitly state where these types of configs need to live15:23
mwhahahasshnaidm|ruck: this seems to be where there is an unintended (not tested) config change that occured15:24
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mwhahahawhich would indicate that we don't actually know what vars are doing and which jobs are actually affected15:24
sshnaidm|ruckmwhahaha, tested by promotion..?15:24
panda|mtgjistr: chem looking shortly15:24
fungiEmilienM: i need to go back through the config docs to be sure, but i _think_ that means that any get for community "public" is mapped to the notConfigGroup access entry which allows unauthenticated access to the systemview mib?15:24
sshnaidm|ruckmwhahaha, I think you make too big conclusions from this case15:24
mwhahahasshnaidm|ruck: but that's a delayed test after CI, that's not a good test because now we've hurt the promotion pipeline for another 8 hours15:25
openstackgerritMarios Andreou proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Adds --all-playbooks option to overcloud upgrade to run all playbooks
mwhahahaor whatever the frequency is15:25
apevecmwhahaha, we can change crontab temporarily15:26
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mwhahahaapevec: but we shouldn't have to is my point, yes we can work around everything but there's a point where we shouldn't have to be doing this15:26
mwhahahawe keep making self inflicted CI problems15:26
apevecyeah, we could definitely improve15:27
sshnaidm|ruckmwhahaha, yeah, everything is bad, Ci don't work and we don't know what are we doing at all, creating problems only15:27
dtantsurmcornea: the versioning is funny here. 10.1.1 is the last tag on both master and queens. note, however, that post-version (starting with .0) is different for both15:27
mwhahahasshnaidm|ruck: ok thanks for the snark, i'm trying to raise the concern that the vars in quickstart are not well organized to prevent unintended changes.15:28
dtantsurtl;dr these are different packages15:28
mcorneadtantsur: oh boy that's confusing :) but indeed they are different, it worked with tripleo-repos -b queens current15:30
EmilienMjaosorior, fungi: in a call, I'll get back to you asap15:31
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EmilienMjaosorior: so will fix ipsec job?15:34
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shardybnemec: Hi, I've been investigating using awx/tower alongside the undercloud and saw your screencast - I wondered did you have any discussion about tower using keystone as an authentication source?15:34
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jaosoriorEmilienM: I think so. my deployment is still on-going but it already passed the step where it failed before.15:35
shardyalso interested to know if anyone is looking at enabling alternatives to postgres, e.g if we wanted to install awk alongside the existing pieces on either the undercloud or an overcloud management node15:35
EmilienMsshnaidm|ruck: the job isn't passing, I filed a bug:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1749338 in tripleo "tripleo-ipsec : failure to set current IP fact" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Juan Antonio Osorio Robles (juan-osorio-robles)15:35
jaosorioroh, now it passed haha15:35
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jaosoriorsshnaidm|ruck: this would be the fix
bnemecshardy: sdoran had sent me a response about alternative auth methods in recent versions of Tower.  He'd be the one to talk to about that.15:36
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bnemecshardy: I looked at installing it in parallel with the undercloud, but it would be a mess.  The Tower installer is a standalone Ansible playbook, and it wants to configure rabbitmq too.15:37
shardybnemec: ack thanks, I figured you may have discussed it with sdoran but didn't want to repeat the exact same questions if there's something you can point me to or forward :)15:37
shardybnemec: yeah, I looked at the same, was wondering how hard it'd be to make it use our rabbit and DB15:37
bnemecIt might be possible to write a unified installer but I think you'd have to reimplement the Tower playbook in the undercloud installer.15:37
shardylooked fairly difficult from a quick pass at the code as it expects postgres15:37
bnemecOtherwise we've got two installers trying to manage the same services.15:37
sshnaidm|ruckjaosorior, EmilienM so to make it non-voting or to wait for fix..?15:38
jaosoriorsshnaidm|ruck: you really wanna ask me? :D15:38
EmilienMI would make it non voting unless jaosorior is sure this patch works15:38
EmilienMjaosorior: if you're sure, then ok let's keep like this (voting now)15:38
shardybnemec: yeah I was thinking we could use our existing container architecture to launch the awx task/web containers15:39
shardybut wire those in to the tripleo memcached/rabbit/DB15:39
openstackgerritDamien Ciabrini proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Fix galera deployment when stack's name has capital letters
shardyprobably a lot of work but if the auth plugin could use keystone it'd be a pretty nice setup15:39
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fungiEmilienM: confirmed, it's responding!15:40
bnemecshardy: In general I never followed up on anything after that video.  I looked at it as the end of my transition work for that particular item.15:40
fungisnmpwalk -v1 -c public .
bnemecSo basically everything I know is in the video. :-)15:41
fungiiso. = Timeticks: (9163) 0:01:31.6315:41
shardybnemec: ack, understood, just wanted to sync up as I may take a look as a background task - thanks!15:41
EmilienMfungi: ok so something in the config isn't good15:41
fungiEmilienM: so yes, definitely exposed and answering to community public15:41
EmilienMit's weird, we have: rocommunity public
fungiEmilienM: but then you have an acl allowing unauthenticated access to systemview for community public as well15:42
fungiaccess  notConfigGroup ""      any       noauth    exact  systemview none  none15:42
EmilienMfungi: and what an attacker can do with this access? just so I understand15:42
sdoranshardy: Tower DB has to be PSQL. As far as using another rabbitmq, that should be possible but would require some work.15:43
fungiEmilienM: it's over udp, so an attacker can spoof very small snmpgets over udp to the server for any oid which returns larger amounts of data and mount an amplified reflection attack. this is a common ddos tactic15:43
EmilienMPSQL o_O15:44
shardysdoran: ack, I was wondering if there was interest in reworking to use an abstraction e.g sqlalchemy to enable aternate db backends15:44
sdoranshardy: I'm not sure what you mean about Keystone as an auth mechanism for Tower. Do you mean for logging in to the Tower interface, or having playbooks retrieve data from Keystone?15:44
shardysdoran: I mean have keystone be the auth backend for tower, so you'd log in to tower with your openstack credentials, then interact with the nodes owned by your tenant15:44
EmilienMfungi: I'll work on a patch that change the iptables rules.15:44
fungiEmilienM: anyway, i think the issue is figured out? i need to disappear to run some errands but will be back later if you have any questions15:44
sdoranshardy: Tower Eng does not have plans to use other DB backends as far as I'm aware. But that's a totally separate product. You can ask in #ansible-awx.15:44
fungiEmilienM: thanks!!!15:45
EmilienMfungi: thanks, I have enough15:45
sdoranshardy: <ack> Does Keystone use SAML or LDAP? (Don't know much about Keystone)15:45
openstackgerritKeith Schincke proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Add file type check to upload-swift-artifacts
shardysdoran: it can use ldap or several other backends, by default it's sql backed by mysql15:46
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shardysdoran: it's the authentication project for openstack, and it provides auth for all openstack projects, so in an openstack env w/awx it could be a nice option to have15:47
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shardyvs two sets of credentials and having to copy your openstack credentials into tower to retrieve inventory data15:47
shardywhich is what bnemec showed in
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sdoranshardy: Yeah, that would be ideal. If it can provide LDAP, Tower _should_ be able to talk to it. Tower uses Python Django LDAP library.15:51
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-common master: Quote $@ in
sdoranThen you can configure Keystone as an LDAP source in Tower.15:51
openstackgerritMichele Baldessari proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: WIP During a minor update make sure docker service has live-restore option
shardysdoran: yeah it doesn't provide ldap, it's another API that can optionally be backed by ldap15:51
sdoranSetup team/org mappings, and be off to the races.15:51
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shardysdoran: it looks like we could add an openstack backend but the awx code isn't pluggable for auth atm, it's one big file15:52
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sdoranRight, that's why I'm trying to see if it fits existing methods.15:52
sdoranTower is not pluggable like Ansible.15:52
sdoranIt's a much more "baked" product.15:52
jaosoriorsdoran: keystone it could do SAML if federation is enabled.15:53
shardyjaosorior: yeah that'd be interesting to try15:54
shardyotherwise it'd be an alterative to the awx token authenication that is built in I think15:54
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openstackgerritMarius Cornea proposed openstack/tripleo-upgrade master: Use queens branch for the 3rd tripleo-repos FFU repository
gfidenteslagle so I was looking at enable-ssh-admin.sh16:04
gfidenteI figure it is the workflow consumer16:04
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gfidentewhile stuff like ceph-ansible workflow uses enable_admin_via_nova16:05
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openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Upgrade UC and OC using tripleo-upgrade role.
slaglegfidente: the ceph-ansible workflow will use enable_admin_via_ssh in the case of deployed-server. at least it needs to16:09
gfidenteslagle right16:09
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1749335 in tripleo "Failing to build barbican containers in rdo-kolla-build-integration" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Juan Antonio Osorio Robles (juan-osorio-robles)16:10
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openstackgerritRajini Karthik proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Add support for Dell EMC XtremIO Cinder ISCSI Backend
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-docs master: Replace devtest reference with quickstart
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EmilienMmwhahaha, sshnaidm|ruck, pabelanger, dmsimard : third party voting and working well
EmilienMI'll take care of next steps (adding more projects)16:23
dmsimardEmilienM: cool gj16:26
mwhahahayay voting16:26
mwhahahaonly took how many years? :D16:26
EmilienM(the link is an example btw)16:27
d0ugalthrash: any luck with the node delete?16:27
sshnaidm|ruckmwhahaha, I knew something is wrong16:27
sshnaidm|ruckjust waited to know what))16:27
thrashd0ugal: Looks like I've got an environment coming up successfully. Will be trying the delete once it's done.16:28
pabelangerEmilienM: good work16:28
thrashd0ugal: meanwhile, nothing is sticking out to me just looking at the code.16:28
d0ugalthrash: nice, maybe I'll copy your method - mind failed.16:28
d0ugal"mind failed" - seems about right.16:28
openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Inherit UpdateCommand class from overcloud DeployCommand class
thrashd0ugal: lol16:29
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gfidented0ugal the variable defined in with-items, can be consumed when defining the task inputs or is it only valid in the task action definition?16:34
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d0ugalgfidente: I don't understand the difference, they sound like the same thing?16:36
d0ugalgfidente: do you mean like this?
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: WIP - Restrict SNMP to internal network
pandajistr: chem rats! we doubled the effort, and we needed even more coordination16:37
gfidented0ugal yes, perfect16:37
gfidentethanks :D16:37
d0ugalgfidente: np16:37
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EmilienMshardy: if you have 2 min, I have this urgent patch to review ^ - I'm not sure about the InternalApiIpSubnet usage, I probably did wrong. Maybe you can review. Thanks16:37
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openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Inherit UpdateCommand class from overcloud DeployCommand class
openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Inherit UpdateCommand class from overcloud DeployCommand class
openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Add generic methods to upload files to plan
openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Add generic method for preserving plan files, use for user-environment.yaml
openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Use the generic preservation method for plan-environment.yaml
openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Preserve roles_data and network_data
pandajistr: can we meet ?16:39
pandachem: if you have time, I have to discuss something with you after16:39
jistrpanda: yea, tomorrow maybe?16:40
jistrpanda: sorry i should have been more vocal about the WIP patches16:40
pandajistr: yes, the fact is that we already merged the job and featurest4516:41
pandajistr: and I wanted to understand if there's something we should port16:41
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jistrpanda: the 037 test actually went as far as running `openstack overcloud update stack --init-update`, using the tripleo-upgrade role16:41
pandajistr: we can do it tomorrow, but our new sprints begins in the afternoon16:41
pandajistr: so we need to port stuff deom 04 to 03716:42
jistrpanda: so the 045 work is in what stage right now? just the featureset merged, or did we try to run something?16:42
pandajistr: sorry, my bad, I looked for upgrades to see if there was already something about updates16:43
pandajistr: also, I think I remember to have asked in one of the meetings if there was some fs for the updates.16:43
pandajistr: jsut merged16:43
pandajistr: but I created it with chm and jfrancoa16:43
jistrpanda: i noticed chem also had a patch for 037 but that one is "old style", not using tripleo-upgrade yet16:44
pandain a ad-hoc meeting16:44
pandajistr: yes because we want to maintain the two paths now for some jobs16:44
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jistrpanda: ok but it's not merged/implemented yet? do we want to implement an update job in 2 different ways?16:45
pandachem: you here, I will need to put some notes on the glue patch, so I'm adding a patchset and then it's good to go16:46
dtantsurbnemec: hi! mind checking more or less soon please?16:46
pandajistr: probably not, if we know we are not going to run the updates with the old style16:46
pandajistr: we have to understand how to put your worjk into the job that we created16:47
bnemecdtantsur: Yep, will do.16:47
pandajistr: that's why I wanted to meet16:47
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pandajistr: tomorrow morning good for you ?16:48
chempanda: thanks16:49
jistrpanda: yea sure we can meet tomorrow. Is 10 AM ok?16:49
pandajistr: 10 UTC ?16:50
jistrpanda: i meant CET but 10 UTC (11 CET) is totally fine too16:50
jistrpanda: you're on CET right?16:51
pandajistr: I'm in GMT16:51
jistrahh ok16:51
pandajistr: since september16:51
jistrpanda: so let's make it 10 UTC?16:51
pandajistr: fine16:51
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jistrpanda: ack thanks :)16:51
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pandajistr: did you receive the invitation ? I'm playing with gcalcli and I'm not sure I'm doing it right16:57
jistrpanda: no but i added it to my phone calendar16:57
* jistr not using gcal much16:57
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pandajistr: I feel  the same, trying to understand if using a command line tool will ease the pain :)16:58
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raildomandre, hey, what's up? I was wondering if you could find a solution for
openstackLaunchpad bug 1748219 in tripleo "keystone integration with LDAP broken in containerized deployment, manually keystone restart needed" [High,Triaged]17:02
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openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: [FFU] Hook to allow user to pass a custom script for repo switching.
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1749335 in tripleo "Failing to build barbican containers in rdo-kolla-build-integration" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Juan Antonio Osorio Robles (juan-osorio-robles)17:10
Tengushardy: hello! are still around?17:13
openstackgerritGabriele Cerami proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Upgrade UC and OC using tripleo-upgrade role.
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pandaweshay: chem sshnaidm|ruck trown ^ first attempt at making a TD visible17:16
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openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: [FFU] Hook to allow user to pass a custom script for repo switching.
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chempanda: TD ?17:24
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pandachem|eod: : technical debt17:25
chem|eodpanda: ack17:25
pandachem|eod: if we are going to merge this, we have to keep track of the things that will need refactoring17:25
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chem|eodpanda: ack, basically concerning upgrade, it's all around the "fixed" release file I think17:26
chem|eodpanda: and a role for the glue17:27
trownpanda you have a tech debt in your tech debt17:27
pandachem|eod: yes, adding that in the other change too17:27
pandatrown: metadebt17:27
trownpanda: jk of course... just wanted to say that :P17:27
pandatrown: what exaclty, this is my fisrt attempt and I  would have really liked to be more prepared for this17:27
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pandatrown: well, I think I have, beacuse I'm not sure this will be the final form of the design/TD register17:28
pandachem|eod: bye17:28
trownpanda: no just a minor typo in the note, I think the note is simple and to the point ... maybe it could include list of known files with this type of debt? (in the note)17:28
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pandatrown: you want forward and backward reference ?17:29
trownpanda: that note in particular would lend itself to a filelist, since it is specifically playbooks including tasks which should not be in playbooks17:29
pandatrown: you want to add the files where we hae found the technical debts, or the list of files that should follow that hint ?17:30
trownpanda: ya was just thinking, if someone wanted to tackle all the debts of a certain type it could be useful17:30
trownpanda: no just specifically places we know that type of debt exists17:30
pandatrown: my initial Idea was using UUIDs17:30
pandatrown: so you take the uuid in the doc, and grep it in all the code17:30
pandatrown: but at the moment I'm ok with keeping the title as key17:31
pandaso you can grep that17:31
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trownpanda: that makes sense17:31
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pandanot even wure if people will gete to do this, I don't want to add other overhead to the process17:31
trownya for sure17:31
trownI like the idea of developing more tooling around tracking it... seems like it would be generically useful to other software projects17:32
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Disable SNMP service in all CI jobs
EmilienMfungi, mwhahaha, weshay ^ that's an immediate response to the security issue in CI17:34
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openstackgerritGabriele Cerami proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Provide a way to change docker registry path during mixed upgrade.
pandatrown: another attempt ^17:41
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shardyTengu: Hi, sorry was afk for a while, I am still around17:42
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pandagoing home17:43
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Tengushardy: ah, great :).17:44
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Tengushardy: I have a small issue with a tripleo deploy: apparently it's unable to find the two ceph-storage-[12] nodes in ironic. I searched for filter errors in the nova-scheduler.log, but apparently... it doesnt KNOW about those nodes, hence can't submit them to filter17:45
Tengushardy: any thing I might check? I'm a bit lost, logs aren't really talking17:46
shardyTengu: What state are the nodes in, e.g are they available and not in maintenance mode when viewing via openstack baremetal node list?17:47
Tengushardy: I use "precise allocation", hence I have a capability "node:ceph-storage-0" and "node:ceph-storage-1", with the entry in my env file: CephStorageSchedulerHints: 'capabilities:node': 'ceph-storage-%index%'17:47
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Tengushardy: "available"; "power off", maintenance flag set to Fale for both of them17:47
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Tenguit's just… I don't understand. more over, it's the same receipt I pushed on the production end-2017, and it was working just fine: I have my two ceph nodes on prod. But on the lab? nope :'(. I'm banging my head against the walls since last Friday with this issue, I wanted to find by myself… result: headache and no solution for now.17:50
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flaper87is there a way to tell oooq to add an extra disk to my nodes?17:52
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Tenguand even the python stack traces in nova-conductor logs are meaningless: raise exception.NoValidHost(reason="")    yeah, empty reason :(17:54
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openstackgerritHarald JensÃ¥s proposed openstack/tripleo-repos master: Add networking-baremetal packages includepkgs
shardyTengu: have you checked ironic-conductor is still running OK?17:57
shardyI've seen the empty reason before when it failed17:57
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/pike: Removes manila-generic-config from TripleO
openstackgerritHarald JensÃ¥s proposed openstack/instack-undercloud master: Install and enable neutron baremetal mech plugin
openstackgerritHarald JensÃ¥s proposed openstack/instack-undercloud master: Install and enable neutron baremetal mech plugin
Tengushardy: apparently it's still logging stuff… and the ceph-storage are the only nodes I can't add - even when I've re-installed the whole lab, that's only those two. 4 computes? OK. 3 controllers? np. but 2 ceph ? nah17:58
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EmilienMflaper87: hey, be more specific. Like a disk for what exactly? not sure we have a role for that but if that's the case it would be in tripleo-quickstart-extras17:59
Tengushardy: IPMI is working OK (via virtualbmc and som network magic), I can introspect all nodes without any problem17:59
Tenguso it's not an issue it can't get state or whatever. plus it would put the node in maintenance node if IPMI fails.17:59
Tenguthe precise error message returned by the deploy command : ResourceInError: resources.CephStorage: Went to status ERROR due to "Message: No valid host was found. , Code: 500"18:00
flaper87EmilienM: think I found it: extradevices18:00
flaper87I want those disks on the BM nodes18:00
EmilienMflaper87: good18:01
shardyTengu: Ok so it must be a mismatch with the flavor and node profile I guess, what flavor are you using for CephStorage?18:02
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Tengushardy: c2c_baremetal flavor, the same I use for all other nodes (compute + controller)18:03
Tengushardy: I think flavor aren't really involved since I use precise allocation with the "node" capacity18:03
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Tengushardy: the c2c_baremetal flavor, if needed18:07
shardyTengu: Ok well there can be a few resons for no valid host, but I don't see how it can be role specific if you're using the same flavor for all roles18:07
Tengubut even that… the undercloud VM is the copy of the production. The only thing I did was "openstack stack delete overcloud --yes --wait"18:07
shardyTengu: are you trying the create immedately after the delete?18:08
Tengushardy: nope18:08
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Tenguoh, and I drop and re-import the nodes in ironic… maybe there's something with that? I read I need a fixed MAC for virtual machins overcloud in order to get ironic/PXE boot working18:08
Tenguso I added the MAC entry in my "baremetal.json". this is the only difference… and this actually seems to work, as ironic can import the nodes, introspect them and make them available.18:09
shardyTengu: the re-import could be related, you should not need to do that, but if you do then there will be a delay before they are available to nova18:09
shardyTengu: check nova hypervisor-stats18:10
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1749335 in tripleo "Failing to build barbican containers in rdo-kolla-build-integration" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Juan Antonio Osorio Robles (juan-osorio-robles)18:10
Tengushardy: I also wait for the nodes to be available.18:11
Tengushardy: openstack hypervisor stats show lists 9 node, meaning it has the 4 compute + 3 controller + 2 cephs18:12
Tenguit shows 7 running VMs, they are the 4 compute + 3 controllers18:12
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Tenguall of that seems perfectly good :(.18:13
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: undercloud_post: fix subnet name
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: DNM - run container-multinode (fs010) with a containerized undercloud
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EmilienMdpeacock: re: ansible role to restart containers, I found this blog post super useful, hope that helps (note it's not for containers but you get the same concept)
openstackgerritJohn Fulton proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Add non-production ceph defaults to low-memory-usage.yaml
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openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack/tripleo-specs master: blueprint tripleo-routed-networks-ironic-inspector
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EmilienMsdoran: also ^ about the blog post, maybe you can talk to Andy, he's quite active in OpenStack community18:26
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: ffu: Allow FASTFORWARDUPGRADE as a StackUpdateType
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-upgrade master: Use queens branch for the 3rd tripleo-repos FFU repository
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: undercloud_post: fix subnet name
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: undercloud_post: fix subnet name
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: DNM - run container-multinode (fs010) with a containerized undercloud
EmilienMpabelanger, dmsimard : please review
EmilienMsshnaidm|ruck: ^ FYI18:28
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EmilienMI'll need urgent votes on please - it's for a security issue in our SNMP config18:33
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fultonjEmilienM: makes sense to me +218:36
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-specs master: blueprint tripleo-routed-networks-ironic-inspector
EmilienMfultonj: thank you18:37
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dpeacockEmilienM: Excellent - thank you Sir18:39
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openstackgerritHarald JensÃ¥s proposed openstack/instack-undercloud master: Install and enable neutron baremetal mech plugin
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openstackgerritTom Barron proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/ocata: Removes manila-generic-config from TripleO
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1749335 in tripleo "Failing to build barbican containers in rdo-kolla-build-integration" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Juan Antonio Osorio Robles (juan-osorio-robles)19:10
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EmilienMjaosorior: still around?19:13
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EmilienMjaosorior: containers still failing on barbican19:15
EmilienMalee: ^ if you around, need your help19:15
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aleeEmilienM, whats up?19:18
openstackLaunchpad bug 1749335 in tripleo "Failing to build barbican containers in rdo-kolla-build-integration" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Juan Antonio Osorio Robles (juan-osorio-robles)19:19
openstackgerritMarius Cornea proposed openstack/tripleo-upgrade master: DNM. Test tripleo-upgrade workarounds.
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aleeEmilienM, ah - thats something jaosorior recently added19:20
EmilienMmwhahaha: someone created branches for stable/queens19:20
EmilienMI just found that out19:20
mwhahahafor what19:20
mwhahahaEmilienM: which projects?19:21
EmilienMmwhahaha: let's talk on #openstack-release19:21
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EmilienMsshnaidm|off, mwhahaha : have you seen that before? (blocking promotion)
EmilienMsounds like a random network issue?19:33
EmilienM2018-02-14 13:46:27 | ImageUploaderException: Could not pull image
mwhahahayea there's a fix to go back to rdo19:33
mwhahahafrom docker.io19:33
mwhahahafrom this morning19:33
mwhahahaa revert in tripleo-ci19:34
EmilienMah yeah19:34
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EmilienMin gate19:34
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EmilienMalee: yeah we need to look at that, why it fails - it's blocking container builds19:35
pabelangeris not using any proxy19:36
openstackgerritMichele Baldessari proposed openstack/tripleo-docs master: WIP Add Instance HA docs
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pabelangerEmilienM: mwhahaha ^should have access to it on mirror.regioneone.rdo-cloud.rdoproject.org19:37
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: undercloud_post: fix subnet name
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: WIP - run container-multinode (fs010) with a containerized undercloud
aleeEmilienM, says something about a dangling symlink -- does /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-common/healthcheck/barbican-worker exist?19:41
EmilienMyeah I see the error19:41
EmilienMapparently not19:41
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aleeEmilienM, seems to be in latest tripleo-common19:43
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EmilienMthe question is, is it deployed properly19:45
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EmilienMhey stevebaker19:49
EmilienMalee: I can't help on that issue right now, as busy on other problems but please keep looking, otherwise we'll have to revert19:49
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aleeEmilienM, to be honest, I'm not sure where to look -- let me see if I can ping jaosorior - though its pretty late there19:52
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openstackgerritTom Barron proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: DNM - WIP: add manila cephnfs to scenario004
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Add support for Designate
EmilienMalee: in that case I'm proposing a revert20:00
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Designate Integration
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Containerized Designate
aleeEmilienM, I'm chatting with jaosorior right now20:00
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Revert "Add healthchecks for barbican containers"
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Revert "Add healthchecks for barbican containers"
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jaosoriorEmilienM: this one merged already thought it would fix it20:02
jaosoriorif it didn't, I honestly don't know how to make it work, and we should revert it. I'll ping paramite tomorrow and ask him to check it out.20:02
EmilienMlooks like it didn't, the rdo-kolla-build job still failing20:02
EmilienMjaosorior: let me check again the latest run20:02
EmilienMgive me one sec20:02
jaosoriorEmilienM: why didn't the tripleo-common patch fail in the gate? doesn't it rebuild the images?20:03
EmilienMjaosorior: because you approved a patch that failed a non voting job20:04
EmilienMwe really need to be more careful20:04
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aleeEmilienM, jaosorior gotta go pick up kids.  back later if you need me for anything.20:04
jaosoriorEmilienM: shit20:04
jaosoriorok, lets revert it20:04
EmilienMrdo-kolla-build-integration was red20:05
EmilienMwe are making third party jobs voting from now20:05
EmilienMto avoid this situation20:05
EmilienMyou can see the error here:
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openstackgerritRonelle Landy proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Add feature set to test public bond network isolation
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1749335 in tripleo "Failing to build barbican containers in rdo-kolla-build-integration" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Juan Antonio Osorio Robles (juan-osorio-robles)20:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1749576 in tripleo "tripleo queens jobs failing on missing dlrn hash" [Critical,Triaged]20:10
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openstackgerritAndy Smith proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Support separate oslo.messaging services for RPC and Notification
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Add Designate containers
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openstackgerritOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/os-net-config master: Update reno for stable/queens
openstackgerritOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/paunch master: Update reno for stable/queens
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Revert "Default to instead of"
openstackgerritMerged openstack/os-net-config master: Update reno for stable/queens
EmilienMok good landed20:22
EmilienMweshay: hopefully next round of periodic job we get promotion20:22
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/paunch master: Update reno for stable/queens
dpeacockdsneddon: Thank you :-)20:26
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openstackgerritMarius Cornea proposed openstack/tripleo-upgrade master: Fix workarounds template before ffu upgrade steps playbook
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openstackgerritMatt Young proposed openstack/tripleo-upgrade master: Add log artifacts for upgrade steps
openstackgerritMatt Young proposed openstack/tripleo-upgrade master: Add log artifacts for upgrade steps
openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Added a troubleshooting tip to clean up ~/.quickstart
openstackgerritRonelle Landy proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Add steps to allow downstream to use featuresets
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openstackgerritAlan Bishop proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Unify the Cinder HA and non-HA docker configurations
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EmilienMweshay: I think I have an overcloud deployed with a containerized undercloud \o/21:55
EmilienMbut it's still running (doing the overcloud steps atm)21:55
EmilienMweshay: I saw your -2 on my tqe patches, it's fine but at least please review my code21:57
EmilienMweshay: so once we cut RC1 and stuff we can land it quickly21:57
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weshayEmilienM, aye22:02
weshayEmilienM, I'm just trying to be careful :)22:02
EmilienMweshay: you just like -2 myself right? :P22:03
weshayEmilienM, I was going to write up an RFE bug to explain what ur up to.. just need a few22:03
weshayEmilienM, hell ya I do22:03
weshayEmilienM, f.. live for that22:03
mwhahahawe all do22:03
weshayanything to keep that plane on the ground.. you might kill someone :)22:03
mwhahahait's ok, we removed the engine long ago22:04
mwhahahait's now just an empty cardboard box22:04
mwhahahathat we marked as "AIRPLANE"22:04
mwhahahaEmilienM makes *brrrrrrr* noises himself22:04
weshaylol.. best laugh all day22:04
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weshaythat even looks like him22:05
slaglehuh. i thought emilien was younger than that22:06
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1749335 in tripleo "Failing to build barbican containers in rdo-kolla-build-integration" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Juan Antonio Osorio Robles (juan-osorio-robles)22:10
EmilienMI love you guys22:10
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openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Refactor building undercloud env files
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openstackgerritwes hayutin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: set the openstack release dynamically
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sshnaidm|offdon't we have queens branch for instack-undercloud?22:33
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sshnaidm|offneed to backport this to unblock promotions
sshnaidm|offEmilienM, weshay ^^22:34
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EmilienMsshnaidm|off: we dropped branches, created by error22:34
EmilienMno branch now, probably next weekish22:35
openstackgerritwes hayutin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: set the openstack release dynamically
weshayEmilienM, wait.. you are talking about check22:37
weshayand gate22:37
weshaysshnaidm|off, is talking about queens promotion.... so we do it in stable/queens22:37
EmilienMI'm talking about promotion22:37
weshayso is that going to be built for queens?22:38
weshayI guess so???22:38
EmilienMneed to drop off 20 min22:38
weshayEmilienM, I guess if you haven't branched it will be22:38
EmilienMit should take from master22:38
weshayEmilienM, thanks22:38
EmilienMit won't be branched22:38
EmilienMbefore next week at least22:38
EmilienMso the queens job should take consistent from master?22:39
weshaydmsimard, ^22:39
weshaywill be built by dlrn for queens and master?22:39
openstackgerritwes hayutin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: set the openstack release dynamically
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openstackgerritwes hayutin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: clean up image upload command
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1749335 in tripleo "Failing to build barbican containers in rdo-kolla-build-integration" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Juan Antonio Osorio Robles (juan-osorio-robles)23:10
dmsimardweshay: I dunno ?23:11
dmsimardweshay: depends on the rdoinfo config23:11
dmsimardweshay: I think it falls back to master is stable/queens doesn't exist23:11
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dmsimardweshay: actually it looks like every release builds from master ?
weshaydmsimard, hrm... we're in a very grey area.. we have a queens pipeline that is testing w/23:13
dmsimardweshay: I'm not sure how to interpret that rdoinfo config23:13
dmsimardweshay: best would be to check.. like.. and to see where it built23:14
weshayya.. doing so now23:14
dmsimardweshay: master has it23:15
dmsimardweshay: queens has it too23:15
dmsimardweshay: it's 1b914f86082c6d3401075056c8a03db269be1e4423:15
* weshay looking at
weshayis the latest instack-undercloud which is old23:16
dmsimardweshay: do a ctrl+f for 1b914f86082c6d3401075056c8a03db269be1e4423:16
dmsimardand click on the link23:17
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openstackgerritwes hayutin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: prep-containers: include containerized undercloud bits
EmilienMmwhahaha: brings back rdo-kolla-build-integration23:22
EmilienMjaosorior: gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset042-master-tht  is still red, any progress so far?23:22
mwhahahaEmilienM: k why does 035 fail on that review?23:22
EmilienMoh still in gate, jaosorior : nevermind23:23
EmilienMmwhahaha: I was looking at it23:23
EmilienM2018-02-14 21:57:47 |             "/usr/bin/docker-current: Error response from daemon: invalid header field value \"oci runtime error: container_linux.go:247: starting container process caused \\\"process_linux.go:258: applying cgroup configuration for process caused \\\\\\\"write /sys/fs/cgroup/pids/system.slice/docker-cb06bfe138359b3eeea3785422ac7862577e47594af15435f4e67675da7a590e.scope/cgroup.procs: no23:23
EmilienMsuch device\\\\\\\"\\\"\\n\".",23:23
EmilienMagain this one23:24
EmilienMso not related23:24
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Undercloud: fix stackrc TLS URL detection
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Fix PublicVirtualFixedIPs in envs
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Undercloud: support for external VIP for SSL
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Undercloud: support for external VIP for SSL

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