Wednesday, 2018-06-13

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openstackLaunchpad bug 1776301 in tripleo "[master promotion] Tempest is failing with " KeyError: 'resources' "errors - Connection refused" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to chandan kumar (chkumar246)00:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1776503 in tripleo "rdocloud outage recovery - contention for resources and jobs showing long wait times" [Critical,Triaged]00:10
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1776301 in tripleo "[master promotion] Tempest is failing with " KeyError: 'resources' "errors - Connection refused" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to chandan kumar (chkumar246)01:10
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1776503 in tripleo "rdocloud outage recovery - contention for resources and jobs showing long wait times" [Critical,Triaged]01:10
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openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack/tripleo-docs master: Document workflow driven container prepare
openstackgerritgaofei proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Fix typo
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: mysql: create healthcheck user
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: healthcheck/mariadb: run mysql with healthcheck user
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1776301 in tripleo "[master promotion] Tempest is failing with " KeyError: 'resources' "errors - Connection refused" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to chandan kumar (chkumar246)02:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1776503 in tripleo "rdocloud outage recovery - contention for resources and jobs showing long wait times" [Critical,Triaged]02:10
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1776301 in tripleo "[master promotion] Tempest is failing with " KeyError: 'resources' "errors - Connection refused" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to chandan kumar (chkumar246)03:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1776503 in tripleo "rdocloud outage recovery - contention for resources and jobs showing long wait times" [Critical,Triaged]03:10
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itlinuxhi guys. has anyone done vbmc with bonds? and VLANs id?03:13
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openstackgerritMatt Young proposed openstack/tripleo-upgrade master: Add timestamps to update log files
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openstackgerritMatt Young proposed openstack/tripleo-upgrade master: Add timestamps to update log files
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openstackgerritLars Kellogg-Stedman proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: enable support for openidc federation in keystone
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1776301 in tripleo "[master promotion] Tempest is failing with " KeyError: 'resources' "errors - Connection refused" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to chandan kumar (chkumar246)04:10
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1776503 in tripleo "rdocloud outage recovery - contention for resources and jobs showing long wait times" [Critical,Triaged]04:10
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openstackgerritMatt Young proposed openstack/tripleo-upgrade stable/pike: Add log artifacts for upgrade steps
openstackgerritMatt Young proposed openstack/tripleo-upgrade stable/queens: Add log artifacts for upgrade steps
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openstackgerritMatt Young proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Add upgrade and update logs to logstash indexing
openstackgerritMatt Young proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Make ansible linting script executable
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Use "openstack tripleo container image prepare"
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openstackgerritMatt Young proposed openstack/tripleo-upgrade master: Add timestamps to logs of upgrade tasks
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Handle renaming of Cinder VNX backend parameter
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: mysql: create healthcheck user
tonybEmilienM: I'm actually a little confused about how we EOL newton in the new EM world.  I suspect that as it's tripleo we can just go ahead and do it.  I'll add a TODO for tomorrow to start that discussion and update the docs05:08
tonybEmilienM: did the releases you required happen manually?05:09
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1776301 in tripleo "[master promotion] Tempest is failing with " KeyError: 'resources' "errors - Connection refused" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to chandan kumar (chkumar246)05:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1776503 in tripleo "rdocloud outage recovery - contention for resources and jobs showing long wait times" [Critical,Triaged]05:10
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EmilienMtonyb: no05:13
tonybEmilienM: okay, Do you want me to work with dhellman to make that happen?05:14
EmilienMtonyb: if possible, yes05:14
tonybEmilienM: it's quite probable that I can run the scripts but I'd rather he did it05:14
tonybEmilienM: okay leave  it with me, I05:14
tonyb'll work out about the EOL as well05:14
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ykareldansmith, hi05:20
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ykareldansmith, after, seeing issue AttributeError: 'IronicNodeState' object has no attribute 'failed_builds'05:21
ykareldansmith, is this expected? and need to be fixed on tripleo side?05:21
ykareldansmith, logs:-
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ykareldansmith, and the issue is not in master05:24
EmilienMykarel: fyi he's on PST, so probably offline now05:24
ykarelEmilienM, ohhk05:25
tonybykarel: I05:25
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EmilienMbut tonyb is also nova expert (/me hide)05:25
tonyb'll have a poke but I suspect that the answer  is "no" and you shoudl probably file a bug/follwo-up patch05:25
tonybEmilienM: LOL far from an expert ;P05:25
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ykareltonyb, in master it's not seen because ironic_host_manager is removed there:-
tonybykarel: then somehow we're missing a migration to fix the database05:31
ykareltonyb, may be but i don't have idea about it05:31
tonybykarel: Give me a little while to look into it.   The quick fix would be to use getattr() but that's almost certainly wrong05:32
ykareltonyb, ack05:32
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EmilienM@all we need a review on to unblock the gate on puppet-tripleo05:34
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: HA overcloud: wait for db before running grant commands
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tonybykarel: is the nova db available in the job logs anywhere?05:41
ykareltonyb, i don't think db is stored05:41
tonybykarel: I don't see how we can be using master and end up with stale data05:41
tonybykarel: rats05:41
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tonybykarel: Oh wait the job is periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp-featureset002-queens-upload that isn't master (sorry for asking simple questions) but I havn't ever really needed to debug this kind os thing in toci05:43
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ykareltonyb, we are seeing this in all queens periodic jobs05:45
tonybykarel: okay that makes slightly more sense then05:46
openstackgerritSaravanan KR proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Fix error in the role-specific parameter merging in rhsm service
tonybykarel: Okay I think it's just a bad backport05:49
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openstackgerritSaravanan KR proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Fix error in the role-specific parameter merging in rhsm service
tonybykarel: Can you open a bug and link to I'll try to work out the right way to fix it05:50
ykareltonyb, done:-
openstackLaunchpad bug 1776596 in tripleo "[QUEENS] Promotion Jobs failing at overcloud deployment with AttributeError: 'IronicNodeState' object has no attribute 'failed_builds'" [Undecided,New]05:50
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-common master: Improve ssh connection handling
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tonybykarel: Can we run toci on a nova change?06:00
ykareltonyb, i think yes, by updating ZUUL_CHANGES in
ykareloh you mean a ci job?06:03
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tonybykarel: Yeah I *think* I have a fix for nova and I was wondering if we could run a similar job against the nova change before it merges to check if it's enough06:05
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ykareltonyb, we have ovb experimental job in rdo zuul, but since it's experimental it would take time to gate nodes to run job06:06
ykarelto run experimental, gerrit comment: check rdo experimental06:06
tonybykarel: but it would run on on the chnage I'm about to upload to nova (stable/queens) albeit slowly and manually triggered06:07
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ykareltonyb, yes after you publish change and add comment it will run ovb featureset001 against all releases06:09
openstackgerritAndrey Kurilin proposed openstack/tripleo-ha-utils master: Port rally plugins to use proper modules
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1776301 in tripleo "[master promotion] Tempest is failing with " KeyError: 'resources' "errors - Connection refused" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to chandan kumar (chkumar246)06:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1776503 in tripleo "rdocloud outage recovery - contention for resources and jobs showing long wait times" [Critical,Triaged]06:10
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tonybI know it's a long shot but is there a tracking bug or similar for using (keystone) v3 by default everywhere in tripleo?06:14
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ykareltonyb, job in queue in rdo zuul, let's see when we get node for it.06:17
tonybykarel: cool.06:17
ykareltonyb, for keystone v3 i have seen many patches to switch to v3, but no idea if there is a bug06:17
tonybykarel: Okay thanks06:18
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openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Revert "Revert "Alter default http boot path for containerized Ironic""
ykarelbogdando, ^^ is the issue last time we faced, fixed?06:24
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bogdandoykarel: hi, IIRC, it was ovb 35 failing06:24
bogdandofixed in
bogdandowe also switched remaining jobs, and one more is waiting
bogdandoykarel: the idea is never ever install instack underclouds in CI jobs doing HW provisioning06:26
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ykarelbogdando, ack if all are switched to containerized undercloud, we are good06:26
bogdandothen we're good to go with
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bogdandojistr: hi, needs blessing of yours :)06:28
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openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/tripleo-upgrade master: before executing tripleo-inventory esure it's installed
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openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Switch more promotion jobs to containerized undercloud
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openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/queens: Match only haproxy for docker ps and skipp all *-haproxy occurences
openstackgerritChristian Schwede proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Limit curl operation to pull/push Swift rings to 120 seconds
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1776301 in tripleo "[master promotion] Tempest is failing with " KeyError: 'resources' "errors - Connection refused" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to chandan kumar (chkumar246)07:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1776503 in tripleo "rdocloud outage recovery - contention for resources and jobs showing long wait times" [Critical,Triaged]07:10
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flaper87hey folks, do we collect all files from /etc in our CI jobs? I was expecting to see some files here that are not there:
flaper87I checked in oooqe and it looks like we do collect them all07:15
flaper87unless I looked in the wrong file07:15
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numansbandini, A very gentle Hi and good morning :)07:39
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bandiniheya numans :) what's up?07:40
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numansbandini, need your little time here -
bandininumans: ah righto, sorry got swamped. let me do it now07:41
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numansbandini, no probs. thank you07:41
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bandininumans: I am kind of surprised that the review is not in merge conflict after we merged
bandini(nothing important, just surprised :)07:45
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jistrflaper87: hi, we don't collect all, we had issues with logs taking up too muc space so the log collecting is very targeted nowadays. You can add new subdirs at
flaper87a-haaaaaaaaaaa.... toci is the repo I was missing07:52
flaper87jistr: thanks07:52
flaper87I couldn't find it anymore07:52
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numansbandini, let me check. shall i rebase and spin a new one ?07:52
* flaper87 will get a tattoo with all the repos he should check before asking questions07:52
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bandininumans: don't think so, as long as gerrit doesn't scream at us, just worth noting that if we merge it, it should not revert those bits07:54
numansbandini, ok. i will anyway locally rebase and see if there is any conflict07:54
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Collect origin and NetworkManager dirs
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openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Update for openshift 3.9
jistrbogdando: it's probably ok but me & mcornea would like to know how come we need it at all
jistri wonder if we're missing a RPM dependency perhaps07:58
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jistrcc weshay ^07:59
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1776301 in tripleo "[master promotion] Tempest is failing with " KeyError: 'resources' "errors - Connection refused" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to chandan kumar (chkumar246)08:10
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1776503 in tripleo "rdocloud outage recovery - contention for resources and jobs showing long wait times" [Critical,Triaged]08:10
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-validations master: Check if a bridge with name br-int exists
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numansbandini, thanks for the review. I rebased and there isn't any conflict08:32
bandininumans: w00t!08:32
numansi mean locally08:32
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openstackgerritQuique Llorente proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Add release to gating repo
openstackgerritQuique Llorente proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Add release to gating repo
openstackgerritQuique Llorente proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Add release to gating repo
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-common master: Set the initial introspection attempt to 0
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Fix typo
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Remove hardcoded validation options
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Use user specified private key when deleting temp keys
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Fix bootloader packages for rhel
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holser__mandre thanks09:03
holser__by the way put your thoughts in comment I described09:04
holser__there are 2 cases09:04
holser__my change addresses 1st09:04
holser__second is still unresolved as it needs logic similar to what we did in OCF
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mandreholser__: i'm not sure we can rely on the pid value in the container09:07
openstackgerritChandan Kumar proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Let's tempestconf tool handle swift related conf
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mandrefrom what I understand, the combination of a pid file and sock file are enough to assume mariadb is accepting connections09:08
holser__mandre in first case yes. and patch addresses then09:08
holser__mandre, second case is crash of container. In that case you'll have pid and sock file from previus mysql run09:09
holser__mandre I am not 100% sure that's the case09:09
mandreholser__: is it really keeping the sock files around if the container restarts?09:09
holser__mandre if restart everything will work correctly09:10
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1776301 in tripleo "[master promotion] Tempest is failing with " KeyError: 'resources' "errors - Connection refused" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to chandan kumar (chkumar246)09:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1776503 in tripleo "rdocloud outage recovery - contention for resources and jobs showing long wait times" [Critical,Triaged]09:10
holser__I am talking about something of unexpected09:10
holser__sudden power off of node or crash of mariadb09:10
openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed openstack/tripleo-ui master: Sanitize messages in FormErrorList
openstackgerritQuique Llorente proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: [DNM] to test fs050
mandreholser__: yeah I meant if the container crash, i've never heard of zombie sock files, that's why I'm curious09:12
openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed openstack/tripleo-ui master: Sanitize messages in FormErrorList
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openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Update capabilities-map
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holser__mandre that's why I am not trying to resolve second case09:26
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holser__mandre but thanks for +209:26
openstackgerritQuique Llorente proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: [DNM] to thest fs050 with pareting patches
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openstackgerritQuique Llorente proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/queens: To test new fs050 job from-release-upgrades
jtomasekshardy: to limit the roles by deployment plan type, we could just add key to plan-environment which would whitelist role names and update list_available_roles to check the whitelist. Alternatively we can do the same but on the role tag level - add list of role tags to plan-environment and make list_available_roles workflow list just those with the tag09:29
openstackgerritQuique Llorente proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: [DNM] to test fs050 with Depends-On and parenting
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openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Align roles file to become a normalized path
openstackgerritQuique Llorente proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: [DNM] to test fs050 with Depends-On and parenting
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shardyjtomasek: ack yeah I was thinking the role tags may be best, so we don't have to update every plan-environment each time e.g a new OpenStack role gets added?09:35
openstackgerritQuique Llorente proposed openstack/tripleo-common stable/queens: [DNM] to test fs050 new job from-release-upgrades with pareting and Depends-On
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jtomasekshardy: sounds good yes, so a new task would be added before here which checks plan-environment for available_roles_tags09:38
jtomasekand get_role_files would filter out objects without the tag09:39
openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Align roles file to become a normalized path
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gfidenteneed another vote on, ceph specific but easy09:43
gfidentesame here :D
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openstackgerritQuique Llorente proposed openstack/tripleo-common stable/queens: [DNM] to test fs050 new job from-release-upgrades with pareting and Depends-On
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openstackgerritMartin Mágr proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Add QDR profile for metrics purposes.
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack/tripleo-upgrade master: Add timestamps to logs of upgrade tasks
chemmatbu: hi, there's an issue in the backport
chemmatbu: I let a comment there09:58
openstackgerritLuke Hinds proposed openstack/tripleo-specs master: Spec for improved privilege escalation in py-scripts
openstackgerritMichele Baldessari proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Fix logrotate_crond issues
openstackgerritLuke Hinds proposed openstack/tripleo-specs master: [WIP] Spec for improved privilege escalation in py-scripts
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1776301 in tripleo "[master promotion] Tempest is failing with " KeyError: 'resources' "errors - Connection refused" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to chandan kumar (chkumar246)10:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1776503 in tripleo "rdocloud outage recovery - contention for resources and jobs showing long wait times" [Critical,Triaged]10:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1776596 in tripleo "[QUEENS] Promotion Jobs failing at overcloud deployment with AttributeError: 'IronicNodeState' object has no attribute 'failed_builds'" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to yatin (yatinkarel)10:10
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openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed openstack/tripleo-ui master: Implement fetching of networks
openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed openstack/tripleo-ui master: Initial Network configuration views
openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed openstack/tripleo-ui master: [WIP] Add Network Topology diagram
openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed openstack/tripleo-ui master: progress with lines
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openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Enable decoupled deployment plans e.g for OpenShift, DPDK etc
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Add OpenShift plans
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openstackgerritQuique Llorente proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/queens: [DNM] To test fs050 from-release-upgrades job
openstackgerritQuique Llorente proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/queens: To test new fs050 job from-release-upgrades
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sri_shardy: Hi, I am trying to deploy undercloud in containers but I am getting this error !!
anandeHi Guys -  How do we pass values to a j2.yaml file for execution during overcloud deploy - any idea ?11:07
anandeI was looking at -
anandewhich makes me think it needs a role with a resource_registry definition pointing to the j2.yaml11:07
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anandeam I right11:07
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1776301 in tripleo "[master promotion] Tempest is failing with " KeyError: 'resources' "errors - Connection refused" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to chandan kumar (chkumar246)11:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1776503 in tripleo "rdocloud outage recovery - contention for resources and jobs showing long wait times" [Critical,Triaged]11:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1776596 in tripleo "[QUEENS] Promotion Jobs failing at overcloud deployment with AttributeError: 'IronicNodeState' object has no attribute 'failed_builds'" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to yatin (yatinkarel)11:10
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anandeshardy, bnemec ^^ any thoughts on my above query11:42
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openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Add upgrade and update logs to logstash indexing
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openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/queens: Use user specified private key when deleting temp keys
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openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Collect /etc/os-*/ to get os-net-config
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openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Update for openshift 3.9
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openstackgerritQuique Llorente proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Add release to gating repo
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openstackgerritQuique Llorente proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Add release to gating repo
jaosoriormoguimar, lhinds: around?12:00
jaosoriorredrobot: ^^12:00
jaosoriorhey moguimar! how's it going?12:01
jaosoriormoguimar: know where raildo is?12:01
jaosorior#startmeeting TripleO Security Squad12:01
moguimardidn't talk to him today12:01
openstackMeeting started Wed Jun 13 12:01:19 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is jaosorior. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.12:01
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jaosoriorlets wait some minutes for some folks to log in12:01
openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'tripleo_security_squad'12:01
moguimarhe was feeling sick yesterday12:01
jaosoriorthat's a bummer :/12:02
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: DONT REVIEW: used for testing only
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: DONT REVIEW: testing patch
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openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: DNM: test built-tests with all jobs
sshnaidmquiquell, ^^12:03
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quiquellsshnaidm: I see, I was just adding one file12:05
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openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Collect /etc/os-*/ to get os-net-config
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jaosoriorAlright, I guess we can begin12:07
jaosorior#topic oslo pluggable secrets backend discussion12:07
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openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/queens: Match only haproxy for docker ps and skipp all *-haproxy occurences
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moguimarI'm currently working on the sample generator12:07
moguimarfor the ini driver12:07
moguimarto be used with oslo-config-generator12:08
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moguimarwe still have two other tasks to the end of phase 012:08
jaosoriorWhat are the plans for the ini driver?12:08
jaosorioris that something that we12:09
jaosoriorwe'll take into use?12:09
jaosorioror was it just a reference driver?12:09
moguimarin general, we are adding to oslo.config the hability to fetch extra config from external locations12:09
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moguimarat first as a reference, but it kinda seems usable12:09
moguimaras we can use https12:10
jaosoriormoguimar: any further plans on that front?12:10
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1776301 in tripleo "[master promotion] Tempest is failing with " KeyError: 'resources' "errors - Connection refused" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to chandan kumar (chkumar246)12:10
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1776503 in tripleo "rdocloud outage recovery - contention for resources and jobs showing long wait times" [Critical,Triaged]12:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1776596 in tripleo "[QUEENS] Promotion Jobs failing at overcloud deployment with AttributeError: 'IronicNodeState' object has no attribute 'failed_builds'" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to yatin (yatinkarel)12:10
moguimarthe user can specify ca_path, client_cert and client_key12:10
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moguimarso we can strip sensitive data out of config files and centralize it somewhere else12:11
jaosoriormoguimar: wasn't that the plan but instead to use the castellan driver?12:11
moguimarcastellan driver is phase 112:11
moguimarphase 0 is a proof of concept with the ini driver12:12
moguimarso, phase 0 is the ini driver12:12
moguimarphase 1 is the castellan driver12:12
moguimarand phase 2 is triple0 integration12:12
moguimarwe are aiming to land phase 0 on rocky and phase 1 on stein12:13
jaosoriorI see12:13
jaosoriorSo, what are the plans regarding TripleO integration at the moment? anything that could be started now?12:14
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moguimarwe are working on a spec12:15
moguimaractually phase 2 is not tripleO integration12:15
moguimarit is about automation support12:15
moguimarwhen the spec comes out we'll have more details12:15
openstackgerritRonelle Landy proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Streamline variables passed in different environments
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moguimarthe link to the spec is here12:16
jaosoriormoguimar: right, but that was the oslo spec12:16
jaosoriorfor TripleO we would prefer to have a separate one12:16
jaosoriorand from what I can tell, the same is with the oslo folks, they would prefer to remove the TripleO specifics from that spec12:17
moguimarso far we only have a placeholder for the tripleO bits12:17
moguimaryep, the tripleO parts are to be defined yet in a separate spec12:17
moguimarthat's all I have for nwo12:18
jaosoriorif there's anything you want to discuss regarding TripleO integration, this is a good place to bring it up12:18
jaosoriorAt some point we do need to discuss what backend will castellan use12:19
jaosoriorand how that deployment will look like12:19
moguimarthe castellan phase still need some planning12:19
jaosoriorthat's alright12:20
jaosoriorthere is time :)12:20
moguimarI'll leave a note in the trello card to bring the discussion here12:20
jaosoriorlets come back to this once that's more defined12:20
jaosoriorlhinds, are you around?12:20
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lhindsyep jaosorior12:20
lhindsjust in..12:20
jaosorior#topic     Limit TripleO users12:21
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jaosoriorlhinds: can you give a brief update on the status of that?12:21
jaosoriorI know you're quite busy, so I really appreciate that you were able to make it12:21
lhindsfor this one we will need to move the spec into stein, as to late for rocky (which is understandable)12:21
lhindscederic has a spec in review, and mine should be up later today or at least before the end of this week as a latest.12:22
lhindsthat's it for now12:22
jaosoriorlhinds: did you manage to get some resolution on getting the sudo rules from CI?12:23
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lhindsI have some ideas, as sudo gives an exit code, but need to chew it over with someone from CI.12:24
lhinds If command is specified but not allowed, sudo will exit with a status value of 112:24
lhindsso we could harness this in CI as that would consitute a build failure.12:24
lhindssome of this we may need to trash out in review though12:25
jaosoriorlhinds: wouldn't that be just a deployment failure?12:25
lhindsyes, hold on I see what you mean now.12:25
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lhindsso two phases , the first is to gather the info.12:25
lhindssecond above, would be to test it on-going12:26
jaosorioroh, I see12:27
lhindsbut need to see if that would be agreed, as like you say it breaks a deployment12:28
lhindsIt's SELinux all over again12:28
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jaosoriorlhinds: thanks for the update12:29
jaosoriorlhinds: let me know if there's something I can help out with regarding that task12:30
lhindswill do , thanks jaosorior12:30
* redrobot is still waiting for the coffee to kick in ... 😴12:30
jaosorior#topic Any other business12:30
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jaosoriorAnything else that folks want to bring up to the meeting?12:30
EmilienMdciabrin_: can you please review when you have time?12:31
jaosoriorredrobot: haha same here, but it's 3pm here :P12:31
EmilienMdciabrin_: err wrong link nevermind.12:31
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dciabrin_EmilienM, :)12:31
EmilienMdciabrin_: too early :P12:31
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jaosoriorAlright folks! thanks for joining!12:33
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openstackMeeting ended Wed Jun 13 12:33:35 2018 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)12:33
openstackMinutes (text):
EmilienMdciabrin_: replied on
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dciabrin_EmilienM, ack let me manage to deploy a containerized undercloud and I'll follow up shortly12:38
EmilienMdciabrin_: let me know if you need help for that12:38
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dciabrin_EmilienM, i'm trying to do that with dprince's undercloud_containers. Do you have other means? maybe a simple cmd to replicate what CI does?12:39
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack/tripleo-docs master: Add Fast Forward Upgrade docs
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EmilienMdciabrin_: not sure what's "dprince's undercloud_containers" but the only way we support a containerized undercloud is to use --use-heat now: openstack undercloud install --use-heat12:40
EmilienMdciabrin_: everything is documented on
dciabrin_EmilienM, ack thx!12:40
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EmilienMdciabrin_: this is the gist I use on my fresh centos7 VM:
dciabrin_EmilienM, even better :)12:41
dprinceEmilienM: it is the same thing. I updated it to --use-heat a while back,
dprincedciabrin_: but you should use the latest and greatest for sure12:42
dciabrin_dprince, EmilienM ack thanks guys12:42
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EmilienMdprince: sure I guess what I'm saying is we don't need your repo to deploy a containerized undercloud, we can just follow the doc12:43
EmilienMand if something isn't working out of the box we need to fix it12:44
weshaygfidente, is failing unit tests in the gate :(12:44
dprinceEmilienM: absolutely. nobody is arguing for a new repo. But for you to know a group of us used this repo in the past to develop the Containerized Overcloud.12:44
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dprinceEmilienM: it was *very* useful at the time to prototype, etc.12:45
gfidenteweshay though it passed at check12:45
gfidenteweshay I'll review it12:45
EmilienMdprince: I know, it's fine12:45
weshaygfidente, ya.. thanks12:45
gfidenteweshay thanks for pinging12:45
dprinceEmilienM: without it, none of what you are now documenting would exist I think :). But agree, lets point people to the new docs instead12:45
weshayarxcruz|ruck, rlandy|rover for the ruck/rover handoff.. please note to the newbies that the zuul gate is at 21hr12:46
rlandy|roverweshay: oh they will get our sob story on gate times on both zuul queues12:46
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toskyweshay: and I thought that everyone has zuul tab open and checks the number of elements in the queue every few minutes!12:47
beaglesweshay: were you looking adding a DVR job - it's been on my TODO list for awhile but I won't get to it until I'm done with release issues12:47
beaglesweshay: or were you just checking for where it was and why it wasn't being run ;)12:48
weshaybeagles, I just emailed Assaf, I can forward the email to you as well12:48
beaglesweshay: cool thanks12:48
EmilienMdprince: i've got your point, it's fine ;-)12:48
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weshaybeagles, let's just expose what is needed on the list, agenda and work from there12:50
beaglesweshay: agreed!12:50
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flaper87weshay: EmilienM the collect `/etc/os-net-config` change you +2'd depends on this one (for no reason other than me avoiding conflicts)
flaper87mind reviewing the base change too?13:01
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Update for openshift 3.9
EmilienMflaper87: maybe13:02
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flaper87EmilienM: pretty please?13:02
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sri_dprince, Hi, I have a small query related to overcloud networking, as of now I've created overcloud with single nic and single nic with vlan, but this time I have a server with 6 NICs and we are planning to create three bonds, first bond for management and provisioning, second bond for tenant and storage, and third bond for external networking(for floating IPs ). any suggestions how to archive this.13:08
dprincesri_: you could model it after this:
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1776301 in tripleo "[master promotion] Tempest is failing with " KeyError: 'resources' "errors - Connection refused" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to chandan kumar (chkumar246)13:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1776503 in tripleo "rdocloud outage recovery - contention for resources and jobs showing long wait times" [Critical,Triaged]13:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1776596 in tripleo "[QUEENS] Promotion Jobs failing at overcloud deployment with AttributeError: 'IronicNodeState' object has no attribute 'failed_builds'" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to yatin (yatinkarel)13:10
dprincesri_: you'd need to model it differently so you had a bond for each NIC pair you want. And then assign the networks accordingly13:10
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dprincesri_: also, I'm not sure we support a bonded provisioning network (ctlplane)13:11
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sri_dprince: understood, i can create a external network with out subnet or IP address right ? so that all the all the traffic on the bond is L213:14
dprincesri_: should be okay yes13:15
sri_dprince, i am little confused about why there is no external network in compute node ? when we enable dvr all the north-south traffic directly goes to compute node right ?13:16
dprincesri_: without DVR it isn't needed and those network templates were probably not made for DVR13:18
dprincesri_: you can craft your own for that if you wish I think13:18
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tripleo stable/newton: Add missing nfs_mount_options for Cinder Netapp backend
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sri_dprince: I see, thanks for your time :)13:22
sri_dprince, i am sorry if i ask silly questions, thanx :)13:25
dprincesri_: good questions, and no problem13:25
lvdombrkr89hello folks, is there possibility create networking not as default - network ->subnet->VM, bet something like network (vlan) -> instance ? i mean without subnets13:27
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openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Align roles file to become a normalized path
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gfidenteweshay funny though the issues are completely unrelated :D13:33
openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Set ODL API restart policy to unless-stopped
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openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Set ODL API restart policy to unless-stopped before stopping it
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hakhande_Hello, I am facing issue with my deployment..It says "Expected hypervisor stats not met Configuration has 1 errors, fix them before proceeding. Ignoring these errors is likely to lead to a failed deploy." However, i see enough nodes under ironic node-list and introspection too went fine.. Can anyone suggests what might  went wrong.. I am using RHOSP1013:40
hakhande_Appreciate your help/suggestions13:41
openstackgerritAlan Bishop proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo stable/queens: Handle renaming of Cinder VNX backend parameter
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openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Set ODL API restart policy to unless-stopped
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openstackgerritFlorian Fuchs proposed openstack/tripleo-validations master: Add a lookup plugin to get mistral workflow results
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1776301 in tripleo "[master promotion] Tempest is failing with " KeyError: 'resources' "errors - Connection refused" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to chandan kumar (chkumar246)14:10
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1776503 in tripleo "rdocloud outage recovery - contention for resources and jobs showing long wait times" [Critical,Triaged]14:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1776596 in tripleo "[QUEENS] Promotion Jobs failing at overcloud deployment with AttributeError: 'IronicNodeState' object has no attribute 'failed_builds'" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to yatin (yatinkarel)14:10
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openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/queens: Add environment/services-baremetal/*.
openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/queens: Default environment/services/* to docker
openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/queens: Delete not-used services-docker files
openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/queens: Move remnants of environments/services-docker
openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/queens: Switch remaining env files to containers defaults
openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/queens: Support containerized DVR in compute role
openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/queens: Adds docker SFC and cleans up ODL envs
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openstackgerritRaoul Scarazzini proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Remove unuseful become: true from deploy-steps
openstackgerritDamien Ciabrini proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Reduce verbosity during mysql bootstrap, non-HA
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larsksmwhahaha: if you're around, I have a question about the puppet-keystone module, which it looks like you've worked on a bit.  This is w/r/t to adding support for openidc federation to tripleo.14:44
* mwhahaha didn't do the federation stuff14:44
mwhahahabut sure what's your question?14:44
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larsksmwhahaha: the openidc manifest references $::keystone::public_endpoint (, but that isn't even set in a typical deployment.14:46
larsksWhat *should* it be using?14:46
larsks$::keystone::endpoint::public_url, maybe?14:46
mwhahahaso for v3 admin == public14:46
larsksWell, same question for ::keystone::admin_endpoint, which also isn't set.14:47
mwhahahai mean this code could be bad14:47
larsksYeah, it is.14:47
larsksI am wondering if it should be using one of the $::keystone::endpoint::... variables.14:47
larsks(that is, can I assume that those will be set)14:47
mwhahahaso it's likely because of the way it's being included14:47
mwhahahatechincally those params exist14:47
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mwhahahaor could exist14:48
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mwhahahait's likely that the class needs to be updated to accept those params14:48
larsksmwhahaha: but they're optional, and we don't set them.14:48
strigaziHello, I have a question about openstack/puppet-heat14:48
strigaziit seems that it is not possible to set the creds for the trustee section14:48
larsksBut we do set $::keystone::endpoint::public_url and friends.14:48
mwhahahalarsks: so that's a question for the keystone folks on if we should set this stuff14:49
larsksHmmm.  I mean, the value is only used to build a URL that goes into the Apache I figured it was less of a keystone question. But I'll ask around.14:49
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mwhahahalarsks: but it's not, it's set in keystone conf14:50
mwhahahalarsks: but i don't know what should be set or not which is why i said ask the keystone folks on if we should be setting it14:50
larsksIt can be, right, but in a typical tripleo install those values aren't set at all.14:50
larsksThey're commented out.14:50
mwhahahabecause we just inherit the defaults from keystone14:50
larsksI'll ask the keystone folks.14:51
mwhahahabut if we need to be setting them for other things, the class needs to be updated. but the problem is *i* don't know what's correct14:51
mwhahahastrigazi: yes you can?
shardystrigazi: the trustee is the user interacting with heat, you get the credentials/token in the context of the API request14:51
mwhahahaor rather it is already set14:52
strigazimwhahaha: it can not be different than the authtoken section14:53
mwhahahasee shardy's response -^14:53
shardystrigazi: sorry I was thinking of the trustor, but yes as mwhahaha says you can set the trustee credentials14:53
* mwhahaha doesn't know enough about heat to know if they could/should be different14:54
shardyand it should always be in a different section to the authtoken middleware14:54
shardye.g in TripleO we always create two different users for each of those sections14:54
mwhahahait is in a different section, but it's reusing the same creds14:54
shardyOh hmm I thought we were delegating to the heat domain admin user14:55
mwhahahaif that needs to be changed, it should be a patch to puppet-heat with a fall back to the keystone creds if not provided i guess14:55
* mwhahaha doesn't know how this stuff works in heat14:55
* shardy looks at the templates to remember how this works in heat ;)14:55
strigazimwhahaha: shardy but at the moment they are always the same14:55
mwhahahait's one of those things that we don't actually test anywhere14:56
beaglesbandini: dciabrin_: just a heads up. - afaict running "paunch apply" to update a container with a new image does not appear to affect other running containers that are using other images14:56
strigazitrustee/username value => $keystone_username;   $keystone_username = $::heat::keystone::authtoken::username14:56
mwhahahaso it "works" in that we configure it, but i don't think we're exercising this functionality anywhere14:56
bandinibeagles: nice. at least that part is confirmed14:56
strigazishardy: this part
shardystrigazi: yeah sorry looks like you're right, we default trustee/password to keystone_password14:58
shardyso we'll need to add a new puppet-heat parameter if you need to change that14:58
strigaziI'm upgrading the puppet module and discovered that we carry some patches/hacks for this14:59
openstackgerritLukas Bezdicka proposed openstack/tripleo-upgrade master: WIP: Add instance reboot ssh test during upgrade
strigazishardy: where should we add the new params?14:59
mwhahahastrigazi: in puppet-heat14:59
mwhahahamove those vars to params14:59
mwhahahaand leave the defaults as is14:59
mwhahahathen in THT we can set them15:00
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shardyyeah sounds good - strigazi have you tested that this works fine delegating to a user other than the heat admin user@?15:00
shardyit should but tbh I've not tested it15:00
* shardy wrote this stuff in like 2013, it's hard to remember the details :)15:00
strigazishardy: my heat.conf looks like:15:01
dciabrin_beagles, phew, great :)15:03
strigazishardy: I was removing passwords/urls15:03
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shardystrigazi: ack, yeah as mwhahaha said you can add the params to puppet-heat to enable independently setting each section15:05
shardyprovided the defaults stay the same15:05
shardythanks for pointing it out :)15:05
strigazimwhahaha: changes go to init.pp ? I'm not very familiar with module development15:06
strigazishardy: my pleasure :)15:06
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lhindscan anyone tell me where the directories (logs) here are placed: tripleo-ci/toci-quickstart/config/collect-logs.yml , do they get dumped onto as part of zuul check?15:07
openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Set ODL API restart policy to unless-stopped
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1776301 in tripleo "[master promotion] Tempest is failing with " KeyError: 'resources' "errors - Connection refused" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to chandan kumar (chkumar246)15:10
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1776503 in tripleo "rdocloud outage recovery - contention for resources and jobs showing long wait times" [Critical,Triaged]15:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1776596 in tripleo "[QUEENS] Promotion Jobs failing at overcloud deployment with AttributeError: 'IronicNodeState' object has no attribute 'failed_builds'" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to yatin (yatinkarel)15:10
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hamzywho here is familiar with corosync? I am seeing the puppet deploy of corosync never finish after "(/Stage[main]/Pacemaker::Corosync/User[hacluster]) Scheduling refresh of Exec[reauthenticate-across-all-nodes]"15:13
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openstackgerritRyan Brady proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Remove validations that moved to tripleo-validations
larskshamzy: you may find folks familiar with corosync on #linux-cluster or #linux-ha.15:16
larsksEmilienM: is openidc support in puppet-keystone doing the right thing here?
hamzylarsks, would the be familiar with how TripleO deploys and configures corosync?15:16
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larsksEmilienM: it needs to add config to the generated wsgi configuration files, but it's building the path to the file itself rather than getting it from somewhere else.15:17
EmilienMlarsks: I never tested this code, I'm not sure. You better ask to mnaser15:17
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larsksThat seems prone to failure.  This isn't really about whether the config is correct; this is really just a puppet question...15:17
larskshamzy: probably not for the most part.15:17
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larsksmnaser: ^^^^ if you have any thoughts re: the way puppet-keystone openidc support is getting at the apache config.15:18
mnasercommited in sep 201615:18
* mnaser flexes memory15:18
mnaserlet me see15:18
larsksEmilienM: I was asking because you're the listed author on openstacklib::wsgi::apache...15:19
EmilienMlarsks: right but I didn't work on
larsksRight, but I think you may be misunderstaning my question.  This is about how to handle adding config to the wsgi configuration.15:19
larsksIs there a better way than what the openidc module is doing?15:19
larsksThat looks fragile to me.15:20
larsksA change in openstacklab::wsgi::apache in how the files are named would break that.15:20
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EmilienMlarsks: oh ok15:21
EmilienMlarsks: it is fragile, but at that time I remember we didn't find a better way to do it15:21
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mnaserthat is true, yeah15:21
EmilienMbut any proposals are welcome15:22
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openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Enable decoupled deployment plans e.g for OpenShift, DPDK etc
larsksDarn.  I figured since I was hacking on this anyway that now would be the time to fix it if there was a A Better Way, but I will leave it as is for now...15:23
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Fix DNS firewall rules
EmilienMlarsks: where are you blocked exactly?15:24
EmilienMwhat can't you do now?15:25
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larsksEmilienM: I'm not blocked at this point.  I'm submitting some patches for puppet-keystone, and this just seemed like an opportune moment to fix this fragile code if there was a fix to be had.  Which there isn't, so I'll just move on.  No blocks.15:25
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Enable decoupled deployment plans e.g for OpenShift, DPDK etc
EmilienMlarsks: what is fragile? please give more details15:27
larsksEmilienM: what we were just talking about.
larsksThe openidc manifest is generating the wsgi configuration filename there, but it's making an assumption that it knows how openstacklib::wsgi::apache (and ultimately apache::vhost) will name that file.15:28
EmilienMlarsks: could you please describe a situation where the priority can mess with something? I want to understand how fragile it is for you15:28
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Remove deploy playbook from `update run`
larsksI'm not sure how to more clearly explain the issue.  Like I said, it's not a blocker.  It just seems like bad code.15:29
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larsksIf ever apache::vhost changes how it names configuration files, this code would break.15:29
EmilienMlarsks: among many other things, I guess15:30
larsksmwhahaha: Anyway, this is what I'm proposing to get rid of the problematic use of keystone::{admin,public}_endpoint:
larsksLet me know if that looks sane.15:31
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larsks(I asked in #keystone re: the public_endpoint/admin_endpoint settings and the answer was basically "don't use those")15:31
mwhahahalarsks: yea should be ok15:31
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Add openshift params to containers prepare cmd
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openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient stable/queens: Remove deploy playbook from `update run`
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EmilienMdciabrin_: are you going to take over or should I continue to look at it?15:40
dciabrin_EmilienM, I'll take it over15:40
dciabrin_EmilienM, let me set the proper status in launchpad.15:40
dciabrin_EmilienM, undercloud still being set up :)15:40
EmilienMdciabrin_: I'm ok with having a password, maybe we could export the password in the env, and read it from the healthcheck?15:41
EmilienMdciabrin_: ack15:41
dciabrin_EmilienM, yeah so I want to understand what's the status re. mandre's comment, and then i should have a clear idea of why healthcheck is misbehaving15:41
EmilienMdciabrin_, mandre : I'm curious why the healthcheck works fine when not upgrading15:42
EmilienMhow can it reach mysql database15:42
EmilienMwithout my.cnf15:42
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dciabrin_EmilienM, i'd like to understand what's the default user for healthcheck on clean containerized undercloud15:44
openstackgerritRaoul Scarazzini proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Define a 'baremetal' file for nodes config
EmilienMdciabrin_: well it should be "mysql"15:45
larsksFor getting a new package into a tripleo docker image, does that still require changes to tripleo-puppet-elements?15:45
dciabrin_EmilienM, so mysql by default should have no password and almost no privilege per mandre's comment15:45
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dciabrin_EmilienM, then question is does anything change when upgrading from non-containerized to containerized15:46
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dciabrin_EmilienM, if you still have an env can you quickly run "mysql -e 'select user,password,host from mysql.user;'" ?15:48
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EmilienMdciabrin_: I have an env but it's an upgraded setup, does it work?15:51
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dciabrin_EmilienM, yep so I can compare with what my undercloud deploy will give me15:52
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EmilienMdciabrin_: once sec15:53
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EmilienMdciabrin_: ERROR 1142 (42000) at line 1: SELECT command denied to user 'mysql'@'localhost' for table 'user'15:53
EmilienMdciabrin_: I used "mysql" user15:54
EmilienMdciabrin_: I can give you SSH, see PM15:54
dciabrin_EmilienM, that would be grand, thx15:54
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openstackgerritRedHat RDO CI proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: GATE CHECK for quickstart-extras
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1776503 in tripleo "rdocloud outage recovery - contention for resources and jobs showing long wait times" [Critical,Triaged]16:10
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ayoung when installing the undercloud, what is supposed to happen with the interface specified for the ctl-plane subnet.  Mine is down, and has no ip address etc.16:12
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larsksayoung: it is supposed to get assigned to an OVS bridge (br-ctlplane), and the *bridge* should have the ip configuration.16:13
ayounglarsks, ok...lets see16:13
ayoung10: br-ctlplane: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 100016:13
ayounglarsks, likst that?16:13
larsksYeah, but that should have an address.16:14
ayoungah...I misread the section...16:14
ayoung10: br-ctlplane: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 100016:14
ayoung    link/ether 00:21:9b:98:a3:21 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff16:14
ayoung    inet brd scope global br-ctlplane16:14
ayoung       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever16:14
ayoung    inet6 fe80::221:9bff:fe98:a321/64 scope link16:14
* ayoung hopes that was short enough to avoid the paste16:14
larsksThat looks reasonable.16:14
ayounglarsks, so, is it a problem that em2 is down?16:15
ayoung3: em2: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc mq master ovs-system state DOWN group default qlen 100016:15
ayoung    link/ether 00:21:9b:98:a3:21 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff16:15
larsksayoung: Yeah, it should not be down.16:15
ayoungtrying to bring it up gives me16:16
ayoung$ sudo ifup em216:16
ayoungRTNETLINK answers: Device or resource busy16:16
ayoungRTNETLINK answers: Network is down16:16
larsksayoung: what does /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-em2 look like?16:17
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weshay|rucktoure, do you have a sec to look at a fairly straight forward mistral tempest failure16:17
ayounglarsks, this is a "real" deployment, not nested virt, and it is entirely possible that I messed up the network configuration on the switch-and-router setup that is connected to port em2.  I did seem to have it working yesterday, though16:20
larsksayoung: Any chance that /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-em2 exists? Your ifcfg-em2 looks okay to me, and I'm not sure what would generate those particular errors.16:20
larsksAlso, after running `ifup em2`, is the link still down?16:21
ayounglarsks, cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-em216:21
ayoung(undercloud) [stack@zygarde ~]$16:21
ayoungso it exists and is empty16:21
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ayoungand yes, I get the errors I posted a few lines up16:22
larsksRight, but is the link up despite those errors? Or is it still down?16:22
ayoungstate DOWN16:22
larsksAnd if you just run `ip link set em2 up`, do things work as you would expect?16:22
ayoung$ sudo ip link set em2 up16:23
ayoungRTNETLINK answers: Device or resource busy16:23
ayoung(undercloud) [stack@zygarde ~]$ ip addr show em216:23
ayoung3: em2: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc mq master ovs-system state DOWN group default qlen 100016:23
ayoung    link/ether 00:21:9b:98:a3:21 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff16:23
ayoungso, no, does not16:23
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d0ugalweshay|ruck: I am taking a look.16:23
larsksHuh. I've not seen that before.16:23
weshay|ruckd0ugal, thanks looks like it's happened once before in jan16:23
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weshay|ruckd0ugal, toure fyi
openstackLaunchpad bug 1736950 in tripleo "CI: mistral testmistral_tempest_tests.tests.api.v2.test_actions.ActionTestsV2.test_get_list_actions_not_in_list_filter fails in gate scenario003 containers" [Critical,Triaged]16:24
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larsksayoung: at this point, I would hunt down dsneddon or something and see if he has any thoughts.16:25
toureweshay|ruck will take a look16:25
weshay|ruckEmilienM, mwhahaha please review the one bug here, maybe we can fix it.. maybe we can skip it.. it would be the only thing preventing refreshing master w/ a promotion16:25
ayounglarsks, thansk16:25
mwhahahaweshay|ruck: the mistral one?16:26
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weshay|ruckmwhahaha, aye.. fs20 full tempest is not complete but that would only impact downstream..16:26
weshay|ruckprobably good imho to refresh upstream16:26
ayounglarsks, what is that route file for anyway?16:27
mwhahahaweshay|ruck: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ mistral problems16:27
ayoungand why is it empty16:27
larsksayoung: that's for specifying static routes to add when bringing up the interface.16:27
ayounglarsks, so there is a placeholde, but no static routes?16:27
larsksIt's empty because you don't have any static routes, which is typical.16:27
larsksI mean, you could try deleting it, but I'm pretty sure that's not the problem.16:28
larsksThe fact that 'ip link set em2 up' is failing is weird.16:28
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larsksEmilienM: puppet is telling me: Unknown variable: '::keystone::endpoint::public_url'. at /etc/puppet/modules/keystone/manifests/federation/openidc.pp:128:28 But I see "keystone::endpoint::public_url": "" in /etc/puppet/hieradata/service_configs.json. What could I be missing?16:31
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openstackgerritwes hayutin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: fix typo in chart
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mwhahahalarsks: if it's not included in the class, it wont' be defined16:41
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mwhahahalarsks: that's the problem with trying to reference vars from other classes in puppet. if you don't have the keystone::endpoint defined in the catalog, it won't work16:41
larsksSo I should 'include ::keystone::endpoint' in openidc.pp?16:41
mwhahahayou probably don't want to16:41
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mwhahahait's better to expose that url as a param to openidc and specify it16:42
mwhahahathis is one of the problems with the way we use puppet16:42
larsksmwhahaha: I see.  So that means finding the right Heat parameter, and then passing that down through the layers, right?16:42
larsksDo you happen to know how to get Keystone endpoint(s) from heat off the top of your head?16:43
mwhahahapatching puppet-keystone, then updating THT to set the heiradata16:43
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larsksSpecifically, patching manifests/federation/openidc.pp in puppet-keystone, right?16:43
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mwhahahalarsks: it might be something like in THT16:44
mwhahahait's in the endpoint map16:44
mwhahaha{get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri_no_suffix]}16:44
larsksAwesome, thanks.16:44
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*** weshay|ruck changes topic to "Welcome to Rocky. CI status: ORANGE, Upstream Zuul Gate at 24hrs | |"16:49
weshay|ruckmwhahaha, upstream gate at 24hrs fyi16:49
mwhahahaweshay|ruck: because?16:49
weshay|rucksaw a few things.. scen002/3 timedout, undercloud install failed on pulling a container16:50
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weshay|ruckmwhahaha, list of failing jobs is in
weshay|ruck7 gate failures today16:51
mwhahahapesky containers16:52
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paramiteshardy, Hey Steve, just an additional question, do those extraconfig templates for openshift require deployed openstack? Eg. can we deploy openshift on baremetal?16:53
weshay|ruckmwhahaha, so.. can we skip that mistral test?16:53
openstackgerritLars Kellogg-Stedman proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: enable support for openidc federation in keystone
mwhahahaweshay|ruck: ask the mistral folks16:53
weshay|ruckd0ugal, toure please think about the impact of skipping that tempest test in the short term until it's resolved would be16:54
openstackgerritAde Lee proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: WIP - Add mistral job to rotate passwords
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shardyparamite: Hi, no they don't require an OpenStack overcloud unless you choose to share networks (which we did for the demo, but isn't required)16:58
shardyparamite: it's definitely possible to deploy just an undercloud then OpenShift on baremetal, that's basically what the t-h-t integration currently enables16:58
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openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Ensure appropriate ACL mask is set on CephX keyrings
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openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo stable/queens: Ensure appropriate ACL mask is set on CephX keyrings
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weshay|ruckmwhahaha, EmilienM on the timeout jobs.. the undercloud install is taking an hour17:06
mwhahahathanks containers17:07
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Ensure appropriate ACL mask is set on CephX keyrings
d0ugalweshay|ruck: low impact I guess17:10
d0ugalweshay|ruck: I can look more tomorrow if needed17:10
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1776301 in tripleo "[master promotion] Tempest is failing with " KeyError: 'resources' "errors - Connection refused" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to chandan kumar (chkumar246)17:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1776503 in tripleo "rdocloud outage recovery - contention for resources and jobs showing long wait times" [Critical,Triaged]17:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1776596 in tripleo "[QUEENS] Promotion Jobs failing at overcloud deployment with AttributeError: 'IronicNodeState' object has no attribute 'failed_builds'" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to yatin (yatinkarel)17:10
openstackgerritwes hayutin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: skip mistral test actions test
weshay|ruckd0ugal, toure k k.. if we skip we still need to fix it if needed but would take the pressure off and allow us to refresh master w/ a promotion17:11
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EmilienMweshay|ruck: we're in a call, give us some time and we'll look17:14
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weshay|ruckEmilienM, k no worries17:15
openstackgerritJill Rouleau proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Verify host_vars and group_vars are valid yaml
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weshay|ruckobject storage just died in the latest build too17:23
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EmilienMwelcome to m3 :(17:27
weshay|rucktonight we dine in HELLL17:29
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mwhahahaand it'll be delicious17:39
EmilienMif they serve chicken and egg I'm in :-P17:41
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EmilienMweshay|ruck: done with meetings, I can help now. Do you have logs handy?17:43
weshay|ruckEmilienM, tracking two issues17:44
weshay|ruck1 simple one w/ mistra17:44
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weshay|rucksecond .. looks like in the object_storage tests.. getting access denied in the setup17:44
openstackLaunchpad bug 1776729 in tripleo "tempest, access denied error in object storage tests failing in rocky build" [Critical,Triaged]17:45
openstackLaunchpad bug 1736950 in tripleo "CI: mistral testmistral_tempest_tests.tests.api.v2.test_actions.ActionTestsV2.test_get_list_actions_not_in_list_filter fails in gate scenario003 containers" [Critical,Triaged]17:45
EmilienMweshay|ruck: you mentioned a timeout on the containeirzed undercloud17:45
weshay|ruckoh.. ya. let me show you17:46
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chandankumarEmilienM: please have a look at healthcheck api implementation in tempestconf
chandankumarwe need your feedback on that17:52
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alee_d0ugal, toure , rbrady -- trying to set up an action/workbook to change passwords.  Got some questions trying to make it work --
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: undercloud: manage mysql user + revoke grant during upgrade
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Check container health as part of the deploy
larsksEmilienM: I've updated per your comment.18:01
EmilienMlarsks: looks better indeed18:03
EmilienMdo we have unit tests for this code?18:03
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larsksNot yet.  I'm just trying to get validation from zuul and a working deployment, then I will try adding some unit tests.18:09
larsksI'm happy to mark them WIP if you would like.18:09
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1736950 in tripleo "CI: mistral testmistral_tempest_tests.tests.api.v2.test_actions.ActionTestsV2.test_get_list_actions_not_in_list_filter fails in gate scenario003 containers" [Critical,Triaged]18:10
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1776301 in tripleo "[master promotion] Tempest is failing with " KeyError: 'resources' "errors - Connection refused" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to chandan kumar (chkumar246)18:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1776503 in tripleo "rdocloud outage recovery - contention for resources and jobs showing long wait times" [Critical,Triaged]18:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1776596 in tripleo "[QUEENS] Promotion Jobs failing at overcloud deployment with AttributeError: 'IronicNodeState' object has no attribute 'failed_builds'" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to yatin (yatinkarel)18:10
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tourealee_ let me take a look18:22
alee_toure, so just a couple questions ..18:22
alee_toure, in my test environment, I try to do the replace_password action , but it fails because ..18:23
alee_toure, Failed to find action [action_name=tripleo.parameters.replace_passwords]18:23
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alee_toure, so I must be missing a step18:24
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toureyeah you don't have a defined action which match18:24
toureoops I take that back18:24
toureok you don't have a defined class for that action18:25
tourelet me get you an example18:26
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alee_toure, huh?18:26
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alee_toure, I think actually I just dont have it in my openstack action definition list18:27
toureso you need implement an action for the given name18:27
alee_toure, that is I need to add it18:27
alee_toure, but I did ..18:27
alee_toure, see
itlinuxhello all .. if I use vxlan do you still need this option NeutronNetworkVLANRanges: datacentre:1902:1902,datacentre:1904:191918:28
touresorry yeah just saw that18:28
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larsksDoes tripleo regenerate the contents of /var/lib/config-data on every 'overcloud deploy'? I have a deploy that failed because of invalid content in an apache configuration file. I've updated the puppet modules and re-run the overcloud deploy, but it doesn't appear to regenerate these config files.18:29
alee_toure,  I just need to add the deinition -- just like I needed to update my workbooks18:29
tourealee_ quick question how did you deploy this change?18:30
alee_openstack  workflow update /usr/share/tripleo-common/workbooks/fernet-key-rotate.yaml18:30
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tourewas it an in place source patch or did you pull this in with quickstart18:30
alee_in place patch18:31
touredid you restart all mistral services?18:31
touresystemctl restart openstack-mistral*18:31
tourealee_ that one always gets me with source changes18:31
alee_specifically -- I have my undercloud already, then I cloned repo, install , did mistral-db-manage populate18:32
alee_and restarted mistral services18:32
tourecan I take a look at the system?18:32
alee_and had to update the workflow -- openstack workflow update /usr/share/tripleo-common/workbooks/plan-managgement.yaml18:33
alee_I need to do the same for the actions ..18:33
alee_like openstack workflow definition update <foo> or similar18:33
alee_toure, just a sec18:34
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Implement TripleoValidations composable service
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: undercloud: deploy tripleo-validations when needed
EmilienMmcornea, weshay|ruck: ^ these 2 patches is what we want18:40
* weshay|ruck looks18:41
chandankumarweshay|ruck: do we run container check on undercloud containers?18:41
weshay|ruckhealth check?18:41
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Switch more promotion jobs to containerized undercloud
EmilienMweshay|ruck: updated ^ and abandoned your patch18:42
EmilienMchandankumar: I'll look asap18:42
EmilienMweshay|ruck: the gate is terrible as you know18:43
EmilienMwhat is slower than before?18:43
EmilienMweshay|ruck: since when it's slower?18:44
weshay|rucksome deployments are taking an additional 10 min on undercloud and overcloud18:44
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EmilienMwhich ones?18:44
weshay|ruck2018-06-13 05:41:4618:45
EmilienM10min is bad but not that terrible, we have seen worse18:45
EmilienMwe need to get a domain name at some point ;-)18:45
EmilienMweshay|ruck: ask bnemec or dprince to create something on tripleo.org18:45
weshay|ruckwell.. maybe after we move tripleo.org18:46
EmilienMwe don't even have logs collected for some of these18:46
EmilienMso hard to debug18:46
* bnemec can't do dns18:46
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Create an additional network interface on libvirt subnode
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weshay|rucktdasilva, ping need a second if you have it.. hitting a swift issue18:52
d0ugalalee_: did you pip install tripleo-common after updating the setup.cfg?18:53
alee_d0ugal, let me do that -- I just did python install18:54
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d0ugalalee_: either way should work, I prefer pip tho'18:54
d0ugalalee_: just checking as you need to do a package install for the setup changes to work18:54
EmilienMdo we have gnocchi on featureset020 ?18:54
EmilienMI'm looking at
openstackLaunchpad bug 1776729 in tripleo "tempest, access denied error in object storage tests failing in rocky build" [Critical,Triaged]18:55
d0ugalalee_: Then you need to populate the db as rbrady said and restart mistral18:55
EmilienMI see gnocchi hitting swift a lot18:55
d0ugalalee_: I am just passing through, I can help tomorrow if you are around earlier (I'm UTC+1)18:55
EmilienMI think swift is actually working18:55
EmilienMbut the tempest test isn't18:55
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weshay|ruckEmilienM, you looking at the journal?18:55
EmilienMweshay|ruck: yep18:55
EmilienMon the controller18:56
tdasilvaweshay|ruck: wwwwhat's up?18:56
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alee_d0ugal, ok thanks -- I did the install , and then db populate and restart mistral though ..18:56
weshay|rucktdasilva, looks like tempest is having some issues in the setup classes for object storage tests18:56
alee_d0ugal, will chek with you if I'm stuck18:56
openstackLaunchpad bug 1776729 in tripleo "tempest, access denied error in object storage tests failing in rocky build" [Critical,Triaged]18:56
weshay|rucktdasilva, EmilienM and I are poking at it now18:56
* weshay|ruck is also bringing up the env if needed18:56
alee_still stuck18:56
EmilienMtdasilva: debugging (see the error: Details: <html><h1>Forbidden</h1><p>Access was denied to this resource.</p></html>=18:57
EmilienMlooks like tempest credentials used to test swift are not enough anymore18:58
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EmilienMbecause swift is actually working, i see gnocchi using it and it doesn't complain18:58
tdasilvaEmilienM, weshay|ruck looking18:59
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openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/tripleo-repos master: Clean metadata after switching repos
tdasilvaweshay|ruck: wouldn't it have broken on gate before it merged thou?19:02
tdasilvaweshay|ruck: wondering if there's a difference between upstream gate and the rdo gate in this case19:03
EmilienMyeah i thought about this one but I don't think it's it19:03
weshay|rucktdasilva, tempest is configured in two diff ways for sure19:05
openstackgerritRonelle Landy proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Define a 'baremetal' file for nodes config
openstackgerritRonelle Landy proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Add barematal-specific nodes files with toplogy
tdasilvaweshay|ruck: do you have access to the environment? wondering if we could take a look at configs and do some manual testing19:09
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1736950 in tripleo "CI: mistral testmistral_tempest_tests.tests.api.v2.test_actions.ActionTestsV2.test_get_list_actions_not_in_list_filter fails in gate scenario003 containers" [Critical,Triaged]19:10
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1776301 in tripleo "[master promotion] Tempest is failing with " KeyError: 'resources' "errors - Connection refused" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to chandan kumar (chkumar246)19:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1776503 in tripleo "rdocloud outage recovery - contention for resources and jobs showing long wait times" [Critical,Triaged]19:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1776596 in tripleo "[QUEENS] Promotion Jobs failing at overcloud deployment with AttributeError: 'IronicNodeState' object has no attribute 'failed_builds'" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to yatin (yatinkarel)19:10
tdasilvaweshay|ruck: looking here
tdasilvammm...can't get to swift config
tdasilvawhy is there no config_data dir?19:14
mwhahahatdasilva: it's in var/log19:14
tdasilvaheh, ok19:15
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Add ability to upgrade FROM change under test
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weshay|rucktdasilva, anything jumping out at cha?20:04
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tdasilvaweshay|ruck: sorry, had to join a couple of meetings20:05
weshay|ruckk np20:05
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1736950 in tripleo "CI: mistral testmistral_tempest_tests.tests.api.v2.test_actions.ActionTestsV2.test_get_list_actions_not_in_list_filter fails in gate scenario003 containers" [Critical,Triaged]20:10
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1776301 in tripleo "[master promotion] Tempest is failing with " KeyError: 'resources' "errors - Connection refused" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to chandan kumar (chkumar246)20:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1776503 in tripleo "rdocloud outage recovery - contention for resources and jobs showing long wait times" [Critical,Triaged]20:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1776596 in tripleo "[QUEENS] Promotion Jobs failing at overcloud deployment with AttributeError: 'IronicNodeState' object has no attribute 'failed_builds'" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to yatin (yatinkarel)20:10
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openstackgerritBob Fournier proposed openstack/os-net-config master: Restore the order of params in ifcfg file that was inadvertently changed
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dalvarezhi guys! can someone please take a look at this patch ?20:25
dalvarezbeagles: ^ not sure if you have +2 powers there20:26
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: remove the pike->queens upgrade job
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-upgrade master: Set docker environment files during ffu prepare and converge
openstackgerritMarius Cornea proposed openstack/tripleo-upgrade stable/queens: Set docker environment files during ffu prepare and converge
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1736950 in tripleo "CI: mistral testmistral_tempest_tests.tests.api.v2.test_actions.ActionTestsV2.test_get_list_actions_not_in_list_filter fails in gate scenario003 containers" [Critical,Triaged]21:10
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1776301 in tripleo "[master promotion] Tempest is failing with " KeyError: 'resources' "errors - Connection refused" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to chandan kumar (chkumar246)21:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1776503 in tripleo "rdocloud outage recovery - contention for resources and jobs showing long wait times" [Critical,Triaged]21:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1776596 in tripleo "[QUEENS] Promotion Jobs failing at overcloud deployment with AttributeError: 'IronicNodeState' object has no attribute 'failed_builds'" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to yatin (yatinkarel)21:10
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openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/tripleo-docs master: Fix standalone ip configuration
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dsneddonbeagles, trozet: Can either of you possibly merge this brief patch? It's a requirement for a serious upgrade bug:
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mwhahahais the os-net-config in the tripleo ci queue?21:35
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mwhahahaif so it's not going to land anytime soon21:35
weshay|ruckbah.. another timeout21:35
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mwhahahaweshay|ruck: what kinda timeout21:36
dsneddonbeagles, trozet: Without this, the ifcfg files get interpreted as changed, and every interface gets restarted, causing flow corruption in OVS and update failure in some cases.21:36
weshay|ruckin nodepool provider limestone-regionone hit the 143 while running tempest21:36
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PagliaccisCloudis 'openstack tripleo deploy' a newly added command? i'm trying a standalone install but i keep getting an error from openstack cli21:38
PagliaccisCloudusing pike ^21:38
mwhahahaPagliaccisCloud: yes it's master only21:38
weshay|ruckstandalone is rocky/master21:38
mwhahahaPagliaccisCloud: the docs were improperly updated to include stable references21:38
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: DNM: test patch
PagliaccisCloudoh h*ck, ok. can i use 'undercloud deploy' instead for versions < rocky?21:40
mwhahahait's not supported21:40
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mwhahahait's really not a good idea21:40
PagliaccisCloud:/ ok21:41
mwhahahaso you could try, but if you get an error no one will help you21:41
mwhahahaand we didn't test it21:41
PagliaccisCloudi'll try it out for the h*ck of it21:42
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack/tripleo-common stable/queens: DNM: test queens patch
weshay|ruckmwhahaha, you have a minute to discuss performance?21:43
mwhahahaweshay|ruck: i have 1521:43
weshay|ruckand how you are the slowest RH dude in colorado21:43
mwhahahai'm pretty sure i've never been known for speed :D21:44
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: DNM: test patch
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: DNM: top test patch
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1736950 in tripleo "CI: mistral testmistral_tempest_tests.tests.api.v2.test_actions.ActionTestsV2.test_get_list_actions_not_in_list_filter fails in gate scenario003 containers" [Critical,Triaged]22:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1776301 in tripleo "[master promotion] Tempest is failing with " KeyError: 'resources' "errors - Connection refused" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to chandan kumar (chkumar246)22:10
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1776503 in tripleo "rdocloud outage recovery - contention for resources and jobs showing long wait times" [Critical,Triaged]22:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1776596 in tripleo "[QUEENS] Promotion Jobs failing at overcloud deployment with AttributeError: 'IronicNodeState' object has no attribute 'failed_builds'" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to yatin (yatinkarel)22:10
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tonybFor the record on 1776596 we have the nova fix but it's blocked due to a tempest bug22:18
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openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Allow a containerized mistral-executor to access docker
openstackgerritRonelle Landy proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: DNM - Testing copy j2 files in THT
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weshay|rucktdasilva, fyi.. I have a live environment up, it should finish tempest in a bit22:26
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openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/tripleo-repos master: Clean metadata after switching repos
openstackgerritwes hayutin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: containerized undercloud may be contributing to long run times
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EmilienMI'm going to clear the gate23:03
EmilienMrevert my patch that enable containerized undercloud on scenarios23:03
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EmilienMland steve's work to optimize the way we pull containers23:04
EmilienMand re-enable containerized undercloud on scenarios23:04
EmilienMmwhahaha: ^23:04
mwhahahayes plz23:04
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Revert "Switch scenario00{1,2,3,4,7} to containerized undercloud"
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Revert "Switch scenario00{1,2,3,4,7} to containerized undercloud"
EmilienMmwhahaha, weshay|ruck ^ please review it23:05
EmilienMand let me clear the gate23:05
mwhahahacan probably leave the gate for now23:05
mwhahahasince this patch has to pass check which may or may not happen anytime soone23:05
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1736950 in tripleo "CI: mistral testmistral_tempest_tests.tests.api.v2.test_actions.ActionTestsV2.test_get_list_actions_not_in_list_filter fails in gate scenario003 containers" [Critical,Triaged]23:10
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1776301 in tripleo "[master promotion] Tempest is failing with " KeyError: 'resources' "errors - Connection refused" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to chandan kumar (chkumar246)23:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1776503 in tripleo "rdocloud outage recovery - contention for resources and jobs showing long wait times" [Critical,Triaged]23:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1776596 in tripleo "[QUEENS] Promotion Jobs failing at overcloud deployment with AttributeError: 'IronicNodeState' object has no attribute 'failed_builds'" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to yatin (yatinkarel)23:10
EmilienMthe gate is clear23:12
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EmilienMmwhahaha: I'm confused because should never be used23:18
EmilienMit should pull from mirrors23:19
EmilienMJun 13 05:18:02 undercloud.localdomain dockerd-current[1254]: time="2018-06-13T05:18:02.270365390Z" level=debug msg="Trying to pull from v2"23:19
EmilienMso what we really want to have is what Steve did:23:21
EmilienMit prepares the undercloud registry with containers from (actually pulling from mirrors)23:21
EmilienMwhich is the ONLY time we pull containers from in the whole deployment (undercloud + overcloud)23:21
EmilienMwell, actually we run the "openstack tripleo container image prepare" command twice23:21
EmilienMbut the second time pulls missing containers for overcloud23:22
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EmilienMstevebaker: hey can we merge ? or will it break something? I think we need it asap23:25
EmilienMwe need to to stop timeouts in our gate23:27
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openstackgerritwes hayutin proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Set update_containers for containerized_undercloud
stevebakerEmilienM: you think the ansible based yum update is quicker than container-check?23:37
weshay|ruckEmilienM, toci-quickstart/config/testenv/multinode.yml:10:undercloud_docker_registry_mirror: "{{ lookup('env','NODEPOOL_DOCKER_REGISTRY_PROXY') }}"23:37
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weshay|ruckmwhahaha, ^23:38
stevebakerI guess its doing one less push/pull from the undercloud registry, thats why I wrote it :)23:38
EmilienMstevebaker: can you join my BJ?23:38
EmilienMnice, we're with wes23:38
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openstackgerritRonelle Landy proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Streamline variables passed in different environments
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openstackgerritRonelle Landy proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: DNM - Testing copy j2 files in THT
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