Wednesday, 2018-12-12

openstackgerritRedHat RDO CI proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/queens: GATE CHECK for TripleO
openstackgerritRedHat RDO CI proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/rocky: GATE CHECK for TripleO
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openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Add excludes to container image build
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larsksIs there a way to force a stack update to abort?  I've got one running that hosed my networking. I want to re-run it, but it's been stuck for a couple hours now.00:30
mwhahaharestart heat-engine00:31
larsksmwhahaha: thanks.00:31
larsksmwhahaha: should that go to update_failed immediately?  Still in update_in_progress...00:35
mwhahahaWhen it restarts00:36
mwhahahaIt takes a bit to update the stat00:36
larsksOkay.  I'll wait and watch.00:37
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openstackgerritHarald Jensås proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Remove unused params from ci/environments/network/* templates
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/rocky: Mount /usr/share/openstack-octavia-amphora-images into mistral-executor
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/rocky: Move set of database_connection to OctaviaBase
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-tripleoclient stable/rocky: undercloud: enable undercloud_config parameter for validations
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: mistral-executor: bind-mount undercloud.conf when validations are enabled
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/rocky: ctlplane pre-alloc IPs - deprecated/non-deprecated role name
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Fix - ApacheServiceBase needs ServiceData
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-common stable/queens: Option to upload Octavia amphora img in RAW format
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-common stable/rocky: Option to upload Octavia amphora img in RAW format
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Remove HostPrepConfig
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Add ansible python interpreter configuration support
openstackgerritMerged openstack/os-net-config master: NIC-Partitioning: DPDK devices comes up properly after reboot
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/rocky: Remove nic for storage_mgt network
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: fs001/035/053: switch undercloud to podman
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openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: DNM: Testing mirror for ovs install
openstackgerritHarald Jensås proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: L3 routed networks - data + env (1/3)
openstackgerritHarald Jensås proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: L3 routed networks - network.j2 (2/3)
openstackgerritHarald Jensås proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Replace tripleo_common/utils/ validate_role_yaml()
openstackgerritHarald Jensås proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: L3 routed networks - subnet fixed_ips (3/3)
openstackgerritHarald Jensås proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Add a tag's containing subnet cidr to ctlplane network
openstackgerritHarald Jensås proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Make NetCidrMapValue contain list of cidrs in each net
openstackgerritHarald Jensås proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Apache - Use net_cidr_map for proxy_ips
openstackgerritHarald Jensås proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Designate - Use net_cidr_map for rndc_allowed_addresses
openstackgerritHarald Jensås proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Memcached - Use net_cidr_map for firewall rules
openstackgerritHarald Jensås proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Snmp - Use net_cidr_map for firewall rules
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Flatten Keepalived service configuration
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openstackgerritVictoria Martinez de la Cruz proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Add keystone v3 endpoints for manila
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openstackgerritChandan Kumar proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: [FS052]Move test_white_regex test to tempest_whitelist
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openstackgerritChandan Kumar proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Keep test_white_regex to ''
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openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Add profile tripleo::profile::base::apache_image_serve
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tonybEmilienM: IIUC jaosorior is on PTO so in the meantime can you review ?03:27
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tonybEmilienM: and too if you'd be so kind03:41
openstackgerritRabi Mishra proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/queens: Remove nic for storage_mgt network
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openstackgerritRabi Mishra proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Replace confusing usage of update_identifier
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openstackgerritRabi Mishra proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/queens: Check for available networks for a role
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openstackgerritJaganathan Palanisamy proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Derives NovaPCIPassthrough per SR-IOV node
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openstackgerritRabi Mishra proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/queens: Check for available networks for a role
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/rocky: Check for available networks for a role
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Run local registry and prep cont at standalone
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: YAML NIC Config 2 script - fix comment indentation
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Specify multiple NtpServers by default
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-common stable/queens: Add httpd and mod_ssl packages to octavia api image
openstackgerritMerged openstack/paunch master: service_create: invert order for systemctl
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Tenguhello there06:22
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openstackgerritJaganathan Palanisamy proposed openstack/os-net-config master: Adding pci address in SRIOV config
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/tripleo-ui stable/rocky: Imported Translations from Zanata
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/tripleo-ui master: Imported Translations from Zanata
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openstackgerritQuique Llorente proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: WIP: Add updates to standalone containers prep
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openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/pike: Add a way to override base path when file driver is used
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openstackgerritRedHat RDO CI proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: GATE CHECK for TripleO
openstackgerritRedHat RDO CI proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/rocky: GATE CHECK for TripleO
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openstackgerritHarald Jensås proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Extend DeployedServerPortMap to include network props
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openstackgerritHarald Jensås proposed openstack/tripleo-docs master: Routed Networks - Isolated/Composable Networks
openstackgerritHarald Jensås proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/rocky: Fix multiple-nic sample template
dciabrinmarios, hey re., is there a gerrit url that tracks the most recent run of periodic-tripleo-centos-7-master-containers-build?08:07
openstackLaunchpad bug 1807977 in tripleo " periodic-tripleo-centos-7-master-containers-build fails for mariadb:Error'd /bin/sh -c rm /etc/my.cnf.d/mariadb-server.cnf /etc/my.cnf.d/auth_gssapi.cnf HTTP Error 503 - Service Unavailable" [Undecided,Fix committed] - Assigned to Damien Ciabrini (dciabrin)08:07
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openstackgerritQuique Llorente proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Enable tempest for fedora28 standalone
openstackgerritHarald Jensås proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Ironic Inspector - disjoint ip range(s) for HA
openstackgerritHarald Jensås proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Ironic Inspector - disjoint ip range(s) for HA
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openstackgerritMichele Baldessari proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: WIP Fix rabbitmq restart
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tobias-urdincould we get some reviews on this t-h-t change blocking a lot of changes in puppet openstack modules08:49
openstackgerritThomas Herve proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Remove deploy steps on empty roles
bandiniany takers for a super simple one
bandinitobias-urdin: looking08:54
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tobias-urdinbandini: ty08:56
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openstackgerritNatal Ngétal proposed openstack/paunch master: [Configuration] Add missing py37 and corrected default envlist.
marios_|ruckdciabrin: you can see results here (sorry for delay, was at youngest's school play )09:11
dciabrinmarios_|ruck, ack thx much!09:11
marios_|ruckdciabrin: you'll have to find the job and click on it and results will update09:11
dciabrinmarios_|ruck, ok so I feel noob now: merged yesterday, but the fix doesn't show up yet in
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dciabrinmarios_|ruck, any idea what needs to happen before the fix it picked up by periodic-tripleo-centos-7-master-containers-build?09:16
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openstackgerritCédric Jeanneret proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Ensure we get dedicated logging file for HAProxy
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openstackgerritCédric Jeanneret proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Ensure we actually pass parameters to parent template
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marios_|ruckdciabrin: lemme check (where is the fix to?) looking sec09:20
marios_|ruckdciabrin: is tripleo-common so should be straight away (i.e. from master)09:22
marios_|ruckdciabrin: but that job is periodic, so hopefully on next run? (most recent was 11 dec from 11/Dec/2018:09:22
marios_|ruck (from the list here i mean)09:22
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dciabrinmarios_|ruck, what i don't get is when I follow this url, and click on "periodic-tripleo-centos-7-master-containers-build" it shows me a run on  "2018-12-12 00:12 "? and when I looked at the;O=A I also see a run that happened on " 2018-12-12 06:13"? but neither of those have the09:29
dciabrintripleo-common commit yet09:29
openstackgerritThomas Herve proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Remove PostConfig
openstackgerritQuique Llorente proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Add updates to standalone containers prep
marios_|ruckdciabrin: yeah the results list didn't update yet. and i noticed the link you pointd to is 12th. sothis is the sequence
marios_|ruckthings from 'tripleo' (like common) are picked up straight away, but they have to be built into packages first09:32
marios_|ruckwe only take 'consistent which means all the things have to build09:32
marios_|ruckso it could be a delay there for example, but it should show up today anyway09:32
dciabrinmarios_|ruck, ack excellent09:32
quiquellmarios_|ruck: Now I think I have the fix for the container prep, let's cross fingers09:33
marios_|ruckquiquell: o/ nice should i do the rechecks on 1/4?09:33
quiquellmarios_|ruck: Let's wait for standalone here, and check if containers get updated correctly09:34
quiquellykarel: ^09:34
ykarelquiquell, ack looks good09:35
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ykareli was also playing with that09:35
quiquellykarel: That was the issue09:35
ykarelquiquell, yup09:35
quiquellykarel: removed from the generated one, let's see what's the next issue :-(09:35
ykarelquiquell, ack, but i think there is some issue in tripleo-common, as images are not modified when tag_from_label is defined09:36
quiquellykarel: is explicit09:36
quiquellykarel: Have debug that, if that is set, it replace current-tripleo with the container hash from "rdo_version"09:37
ykarelquiquell, yup09:37
quiquellykarel: What jobs are using the default stuff now that we are fixing standalone =09:38
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quiquellykarel: It's a kind of non CI stuff09:38
ykarelquiquell, can't get the question09:38
quiquellykarel: I mean,
quiquellykarel: It's harcoded there09:39
quiquellykarel: tripleo-common could have a bug, since is not transforming tags into hashes in the specific part that checks to do the modify09:39
ykarelquiquell, that's just default09:39
quiquellykarel: but not sure09:40
ykarelquiquell, yup i too think there is a bug09:40
ykarelmodify parameters are not appended when tag_from_label is defined09:40
quiquellykarel: btw, good that was not fixed, it would have be near impossible to discover, since updated have had kick in :-)09:40
ykarelstevebaker, ^^09:40
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ykarelquiquell, stevebaker here is the bug:
ykarel^^ if condition is not considering images with hashes09:45
quiquellykarel: yep problem is "imagename" has the hash not the lavel09:47
ykarelyup that condition is missing09:47
quiquellwe don't have image_with_hashes09:47
quiquellssbarnea|rover: maybe you are going to kill me, but I think we are going to remove the exclusions from dnf.conf and install setuptools from dnf09:52
quiquellssbarnea|rover: They did that so devstack don't blowup09:52
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ssbarnea|roverquiquell: not necessarly. bug remember setuptools is also installed by infra, we just followed their practice.09:53
ssbarnea|roverstill, I know that this is bad, especially as setuptools is "almost" part of python core, which serious implications. so using rpm would be recommended.09:54
quiquellssbarnea|rover: Problem is now we are exercising at f28 a script with the shebag "../python3 -s"09:54
quiquellssbarnea|rover: Going to throw a patch to remove exclsusions from dnf.conf since we are not using devstack09:54
quiquellssbarnea|rover: I think it has implications at stuff you did at toci and quickstart script09:55
ssbarnea|roverdo you have link to original change or bug? i am curious why it was added.09:55
quiquellssbarnea|rover: you mean the "-s" modifier ?09:55
ssbarnea|roverno, installation of setuptools09:56
quiquellssbarnea|rover: Puff... remember having a conversation, they are saying that it's realted to devstack09:56
ssbarnea|roverpip and setuptools should be installed on any machine from start.09:56
quiquellssbarnea|rover: asked at #opentsack-infra09:57
ssbarnea|roverquiquell: i think you are aproaching the problem incorrectly. take it infra and lets see how we can address it if infra does something that we have to undo, we are clearly doing somethign wrong.09:57
openstackgerritMichele Baldessari proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: WIP DNR Unify rabbitmq bind mounts
openstackgerritMichele Baldessari proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: WIP DNR Unify rabbitmq bind mounts and env vars
ssbarnea|roverthey install setuptools because is needed, outproblem is that this setuptools is not from the operating system, right? I doubt infra would complain if we install it from RPM when is available.09:58
quiquellssbarnea|rover: They will not as long as we don't  break stuff globally09:59
ssbarnea|roverat the end the role scope is to assure setuptools is installed and the system python is not  in a broken state (no conflicts reported, or on updates)09:59
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quiquellssbarnea|rover: Going to add a review, will need your help to review it09:59
quiquellssbarnea|rover: This is what add the exclusion10:00
openstackgerritMartin Schuppert proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: WIP: use templating for nova cell database_connection
ssbarnea|roverquiquell: perfect. add me to it once ready for review. that's the way to go.10:03
openstackgerritPranali Deore proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Enable image import plugins & image output format
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openstackgerritMichele Baldessari proposed openstack/puppet-pacemaker master: WIP Initial pcs 0.10 support
openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Avoid `du` timeouts by capping it to 300s
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quiquellArgg used a inexistent ansible filter hehe10:18
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openstackgerritDan Sneddon proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Add a dual-bond example NIC config template
openstackgerritGael Chamoulaud proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/rocky: mistral-executor: bind-mount undercloud.conf when validations are enabled
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openstackgerritKamil Sambor proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Remove merging environment files during deploy
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Make custom nameserver optional
openstackgerritDamien Ciabrini proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Transitioning to HAProxy 1.8
openstackgerritGabriele Cerami proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Render playbooks minimal, move everything to roles
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openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Adopt use of pre-commit linting
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Add pcsd logs
openstackgerritQuique Llorente proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: WIP: Remove package exclusion from yum and dnf
quiquellssbarnea|rover: very WIP ^10:51
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mpasseriniupgrading from Pike to Queens, we have a heat stack blocker IN_PROGRESS… we tried cancelling and restarting heat-engine, but it's still IN_PROGRESS… any tip on how to make it  exit (other than timeout?)11:04
mpasseriniit looks like somebody else has the same issue bug 1508521 in openstack-heat "restarting openstack-heat-engine didn't put stack in failed state" [Medium,Closed: currentrelease] - Assigned to therve11:05
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openstackgerritNatal Ngétal proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: [Configuration] Remove mitaka file.
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openstackgerritSergii Golovatiuk proposed openstack/paunch master: Raise exception on systemd failures
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openstackgerritNatal Ngétal proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: [Configuration] Add missing py37 and corrected default envlist.
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Remove dependency on github for cloning
openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Avoid ignore_error with image fetching
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openstackgerritGabriele Cerami proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Add job configuration to test next minor release
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derekhIf anybody has time to look at a job for ironic in overcloud id appreciate it,  and
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Fix standalone containers prep to work with docker_registry_host
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Change openstack-dev to openstack-discuss
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Add missing py37 toxenv and corrected default envlist
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-upgrade stable/queens: Fix typo in option name.
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openstackgerritQuique Llorente proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Add updates to standalone containers prep
holser_stevebaker concerning
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Add job for testing Ironic in the Overcloud
holser_Did we test upgrade scenario? My concern is that if we upgrade 14 to 15 the resource will still have it, so resource template for upgraded overcloud will be different from newly created overcloud12:07
holser_chem ^^^12:07
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openstackgerritQuique Llorente proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Add updates to standalone containers prep
Tenguwhat's going on in the CI ??12:10
holser_Tengu it's dead12:10
Tenguapparently, there are a bunch of patches for nova eating all the slots.12:10
Tenguholser_: again? -.-12:10
sshnaidmtosky, hi, where are these "topics" used?
holser_Tengu - at least on my patches...12:11
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Tengusame for me, thus my question ;).12:11
Tenguwho's rover today..12:11
Tengussbarnea|rover: hey :). do you see any alert in the CI? Apparently it's stuck...12:12
openstackgerritArx Cruz proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Removing barbican from skiplist
toskysshnaidm: in the generated email - it was a feature requested and implemented some time ago; just grep the code of the tool12:12
openstackgerritYurii Prokulevych proposed openstack/tripleo-upgrade master: Drop overcloud-user for ceph external-upgrade.
sshnaidmtosky, ack12:14
sshnaidmmarios_|ruck, ssbarnea|rover take a look please:
marios_|ruckssbarnea|rover: thanks12:20
marios_|ruckssbarnea|rover: is related to  looks like right12:20
marios_|ruckerr sshnaidm sorry ^12:20
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toskysshnaidm: thanks!12:31
thervempasserini: Restarting heat in queens doesn't change stack state anymore12:31
therveBut you can retry the operation anyway12:31
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sshnaidmmarios_|ruck, if we merge it need to keep eye on zuul queue12:38
marios_|rucksshnaidm: ack12:38
marios_|rucksshnaidm: i think we have to merge it anyway like it isn't a choice so lets just go ahead, but holding for weshay et al for their morning to have a look too12:38
sshnaidmmarios_|ruck, agree12:39
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mariossshnaidm: thanks for ping i hadn't sen it12:44
EmilienMtonyb: done12:48
weshaymarios, hey12:49
mariosweshay: o/12:50
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weshayreading the review12:50
mariosweshay: mentioned you re ( )12:50
mariosweshay: ack12:50
weshaymarios, ssbarnea|rover I'll cover the mtg btw12:50
weshayit's 14 still12:51
mariosweshay: thanks, we'd synced and saw you updated12:51
weshaymarios, need to renick12:51
marios_|ruckweshay: i'm here12:51
marios_|ruckweshay: ack i think ssbarnea|rover will be dissapoint ;)12:52
marios_|ruckhe was all ready for it12:52
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weshaymarios_|ruck, ya.. so w/ regards to Alex's concern.. it would make more sense to define the queue on the job def, not the template12:53
openstackgerritQuique Llorente proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: WIP: Remove package exclusion from yum and dnf
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weshayis a tripleo job that runs on nova changes part of the tripleo queue?12:54
weshayI don't think so12:54
mariosweshay: right well can we override it per job ?if so lets do so12:54
mariosweshay: (can do it after that merges for example)12:55
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weshaymarios, I suppose the default could be tripleo12:57
weshayand it could be overriden12:57
weshaywe'll need to doc that12:57
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weshayin our contrib doc12:57
marios_|ruckweshay: ack sounds like a taiga story for sprint 24 ?12:57
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ssbarnea|roverweshay: i am happy to let you do the talk on the meeting ;)12:57
weshayssbarnea|rover, ok.. just trying to save you guys the annoyance12:58
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marios_|ruckweshay: maybe a ruck rover talk for whoever is doing that12:59
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mpasserinitherve: how can we free the stuck then? Do you have any alternative?13:00
thervempasserini: "free" ?13:01
mpasserini so, the stack is stuck  IN_PROGRESS13:01
mpasseriniwe want make it fail so we can restart it13:02
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openstackgerritQuique Llorente proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: WIP: Remove package exclusion from yum and dnf
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-common stable/pike: [Pike only] Fix docker registry url.
openstackgerritQuique Llorente proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: WIP: Don't use mixed_upgrade special release files
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openstackgerritArx Cruz proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Removing barbican and telemetry from skiplist
openstackgerritArx Cruz proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Removing barbican and telemetry from skiplist
openstackgerritArx Cruz proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Removing barbican and telemetry from skiplist
ssbarnea|rovermwhahaha: do you know when the podman fix will be available to our jobs? I seen it merged yesterday.13:30
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openstackgerritRafael Folco proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Add standalone scenario002 job
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openstackgerritmelissaml proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: fix a typo in doc
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mfedosinTengu, Hi! regarding to this patch Could you answer me there, or suggest another solution?13:44
mfedosinwe need a fix as soon as possible13:44
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Tengumfedosin: well, as said, I'd rather ensure the rights are OK in the openshift-ansible - I'm really surprised the ":z" changed the *setype*... wondering if it's really standard, as far as I could read/understand about that flag, it should not change setype...13:45
Tenguelse I wouldn't have so many issues with selinux while adding support for podman.13:45
mfedosinTengu, podman actually behaves the same, I tried it recently13:46
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mfedosinI think I can find a documentation about :z13:47
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mfedosinalso you can perform the same actions as I did here
Tengumfedosin: more over, is that directory mounted in multiple containers? we had to use it in tripleo because of the way services are prepared (running 2-3 different containers, meaning different context and so on)... but it's really ugly imho13:47
mfedosineither with docker or podman13:48
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thervempasserini: You don't have to make it fail13:48
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/rocky: ceilometer: --skip-metering-database is gone
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/queens: ceilometer: --skip-metering-database is gone
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openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/queens: ceilometer: --skip-metering-database is gone
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/rocky: ceilometer: --skip-metering-database is gone
mfedosinTengu, okay, what's your solution on that matter then?13:50
Tengumfedosin: so with openshift, what's creating that /var/lib/haproxy directory?13:52
mpasserinitherve I'm working on doing on a major upgrade on my test system, what do you mean I should not make it fail? This sounds unreasonable13:53
Tengumfedosin: fact is, if it's managed by some way by a package or the like, it will most probably explode once again upon system update, especially *-selinux-* package update, as it will probably trigger some restorecon / at some point.13:53
thervempasserini: Heat is able to handle things in progress now13:53
Tengumfedosin: in tripleo, we don't have any package anymore for that location, so restorecon *should* not cause any issue. and we create it with the right setype, so we're good. the :z is used in order to bypass the container separation at selinux level. fact is, I wouldn't expect it to change the setype :/. that's pretty ugly.13:55
mpasserinitherve: I would like to make a change on one of my templates because it's stuck due to a deploy_id passed not passed to SoftwareConfig… my idea was to make it fail, change the template, and rerun the deploy13:55
mpasserinibut I can't make it fail and I need to wait for 4 hours13:55
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thervempasserini: Just retry13:56
mfedosinTengu, I found out that it is not related to openshift-ansible. In rocky we do not modify the type in tripleo, which causes failures when we want to modify the content inside the folder13:56
mpasseriniI just retry a deploy? ok..13:56
Tengumfedosin: so basically it should break things in tripleo. I just want to ensure it's the best solution for your issue, as iirc you have issues due to a restorecon launched at some point of the deploy.13:56
Tengumfedosin: well, we don't enable selinux separation in rocky. At least until now.13:57
mfedosinit will be enabled in OSP1413:57
Tengumfedosin: what I'm wondering: why could podman run without any problem with that.13:57
mfedosinat least we want it13:58
Tengumfedosin: yeah, heard that. well. good luck ;). at least docker should create the host-side volumes with the right labels - that what was missing with podman.13:58
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/rocky: Handle missing or bad dmidecode
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openstackgerritDouglas Mendizábal proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Added roles to configure ATOS and Thales HSMs
quiquellmarios_|ruck: puff looking now at what we do at container-prep to update packages... It takes like ages going at each docker image14:11
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openstackgerritDouglas Mendizábal proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Add template code to configure hsm backends for barbican
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quiquellykarel: question regarding container prep14:16
quiquellykarel: If we don't have a gating repo, does it make sense to execute14:16
ykarelquiquell, yes for delorean-current14:17
quiquellykarel: I mean they are supose to be pointing ta delorean-current stuff, since they are promoted too14:17
quiquellykarel: but the delorean-current repo points to tripleo-current14:17
ykarelhow many -current are there? :)14:18
ykarelgating-repo is created for the packages being tested in review and or depends-on14:18
quiquellykarel: nah, you are right I alwys mix them14:19
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quiquellykarel: delorean-current is the latest from tripleo repos14:19
ykareltripleo packages14:19
quiquellok ok14:19
quiquellMaybe we can put something in the gate for those projects14:19
quiquellso they push the images already updated or something14:20
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quiquellSo we do only container-prep for gating repo14:20
ykareliirc sshnaidm was working on something related ^^14:20
quiquellsshnaidm: ^ this is what you mean ?14:20
ykareland mwhahaha too ^^14:20
quiquellykarel: I am getting old looking at how slow all those docker get updated :-( we are going to face timeouts with standalone14:21
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sshnaidmquiquell, yes14:21
quiquellsshnaidm: we need that man14:21
sshnaidmquiquell, I raised this topic a few times maybe, but no response still from weshay and panda <<14:21
openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Avoids sort: write failed: standard output: Broken pipe with du
sshnaidmquiquell, it's a piece of work though14:21
slagleabishop: hey, follow up question from yesterday. with the ability to configure an AZ per cinder backend with backend_availability_zone, is there really a need to run cinder-volume at each edge site?14:22
quiquellsshnaidm: humm maybe we can have a base container image with stuff updated ?14:22
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quiquellsshnaidm: ack... at the end we will workout when timeout bite us :-)14:22
sshnaidmquiquell, anyway you need to build all containers from base14:22
abishopslagle: question enqueued, stuck in mtg right now14:22
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sshnaidmquiquell, we need a separate containers build workflow which updates all containers with latest tripleo packages and upload them to registry14:23
quiquellsshnaidm: btw the job if container-prep is very sequencial, maybe we can parallelize it14:23
quiquellsshnaidm: it's updating one container after another14:23
quiquellsshnaidm: calling a playbook for each14:23
sshnaidmquiquell, I think it's in parallel14:23
quiquellsshnaidm: nope, I am watching it right now14:24
sshnaidmquiquell, there are amount of threads equal to amount of cpus14:24
ykarelquiquell, for timeout u mean standalone jobs will not finish even in 3 hours?14:24
sshnaidmquiquell, as I saw from logs it's parallel, maybe some issue then14:24
quiquellykarel: standalone + tempest + container-prep maybe not14:24
quiquellsshnaidm: humm I can be wrong  we can check it at zuul logs later on14:25
quiquellsshnaidm: I have 4 cores14:25
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-ui master: Imported Translations from Zanata
ykarelquiquell, ack what is current status, how much time it takes in total14:27
ykarelcentos standlaone14:27
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quiquellykarel: It's working now here
quiquellykarel: But my concern is scenarios + standalone + container-prep14:27
ykarelquiquell, so have u checked timing in those job ^^14:28
ykarelstill as there is one deployment(apart from 2 undercloud/overcloud) it should be too less than 3 hours i think14:29
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quiquellykarel: let's hope, Is the first time this runs correctly so I have no time yet14:30
ykarelquiquell, ack keep me posted :)14:30
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quiquellykarel: sure, this is important14:31
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-ui stable/rocky: Imported Translations from Zanata
quiquellykarel: At my personal RDO tenant it has take 1 hour just the standalone_deploy now that we have the container-prep thing14:35
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quiquellsshnaidm, ykarel: container prep stuff is ready for review, it's working at my personal tenant14:39
quiquelldamn linting is failing14:40
openstackgerritDavid Peacock proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: WIP - flatten memcached service configuration
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openstackgerritDavid Peacock proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: WIP - flatten memcached service configuration
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sshnaidmquiquell, gating_repo_name  is always defined afaik14:42
quiquellsshnaidm: was failing without the check14:43
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quiquellsshnaidm: If the change is at tq for example, that is not defined14:43
sshnaidmquiquell, hmm.. lemme check14:43
quiquellsshnaidm: but is not a bad guard though14:43
sshnaidmquiquell, well, it should be defined though and not empty, but "gating_repo"14:44
quiquellsshnaidm: you mean gating_repo_name ?14:44
abishopslagle: the reason we run c-vol at the edge is so each edge site is associated with its own heat stack; otherwise you'd have to update the central site's stack every time you add a new edge site14:45
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sshnaidmquiquell, yes14:47
slagleabishop: right, makes sense. was just wondering if there was another techincal reason related to cinder-volume specifically14:47
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sshnaidmquiquell, it should be in defaults then: gating_repo_name: gating-repo14:47
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quiquellsshnaidm: but we don't have gating-repo always, isn't it ?14:47
quiquellsshnaidm: I mean at underclou was the same but with a if statement14:47
quiquellsshnaidm: They don't hadd gating-repo if gating_repo_name is undefine d14:48
quiquellsshnaidm: let me show you14:48
sshnaidmquiquell, it's in defaults in undercloud_deploy role, and if it doesn't execute it's not defined14:48
abishopslagle: another reason is each c-vol backend executes in its own process, and there are concerns running 100's of them all in central site14:48
quiquellsshnaidm: you are right14:49
slagleabishop: oh ok. i didn't realize it was a process per backend14:49
quiquellsshnaidm: I spend like one morning doing this sh... without if statements :-(14:49
sshnaidmquiquell, need to check it with some depending patch with changes14:49
quiquellsshnaidm: silly me14:49
quiquellsshnaidm: yep let this thing finish too14:49
abishopslagle: yup, that's cinder's architecture14:49
quiquellsshnaidm: standalone-upgrade feels broken14:49
openstackgerritMike Fedosin proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Fix access to /var/lib/haproxy when SELinux is enabled
quiquellsshnaidm: Add comments I will add it after zuul runs, so we can check times too14:51
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sshnaidmquiquell, sure14:51
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quiquellsshnaidm: At upstream now "standalone : Deploy the standalone" takes 1 hour14:52
abishopslagle: oh, and there's also the THT limitation that you cannot easily deploy multiple instances of the same backend14:53
quiquellsshnaidm: before this it was taking 30 minutes more or less14:54
quiquellsshnaidm: so we have add 30 minutes there :-(14:54
abishopslagle: for example, a common request we haven't been able to fulfill is deploying multiple ceph clusters14:54
openstackgerritCédric Jeanneret proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Flatten Glance service configuration
sshnaidmquiquell, well, this is expected.. containers update is heavy task14:55
sshnaidmquiquell, but let's confirm it runs in parallel in CI14:55
quiquellsshnaidm: yep14:55
quiquellA lot to check in that review14:56
openstackgerritNatal Ngétal proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: [Core] Fix links of delorean part.
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slagleabishop: are these docs not sufficient for deploying any number of custom backends?
abishopslagle: it's the cheat that people resort to, but it's awkward and error prone, and it doesn't work for ceph due to additional need for configuring ceph client stuff15:00
abishopgfidente: ^^, right!15:00
openstackgerritMike Fedosin proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Fix access to /var/lib/haproxy when SELinux is enabled
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/os-net-config master: Sample templates for linux_bond, ovs_bond, dpdkbond using VFs
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: fix typos
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ykarelquiquell, ack15:06
quiquellykarel: +30m15:06
ykarelquiquell, ack 30 minutes for container prep, right?15:07
quiquellykarel: yep15:07
ykarelquiquell, ack15:08
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openstackgerritUdi Kalifon proposed openstack/tempest-tripleo-ui master: Text encoding fixes to the infrastructure
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-common master: Implement python based uploader
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Fix indentation in containers-prepare-parameter.yaml
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: [Documentation] Move the link to the documentation.
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-common stable/rocky: Handle missing or bad dmidecode
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: tempestmail: few updates to Storage-related notifications
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Force rhsm re-registration during upgrades.
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: add release notes to README.rst
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/rocky: Force rhsm re-registration during upgrades.
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d0ugalAnyone got a moment to check this backport?
d0ugalthrash ^15:44
* thrash looks15:44
d0ugalthrash: thanks, I forget if it needs a second core in this case15:44
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-common master: Add a way to update ContainerImagePrepare params
mwhahahad0ugal: it does not (not for cherry picks)15:45
d0ugalmwhahaha: even if they are proposed by a non-core?15:45
d0ugalthat is the bit I forgot15:45
d0ugaloh, great :)15:45
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d0ugalthrash: then you can stand down15:45
d0ugaljtomasek: +W'ed15:45
thrashd0ugal: no harm no fowl :|15:45
* mwhahaha throws a turkey at thrash 15:46
* thrash ducks15:46
* thrash chickens too15:46
openstackgerritGael Chamoulaud proposed openstack/tripleo-validations master: Fix the ironic_inspector config file in the switch-vlans validation
openstackgerritHonza Pokorny proposed openstack/tripleo-common stable/rocky: Add a way to update ContainerImagePrepare params
jtomasekd0ugal: thanks15:49
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openstackgerritRedHat RDO CI proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: GATE CHECK for quickstart-extras
openstackgerritRedHat RDO CI proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: GATE CHECK for TripleO
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openstackgerritJose Luis Franco proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/rocky: Force rhsm re-registration during upgrades.
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openstackgerritSergii Golovatiuk proposed openstack/tripleo-upgrade stable/rocky: Don't wait on ERROR VM state
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Create tripleo-ansible-role-job template for ansible projects.
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/rocky: Allow to run with SELinux enabled
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-docs master: Deployed Server - need ordered host list
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EmilienMmnaser: hola17:01
mnaserEmilienM: i was just responding to your review :)17:01
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EmilienMmnaser: for ansible-role-container-registry, we could cut a release / branch now so you can implement the changes you need17:01
mnaserso i did that in order for my changes that i was testing to not cause a lot of extra work in the gates for now17:01
EmilienMmnaser: going forward we won't need that role I think17:01
EmilienMmnaser: yes i figured17:01
mnaseri was going to ask which one tripleo job you wanted me to switch towards and i was gonna do that :)17:02
mnaserand no worries.. i'm happy to still continue to maintain together and make sure we don't break backwards compatibility17:02
mnaserthat's not a problem at all17:02
EmilienMpfftt backward compatibility17:02
EmilienMis that a thing ?17:02
EmilienMthe job would be tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone or tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone17:02
EmilienMi'll let mwhahaha comment ^17:03
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mnaserEmilienM: ok cool, i'd prefer the centos-7 one cause that's just more what i work with :P17:03
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EmilienMmnaser: but python3 :P17:04
* EmilienM hides17:04
mnaserEmilienM: yeah yeah.. well in this case we don't do anything that touches python3 :P17:04
EmilienMmnaser: what features do you miss?17:05
EmilienMmnaser: we moving forward and going to use apache/crane to serve container images17:05
mnaserEmilienM: in that role? i'm trying to add support to running docker-ized registry rather than deployed from the os packages17:06
mnaserokay thats an interesting alternative17:06
EmilienMwhich will probably much faster/lighter than docker fat daemons17:06
mnaseri'm more than happy to solve the hosting registry problem together17:06
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EmilienMmnaser: dprince is leading this effort afict17:06
EmilienMwe're a bit uncertain of the plans yet but using docker-registry is for sure not in our long term plans.17:07
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mwhahahano crane17:07
mwhahahacause crane doesn't work with python317:07
EmilienMerr yes sorry17:08
mnaseraw darn17:08
mwhahahaso stevebaker has been working on an apache only distrobution method17:08
mwhahahabut it doesn't handle push17:08
mwhahahaso we're having to write some container extract bits17:08
EmilienMis python3 in crane roadmap?17:09
mwhahahacrane is getting dropped from pulp anyway17:09
mwhahahaso it's likely dead17:09
EmilienMmnaser: on which OS are you deploying the registries?17:12
mnaserEmilienM: centos most likely17:13
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openstackgerritDavid Peacock proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: flatten memcached service configuration
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ssbarnea|roverEmilienM: any hopes regarding  getting newer podman with the fix in it? I am asking as I see more and more failures caused by the passwd bug.17:32
EmilienMssbarnea|rover: I asked today17:33
EmilienMssbarnea|rover: they cut a release tomorrow17:33
EmilienMthen I need to ask for a build, then it's propagating on the mirrors17:33
EmilienMso until it's done...17:33
EmilienMssbarnea|rover: what's more and more? any link/data/numbers?17:33
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EmilienMyesterday we checked and it wasn't that terrible that it soudns17:33
EmilienMit was 8 times a days17:34
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openstackgerritKarthik S proposed openstack/os-net-config master: NIC Partitioning works with NM enabled
ssbarnea|roverEmilienM: graph at -- last 48 hours clear increase, still not huge numbers. Maybe is only me being unlucky and encuntering it on the patches I was trying to pass.17:37
EmilienM11 fails in 24 hrs17:39
dprincemnaser: re. crane. I think stevebaker is now taking over the effort17:39
EmilienMit's not good but it's not concerning yet for our CI stability17:39
EmilienMwe are going to get new podman before EOW, it's my goal17:39
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Fix typo, expand l33tspeak in reproducer template
dprinceand his plan is to implement our own lightweight registry hosted by Apache17:40
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ssbarnea|roverEmilienM: thanks. i will add a comment on it about that. is always good to know what to expect.17:40
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EmilienMssbarnea|rover: believe me i'm doing the best we can to get this new podman17:42
ssbarnea|roverwhat it would be fun to graph is the average number of rechecks on patches.17:42
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openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Add encoding to json_dump
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openstackgerritCarlos Goncalves proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Fix misnaming of service in firewall rule
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Add profile tripleo::profile::base::apache_image_serve
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EmilienMfultonj: question on
* fultonj looking18:48
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fultonjEmilienM: custom_profile is a blob of text for the profile you want a machine to have; you're proposing it be a list of text blobs?18:50
EmilienMfultonj: oh it's ini18:51
fultonjyeah, its a text blog which is an ini file18:51
EmilienMfultonj: sorry for noise, +A18:51
fultonjEmilienM: not at all, thanks for the review18:52
fultonjEmilienM: it would be used with
EmilienMfultonj: yes I was reviewing it too now18:52
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fultonjEmilienM: i just thought of something i in puppet-tripleo patch18:57
fultonjEmilienM: do you think i should add that ?18:58
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fultonjto en sure it doesnt' exec a custom module which might not be there18:58
fultonjmake sure it's defined first by lines 20-34?18:58
EmilienMfultonj: give me 5m19:00
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fultonjEmilienM: sorry, stopped the +w for now so we could be sure19:04
EmilienMok back, let me look19:06
EmilienMfultonj, gfidente|afk : I think the ordering in puppet4/5 is fine19:07
EmilienMit wouldn't hurt to have the dependency19:07
EmilienMbut in that case, it's in the same file I think it's fine19:07
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fultonj   file { "/etc/tuned/${profile}":19:09
fultonj      before => Exec['tuned-adm'],19:09
fultonj      ensure => 'directory',19:09
fultonji'll try that ^19:09
rfolcomwhahaha, rlandy would you give a new pass on please ?19:10
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tonybEmilienM: thanks!19:29
EmilienMtonyb: hey, can you plz review
fultonjtonyb: fyi,
tonybEmilienM: looking19:31
tonybfultonj: thanks19:32
tonybEmilienM: +2+W'd19:35
EmilienMtonyb: gracias19:35
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openstackgerritDavid Peacock proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: WIP - flatten keystone service configuration
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dpeacockmorning stevebaker :-)20:24
stevebakerdpeacock: hey!20:25
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openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Address python3 string issues with subprocess
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mwhahahastevebaker: when you have a second. The use case is i want to build fedora containers which currently have some broken non-critical containers that i want to exclude in the run rather than the container file20:47
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openstackgerritDouglas Mendizábal proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Spliting compact services in multiples lines
ade_leemwhahaha, ping - we have a change above ^^ to t-h-t that depends on having a latest version of novajoin21:04
ade_leeis there any way to enforce this dependency?21:04
mwhahahaade_lee: not really21:04
mwhahahaade_lee: but it likely won't be able to merge until we have a promotion21:05
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weshaymwhahaha, how's the fedora containers going?21:07
mwhahahaweshay: still missing packages21:07
mwhahahathough i've got some built21:07
weshayrlandy, rfolco fyi ^21:07
rlandyhmm ...ok21:08
rlandygoing to add the f28 promotion file anyways because of the namespace21:08
mwhahahai've got a fork of kolla that'll build all of them except like the skydive/sensu/colled ones21:09
mwhahahai'm working on cleaning it up now and document what specific packages we need to address21:09
mwhahahai know there's one in ironic (which is currently failing ci for some unknown reason)21:09
mwhahahaand there's a handful in neutron21:09
weshayrlandy, ya.. that was just a fyi.. unrelated to the working we're doing in #oooq21:11
weshayrfolco, ^21:11
rfolcoweshay, ack21:12
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: upgrade2podman: prune everything in Docker
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: DNM: Testing mirror for ovs install
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: DNM: Testing mirror for ovs install
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: DNM: Testing mirror for ovs install
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weshaymwhahaha, qq.. do you expect the fedora-28 standalone job would move to voting while still running w/ centos-7 containers22:23
weshayor only after we have all the fedora-28 containers22:24
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mwhahahai don't think there's any reason it couldn't voting with centos containers but it's unlikely that we'll break anything python specific22:24
mwhahahai think we can just leave it non-voting for now22:24
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openstackgerritJohn Fulton proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Allow user to define a custom tuned profile
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ChaserjimWhen will tripleo have docker images / overcloud images based on 7.6 ??22:45
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EmilienMwhen we have a promotion22:51
ChaserjimETA EmilienM ?22:55
EmilienMweshay: eta boss?22:56
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: [Documentation] Migrate the format.
weshayChaserjim, EmilienM we were waiting on a mariadb fix, then packaging bugs to be resolved22:56
weshaylet me check..22:57
weshayChaserjim, the container builds have been blocked for days and days which is bad22:57
weshayEmilienM, so we don't use dlrn current w/ trusted tripleo packages22:57
weshayin the promotion jobs like we do for check and gate22:57
weshayI found that odd22:57
weshayhad a conversation w/ yatin about it22:58
weshaythis morning22:58
weshayEmilienM, you have any strong feelings?22:58
weshayhopefully this passes this go
EmilienMin general I have strong feelings about you22:59
EmilienMbut it's purely love related22:59
Chaserjimso a few days? a few weeks ? :)22:59
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weshayChaserjim, I have a magic 8-ball for these ocasions22:59
* weshay shakes22:59
Chaserjimwhatd it say23:00
weshaydam.. my magic 8-ball told me that EmilienM can't do 10 pull ups23:01
weshayand unrelated23:01
Chaserjimlol. Ok so - unknown , but hopefully "soon" ?23:01
weshayChaserjim, well considering people are going on PTO for the holidays23:01
weshayand people have been determined to be the leading contributor to creating bugs23:01
ChaserjimAh yes .. :) Ok, thanks weshay23:02
Chaserjimtgabjs EnukuebN23:02
Chaserjim'oh boy, next time ill look at the keyboard23:02
weshaysorry man.. it's just hard to predict especially when we have 0 feedback for 3-4 days23:02
ChaserjimThanks EmilienM23:02
weshayChaserjim, what are you waiting on?23:02
weshaywhich package?23:03
weshaymarios_|ruck, ssbarnea|rover fyi ^23:03
ChaserjimNone in particular , we want to possibly have 7.6 has part of 'our' current product version .. but our internal sprints are ending at of december, so probably 7.6 wont make it into our version23:03
weshayChaserjim, you do have 7.623:04
weshaywe can't gate centos23:04
weshayit comes right in when ever it wants to23:04
ChaserjimYeah, no problem23:04
ChaserjimI just was fishing for some 'inside information'23:04
weshayChaserjim, /me shows you we have CentOS 7.6 in current jobs23:04
weshayCentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)23:05
weshayChaserjim, done and done :)23:05
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Chaserjimthanks Weshay ;)23:07
openstackgerritDavid Peacock proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: flatten memcached service configuration
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EmilienMweshay: good night sweety23:12
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weshaygood night sweeet prince23:12
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openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Do not pass insecure and mirrors as arguments
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: WIP make python uploader the default
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: WIP Export images to be served by httpd
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Role to install apache to serve container images
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openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: WIP Replace docker-distribution with apache
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openstackgerritHarald Jensås proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Undercloud Validations - Deprecated (replaced/removed) opts
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