Thursday, 2021-06-24

opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-ci master: Remove EPEL from test images
opendevreviewBrent Eagles proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Enable octavia driver agent puppet
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: cache-url : turn down verbose curl
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opendevreviewJohn Fulton proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Add deployed_ceph feature
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-validations stable/victoria: Trigger molecule tests when modifying CI scripts
opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/tripleo-ci master: Handle overcloud-hardened-uefi-full in oooci-build-images
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Revert "Install rng-tools in Red Hat family distro images"
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/train: Limit collectds memory usage
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*** ykarel|away is now known as ykarel04:31
*** marios is now known as marios|ruck05:01
opendevreviewGael Chamoulaud proposed openstack/validations-common master: [check_disk_space] Add role documentation in sphinx
opendevreviewGael Chamoulaud proposed openstack/validations-common master: [check_latest_packages_version] Add role documentation in sphinx
opendevreviewGael Chamoulaud proposed openstack/validations-common master: [check_ram] Remove file
opendevreviewGael Chamoulaud proposed openstack/validations-common master: [check_selinux_mode] Add role documentation in sphinx
opendevreviewGael Chamoulaud proposed openstack/validations-common master: [dns] Add role documentation in sphinx
opendevreviewGael Chamoulaud proposed openstack/validations-common master: [no_op] Add role documentation in sphinx
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dpawlikweshay|ruck: checking06:08
shyambHi ykarel: For tripleo train centos cloud, after a successful deployment, If I run deploy command again, it fails with rabbitmq pacemaker resource going down.06:09
shyambtripleo train centos8.06:09
shyambFirst time, cloud is deployed with tripleo quickstart.06:10
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opendevreviewFrancesco Pantano proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Remove from master/wallaby the ceph-ansible references
shyambrabbitmq bundle has not restarted from 2 days and pacemaker rabbitmq resource is in 'STOPPED' state.06:36
chandankumarmarios|ruck: hello, new tripleo-operator-ansible release tarballs are available
chandankumarthanks for all the help.06:59
dpawlikweshay|ruck: finally I download the logs. I don't see vmx flag in cpu info 'logs/undercloud/var/log/extra/cpuinfo.txt'07:01
dpawlikweshay|ruck: also kvm is not set in lsmod07:02
marios|rucknice one chandankumar good job getting that sorted out 07:02
ykarelshyamb, before redeployment, deployment was working fine?07:13
shyambykarel: Yes, deployment was successful.07:14
ykareland rabbitmq was working fine?07:14
ykarelwrt. rabbitmq bundle has not restarted from 2 days, redeployment ran in these 2 days, or it ran before 2 days07:16
opendevreviewJiri Podivin proposed openstack/validations-common master: DNM potentialfix
anbanerj|roverstevebaker, thanks for the patch. I abandoned
shyambykarel: I ran redeployment 2-3 times in these two days.07:20
shyambykarel: rabbitmq_wait_bundle is exiting with 1:
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opendevreviewJiri Podivin proposed openstack/validations-common master: DNM potentialfix
ykarelshyamb, yes as per logs rabbitmq looks down07:26
ykarel /var/log/containers/stdouts/rabbitmq_wait_bundle.log should have logs07:27
ykarelbut no idea if just redeployment could cause it07:27
ykarelbandini may have more idea over this07:27
shyamb ykarel: Yes, I looked into that log file.07:32
shyambBut not getting clear idea.07:32
shyambI have rebooted the controller node and trying redeployment.07:32
shyambLet's see.07:32
shyambykarel: If I get it reproduced again, will tag bandini07:36
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shyambykarel: Just redeployment is restarting haproxy services07:37
shyambI don't think it's required, but maybe a bug.07:38
ykarelme unsure about it if restart is expected or not in redeployment07:39
bandinian haproxy restart on redeployment without any config changes is a bug fwiw07:39
shyambykarel: bandini: yes07:39
shyambI also think so.07:40
opendevreviewJiri Podivin proposed openstack/tripleo-validations stable/train: DNM - test for potential job fix/info gathering.
opendevreviewJiri Podivin proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Preventing infinite loop behavior in export
opendevreviewBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/tripleo-common stable/wallaby: Make sure Heat Ephemeral has images prepared
opendevreviewBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/wallaby: Add Ephemeral Heat service
*** amoralej|off is now known as amoralej08:20
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opendevreviewJiri Podivin proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Moving the 'export_data' dict into constants
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opendevreviewJiri Podivin proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Moving the 'export_data' dict into constants
opendevreviewShnaidman Sagi (Sergey) proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: DNM try ansible 2.11
opendevreviewJose Luis Franco proposed openstack/tripleo-upgrade stable/train: [Train-Only] Move the rename-nics after upgrade prepare.
opendevreviewCarlos Gonçalves proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: WIP DNM/DNR OVN BGP Agent support
shyambbandini: Hi09:07
shyambrabbitmq issue is reproduced.09:07
shyambWith no change in deploy command, tried redeployment. rabbitmq pacemaker service is in STOPPED state09:08
shyambbut rabbitmq-bundle-podman-0 container has not restarted.09:09
shyambIt's up and running09:09
shyambShould I log a bug?09:12
opendevreviewPooja Jadhav proposed openstack/tripleo-ci master: Adds master upgrades/updates jobs to periodic
shyambbandini: Here is the bug:
opendevreviewmbu proposed openstack/tripleo-validations stable/train: Override log directory for CI train jobs
opendevreviewmbu proposed openstack/validations-common master: Expose VALIDATIONS_LOG_DIR to the run command
opendevreviewPooja Jadhav proposed openstack/tripleo-ci master: Adds wallaby upgrades/updates jobs to periodic
opendevreviewPooja Jadhav proposed openstack/tripleo-ci master: Adds master upgrades/updates jobs to periodic
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opendevreviewShnaidman Sagi (Sergey) proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: DNM try ansible 2.11
opendevreviewJiri Podivin proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Overriding the log path argument for tripleoclient cli
opendevreviewJiri Podivin proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Overriding the log path argument for tripleoclient cli
opendevreviewMatthias Runge proposed openstack/tripleo-puppet-elements stable/wallaby: Remove pankoclient
opendevreviewGael Chamoulaud proposed openstack/validations-common master: [ntp] Add role documentation in sphinx
opendevreviewGael Chamoulaud proposed openstack/validations-common master: [service_status] Add role documentation in sphinx
opendevreviewGael Chamoulaud proposed openstack/validations-common master: [validate_selinux] Add role documentation in sphinx
opendevreviewMatthias Runge proposed openstack/tripleo-puppet-elements stable/wallaby: Remove leftover of pankoclient
opendevreviewPooja Jadhav proposed openstack/tripleo-ci master: Move content providers to content-provider template and fix branches
opendevreviewPooja Jadhav proposed openstack/tripleo-ci master: Adds wallaby undercloud-upgrade, minor update jobs and template
opendevreviewPooja Jadhav proposed openstack/tripleo-ci master: Adds wallaby upgrades/updates jobs to periodic
opendevreviewPooja Jadhav proposed openstack/tripleo-ci master: Adds master upgrades/updates jobs to periodic
opendevreviewGael Chamoulaud proposed openstack/validations-common master: [xfs_check_ftype] Add role documentation in sphinx
opendevreviewFrancesco Pantano proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Fail the overcloud deploy is ceph-ansible.yaml is included
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opendevreviewSorin Sbârnea proposed openstack/tripleo-ci master: Enable check-requirements
opendevreviewSorin Sbârnea proposed openstack/tripleo-ci master: Enable check-requirements
opendevreviewChristian Schwede proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/train: Do not run Swift rsync container in single replica mode
opendevreviewJad Haj Yahya proposed openstack/tripleo-operator-ansible master: Fixing tripleo_validator_show_parameter role
opendevreviewFrancesco Pantano proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: DNM - Test Pending Ceph Pacific daemons in CI
opendevreviewFrancesco Pantano proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Fail the overcloud deploy is ceph-ansible.yaml is included
opendevreviewMarios Andreou proposed openstack/tripleo-ci master: Revert "Set T->U undercloud upgrade to non-voting"
opendevreviewJesse Pretorius proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/wallaby: Do not run Swift rsync container in single replica mode
opendevreviewJesse Pretorius proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/victoria: Do not run Swift rsync container in single replica mode
opendevreviewJesse Pretorius proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/ussuri: Do not run Swift rsync container in single replica mode
opendevreviewSorin Sbârnea proposed openstack/tripleo-ci master: POC: Enable check-requirements
opendevreviewPooja Jadhav proposed openstack/tripleo-ci master: Adds master upgrades/updates jobs to periodic
opendevreviewJiri Podivin proposed openstack/validations-common master: DNM potentialfix
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opendevreviewPooja Jadhav proposed openstack/tripleo-ci master: Adds master upgrades/updates jobs to periodic
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opendevreviewJiri Podivin proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Preventing infinite loop behavior in export
opendevreviewSorin Sbârnea proposed openstack/tripleo-ci master: POC: Enable check-requirements
opendevreviewGael Chamoulaud proposed openstack/tripleo-validations master: Add zuul.d/molecule.yaml file back in the yamllint ignore list
opendevreviewGael Chamoulaud proposed openstack/tripleo-validations master: Sort jobs in molecule.yaml file when adding new role
opendevreviewFrancesco Pantano proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Fail the overcloud deploy is ceph-ansible.yaml is included
cloudnullmornings 11:57
opendevreviewJad Haj Yahya proposed openstack/tripleo-operator-ansible master: Fixing tripleo_validator_show_parameter role
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: Our Zuul gating CI/CD services will be offline starting around 14:00 UTC (in roughly two hours from now) in order to apply some critical security updates, and is not expected to remain offline for more than 30 minutes.12:03
opendevreviewJesse Pretorius proposed openstack/tripleo-upgrade master: Remove xinetd when leapp upgrading the Undercloud.
opendevreviewMatthias Runge proposed openstack/tripleo-puppet-elements stable/wallaby: Remove leftover of pankoclient
opendevreviewSorin Sbârnea proposed openstack/tripleo-ci master: Pin test dependencies
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/wallaby: Add support for keystone_authtoken/memcache_use_advanced_pool
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Explicit set qemu certificate group ownership
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-validations stable/victoria: Quick documentation content reorganization
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-validations stable/victoria: Remove workaround for tox-ansible and global molecule config
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-validations stable/victoria: Introduce new Ansible validation_init role.
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-validations stable/victoria: Add Validation Development Workflow Documentation
opendevreviewmbu proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: DNM test validation log directory change
opendevreviewmbu proposed openstack/tripleo-validations stable/train: Override log directory for CI train jobs
opendevreviewSergii Golovatiuk proposed openstack/tripleo-upgrade master: Remove additional dependency from pre-commit
opendevreviewFrancesco Pantano proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Fail the overcloud deploy is ceph-ansible.yaml is included
opendevreviewFrancesco Pantano proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Fail the overcloud deploy is ceph-ansible.yaml is included
opendevreviewFrancesco Pantano proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Fail the overcloud deploy is ceph-ansible.yaml is included
opendevreviewSergii Golovatiuk proposed openstack/tripleo-upgrade master: Remove unicode prefix
mwhahahamarios|ruck: plz see the ci results
mwhahahaoh nm was looking at the wrong job13:07
opendevreviewShnaidman Sagi (Sergey) proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: DNM try ansible 2.11
mwhahahaoh i know what it is13:10
opendevreviewAlex Schultz proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/ussuri: Revert "Always run network config for undercloud"
opendevreviewAlex Schultz proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/ussuri: Always run network config for undercloud
opendevreviewSorin Sbârnea proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: WIP: pip-compile
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marios|ruck|callmwhahaha: sorry in call whill check in a sec13:34
mwhahahamarios|ruck|call: yea no problem, i think i figured it out.13:34
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-validations stable/victoria: Compute TSX validation
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/wallaby: Introduce nova virtlogd wrapper
opendevreviewPooja Jadhav proposed openstack/tripleo-ci master: WIP : Adds master upgrades/updates jobs to periodic
opendevreviewShnaidman Sagi (Sergey) proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Add option to build collection github PRs
marios|ruck|callin case folks missed it 15:00 -opendevstatus:#oooq- NOTICE: Our Zuul gating CI/CD services will be offline starting around 14:00 UTC (in roughly two hours from now) in order to apply some critical security updates, and is not expected to remain offline for more than 30 minutes.13:41
marios|ruck|callthat's in like 20 mins? 13:41
opendevreviewJad Haj Yahya proposed openstack/tripleo-operator-ansible master: Fixing tripleo_validator_show_parameter role
opendevreviewShnaidman Sagi (Sergey) proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Add github PR change from commit message
opendevreviewShnaidman Sagi (Sergey) proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Add github PR change from commit message
opendevreviewShnaidman Sagi (Sergey) proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: DNM test build pr
*** marios|ruck|call is now known as marios|ruck13:49
marios|ruckack mwhahaha i saw the comments on the review thanks let's see - still worth considering the depends-on for voting but up to you main concern is to not merge that again with the job not fixed 13:49
opendevreviewAlex Schultz proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible stable/victoria: Fix failures because of Jinja version limit
mwhahahaif we can get away w/o the job merge that'd be great. let's see what CI says13:49
opendevreviewJiri Podivin proposed openstack/validations-libs master: Coverage change job
opendevreviewYariv proposed openstack/tripleo-upgrade master: [FFWD upgrade pre] Add support in cold evacuate
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: Our Zuul gating CI/CD services are being taken offline now in order to apply some critical security updates, and are not expected to remain offline for more than 30 minutes.13:58
*** pojadhav is now known as pojadhav|afk14:02
opendevreviewHarald Jensås proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Implement protected resource types
opendevreviewJiri Podivin proposed openstack/validations-libs master: Coverage change job
opendevreviewFrancesco Pantano proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Remove from master/wallaby the ceph-ansible references
opendevreviewFrancesco Pantano proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Remove from master the ceph-ansible references
fultonjhjensas: 14:28
opendevreviewHarald Jensås proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Don't initialize created_env_files variable
fultonjhjensas: i was thinking of modifying ramishra's ansible module which creaters the inventory so that if groups are defined in roles_data.yaml those groups get created14:29
fultonjhjensas: do you have an opinion on this?14:29
fultonjTengu: ^ you mentioned the future of tripleo-ansible-inventory at the PTG, what do you think14:30
* Tengu reading14:30
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Example commit for review 796832
Tengufultonj: so basing part of the inventory generation on on-disk data? That's moving in the right direction imho :)14:31
opendevreviewFrancesco Pantano proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Add tripleo_ceph_distribute_keys role
fultonjTengu: so roles_data.yaml remains authoritative for what ansible groups might exist 14:32
Tengufultonj: makes sense, since groups ARE actually defined there...14:32
fultonjif i compose roles_data.yaml however I need, then config-download creates corresponding groups 14:32
hjensasfultonj: do you mean adding something like "inventory group membership" to role definitions in the roles data used with node provision?14:32
fultonjhjensas: yes14:33
hjensasfultonj: so Controllers will have group membership = ['ceph_mon', 'ceph_mgr'] ?14:33
fultonjhjensas:  "inventory group membership" BASED ON role_definitions found in tht's role_data.yaml14:33
fultonjhjensas: yes14:33
fultonjhjensas: and if someone composes the role elsewhere, the inventory will automatically fit what was composed14:34
hjensasthe inventory generation stuff has no clue about THT's role data at that point.14:34
fultonjhjensas: right!14:34
fultonjhjensas: but i want it to have an option to use that data14:34
* hjensas has a feeling we should merge the roles used with node provision and the one used with THT.14:35
fultonjhjensas: right, i'm having the same feeling14:36
fultonjbut i wanted to check if there was anything thinking anything different14:36
fultonjcloudnull: mwhahaha: ^ 14:36
hjensasI won't be against it. There is quite a few overlapping things. Node count, default_route_network, the networks for a role etc is in both files.14:37
fultonjmy goal:
fultonjopenstack overcloud node provision --network-ports 14:37
fultonjcalls this...14:37
fultonjwhich calls...14:38
fultonji want to add an option to have it use not HEAT for get_roles_by_service but what will be a part of the heat input, i.e. roles_data.yaml14:38
fultonjright now if you look at the working dir you have TWO inventories!14:39
fultonjwhich is fine as we're in a state of transition14:39
fultonjbut i assume we might converge to one14:39
hjensasfultonj: sounds like we should converge14:40
cloudnullhjensas fultonj no strong opinions here, if we can converge to a single implementation +1 from me 14:40
fultonjcloudnull: hjensas: Tengu: thanks for your input14:41
hjensasthe same tripleo_common/ is used by the "node provison" workflow as the one used with config-download afik. So should just be a matter of aligning the filename it outputs?14:41
fultonjtoday we have $WORKING_DIR/tripleo-ansible-inventory.yaml and$WORKING_DIR/config-download/overcloud-0/tripleo-ansible-inventory.yaml 14:43
fultonjwhere the 2nd has the groups because HEAT has run14:43
fultonji was thinking of not breaking the second one14:43
fultonji was thinking of modifying the first to have groups from roles_data.yaml14:44
mwhahahait'd be nice if we could get out of the business of shoving ansible vars in the inventory14:44
fultonjmwhahaha: i'm not talking about vars, i'm talking about groups14:44
mwhahahayea but its part of teh generation14:44
mwhahahatechincally groups are ansible-isms14:44
fultonjyes, but i'm not proposing anything about the vars14:45
mwhahahayes i know but as we look to de-heating things that's part of this14:45
fultonje.g. (i'm going to change the oil.... since you're working on the car could you replace the breaks?)14:46
fultonj(hmmm maybe the breaks need to be replaced, but i'm worried about the oil now)14:46
mwhahahanot necessarily but i don't have the full context here14:46
fultonjmwhahaha: sure, i ralize you're not asking me to do the vars part14:47
fultonji wanted to get groups from roles_data.yaml before heat is run14:47
mwhahahagroups are services14:47
mwhahahaso you can't do that at that time14:48
mwhahahatechincally ceph_osd and ceph_mon and ceph_mgr won't actually exist for cephadm14:48
fultonjthe services which are GOING TO be created are in roles_data.yaml14:48
fultonji know they don't exist yet14:48
mwhahahano they aren't14:48
mwhahahait's the service name14:48
fultonjwhich have a 1:1 mapping to the groups14:49
mwhahahaso you'd have grok THT to find those14:49
mwhahahaand only if they are enabled14:49
mwhahahaI would prefer we not use the service name14:49
fultonjmwhahaha: ok...14:49
fultonjcd $WORKING_DIR14:50
fultonjfind . -name tripleo-ansible-inventory.yaml14:50
mwhahahayou can propose a patch but you need the environment files in order to do what you're asking which may not be prepared at provision time14:50
fultonjthe 2nd has the groups, the first doesn't beecause of heat but what's heat depends on env files and roles_data14:50
fultonjare extra groups which won't be used harmful?14:51
mwhahahamore info in ansible is always harmful14:51
mwhahahabecause it's teerrible14:51
fultonjmwhahaha: i can think of other ways to get the groups into the inventory14:54
mwhahahafultonj: so when we talked about the ceph bits, you need to provide the host/ceph mapping for cephadm14:54
mwhahahafultonj: i thought that was to live external to THT so the role_data/env files no longer have tha tinfo14:54
mwhahahawhat does the input for hosts into cephadm look like? 14:55
fultonjthat's already sovled14:56
fultonji ahve a ceph spec file14:56
fultonji genereate it based on deployed metal and roles_data14:56
fultonjor i can generate it via tripleo-ansible inventory14:56
fultonjwe have an ansible module for it14:56
opendevreviewJiri Podivin proposed openstack/validations-libs master: Coverage change job
mwhahahai don't think we should reuse the tripleo-ansible inventory (we actually might want to drop that later for other reasons)14:57
fultonjansible-doc  ceph_spec_bootstrap 14:57
fultonjansible-doc tripleo_generate_ansible_inventory14:58
fultonjis used today for networkv214:58
fultonjwhen you run openstack overcloud node provision --network-ports 14:58
fultonji'm trying to map the provisioned servers to which goes where14:58
mwhahahayea so i'm not sure tripleo-ansible-inventory will continue, so it'd likely be better not to try and adopt that14:58
opendevreviewFrancesco Pantano proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Remove from master the ceph-ansible references
fultonjmwhahaha: but for xena , i'd be surprised if we stopped using tripleo-ansible-inventory15:01
mwhahahai'm looking to move that for x15:01
fultonjmwhahaha: but i appreicate the advise that it may not always be there15:01
fultonjglad i asked :)15:01
mwhahahaor at least change up how/when/what is generated15:01
mwhahahayou can add it, but we'll end up reworking it again :D15:02
fultonjive never experienced that before in tripleo ever ;)15:02
* fultonj joking15:02
mwhahahaif it's worth doing, it's worth doing evey cycle15:02
fultonjso, i'd like to do the best thing i can do for right now15:03
fultonjso it's consistent with where things are going15:03
mwhahahai never used the inventory generated by the network stuff15:03
mwhahahaand i don't think we use it during the deploy so i'm not certain what actually comsumes it (or why we generate it)15:03
fultonji had originally proposed `openstack overcloud ceph inventory`15:04
fultonjopenstack overcloud node provision --network-ports 15:04
fultonjconsumes it15:04
fultonjit produces it and then uses it15:04
mwhahahai see15:05
fultonjmwhahaha: i can make my own inventory for the ceph deploy using input from deployed-server, deployed-network 15:05
fultonji just thought., why create yet another inventory we have 2 right now15:05
mwhahahawhat consumes the ceph inventory?15:06
opendevreviewRonelle Landy proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Exclude ansible-* from ceph-pacific repo
fultonjby the way15:07
fultonjwhat will consume the ceph inventory?15:07
fultonjthe deployed_ceph feature15:07
opendevreviewJiri Podivin proposed openstack/validations-libs master: Coverage change job
mwhahahafultonj: so it's just used to run the ceph bootstrap on. why do you even need an inventory?15:09
fultonjto install the ssh keys cephadm needs15:10
mwhahahahmm ok15:10
fultonj1. to identify the first monitor in cli-deployed-ceph.yaml playbook15:10
fultonj2. to identify every potential member of a cephadm cluster and give them the right SSH key15:10
opendevreviewFrancesco Pantano proposed openstack/tripleo-validations master: Remove from master the ceph-ansible references
fultonjwhat's nice is that everything i've been doing so far remains back-compatible with composable roles15:11
hjensasfultonj: so you look for "Ceph" in ServicesDefault in roles data?15:12
fultonjhjensas: yes15:12
mwhahaharoles data location is customizable right?15:12
hjensasfultonj: are'nt those mapped to OS::Heat::None? So we actually need to see if the environment/enable-ceph.yaml is included?15:12
fultonjmwhahaha: yes15:13
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-operator-ansible master: Removing --validation from role
fultonjhjensas: no15:13
opendevreviewFrancesco Pantano proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Remove from master the ceph-ansible references
fultonjroles_data.yaml will tell me what services will be on what role15:14
fultonj^ will be translated to children in an ansible group15:14
mwhahahaso those go away if there's not service anymore15:15
fultonj"if there's not service anymore"15:15
mwhahahanot a15:15
fultonjwe're still going to deploy services on our overcloud15:15
fultonji'm not understanding15:15
mwhahahait's fine15:16
fultonj"if there's not a service anymore" doesn't make sense to me15:16
mwhahahai wasn't sure if we were still going to continue the tripleo definitions for those with cephadm15:16
fultonjah 15:16
fultonjyes, they're still there15:16
mwhahahai thought cephadm might take over all the related items15:16
fultonjit deploys it all15:17
mwhahahabut it seems we're defining it for firewall rules and some metadata bits15:17
mwhahahaso back to the original issue is that you want to move the roles_datas processing for inventory generation early in the overall process15:17
fultonjyeah, that's one way to solve the problem15:18
mwhahahaif we expect the end user to have their customized roles_data.yaml at provision time, we could stub out all the defined services but it requires processing THT to generate those group names because their output from heat15:18
fultonjthere's a notion of a role still in deployed_server15:18
hjensasfultonj: unless the user override it by setting THT parameter {{}}Services in an enviornment file.15:18
fultonjthe heat processing is only necessary to filter out waht you don't need15:19
fultonjbut filtering prevents making a mess15:19
mwhahahafultonj: no the service name is an output from the heat service15:19
fultonj[10:51] @<mwhahaha> because it's teerrible15:19
mwhahahait's an outputs 15:20
opendevreviewFrancesco Pantano proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Remove the ceph-ansible roles
mwhahaharight, it's not always camel to snake15:23
mwhahahai think it usually is15:23
mwhahahai mean you could make that assumption for ceph if you'll always make sure that's true15:23
fultonjto me, it's pretty obvious that OS::TripleO::Services::CephMon under name: Controller means that i create this...15:23
fultonj  children:15:23
fultonj    Controller: {}15:24
fultonjyeah, always true for ceph15:24
fultonjmaybe not true for everyone15:24
mwhahahayea which is why i'd say it's safer for you to make those assumptions only in your cli commands15:24
fultonjmwhahaha: i can add only the ceph groups 15:25
hjensasI'm still worried about using "ServicesDefault" in roles_data.yaml, If I set in parameter_defaults: { ControllerServices: [<a_list_not_containing OS::TripleO::Services::Ceph* services>] } We end up with a mismatch.15:26
mwhahahawe use those vars in CI fwiw15:26
mwhahahabut yea that could be problematic15:26
hjensasyes, and who knows what is used by $'ing customers.15:26
mwhahahadeprecate all the things :D15:27
fultonjis why i like to have the groups for cephadm to get the right keys15:28
hjensas:) yeah, I wish we'd just stick whats in roles_data.yaml into THT and have one place with the truth.15:28
fultonjotherwise i can just ask the user to point at the bootstrap node15:28
mwhahahai think it'd be ok to initially add the service -> groups based on whats in roles data for this workflow15:29
mwhahahabecause this is a new workflow i think we can define the limitation of *Services won't be taken into account during ceph provisioning and that the roles_data needs to have the correct values15:30
mwhahahawe'd still generate an inventory after heat that would have the reduced inventory15:30
fultonj[11:30] @<mwhahaha> we'd still generate an inventory after heat that would have the reduced inventory15:31
fultonjunused groups would exist because what's in roles_data.yaml may not be all of what's deployed15:31
fultonji could limit it to just ceph groups if you like15:32
* hjensas thinks we should deprecate {% role %}Services parameter in THT, and rename s/ServicesDefault/Services/ in roles_data as well ...15:32
mwhahahai'd just do it for all (i'll likely regret thi slater)15:32
opendevreviewJad Haj Yahya proposed openstack/tripleo-operator-ansible master: Fixing tripleo_validator_show_parameter role
fultonjmwhahaha: ok, i'll give it a shot15:35
fultonji'll add hjensas mwhahaha to the review15:35
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opendevreviewMarios Andreou proposed openstack/tripleo-ci master: Imports utility to move stale bugs to Incomplete
opendevreviewMarios Andreou proposed openstack/tripleo-ci master: Add milestone and close message to bugs in
marios|ruckweshay|ruck: add to your reviews please ? so i don't have to apply the patch each time ;) and it will be easier for next person ^^^ 15:37
weshay|ruckk.. thanks15:37
* fultonj still worried about the size of the groups list15:39
fultonji think i'l have a filter option15:40
fultonjwe'll see in the review15:40
fultonjhjensas: a mismatch?15:43
fultonjhjensas: you said...15:44
fultonj"If I set in parameter_defaults: { ControllerServices: [<a_list_not_containing OS::TripleO::Services::Ceph* services>] } We end up with a mismatch."15:44
hjensasfultonj: the "ServicesDefault" in roles_data.yaml can be overriden using THT parameters. 15:44
fultonji see15:44
fultonjso post heat is necessary to correct potential mismatches15:45
fultonjso if i do this thing...15:45
fultonjthe groups are not 100% reliable15:45
mwhahahathats what i was daying about documenting that the *Services won't be supported15:45
mwhahahafor this workflow15:45
fultonji like the option of including "roles_data.yaml | filter"15:47
fultonjwhere the user can set a filter of what gets in15:47
fultonjheat is the true filter but for a subset of services it can be useful to get them in advance15:47
fultonjadvance --> before heat15:48
fultonji can do it all have a filter option too and maybe default the filter to ceph15:49
mwhahahai'd not over think it for now15:49
mwhahahaand just add roles_data.yaml support (overridable via cli param) with camel -> snake15:49
mwhahahaand document that <role>Services won't be taken into consideration for the provisioning workflows15:50
fultonjmwhahaha: ok, thanks15:50
mwhahahabut will be considered @ actual deployment time15:50
opendevreviewJiri Podivin proposed openstack/validations-libs master: Coverage change job
fultonji expect the "deployed ceph" feature will be ready around M215:52
fultonjmetal, network, ceph, overcloud15:53
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opendevreviewSergii Golovatiuk proposed openstack/tripleo-upgrade master: Do not run job on .pre-commit-config.yaml changes
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opendevreviewHarald Jensås proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Option to disable Node, Net and VIP provisioning
opendevreviewHarald Jensås proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Dynamic defaults for roles, networks, vips and bm
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fultonj[11:49] @<mwhahaha> and just add roles_data.yaml support (overridable via cli param) with camel -> snake17:05
fultonjmwhahaha: When you say "overridable via cli param" which command do you mean that for?17:05
fultonj`openstack overcloud node provision --network-ports` creates $WORKING_DIR/tripleo-ansible-inventory.yaml17:05
fultonjI could add `openstack overcloud node provision --network-ports --roles-data`17:06
fultonjMy workflow doesn't currently use the tripleo-ansible-inventory command, but I'm wondering if that's what you meant.17:07
opendevreviewmbu proposed openstack/validations-common master: Expose VALIDATIONS_LOG_DIR to the run command
opendevreviewmbu proposed openstack/validations-common master: Export VALIDATIONS_LOG_DIR to the run command
opendevreviewmbu proposed openstack/tripleo-validations stable/train: Enabling indentation rule for yamllint.
mwhahahafultonj: all of them?  Any that generate the inventory17:26
mwhahahaIf that's the command that currently does it, that one17:26
fultonjmwhahaha: ok, sounds good.17:27
mwhahahafultonj: so i guess my question is, do you pass the ~/tripleo-ansible-inventory.yaml into the ceph provision command?17:40
fultonjmwhahaha: yes, i'm planning to17:41
fultonjmwhahaha: i don't have to, but the ansible that's going to configure ceph needs an inventory17:42
fultonjso the command could create one behind the scenes and use it17:42
mwhahahathen yea, the --roles-data would be an argument to whatever generates that 17:42
fultonjand the docs would need to tell the person deploying ceph to use that option17:43
opendevreviewRonelle Landy proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Exclude ansible-* from ceph-pacific repo
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Include tripleo container service management once
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Use module for container puppet tasks
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Adjust shutdown service management
opendevreviewAlan Bishop proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: tcib: clean up cinder packages
opendevreviewGael Chamoulaud proposed openstack/validations-common master: [check_ram] Remove file
opendevreviewGael Chamoulaud proposed openstack/validations-common master: [check_selinux_mode] Add role documentation in sphinx
opendevreviewGael Chamoulaud proposed openstack/validations-common master: [dns] Add role documentation in sphinx
opendevreviewGael Chamoulaud proposed openstack/validations-common master: [no_op] Add role documentation in sphinx
opendevreviewGael Chamoulaud proposed openstack/validations-common master: [ntp] Add role documentation in sphinx
opendevreviewGael Chamoulaud proposed openstack/validations-common master: [service_status] Add role documentation in sphinx
opendevreviewGael Chamoulaud proposed openstack/validations-common master: [validate_selinux] Add role documentation in sphinx
opendevreviewGael Chamoulaud proposed openstack/validations-common master: [xfs_check_ftype] Add role documentation in sphinx
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opendevreviewJames Slagle proposed openstack/tripleo-specs master: TripleO.Next - Container Pods Spec
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Add missing custom container parameters - overcloud
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-validations master: [validation_init] Remove the creation of a file for a new validation
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-operator-ansible master: Fixing tripleo_validator_show_parameter role
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-upgrade master: Skip evacuations for non-compute nodes
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-upgrade stable/victoria: Skip evacuations for non-compute nodes
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-upgrade stable/ussuri: Skip evacuations for non-compute nodes
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-upgrade master: Bump dogpile to >=0.9.2
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-ansible stable/wallaby: Container manage module, attempt 2
opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: WIP Switch to overcloud-hardened-uefi-full by default on master

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