Thursday, 2022-01-27

opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo stable/train: Revert Horizon's Memecached config to use IP addresses
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: DNM: Testing unit tests
opendevreviewAde Lee proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Added rabbit FIPS flag to FIPS env fle
opendevreviewEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible stable/wallaby: Force NetworkManager to unmanage /etc/resolv.conf
opendevreviewEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible stable/victoria: Force NetworkManager to unmanage /etc/resolv.conf
opendevreviewEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible stable/ussuri: Force NetworkManager to unmanage /etc/resolv.conf
opendevreviewyatin proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible stable/wallaby: Fix indentation issue with 2-bonds-vlans config
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opendevreviewFrancesco Pantano proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Switch molecule jobs to centos stream 8
opendevreviewFrancesco Pantano proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Switch molecule jobs to centos stream 8
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bogdandoykarel: hi09:19
bogdandoI think I've made working09:19
bogdandonow testing
bogdandoand I can see the expected V patch was included into DLRN build09:20
bogdandonow let's see how it goes for W deps after deploy competes09:20
bogdandowith that, we could make future FFU job in the check also accepting src/dst build deps09:21
bogdandojfrancoa: ^^09:21
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/ussuri: Wallaby and older: Remove heat-dashboard parameters from local_settings
jfrancoabogdando: nice! that's great news09:29
jfrancoaykarel++ bogdando++09:29
opendevreviewBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/ansible-role-collect-logs master: Fix slow timings regex matcher
opendevreviewFrancesco Pantano proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Switch molecule jobs to centos stream 8
jfrancoabogdando: the ffu undercloud upgrade seems to be running already and it looks that the failure is that's a starting point09:33
ykarelbogdando, ack will check in some time, Thanks09:33
bogdandojfrancoa: that's fine, I refer to the issue with not being possible to include dependency patches into the job09:36
bogdandoif you need such interface for you FFU work, you can try to add 09:37
bogdandoand here is the example job config that tests that functionality
bogdandofor FFU you would want override-checkout: stable/train09:38
bogdandojfrancoa: btw, how would you perform LEAP for standalone?09:39
bogdandowrt the linked failure, it seems that nova api waiter timed out?09:47
bogdandocouldn't get the root cause09:47
mariosgate blocker folks please hold rechecks 09:47
opendevreviewVijayalakshmi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/train: Check if passthrough user_config is decoded properly from hiera data
jfrancoabogdando: well, probably leapp is something that will be left for the downstream work09:50
bogdandothat's the failure cause I think, for
bogdandonova.exception.TooOldComputeService: Current Nova version does not support computes older than Victoria but the minimum compute service level in your system is 40 and the oldest supported service level is 5209:51
jfrancoabogdando: yep, Lukas suggested that it might be caused by some online migration/db sync being missed09:51
bogdandohighly likely09:51
bogdandook, now you know how to add depends-on patches into the testing loop :)09:52
jfrancoabogdando: the job is directly running wallaby's online migration/db syncs from Train and it's probable that some services do not support such a direct jump09:52
jfrancoabut we will have to make that working downstream (and if possible upstream too), because we don't have interim downstream versions to bring the containers and perform that interim db sync09:53
bogdandoapparently some services is Nova :)09:53
jfrancoabogdando: yep, thanks  for the tips and the work on the depends-on, I will definetely need that09:53
bogdandoyes. also please do not skip migrations, that is not suppported09:53
bogdandoit might work, but it doesn't have to09:54
jfrancoabogdando: but thinking downstream wise, how would would we run some of those migrations...there is not downstream version for usurri or victoria...we can jump only from Train to Wallaby09:55
jfrancoabogdando: it's not like in the 13 to 16 upgrade, that we can spawn an OSP15 container and run that migration09:56
bogdandojfrancoa: that's a great question10:02
bogdandosomething to discuss in rhos ml10:02
bogdandoperhaps those migrations must be shipped dowsntream somehow10:02
bogdandoadd nova compute team in the loop10:02
bogdandoafaik, Wallaby Nova contains accumulated migrtations for releases since Train?10:03
bogdandosean-k-mooney: ^^10:03
jfrancoai believe that has been the deal, we need to find out which ones are failing and get them covered downstream10:03
odyssey4mejfrancoa bogdando downstream the commitment is to use downstream-only patches to fix whatever migrations don't work10:07
odyssey4mejfrancoa so if we can't test this upstream, then we'll have to implement the tests downstream instead10:07
opendevreviewFrancesco Pantano proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Switch molecule jobs to centos stream 8
opendevreviewFrancesco Pantano proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Switch molecule jobs to centos stream 8
bogdandoodyssey4me: I hope we can, and there are migrations from more that N-2 in stable branches10:12
opendevreviewCedric Jeanneret proposed openstack/tripleo-ci master: We actually don't need the whole libvirt
opendevreviewJuan Larriba proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible stable/victoria: The NFS directory parameter is hardcoded instead of re-used
opendevreviewJuan Larriba proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible stable/ussuri: The NFS directory parameter is hardcoded instead of re-used
opendevreviewFrancesco Pantano proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Switch molecule jobs to centos stream 8
opendevreviewFrancesco Pantano proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Provision VIPs for ceph related services
opendevreviewDavid Vallee Delisle proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Defining fs.aio-max-nr for hosts with libvirt service
opendevreviewFrancesco Pantano proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: WIP - Add mds, nfs and ingress daemons to deployed ceph
opendevreviewDavid Vallee Delisle proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient stable/wallaby: Adding --repo-dir argument
bogdandoykarel: could you please take over that patch to add the required Remove the database dance?10:58
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo stable/victoria: Revert Horizon's Memecached config to use IP addresses
bogdandoI think both changes will be needed, that patch plus the DLRN fixes10:58
opendevreviewFrancesco Pantano proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Add option to bootstrap cephadm with --single-host-defaults
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo stable/ussuri: Revert Horizon's Memecached config to use IP addresses
bogdandomaybe my testing failed due to "dirty" DB state10:59
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo stable/train: Revert Horizon's Memecached config to use IP addresses
opendevreviewFrancesco Pantano proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Add tripleo_cephadm_standalone boolean
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bogdandoykarel: if you explore the last build logs, you'll see that the same conditions led to different actions taken for the "construct zuul deps list" and " Clone and build the specific DLRN projects" tasks11:01
opendevreviewFrancesco Pantano proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Switch molecule jobs to centos stream 8
bogdando , look for 2022-01-27 09:58:39.241134 and 2022-01-27 09:58:58.73904811:03
bogdandosame data, same conditions, different matching :)11:03
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ykarelbogdando, i see victoria was attempted both times11:11
ykareli think just fixing dlrn will work for this usecase11:11
ykarelother things shouldn't be needed11:12
ykarel+ patch set 1 of tqe wip patch11:12
opendevreviewBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: [WIP] Allow dlrn builds from both deploy release and upgrade release
bogdandoykarel: for V it worked as expected11:16
bogdandoadded debug messages and reran...11:17
ykarelk but /me not sure why all those extra conditions needed, i think just PS1+dlrn fixes should work11:18
ykarelor PS1 + workarounds 11:18
bogdandodid you see the commit msg explanation?11:18
bogdandothose conditions just implement that matrix of cases11:18
bogdandoif I built it on wrong assumptions, we can fix it )11:19
ykarelyes read but couldn't get why all those needed11:20
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ykarelis the above mentioned thing missing some of those use case?11:20
ykarelPS1+dlrn fixes or PS1 + dlrn workarounds11:20
bogdandothat encodes the expected build or not outcomes for a given inputs of override branch, release and a dependency11:22
bogdandohow else would you figure out how that's expected to build or not?..11:22
ykarelbased on release and override checkout11:25
opendevreviewAndre Aranha proposed openstack/tripleo-validations master: Add FIPS validation
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opendevreviewSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/wallaby: Implement project personas in custom neutron policy file
opendevreviewSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/wallaby: Update project personas policies in custom neutron policy
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opendevreviewFrancesco Pantano proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Switch molecule jobs to centos stream 8
opendevreviewBrent Eagles proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/wallaby: Configure logging for designate bind backend
opendevreviewBrent Eagles proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible stable/wallaby: Add logging configuration for designate bind
bogdandoykarel: hm, actually shows the failure was related to "dirty" state12:31
bogdandothat probably will not be an issue if already built earlier V-deps no longer match for W12:35
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opendevreviewFrancesco Pantano proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Switch molecule jobs to centos stream 8
ykarelbogdando, ack that cleanup seems a seperate issue, i think i have seen that in past in non upgrade jobs as well12:47
ykarelwhere dlrn re runs for some reason,12:48
ykarelbut yes for this upgrade use case too it needs to be handled12:48
ykarelsomething like git clean -f and git checkout correct branch should do it12:49
bogdandoyeah, perhaps12:50
bogdandoI'm also thinking of parsing the project and jut removing the /usr/share/site-packages path for it...12:51
bogdandosince the error was about wrong buildroot?12:51
ykarelyou mean remove from mock chroot?12:55
bogdandoyes I think12:56
ykareli think just cleaning source should do it, as that's where build picks up12:56
bogdandowell, you know that code better, could you please update the patchset?12:56
bogdandolemme push a small bools fix first...12:56
opendevreviewBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: [WIP] Allow dlrn builds from both deploy release and upgrade release
bogdandodone, it's all yours now12:57
cloudnullmornings 13:03
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opendevreviewMarios Andreou proposed openstack/tripleo-ci master: Centos8 master jobs teardown - c8 on train/ussuri/victoria/wallaby
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opendevreviewMarios Andreou proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: DNM testing
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Do not run puppet in docker_config
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Do not run puppet in docker_config
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/puppet-tripleo stable/train: Horizon: Enable octavia-dashboard configurations
opendevreviewMerged openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Allow package install to be skipped for image build
opendevreviewMerged openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Adding --repo-dir argument
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-upgrade stable/wallaby: [FFWD upgrade] Adding support of live/cold migration with external workload
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opendevreviewRafael Castillo proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Switch molecule jobs to centos stream 8
opendevreviewJose Luis Franco proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient stable/wallaby: Log deprecation of enable_heat option.
hjensasWhat is the correct fix for ? Do we need to backport ?15:17
hjensascloudnull: ^^ galaxy meta requirements ussuri.15:18
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Do not run puppet in docker_config
opendevreviewamolkahat proposed openstack/tripleo-ci master: [cs9] CentOS-9 standalone base jobs.
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-tempest-skiplist master: Add encryption tests to skip for FIPS
opendevreviewJose Luis Franco proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Log deprecation of enable_heat option.
opendevreviewJose Luis Franco proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Log deprecation of enable_heat option.
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opendevreviewRafael Castillo proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Switch molecule jobs to centos stream 8
opendevreviewDouglas Viroel proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/wallaby: Do not error out when a network is ipv6 only
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opendevreviewRafael Castillo proposed openstack/openstack-tempest-skiplist master: Skip failing test on train c8
opendevreviewHarald JensÃ¥s proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Deprecate 'overcloud profiles' commands
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matbuslagle: Hey James, can you take a brief look at the question raised by Elod Illes (or just revote) on this one:
matbuslagle: i dont really have an answer on making a branch on an independent model20:33
slaglematbu: commented20:46
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-ansible stable/wallaby: The NFS directory parameter is hardcoded instead of re-used
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/ussuri: Fix indentation issue with 2-bonds-vlans config
matbuslagle: thx20:59
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/train: Fix indentation issue with 2-bonds-vlans config
opendevreviewMerged openstack/python-tripleoclient stable/wallaby: Adding --repo-dir argument
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-ansible stable/victoria: The NFS directory parameter is hardcoded instead of re-used
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-ansible stable/ussuri: The NFS directory parameter is hardcoded instead of re-used
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-ansible stable/train: The NFS directory parameter is hardcoded instead of re-used
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/victoria: Check if passthrough user_config is decoded properly from hiera data
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/wallaby: Configure logging for designate bind backend
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-ansible stable/wallaby: Add logging configuration for designate bind
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opendevreviewJuan Badia Payno proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible stable/wallaby: Added controller_group_name to override group name
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Rename existing BLS entry with the new machine-id
opendevreviewMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add debian-bullseye-arm64 build test
opendevreviewMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: debian-minimal: remove old testing targets

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