Friday, 2022-05-20

opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/train: Train-only: Use tht parameter to detect IPv6 usage for memcached
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/train: Train-only: Use tht parameter to detect IPv6 usage for memcached
rlandycloudnull: hey - I think it may clear00:26
rlandythe new version was released 12 hours ago00:26
rlandyall details are in the bug00:26
rlandyor we can revert the chnage00:26
opendevreviewBrent Eagles proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Designate: specify source address when using rndc
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|out01:12
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Add update_tasks to tripleo_packages
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-ansible master: bnr added cli-undercloud-backup-db molecule job
opendevreviewchandan kumar proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: [DNM] tox py36 oslo log failure
opendevreviewchandan kumar proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: [DNM] tox py36 oslo log failure
opendevreviewMarios Andreou proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Test bumping the oslo-log requirement for py36 issue
marioschandankumar: ^^06:47
marioschandankumar: i think maybe if we get the tripleo-common requirement to match what the upper constraints has it should resolve06:48
mariosbut the error doesn't really make sense to me06:48
mariosi mean,     tripleo-common 16.4.0 depends on oslo.log>=3.36.0     The user requested (constraint) oslo-log===5.0.006:48
mariosso what is the problem?06:49
mariosit should just install 5.0.0 06:49
marioswhy is that a conflict?06:49
chandankumarmarios: in RDO side, when we see such of kind of issue, then we ask infra to clear the pypi cache06:49
chandankumar*suck kind06:49
marioschandankumar: i didn't get your change commented there06:50
marioschandankumar: i mean the file you added has the same issue oslo.log 5.0.006:50
marioschandankumar: don't know i think i need to run tht to test that tripleo-common 06:50
marioscos doesn't seem to be a thing there 06:51
chandankumarmarios: you can ignore the second patchset06:51
chandankumarmarios: on tripleo-common tox py36 job, it is not showing as there is no run from yesterday06:52
opendevreviewMarios Andreou proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: TEST DNM testing tripleo-common/+/842672
marioswell at least its really quiet lets see if that does anything ^^^ 06:53
chandankumarThe conflict is caused by:06:54
chandankumar2022-05-20 06:50:44.764213 | ubuntu-bionic |     The user requested oslo.log>=5.0.006:54
chandankumar2022-05-20 06:50:44.764241 | ubuntu-bionic |     The user requested (constraint) oslo-log===5.0.006:54
mariosso ... other ideas? 06:54
mariosbut again06:54
mariosthat error doesn't make sense like before06:54
marioswhat is the problem06:54
mariosso install 5.0.0 ?!06:54
chandankumarmarios: what will happen if we keep oslo.log>=4.8.0 and then see?06:59
marioschandankumar: go for it 07:03
marioschandankumar: i mean i tried >=5.0.0 didn't like it but... seems like issue with pip/resolution cos it doens't make sense07:03
marioschandankumar: on my local env it installs 5.0.0 without any drama07:08
chandankumarmarios: yes correct07:09
chandankumarmarios: on using opendev indexes , I am hitting this
marioschandankumar: hmm noticed something not sure if it is significant 07:09
mariostripleo-common 16.4.0 depends on oslo.log>=3.36.007:09
mariosThe user requested (constraint) oslo-log===5.0.007:10
mariososlo.log vs oslo-log07:10
mariosbut i don't think so cos in the upper-constraints it is oslo.log not olso-log07:10
marioschandankumar: ok so looks to be opendev issue07:10
marioschandankumar: filing a bug we need it for pointing07:11
chandankumar is the bug for tox py3607:11
marioschandankumar: ah .. what? its an old one07:11
mariosyou mean we re-use it?07:12
chandankumarsorry wrong bug07:12
marioschandankumar: you filed one?07:12
chandankumarrlandy has filed one07:12
marioschandankumar: ah i see07:12
chandankumarmarios: let me check with infra also07:14
chandankumarmarios: one more try can we bump tripleo-common
chandankumarit is tripleo-common>=7.1.0 07:22
chandankumarbut still it will use the tripleo-common oslo.log pin07:23
chandankumarnot gona work07:23
marioschandankumar: yeah but it is find with >= 7.1007:25
mariosit tries to install the latest already 07:25
marioschandankumar: ian replied he is looking07:25
chandankumaryup yup07:25
marioschandankumar: sent to list
tkajinamif the error is specific to py36 job then can we just remove that now ?07:31
tkajinamafaik most of openstack projects are removing py36 job and require python >= 3.807:31
tkajinamin master07:31
chandankumartkajinam: we have openstack-tox-py39 job in master, py36 is still there so that we can easily backport patches from master till train i think07:33
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Use python job template for Zed
tkajinamchandankumar, python 3.6 is not supported by Zed release. I'm not sure how much feasible to keep it in TripleO only07:34
tkajinamfor example we don't know whether they guarantee requirements.txt keep records for py3607:34
tkajinambeyond yoga07:34
mariostkajinam: we are getting it via the yoga template let me check 07:34
mariostkajinam: k sec fixing lets update07:35
opendevreviewMarios Andreou proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Update the python jobs template
mariostkajinam: chandankumar: maybe this then ^^ 07:36
chandankumarmarios: also proposed the same07:37
mariostkajinam: chandankumar: ah i missed it sorry :D07:37
mariosk abandoning 07:37
mariossorry i was digging at 07:37
mariosto find it i mean 07:37
mariostkajinam: chandankumar: i think it is OK to move for master... if we hit it in older branches may have issue 07:38
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Use python job template for Zed
mariosnot clear though because it is quiet today 07:38
mariosso far looks like master only 07:38
mariosbut could be cos of low traffic07:38
tkajinammarios, yeah I agree > if we hit it in ...07:38
opendevreviewMarios Andreou proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/wallaby: DNM test if py36 fails on wallaby
mariostkajinam: chandankumar: lets see ^^ 07:39
chandankumartkajinam: thanks!07:39
marioschandankumar: so much for a quiet day :/07:39
chandankumaroslo.log==5.0.0 is used07:39
chandankumarit is not related to wheels07:40
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Use python job template for Zed
marioschandankumar: what is that log?07:40
marioschandankumar: 84267307:40
mariosah my earlier test07:41
mariosk 07:41
chandankumarmarios: yes07:41
chandankumarmarios: so switching to zed template will fix the issue07:41
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Use python job template for Zed
marioschandankumar: well yeah but only lets make sure it is OK on wallaby 07:41
marioschandankumar: (watching test07:42
marioschandankumar: if master only then lets go with tkajinam patch 07:42
mariosand bump to zed template there07:42
chandankumartkajinam: sending patch for tripleo-puppet element and image elements07:42
tkajinamchandankumar, please use the topic tripleo-zed-jobs .07:43
chandankumarmarios: openstack-tox-py36 passed07:44
chandankumaron wallaby07:44
chandankumarso we are good there07:44
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Use python job template for Zed
marioschandankumar: tkajinam: info there 07:46
chandankumarmarios: from ianw07:47
chandankumarthey dropped py36 support07:47
marioschandankumar: ack add that info on the bug?07:47
chandankumarmarios: yes will add that07:47
opendevreviewchandan kumar proposed openstack/tripleo-puppet-elements master: Use python job template for Zed
chandankumarmarios: ianw already added that07:49
ianwit certainly would be clearer if it said "can't satisfy constraint because it doesn't support this python version", but, well, that's pip for you07:50
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Use python job template for Zed
opendevreviewchandan kumar proposed openstack/tripleo-image-elements master: Use python job template for Zed
tkajinamthat oslo.log change sounds like huge killing :-)07:51
mariosyeah the error was very confusing ianw right?07:51
marioslike whats the problem so install 5.0.0?07:51
mariosthanks for your help ianw 07:51
marioschandankumar:++ tkajinam++ ianw++07:51
chandankumarmarios++++ 07:51
marioshopefully no more chandankumar its friday come one07:51
tkajinamI've seen similar issues caused by requirement bump so we'd need some attention from every project so that they check their gate health. AFAIK gmann has prepared patches to update test runtime so they need to merge these patches asap07:52
opendevreviewchandan kumar proposed openstack/os-net-config master: Use python job template for Zed
chandankumarmarios: whole series07:55
tkajinamso far all repos with stable branches are covered. we'd need to check branchless projects and consider the solution if we face any issue07:57
tkajinambranchless projects = eg. tripleo-repos, tripleo-validations 07:58
mariostkajinam: can you please include the related-bug in reviews?08:02
marioschandankumar: ^^ 08:02
opendevreviewchandan kumar proposed openstack/tripleo-image-elements master: Use python job template for Zed
opendevreviewchandan kumar proposed openstack/tripleo-puppet-elements master: Use python job template for Zed
opendevreviewchandan kumar proposed openstack/os-net-config master: Use python job template for Zed
opendevreviewMarios Andreou proposed openstack/openstack-virtual-baremetal master: Use python jobs template for Zed
opendevreviewMarios Andreou proposed openstack/openstack-virtual-baremetal stable/2.0: Use python jobs template for Zed
marioschandankumar: ^^^ seen in sbaker review @ 08:05
chandankumaryup, thanks!08:06
tkajinammarios, sure08:06
tkajinamone sec08:07
mariosthanks tkajinam 08:07
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Use python job template for Zed
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Use python job template for Zed
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Use python job template for Zed
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Use python job template for Zed
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Use python job template for Zed
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Use python job template for Zed
opendevreviewMarios Andreou proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: WIP add some new plays for mixed mode
opendevreviewMarios Andreou proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: WIP add new featureset66 for mixed deployment jobs
opendevreviewchandan kumar proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Rename molecule jobs to centos-stream
opendevreviewJohn Fulton proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Deploy Ceph before the Overcloud for standalone CI
opendevreviewJohn Fulton proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Deploy Ceph before the Overcloud for standalone CI
opendevreviewMasayoshi Mizuma proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Fix deploy failure of keystone for undercloud
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Use python job template for Zed
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Use python job template for Zed
opendevreviewJohn Fulton proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Deploy Ceph before the Overcloud for standalone CI
*** dasm|off is now known as dasm14:12
opendevreviewMerged openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Use python job template for Zed
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-puppet-elements master: Use python job template for Zed
opendevreviewBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: WIP Add standalone Nova Libvirt role
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-common master: Use python job template for Zed
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-image-elements master: Use python job template for Zed
opendevreviewMerged openstack/os-net-config master: Use python job template for Zed
opendevreviewdasm proposed openstack/openstack-virtual-baremetal stable/2.0: Explicitly support only centos-7 on the bmc host
opendevreviewdasm proposed openstack/openstack-virtual-baremetal stable/2.0: Simplify bmc repo setup and installation
opendevreviewdasm proposed openstack/openstack-virtual-baremetal stable/2.0: Add bmc host support for centos-9-stream
opendevreviewdasm proposed openstack/openstack-virtual-baremetal master: Install updated CA certs for CentOS 7
opendevreviewdasm proposed openstack/openstack-virtual-baremetal master: Install updated CA certs for CentOS 7
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Decouple ssh for nova migration from the host sshd

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