Wednesday, 2022-09-14

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opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: WIP: Generate config file for Ephemeral heat
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: WIP: Generate config file for Ephemeral heat
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Use local socket to check mysql status
opendevreviewBrendan Shephard proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Add Neutron API standalone role
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Use local socket to check mysql status
opendevreviewHarald Jensås proposed openstack/openstack-virtual-baremetal master: dhcp-relay - CentOS Stream 9
opendevreviewHarald Jensås proposed openstack/openstack-virtual-baremetal master: ipv6-radvd - CentOS Stream 9
opendevreviewHarald Jensås proposed openstack/openstack-virtual-baremetal master: dhcpv6-relay - CentOS Stream 9
lecris[m]Why are RDO's CIs erroring out so often?
ramishralecris[m]: we face some mirror issues from time to time and this seems to be one of them04:10
lecris[m]Guess it's just my luck that 5/5 CIs there errored out on me04:11
lecris[m]ramishra: Oh that issue I understand, I had it happen to me 30% on actual deployments.04:14
lecris[m]But time-out issues like these are the ones that baffle me:04:14
ramishralecris[m]: Also, AFAIK ovb jobs are little unstable with few issues atm that we're looking into04:14
lecris[m]Well, anyway, going to try debug the last issue with my lab's deployment04:17
opendevreviewRabi Mishra proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Don't do setup for tripleo-admin overcloud-ssh-user
opendevreviewchandan kumar proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Initial playbook to compute node using standalone ansible playbook
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Generate config file for Ephemeral heat
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Generate config file for ephemeral heat
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Use local socket to check mysql status
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Replace hiera CLI by the generated config file
lecris[m]bshephar: is ironic + tls-e been tested recently? I have the following error in my deployment related to neutron-ovn communication. Any hints on how to debug that are appreciated.05:08
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Replace hiera CLI by the generated config file
opendevreviewLuca Miccini proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/wallaby: Remove argument to ssh-keygen for key size
opendevreviewYadnesh Kulkarni proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/wallaby: Correct label for /run/libvirt
bshepharlecris[m]: I doubt we would have enough hardware in the opendev pool to test Ironic on the overcloud in CI tbh.05:50
bshepharI don't think there are any scenarios for it in CI05:50
lecris[m]Understandable. But any hints on what can cause `Operation not permitted` on the `ovsdb`?05:51
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lecris[m]`Could not retrieve schema from ssl: Operation not permitted`05:53
lecris[m]Or how to manually perform a `get_schema` request via curl to the `ovsdb`?05:55
bshepharNot too sure. Possibly Neutron can't validate the TLS cert being used05:55
bshepharMaybe exec into the ovn-dbs container and run ovn-nbctl get-ssl05:57
lecris[m]That would be my guess because it only occurs on tls-e, and I did change the path to the `InternalTLSCAFile` from the `/etc/ipa/ca.crt`05:57
lecris[m]Ok, let me try that05:57
bshepharI wonder if the Neutron container is mounting that cert. Might be missing from the containers trusts or something05:58
lecris[m]Checked that, it did mount it05:58
opendevreviewYadnesh Kulkarni proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/wallaby: Correct label for /run/libvirt
bshepharOnly with tls-e + Overcloud Ironic? Or it happens with just tls-e05:58
lecris[m]Dunno if the correct CA was written to the config file though05:59
lecris[m]bshephar: I believe it is with ironic, but going to need to run it again without to confirm.05:59
lecris[m]The error is on ml2 plugin, so I think it is there06:00
bshepharhmm, be weird if it's because of Ironic. Seems like it would be an issue all the time with tls-e.06:00
lecris[m]bshephar: Is there supposed to be some output to stdout?06:01
lecris[m]`sudo podman exec -ti ovn_cluster_north_db_server /bin/bash` This how I'm getting a bash console in06:02
bshepharYeah, I guess you should get something like this:06:02
bshephar# ovn-nbctl get-ssl06:02
bshephar> > Private key: /etc/openvswitch/ovncert/ovnnb-privkey.pem06:02
bshephar> > Certificate: /etc/openvswitch/ovncert/ovnnb-cert.pem06:02
bshephar> > CA Certificate: /etc/openvswitch/cacert.pem06:02
bshephar> > Bootstrap: false06:02
bshepharBut I don't have a ssl env to verify that with atm06:02
lecris[m]It's empty for me ...06:02
bshepharHow about ovs-vsctl get open . external_ids   from the host itself06:03
bshepharDoes you ovn-remote have ssl or tcp like this: ovn-remote="tcp:"06:03
lecris[m]But also `openssl s_client` detects the certificates on that port06:05
bshepharAh ok cool. So it is configured to use TLS, that's good. Rules out misconfiguration of the endpoint at least. 06:07
bshepharWhat does the process look like in ps? podman exec -it ovn_cluster_north_db_server ps -auwwwx06:09
bshepharShould have all the certs there I think.06:09
lecris[m]One issue I see, it does not link to the new ca cert06:10
bshepharAnd does the ml2 config have the CA defined?
* lecris[m] sent a code block:
bshepharLooks like it's using the right CA there? --ca-cert=/etc/ipa/ca.crt06:11
lecris[m]I have copied to `.../ca2.crt` to fix another issue06:11
lecris[m]`/etc/ipa/ca.crt` is default, hopefully not hard-coded06:12
lecris[m]`ovn_nb_ca_cert=/etc/pki/CA/certs/ca2.crt` is the correct configuration on this one06:12
lecris[m]Mount looks normal ` --volume "/etc/pki/CA/certs/ca2.crt:/etc/pki/CA/certs/ca2.crt:ro",`06:13
lecris[m]( from `sudo podman inspect ovn_cluster_north_db_server | jq -C '.[0].Config.CreateCommand'`)06:13
lecris[m]So somewhere in the configuration it uses a wrong configuration06:14
bshepharOk, so just for my understanding. The /etc/ipa/ca.crt that has been mounted into the OVN containers is the wrong one, and it should instead be this ca2.crt one?06:15
bshepharAnd you defined ca2.crt as you InternalTLSCAFile in your templates06:15
lecris[m]Yes, but clarification the mounting part is not the problem because it mounts `ca2.crt`06:16
bshepharOk, so just whatever sets the startup command / ssl config for OVN is the problem then06:18
lecris[m]Indeed, where is the kolla/puppet command for that?06:18
bshepharSeems like it should be ok:
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bshepharDoes the command look right in your kolla_config file?
lecris[m]`"command": "bash -c $* -- eval source /etc/sysconfig/ovn_cluster; exec /usr/local/bin/start-nb-db-server ${OVN_NB_DB_OPTS}",06:21
lecris[m]Dunno it's in environment variables06:22
opendevreviewCedric Jeanneret proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: New roles for apache/httpd management
opendevreviewRabi Mishra proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Copy ssh_keys from mistral environment locally
lecris[m]`ovn_controller.json` yes06:23
lecris[m]Oh wait scratch that06:23
opendevreviewCedric Jeanneret proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: New tripleo_ironic role
lecris[m]It's the wrong value06:23
lecris[m]*Or it might be another deploy that is overriding it atm06:24
bshepharSo, in /var/lib/kolla/config_files/ovn_controller.json it has the wrong ca cert argument?06:24
lecris[m]I was having a re-deployment over it, so I can't tell right now06:25
bshepharOk no worries. Maybe double check after your deployment and if you can attach that to the Bug you raised?06:26
lecris[m]It did not restart the container so let me check the running one06:26
lecris[m]bshephar: Update, `ovn_controller.json` is correct06:28
lecris[m]My concern is with `ovn_cluster_north_db_server.json`06:29
lecris[m]It is using environment variables06:29
lecris[m]"command": "bash -c $* -- eval source /etc/sysconfig/ovn_cluster; exec /usr/bin/ovn-northd ${OVN_NORTHD_OPTS}"06:30
lecris[m]And north container has the wrong ca06:30
bshepharAhh of course. We're not looking at ovn_controller. My mistake06:32
opendevreviewRabi Mishra proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Look for keys in the new default work dir
opendevreviewchandan kumar proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Add an Ansible execution environment to our Build
bshepharThis is the one we should be looking at sorry:
bshepharOk, so whats in that /etc/sysconfig file then06:34
lecris[m]`ovn_cluster` has the wrong values06:35
bshepharOk, that narrows it down. So that happens here:
bshepharCan you share the contents of that ovn_cluster file?06:37
lecris[m]This is the same as what I had to do for
bshepharYeah, I think I see the problem06:39
bshepharI'll push a patchset in just a minute06:40
lecris[m]Thanks for the help on this one06:40
bshepharNo worries. Thanks for raising attention to the issue.06:43
opendevreviewJaganathan Palanisamy proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Derive parameters clean up
opendevreviewCedric Jeanneret proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Create a yaml with custom CI rules for Firewall
opendevreviewBrendan Shephard proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/train: Fix tls-e CA cert declaration for OVN
opendevreviewBrendan Shephard proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/train: Fix tls-e CA cert declaration for OVN
bshepharlecris[m]: Did you want to try with:
lecris[m] There are 2 more of them. how about defaulting to `{{ tripleo_internal_tls_ca_file|default('/etc/ipa/ca.crt') }}`06:49
lecris[m]Oh, you patched thos as well06:49
lecris[m]Ok, let me give it a spin06:49
bshepharYeah, I saved the file after I fixed the first one and typed the commit message. Then forgot to save again before reviewing. :p   But patchset 2 should cover it06:50
lecris[m]Get back to you in 30 min06:52
lecris[m]Unrelated, but would this issue be the cause of horizon giving 503 or there's another issue there?06:54
opendevreviewRabi Mishra proposed openstack/tripleo-ci master: Add script to irrelevant files
lecris[m]The only other similar part that could need this patch is `tripleo_frr` but I don't know what that is06:55
bshepharlecris[m]: I'll take a look at that one too. It could be causing 503 issues from some components of Horizon, but I would expect Horizon itself to still work06:59
bshepharI'll have to take a look later, need to help get a baby ready for dinner and start the night time routine. But I'll be back later this evening07:00
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Generate config file for Ephemeral heat
shyambWe would like to run a service on particular controller node. 07:02
shyambIs it possible?07:02
shyambIt's a heat service like any other openstack service.07:02
lecris[m]An additional service other than what's in Controller role?07:02
shyambit's a third party service 07:03
lecris[m]You could copy the Controller role and add it there07:03
shyambIf I add it in controller role, it will run on all controller nodes07:03
shyambI would like to run it on a specific controller node only. I an take it's hostname as input from user07:04
lecris[m]Copy and rename the role of course07:04
shyambSo two roles will be assigned to that controller node. Controller and Our role07:04
shyambDoes it work?07:05
shyambTwo roles to single node07:05
lecris[m]I don't think so. I am deploying on baremetal so in my case I edit it in `baremetal_deployment.yaml`07:05
lecris[m]I don't know the equivalent for quickstart and already deployed07:06
tkajinamshyamb, in case you run that service only in one of the controller nodes then use pacemaker07:07
tkajinamas is done for some services like c-vol07:07
bshepharshyamb: Na, can't do two roles on a node. If you just wanted a single node to run a service, you would need to create a composable role and just assign a single node to it.07:07
opendevreviewRabi Mishra proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Copy ssh_keys from mistral environment locally
bshepharlecris[m]: Yeah, I think that one probably needs the CA variable defined too. I'll do that tonight as well07:08
lecris[m]tkajinam: It's a heat role already so might be difficult to add it in pacemaker?07:09
lecris[m]But shyamb you can have different flavours of Controller like 1 Controller and 1 ControllerAllNovaStandalone for example07:10
tkajinamlecris[m], we can add a new service which deploys that service as a pacemaker-managed service and add that to the controller node or any other customized role which replaces the controller role07:10
lecris[m]This would be after `overcloud deploy` is susscessful?07:11
tkajinamyou might be able to mix up the normal controller node and your own controller node in a single cluster but in that case if the node with customized role goes down then you lose that service07:11
tkajinamin case you already have it deployed then use the controller role07:11
tkajinamit should add the additional service as long as you implement it correctly07:12
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lecris[m]There's no `openstack xxx` command to manipulate pacemaker like you suggest right?07:12
opendevreviewmbu proposed openstack/validations-libs master: Test ansible-runner containerized AEE
tkajinammodify your roles_data.yaml and adds the resource template and the environment file to enable the service. then run overcloud deploy with modified template07:13
tkajinam* templates07:13
opendevreviewyatin proposed openstack/tripleo-upgrade master: Honor undercloud_custom_env_files for oooq deployments
shyambI am going through your replies.07:13
shyamblecris: tkajinam: bshephar: Thank you for these ideas.07:15
shyambPacemaker approach of active-passive mode looks difficult to implement. I saw cinder-volume implementation.07:16
lecris[m]What service you are working on if I may ask?07:16
shyambI am working on TrilioVault by Triliodata07:17
shyambWe have integration with RHOSP and TripleO07:17
shyamblecris[m]: ^^07:18
lecris[m]Sounds neat07:18
shyambPacemaker is the correct approach, but looks complicated to implement07:18
tkajinamif you are fine with keeping your service down in case that specific node is broken then you can add your customized controller role just for one controller.07:19
shyambWe are fine with it07:20
tkajinamand use that role for one node and the existing controller role for the others. this is likely to require scale-down of existing controllers and add add back the node with the new role when you add the service07:20
lecris[m]Speaking of HA. Is `ControllerStorageNfs` required to be HA?07:21
shyambThat is too much to ask for a production cloud. Using two roles, same falvor for a single node, is it possible?07:22
shyambany hack to use two roles for single node?07:22
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Generate config file for ephemeral heat
opendevreviewmbu proposed openstack/validations-libs master: Add CI job for podified VF
tkajinamshyamb, no. we don't support such composition now07:22
lecris[m]Fraid not. Tripleo would have difficulty knowing which node has the role or not07:23
tkajinamthere is a patch to allow reassigning roles during upgrade to master(and later we'd backport that to wallaby) but the approach can't be backported to stable/train07:23
shyambIn resource heat template, can we add a condition like when host_name=xz, start this container07:24
lecris[m]But why do you say it would be difficult for production to manage 2 roles?07:24
tkajinamshyamb, the current way to launch container does not allow you to run a container in a specific node07:25
lecris[m]You could do that in a simple ansible script07:25
shyamblecris[m]: Not managing two roles, but asking them to scale down the cloud is difficult07:25
tkajinamwell, we have a way to run some containers on one of the controller nodes but that does not work with daemonized containers07:25
lecris[m]Yeah, the reassingment that tkajinam would be helpful it seems07:26
shyamblecris[m]: Okay. 07:27
shyambI can add ansible code07:27
lecris[m]But regardless, at least one node has to be scaled down and up again to change its role07:27
opendevreviewmbu proposed openstack/validations-libs master: Add CI job for podified VF
shyambbut how can we run containerized service with ansible? Do we support it in RHOSP?07:28
tkajinamadding ansible code which runs task only in the boostrap node sounds like an easier option07:28
tkajinamshyamb, you might be able to create your own step/tag and run paunch/tripleo-container-manage. Regarding your 2nd question, Red Hat do not support 3rd party integration07:29
shyambtkajinam: We run our service at step5 like this
shyambas docker container07:30
shyambIs it possible to add ansible code in the same block?07:31
tkajinamin case you want to run that service in a single controller then you need to stop using that docker_config interface and launch that container by ansible07:31
shyambAny openstack service we started with ansible code?07:31
tkajinamby deployment_steps_task maybe07:32
shyambAny example07:32
tkajinamlecris[m], I'm afraid that does not launch containerized services ?07:33
lecris[m]tkajinam: Is there documentationof the different external_deploy_task, deployment_steps_task, etc.?07:33
tkajinamwe manage all containerized services by docker_config interface now and I'm not aware of any example to launch one by ansible in current tripleo code, as far as I know07:34
lecris[m]Yeah no containerized, that one was just my introduction to heat-template that I was able to read :D07:34
tkajinamlecris[m], hmm I don't know that is documented somewhere. these are quite internal interface so we usually do not document it in detail07:34
lecris[m]They are not available outside tripleo?07:35
shyambAny container ansible module we by default provide on overcloud hosts?07:35
shyambOverall I got idea about this one07:36
opendevreviewKhomesh Thakre proposed openstack/tripleo-upgrade stable/train: [Train-only] Added 'Modify Realm Domains' privilege to nova hosts
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shyambAnsible podman module should be available on hosts07:37
tkajinamshyamb, we have the tripleo-container-manage role in tripleo-ansible. in case of stable/train we also provide the option to use the paunch plugin and that is the default07:38
opendevreviewchandan kumar proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Initial playbook to compute node using standalone ansible playbook
shyambtkajinam: Okay thank you. I will check these details.07:39
opendevreviewCedric Jeanneret proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Create a yaml with custom CI rules for Firewall
lecris[m]tkajinam: the tripleo heat templates with `outputs.role_data` etc. are appropriate ways to write a heat template to be used on `openstack stack`?07:41
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-docs master: Removed Derived Paramters Documentation
tkajinamlecris[m], sorry I didn't get what you are asking but all of our templates are heat templates and used to create/update heat stacks, which is quite equivalent to 'openstack stack' commands07:42
lecris[m]Like after deploying overcloud, I want to deploy another heat stack that is managed by overcloud, not undercloud07:43
lecris[m]I tried to go through the heat documentation but couldn't make head or tails to do something practical like install a software or do an ansible task07:44
tkajinamlecris[m], the current way to run ansible tasks is not implemented within heat07:45
tkajinamwe generate stack data and extract configurations/tasks from stack to generate ansible playbooks and variables07:45
lecris[m]That's only a tripleo thing?07:45
bshepharThe Heat service is deployed on the overcloud by default. So just export OS_CLOUD=overcloud and then you can create Heat stacks on the overcloud rather than the undercloud07:46
lecris[m]bshephar: using `openstack stack` or `openstack overcloud`?07:47
tkajinamlecris[m], heat is capabable to run some tasks. See SoftwareConfig/SoftwareDeployment but this requires a few agent processes running inside instances07:47
tkajinamlecris[m], use 'openstack overcloud' is for undercloud only. In case you create a heat stack ON overcloud then use 'openstack stack create'07:47
bshepharlecris[m]: openstack stack07:48
bshepharopenstack overcloud is a tripleo thing. But openstack stack is just a generic Heat thing07:48
lecris[m]Hmm, so there's a missing step to just writing a heat template with stuff like `external_deployment_tasks`07:49
tkajinamlecris[m], external deployment tasks is just a kind of metadata from Heat's perspective07:49
bshepharIf you want to configure software in a VM, then yeah you need a Heat template defining a SoftwareConfig and SoftwareDeployment.07:49
tkajinamlecris[m], we extract that resource metadata to generate ansible playbooks07:50
tkajinamin tripleo07:50
tkajinam(actually it's part of OS::Heat::Value resource so it's "data" rather than "metadata")07:50
bshepharI made a video demonstrating how to create some VM's in ResourceGroups, etc. Basic Heat stuff:   That's just a normal deployment of tripleo, then I used Heat to create VMs for my k8s cluster. But I didn't do any software config within the VMs there07:51
lecris[m]Hmm, I think I get it. The actual running of the tripleo playbook is not part of heat but of the cli command?07:51
bshepharYeah, that's correct lecris[m]. We execute ansible-playbook seperately to Heat.07:51
lecris[m]Yeah one issue was that all guides showed how to create VMs, but not how to deploy the necessary software.07:53
bshepharIn Queens, we used Heat to do everything. But you need to run an agent on the VM's, in our case we used os-collect-config07:54
lecris[m]But then I guess a proper way to do all of this is to have heat manage the VMs, but everything else have a separate playbook to configure the rest?07:54
lecris[m]Ok, I'll try to play around the software-config once I have the setup deployed07:55
opendevreviewCedric Jeanneret proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Create a yaml with custom CI rules for Firewall
bshepharlecris[m]: That's how I do it yeah. But you can use os-collect-config:  It's a bit more complicated than just using Heat to create the VM's and then Ansible to configure them though07:55
tkajinamlecris[m], using ansible playbook might be an easier approach tbh07:55
bshepharI have a older video also covering how we used os-collect-config in Queens:  But I would just stick with Ansible if I were you07:56
lecris[m]bshephar: Coming back to the neutron-ovn issue08:00
lecris[m]I have restarted the containers after a re-deployment (did not do a clean one) and `ps -auwwwx` now shows the correct CA08:01
opendevreviewmbu proposed openstack/validations-libs master: Add CI job for podified VF
lecris[m]but `ovn-nbctl get-ssl` is still empty08:01
lecris[m]Should I try a clean re-deployment or hunt down the issue in the current one08:02
lecris[m]Oh, but neutron_api is healthy08:03
bshepharlecris[m]: Na, I'm not sure about the get-ssl thing. Let's ignore that one for now. Glad to hear that patch works then.08:04
lecris[m]Yep, `openstack network list` passes, so now just `horizon` failing on me08:05
lecris[m]Maybe it's the frr related issue?08:05
bshepharNot sure. What errors are in the Horizon logs?08:08
opendevreviewBrendan Shephard proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Move host_prep_tasks to standalone tripleo_neutron
opendevreviewBrendan Shephard proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Fix tls-e CA cert declaration for OVN
lecris[m]I've just set it to clean and re-deploy so I'll see about that in 1.5 hour08:09
lecris[m]Btw yesterday someone asked if there is external ACME integration possible (e.g. public endpoints managed by let's encrypt)08:12
opendevreviewBrendan Shephard proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Fix tls-e CA cert declaration for OVN
opendevreviewBrendan Shephard proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Fix tls-e CA cert declaration for FRR
bshepharNa, no letsencrypt integration08:14
lecris[m]Heard there are third party plugins for certmonger08:15
opendevreviewchandan kumar proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: [DNM] Build tripleo-ansible-ee container
bshepharlecris[m]: I think my favorite implementation would be to send CertificateSigningRequests to cert-manager and let cert-manager deal with it. :)08:23
lecris[m]Hmm, wouldn't it require some apis to upload the new certificate?08:24
lecris[m]Would be overkill to `overcloud deploy` just for that08:25
bshepharCould just use the k8s api to download the certs. Store them in the config-download directory and deploy them during the deployment08:25
lecris[m]The issue that the person had was that the overcloud was already deployed and wanted easy way to update soon-to-expire certificate08:26
opendevreviewmbu proposed openstack/validations-libs master: Add CI job for podified VF
opendevreviewmbu proposed openstack/validations-libs master: Add CI job for podified VF
opendevreviewDaniel Bengtsson proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Remove the python3-openclient and add a new task.
bshepharlecris[m]: Yeah, that's one of the things we have spoken about. Making deployments more modular, so that updating TLS certs would be a 5 minutes job rather than a potentially multi-hour job depending on the size of the env08:39
bshepharShould be easy to achieve with the work we're doing for standalone-roles though. Which does exactly that, makes everything more modular and easy to execute specific things with ansible directly08:39
lecris[m]Looking forward to that08:40
lecris[m]Is the plan to also export host/group vars so that the user can edit/run other ansible commands from that?08:41
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Use context manager to open/close file
opendevreviewRabi Mishra proposed openstack/tripleo-ci master: Add script to irrelevant files
opendevreviewyatin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: [DNM] Test c8s wallaby with rdo-openvswitch-2.17
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: WIP: Add limit capability
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: WIP: Add limit capability
bshepharWe already export all of that in the config-download directory. Just removing the dependencies between each of the jobs really. Allowing them to operate on their own08:53
bshepharIt's all exported in /home/stack/overcloud-deploy/overcloud/config-download/overcloud/08:53
bshepharlecris[m]: I have a video for that too ;)   08:54
opendevreviewSofer Athlan-Guyot proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Ensure container's image get updated if their name stay the same.
lecris[m]Was thinking of a short cli to just copy from the working `config-download`. It's just one of those QOL for newcomers 08:56
lecris[m]I know it tooke me 10+ deployments until I figured out, oh wait this is just ansible08:57
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/wallaby: Wallaby-only: Fix role specific FrrOvnBgpAgentDriver
bshepharYeah, we have it symlinked to ~/config-download to make it a little easier to find. That's the outcome of what we do with Heat. So start it up, parse the template files and spit out all of the playbooks in that directory. Along with group_vars, the inventory, etc08:59
bshepharAfter the deployment has been executed, there is a bash script there so that you can re-run just the ansible part without doing the Heat stack update again.09:00
bshepharThat whole video explains the process. I just linked specifically to the ansible / config-download part09:01
lecris[m]Oh found something that triggers my ocd:09:02
lecris[m]The name looks similar but it's not the same, so `tripleo_metrics_qdr` also needs to be upfated09:03
lecris[m]bshephar: Care to patch this one as well?09:04
lecris[m]Oh nvm09:05
lecris[m]It's already proper09:05
bshepharI should probably go through and check all of them. I'll add that to my todo list and make sure they're all ok09:05
opendevreviewGregory Thiemonge proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: [Octavia] Pass Octavia*LogTargets params to the ansible playbook
opendevreviewGregory Thiemonge proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: [Octavia] Don't override *_log_targets params when managed by puppet
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: WIP: Add limit capability
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Add limit to container_config data
opendevreviewyatin proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: [DNM] Test custom env with undercloud upgrade
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Use context manager to open/close file
opendevreviewDaniel Bengtsson proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Remove the python3-openclient and add a new task.
opendevreviewPooja Jadhav proposed openstack/tripleo-ci master: Victoria tear down : periodic jobs and other occurances
opendevreviewchandan kumar proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Add an Ansible execution environment to our Build
opendevreviewPooja Jadhav proposed openstack/tripleo-ci master: Victoria tear down : build image/container jobs
opendevreviewManojkatari proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: new tht for Cinder NFS backend
opendevreviewBrendan Shephard proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Fix tls-e CA cert declaration for OVN
opendevreviewBrendan Shephard proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Fix tls-e CA cert declaration for FRR
opendevreviewRabi Mishra proposed openstack/paunch stable/train: Ensure the dependent service is started in advance
opendevreviewCedric Jeanneret proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Create a yaml with custom CI rules for Firewall
opendevreviewManojkatari proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: new tht for Cinder RBD backend
opendevreviewchandan kumar proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Initial playbook to compute node using standalone ansible playbook
chandankumarbogdando: is good to go, 11:18
chandankumarthanks !11:18
opendevreviewchandan kumar proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: [DNM] Build tripleo-ansible-ee container
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opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Generate config file for Ephemeral heat
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opendevreviewyatin proposed openstack/tripleo-upgrade master: Honor undercloud_custom_env_files for oooq deployments
opendevreviewmbu proposed openstack/validations-libs master: Add CI job for podified VF
opendevreviewSoniya Murlidhar Vyas proposed openstack/openstack-tempest-skiplist master: [WIP] Add fs03/fs20 to tempest allow list
opendevreviewSoniya Murlidhar Vyas proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: [WIP] Run fs20/fs03 job with tempest-allow
opendevreviewSoniya Murlidhar Vyas proposed openstack/openstack-tempest-skiplist master: [WIP] Add fs03/fs20/fs63 to tempest allow list
opendevreviewHarald Jensås proposed openstack/openstack-virtual-baremetal master: dhcp-relay - CentOS Stream 9
opendevreviewHarald Jensås proposed openstack/openstack-virtual-baremetal master: ipv6-radvd - CentOS Stream 9
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opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Add limit to container_config data
mciecierskihi folks, I was deploying wallaby on centos9. I faced an problem with deployment and noticed that all containers were using ubi 8. Shouldn't this be tripleowallabycentos9 ? 13:13
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bshepharmciecierski: Wallaby was a CentOS8 release13:16
bshepharSo they all use ubi813:17
bshepharBut you can use the tripleowallabycentos9 namespace for your usecase.13:18
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Use context manager to open/close file
mciecierskibshephar, I thought that there was switch of the default release to centos9 in wallaby13:21
bshepharI don't think so. I think it was just a Red Hat thing for RHOSP17 to use RHEL9. But upstream we released on CentOS8 and afaik it was default for that cycle.13:22
bshepharI could be wrong though. 13:22
Tenguwallaby started with cs8 because cs9 wasn't out back then.13:23
Tenguthen switched to cs9. iirc we still have cs8 jobs though - but that's to be confirmed with marios and the CI folks13:24
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opendevreviewHarald Jensås proposed openstack/openstack-virtual-baremetal master: dhcpv6-relay - CentOS Stream 9
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mariosTengu: if the question is do we have c8 jobs answer is yes13:29
mariosTengu: for wallaby and train 13:29
mariosTengu: so wallaby has both 8 and 9 jobs13:29
Tengumarios: 'k - so my memory wasn't corrupted. thanks for the confirmation :)13:29
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-ansible master: New roles for apache/httpd management
Tenguit's merged! goood-bye puppetlabs-apache!13:31
Tengu(or... well. ok. not really NOW. but... ya know... :) )13:31
opendevreviewmbu proposed openstack/validations-libs master: Add CI job for podified VF
Tengutkajinam: heya! do you want me to address your comments, or are good like that?
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Tenguhjensas: heya! I don't think you've seen (and its subsequent usage here: - care to have a look?13:45
Tenguhjensas: goal here is to configure the ironic httpd vhosts (api, pxe) via ansible instead of puppet.13:45
mciecierskibshephar, Tengu thank you for answer13:45
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-ci master: Add support for tcib_extra_config
opendevreviewSoniya Murlidhar Vyas proposed openstack/openstack-tempest-skiplist master: [WIP] Add fs03/fs20/fs63 to tempest allow list
opendevreviewSoniya Murlidhar Vyas proposed openstack/openstack-tempest-skiplist master: [WIP] Add fs03/fs20/fs63/fs54 to tempest allow list
opendevreviewSoniya Murlidhar Vyas proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: [WIP] Run fs20/fs03 job with tempest-allow
opendevreviewSoniya Murlidhar Vyas proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: [WIP] Run fs20/fs03/fs54 job with tempest-allow
opendevreviewYadnesh Kulkarni proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/wallaby: Correct label for /run/libvirt
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opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: wip: Get rid of boostrap_host_exec
opendevreviewManojkatari proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Switch c-bak default to A/A
tkajinamTengu, was waiting for the parent patch to avid multiple recheck. +2ed. some of these can be covered by a follow-up14:01
Tengutkajinam: thanks!14:03
Tenguit's getting to places :)14:03
opendevreviewJiri Podivin proposed openstack/validations-libs master: Restoring logging facility and implementing default logger
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rlandyramishra: hello - can you join #rdo14:16
owalshtkajinam: WDYT?
opendevreviewmbu proposed openstack/validations-libs master: Add CI job for podified VF
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-tempest-skiplist master: Revert "Update "hard_reboot_after_vol_snap_deletion" entry"
ramishrarlandy: joined:) I probably missed most of the meeting today14:40
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-ansible master: tripleo_nova_libvirt: add for standalone roles
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Run featureset002 job with tempest-allow
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opendevreviewDaniel Bengtsson proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Remove the python3-openclient and add a new task.
opendevreviewLukas Bezdicka proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/wallaby: Remove the python3-openclient and add a new task.
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chandankumarslagle: hello15:36
chandankumarslagle: here is the logs from current testing
chandankumarit deploys standalone first, then generate the tripleo_standalone_vars from here
opendevreviewHarald Jensås proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: num_dpdk_interface_rx_queues support net conf schema
chandankumarand then run the additional compute deployment on standalone host15:37
chandankumarslagle: currently I am facing this issue
chandankumarTASK [tripleo_logrotate_crond : allow logrotate to read inside containers] *****15:38
chandankumarfatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Cannot set persistent booleans; please try as root"}15:38
chandankumarplease have a look, when around :-)15:38
chandankumarHere is the testing patch 15:38
slaglechandankumar: is it running with sudo, or --become? b/c we don't set become:true on the tasks that need it. instead we just assume we're root or sudo15:39
chandankumarneither sudo nor become:true15:40
chandankumarlet me update the patch15:41
chandankumarslagle: thank you :-)15:41
opendevreviewchandan kumar proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Initial playbook to compute node using standalone ansible playbook
opendevreviewchandan kumar proposed openstack/tripleo-ci master: Add tripleo-external-compute-deployment-pipeline job template
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opendevreviewRabi Mishra proposed openstack/paunch stable/train: Ensure the dependent service is started in advance
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: wip: Get rid of boostrap_host_exec
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: wip: Remove unused bootstrap_host_* scripts
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Run featureset039 job with tempest-allow
opendevreviewBrent Eagles proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Designate: format listen addr properly when ipv6
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opendevreviewBrent Eagles proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Designate: disable listening on IP version not in use
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-common master: Populate /var/www/cgi-bin/ironic/ with wsgi app
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-ansible master: New tripleo_ironic role
opendevreviewHarald Jensås proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: num_dpdk_interface_rx_queues support net conf schema
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Unbound: remove incorrect config of forwarding
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opendevreviewJames Slagle proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Default molecule verifier to ansible for podman driver
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opendevreviewOliver Walsh proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Ensure the openvswitch service is enabled and deps are installed

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