Wednesday, 2016-11-02

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auggylooks like jeblair 's talk from summit is uploaded!
cineramaoh great20:08
pabelangerremote: Re-enable test_can_merge unit test20:10
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pabelangerjeblair: I think ^ is the less painful way to enable test_can_merge.20:11
pabelangerjeblair: I suspect there is some issues with my TriggerEvent I created, maybe I should mock it out better20:12
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jeblairpabelanger: as long as it works, it should be good enough for now, and we can think about better testing of that later as we develop the source/trigger API more20:14
pabelangerjeblair: okay, that works for me20:15
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adam_go/ jeblair and everyone. i was poking at enabling test_new_patchset_dequeues_old_without_dependents as it seems like a pretty straight forward test to start with21:41
adam_give found the IndependentPipelineManager calling a non-existent method @
adam_g... which was removed at
adam_gshould the test be using a new config fixture to declare the projects explictly, and the stale code cleaned out?21:43
adam_gor should the IPM be configuring projects dynamically using some new things?21:43
jeblairadam_g: ah, i think pabelanger and i may have worked through this with in
adam_goh, cool. /me looks21:46
auggyjeblair: do you know if there is currently an item in storyboard for fixing the zuul v3 tests?21:58
auggyi wanted to add something about grouping them by logical path/feature21:59
auggyi can only find 2 zuulv3 things in storyboard, so that doesn't seem right to me21:59
auggyalso how are we currently tracking who is working on what tests?22:00
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jeblairauggy: nope not yet -- SpamapS is starting work on storyboarding that RSN.  current anti-collision mechanism for fixing tests is
jeblairadam_g, pabelanger: you might want to add some entries to that etherpad ^22:07
auggyjeblair: maybe for now, if it's something people check, i could create an interim storyboard ticket with that link? or is there somewhere else you think we should put it that people are more likely to see it?22:08
jeblaircinerama: ^ see note about etherpad22:09
adam_gjeblair: sure22:09
jeblairauggy: we're not really using storyboard properly yet, so i'd prefer to just keep using the etherpad for now, then make a clean break once we start using it for real22:10
cineramaauggy: that's kind of a good question. when i looked at tests last it seems like a lot of the tests that want to be reenabled depend on having the new layout stuff in place22:10
cinerama(please correct me if i'm wrong here)22:10
auggyah yeah that's probably good stuff to know, what tests have other dependencies22:12
jeblaircinerama: yeah, i think your change (388266) is one of those things that opened up a potential new series of tasks.  there's a bunch of configuration file stuff that has changed and not a clear path for what the layoutvalidator (or it's successor in interest) should actually do.  i've put it on my list of things that we should make a story about.22:13
cineramajeblair: yup that was my next question - "so layouts are different, validation is different - what now?"22:14
cineramaand updateConfigLayout has to be different too22:15
auggyjeblair: sounds like we might need a story-a-thon hehe22:16
jeblaircinerama: exactly.  and i don't have the answer right now, but i'm excited about discovering the question.  :)22:16
jeblairauggy: yes, i think next week may be beginning to look like that :)22:17
auggyjeblair: well if there's anything you'd like folks to help with, at a minimum we could just create stub tickets with a link to the gerrit reviews in question or something22:19
auggyand also update the gerrit reviews with a comment linking to the storyboard ticket if that's a thing that might be necessary22:19
auggybut sounds like something that given an etherpad a few hands could at least start and then some clean up could happen later or some such22:20
cineramado we have any other etherpads we should link up to that one?22:21
jeblairauggy: i don't want to step on SpamapS's toes, so let's see how he wants to coordinate the storyboardification22:22
jeblaircinerama: that's it22:22
jeblairyeah, i mean, one etherpad is probably already too many.  :)22:25
pabelangerjeblair: adam_g: sure, I'll add my reviews22:34
SpamapSI plan to start boarding tomorrow morning22:41
SpamapSHopefully will get them all in one shot22:41
pabelangerokay, etherpad updated with current patchsets22:42
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Re-enable test_needed_changes_enqueue testing
pabelangeropenstackgerrit: o/23:07
pabelangerand now, I rest for the night23:07
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