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openstackgerrit | Tristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: launcher: add results_dir option https://review.openstack.org/464524 | 10:56 |
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mordred | pabelanger: shade's boot-from-volume functional tests are the flakiest tests we have - I don't recommend adding a dsvm test to nodepool for it | 13:53 |
mordred | pabelanger_: (it's prone to timeout errors - I think because it involves so many moving parts and devstack on a vm can be slower) | 13:54 |
pabelanger_ | mordred: okay, good to know. | 14:23 |
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openstackgerrit | David Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Add check for ZK node empty data https://review.openstack.org/464665 | 15:21 |
Shrews | pabelanger_: that ^^^ should help with *some* of the test_delete_now errors that we occasionally see | 15:22 |
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pabelanger_ | Shrews: cool, I was considering doing the same thing | 15:44 |
Shrews | i think there is also something else really wrong with that test, having to do with providermanagers. still looking at it | 15:45 |
Shrews | pabelanger_: ugh, has the security group commands been removed from nova? | 16:08 |
Shrews | we need to fix our devstack plugin.sh script now: http://logs.openstack.org/65/464665/1/check/gate-dsvm-nodepool/bb4ce00/logs/devstacklog.txt.gz#_2017-05-15_15_51_41_206 | 16:08 |
Shrews | ugh, yep. removed | 16:10 |
Shrews | will code up a fix after lunch | 16:12 |
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SpamapS | rbergeron: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/not-hotdog <-- zomg, they made an app just for you! | 16:23 |
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rbergeron | spamaps: THANK GOODNESS | 16:44 |
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jlk | o/ | 16:53 |
mordred | Shrews: yah - it's all neutron now - using python-openstackclient should work properly | 16:54 |
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openstackgerrit | David Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Update devstack plugin for security groups https://review.openstack.org/464709 | 17:36 |
SpamapS | mordred: btw, dunno if you're comfortable reviewing gear patches.. but https://review.openstack.org/398560 and its child https://review.openstack.org/461172 are needed in a release for py3k to work smoothly. | 18:19 |
SpamapS | clarkb: ^ or maybe you do gear patches? I dunno | 18:19 |
openstackgerrit | David Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Update devstack plugin for security groups https://review.openstack.org/464718 | 18:22 |
openstackgerrit | David Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Add check for ZK node empty data https://review.openstack.org/464665 | 18:25 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/nodepool master: Update devstack plugin for security groups https://review.openstack.org/464718 | 22:48 |
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