Saturday, 2017-08-26

openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Write a logging config file and pass to callbacks
mordreddmsimard, jeblair: ^^ that change consumes the ara change and in local testing I get output in my log file again00:16
mordreddmsimard: so if I could bribe you to land that change and cut a point release, that would be stellar00:17
mordredthe main issue is that fileConfig completely resets the entire config, so when the sqlalchemy alembic migrations get loaded after zuul_stream for the first playbook, its call to fileConfig steps on the logging config in zuul_stream00:19
mordredsubsequent calls to ansible-playbook do not have the problem because ara only runs the migrations once00:19
mordredwe could alternately run the alembic migrations when we do the zuul python library copy and copy a pre-built base sqlite db in to ~/.ara when we make the work dir00:20
mordredI like the logging config file though because it gives us a more general mechanism to do stuff should we need it00:21
dmsimardmordred: looking00:33
dmsimardmordred: added a comment, would rather we add the config option in instead (and then bring it back inside with current_app.config)00:49
dmsimardand yes, cutting a dot release is fine00:49
dmsimardthere was some stuff I potentially needed to backport from the 1.0 branch /me looks00:49
mordreddmsimard: cool - and yah, makes sense00:55
mordreddmsimard: I'll get a follow up pushed up00:55
dmsimardsure, I cherry-picked a patch from 1.0 but otherwise that's all I need to land. I can cut a release ... monday? :)00:56
rcarrillocruzdmsimard: neat, thanks for picking up06:47
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dmsimardI was thinking... feels pretty minimal14:32
dmsimardI would improve that to include not only the ansible_hostname fact but also the inventory_hostname (i.e, "controller") and then move that off to the v3 base job14:32
dmsimardThoughts ?14:32
jeblairdmsimard: seems reasonable14:47
dmsimardok !14:47
dmsimardjeblair: found what is probably the last issue for the network overlay patch... which is related to my question about etc hosts14:49
dmsimardWe are using inventory hostnames when setting up the bridge:
dmsimardWhich was probably not a bad idea but ovs doesn't like that: 2017-08-26T04:20:59.630Z|00198|socket_util|ERR|"localhost" is not a valid IP address14:51
dmsimardThe peer inventory hostnames are their IP addresses but the primary is 'localhost'14:51
dmsimardI think I have a fix..14:54
jeblairdmsimard: it looks like the ip was what was used before; and the last option needs the local ip regardless.  is there a way to get the ip for every host, including primary?14:54
jeblairi've held a node to perform devstack testing14:55
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dmsimardYeah, but that information only lives in the nodepool subnodes file, it's hard to otherwise reliably retrieve the right IP (ex: v4 vs v6)14:56
dmsimardSo I'm considering setting a hostvar when vm-gate-wrap creates the inventory from the subnodes file14:56
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dmsimarder, subnodes are already fine -- I meant /etc/nodepool/node_private14:59
jeblairdmsimard: maybe make it comptabile with the v3 'nodepool' hostvars?
dmsimardGood idea15:00
jeblairalso, hrm, that private_ipv4 should not be null i don't think...15:01
jeblairit's set correctly in zk15:04
dmsimardis the role of subnodes in v3 (/etc/nodepool/role) "sub" ? (getting that in v2)15:06
dmsimardhm, I guess it doesn't matter.15:06
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dmsimardeh, sort of? there's no role hostvar right now, maybe there should be15:09
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Send all node information to executor
jeblairdmsimard: there's no "role" in v315:10
jeblairdmsimard: and there are no subnodes15:10
dmsimardah I guess you're right15:11
jeblairdmsimard: they are all peers.  any function that distinction serves should be handled by groups.15:11
jeblairdmsimard: so for the devstack-legacy job, we'll have a 'primary' node and a 'subnodes' group.15:11
jeblairdmsimard: but when we build the new devstack job, we'll probably start with a 'controller' node and a 'compute' group (which may include the controller node -- that's different from the current devstack-gate)15:13
jeblairdmsimard: so this is another instance where we may end up with a slightly different network overlay role that we use for devstack-legacy from the one that we put in the v3 multinode base job.15:13
dmsimardjeblair: right15:18
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Send all node information to executor
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jeblairmordred: is a blocker16:15
mordredjeblair: looking16:44
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Write a logging config file and pass it to callbacks
mordreddmsimard: ^^ remote: Allow configuring logging via config file16:44
mordreddmsimard: I updated the ara patch and the zuul patch - it's now plumbed through ara's config - and is a bit nicer too16:45
dmsimardmordred: cool, I'll have a look after submitting my wip about inventory rework16:45
mordredjeblair: +A16:45
mordreddmsimard: cool - I'm actually pretty pleased with the new patch and think you will be too - it allows for a pretty flexible config for users without requiring it or making things more complicated16:46
mordreddmsimard: oh - one more thing I can do ... (did in zuul but didn't update the ara patch - it's just cosmetic, but patch coming)16:48
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Send all node information to executor
dmsimardjeblair: re-write of inventory with nodepool v3 hostvars: and leveraging it in network overlay patch:
dmsimardit yields an inventory that looks like this (don't mind the sort-of dummy data)
mordreddmsimard: so - unfortunately you do not have an inventory in place to run that create inventory playbook17:34
dmsimardmordred: doesn't matter, localhost is always implicitely available17:34
dmsimardmordred: it'll just print a warning that only localhost is available because the inventory file couldn't be found17:34
mordreddmsimard: ya - but you pass -i WORKSPACE/inventory to ansible-playbook17:34
dmsimardyou need to pass an inventory file or the command doesn't run :)17:35
dmsimardI could pass -i foo17:35
mordredoh - it might be
mordredthat's the issue17:35
mordredyah- log directory creation doesn't happen until 17 lines later17:37
mordreddmsimard: I think you can just let that one spit to stdout17:37
dmsimardah, sure17:37
dmsimardmordred: reviewing your patch, will have a small comment otherwise lgtm17:38
dmsimardmordred: added a comment on your ara patch17:40
dmsimardI'm off for now, ttyl17:44
mordreddmsimard: oh great - those make me happy - fixed17:44
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add integration test for zuul_stream
mordreddmsimard, pabelanger: ^^ this is what I was thinking in terms of a simple functional test that runs ansible from one test node to a second test node with our various ansible libs installed18:36
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add integration test for zuul_stream
dmsimardmordred: makes sense, left a few comments19:47
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add integration test for zuul_stream
mordreddmsimard: thanks! fixed19:53
dmsimardmordred: zuul's complaining that ara is not a valid project, I guess that's because ara is not in v3 yet ?19:55
mordredyah - I added it to the list of things that zuulv3 knows about just a little bit ago - just need the file to get updated and zuul to notice it now19:56
mordreddmsimard: so i'll recheck in a little while and see how it does19:56
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Write a logging config file and pass it to callbacks
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Write a logging config file and pass it to callbacks
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Write a logging config file and pass it to callbacks
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Write a logging config file and pass it to callbacks
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add unittest for secrets data
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Fail early if people attempt to add zuul vars or secrets
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add unittest for secrets data
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Fail early if people attempt to add zuul vars or secrets

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