Thursday, 2018-02-15

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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Invert executor ram statsd metric
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openstackgerritSimon Westphahl proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Allow using remote refs to find commits for change
swesttobiash: corvus: ^ proposal base on
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SpamapSheh, running into an interesting problem right now14:52
SpamapSI want to move a job from an untrusted repo, to a trusted repo, so I can add upload creds to it14:53
SpamapS(so I can have many other repos upload built rpms)14:53
SpamapSbut the only way I can do that is to remove the job from all the other repos first14:53
SpamapSbecause otherwise I'd need a cycle of Depends-On's to get zuul to parse the configs that both remove, and add it.14:54
SpamapShopefully I'm wrong14:58
SpamapSand somebody can just write how to do it in there, and we can turn it into a doc thing14:58
dmsimardSpamapS: sounds like a similar process to rename jobs15:23
dmsimardwhich requires ~3 patches15:23
dmsimardSpamapS: for example
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mordredSpamapS: also, you can add upload creds to the job without moving it to a trusted repo16:36
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Add zuul from scratch doc
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Reclassify some debug log lines as info
corvusin exceptional situtations, you might be able to abuse the shadow feature to perform a move with fewer changes16:40
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add host/group vars
SpamapSmordred: I need the same upload creds for ~5 repos.17:03
SpamapSmordred: I suppose I could add the secret to each one with a different name, but it's really a shared infrastructure (a yum repo to upload to)17:03
SpamapScorvus: if I could use shadow and not remove all references to it, that would be great.17:04
corvusSpamapS: we haven't tried this yet, because so far, it's just been less hassle to do the 3- or 5-point-turn.  but theoretically, you could configure your old repo to shadow the new repo, then add the job to the new repo, remove the job from the old one, then drop the shadow config.17:06
corvusshadow is a tenant config change, so requires a full reconfiguration to add/remove.  it's still a hassle, but it's a *different* hassle that may be worth it if the alternative is to touch lots of repos.17:06
SpamapScorvus: that would, indeed, be a better way. :)17:07
SpamapSBecause I can see us losing control of the repos that use a job.17:07
corvusSpamapS: let me know how it works :)17:08
SpamapSUnfortunately I already did the dance. So I'd have to simulate it and ENOTIME :-/17:08
SpamapSBTW, the error messages were fantastic.17:09
SpamapSI was just blindly submitting patches and zuul kept telling me what was wrong nicely.17:10
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mordredSpamapS: just to circle back - you can put a secret on a job and have that shared job be used by 5 different repos without that job being in a trusted repo17:24
mordredSpamapS: which is mostly me wanting to poke at making sure we're not missing something in terms of communication about that17:25
SpamapSmordred: my experience is the opposite. If I do that, the secret is not exposed to the jobs in the other repos.17:32
SpamapSEntirely possible there's some subtle thing I missed while doing that.17:32
SpamapSIMO the secrets rules are really complicated and hard to predict and test.17:33
SpamapSI need some way to play with them.17:33
SpamapSI guess I can play with them on my staging cluster.17:33
mordredcorvus: ^^ am I saying wrong things to SpamapS here?17:33
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pabelangersecrets are tide to playbooks, so if you have a secret in project-config, only playbooks in project-config have access. You can parent to a job with secrets, which we do today17:37
SpamapSYes but that's a trusted repo17:38
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SpamapSthe question is, if I put a job+playbook in my untrusted repo of shared jobs (godaddy-zuul-jobs we call it), will that job work with that secret when I run the job in other repos.17:39
SpamapSMy experience was no17:39
SpamapSthe variable wasn't set when the playbook ran17:39
SpamapSbut again, I may have missed something simple.17:40
corvusSpamapS: i think that should have worked, as long as the playbook was in godaddy-zuul-jobs17:41
SpamapSyeah it was, so probably playbook error17:41
SpamapSit's really hard to test these things because they can't be in check.17:42
corvusSpamapS: you could allow them to be in check temporarily if you're confident you won't leak the secret17:42
SpamapSso now I'm done migrating the job to project-config :-P17:42
corvusthat might be a good way of doing things when setting up a new job... especially if you can start with a bogus secret, or it's easy to change the secret when you go into prod17:43
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SpamapScorvus: yeah I may have a strategy for that actually18:05
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: Clean up old images for testing
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: Switch to fedora-27 for nodepool dsvm
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Take 2: Add functional test for key-name and glean
SpamapShrm, this is awkward to handle20:54
SpamapSso I have a bunch of stuff waiting on a cloud that is hurting and not finishing building instances20:54
SpamapSI've subsequently turned the max-servers for that cloud to 020:54
SpamapSbut.. the manager for it still has a bunch of open requests.20:55
SpamapSand rechecks don't seem to make new ones.20:55
SpamapSis there a way to poke nodepool launcher to make it give up that request?20:55
clarkboff the top of my head if the cloud responds in error that will happen20:58
clarkbyou might be able to nuke the tcp connection20:58
clarkbthat will happen meaning request will go back into request list and other provider will pick it up20:58
pabelangerI think you can also add api-timeout to clouds.yaml21:01
mordredapi-timeout should only affect the tcp connection layer - it won't likely affect the wait timeout for the ready poll21:02
mordredthat's a different setting...21:02
mordredthat defaults to timeout=3600 in nodepool ... which should be an hour21:03
mordredand is in turn managed by 'launch-timeout'21:04
corvusSpamapS: if you restart the launcher, it will drop its lock on the requests and something else can pick them up (possibly the same launcher restarted)21:04
SpamapScorvus: ah, I didn't try that21:06
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Set remote url on every getRepo in merger
corvuspabelanger: you may be interested in
pabelangercorvus: cool, will look shortly21:10
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SpamapScorvus: thanks, that was the magic sauce21:23
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corvusandreaf: i'd like either SpamapS or tobiash to look at it; if one of them can do that today or tomorrow, we can probably restart openstack's instance with that this weekend for use next week21:47
pabelangerI think we just need to restart executors once we land it21:47
andreafcorvus, pabelanger cool thanks21:48
corvuspabelanger: that one requires a little bit of care, it needs a scheduler restart first, then executors21:48
corvus(the executors are going to start assuming some new fields are always present)21:49
pabelangerOh, right. Changes to config, of course scheduler21:49
corvusit's okay to run new scheduler/old executors with that, but not the other way around21:49
openstackgerritAndrea Frittoli proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Improve file renaming in stage-output
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Take 2: Add functional test for key-name and glean
dmsimardtobiash: was the concept of executor zones documented somewhere (in a story?)22:07
tobiashdmsimard: I'm not aware of a documentation of that22:08
dmsimardI thought there was *something* somewhere, whether a patch or a story but can't find anything :/22:08
tobiashI only know about some discussions here about that22:08
tobiashbut not when they happened22:09
pabelangerdmsimard: tobiash: ^22:12
dmsimardpabelanger: thanks <322:13
tobiashcorvus: hostvars lgtm22:13
dmsimardAny idea why Zuul v2 failure-pattern/success-pattern would not work? Even url_pattern in zuul.conf doesn't seem to work. Always defaults to the build URL.22:26
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dmsimardI've done something like this:
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix branch deletion after failed reconfig
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* dmsimard can't wait to migrate to zuul v322:29
corvusdmsimard: i think if that hit a format string error, it would silently fail and use the default22:30
corvusdmsimard: so in that example, maybe LOG_PATH wasn't defined22:31
dmsimardcorvus: the included python functions file runs before that is loaded, right ? So
corvusdmsimard: the functions are run if the job specifies (we had a metajob which ran set_log_url on every job) before that's used, so we were guaranteed to always have LOG_PATH set22:35
corvusthe metajob:
dmsimardcorvus: ah, yeah, we have something like that too.22:36
dmsimardok, I'll keep digging22:37
corvusso consider whether it's possible that's not running, or throwing an exception or something22:37
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make NodeSetParser a regular class
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make SecretParser a regular class
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make JobParser a regular class
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make PipelineParser a regular class
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make SemaphoreParser a regular class
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make TenantParser a regular class
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mordredcorvus: ooh!23:09
corvusthere's a long road ahead, but i see a path from here to a comprehensible configloader and on to memory reduction23:11
clarkbis the issue that addresses being able to have class objects that can be garbage collected?23:15
corvusclarkb: no, it's that i can't understand what the code is doing because it's a rat's nest of function arguments :)23:16
corvusthe approach did not scale, and changes to the system take exponentially longer to think about as it has grown23:17
corvus(i'm not done with refactoring yet -- i wouldn't bother if those changes were all i wanted to do)23:18
clarkbgotcha so more mental modelling than direct memory savings to start23:18
corvusyep.  because to fix the memory usage, we need to change how things are resolved and cached.  and that's really complicated.23:19
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Add legacy-copy-jenkins-scripts
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: Take 2: Add functional test for key-name and glean
clarkbcorvus: why does nodeset parser need a tenant and layout in ?23:40
corvusclarkb: it doesn't.  but a lot do, so i'm toying with the idea of just standardizing on that.23:41
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Use pip3 in
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Add legacy-copy-jenkins-scripts
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