Tuesday, 2018-03-13

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clarkbpabelanger: reading that code a bit more closely. could part of the problem be not using super?00:35
clarkbit is weird to me that we call the methods on the class directly and pass in self rather than using super00:36
clarkbbut this could potentially bypass some mro that is required to have that work properly?00:36
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clarkbpabelanger: there is apparently also IPV6_V6ONLY socket option which if set would require explicit v4 binding too00:42
clarkbbut default is to not hav that enabled so I doubt that is our problem00:42
clarkbpabelanger: probably a good start is to update things to use super proper so that mro is respected00:45
clarkband if it still doesn't work you may need to dig through pdb to see why it is making those choices00:45
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clarkba lot of that feels familiar01:26
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tobiashabelur: yes, it's completely possible to run the env within docker, but you have to keep in mind a few things06:14
tobiashthere are no official docker images yet, so you'll have to build your own06:14
tobiashand for running the zuul-executor bubblewrap you either need unprivileged user namespaces available in your container or need a privileged container06:16
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Refactor NodeLauncher to be generic  https://review.openstack.org/53555507:09
abelurtobiash: do you have any pointers?07:28
tobiashabelur: you could use https://review.openstack.org/#/c/465912/ as a starting point07:29
abelurtobiash: thanks ... will give it a shot07:31
tobiashabelur: but that still has some flaws probably so don't expect a first time success ;)07:32
tobiashabelur: unfortunately atm I cannot supply my current docker files because they are taylored to my specific environment07:33
tobiashabelur: but that may change in the future as we already discussed the possibility of supplying official zuul images some time in the future07:34
abelurtobiash: sorry, what does tailored to your env mean? getting it to work with your cloud provider07:36
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tobiashno, taylored to my specific rollout and build process in my private openshift07:38
tobiashwith intermediate layers07:38
tobiashlike config generation tools07:39
abelurah ok07:39
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Wei_LiuHello, I want to show something as same as zuul log url in the gerrit, How can I do it?08:47
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix error in test_jobs_executed  https://review.openstack.org/55214209:43
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Refactor run_handler to be generic  https://review.openstack.org/53555409:49
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Refactor NodeLauncher to be generic  https://review.openstack.org/53555509:49
Wei_LiuHello, I want to show something as same as zuul log url in the gerrit, How can I do it?09:50
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Implement an OpenContainer driver  https://review.openstack.org/53555609:53
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Implement a Kubernetes driver  https://review.openstack.org/53555710:19
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Implement an Amazon EC2 driver  https://review.openstack.org/53555810:22
Wei_LiuHello, I want to show something as same as zuul log url in the gerrit, How can I do it?10:46
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make sure we fail because of path checks  https://review.openstack.org/55250212:32
tobiashcorvus, clarkb: that improves the tox-remote test ^12:32
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make sure we fail because of path checks  https://review.openstack.org/55250212:38
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make sure we fail because of path checks  https://review.openstack.org/55250212:47
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make sure we fail because of path checks  https://review.openstack.org/55250213:43
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corvusWei_Liu: do you mean you want to make a comment in gerrit that looks like the comments that zuul leaves, but without using zuul?14:11
corvuskklimonda: regarding your question yesterday about two zuul's gating -- an important reason for not doing that is that when zuul gates a project with a dependent pipeline, it tests a change exactly in the way it's going to land, meaning that any changes to the involved projects since the earlier 'check' test are reflected in the 'gate' test (this may even include other in-flight changes).  a second zuul14:16
corvuscan't participate in that, so it's possible to merge a change which passes the gate jobs in zuul #1, but would not have passed newer check jobs in zuul #2.  once that change lands, no further check jobs from zuul #2 would pass, and if zuul #2 is a hard requirement for zuul #1, the system is wedged.14:16
corvuskklimonda: this is why, in openstack, all of the third-party ci zuuls report advisory votes only.  the primary zuul ignores them for gating purposes -- they only provide additional info for humans.14:17
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: WIP: Handle ZK session loss during node launch  https://review.openstack.org/55253814:58
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: WIP: (alt) Handle ZK session loss during node launch  https://review.openstack.org/55255115:18
pabelangerclarkb: super() works, but same exception: socket.gaierror: [Errno -9] Address family for hostname not supported15:22
clarkbok so likely not a MRO problem then15:22
pabelangergoing to see if gdb shows any more info15:22
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clarkbpabelanger: oh I wonder, it using the hostname to lookup the address in /etc/hosts ?15:51
pabelangerclarkb: not the best at GDB, so can't get much more info. But more reading indicates, python seems to support ipv6, but the interface doesn't. But still is confusing why passing an ipv4 address exposes the failure15:52
clarkbpabelanger: if there isn't a ::1 or similar address in there maybe it is breaking?15:52
clarkbpabelanger: in that case if it is using the hostname and not localhost then I could see it failing because it is getting ipv4 and if the ipv4 addr isn't in the ffff:compat format15:53
pabelangerfingergw.listen_address is currently, so I don't expect any dns to be used15:54
pabelangereven using still fails15:55
clarkbpabelanger: using python interpreter you can reproduce by creating a socket object?15:56
clarkbmight help to remove the tcpserver from the equation and minimize the reproduction15:57
pabelangerclarkb: yah, using example at https://docs.python.org/3.6/library/socket.html#example same exception16:00
pabelangerHOST = ''16:00
pabelangerHOST = '::1'16:01
clarkb'localhost' I assume should work as well since it will be found to be ::1 in /etc/hosts16:01
clarkbpabelanger: my understanding is that to use ipv4 addrs with AF_INET6 you have to use the compat version of an ipv4 addr in ipv6 bitsizing16:02
clarkbso this isn't entirely suprising. I am not sure why it would work elsewhere /me tests locally16:02
pabelangerclarkb: yah, 'localhost' works because resolves to ::116:03
clarkbI can reproduce it locally16:03
clarkbmaybe the config is localhost sometimes and otehr times not?16:04
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pabelangerclarkb: I assume something like https://review.openstack.org/551015/ works locally for you?16:11
clarkbpabelanger: it should because it should find AF_INET for instead of AF_INET616:11
clarkbI'm currently hardcoding AF_INET6 to reproduce the old behavior16:11
SpamapShttp://paste.openstack.org/show/700077/ .... can't figure out where the evidence is that this change did not merge16:33
corvusSpamapS: it ran no jobs; that's considered a failure, so it reported and did not merge the pr.16:41
corvusSpamapS: 2018-03-12 21:43:46,769 DEBUG zuul.Pipeline.GoDaddy.gate: No jobs for change <Change 0x7efcb54742e8 890,1309950d972a9de4e90b1b3f35d46f18c54f7375>16:41
corvus(that suggests that should not be a debug line :)16:42
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clarkbpabelanger: fwiw I think your change makes sense because we can't assume everyone will have working ipv6. But we should possibly also consider switching to using localhost and letting name resolution decide what that means16:49
tobiashSpamapS: a do you work with file filters?16:49
tobiashI've seen this often if every job is filtered out of the gate16:50
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tobiashIn thaz case just run at least one job without filters or add noop16:50
pabelangerclarkb: switch to localhost for fingergw.listen_address?16:51
clarkbpabelanger: ya16:51
clarkbassuming we use today16:51
pabelangerclarkb: so, I initially did that in testing, but does mean we add a dependency for DNS to setup fingergw, which might be okay. But, IIRC, no other listen_address in zuul.conf would have that requirement.16:52
clarkbpabelanger: there is sort of an implied name service dependency for any internetworking service16:53
clarkbpabelanger: even if it is just a hosts file16:53
clarkbpabelanger: I don't think we would make it a requirement either. I think we also merge your change16:53
pabelangeryah, I can see that16:53
SpamapStobiash: yes16:53
SpamapSbut I have a noop job for that case16:53
pabelangerclarkb: cool, lets see what tobiash, Shrews or corvus says about https://review.openstack.org/551015/16:53
tobiashpabelanger: what's the expected structure of args?16:57
pabelangertobiash: tuple with (host, port)16:59
tobiashSo the first arg is a tuple?17:00
pabelangertobiash: also, open to suggestions to make that cleaner17:00
pabelangeryah, arg[0]17:00
tobiashpabelanger: mind adding a short comment?17:01
pabelangertobiash: just explaining what args[0] is?17:01
tobiashLgtm otherwise17:02
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix [Errno -9] Address family for hostname not supported  https://review.openstack.org/55101517:06
tobiashNit: typo: truple17:10
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix [Errno -9] Address family for hostname not supported  https://review.openstack.org/55101517:14
pabelangertobiash: fixed^17:14
kklimondacorvus: both "no jobs for change" and "dependency cycle detected" should probably be reported back to the source - right now users have no feedback on what's happening and they can only guess (or rather ask admins)17:14
clarkbkklimonda: there is a bug open at least for the dependency cycle reporting17:15
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corvuskklimonda: yeah, we're getting closer to being able to report dependency cycles with the new depends-on handling.  still a bit more work to do.17:19
tobiashYah, my users also were not only one at my desk due to a dep cycle ;)17:19
corvusno-jobs is trickier17:19
corvus(as in, it needs more thought about exactly when it should or should not report something)17:20
corvusfor example, in openstack-infra, we definitely do not want to report every time we don't run jobs on ansible/ansible.17:20
tobiashThat would generate many new friends...17:21
mrhillsmanis it possible to submit a local directory as a git source?17:23
clarkbmrhillsman: no17:23
clarkbmrhillsman: you can put empty files in it though which is common practice then add the empty file and push that17:23
clarkbor maybe I misread what you were asking17:23
clarkbrealizing I'm now in #zuul this may mean use local git repo in zuul configs? I Think you can do that17:24
corvusclarkb, mrhillsman: yeah, if clarkb's revised interpretation is correct, the answer is yes.  you can use a file:/// url with the git driver17:24
mrhillsmani think that is what i am looking for17:24
tobiashA local git repo would constrain you to a single host zuul deployment though17:25
corvus(that was actually the first thing the git driver was created for -- long ago i needed a way to actually start zuulv3 without a gerrit :)17:25
tobiashOr be hard to sync17:25
corvusyes -- for production use, it'd be better to use a git repo on the network at least17:25
corvusbut for local testing, it can be handy17:26
mrhillsmani'd like to be able to like pull down a repo and without a PR or direct commit trigger ci run with what i have done locally17:27
mrhillsmanwith what i have locally being used in the run17:28
corvusmrhillsman: the trigger part of that is tricky with the git driver.  it doesn't really support 'changes' at all, it can only deal with branch tips.  it's better for semi-static configuration (eg, something like the zuul-jobs repo), but, at the moment at least, can't really handle evaluating proposed changes.17:29
mrhillsmanok thx17:30
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pabelangerclarkb: mind leaving a review on https://review.openstack.org/551015/ when you have time17:45
corvusFYI: https://review.openstack.org/552637  Remove Zuul from OpenStack governance17:47
clarkbpabelanger: we might also want to update zuul/ansible/library/zuul_console.py at some point too but I guess that is likely going away in the future?17:47
clarkbpabelanger: it hardcodes :: so I think it will only break if ipv6 isn't enabled on a host17:47
clarkbcorvus: do you want to review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/551015/7 before it gets approved?17:48
corvusyeah, mordred's streaming changes should remove that17:48
pabelangerclarkb: oh, neat. Didn't know that, or testing hasn't exposed that as a failure17:48
Shrewscorvus: just looking at that review actually... unix socket forwarding? wha?17:49
corvusShrews: i know!  it's a thing!  it's crazy!  it's new.17:49
* Shrews grepping the googles now17:49
corvusclarkb, pabelanger: help me out here -- that's the finger daemon?17:50
corvusShrews: you may be interested in https://review.openstack.org/55101517:51
pabelangercorvus: clarkb: yah, the exception is from zuul-fingergw17:51
pabelangerhttp://logs.openstack.org/34/550834/8/check/windmill-ubuntu-bionic/761298f/logs/zf01/var/log/journal/zuul-fingergw.service.log for traceback17:51
corvusclarkb, pabelanger: how did we discover that problem?  we don't run that on an ovh host in infra...17:51
Shrewsyep, saw that. i'm still confused on why it's needed (what's unique about ovh?), but if it fixes something w/o breaking other things, i'm fine with it17:52
corvusoooh, i see, this came up in deployment functional tests...17:52
pabelangercorvus: yah17:52
corvushow come it hasn't shown up in unit tests?17:52
Shrewsi think our unit tests use ::1 for connecting17:52
clarkbmy understanding is that if you want to hardcode AF_INET6 and use ipv4 addresses you have to provide them in the ipv6 compat format17:53
pabelangerwe only bind to ::1 for unit tests I believe, but agree we should write a test to expose it17:53
clarkbso it breaks when using
clarkband I don't think this will be restricted to ovh, it breaks on my local machine too17:53
pabelangerI've been trying to write up something for that17:53
corvusso put another way, the issue is if you specify "" instead of "::1" in the config file?17:54
clarkbcorvus: yes17:54
Shrewsclarkb: orly? do you have test code i can steal?17:54
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clarkbShrews: http://paste.openstack.org/show/700183/17:56
Shrewshrm, our func test uses 'localhost'17:56
Shrewsclarkb: thx17:56
clarkblocalhost will work as long as /etc/hosts has an ::1 entry17:56
clarkb" The address notation for IPv6 is a group of 8 4-digit hexadecimal numbers, separated with a ':'.  "::" stands for a string of 0 bits.  Special addresses are ::1 for loopback and ::FFFF:<IPv4 address> for IPv4-mapped-on-IPv6."17:58
clarkbthe ipv4 mapped on ipv6 addresses are what you need to use to have working ipv4 on an AF_INET6 socket17:58
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: DNM - expose [Errno -9] Address family for hostname not supported  https://review.openstack.org/55264517:58
corvuspabelanger: i like the test.  strictly speaking, you're testing listing on all addresess in v6, and listening on localhost in v4.  that's probably fine, just wanted to point out the discrepancy.18:00
pabelanger^exposed failure on local laptop and 551015 does fix it. If people are okay with test, I can update 551015 to include it18:00
corvus(::1 is localhost in v6; is all addresses in v4)18:00
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pabelangercorvus: yah, I can also update that to ::1 if we'd like18:01
corvusi think i understand the change now, and it makes sense to me.  +2.  i'd like to have the test in there.  followup patch is okay.18:02
pabelangerokay, rebasing now18:02
Shrewsfor reference, here is how the python socket lib handles it in create_connection(): https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/b6e43af669f61a37a29d8ff0785455108e6bc29d/Lib/socket.py#L70718:04
Shrewswhich seems to be similar to what pabelanger is doing18:04
Shrewspabelanger: what's the first item in the list returned from getaddrinfo()? is it always the same?18:06
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add test for fingergw on ipv4 / ipv6 addresses  https://review.openstack.org/55264518:07
pabelangerShrews: let me check18:07
Shrewshttps://docs.python.org/3/library/socket.html#socket.getaddrinfo seems to indicate it can return both v4 and v6 info.18:08
Shrewshow do we know the first element is the one to use?18:08
corvusif you give it an ip address, the family should be the same on all the returned values18:11
Shrewswhat if a hostname is given?18:11
SpamapScorvus: thanks for looking. I had, in fact, forgotten the noop job on gate.18:11
corvus(ie, it will give you AF_INET + TCP, AF_INET + UDP, etc)18:11
Shrewsthe create_connection() code loops through trying each one18:11
pabelangerShrews: http://paste.openstack.org/show/700211/ is using an IP address, which confirms is the same as corvus mentioned18:12
corvusShrews: you'll get what's in dns.  i don't know what order.18:12
pabelangerlet me do hostname18:12
SpamapSand in fact found that we have another check jobs that are reliable enough to run in gate now.18:12
SpamapSi are a english speakers18:12
pabelangerShrews: http://paste.openstack.org/show/700216/ is hostname18:13
corvusdoes tcpsocketserver accept a hostname?18:13
clarkbI want to say ipv6 should always go first18:14
clarkbbecause you are supposed to fall back on ipv4 if ipv6 fails according to some rfc18:14
pabelangerShrews: however, to your original question, I admit I've used the logic from nodepool: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/nodepool/tree/nodepool/nodeutils.py#n5018:14
pabelangerwhich always uses the first item in the list18:15
corvusclarkb: well, getaddrinfo seems to return v4 first for me.  i don't know if that's reliable.18:15
Shrewscorvus: it accepts "localhost" so i'm assuming hostnames are supported by tcpsocketserver18:16
corvusShrews: i guess we could check each one, and use v6 if we see it, otherwise v4.18:16
Shrewscorvus: that sounds safer to me18:17
corvusor, you know, max([x[0] for x in getaddrinfo()])18:17
corvus(don't actually do that ^)18:17
corvusShrews: yeah, i think that's the safest thing we can do.  afaict, socket.bind will accept a hostname (and not just localhost)18:18
corvusso i think we either do that, or we disallow hostnames ourselves.18:18
clarkbI don't think we should disallow hostnames/fqdns18:19
clarkbif its valid in name resolution it should just work18:19
corvuspabelanger, Shrews, clarkb: okay witched to -1 on 551015 with comment18:20
* corvus afks to prepare for lunchtime meeting18:20
Shrewsthen again, this is the 'listen_address' value... would it ever really be the hostname?18:20
Shrewsmeh, maybe i guess18:21
clarkbShrews: it might if you have many interfaces and want to more easily identify a specific one18:21
clarkbrather than providing a specific ip addr for that interface18:21
pabelangercorvus: Shrews: okay, so if we get socket.AF_INET6 back from any item in the list, we exit loop and use it, otherwise if none found, fall back to socket.AF_INET?18:23
clarkbpabelanger: that is how I parsed the conversation above18:23
Shrewsyeah. i suppose at least one of those must be present18:24
clarkbwell if no AF_INET and no AF_INET6 you'll have a hard time running tcp :)18:25
pabelangerI'm raising an exception on that, but unsure how that would happen :)18:28
Shrewspabelanger: also, might want to limit results to type=socket.SOCK_STREAM18:28
clarkbwhich should give you an empty list if no inet or inet618:30
clarkbsince I don't think you can sock stream on anything else? I guess there could be implementations that are weird?18:31
Shrewspabelanger: ooh, better yet, just use type=self.socket_type (https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/3.4/Lib/socketserver.py#L417)18:34
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix [Errno -9] Address family for hostname not supported  https://review.openstack.org/55101518:34
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add test for fingergw on ipv4 / ipv6 addresses  https://review.openstack.org/55264518:34
pabelangerShrews: looking18:34
pabelangerShrews: for line 82 on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/551015/8/zuul/lib/streamer_utils.py ?18:36
Shrewspabelanger: yes, in the getaddrinfo() call18:37
Shrewsin case someone does something crazy like decide to make it a UDP server or something18:37
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix [Errno -9] Address family for hostname not supported  https://review.openstack.org/55101518:38
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add test for fingergw on ipv4 / ipv6 addresses  https://review.openstack.org/55264518:39
pabelangerokay, how does ^ look18:39
Shrewspabelanger: lgtm, but what is "raise error()"?18:40
pabelangerhmm, 1 sec, my raise syntax might now be correct18:40
pabelangerShrews: yah, that is copypasta18:40
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix [Errno -9] Address family for hostname not supported  https://review.openstack.org/55101518:41
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add test for fingergw on ipv4 / ipv6 addresses  https://review.openstack.org/55264518:41
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix [Errno -9] Address family for hostname not supported  https://review.openstack.org/55101520:27
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add test for fingergw on ipv4 / ipv6 addresses  https://review.openstack.org/55264520:27
pabelangerShrews: corvus: tobiash: pep8 fixes :(20:28
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dmsimardSpamapS: you should join #ara we're talking about your 1000+ host fact run :)20:55
jlkFYI, github3.py just did a 1.0 release!20:59
jlk(yes I know we have a bug w/ it, but upstream is happy to do small bugfix releases if it is indeed a bug in github3 code and not our side)21:00
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add zuul_json tests  https://review.openstack.org/55268821:03
jlkand... I was just granted pypi publishing rights to github3.py as well, so I can help with those releases.21:04
corvusjlk: yay! so much good news!21:04
SpamapSjlk: oooo next step, connect it to zuul and make it tag->upload :)21:11
pabelangerzuul-tox-remote seems to only run in check, is that correct?21:42
clarkbpabelanger: iirc yes currently21:42
clarkbwe should probably add it to the gate though21:42
pabelangeryah, guess that is what I'm asking, should it also be in gate21:43
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add zuul-tox-remote to gate pipeline  https://review.openstack.org/55269221:45
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix [Errno -9] Address family for hostname not supported  https://review.openstack.org/55101521:54
pabelangeryah, thanks corvus, Shrews, clarkb^21:56
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add zuul_json tests  https://review.openstack.org/55268822:07
ianwhmm, i typo'd a self depends-on with https://review.openstack.org/#/c/552288 ... zuul doesn't tell me anything.  is that expected?23:06
clarkbianw: its probably treating it as a cycle and we don't report cycles back to gerrit yet23:09
clarkb(there is a bug for that though)23:09
ianwahh, yeah, it is23:14
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