Thursday, 2018-07-26

tristanCclarkb: changing to git:// ref shouldn't be an issue, thanks for the suggestion00:10
tristanCclarkb: corvus: the main openshift specific bits is the role binding... i couldn't figure auth and acl with k8s and i only have access to openshift cluster00:12
clarkbtristanC: the image stuff is also very openshift specific there00:13
clarkbImageStream and all that00:13
tristanCclarkb: oh, but that's the base job00:13
clarkbtristanC: ya as i explained to corvus I was mostly just surprised at how not k8s that ends up being00:14
tristanCcorvus: i didn't realized the spec would need to be implemented on k8s first, i thought we could have both drivers00:14
tristanCclarkb: that's quite a challenging task to implement a native container workflow base job that will works for everyone00:15
tristanCthere are lots of implementation details regarding build and deployment that is bound to be project specific00:17
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tristanCcorvus: the current spec isn't very technical... are we expecting nodepool to have a k8s cluster role?00:39
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Emit a log line containing version info around startup
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: doc: Move zuul variable references to a section
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add variables to project
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Use definition list for job status
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Rename didAnyJobFail() to hasAnyJobFailed()
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Tolerate missing project
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Restore script
tobiashcorvus: responded on 58279406:13
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Restore script
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: doc: Move zuul variable references to a section
tobiashcorvus: shall I +w 580967 and 582897 or do you want another vote from someone else?07:08
openstackgerritFabien Boucher proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Remove unecessary shebang and exec bit
Diabelkoclarkb: it's only about the defaults it seems - I've changed them and it works fine now; I want to prepare some dummy test scenario to see if with roles A, B, C (same as we had yesterday), the role B with no default values, will take default value from C, as it is the last one d07:24
Diabelkoas it is the last one defined in the playbook *07:25
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Restructure return values section in docs
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Restructure return values section in docs
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Support job pause
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Remove unecessary shebang and exec bit
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Support complex data structures as secrets
mordredcorvus, pabelanger: reviewed and left a question11:30
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mordredtobiash: I left a +2 and a comment on
tobiashmordred: I tried first with the sub section but to my eyes the section headers were too big12:09
tobiashI can change back to subsection if folks prefer that12:09
mordredtobiash: no - I think the bold was fine - mostly just wanted to bring it up in case12:12
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tobiashmordred: you're the openstack sdk expert13:28
tobiashmordred: do you know if it's possible to stream data during download when downloading objects?13:29
tobiashthat seems to return the byte array directly13:29
mordredtobiash: you can using the get_object method that is directly on the connection object13:32
mordredtobiash: by passing either a filename (it'll stream to a file) or a file-like object to the outfile parameter13:33
mordredtobiash: I need to fix the docs to point people to the right places, but for now I recommend looking at before looking at the individual proxy classes13:35
tobiashmordred: thanks, good to know13:35
mordredtobiash: if the file-like-object interface is unpleasing, we could probably add a wrapper method, like stream_object - that would create an in-memory file-like-object to pass to get_object and return an iterator wrapping it13:58
tobiashmordred: I'm trying to put this into a bytesio and forward this to the resonse in a wsgi app13:59
tobiashafter reading the docs bytesio is probably not the thing I'm looking for13:59
mordredtobiash: for uploading large objects to swift that need to be broken in to segments, we made this:
mordredtobiash: which isn't exactly what you need for download- but makes me think that making a similar one for the streaming-download case is maybe not a terrible idea14:03
tobiashmordred: I wonder if that can be accomplished with some combination of streams in the io package of python14:04
mordredtobiash: probably - although now I'm looking at requests and it has a simpler interface that allows returning an iterator14:05
mordredlemme take a quick stab at a patch to sdk to expose something more directly14:05
tobiashthat is not quite what I expect from BytesIO :/14:06
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tobiashhrm, I think I need a pair of streams14:08
pabelangermordred: looking, 54647414:08
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tobiashmordred: hrm, it looks like get_object pushes all data synchronously into the file object so that doesn't help me with streaming14:17
pabelangermordred: replied, we are good on
tobiashmordred: it might be better in my use case to directly use requests for the download14:28
mordredtobiash: how bout this: remote: Add support for streaming object responses14:29
mordredtobiash: but also - if you need to use the request object directly - that should also be fine - conn.object_store.get() should return you a response14:29
tobiashah cool14:30
mordredpabelanger: ++14:31
tobiashmordred: that looks like exactly the thing14:33
tobiashI need14:33
mordredtobiash: conn.object_store.get or the patch?14:35
tobiashboth ;)14:35
tobiashmordred: your patch returns a generator function right? is it possible to return (response_headers, <iterator>)?14:37
tobiashmordred: if I understood that right, you could move that for loop with the yield into its own function (_iterate) and return '(response_headers, iterate(response))' ?14:39
mordredtobiash: I thought about that - but the 'safe' way to deal with iter_content is to put the get call in a with: block so that the response is sure to get closed properly (otherwise you can apparently leak memory)14:40
mordredtobiash: and I don't think we can then return because it would make response go out of scope14:41
mordredBUT - it's entirely posible I'm wrong about that - I'm still only on the first coffee14:41
tobiashah ok14:41
mordredtobiash: there is also a "get_object_metadata" method which returns what the headers would be14:41
tobiashtoo bad that this sacrifices the headers then14:41
tobiashmordred: yes, but that would be another rtt14:42
corvustobiash: i don't think we need more votes on 967 and 897; i approved.14:42
mordredI also considered yielding the headers as the first step14:42
mordredtobiash: do you think that would be weird to consume?14:42
mordredyeah. me too14:42
mordredcorvus: if you get a sec, could you look at and also the scrollback between tobiash and I and tell me if there is a better way you can think of?14:43
mordredtobiash: oh - also thought about making a raw parameter that would just return the response object14:43
mordredcorvus: (and more tl;dr - what are scoping rules for with context_manager_thing() as foo: return foo ... does the foo become invalid becaue the return exits the with context?14:44
mordredespecially if you're using the with to make sure foo closes properly (this is where C++ and std::smart_ptr is actually what I want)14:45
tobiashmordred: I think returning the response object would fit my use case best14:46
tobiashmordred: in that case I can setup the swgi response using the headers and after that directly yielding the content14:47
tobiashmordred: what I also saw is that the response already decodes the compressed file (which should be done by the browser in my case)14:49
corvuspabelanger: did you change anything between PS4 and PS5 of 546474?14:49
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tobiashmordred: what I'd like to do there is to forward the compressed stream with the correct headers so the browser decodes instead of my middleware14:50
tobiashI'll think later about that, have to run now14:51
corvustobiash, mordred: weighed in on the "bold" question in 585981 :)14:53
tobiashOk, will change that14:54
pabelangerremote: Add support for Ansible extra-vars flag14:56
pabelangercorvus: mordred: had to rebase due to merge issue, but also added reno about new feature^14:57
pabelangercorvus: sorry, I didn't see your +2 before pushing reno change14:57
Shrewsgrrr.... anyone remember how to stop unauthed irc users from pvt msg'ing???14:58
corvusYou can set  /mode <YourNick> +R  to avoid getting PMs from unregistered users.14:58
Shrewscorvus: thx. spammers are now going pvt14:59
Shrewsgot 3 in the last 2 min14:59
pabelangerYah, terrible this time around the spam15:00
mordredtobiash: remote: Add method for returning a raw response for an object15:01
corvusmordred: 250 and 262 look reasonable to me15:02
* mordred needs to add tests and renos for them - but figured making sure they don't look insane first is a good idea15:03
corvustobiash: out of curiosity, why are you writing a wsgi to proxy this instead of just using mod_proxy or similar?15:03
tobiashcorvus: I don't know how to make mod proxy work because of keystone auth15:04
corvustobiash: your swift is private?15:05
tobiashI didn't find a way to make basic auth working in our swift15:05
tobiashYes, that's private15:05
tobiashAnd a working solution would be wsgi that does auth against swift15:06
mordredkmalloc: ^^ when someone gets extra time, someone should write an apache module that could auth against keystone for doing things like authenticated mod_proxy in front of a swift container15:06
corvustobiash: why does the swift container need to be private?  do you want one container per tenant and to restrict access to that tenant, or...?15:07
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corvus00:39 < tristanC> corvus: the current spec isn't very technical... are we expecting nodepool to have a k8s cluster role?15:21
corvustristanC: i don't understand that question.  what do you mean "k8s cluster role" ?15:21
kmallocmordred: we have one, we support external auth, which can use mod_auth, mod_auth_ldap, etc15:30
kmallocAs long as remote_user is populated, and the auth request indicates external (I'll have to find docs) it works.15:31
kmallocSorry different.15:32
mordredkmalloc: yah. non-urgent- just wanted to put it across your brain-radar15:33
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corvusthe nodepool docs don't appear to be up to date15:49
corvusthe log is here:
corvusit seems to have put the docs in a 3.2.0 directory?15:50
corvusthat's not how it's supposed to work15:50
clarkbcorvus: I think the post job for the commit publishes to the latest/master location then the tags publish to the tag specific location15:52
corvushrm, that may be teh first time we've run publish-zuul-docs on release...15:52
pabelangercorvus: mordred: tobiash: clarkb: anything else to review on 584656 (rsync bug fix)? 4 +2 currently15:52
corvuspabelanger: nope +315:53
tobiashcorvus: our swift is backend infrastructure where normal users don't have access. Further we need to restrict access to tenants because we also work with external partners who should only see projects they need. The approach is to do authorization on apache revrrse proxies on a per path level like we do for zuul.15:54
corvusclarkb: hrm.  unfortunately, that means our release notes are out of date until another patch lands15:54
pabelangercorvus: Yay15:55
kmallocmordred: I did something like that in Lua/haproxy, I could revisit it (easier than Apache module) to start.15:55
corvustobiash: got it.  so atm, you need to write your own proxy because the thing mordred described doesn't exist.15:56
corvusor maybe it does :) ^15:56
tobiashMaybe it does but I didn't find it in hours of googling15:57
clarkbcorvus: we could have the tag job publish to the latest/master/$correctbranch location as well15:58
clarkbI just don't know that it does that today15:58
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mordredtobiash: updated and
* mordred afks for lunch16:00
tobiashmordred: these links are identical ;)16:00
clarkbcorvus: tobiash that doens't sound too disimilar from the rax CDN case16:02
clarkbwhere "normal users" cannot hit the objects unless going through the CDN16:02
corvusclarkb: except the cdn is public16:02
clarkbright but its a different url for read access than the url used for writes16:03
corvusclarkb: sure, but i'm failing to draw any conclusions from that...16:04
clarkbjust that it is probably a reasonable use case to support in the role if possible. Rax isn't a complete outlier we can ignore for simplicity16:04
corvusclarkb: oh, i don't think we need to (or can do) anything in the role.  there's no relationship between the url that tobiash wants to report and the url that the role stashed tho logs.  so he'll just set the log_url himself after it runs.16:06
corvusclarkb: the rax case is, potentially, different, if rax can tell us the read location.16:06
corvusclarkb: put another way, in the rax case, rax is the oracle which knows the read location.  in tobiash's case, tobiash is the oracle.16:06
tobiashcorvus: yes, I guess that's fine for my use case. I just need the possibility to keep the container private16:07
corvustobiash: one last idea -- i don't suppose you can use swift's container acls for your access control, and then simply put a dumb proxy (with no authentication) in front of it for the network access?16:08
tobiashcorvus: no, the auth systems of swift and our ci are different16:10
corvustobiash: is haproxy an option for you?  would kmalloc's work be helpful?16:11
tobiashSo even if acls would work (they don't atm) the users couldn't login16:11
tobiashWe're using saml for auth and are tied to apache16:12
kmallocRight. Hmm, let me check something.16:12
tobiashSo haproxy would be between apache and swift just like the wsgi middleware16:12
kmallocI could prob spin up a mod_lua script quickly.16:13
kmalloctobiash: yeah haproxy can do thst.16:13
kmallocI rewrote keystone middleware into haproxy with Lua as a poc ~2yrs ago16:14
kmallocI could re-write it for modern keystone pretty quickly, and flesh it out.16:14
kmallocA full Apache module would take me longer (but doable)16:14
kmallocYep. That won't really work anymore, but I could totally rework/finish it and even add testing.16:15
kmallocIf it helps folks. read scroll back to catch up.16:15
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix delegate_to for ansible synchronize
tobiashkmalloc: thanks, I don't want to generate effort on your side and already have a poc wsgi proxy (without streaming yet) that will do for the start16:22
tobiashBut I think that lua approach is the better one in the long run16:23
kmallocSure, but if it helps, I can totally spend some cycles bringing that back. :)16:23
kmallocIt was a fun day project to prove it worked (in lieu of ksm in a cloud)16:23
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Restructure return values section in docs
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Support job pause
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Support job pause
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Restructure return values section in docs
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Support job pause
tobiashcorvus, mordred: do you have problems with a merger? I got a merge failure on and I'm pretty sure that there was no merge conflict (gerrit didin't complain when pressing the rebase button)18:22
clarkbtobiash: I don't think that is a known issue but I will look at logs18:24
tobiashclarkb: happened also to 585892 this morning (check successful, gate directly after that merge failed)18:28
clarkbtobiash: seems to be a valid merge failure, it doesn't like that file modes are changing18:31
tobiashclarkb: thanks for checking, interesting that gerrit doesn't care about this18:32
tobiashI actually thought that gerrit would be pickier than plain git18:33
clarkbI wonder if this is a jgit bug18:33
clarkbwhere it doesn't handle the mode change properly on a rebase and C git gets confused?18:33
tobiashmaybe, or it just handles that correctly and git could be improved18:34
tobiashclarkb, corvus: what do you think about propagating the merge failure details to the user?18:50
tobiashI also often get questions from the users about the reason of merge failures...18:51
clarkbtobiash: I want to say there is an open story for doing that, I would be in favor18:51
clarkbtobiash: in this case I think the stderr output has the useful information18:52
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Support complex data structures as secrets
tobiashMaybe next week I have time to implement that18:57
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: Use pipelines for stats keys
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Restructure return values section in docs
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corvustobiash: 585389 looks really good; i left one relatively minor comment20:09
corvuspabelanger, ianw: i just realized that we may want to coordinate your changes.  pabelanger is adding extra-vars in and ianw is adding project vars in  .  logically, we should also add project extra-vars.20:13
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corvuspabelanger, ianw: are one of you interesting in rebasing your change on the other and adding that, or do one of you want to volunteer to add that in a followup after both changes merge?20:14
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pabelangercorvus: what ever is easier for ianw, but agree with coordinating20:15
pabelangerabout to head out for some food, I'll check back this evening once ianw is online20:16
mordredpabelanger, ianw: also - I think there's gonna be a merge conflict between the extra-vars patch and the tobiash pause patch20:19
mordred(I can't remember what the code was I was looking at that touched the same thing - but it seemed like it was gonna conflict- possibly in the docs)20:19
corvushrm, gerrit doesn't think so right now, but it's been wrong before :)20:20
mordredcorvus: also I've been wrong before20:21
tobiashcorvus: thanks for review, will fix tomorrow20:21
corvusmordred: i'm sure i don't remember20:21
corvuspabelanger, ianw: i've left +2s on both, so i'd suggest a followup patch that depends-on both.  maybe flip a coin for who writes it.  :)20:28
corvuspabelanger: re 584978 why is destdir confusing?20:31
clarkbcorvus: its being used as the source dir in most of the tests20:31
clarkbI found that confusing (it works out because the same filesystem is used on the local and remote nodes so you can copy in betwee nthem all you want but if they were different hosts it would start to break down quickly)20:32
corvusclarkb: gotcha.  i read "test_workspace_dir" as having something to do with the test infrastructure (we have tests that do that).  or maybe the job workspace.  maybe we could do "scratch_dir" or something?20:34
clarkbcorvus: that wfm.20:34
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Add support for Ansible extra-vars flag
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Rename didAnyJobFail() to hasAnyJobFailed()
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add variables to project
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Use definition list for job status
mordredianw, corvus: ^^ zuul reported merge conflict - I rebased - no conflicts (shrug) and reapplied the +A21:48
ianwok :)21:49
mordredcorvus: has 2x+2 - any reason we should hold off pulling the trigger?21:56
clarkbmordred: the only thing I can think of is maybe it would cause memory problems again? and getting a tested release out without memory issues would be nice21:58
mordredclarkb: ++21:58
mordredgood call21:58
mordredalso  ...21:58
mordredcorvus: clarkb and I have both +2'd (yes, that number is correct) - but since it's so old - do you want to look and/or pull the trigger?21:59
mordredSpamapS: ^^ that's a patch originally from you from 2014 - it seems to have been hacked on by tim chavez, pabelanger and mhu22:00
* mordred now afks22:00
rcarrillocruzgood times :-)22:16
corvusyeah, i'll give that a once (or 22nd?) over...22:24
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Docs: add a cross-ref in secrets
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Report to gerrit over HTTP
corvusthat's ready for actual review if it passes tests22:51
corvusianw: did you see my note earlier about extra-vars and project vars?22:53
clarkbcorvus: merge failed22:54
clarkbI wonder if there isn't something weird with the merges afterall22:54
corvusclarkb: well, it's an old change, it wouldn't surprise me22:54
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Add variables to project
clarkbah ok22:54
corvushrm.  cherry-picks okay.  i'll check the logs.22:55
clarkbcorvus: tobiash's merge failre was unhappy about a file mode change22:56
corvusERROR: permissions conflict: 100755->100644,100755 in tests/base.py22:57
clarkb same error as before but a different file22:58
corvusevery outstanding change created before that change was merged is going to conflict22:58
clarkbif they touch those files (which they should if they are making changes that need test updates)22:59
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Report to gerrit over HTTP
corvusmordred, tobiash: ^ we figured out why we're getting lots of apparently false merge conflicts23:00
clarkband tobish reported that clicking the rebase button in gerrit wasn't sufficient23:01
clarkbit did rebase fine according to gerrit but then zuul remained unhappy with it23:01
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Use definition list for job status
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Report to gerrit over HTTP
clarkbnext release of pyyaml is going to make safe_load the default load() and danger_load() will exist for when you really want to load code out of yaml23:47
clarkbI don't think this affects our use of pyyaml23:47

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