Friday, 2019-04-12

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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Handle github exceptions better when trying to get a PR
openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Implement max-servers for AWS driver
SpamapSwoooot.. testing quota management in AWS and it's working01:24
SpamapSyeah, still pretty basic, but better than NODE_FAILURE bombs01:29
SpamapSnext I kind of want to implement spot instances...01:29
SpamapSseems like the perfect match.01:29
SpamapSand I really think it would be interesting if one could implement a budget limiter instead of max-servers.01:29
SpamapS(Amazon has a pricing API now)01:30
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pabelangeryah, that would be neat02:20
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openstackgerritBrendan proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: gerrit: Add support for 'oldValue' comment-added field
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zbrhi! i am here and I confirm that Firefox/UK IPv6/MacOS is me. Now the question is what could have caused that issue?12:28
pabelangerShrews: clarkb: ^from yesterday, thanks helping zbr12:28
zbrI am using the greasemonkey script from to get stats.12:28
zbrbut this script was not changed in like 6months, maybe a new bug?12:29
mordredzbr: weird. I'm looking at the script right now - it looks like it's supposed to only fetch once per 2000 ms12:35
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zbrclearly it came from the browser. i do have lots of tabs but afaik, it does this only on active tab.12:36
mordredyeah. I wonder if maybe there was a browser update with a bug - or maybe the browser just went sideways12:37
zbri guess this was the only time when this was observed, right?12:38
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ShrewsI think FF updated on my Mac yesterday so that’s probably a good guess mordred12:44
mordredzbr: well - we just happened to be looking at logs trying to figure out why something else was slow12:44
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zbrShrews: I can confirm that around that time firefox did an upgrade on my computer.12:50
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Shrewsmordred: doesn't look like that solved your zuul-preview issue though  :(13:11
mordredShrews: yeah. :(13:12
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dmsimardmordred: (forking from #openstack-infra) one of the things I've been wondering is if it would be possible to have nodepool issue "rebuild" commands (in the openstack driver) instead of delete/create every time15:06
dmsimardI would like to think rebuild should be supported on all clouds but I'm not sure15:06
mordreddmsimard: we've had requests from cloud providers in the past for that - as well as suggestions from cloud providers that they'd prefer we didnt' do rebuild15:07
dmsimardcurious if it would make a performance impact15:07
mordreddmsimard: the tricky part comes in the nodepool logic side - because now we have to be able to decide whether to rebuild a node when we're returning it15:07
dmsimardah, I guess15:08
mordredsince when we're _not_ at capacity, we clearly want to delete so that we're shrinking usage15:08
mordredwhich is to say- I think it could certainly be potentially interesting - but the investigation in to it might be ... hard :)15:08
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clarkbya maybe it is a only when paused behavior15:13
clarkbpaused state implies provider needs to provision new nodes15:13
clarkbnot sure how big an impact that will have though15:13
clarkbyou have to rewrite the image over the top whoch isnt that different from writing image to new 'disk'15:14
clarkbreally you save on network provisioning15:14
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SpamapSI still believe strongly that rebuild is an abstraction leak from the cloud provider's perspective. It's easier on a small cloud, but it's absolutely the wrong thing at scale.15:43
SpamapSYou are glad to pay the cost of delete/create when it means you get workloads where you told your scheduler you want them.15:44
mordredyeah. I think most of the cloud-provider push for use of rebuild had to do with the not-very-efficient custom networking stuff at hp public cloud :)15:44
mordred"please stop killing us by requesting new network ports!!!" :)15:45
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SpamapShow much of nodepool is just "because HP cloud"? ;-)15:54
pabelangerrcarrillocruz still shared crazy hacks he came up with on grozer team15:55
SpamapSBTW, is there any preference for pools in a provider by order? I'm playing with EC2 spot instance pricing and was thinking if there is some kind of priority... you can have like 'first try at 10% of regular price, then 20%, then 30%' ...15:55
clarkbSpamapS: some of it is because rackspace15:57
clarkbmore recently it grew some beacuse ovh15:57
clarkbSpamapS: each pool has a separate handler and each handler independently scans the request list15:57
clarkbSpamapS: so no I don't think there is an prioritization between them15:58
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SpamapSmight be doable with a simple microsecond sleep setting15:59
SpamapSjust make the expensive ones sleep a tiny bit so they don't pick things up first15:59
SpamapSfill up the cheap one, then it will pause and the others will grab first.15:59
manjeetscorvus, clarkb question  regarding zuul ? we had setup ci using new docker-compose it run jobs on project that has zuul.d dir in it16:03
manjeetsbut doesn't work for the project that has .zuul.yaml16:03
manjeetsnever proceeds after this line
manjeetsmerger shows succes on fetching the new change and I don't see error in the log16:04
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dmsimardSpamapS: I've wanted to do something like that before. Basically a private cloud and a public cloud. Only "burst" in the public cloud if the private cloud is down or is at capacity.16:04
manjeetsexecutor is just stuck16:04
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openstackgerritFabien Boucher proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: WIP - Pagure driver -
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SpamapSdmsimard:yeah, and on some clouds different regions cost different prices16:13
ShrewsSpamapS: one thing i'd like to do in nodepool 4.0 is design in a pluggable request distribution algorithm, so you could do custom things like round-robin, provider preference, first-come-first-server, etc16:26
Shrewsor whatever your fancy of the day happens to be16:27
Shrewsbut hard to do that with the current design16:27
clarkbya I think that wants the noderequest dispatcher idea I've thrown out before16:27
mordredyeah. it's well optimized currently for "I have a bunch of clouds that are mostly identical to me"16:28
clarkbwhere nodepool doens't let handlers directly fulfill requests and instead asks pools for resources and hands them out as appropriate to jobs16:28
mordredbut not as much for "I havea  list of cloud sin preference" or "I have one and only one cloud"16:28
clarkbI want that for simple fifo'ing so that users don't see randomized job start times16:28
clarkbbut could do ther things16:28
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: WIP: Add support for smart reconfigurations
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pabelangerso that just prevented zuul from doing a full-reconfigure18:12
pabelangertobiash: seen ^ before?18:13
pabelanger is from scheduler18:13
pabelangergithub app has correct permissions18:15
SpamapSShrews:that does sound cool18:21
pabelangertobiash: looks like if a cat job fails, we don't retry18:24
pabelangerscheduler side18:24
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mordredpabelanger: why would the cat job fail?18:53
mordredpabelanger: and on the first one - with it being a 502 it sounds like a github api hiccup potentially18:53
pabelangermordred: yah, think api flaked out on github side18:54
mordredso maybe that's another place where we need to add a retry18:54
tobiashpabelanger: correct, there is not retry yet, but I think it makes sense19:32
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-preview master: Use splice instead of erase/push_front
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clarkbmordred: ^ commented on that. Its been forever since I did real C++ but I read the docs and have decided its safe and think there is a minor simplifcation that could be done21:22
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clarkbso I +2'd21:22
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mordredclarkb: so - there's a segfault happening that I think we're still looking for an ultimate reproduction of21:24
clarkbah yes the segfault that resulted in spamaps deciding rust is better :)21:25
mordredclarkb: which might, amazingly enough, have something to do with the make_pair differences between c++03 and c++1121:25
mordredclarkb: :)21:25
mordredclarkb: I can't reproduce it on my machine, but Shrews can on his21:25
clarkbback when I wrote C++ I discovered that std iostreams were implemented differently on solaris and linux such that on linux if you reused a stream object on a new fd after an error it reset the flags and on solaris it didn't21:27
clarkbtl;dr I totally believe it21:27
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pabelangerUmm, how the heck was this possible, on a config-project?
pabelangerI changed the jobs to be noop, and zuul speclatively ran the change22:02
pabelangerokay, there is something really weird going on here22:05
pabelangermordred: clarkb: SpamapS: do you happen to know how that is possible?^22:06
mordredpabelanger: it shouldn't be - are you sure that repo is a config project?22:06
pabelangeransible-network/zuul-config is config22:07
clarkbfwiw noop is magical22:07
clarkbit is processed entirely in the scheduler iirc22:07
pabelangerbut, isn't that a large issue.22:07
clarkbits possible that happens before any trusted vs untrusted checks22:07
clarkbif it happens only for noop jobs then probably not since a noop job is not really a job just a magical success stauts22:07
pabelangerlike, I can just change all config project to noop and bypass things?22:08
clarkbif you approve them which it looks like you did (via gate lable?)22:08
pabelangerI did, but they ran in check first22:08
pabelangerbefore I approved22:08
clarkbI would look at the noop handling in the scheduler to check if my theory holds weight22:09
pabelangereven, the revert is now running jobs22:09
pabelangerbefore I even approved anything22:09
mordredyeah - that seems really weird22:09
pabelangerlet me test on zuul.ansible.com22:10
pabelangerokay, ansible/project-config doesn't allow me to do that22:13
pabelangerso, I'll have to ask SF folks to look22:13
pabelangerthey are still on 3.6.1, and ansible.z.o is 3.7.122:13
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clarkbpabelanger: they also carry an assortment of patches iirc22:14
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* SpamapS doesn't really know22:43

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