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openstackgerrit | Tristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul master: Skip file matcher for pipeline using timer trigger https://review.opendev.org/660856 | 02:07 |
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openstackgerrit | Tobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Annotate logs around reporting https://review.opendev.org/661490 | 04:29 |
openstackgerrit | Tobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Annotate logs around finished builds https://review.opendev.org/661491 | 04:30 |
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openstackgerrit | Tristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul master: Skip file matcher for pipeline using timer trigger https://review.opendev.org/660856 | 05:19 |
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openstackgerrit | Fabien Boucher proposed zuul/zuul master: A reporter for Elasticsearch https://review.opendev.org/644927 | 09:08 |
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armstrongs | hey guys, i am trying to set up ara reports set-up with zuul. I have managed to use the ara-reports role to generate the report in the logging directory and i am using the sqlite implementation with apache. The report is rendering fine but not the sub pages, i am getting an error with ara.js 404 (Not Found) and ara.css having the same issue. All other pages from the static directory seem to be rendering fine though. Am I missing som | 11:40 |
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armstrongs | Target WSGI script not found or unable to stat: /usr/bin/ara-wsgi-sqlite.css is what im getting in the logs too | 12:04 |
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dmsimard | armstrongs: a css file in /usr/bin doesn't sound right | 12:52 |
dmsimard | There is some level of documentation to set up the sqlite middleware here: https://ara.readthedocs.io/en/stable/advanced.html | 12:53 |
armstrongs | thats what i was following | 12:54 |
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armstrongs | so it generates a ansible.sqlite | 12:57 |
armstrongs | under the ara folder | 12:57 |
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armstrongs | then it renders the content via that all other files are showing apart from ara.css and ara.js preventing the hyperlinks working | 12:58 |
dmsimard | The role takes care of copying the database file to an ara-report directory and the web server should be set up to redirect ara-report/ to the wsgi middleware | 12:59 |
dmsimard | If the ara css or js files aren't found, it's because the routing isn't done properly, those are served by the wsgi application | 13:00 |
dmsimard | The full vhost for the openstack log server might help: https://opendev.org/opendev/puppet-openstackci/src/branch/master/templates/logs.vhost.erb | 13:01 |
armstrongs | thanks looking now | 13:05 |
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armstrongs | http://paste.openstack.org/show/752106/ is my apache config so wsgi middleware looks to be directing everything correctly apart from the ara.css and ara.js script files | 13:40 |
dmsimard | armstrongs: the only thing that jumps at me is the htmlify line -- that's not provided by ara | 13:46 |
armstrongs | took it out still no luck :( | 13:49 |
fungi | checked the apache error log? | 13:52 |
dmsimard | armstrongs: so you have something like /zuul-logs/path/to/change/logs/ara/ansible.sqlite which maps to http://logserver/path/to/change/logs/ara/ansible.sqlite and going to http://logserver/path/to/change/logs/ara/ works but there's no css ? | 13:53 |
armstrongs | Target WSGI script not found or unable to stat: /usr/bin/ara-wsgi-sqlite.css is what im getting in the logs | 13:53 |
armstrongs | yeah correct i can see the top level report | 13:53 |
armstrongs | but in the tree i have both 404 not found on the ara.css and ara.js | 13:54 |
armstrongs | looks like the rest of the css is there | 13:54 |
armstrongs | when im inspecting the browser | 13:55 |
dmsimard | armstrongs: there is also those lines in the web server config: https://opendev.org/opendev/puppet-openstackci/src/branch/master/templates/logs.vhost.erb#L111-L114 | 13:56 |
dmsimard | but I have no idea where that css error comes from, there's no such thing as ara-wsgi-sqlite.css :p | 13:56 |
armstrongs | GET http://10.xx.x.xxx:8080/18/18/71f3ee2…/check/all-trigger-pipeline-for-exampleweb-qa7/90258c1/ara/static/css/ara.css net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found) | 13:57 |
armstrongs | is what im seeing in the browser | 13:57 |
dmsimard | ara/static/css/ara.css should be served by the wsgi application | 13:57 |
dmsimard | it looks like your rewrite/redirect only handles "/ara" and not what's underneath | 13:57 |
armstrongs | i just have /zuul-logs/path/to/change/logs/ara/ansible.sqlite | 13:58 |
armstrongs | in my logs folder | 13:58 |
dmsimard | right | 13:58 |
dmsimard | the wsgi application loads that database dynamically | 13:58 |
dmsimard | and the css/js files are served by the wsgi app | 13:59 |
armstrongs | yeah so i dont get why i can see the top level of the report but cant click or use the embedded links | 14:00 |
armstrongs | as when i click on /ara from apache it loads the top level ara report | 14:01 |
dmsimard | armstrongs: I believe you're missing a rewrite condition towards the end, see my last link | 14:02 |
armstrongs | ah ok | 14:02 |
dmsimard | "# Everything beyond this point is rewritten to htmlify." ... http://paste.openstack.org/raw/752107/ | 14:02 |
armstrongs | thanks giving it a go now | 14:05 |
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armstrongs | still no luck | 14:15 |
armstrongs | [Mon May 27 14:13:30.598724 2019] [wsgi:error] [pid 15689:tid 140660581594880] [client] Target WSGI script not found or unable to stat: /usr/local/bin/ara-wsgi-sqlite.css, referer: | 14:15 |
armstrongs | getting that in the logs still | 14:15 |
fungi | and ara-wsgi-sqlite.css isn't a wsgi script, is it? | 14:16 |
fungi | seems odd wsgi is trying to execute that, but maybe i'm misreading | 14:17 |
armstrongs | no im pointing at ara-wsgi-sqlite only | 14:17 |
armstrongs | i figured that python script was trying to call css | 14:18 |
armstrongs | i noticed its using /usr/bin and python 2.7 as opposed to python3 which is /usr/local/bin should that matter? | 14:23 |
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dmsimard | armstrongs: zuul and ara should be running py3 | 14:38 |
dmsimard | ara works in py2 but since zuul is running py3 there's probably no reason to run ara in py2 | 14:38 |
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armstrongs | so zuul is a seperate server thats generating the report as python 3. The log server with ara on it seems to be running python 2.7 how can i force ara to use python 3 on the log server that has apache? | 14:45 |
fungi | install it under python3 instead of python2. e.g. `python3 -m pip install ...` or `pip3 install ...` | 14:47 |
fungi | or use a pip whose default python is python3 | 14:47 |
dmsimard | armstrongs: the fact that it's generated from py3 doesn't have an impact as to whether or not ara will be able to read it if installed from py2 or py3 -- both will work | 14:54 |
armstrongs | yeah i got it using python 3 and still have the same issue | 15:03 |
armstrongs | http://paste.openstack.org/show/752113/ is my latest apache config | 15:12 |
fungi | if it helps, this is what the relevant section of our apache vhost config looks like: https://opendev.org/opendev/puppet-openstackci/src/branch/master/templates/logs.vhost.erb#L92-L114 | 15:14 |
fungi | with appropriate strings in place of some of those erb macros | 15:15 |
armstrongs | ok in python 3 with a new job i seem to be getting a new error and the report isnt rendering anymore http://paste.openstack.org/show/752114/ | 15:26 |
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armstrongs | heads up so nobody else bumps into this issue ara_report_path default of 'ara' results in css not displying but ara_report_path: ara-reports works | 21:22 |
armstrongs | thanks for all the help debugging, glad i got that fixed :) | 21:22 |
fungi | dmsimard: ^ maybe the default needs changing? | 21:26 |
fungi | armstrongs: glad you got it working, and thanks for the info! | 21:26 |
fungi | alternatively, maybe we should be publishing our ara reports into an ara subtree instead of ara-reports by default in the role | 21:27 |
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