Wednesday, 2019-08-07

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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Use wait for empty update queue before accepting merges
tobiashcorvus, mordred: there is another case of a missing TextWorker override ^07:12
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tobiashmordred: are you in europe or jetlagged?07:19
mordredneither - just awake for no reason :)07:20
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* SpamapS *feels* that07:23
mordredSpamapS: otoh - it's a good time to get some things done :)07:24
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openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: Update ara to >=0.16.5 to support ansible 2.8
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openstackgerritMark Meyer proposed zuul/zuul master: Rework a cache invalidation issue
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openstackgerritFabien Boucher proposed zuul/zuul master: Add reference pipelines file for Gerrit driver
openstackgerritFabien Boucher proposed zuul/zuul master: A reporter for Elasticsearch
ofososI've some problems with the container builds. Apparently the containers is builds do not include all the changes I made locally. Is that possible? Do they do some git magic?09:39
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ofososAll good.10:27
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Don't install centos repos on RHEL
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flaper87does OpenStack's Zuul runs master? Or is it pinned to a specific commit/version?11:40
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AJaegerAFAIK, it runs master at some time ;) We need to restart to go there, so every so often we restart with current master...11:43
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flaper87thanks, that's what I thought too. Wanted to confirm11:43
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fungiflaper87: AJaeger: yeah, we continuously *install* master branch tip onto our zuul servers, but we don't end up running every single commit since we can sometimes go weeks between restarts13:15
fungihowever, we *do* as a rule restart everything and run for a couple days on what you might consider a "release candidate" commit before tagging a release13:16
fungialso, not to be pedantic, it's no longer openstack's zuul (at least in name). it's now the opendev zuul and services quite a number of non-openstack projects (always has really, though openstack's workload still consumes a vast majority of the resources)13:17
openstackgerritJeff Liu proposed zuul/zuul-operator master: WIP: Add zuul-operator-functional-openshift job
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tristanCHi, does config projects job running in post-review pipeline are executed speculatively? Or does the post-review only affects secrets and project ssh key usage?14:20
pabelangernot speculatively, need to merge the code first14:22
tristanCpabelanger: alright, thanks!14:23
corvustristanC, mordred, anyone else:  i need some feedback from you.  can you please visit all of the preview sites listed in this ethercalc and leave review comments on the associated changes letting me know what you like / don't like about them?
tristanCcorvus: i'll review them now14:42
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fungitristanC: pabelanger: post-review is orthogonal to speculative execution, i'm pretty sure. things can be speculatively executed in opendev's "gate" pipeline (assuming the right conditions are met) even though it's marked "post-review: True"
fungitristanC: oh, though you said "config projects" and yes, those won't have speculative execution regardless of whether the pipeline is set to post-review (still the two are unrelated as far as i know)14:47
mordredcorvus: looking14:47
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mordredcorvus: I'm going through and leaving review comments this pass in isolation - like, not considering the other patches - I'm not sure if that'll be relevant14:53
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corvusmordred: yeah, some of them can work in isolation, others work better or require other patches...  we'll figure it out :)14:57
corvusalso, i can't access the ethercalc now, can anyone else?14:57
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corvusit's back15:08
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mordredcorvus: on I'm seeing
sshnaidmpabelanger, can you take a look please?
mordredcorvus: also - tasks that don't have any stdout still have an expansion arrow, but expanding it just renders an empty box15:27
mordred(that's across teh board)15:27
corvusmordred: re the first thing: yeah, that's just a task without a name15:28
corvusmordred: we need to have that fall back to something, like "command".  but that's not related to that change, that's true for all of these dashboards15:28
AJaegersshnaidm: where was 674572 tested inside OpenDev, e.g. with OpenStack jobs?15:29
corvusmordred: and yes, the expansion arrow thing is annoying.  it's a defect in patternfly react.  we'll have to get an upstream fix in, but we may be able to work around it locally with a whole bunch of copypasta.15:29
mordredcorvus: oh joy15:29
sshnaidmAJaeger, it's used in every tripleo job15:29
AJaegercould you make a dummy tripleo change to test it, please?15:30
sshnaidmAJaeger, sure15:31
AJaegersshnaidm: thanks, let's add that as comment to the review as well...15:32
sshnaidmAJaeger, done15:33
mordredcorvus: on that one that I commented about it not working ... I see what my issue was15:44
mordredcorvus: I picked a multinode job, but it was a legacy grenade job15:44
corvusyeah, those have terrible descriptions :)15:45
corvusmordred, tristanC: the gist i'm getting is that all those changes look good, and there are some suggestions to further tweak them (eg, visually split plays without nesting, add icon for hostname)15:45
mordredcorvus: so the tasks I was looking at just didn't have descriptions, and that combined with teh "if there's no stdout the task still expands"15:45
corvusand oh yeah, i can try to work around the expansion issue15:45
corvus(it's going to be a lot of boilerplate code copied from patternfly react though :( )15:45
mordredit looked like "description -> empty" "(no description) -> output" "(no description) -> output"15:46
mordredcorvus: that's gross :(15:46
corvusyeah.  i'll make sure to open a PR.15:46
mordredcorvus: is it a hard upstream fix?15:46
corvusnope, easy15:46
corvusthey're just missing an empty div.15:46
mordredmaybe we can convince them to land a pr and cut a bugfix release for us :)15:46
corvusnow, they *might* go and say that merging it would change everyone's rendering and decline it.  but that's the wrong approach -- their code doesn't match the patternfly docs.15:47
corvushopefully they'll see it our way :)15:47
mordredcorvus: anywho - check out neutron-grenade-multinode for a patholigical case15:47
mordredcorvus: I think, especially with the "move the hostname" patch, we might want to put something in description if the playbook doesn't have something there15:48
corvusmordred, tristanC: should i just squash all of those changes into one for ease of merging? or do we want to just approve them as they are?  either way, i'll work on implementing the suggestions as followups.15:48
corvusmordred: absolutely.  we can at least put the task action there.15:49
mordredcorvus: yeah - I think the whole stack is good15:49
mordredcorvus: actually - the moved hostname patch makes missing description look less bad :)15:50
mordredcorvus: oh - I just noticed ...15:50
mordredthe i in a circle next to trusted - my expectation on seeing it would be that I could click the i to get further information15:51
mordred(that might just be how my eyes see the ui) - but maybe a followup could make a click on the i pop up a description of what trusted means?15:51
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corvusmordred: on the summary tab, we have task counts in a similar place and they aren't clickable15:52
corvusthough i agree that once we make the "SKIPPED" etc labels clickable, it gets less clear15:52
mordredcorvus: so - on the summary page - mouseovers tell me what the i check and x mean15:53
mordred(although now that I'm looking at  *that* - i == ok tasks and check == changed tasks - but on the console page changed is yellow and ok is green)15:54
corvusoh, another difference is that the entire row is clickable because of the expansion, so you don't have mouse-cursor feedback telling you that the (i) isn't clickable15:54
corvustricky one this.15:54
mordredI think mouseover help would be fine (right now i on console just says "trusted")15:54
mordredui is fun15:54
corvusokay, i'm going to squash everything and start on updates15:55
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: Render console in js
mordredcorvus: I think this is looking REALLY good and super helpful15:55
corvus\o/ thanks for your feedback -- i need extra eyes :)15:56
corvusi think we can go ahead and merge that at this point if we wanted ^15:56
corvusmordred: i don't suppose we have npm sibling support? :)15:58
corvuswas wondering if i could do the pf-react PR and depends-on15:59
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mordredcorvus: we do not have npm sibling support - but I thnik we should :)16:10
mordredcorvus: have you done yarn overrides of dependenices locally yet? I think I read about it a little while ago16:10
corvusmordred: no.  thanks for that16:13
mordredcorvus: so - it looks like it should be fairly easy-ish to make an npm-siblings16:13
mordredcorvus: however, it might be a little weird and/or different for zuul since the npm dir is down a dir16:13
mordredcorvus: so maybe we just do a local to zuul version to start - with an explicit list of deps16:14
mordredand figure out generalized version later16:14
mordredcorvus: also - fwiw - we could do siblings and depends-on to test that it works - and if we wanted to run with it while waiting, we could just update our packages.json to point to your gh repo / branch with the patch in it until they make a release16:21
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toskyit looks like should be working fine now (finally), sorry for the messy 1st try16:28
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: Usability tweaks for the build page console
corvusmordred, tristanC: ^ that's everything except the expansion fix16:31
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corvusmordred: on second inspection, the patternfly documentation is a bit ambiguous about whether the heading should be aligned for rows with and without expansion carets.  on the plus side, there are two examples, one with a checkbox, and one with a caret and checkbox, and the headers align.  on the other hand, the examples don't explicitly include the div for the caret if it isn't there, and they also say don't17:21
corvusmix-and-match row styles.  at any rate, there isn't a clear-cut thing i can point to to make the argument for the change, so i'm not sure it's worth it.  however, i have managed to accomplish the same result with just a slight css tweak, so i think that'll do for now.17:21
corvus   (is what i was looking at)17:22
corvusalmost ready to push that up17:22
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corvusmordred: oh, i found i can change the cursor for the (i) icon17:32
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mordredcorvus: neat!17:33
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AJaegerhere're two changes for zuul-jobs that could introduce problems - and . I'd like to have a second/third pair of eyes on them if anybody has time...17:35
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: Don't always show expansion option on build console
corvusmordred, tristanC: ^ i think that's everything from the earlier round of comments17:37
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mnaserpabelanger: do you have any jobs that you can share that leverage ansible-galaxy-import ?18:01
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pabelangerbut with next version of ansible, that changes I _think_18:05
pabelangerI'm not sure what is going to happen with import command18:05
pabelangersince galaxy will be able to upload a tarball for collections18:05
mnaserah i see18:06
mnaserso maybe ill hold off that for now i guess18:06
pabelangercollections is the new hotness, but something still being worked out18:06
mordredpabelanger: when you say "be able to upload a tarball" - does that also mean there's support for not-github now then?18:07
pabelangermordred: yes, but upload of tarballs are for collections only. I need to check how a role would work18:08
pabelangerI am guessing that is still import via github18:08
pabelangeryah, ansible-galaxy role import is still a thing, which is github online18:09
mordredpabelanger: oh - that's fine - if collections support not-github, then I'll be much more interested in publishing collections than roles :)18:11
pabelangeryah, I suspect you'll want to be involved with openstack collection :)18:12
funginow if they can just work out how to support hyphens18:15
pabelangeryah, I don't expect that to be fixed anytime soon, TBH18:16
pabelangerwhich means I get to do 'fun' things like:
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corvuspabelanger: are you using the upload-logs-swift role directly from zuul-jobs master?18:19
pabelangercorvus: yes, I believe so18:19
pabelangeryah, no local fork18:20
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corvuspabelanger: what is ?18:22
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pabelangercorvus: nginx server to rewrite swift url18:22
corvuspabelanger: why rewrite the swift url?18:22
corvus(for comparison, here's a build in opendev with a bare swift url for its log url: )18:24
pabelangerhumans wanted a more friendly url then
pabelangerit basically does proxy pass with SSL18:24
pabelangerrunning on same system as zuul-web18:24
corvuspabelanger: okay.  i'm probably not going to understand why people think is better than18:26
corvus  but maybe it's not important that i do.  :)18:26
corvuspabelanger: i'd like for the ansible zuul instance to take advantage of all the new shiny log stuff we've been working on18:26
corvuspabelanger: there's an easy first step, and that's to add a cors header to that nginx config.  that should be all that's needed18:27
pabelangeryah, i don't have a strong opinion myself. I can bring it up at next team meeting and see what other folks want to do18:27
corvuspabelanger: once that's in place, you'll be ready to switch to having zuul report the build page url instead of the logs url18:27
pabelangerit was just confusing to explain what vexxhost was to people when talking about testing18:27
corvuspabelanger: then once you do that, you might then think about removing the nginx proxy -- the swift urls won't show up as prominently (they will only be visible if someone navigates through a couple of layers to go directly to a hosted logfile)18:28
pabelangeralso, does work for anybody else?18:29
pabelangerI don't seem to be seeing logs stream properly18:29
corvuspabelanger: i wouldn't worry about changing the nginx thing until then -- it's not worth it until then, and once you get to the end state, it'd probably be an easy sell18:29
corvuspabelanger: we're having a bunch of oom-kills of the streaming daemon because of the executor distribution bug18:29
corvusthe bug is fixed but we haven't restarted executors with it yet18:29
pabelangercorvus: yah, I do for see a big issue with the change. And happy to do it18:30
pabelangerah, missed that. Thanks18:30
corvuspabelanger: i assume you meant you "don't" foresee a big issue? :)18:30
corvuspabelanger: where's the config for the nginx server?18:30
pabelangersorry, don't yes18:30
pabelangercorvus: it should be but doesn't look like it is properly manged via gitops :(18:31
pabelangerso maybe a good reason to remove it18:31
pabelangerthat is the contents18:31
corvuspabelanger: i'll send you a PR after i get back from lunch... and you can deploy that however you want :)18:32
corvuspabelanger: it should be a one liner, so i'd still say the easiest course is to keep nginx around at least until after the switch to reporting the build page18:32
corvusthen getting rid of it should be easier18:33
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corvuspabelanger: getting rid of is a goal for us, so the process matches up pretty well :)18:33
pabelangeryah, removing is likely best now18:33
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pabelangercorvus: in fact, we can test it now in by removing logs.o.o from the base job18:35
corvuspabelanger: i think the swift container is missing some cors setting for that to work18:37
corvusso it's better to keep nginx until we fix that18:37
corvusgotta grab lunch now, biab.18:37
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pabelangertobiash: first pass on is green, which is good. that is ansible 2.9 support. Still need to dig into test results19:05
openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Be consistent about spaces before and after vars
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openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Be consistent about spaces before and after vars
tobiashpabelanger: cool :)19:22
tobiashcorvus: we also have a proxy in front of our swift logs because of auth reasons. I guess this won't ne a problem? Adding any headers there is no problem for me.19:24
pabelangerOh, that was the other reason for us too.19:25
pabelangerthere was talk of doing private data on public zuul, and needed a way to control auth19:25
pabelangerfor things like logs19:25
pabelangerand status UI19:25
pabelangerbut, that seems to have staled out for now19:25
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corvustobiash: yeah, i expect it should be fine.  we'll have a demo soon19:30
corvusalso i plan on sending an email to the list about this, it's just i'm not sure what to write yet -- i'd like to find out exactly what we would need to do to fix the swift container ansible's zuul is using19:31
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corvuspabelanger, tobiash:  should do it i think19:36
corvusthe easiest way to tell if it's working is to visit a build page like this:
corvusif you see the host summary information at the bottom, it's working.  see for comparison19:37
pabelangerOh, it is in git, Yay19:38
pabelangerapproved, should know more in 10mins19:40
corvuspabelanger: what's the base job in that system?19:41
corvusi found ansible/project-config, but i only see base-minimal in there, and i don't see the option to set that as the default base job for the tenant19:42
pabelangeryah, base-minimal19:42
pabelangerlet me check19:42
pabelangerI don't think we changed the default base job, we just parent base to base-minimal19:43
pabelangerand it seems to work19:43
corvuswhere's base?19:43
corvuspabelanger: oh, that's an untrusted repo?19:44
pabelangerbase is untrusted for us, and base-minimal trusted19:45
corvusthe 'configure-mirrors-fork' role makes me think we should make sure you review the new mirror replacement stuff:
pabelangeryah, there has been some things we forked for speed mostly. We also don't have a good story for mirror infra in zuul.ansible.com19:48
fungiit's possible the auth problem could be worked around by the fact that the build ids should be unguessable? so your only real risk of disclosure (as brute-forcing a uuid isn't viable) is someone leaking the url somewhere outside of the system19:49
fungiwhich i suppose could still be a risk19:49
corvusfungi: yeah, though the log urls are predictable  (but they don't need to be)19:50
corvuswe just liked them that way19:50
fungioh, right, and we only embed an abbreviated build id don't we19:50
corvuswe could totally add a flag to upload-logs-swift that makes the urls unguessable19:50
fungithe abbreviated build id would be fairly trivial to brute-force19:51
corvuspabelanger: and
corvuspabelanger: not sure the best way to test 171, i'll leave that up to you :)19:56
corvusalso, i really have no idea if that's the right way to create a patch series in github19:56
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pabelangeryah, can't really. they expect you to push it up into single PR19:56
pabelangerwe'll have to rebase 172 once 171 merges19:57
mordredcorvus: you can depends-on between the two to create a patch series19:57
mordredI mean - from a zuul pov at least19:57
pabelangerYah, about the only way to really do it19:58
mordredgithub won't understand it - but at least it won't show the diff from 171 in 17219:58
corvuspabelanger: huh, really?  172 won't merge after 171?19:58
pabelangercorvus: no, will be merge conflict as they have same commit19:58
corvusit should just be 2 fast-forwards19:58
corvusthat is so not how git works19:58
pabelangerI think, it does19:58
pabelangerlets find out19:58
corvusyeah, good experiment19:58
mordredcorvus: they tend to use the rebase/squash merge method in ansible19:59
corvus(since it's a low-traffic repo, we shouldn't have any merges)19:59
mordredor the chery-pick or whatever it's called19:59
mordredI don't know if that's the case in that repo - I know it is in ansible/ansible19:59
pabelangerit will create a merge commit I think19:59
corvusmordred: oh that would botch it for sure19:59
pabelangerbut lets see19:59
mordredbut yes - good experiement!19:59
corvusmordred: cause yeah, that would make a new commit with identical content19:59
mordredwhich also a zuul-only depends-on patch series would handle20:00
corvusmordred, tristanC: can you take a look at the site preview build in and vote on it and also the 2 parent changes?20:02
corvusthere's a tiny lint issue on that one which i'll fix now20:03
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: Don't always show expansion option on build console
corvusthat was an extra semicolon, that's not going to change anything20:04
corvusmordred, tristanC, clarkb: i'm really digging the console thing -- you have all come up with some great ideas :)20:05
corvusnow i'm going to try fixing some of the deep-link issues clarkb pointed out yesterday20:05
mordredcorvus: if all I have to do is say random things in irc and you write a bunch of javascript, that works great for me20:05
corvusmordred: that's cute that you think that's all you have to do :)20:06
* mordred batts eyelashes20:06
pabelangercorvus: looks to be correct now20:07
corvuspabelanger: \o/20:08
corvuspabelanger: the js web app is running off of releases too, right?  (ie, it's not from master?)20:08
pabelangeryah, released version20:09
funginot to distract, but there's an osf newsletter going out this week... is there anything we think might be worth mentioning (aside from the impending ansiblefest)? i'm guessing mentioning the new dashboard work might still be premature for that audience?20:09
corvusfungi: yeah, let's flag that for the next one; we'll have nice things to show off20:09
fungii figured, but wanted to make sure. thanks!20:10
fungiin a couple more weeks there's a good chance it'll be in a release i guess20:10
fungiand that makes it a lot easier to talk about20:10
mordredcorvus: I'm not seeing console in the latest dashboard build20:10
corvuspabelanger: after getting the manifest role in place, the next step for ansible's zuul will be to wait for a release with the logs and console tab.  i think we can do that next week.20:10
mordredcorvus: nevermind please20:11
corvuspabelanger: then we can verify that all works, then you'll have the option to switch the reporting url to the build page20:11
pabelangercorvus: we could do pre-release from pypi too, and that will pick up everything from wheel20:11
corvus(which is a change i still have to right)20:11
corvuser, to write20:11
corvuspabelanger: yeah, though we're way past-due for a release and i think making one next week after we land the (yet-to-be-written) change to add the feature flag for the reporting url is a really good place to do one.  plus what fungi said.20:12
mordredcorvus: oh wow. something went poorly20:12
corvus(i *think* we've merged the initial batch of web auth stuff; i didn't want to have that span releases)20:13
fungimordred: i hope that was an actual error message. if so, i love those20:13
corvusfungi: actually it's "Something went wrong" i think20:13
mordredcorvus: ^^20:13
corvusbut we can totally change it to 'poorly'20:13
mordredthose results numbers are really big :)20:13
corvusmordred: yes, though to be fair, that looks a lot better when there's actually data20:13
corvusthat'll be, it looped over 3 things, none of which actually output anything interesting20:14
mordredcorvus: joy :)20:14
corvusso 2 questions:20:14
fungioh, i see now, when you said the numbers are really big, you meant visually, not numerically20:14
corvus1) should we hide the result item header when there isn't anything to display under it?20:14
mordredcorvus: the rest of things look *great*20:15
corvus2) should we adjust the header sizes?  (make those smaller, make the other ones bigger?)  but we should evaluate this question on a task with actual data and item names.  better to find something in the first pre-playbook, that should look right.20:15
fungi("hide" could also just be "de-emphasize somehow" i guess, like pale color, shade background, shrink...?)20:16
mordredyeah. that was again from a legacy job - so god only knows what's going on20:16
mordredcorvus: stack is +2 from me20:16
corvusmordred: first pre-playbook "Print node information" task is a good one20:16
corvusi think i lean toward "yes" for question 1 -- so in mordred's screenshot, we would just not have "results" or anything under it.20:17
mordredcorvus: yeah - I think probably just smallerifying that would be nice - the header there is way bigger than any other text20:18
mordredcorvus: yeah - becuase if you wanted to see if more info - you can always click details20:18
mordredbut you probably never want to see an empty list of numbers20:18
corvusthe only thing i worry about in making it the same size as the other headers is whether you can tell when you switch from item 0 to item 120:19
mordredcorvus: I think we can probablky leave it for a bit and mull it - it's not offensively big when there are actual results20:19
corvuswe could break out the old <hr> horizontal rule :)20:19
mordredcorvus: what about <blink>20:20
mordredcorvus: as long as it's not an embedded sound file that plays when the page opens20:20
corvuswe totally forgot to put an under construction icon on here, how will people know we're not done?20:21
fungiyou're done when the text catches fire and the skulls spin properly20:23
corvusthis form of output is making me think of a bunch of changes i want to make to the devstack playbook20:25
fungiit would be a really great job to exercise this with, since it's not shy about having a ton of tasks20:28
corvusoh yeah, it's one of the 3 builds i have open for testing20:29
corvusbecause i have it open, i can see it's doing some things it doesn't need to be doing :)20:30
mordredcorvus: :)20:30
mordredcorvus: also - have I mentioned being able to look at dashboard changes against live data is amazing?20:30
corvusi've never seen a complete summary of all the tasks in a playbook, all at once with one per line before20:30
corvusmordred: it's killer20:31
corvusalso, ftr, i still really want to move the additionalinfo stuff farther to the right, but that's some serious css magic that i don't understand20:33
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: Adjust results headings in build console page
corvusmordred: ^21:30
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mordredcorvus: yes21:32
corvusi just had a crazy idea21:32
corvuswhat if we went back to having one line per task, then put the result of each node in the additionalInfo section21:33
corvusthat would probably work for maybe up to 8 nodes for a single task, which is probably okay for zuul21:33
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corvusmaybe 6 if the node names are longish21:34
corvusi guess that's not that different than before except for 2 things -- the different status values are discernable because they would be adjacent to node names, and we wouldn't have expandable child nodes underneath for the output (we'd just combine them all).  but now that i imagine that, i think that tasks like "run devstack" on multiple nodes would be unusable... so i'm going to mull on that some more.21:36
mordredcorvus: yeah - run devstack is the one that makes everything tricky21:39
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: Scroll log line anchor into view
corvusthat fixes the link-to-log-line issue clarkb noticed yesterday22:23
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mnaserso i'm hacking on builting a (somewhat) highly available zuul control plane, obviously zuul-scheduler is the tricky bit.  if i use pacemaker and run 1 instance of it on any given node, is there anythign that is sticking out as a big "nono"?23:21
mnaserthe idea is that any control plane node can disappear without the need of manual intervention23:22
fungiif the scheduler disappears (currently) you'll lose all builds which were queued because that's puerly in memory (for now)23:27
fungier, purely23:27
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fungialso queued events/results23:29
fungii'm not sure what else you would lose with a hot/cold failover of the scheduler23:29
fungithat might be all?23:29
fungiassuming all configuration was kept in sync23:30
fungithough the next major feature planned is to move all that state into zookeeper (and drop gearman, i think?)23:31
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mnaserfungi: ok so it will pretty much result in all jobs being lost but at least the 'service' can be restored automatically without manual intervention23:38
mnasershould the scheduler crash anyways23:38
fungithat's what i expect, purely from experience restarting the scheduler daemon23:42
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mnaseri think i might have found a dib bug with buster23:43
mnaserseems to `wait` here forever :(23:43
mnaserThinking out loud though.. I guess it would be nice if we had sometgibf similar to Jenkins shutdown mode23:45
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mnaserIn order to stop queueing any more jobs in a maintenance23:46
fungiwell, zuul does have a graceful shutdown i think23:50
fungibut if you have jobs which run for three hours (hello tripleo) you don't necessarily want to 1. wait three hours for a scheduler restart and 2. pile up 3 hours worth of new events to then try to start jobs for after23:51
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fungiso we usually just cut our losses, use a script to create a snapshot of what items are queued in important pipelines, and then reenqueue them after23:52

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