Tuesday, 2019-08-13

openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: Don't capitalize Token in docs  https://review.opendev.org/67541300:03
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openstackgerritBenedikt Löffler proposed zuul/zuul master: Report retried builds in a build set via mqtt.  https://review.opendev.org/63272707:19
openstackgerritBenedikt Löffler proposed zuul/zuul master: Report retried builds via sql reporter.  https://review.opendev.org/63350107:19
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openstackgerritBenedikt Löffler proposed zuul/zuul master: Report retried builds in a build set via mqtt.  https://review.opendev.org/63272708:45
openstackgerritBenedikt Löffler proposed zuul/zuul master: Report retried builds via sql reporter.  https://review.opendev.org/63350108:45
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openstackgerritJeff Liu proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add skip-registry-check parameter to deploy openshift role  https://review.opendev.org/67568814:28
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openstackgerritJeff Liu proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add skip-registry-check parameter to deploy openshift role  https://review.opendev.org/67568815:21
openstackgerritJeff Liu proposed zuul/zuul-operator master: WIP: Add zuul-operator-functional-openshift job  https://review.opendev.org/67435515:22
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AshBullockHey all, does anyone have any experience with the variable job.cleanup-run? https://zuul-ci.org/docs/zuul/user/config.html#attr-job.cleanup-run  Am I right in thinking the playbooks under this variable should execute even when a job is interrupted by a new trigger event?15:31
corvusAshBullock: that's correct15:33
corvusAshBullock: the only time they may not run is if the executor is stopped or crashes15:33
corvusnot much we can do about that :)15:33
tristanCcorvus: iiuc the scheduler scale out, then it should enable enforcing the cleanup run happen even when the executor service crashes right?15:36
corvustristanC: we might be able to do that.  however, if the cleanup playbook depends on stuff that happens in the pre- or run- playbooks, then it won't work.  so maybe we shouldn't try, and instead should just try to have nice graceful shutdowns :)15:40
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AshBullockThanks, I can see the playbook being executed now, was just not looking at the log stream for it's output15:53
openstackgerritJeff Liu proposed zuul/zuul-operator master: WIP: Add zuul-operator-functional-openshift job  https://review.opendev.org/67435515:53
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corvusmordred: i was just looking at this ansible parse error: https://zuul.opendev.org/t/zuul/build/120fbbef25cd4ef9bd62f1039f8167e8/log/job-output.txt#26716:14
corvusit shows up in the text log, but i don't think it shows up in the json log... so all our neat automatic find-the-error stuff isn't working... do you think it's possible for that to end up in json?16:15
corvusmordred: i guess the callback isn't getting run, so if we did it, we'd maybe have the executor write a "fake" playbook entry to the json log before it runs the next one?16:16
zbr|flutristanC: thanks for the link to ansible-tags change. by any chance this would also apply to "roles:" in job configuration?16:17
mordredcorvus: oh - is that because when we get a PARSE error the executor just appends the error text it got from the command line to the text log16:22
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mordredcorvus: I think I thought about putting that into the json log before - but as it is structured right now that would involve the executor needing to read the existing json log in to memory16:23
mordredcorvus: maybe what we should do is have the executor append the info to the text log, and also put it into a file that the json callback can look for and then add the fake playbook structure like you were just suggesting16:24
corvusmordred: why is it a problem for the executor to load it into memory?16:25
corvusjust wanting to keep the memory footprint low, because it can be big?16:25
corvus(and we don't mind that ansible does that because it's a separate process?)16:25
mordredyeah. and we wouldn't reclaim the memory directly by the process going away16:25
corvusoh oh!16:25
corvusmordred: we can do it without loading it16:25
mordredthis is one of the reasons I was thinking we should switch to an append-only yaml format16:25
mordredwe can?16:26
corvusmordred: oh wait, no we can't16:26
corvusi mean, we could, but it'd be yucky16:26
corvuslike, we'd have to drop the final ']'16:26
corvusand also change }, to }16:27
corvuser other way around16:27
corvusdangerous to do without parsing16:27
mordredyeah. this is why I started working on this: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/623256/ a while back16:27
corvusmordred: we could fork/exec to do the json append16:28
mordredwe could16:28
corvusmeh.  we can probably live with the status quo and focus our effort on the yaml thing.  better long-term payoff16:29
corvusmordred: thanks for the brainstorming :)16:29
mordredcorvus: yeah. as a stepping stone, what if we had the callbacks write append-only yaml - but then we have the upload task transform it into json? is that too rube-goldberg?16:29
corvusmordred: i think it is.  my bet is that's more effort than fixing whatever tripped up the functional stream test :)16:30
corvusmordred: i rechceked your yaml change; it still applies cleanly16:30
corvusokay, back to swift16:31
mordredcool. I think we could slightly rework it to not need multi-document support on the reading side pretty easily16:31
mordred(turns out yaml lists directly append pretty nicely too)16:31
openstackgerritJeff Liu proposed zuul/zuul-operator master: WIP: Add zuul-operator-functional-openshift job  https://review.opendev.org/67435516:34
corvusmordred: i'm assuming there's some simple yaml->object stuff for js16:35
corvus(cause the current json -> object is more or less automatic in axios)16:35
mordredyeah. http://nodeca.github.io/js-yaml/16:35
mordredwould have to figure out how to wire that up16:36
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mordredcorvus: I've got a change to just do it as a list in a single doc - ok if I push that up?16:40
corvusmordred: ++16:41
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul master: Add appending yaml log plugin  https://review.opendev.org/62325616:41
mordredI think that'll be a cleaner format to work with16:41
corvusyeah, i assume this will slot into existing code better16:42
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mordredcorvus: I'm going to rebase on master so that the javascript stuff is there to look at16:43
corvusmordred: ack16:46
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul master: Add appending yaml log plugin  https://review.opendev.org/62325616:57
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul master: Process yaml log files if they exist  https://review.opendev.org/67624616:57
mordredcorvus: there's an initial stab at parsing the yaml from axios in the dashboard16:58
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openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul master: job: add ansible-tags and ansible-skip-tags attribute  https://review.opendev.org/57567217:06
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zbr|flutristanC: i rebased your tags change ^ -- but it would be useful to get some feedback from corvus mordred regarding other aspects.17:19
zbr|flushould we reuse already implemented 'tags" and only add "skip-tags" to ? i would vote for it, seems less confusing than ansible-tags and ansible-skip-tags.17:20
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul master: Write errors from ansible execution into yaml log  https://review.opendev.org/67625017:28
corvuszbr|flu, tristanC: my guess is that the tags feature is little-enough used that a behavior change would be okay, but we should ask on the mailing list to get more input.17:36
corvuszbr|flu, tristanC: i wrote it originally to help with job classification in openstack's logstash system.  to be honest, i'm not even sure if we're using it there.17:36
corvusi'm going to start making releases now17:37
zbr|flucorvus: i guess one use case does not rule out the other, right?17:37
corvuszbr|flu: right.  i think the use cases are compatible, so we don't necessarily need another option.17:37
zbr|fluthe reason i asked yesterday was because I needed ansible tag in order to call some roles with special testing tags. glad that I found tristanC old change.17:39
corvusShrews, tobiash: i don't see any release-critical nodepool patches, and i think we should be good to release current master 7bbbe73c0daddce68fd3901d322e777aa37520e0 as 3.8.0.  does that sound right?17:40
Shrewscorvus: lemme review real quick17:40
Shrewscorvus: i think you restarted all of nodepool with 7bb the other day, right?17:41
corvusShrews: no i haven't, i only did a zuul restart17:42
corvusoh, i did do some restarts due to the swift errors we were getting17:43
corvusthat would have been some launchers, but probably not all of them17:43
Shrewsi see builders restarted on Aug 5th. Wasn't that for the pwd issue?17:43
corvus(sorry, not really swift errors, more like, errors i caused with cloud accounts during swift testing)17:43
corvusShrews: so i guess the answer is yes! :)17:43
Shrewscorvus: then we are gtg17:43
corvusShrews: i get the two of us confused sometimes17:44
tobiashSo I guess a release is fine :)17:44
Shrewscorvus: practically twins17:44
corvuson the zuul side, i think master, 618be8a06380c23744224267c81137bca81e3986, should be good as 3.10.017:44
corvuspushed nodepool 3.8.017:45
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corvuslooks like nodepool was published okay.  pushing zuul now.18:06
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul master: Add appending yaml log plugin  https://review.opendev.org/62325618:13
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul master: Process yaml log files if they exist  https://review.opendev.org/67624618:14
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul master: Write errors from ansible execution into yaml log  https://review.opendev.org/67625018:14
corvusmordred got nerdsniped18:14
mordredcorvus: great example there of a patch which merges fine and worked (mostly) ok in its original form, but which fails when merged with current master ... because the directory where those things went changed18:15
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul master: Add appending yaml log plugin  https://review.opendev.org/62325618:17
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul master: Process yaml log files if they exist  https://review.opendev.org/67624618:17
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul master: Write errors from ansible execution into yaml log  https://review.opendev.org/67625018:17
corvusmordred: yeah, and our testing of the js is weak (as tristanC pointed out the other day)18:18
mordredyeah. we'll get there18:18
corvuszuul and nodepool are up on pypi, i will unleash the release announcements19:02
corvusi do note that we don't have updated documentation19:04
corvus(i mean, all the release notes are there, but the "In Development" header hasn't been updated to the new release number)19:04
corvusit'll get fixed on the next patch landing19:04
corvusbut it's supposed to happen with releases too19:04
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corvusit published the 3.10.0 directory, but didn't publish master -- https://zuul-ci.org/docs/zuul/3.10.0/releasenotes.html19:08
corvusthat's technically the most correct thing to do19:08
corvus(since a release might trail master)19:08
corvusjust slightly annoying in this case19:08
mordredcorvus: yeah. that is the most correct thing. and also weird19:09
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corvusi guess in the future i should link to the version-specific release notes19:09
corvusin the emails19:09
mordredcorvus: oh - that's not a terrible idea19:10
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/nodepool master: Support optional post upload hooks  https://review.opendev.org/67626619:17
tristanCcorvus: shouldn't the nodepool source be published here https://tarballs.opendev.org/zuul/nodepool/ or there https://tarballs.openstack.org/nodepool/ ?19:31
corvustristanC: perhaps?  :)19:32
corvusit certainly looks like we were publishing release tarballs and wheels to https://tarballs.openstack.org/nodepool/19:33
tristanCyes, that's where we used to get zuul and nodepool sources... should we use the gitea archive endpoint instead?19:33
corvusi know we're publishing the branch-tip tarballs and wheels to https://tarballs.opendev.org/zuul/nodepool/19:33
corvustristanC: no no never use the gitea archive endpoint19:33
corvusthere's a reason we don't link to it anywhere, and we have no idea how people are still finding it19:34
corvusi guess we missed the release tarball publication jobs...19:34
corvustristanC: you can get the tarballs from https://pypi.org/project/nodepool/#files19:34
tristanCcorvus: well, for zuul, that's the only place to get the source only, what got published on tarballs.openstack.org contains compiled js that we have to remove and it makes our src.rpm very heavy19:34
corvustristanC: well, it's definitely not a zuul release.  the packaging is all wrong19:35
corvustristanC: will https://pypi.org/project/zuul/#files work for zuul?19:35
mordredshould we maybe publish two source tarballs - one with compiled javascript and one without?19:36
mordredwe publish with compiled js so that people can pip install without needing the javascript stack - but I can also understand someone wanting only a source tarball with no built things in it19:37
mordredbut definitely the source exports from gitea should be avoided since they are not source releases19:38
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tristanCcorvus: that 3.10.0 release from pypi would works, but is it normal it doesn't contains the compiled js?19:38
tristanC( https://pypi.org/project/zuul/3.9.0/#files , tar.gz is 10.9 MB )19:38
mordredthat seems like an issue19:39
tristanCmordred: that seems like a fix for our src.rpm ;)19:39
corvuswow i really don't like having the pre-releases there19:39
corvus3.10.0 is 2.5M19:39
corvusi don't know why it would be smaller19:40
tristanCcorvus: because it doesn't have the web ui compiled files and fonts19:40
mordredcorvus: somethign else is off - the wheel is marked as python219:40
corvustristanC: did we make a change to stop doing that?19:40
tristanCcorvus: not that i'm aware of19:41
mordredcorvus: I'm looking through the jobs now - it's possible when we shifted tenants we missed the bits that add the javascript tools to the python build jobs19:41
tristanCcorvus: mordred: assuming this release is going to be fixed to bundle the compiled js, would it possible to get a source only* release somewhere?19:42
corvussounds like maybe we want to see if we can make a third kind of release artifact (source-only, source+jscontent, jscontent)19:42
corvusand also fix the wheel markings19:42
tristanCthat would be ideal please19:43
mordredI think the wheel markings would be fixed by setting release_python: to python3 for the job19:43
mordredthen maybe we make a child job that also installs yarn19:43
mordredand produces the additional tarball19:44
corvusmordred: would it make any sense to stick with 2 deliverables and put the js content in the wheel, but not the tarball?19:45
corvusmordred: or is that just crazypants?19:45
mordredcorvus: actually - yeah - I kind of like that19:47
mordredlet the source tarball be a source tarball19:47
mordredpip is going to prefer wheels anyway19:47
corvusyeah, i got to thinking "wheels are binary artifacts, right?"  but i wasn't sure if there's like a "the wheel should be the same as the tarball" rule or something19:48
corvusi'm finishing up my 'how to use new log stuff' email, should be able to send it out in a little bit19:53
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corvussent!  http://lists.zuul-ci.org/pipermail/zuul-discuss/2019-August/000986.html20:10
clarkbto clarify you can get the source only from the source repository right?20:12
mordredclarkb: aroo?20:15
clarkbtristanC: said "for zuul, that's the only place to get the source only" referring to the gitea archive20:15
clarkbbut git works too right?20:15
corvusclarkb: i believe tristanC meant "a release artifact containly only uncompiled source code"20:15
corvussince the rpm building process usually starts with "download a tarball and then compile it...." they would prefer not to carry around wasteful extra compiled stuff20:16
clarkband rpm building can't start from a git repo like deb building? maybe that is what I am missing20:17
mordredclarkb: deb building also wants a tarball20:17
mordredclarkb: git-buildpackage puts source tarball contents into the git repo in the orig branch20:18
clarkbhrm I thought all of the openstack deb packaging started with full forks of the openstack code20:19
tristanCclarkb: the package maintainer may convert that to a proper source release artifact for the build system (so that distrib can rebuild later, even when vcs becomes unavailable)20:25
clarkbgot it20:27
tristanCat least for rpm, we use a source url, and it's better if the url points at something produced by the upstream project20:28
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pabelangerno issue upgrading nodepool to 3.8.0!23:54
pabelangeraiming for tomorrow to upgrade to zuul 3.10.023:55

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