Saturday, 2020-02-08

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mordredcorvus: nice!00:05
tristanCcorvus: that looks great! could you summarize why you stoped using the helm chart?00:11
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tristanCi'm curious if this is something the operator could support00:12
tristanCand if we could replace the tasks starting L95 by the Zuul CR00:15
corvustristanC: oh yeah -- it's fine -- nothing that would prevent using helm in the long run.  there are a pile of local changes to zuul, so i manually built images and pushed them to dockerhub.  some of those also would have required change to the helm charts (eg permissions, users, etc).  i figured it would be easier to just use local objects while we merged the upstream changes, then revisit updating the helm00:16
corvuscharts to match.00:16
corvus(oh, another example is the authdaemon thing -- that means mounting an extra secret on the executors)00:17
corvustristanC: and yes, i think most of this can be replaced by the operator00:17
tristanCcorvus: i like how you can just register the zuul secret and trigger the reconfiguration if it .changed00:18
corvustristanC: yes.. also note line 12200:18
tristanCcorvus: however this is not going to work if the run dies mid way00:18
corvustristanC: i didn't realize this at first -- it takes a while (seconds to minutes) for secrets to be updated inside of a pod, so if we're going to trigger a full-reconfigure, we have to wait until that happens00:19
tristanCcorvus: oh yes, i used kubectl exec to be compatible with k8s_exec, but using add_host let you do precise command00:19
corvusthat might be something we have to account for in the operator00:20
tristanCwell if we don't mind the cost of bundling the kubectl cli, then we should do that for sure00:21
corvus  has the info00:21
corvustristanC: i'd love to use k8s_exec :)00:23
tristanCcorvus: it seems like we could squash the delegated task into a python script that could run over k8s_exec00:24
corvuspass in the expected shas, the script can wait until the files match, then run the reconfigure command00:25
tristanCin anycase, i'd be happy to update the CR to make it support the customization you needed for gerrit00:26
tristanCcorvus: could we just add a `--wait-for-hash` argument to the zuul cli `smart|full-reconfigure` command?00:27
corvustristanC: maybe?  we could also add options to automatically reconfigure on changes to those files.00:29
corvus(but we probably don't want those enabled by default)00:29
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul master: kubernetes-operator: add job volume to the spec
tristanCcorvus: not sure job_volume is a good attribute name, but it seems like ^ would be a good addition to the Zuul CR00:48
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul-operator master: Add job_volumes CR spec attribute
tristanCcorvus: clarkb: tobiash: here is an implementation of the job_volumes Zuul CR attribute in dhall ^ (to support arbritary volumes to be bind mounted in the bubblewrap context)01:56
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul-operator master: Add job_volumes CR spec attribute
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fungiin all the tidal flooding commotion yesterday i missed this going live:
corvusfungi: that's great!15:33
corvuszuul-maint: ^15:34
fungii sent the link to the z-d ml as well15:35
fungiso far the feedback i've received is that it should have been titled more like "redeem your software quality with this one crazy trick"15:37
fungiin fairness, the publication chose the headline, not i (my working title was "life after jenkins")15:38
corvusfungi: "is your ci system hurting your code quality?"15:38
fungiultimately, the title they picked is probably better visibility for us than the one i had anyway15:40
fungieven if it's not as cheeky15:40
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masterpehi, we are using gitlab, can we use zuul for the ci?16:17
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fungimasterpe: fbo (who isn't in here at the moment apparently) has a proposed gitlab connection driver, the patches for it are currently in review:
fungii expect we're close to being ready for folks to try it out and provide feedback16:29
fungibut i haven't been following it that closely, so i'll defer to others who have on that point16:30
masterpeTnks, will look into that16:31
fungitobiash has reviewed it, also irc logs suggest reiterative has been trying it out16:34
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fungiand fbo provided some examples of it reporting on a merge request in a gitlab instance back in november, so i expect it's fairly functional at this stage16:37
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fungiahh, that was not on a private gitlab instance, but rather in
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masterpeI have tested the docker quick start manual. Is there a manual how to install zuul on bionic20:14
fungimasterpe: is probably also applicable on ubuntu 18.04 lts (that's what we're running zuul on in anyway)21:11
fungioh, i take that back, our servers are still on ubuntu 16.04 lts21:11
fungiwe're actually using and which probably are somewhat specific to our traditional deployment choices and may not be suitable for everyone21:12
fungibut they may still serve as a reasonable additional reference assuming you read puppet21:13
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