Thursday, 2020-11-05

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openstackgerritDaniel Pawlik proposed zuul/zuul master: Improve Elasticsearch reporter doc and driver, changed index name
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tobiashcorvus: do you want more reviews on 728118 (rest api tenant scoping)?07:58
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openstackgerritzbr proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: More E208
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Only report dequeue if we have reported start
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bschanzeltristanC: as we discussed some days ago, I've prepared a change for the k8s/OKD provider to remove the default workingDir from their pod specs. Could you take a look at ?10:13
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openstackgerritSimon Westphahl proposed zuul/zuul master: Component Registry in ZooKeeper
openstackgerritSimon Westphahl proposed zuul/zuul master: Move management and result events to model
openstackgerritSimon Westphahl proposed zuul/zuul master: Allow (de-)serialization of management events
openstackgerritSimon Westphahl proposed zuul/zuul master: Allow (de-)serialization of result events
openstackgerritSimon Westphahl proposed zuul/zuul master: Add and fix fields in driver trigger event models
openstackgerritSimon Westphahl proposed zuul/zuul master: Allow (de-)serialization of trigger events
openstackgerritSimon Westphahl proposed zuul/zuul master: Interface to get a driver's trigger event class
openstackgerritSimon Westphahl proposed zuul/zuul master: Clear list of Zookeeper connections after tests
openstackgerritSimon Westphahl proposed zuul/zuul master: Implementation of Zookeeper backed event queues
openstackgerritSimon Westphahl proposed zuul/zuul master: Implementation of Zookeeper event watcher
openstackgerritSimon Westphahl proposed zuul/zuul master: Switch to Zookeeper backed trigger event queues
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tristanCbschanzel: thanks!14:44
openstackgerritFelix Edel proposed zuul/zuul master: Configure json-server as mock API for development
openstackgerritFelix Edel proposed zuul/zuul master: WIP UI: Remove stretchable link from builds and buildset table
tobiashzuul-maint: what do you think about making this a regex?[openstack].cloud-images.image-name14:59
tobiashthis would make it possible/easier to have a snapshot based image update approach that is driven by zuul14:59
tobiashwe'd like to have something like that for the really large images where image building and uploading to glance is not feasable anymore15:00
tristanCtobiash: sounds good to me, should we keep on using re2 or stdlib would be enough?15:02
tobiashsince that's nodepool without user config stdlib for that would be enough (nodepool has no re2 anyway)15:03
tobiashthe idea would be that nodepool takes the last match of the alphabetically sorted list15:04
avasstobiash: I believe that's how the image filter works for ec2 as well15:04
tobiashoh that one:[aws].cloud-images.image-filters15:05
tobiashyeah so that would be feature wise then on par with that15:05
tristanCtobiash: i'm confused with re2 usage, shouldn't all new regexp attribute use re2 to be future proof?15:05
avassbut except that it's some sort of globbing and not a regex15:06
corvustobiash: ++ i'm interested in 2 ideas: 1) replacing nodepool-builder with some zuul jobs; 2) creating a second nodepool-builder that's snapshot based [that was in the original spec]15:08
corvustobiash: i think both are viable solutions and worth exploring.  #1 gets a lot more visibility to the whole system.15:09
tobiashcorvus: we have a running version of a zuul driven image build that uploads to s3 combined with a fake diskimage build that downloads it in the nodepool builder15:09
avasswe're doing #1 but using packer. and I think the CI jobs are not completely finished15:09
tobiashcorvus: for the really large images we need to get rid of the upload/download and directly use snapshots instead15:10
corvustobiash: separately -- i'm curious about why uploading to glance isn't feasible.  what's the bottleneck?  is there some way to improve that?15:10
tobiashcorvus: the images are ~700gb which takes >24h to upload via glance15:11
corvustobiash: but uploading via s3 is shorter?15:11
tobiashwell, we upload it to s3 which is shorter, download it to the builders, then upload it to multiple regions via glance15:11
tobiashand we have multiple of those images and glance is not really able to handle this amount of data15:12
corvusright, from a first principles perspective it sounds like there ought to be room for improvement in glance.  i wonder if it's worth talking with the glance authors about it, or do you think that even if glance worked as well as its peers (s3, etc) you would still want to avoid it?15:13
tobiashwe still want to avoid it, best case would be to get glance upload down to maybe ~6h which would still make overall round trip time of like 18h due to s3 upload, then download, then glance upload15:15
tobiashso even if glance can be tuned (that would need a non-python fast direct stream to ceph probably) we have still a huge penalty for copying data around15:16
corvustobiash: but if glance were faster, you could use the builder as designed and not copy to s3?15:17
corvusor maybe i don't know why you're copyng to s3 in the first place instead of using dib15:18
tobiashcorvus: we don't use the builder there because we need a ci job producing the cache data in this image which can only be done within zuul (and as a side effect makes it debuggable by the project)15:19
corvustobiash: ok.  could you push the data from the job to the builder directly instead of using s3?  (or even run the job on the builder as a static node?)15:19
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tobiashthat's not really possible since we have 12 builders, all running in openshift15:20
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openstackgerritMerged zuul/nodepool master: k8s/OpenShift Provider: Remove workingDir Attribute
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clarkbtristanC: re2 use isn't about future proofing but about performance and avoiding the possibility of slow regex processing in places where regexes are user supplied16:32
clarkbtristanC: in the case of admin supplied configs like for nodepool I think normal regexes are probably fine. It is more ofa concern when they are coming in unvetted zuul configs16:32
tristanCclarkb: what about having this config user supplied in the future?16:38
clarkbthen re2 may make sense at that point. The reason for not defaulting to re2 unless it is user facing is you lose a lot of features like negative lookaheads16:40
fungiand also it's yet another non-stdlib dependency16:43
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fungi(and which relies on compiled c extensions)16:44
tristanCfungi: we already depending on it for zuul16:44
tristanCclarkb: it's also for consistency, isn't it odd that some zuul configuration regex support negative lookaheads while some other don't16:45
fungiwas trying to install it locally but currently i seem to not be able to build its extensions16:46
tristanCclarkb: iiuc, we didn't fully switch to re2 to avoid a breaking existing regexp16:46
fungisrc/re2.cpp:14805:13: error: ‘PyThreadState’ {aka ‘struct _ts’} has no member named ‘exc_value’; did you mean ‘curexc_value’?16:46
fungithat's fun16:46
clarkbtristanC: I don't find that odd because negative lookaheads are a very valuable feature in many cases16:46
clarkbits not ideal, but functionality like that is often very useful16:46
clarkbthe building problem I often run into is they don't release new versions of re2 often so I'll end up with a cached wheel for an old python that breaks16:47
clarkbthen I have to find that in my wheel cache and delete it to force a rebuild. Not really re2's fault but that hits me every 6 months or so16:47
fungiaha, it ships cython-generated files which need to be regenerated with newer cython for use with newer python16:48
fungiand `pip install re2` on its own won't take care of that16:48
corvuswe haven't switched to re2 everywhere because in some places negative lookaheads are very important, so we need new features to accomodate that16:49
tristanCcorvus: oh, then why are we using re2?16:50
corvusbecause work was started on that16:50
corvustristanC: is the continuation16:51
corvusif someone wants to continue working on that, i think we can eventually switch everything to re216:52
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tristanCalright, then if we don't need negative lookaheads for nodepool image-name, i think it would be better to use re2 there as well17:22
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corvustristanC: let's make sure to change it for the existing (aws?) drivers as well so it's consistent17:25
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avasscorvus: aws doesn't use regex afaik17:30
avassunless it does in nodepool somewhere17:30
corvusavass: oh i misunderstood your earlier comment.  i see now you indicated it uses a glob.17:32
avassif you're thinking of the image filter i mentioned that's the aws api allowing you to glob and not boto17:32
corvusperhaps we should glob everywhere17:32
avassi guess globbing wouldn't have any perfomance issues17:37
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corvusi'm just brainstorming.  globbing might be easy/simple/consistent with aws driver.  but re2 would be more consistent with rest of zuul.  i don't have a strong preference.17:41
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