Friday, 2020-12-04

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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: ensure-podman: Use official podman repos for ubuntu
imtiazcHi, Is there any documentation or guidelines on how to deploy Zuul for production? The quick start guide works for a demo or development environment but for production, we need to have some redundancy. How is OpenStack or other Zuul users deploying Zuul?00:29
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: ensure-podman: Use official podman repos for ubuntu
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clarkbimtiazc: is the more in depth installation info00:31
clarkbimtiazc: openstack ( really opendev now) deploys zuul using ansible and docker+docker-compose. We run 8 zuul-mergers, 12 zuul-executors, 4 nodepool launchers, 2 nodepool builders. The zuul-scheduler, zuul-web, and zuul fingergw all run on the main scheduler host00:31
clarkbeverything but the scheduler should scale out horizontally (though in some cases you need to shard the configuration, for example our nodepool launchers each talk to different cloud providers)00:32
imtiazcclarkb: Thanks so much! Are the Ansible playbooks for deploying Zuul available somewhere?00:39
clarkbimtiazc: they are all in there. I'm not sure we really recommend reusing them though. For reuse pabelanger's windmill roles maybe better?00:40
clarkb(we've tried in the past to make our config management more reconsumable but it is significant effort and few people seem to want to help make it happen so we've largely decided we're ok with stickingto what we need)00:40
imtiazcFair enough. Thanks Again.00:44
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fungiimtiazc: one other deployment option i'm aware of... zuul is now packaged as part of fedora 33, if you're looking for a packaged distribution of it01:05
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tobiashzuul-client seems to not be configured in the gerrit bot11:30
tobiashremote: Prevent override of bearer token by .netrc11:31
tobiashmhu, corvus: this would be needed so zuul-client works for us ^11:32
mhugood catch, I wasn't aware of this behavior for requests11:34
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tobiashI neither :)11:38
mhumust have been fun to troubleshoot :)11:49
tobiashoh yes11:49
tobiashwas like: enqueue - 401 - regenerate token - enqueue - 401 - wtf what's going on...11:50
tobiashavass: looking at (windows checkout of zuul-jobs) I don't think it's necessary to do that with all fixtures since that complicates things quite a lot. What do you think about just special handling the problematic fixtures?11:50
tobiashthere are just very few that violate windows filename patterns11:51
tobiashwe have the same problem btw11:52
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avasstobiash: I haven't look at it too much. I'll ping Daniel to see if he has any comments12:00
avassI don't really use windows so I'm not sure what the problem is. I guess it has something to do with unicode characters and in that case it could be limited I suppose12:01
tobiashsome fixture files have ':' in its filename so a checkout complains and fails12:03
avassI'm a bit bogged down debugging why we're getting a tls handshake failure when pulling the artifactory docker image. but I'll see if I can get hold of him12:05
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tobiashavass: in the past I got tls handshake failures with misconfigured mtu maybe you want to check that13:46
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pabelangerHmm, so I am trying to update ensure-podman to use a newer version of podman, but hitting an issue. It seems that .zuul-siblings is breaking for COPY command:
pabelangercan't figure it out14:11
pabelangerno items matching glob makes me think something in newer podman is ignoring hidden directories?14:12
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tobiashat least it says 1 filtered out14:32
pabelangerright, trying to figure out what that means14:35
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pabelangerI'm guessing this is a bug in buildah:
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: ensure-podman: Use official podman repos for ubuntu
pabelangerif reading right, we might need to update .dockerignore14:47
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avasscorvus: how come the zuul-helm charts are using secrets for almost everything? I'd expect that to be configmaps15:03
avassanyway I'm preparing a code dump for the charts so anyone can review it if there's any changes15:09
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul-client master: Prevent override of bearer token by .netrc
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul-client master: Bump mypy to 0.790
zbrtobiash: is zuul-client still an admin specific tool or it received features that could be used by normal zuul users?15:37
mhuzbr, it's meant for everybody15:38
tobiashzbr: zuul-client is targeted for end users15:38
mhubut you need a token for admin tasks15:38
corvuszbr: you're thinking of the "zuul" client command in the zuul repo; it's admin only.  zuul-client is a new tool for all.15:38
corvuszbr: the "zuul" client command may be retired when we're happy zuul-client can replace it.15:39
zbrthat was my impression too but going a google search by zuul-client got me to...
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-helm master: Adds zookeeper chart to handle tls setup
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-helm master: Updates scheduler config
corvusgoogle will catch up with eventually15:40
corvusavass: i don't know the answer to your question off the top of my head; mnaser may15:40
tobiashcorvus: we could help that maybe by renaming that page?15:40
avasscorvus: alright15:40
tobiashto something like 'Zuul Admin Client'15:40
zbrAnd mentioning the zuul-client with link on first paragraph. I can make CR, ok?15:41
corvustobiash: yes, or just remove it :)15:41
mnasercorvus, avass: the reason is because there is secrets inside those config files so from an rbac pov, you would put those as secrets so they can only be read by someone who can read secrets15:41
corvuszbr: ++15:41
tobiashI'm not yet confident enough that I'd remove it now :)15:41
avassmnaser: oh but we use environment variables for the secretss15:41
corvustobiash: oh yeah, sorry, i just meant leave it alone until it's removed in the not distant future15:42
avasssince zuul supports environment interpolation15:42
tobiashcorvus: ok, that works for me as well :)15:42
mnaseravass: right, but then it gets a little tricky for things like github or private keys15:42
mnaserbut yes, actually very valid idea15:42
avassmnaser: those would be mounted as secrets too15:42
avasswhich is how we do it15:42
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Bump mypy to 0.790
mnaseravass: sure -- i was aiming for simplicity initially :) but i am not against it if we properly interpolate all that stuff out without adding complexity15:43
avassI'll try to pick out the parts that fit well enough from our setup and let you decide15:44
tobiashis it expected that pushing to gerrit got sometimes really slow compared with before the update?15:44
tobiashpushing 765557 took 42s15:44
corvusinfra-root: ^15:44
corvustobiash: my understanding is that we probably haven't tracked down all the old zuul's not using "change:" so there may still be load issues from that15:45
avassseparating the changes a bit for now to make it easier to review, but some parts probably makes sense together15:45
corvustobiash: also, in general i do think it's expected to be a bit slower even in the best conditions; not that much slower, but we're starting from a higher baseline15:46
tobiashthis indicates that processing on the server takes quite long:
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed zuul/zuul-client master: Use general docs URL for link to zuul + z-c docs
fungiheh, it's probably not helping that says the docs for it are
tobiashoh so the old queries for changes are expensive searches now?15:46
corvusfungi: ++15:46
tobiashfungi: yeah just noticed today as well15:47
tobiashis that part of the package?15:47
corvustobiash: zuul v2 and some versions of v3 use an inefficient query15:47
tobiashah ok15:47
fungitobiash: the readme gets reused as the package long description15:47
fungiif i get another minute later, i'll add package metadata with explicit urls to docs and such, for richer pypi listings15:48
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul-client master: Fix url to docs in readme
corvustobiash: qq on 76551615:49
tobiashcorvus: we have on the zuul hostname a separate basic authed endpoint for accessing zuul api for scripted access (our default api is behind saml and not scriptable). Some of our users configure their auth using a netrc for that.15:51
tobiashso that curl or wget works with log downloads15:52
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tobiashI use that as well and with that the netrc matches and auth header gets overridden without this15:53
corvustobiash: makes sense, thanks!15:53
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corvustobiash: and is why you didn't do trust_env?15:56
tobiashyes, trust_env disables also proxy handling which would be a non-acceptible side effect15:57
tobiash(and ca bundle)15:57
openstackgerritSorin Sbârnea proposed zuul/zuul master: Deprecates old admin client
tobiashfungi: I've overlooked your readme fix, +w on yours and abandoned mine :)16:15
fungii'm hacking together an overhaul of the python package metadata for it now to demo, then i can do the same to our other projects once folks are happy with it16:15
zbrfungi: that is interesting, i was about to propose replacing pbr with setuptools-scm for zuul project.16:18
zbrI did had a lot of experience using the newer tools, and my impression is that pbr is no longer needed, especially for projects requiring modern pythons.16:19
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* zbr but if others want to stick to pbr, i will shut up.16:20
tristanCcorvus: could i approve to fix promotion job?16:20
corvustristanC: i'll review16:21
corvustristanC: small thing on that16:24
corvusleft comment16:24
clarkbtobiash: corvus: we're still also looking at some tunables. It isn't clear if the jgit tunables must go in jgit.config now or if they can go in gerrit.config too. There are contradictory statements in the documentation which I've askled questions about on gerrit slack16:30
clarkbif gerrit.config is ok then our tunables should already be set appropriately (or at least more so than the defaults). If they have to go into jgit.config then we need to make some changes16:31
clarkbbut I've found a number of documentation errors post upgrade and am super confused about this particular area. Hoping the gerrit devs can clarify16:31
dmsimardI miss the table in gerrit where all the latest Zuul job results went -- do we always have to expand comments to find them now ?16:33
dmsimardsorry if this is obvious, I haven't used the new gerrit UI a lot16:33
clarkbdmsimard: yes, the old hidecijs hack doesn't work anymore due to the polygerrit ui rewrite. Work has started on writing a proper gerrit plugin to get that back again16:33
zbrdmsimard: yes, or read the mailing list for a temporary tampermonkey script.16:34
tobiashthat would at least make sense, we've also seen very large upload pack times when gc was not configured due to a mistake (but on old gerrit)16:34
dmsimardclarkb, zbr: thanks, ++16:34
corvuszbr: sorry was meant for zbr16:34
corvuszbr: sorry was meant for dmsimard :/16:34
corvusdmsimard: that should catch you up :)16:35
dmsimardcorvus: you're forgiven :p16:35
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed zuul/zuul-client master: Overhaul Python package metadata
corvusfungi: palindrome16:36
clarkbas a side note looking at cacti data yesterday I'm reasonably confident that the disk io is not the bottle neck16:36
clarkbwhen we run backups and our periodic git gc in the background we see iops and bw to the disk jump significnatly compared to when gerrit is slower16:36
clarkb(mention that because people constantly ask " are you using ssds?")16:37
zbravass: corvus: should address some weird page reflows when scrollbar appears, which can happen with our expand/collapse.16:37
clarkbI suspect its largely a game of tuning at this point and we need to decipher what it is the docs are trying to tell us with help from upsteram (which we are currently trying to do)16:37
corvusfungi: qq on 76556716:38
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul-operator master: Add zuul-operator-upload-image job
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openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-client master: Use general docs URL for link to zuul + z-c docs
fungicorvus: answered, i could go either way (and i did initially consider it)16:42
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openstackgerritSorin Sbârnea proposed zuul/zuul-client master: Validate project metadata
corvuszbr: did you post your second comment on to the wrong change?17:07
zbrcorvus: i know :(17:08
corvuszbr: i'm guessing you meant that for fungi's zuul-client change 765567 ?17:08
zbrcorvus: yes, in fact I already raised to do it.17:10
fungizbr: twine check doesn't check much. the real way to test it is to upload the package to test.pypi.org17:11
zbrif we switch to pep-517 i can even to more than this as there are extra tools available.17:11
zbrit does something, and yep, on my projects I upload any merge to but don't tell this to pypa team ;)17:11
fungithere are a variety of things warehouse will reject on upload that twine check doesn't catch, and also twine check won't tell you how the changed metadata is going to get displayed by warehouse17:12
fungipypa folks don't mind if you upload constantly to, but they also warn that they might take it offline for extended periods or clear out the contents when needed17:12
fungiso just need to keep that in mind17:13
zbri do not mind if it goes offline, or they start to remove packages, i never seen a downtime on test instance, but i seen on production :D17:14
zbrif curious about extended testing of metadata, check
zbrcheck-manifest does a better job, but it needs pep-517, so it will not work with pbr.17:14
zbrthere is a long pending feature request to improve check, in fact they are actively working to move the code there from where it is now.17:15
zbrso "twine check" seams like a good future bet. afaik, it will only get better.17:16
corvusthis stuff doesn't change very often17:16
corvusit's probably not worth investing a lot of time/effort to do something like test uploads; simple local twine checks seem harmless even if they aren't completely effective, but still, not exactly a priority17:17
corvusi'd be okay cutting a release of zuul-client with the new data, fixing it if it bombs, repeat as needed, then copy to the other repos17:18
corvusand then we're good until the next metadata overhaul in 8 years :)17:18
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openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-operator master: Add zuul-operator-upload-image job
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tristanCcorvus: thanks, the zuul-operator image is now public. I'll write an all-in-one resources to set it up in one kubectl apply command17:25
corvustristanC: groovy :)17:30
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fungicorvus: so here's an upload test with the license metadata made more specific:
fungitechnically asf calls it the "apache license, version 2.0" so i tested with that set in the license metadata18:16
fungilooks like it puts the text of the trove classifier first in the license line for the left sidebar but puts the license metadata field in parentheses after it18:17
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dmsimardfinally caught up with the ML thread about zuul status table in gerrit (thanks for the link) and yeah is what I meant :)18:26
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed zuul/zuul-client master: Overhaul Python package metadata
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openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Zuul Cache role
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Zuul Cache role
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openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Zuul Cache role
avasscorvus: maybe it's possible to set up tests for the gcs roles with:
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Zuul Cache role
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Zuul Cache role
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Zuul Cache role
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Zuul Cache role
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Zuul Cache role
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openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Zuul Cache role
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openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Zuul Cache role
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Zuul Cache role
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Zuul Cache role
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openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Zuul Cache role
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Zuul Cache role
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Zuul Cache role
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openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Zuul Cache role
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openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Zuul Cache role
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Zuul Cache role
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Zuul Cache role
SpamapSavass: I did something similar for the AWS tests
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul-operator master: Add allinone deployment and documentation
tristanCcorvus: with ^ `kubectl apply -f` should deploy a zuul22:52
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Zuul Cache role
tristanCand by should, i mean when docker doesn't rate limit you. the same resources are also used in the integration tests22:55
avassSpamapS: yeah which is great22:55
avasswould it be possible for opendev to deploy it's own docker registry instead?22:57
avass*container registry ;)22:57
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fungiwe can easily serve container images via apache mod_autoindex... is there more to it than that?23:02
avassa bit :)23:02
fungiunfortunate. that's usually enough to serve packages for most any other distribution23:03
avassfungi: if you like a good read:
corvuswe do already run one registry; pretty easy to run another.  :)23:04
fungiyeah, we can add more zuul-registry servers if that'll solve a problem23:05
avassyeah I don't think there would be too much work23:05
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avassbut I'm not sure if the rate limit is a real problem either23:06
corvusthe upload roles are already set up to scope access by project.  so a shared opendev registry would be simple.23:06
corvusavass: agreed23:07
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Zuul Cache role
avasshas anyone experimented with running zuul with pypy?23:25
fungii have not, you'll presumably want the very recent pypy with python 3.x support23:26
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul-operator master: Add allinone deployment and documentation
avassfungi: pamac install pypy3 got me support for 3.7.9 :)23:27
avassbut it doesn't like fb-re223:27
fungii wonder if there's another re2 implementation which works with pypy3?23:28
avassI would guess most re2 bindings for python uses the cpython c api which pypy doesn't like23:29
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openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Zuul Cache role
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