Sunday, 2023-07-30 Jeremy Stanley proposed: [zuul/zuul-website] 890040: Blog article titles link to themselves
@fungicide:matrix.orgseems there were new flake8 and pycodestyle releases yesterday, so now nox-linters is full of complaints about places we used line continuations immediately after a comma, because apparently that bothers somebody13:21
@fungicide:matrix.orglooks like they adjusted e231 "missing whitespace after ','" to also match `...something,\`13:22
@fungicide:matrix.org33 matches in zuul/zuul13:23
@fungicide:matrix.orgnot sure whether it's better to pin back pycodestyle, skip all e231 checks, or "fix" those 33 lines13:24
@fungicide:matrix.orgi'm happy to push up a change for any one of those solutions if there are opinions as to which is preferable13:30
@jim:acmegating.comi find that pretty disagreeable myself; the newline serves the function of the whitespace in that scenario.  i like the old rule though.  wish they split it.15:55
@fungicide:matrix.orgit's also quite possible this is a false positive match and they didn't intend to start matching on line continuations19:04
@fungicide:matrix.orgbut if that's the suspicion, then probably worth filing an issue about it19:05

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