Thursday, 2023-12-14

@iwienand:matrix.orgtangential to zuul but in the same orbit -- I found about "git patch-id" interesting.  i use git a lot and still hadn't heard of that one ...00:34
@fungicide:matrix.orgcorvus: not that much can be done about it, but just a heads up that the nodepool release announcement incorrectly stated "zuul" in the first sentence14:49
@newbie23:matrix.orgHi guys, is there a way to increase verbosity of a specific job/playbook?14:49
I have a quite large code bases of jobs/playbooks/roles where an Ansible task uses the command module to launch an ssh command, but no output in the Zuul job log.
Some other approaches I am aware of, but they are not ideal for my use case:
- zuul-executor verbose (but this increases the verbosity of ansible-playbook for all the jobs executed on that executor)
- just change the incriminated role to print more information (but that's problematic as the role does an ssh connection from the executor using delegate_to and is part of a 'config' project)
@fungicide:matrix.orgnewbie23: have you checked the task details in the console view? do they have any additional detail that's not getting echoed into the flat log?14:50
@fungicide:matrix.orgsometimes you'll get output on atypical descriptors, informative exit code numbers, et cetera14:51
@fungicide:matrix.orgthat stuff usually gets captured in the console json and so can be browsed in the console tab14:52
@tristanc_:matrix.orgHello folks, we are investigating if and how to handle Nodepool image promotion using a Zuul jobs to prevent using a broken image. For example, we are considering a periodic job with cloud credential to list "candidate" image, spawn an instance and use add_host to execute zuul jobs roles, and if that succeed rename the image to "promoted" (using a cloud-image name in launcher config).15:10
@tristanc_:matrix.orgI remember there was some discussion about managing image creation with zuul directly (e.g. merging nodepool in zuul), but until that is available, does someone already implemented such manual cloud image promotion using a regular zuul job?15:13
@fungicide:matrix.orgtristanC: the spec is here:
@fungicide:matrix.orgtristanC: the work items are in the last section of the spec. i think the state machine driver work is probably finished? diskimage-builder step is likely next (i don't recall seeing that proposed yet)15:20
@tristanc_:matrix.orgfungi: thanks, that's the one, that would be ideal... do you know if the implementation started somewhere?15:20
@jim:acmegating.comtristanC: there's a way to integrate this with nodepool today by replacing the diskimage-builder script (that's an option in nodepool) with a script that does the work described in step 2b here:  -- that script would be discarded when the spec work is complete, but most of the other work including the actual build/uploads jobs would be similar.  if you do that, let us know how it works.  :)16:07
@tristanc_:matrix.orgcorvus: I see, thanks. I think we are already doing that to use virt-customize. Though what we would like to do is run a Zuul job to validate the image, e.g. using the same pre role as the other jobs.16:12
@jim:acmegating.comyep that's what 2b is about16:13 James E. Blair proposed: [zuul/zuul] 867177: Improve support for web enqueue/dequeue James E. Blair proposed: [zuul/zuul] 873832: DNM: Profile some dynamic layout operations

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