Friday, 2024-11-15

@mnaser:matrix.org is now failing to pull in our CI02:34 aka Zuul CI)02:34
@mnaser:matrix.orgThey must have changed something.02:35
@clarkb:matrix.orgI think the rate limits may differ by project too like open source things get more or something?03:07
@clarkb:matrix.orgIt's possible it isn't even a blanket change but something soecifc03:07
@clarkb:matrix.orgLooks like microk8s is consistently failing? Maybe we need to debug that first?03:13 Artem Goncharov proposed:10:02
- [zuul/zuul] 859939: Implement Gitea driver
- [zuul/zuul] 859940: Implement tests of the gitea driver
@yustinakvr:matrix.orgHi Zuul team! I have a question regarding zuul update. Currently we have zuul 8.2.1 and ansible-core 2.14.10. Next major zuul is 9.5.0, could you please share which ansible version do we need? And which ansible-core version needed for the latest 11.1.0 zuul? Thank you!13:39
@fungicide:matrix.orgyustinakvr: always consult the upgrade notes:
@yustinakvr:matrix.orgI've checked, there is info only about ansible 8 or 913:46
@fungicide:matrix.org9.5.0 deprecates but does not remove ansible 6 (core 2.13)13:46"Ansible versions 6 is now deprecated in Zuul since it is unmaintaned, and it will be removed from a future version of Zuul. Ansible 8 is now the default version in Zuul."13:47
@yustinakvr:matrix.orgI'm talking about core version of ansible, there is no info regarding this13:47
@yustinakvr:matrix.orgso, ansible sore 2.14.10 is fine for zuul 9.5.0, right? 13:48
@fungicide:matrix.orgyustinakvr: see for what version of ansible-core corresponds to each major ansible release13:48
@yustinakvr:matrix.orgthank you!13:49
@fungicide:matrix.orgbut yes, it looks like ansible-core 2.14 corresponds to ansible 7, which is still supported in zuul 9.5.013:49
@yustinakvr:matrix.orgok, thanj you) Will zuul 11.1.0 works with ansible 2.17 (latest)?13:50
@fungicide:matrix.orgit doesn't look like ansible 10 support (ansible-core 2.17) has been added in development yet. zuul 10.0.0 added support for ansible 9 (ansible-core 2.16)13:53
@yustinakvr:matrix.orgthank you very much for the support!14:01 James E. Blair proposed: [zuul/zuul-registry] 935370: Ignore 404 on swift object delete
@clarkb:matrix.orgyustinakvr: fungi note I don't think any zuul release had ansible 7 support. We went from 6 to 8 then 916:34
@clarkb:matrix.organd if you need specific versions of ansible you can always run a nested ansible within your job16:35
@fungicide:matrix.orgoh, huh, 7 never got added?16:36
@fungicide:matrix.orgi missed that16:36
@yustinakvr:matrix.orgno no, we just need to upgrade from 8.2.1 to the latest. Accordingly docs it should be done from major to major versions, that's why I'm asking about ansible upgrade16:37
@yustinakvr:matrix.orgeventually we need zuul 11.1.016:37
@clarkb:matrix.orgyes you should upgrade zuul from major version to major version and not skip those (and read the release notes there will be any important upgrade info in them)16:37 Zuul merged on behalf of James E. Blair [zuul/zuul-registry] 935370: Ignore 404 on swift object delete Clark Boylan proposed:20:11
- [zuul/zuul-registry] 935403: Extend time blobs are considered valid during pruning
- [zuul/zuul-registry] 935404: Implement paging in swift object listing
@clarkb:matrix.org I would epect that library/alpine is one of the "make lots of requests if you want" images20:22
@clarkb:matrix.orgtheory: are we maybe hitting those limits via our caches? its ironic isn't it that we'd get more requests overall if we stopped caching20:23
@clarkb:matrix.orgbut I'm beginning to suspect that may be the case20:23 Clark Boylan proposed: [zuul/zuul-registry] 935404: Implement paging in swift object listing
@clarkb:matrix.orgEating lunch hlbut ya got a +2 on a rerun so it's not the single intermediate registry20:37
@clarkb:matrix.orgcorvus: re those two changes the first one should be very safe. The second one I'm not sure how much testing we have for the swift backend and worry that I may break things with that update. Half wonder if we should do a tag before merging these (regardless of how much extra review and testing they may get) so that we have aquick easy fallback point20:54
@clarkb:matrix.orgI need to step out now otherwise I'll miss my opportunity for the one day of rain free bike riding this week. I'll check back in later today20:55
@clarkb:matrix.orgBut best I can tell things are in a reasonably happy state right now if under pruned20:56
@jim:acmegating.comClark: ack; i don't think we need a tag; if it breaks, we'll find out soon and we'll just revert.23:19 James E. Blair proposed on behalf of Clark Boylan: [zuul/zuul-registry] 935404: Implement paging in swift object listing James E. Blair proposed on behalf of Clark Boylan: [zuul/zuul-registry] 935404: Implement paging in swift object listing

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