Wednesday, 2025-01-22 Felix Edel proposed: [zuul/zuul] 937876: Incorporate tenants stats in Toolbar section
Trying to play with nodepool-builder, I hit many permission issues in the container but it seems to work fine now. The image is being created but at the end of the process I can see some messages from the disk-image-builder process like below:
losetup: cannot find an unused loop device
Any idea what can cause it?* Hello.10:10
Trying to play with nodepool-builder, I hit many permission issues in the container but it seems to work fine now. The image is being created but at the end of the process I can see some messages from the disk-image-builder process like below:
2025-01-22 10:09:02.049 | DEBUG diskimage_builder.block_device.utils [-] exec_sudo: losetup: /root/dib_image.MaDU8GUk/image0.raw: failed to set up loop device: No such file or directory exec_sudo /usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/diskimage_builder/block_device/
Any idea what can cause it?
@joao15130:matrix.orgjust before I can see no errors which can explain the no such file or directory on /root/dib_image.MaDU8GUk/image0.raw10:28
@joao15130:matrix.org2025-01-22 10:23:10.269 | DEBUG diskimage_builder.block_device.level0.localloop [-] Calling [sudo losetup --sector-size 512 --show -f /root/dib_image.IansZKxK/image0.raw] loopdev_attach /usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/diskimage_builder/block_device/level0/
2025-01-22 10:23:10.269 | INFO diskimage_builder.block_device.utils [-] Calling [sudo losetup --sector-size 512 --show -f /root/dib_image.IansZKxK/image0.raw]
2025-01-22 10:23:10.709 | DEBUG diskimage_builder.block_device.utils [-] exec_sudo: losetup: /root/dib_image.IansZKxK/image0.raw: failed to set up loop device: No such file or directory exec_sudo /usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/diskimage_builder/block_device/* just before I can see no errors which can explain the no such file or directory on /root/dib_image.IansZKxK/image0.raw10:29* Hello.10:29
Trying to play with nodepool-builder, I hit many permission issues in the container but it seems to work fine now. The image is being created but at the end of the process I can see some messages from the disk-image-builder process like below:
2025-01-22 10:09:02.049 | DEBUG diskimage\_builder.block\_device.utils \[-\] exec\_sudo: losetup: /root/dib_image.IansZKxK/image0.raw: failed to set up loop device: No such file or directory exec\_sudo /usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/diskimage\_builder/block\_device/
Any idea what can cause it?
@joao15130:matrix.orgI took some time to observe what happens to that raw image and I don't see it coming into /root/ which can explain why the losetup fails10:38
@clarkb:matrix.orgJean Pierre Roquesalane: you might have better luck in #openstack-dib on the OFTC irc network. That error isn't familiar to me but may be to others using dib16:01 Yaguang Tang proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 939823: the buildx image changed to alpine which has no ca-certificates Yaguang Tang proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 939823: the buildx image changed to alpine which has no ca-certificates James E. Blair proposed: [zuul/zuul] 939926: Squash: deduplicate variable sources Zuul merged on behalf of James E. Blair [zuul/zuul] 938087: Add labels and flavors to web

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