16:03:33 #startmeeting: networking_ml2 16:03:34 Meeting started Wed May 24 16:03:33 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is Sukhdev_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:03:35 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:03:37 The meeting name has been set to '__networking_ml2' 16:03:50 #topic: Agenda 16:03:55 #link: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/ML2#Meeting_May_24.2C_2017 16:04:19 I have kept the agenda open and we can add as we go along 16:04:31 #topic: Announcements 16:04:53 Anybody has something to announce/share ? 16:05:06 nothing from me 16:05:30 i do 16:05:37 just wanted to say I made two more RFEs 16:05:45 trevormc : please go ahead 16:05:52 https://bugs.launchpad.net/tap-as-a-service/+bug/1693248 [RFE] Mirror VF Ports and https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1693240 [RFE] Support SRIOV VF VLAN Filtering 16:05:54 Launchpad bug 1693248 in tap-as-a-service "[RFE] Mirror VF Ports" [Undecided,New] 16:05:55 Launchpad bug 1693240 in neutron "[RFE] Support SRIOV VF VLAN Filtering" [Undecided,New] 16:06:21 so now I don't know if this is ML2 related anymore 16:06:38 trevormc : I thought you had 5 16:07:11 i did without the 5th one. We don't have a need for only pushing or only popping VLAN tags / customer tags 16:07:27 OVS does push/pop operations for us so we can use that I guess. 16:07:56 I see 16:08:08 any other announcement? 16:08:34 #topic: RFEs/Bugs 16:08:53 trevormc : do you want to discuss these FREs? 16:09:09 Yeah did I file the tap-as-a-service RFE correctly? 16:09:31 I wasn't sure if I could do it as a bug in neutron, or a blueprint in taas.. i just did a bug in taas 16:10:58 I'm not sure do any of you have questions on them? 16:11:14 are they relevant to ML2? 16:12:05 trevormc : so, depending upon how you plan on implementing it, will dictate where it belongs 16:12:50 you should add some details to the RFE to provide the context 16:13:17 yeah I don't really know the details lol 16:13:21 for instance, how would you like this to be configured? will this be admin or tenant scoped, etc 16:13:54 trevormc: Are the features (not the implementations) you are proposing something useful in general (with any ML2 MD), or only with SR-IOV? 16:14:26 The two I mentioned today are specifically for SR-IOV because of VFs 16:15:10 trevormc: For instance, what does “allocate a range of VLANs to a port” mean for a port that isn’t SR-IOV? This almost sounds like a trunk port to me. 16:16:10 rkukura, yes I believe it should be trunk port. The link from ML indicates it only supports one VLAN. 16:16:51 I just lack the technical details. I thought I could put this idea out there and we could work together to make some sense out of i.t 16:17:17 At AT&T they only understand the SR-IOV use cases so thats all i can tell you. 16:17:20 So is this RFE about implementing the existing trunk port feature using SR-IOV? 16:17:42 I think it already works, just for one VLAN. 16:18:28 Isn’t a “trunk port” a port that provides the VM with access to a set of neutron networks as VLANs on a vNIC? 16:19:02 yeah that's the intention. 16:19:25 So I’m not clear on what you mean bt “for one VLAN” in this context? 16:19:37 rkukura : correct - that is what trunk port does 16:20:20 trevormc: can you elaborate on the use case ? 16:20:52 It almost sounds like the RFE should be to say - extend trunked vlan support to SRIOV ports 16:21:03 that is, if it already does not do it 16:21:32 I asked the research team they said "supporting VNFs that manipulate VLANs inherently multi-tenant" 16:22:02 filtering traffic at the port level helps us do that. 16:22:13 I'm having a hard time asking the right questions I guess.. 16:22:25 do either of you know pcarver? 16:22:49 he has been helping me get this information but I get like 30 minutes every two weeks. 16:22:50 trevormc: I’ve met him, but have not worked closely with him. 16:23:10 trevormc : yes, I know pcarver well :-) 16:23:47 so the problem here is, I don't understand the technology and upstream doesn't know what I'm asking 16:24:56 trevormc : my suggestion is to have pcarver help you fill in the details in the RFE - this will help every body understand as to what is that you are trying to do 16:25:35 yeah I was just about to do that 16:26:24 trevormc: I suggest trying to articulate a use case in the RFE that cannot be currently addressed with Neutron, and how a test would be structured for that use case. 16:26:29 trevormc : here is my suggestion - try creating a trunked port, add bunch of networks to this port and run a VM with SRIOV interface and play with it and see what you see and what you do not know - you may be surprised 16:27:02 Sukhdev_: that’s the test part I was suggesting ;) 16:27:15 rkukura : +1 16:27:40 ok, ill see if I can get access to a lab with that hardware.. 16:28:33 trevormc : you may want to ping rossella__ about the trunked port information. She can tell you if this will work with SRIOV or not and most likely give you advise as to what is the quick way to get this going 16:29:00 Sukhdev_: +1 16:29:17 ok ill see if shes around, thanks. 16:29:25 I heard VSPerf may be an option. 16:30:32 ok i didnt have anything else on this. 16:30:36 trevormc : I think rossella__ is the right person to start with 16:31:28 trevormc: this vsperf you mean? https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/vsperf/VSperf+Home 16:31:35 yes 16:31:44 yamamoto, yes 16:33:17 trevormc : do you have another RFE to discuss? 16:34:12 Sukhdev_: nothing new, just the QinQ driver should be ready for review. 16:34:45 trevormc : cool - thanks 16:35:06 trevormc: wrt bug 1693248, i guess taas meeting is more appropriate. http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/#Tap_as_a_Service_Meeting 16:35:07 bug 1693248 in tap-as-a-service "[RFE] Mirror VF Ports" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1693248 16:35:40 one thing I think that may need to change in the patch is the get_mtu, I think I need to account for multiple headers. 16:36:10 yamamoto, yeah I think that will be an early morning for me. Thanks for the suggestion. 16:36:34 yamamoto, I think its like 2:30 in the morning for me at that time lol. 16:37:14 00:30 , late night I guess. 16:37:48 Sukhdev_, no more bugs/RFEs to discuss from me. 16:37:49 trevormc: this meeting is 1:00am for me. :-) you can always use ML instead. 16:38:25 I think ML it will have to be. 16:38:32 yamamoto : you and I covered the monolithic DB transfer over neutron channel - do you want to discuss any further details here? 16:40:25 Sukhdev_: i have no specific thing to discuss 16:40:33 yamamoto : cool 16:40:50 #topic: Open Discussion 16:41:10 Any body want to cover anything which we have not discussed already? 16:42:26 look like we are done 16:42:34 Thanks folks 16:42:43 have a wonderful day 16:42:46 bye 16:42:47 thanks everyone 16:42:53 #endmeeting