18:59:58 #startmeeting: poppy 18:59:59 Meeting started Thu Oct 16 18:59:58 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is malini. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:01 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 19:00:04 The meeting name has been set to '__poppy' 19:00:22 who is here for poppy? 19:00:30 hi there o/ 19:00:52 o/ 19:00:53 o/ 19:00:53 hello amitgandhinz 19:00:59 #chair amitgandhinz 19:00:59 Current chairs: amitgandhinz malini 19:02:04 hi everyone 19:02:10 ok lets get this party started =) 19:02:19 yay 19:02:21 party 19:02:22 #topic Review Last Week 19:02:29 #link http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/weekly_poppy_meeting/2014/weekly_poppy_meeting.2014-10-09-19.00.html 19:02:48 obulpathi to finalize on the format of the next_url for listing services 19:02:54 yes 19:03:08 I contacted the DRG and took feedback from them 19:03:22 did the apiary doc get updated? 19:03:22 a good way to structure the next links: is to leave it empty for the last batch 19:03:27 yes 19:03:31 cool 19:03:46 and the implementation is also done 19:03:55 =) 19:03:55 as a part of the list end point 19:04:04 :) 19:04:10 ok next item: megan_w to gauge vendor participation in Paris 19:04:22 megan_w is not around 19:04:54 any vendors here today? 19:05:11 anyone else planning to attend the openstack summit in paris? 19:05:41 nop 19:05:51 ok carry this one over 19:05:57 #action megan_w to gauge vendor participation in Paris 19:06:04 here 19:06:13 hi megan_w_ 19:06:17 hi there 19:06:18 hi megan_w 19:06:22 do we have any vendors here with us today? 19:06:31 no one appears to be 19:06:49 we need to get better about communicating with so they get here 19:06:56 yeh 19:06:57 with them* 19:07:17 do you know if any of them plan to attend paris? 19:07:32 i don't, i was hoping we could discuss it in these meetings 19:07:55 we should propose what we would want from them in the session 19:07:57 then ask for attendance 19:08:05 yeh, may need to encourage them outside these meetings 19:08:24 it will be a design session, so the idea is to come up with the features to build during kilo 19:08:24 take it away, PTL :) 19:08:57 hmm, ok 19:09:06 ok moving on... 19:09:27 #topic Blueprint Updates 19:09:32 #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/poppy 19:09:41 obulpathi: list-services 19:09:49 list-services is merged 19:09:57 moving on 19:09:57 thanks all for the review 19:10:04 and special thanks to malini 19:10:18 for having lot of patience to find all the bugs iun my code :) 19:10:23 obulpathi: I was expecting something bad :D 19:10:24 miqui: add-docstrings 19:10:29 hahha 19:11:25 looks like that one needs me to review 19:11:43 tonytan4ever: delete-service 19:12:09 This one is "under review", but really it is ready to be merged. 19:12:23 no one has +1'd the latest patch yet 19:12:27 I cleared the api test blocker yesterday, 19:12:35 ok lets get some reviewers on that 19:12:41 roger that 19:12:50 tonytan4ever: purge-content 19:13:10 I will call that in Good progress. 1st PR got +3 19:13:15 ready to be merged now. 19:13:36 https://review.openstack.org/#/c/126728/ 19:13:36 actually has a +4 hehe 19:13:46 :-Pdoes jenkins count? 19:14:10 no, but mine is a +2 =P 19:14:12 merged! 19:14:17 kk 19:14:51 this was at the provider part only right 19:14:55 yes 19:14:58 so still needs api work 19:15:13 ill mark it as good progress 19:15:15 yes, that's what I am working on now. 19:15:20 Sure. 19:15:28 amitgandhinz: dns-driver 19:15:44 this one as an initial patch to create the basic driver setup 19:15:58 then i need to implement the cloud-dns-driver which is a seperate bp 19:16:14 i currently only have 2 +1's 19:16:36 o/ 19:16:39 i need one more malini 19:16:47 tht would be really bad 19:16:51 https://review.openstack.org/#/c/127628/ 19:17:20 will check that out 19:17:52 cloud-dns-driver already has a +3 but it depends on the above patch 19:18:17 obulpathi: patch-service 19:18:37 patch-service: happy path test cases are passing now 19:18:53 going through and ironing out the error inputs 19:19:04 so, we can say its in good progress 19:19:15 obulpathi: can you re-use some of the code for POST service for error handling? 19:19:18 will update the apiary, once I finish the error cases 19:19:43 malini: the json service is validated by the same code as post 19:19:59 but there are few more conditions that PATCH needs to take care of 19:20:07 I am working through them 19:20:17 cool! thanks 19:20:20 :) 19:20:45 ok update on the https://blueprints.launchpad.net/poppy/+spec/master-sub-provider-accounts 19:20:56 megan_w_ and I met with MaxCDN yesterday 19:21:06 the CDN Manager is not actually required 19:21:20 it basically give syou the added bonus of seperate control panels for each sub user 19:21:26 which in the case of poppy we dont need 19:21:32 i think that will end up being a more generic solution anyway, which is preferred for us 19:21:48 if you plan to do reporting, billing, etc on your own from the logs, then the one account method works fine 19:21:54 just need to up the limits 19:22:12 im going to mark this bp as done 19:22:21 awesome! 19:22:30 I think we also need to find a better naming scheme from poppy service --> maxcdn service though. 19:22:58 lets move that to open discussion tonytan4ever 19:23:07 ok. 19:23:22 malini: gate-cassandra 19:23:33 I haven't got a chance to work on tht yet 19:23:36 ok 19:23:48 It'll probably have to move to the next Series Goal 19:24:15 same with the rm-mockdb 19:24:31 that bp is blocked until we can run cassandra at the gate or we have sqla 19:25:06 ok moving on 19:25:09 #topic bugs 19:25:13 link https://bugs.launchpad.net/poppy 19:25:14 yayyyy !!! 19:25:16 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/poppy 19:25:30 malini: you want to drive this topic 19:25:34 sure 19:25:40 the bugs need some love 19:25:43 ew 19:25:47 hhaha 19:25:54 kiss the spiders 19:25:56 We have a lot surrounding the error handling for create flavors 19:26:12 * amitgandhinz hides 19:26:14 amitgandhinz: I meant more along the lines of bugspray 19:26:43 I suggest we make a bp for it, as I got tired of writing down the bugs & stopped after a while :-$ 19:26:52 ok please do that 19:27:07 ok..will do after the meeting & get rid of the related bugs 19:27:17 tht still leaves us a few bugs 19:27:34 https://bugs.launchpad.net/poppy/+bug/1379901 19:27:35 Launchpad bug 1379901 in poppy "400s returns as HTML" [Undecided,New] 19:27:51 wow..I didn't know it wud fetch bug details 19:27:58 ya thats cool 19:28:05 I think I can fix that one real quick 19:28:17 ok lets get this one 19:28:23 tonytan4ever: Can I assign tht to you? 19:28:24 by utilizing Pheniox's pecan hook's code 19:28:26 Yes 19:28:30 +1 19:28:33 next 19:28:50 https://bugs.launchpad.net/poppy/+bug/1380679 19:28:51 Launchpad bug 1380679 in poppy "Remove project_id from the request url in tests" [Undecided,New] 19:29:01 I added the pecan hook to take care of this 19:29:10 is this still an issue? 19:29:12 we need to cleanup the unit tests 19:29:15 we just need to use the url format code 19:29:32 I think in some cases, we still return the tenant / project id 19:29:40 obulpathi: you want to take that one? 19:29:45 Yes,Please 19:29:47 ok so sounds like we need to sweep 19:29:57 can you assign urself obulpathi ? 19:29:57 Amitgandhinz: Assign this to me 19:29:59 all these dead bugs are starting to smell 19:30:07 sure 19:30:12 they'll breed if live 19:30:18 assigned 19:30:29 last one is interesting 19:30:32 https://bugs.launchpad.net/poppy/+bug/1382155 19:30:33 Launchpad bug 1382155 in poppy "/health endpoint returns wrong status when cassandra is offline" [Undecided,New] 19:30:43 I ran into this one just an hour back 19:30:47 so its still fresh 19:31:06 The cassandra driver is hardcoded to return True 19:31:14 My bad, should have taken care of that 19:31:21 I will take care of this one 19:31:32 can you assign urself obulpathi? 19:31:33 assigned 19:31:38 thanks amitgandhinz :) 19:31:40 thanks 19:31:53 amitgandhinz: https://bugs.launchpad.net/poppy/+bug/1379901 shud go to tonytan4ever 19:31:54 Launchpad bug 1379901 in poppy "400s returns as HTML" [Undecided,New] 19:31:59 done 19:32:14 the rest is post flavor related. I'll create a bp for tht 19:32:19 thanks 19:32:33 we missed this one https://bugs.launchpad.net/poppy/+bug/1375341 19:32:35 Launchpad bug 1375341 in poppy "Error Messages in test logs" [Medium,Confirmed] 19:32:50 do we care to fix it now? 19:32:58 thats a lower priority 19:33:15 amitgandhinz: can you change the priority, plz? 19:33:23 https://bugs.launchpad.net/poppy/+bug/1375341 19:33:39 hmm…why didn't it fetch the summary? 19:33:49 "Unable to create a distribution with multiple origins for CloudFront driver" 19:34:11 obulpathi: can this wait? 19:34:14 This one got to do with teh limitations of boto 19:34:24 the cloudfront client 19:34:36 so, we can fix this until we fix the boto 19:34:41 ok 19:34:51 do we have an issue open for boto? 19:34:54 yes, this can wait, unless amitgandhinz says otherwise 19:35:01 low 19:35:30 obulpathi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/poppy/+bug/1359950 what abt this one? 19:35:31 Launchpad bug 1359950 in poppy "Support for updating service with CloudFront driver is missing" [Undecided,New] 19:35:53 thats is a different one 19:35:56 yes 19:36:30 is there a way that can be surfaced via tests rather than as a bug? 19:36:33 cloudfront python client has limited capabilities right now 19:36:55 because as new drivers are built its possible they lack a feature and i would rather the tests identify that than have an open bug for it 19:37:11 +1 on that. 19:37:13 amitgandhinz: you want the tests to keep failing for these? 19:37:16 ie run the api tests against each provider 19:37:26 +1 19:37:27 they can be made non failing, just informational 19:37:47 ie its own environment in tox? 19:37:52 We can skip the tests with INFO message, but when do we decide it's time to not skip them? 19:37:54 that appears on the review page? 19:38:15 im just thinking when a new provider build their own driver, and stops half way it should not halt poppy 19:38:29 but users should be able to see that driver X is failing in these areas so choose not to use it 19:38:37 yeah..I think we need to somehow track them 19:38:39 +1 good idea 19:38:46 SKIPPED tests usually get ignored 19:38:50 lets discuss that offline 19:38:56 maybe failing but non voting? 19:38:57 ok 19:39:12 lets chat in #openstack-poppy 19:39:16 ya 19:39:20 tht's all for bugs 19:39:25 cool 19:39:27 amitgandhinz: we can move to the next topic 19:39:36 ya 19:39:47 #topic Standardized Error Responses 19:39:52 hi folks..sorry am late.. 19:39:57 #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/Proposed/APIGuidelines#Failure_Codes 19:39:59 hi miqui 19:40:01 hi miqui 19:40:02 miqui: glad you could make it :) 19:40:02 hi 19:40:22 So I am running into issues where our error messages don't make sense 19:40:32 which is bad for a project as young as us 19:40:47 example error: 19:40:48 { 19:40:48 "code": 400, 19:40:48 "description": "u'fastly'", 19:40:48 "title": "Bad Request" 19:40:48 } 19:40:54 malini: is that becuase the msg is different per vendor? 19:41:19 miqui: even within our code we are not providing descriptive error messages 19:41:26 gotcha... 19:41:45 i think its just lacking in quality messages being surfaced 19:41:57 we need to be better at handling errors, and outlining why it failed 19:41:57 amitgandhinz: yes 19:42:04 +1 19:42:16 If it fails with a 400, we shouldn't leave the user wondering why 19:42:20 #agreed 19:42:30 tonytan4ever never argues :) 19:42:34 #agreed to handle error messages better 19:42:35 ..heheh 19:42:39 #agreed 19:42:51 i dont think tonytan4ever knows that using a hashtag logs it in the summary lol 19:42:59 #agreed 19:43:06 what does everybody think of this format https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/Proposed/APIGuidelines#Failure_Codes ? 19:43:15 tonytan4ever: http://meetbot.debian.net/Manual.html 19:43:41 yes, I also wanted to bring up about the API Guidelines 19:43:59 I will be good for to study this and pick up good parts 19:44:00 * miqui reading... 19:44:01 that format looks better than what i proposed in the apiary docs 19:44:10 * amitgandhinz which somehow disappeared hmmmm 19:44:41 i think the APIGuidelines is fine... 19:44:48 amitgandhinz: it made rom for something better 19:45:18 since we all agree, should this go to a bp to clean up existing stuff? 19:45:30 All new code should follow this format 19:45:34 ya 19:45:37 yes 19:45:40 we should have a standardized class for it 19:45:44 and use that 19:45:56 also we should be using the oslo logging more when errors do happen 19:46:01 we are very light on log lines 19:46:08 amitgandhinz: Can you write up tht bp? 19:46:18 will do 19:46:25 amitgandhinz: +1 19:46:26 amitgandhinz: good point..these should be stuff to watch out for during reviews 19:46:34 yep 19:46:37 we need review guidelines in the wiki 19:46:50 question: an error msg fromthe vendor would end up in message: right? 19:47:27 tonytan4ever can answer that best 19:47:30 miqui: its possible 19:47:48 Well, not always. 19:47:48 sometimes poppy could determine why it failed and create a more poppy friendly message back to the user 19:47:58 sometimes it may make sense for the vendor's error to propogate back 19:48:08 right.. 19:48:18 was trying to gage when to do what.... 19:48:36 we should probably make a best guess determination of what will make the most sense to the user 19:48:47 ok, sounds good.. 19:49:01 for example, if we get a duplicate key exception from a vendor, poppy can relay an appropriate message back 19:49:24 +1 19:49:31 hoever, if a vendor had an unknown exception occur, then we may be best suited to relay that error back 19:49:49 +1 19:49:52 also, theres a section on friendly user message, and then more details 19:49:59 in the guideline proposed 19:50:07 thats a good point becuase vendor support folks are wanting to know this info.. 19:50:23 #agreed team gets better at handling error messages and logging them 19:50:45 #agreed team will surface errors based on https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/Proposed/APIGuidelines#Failure_Codes 19:50:50 #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/Proposed/APIGuidelines#Failure_Codes 19:50:52 ok 19:50:57 9 minutes remain 19:51:08 #topic open discussion 19:51:18 tonytan4ever: you had an item about using id's 19:51:29 Yes. 19:52:18 Since for vendors like MaxCDN we are not to use Master/Sub accounts, the service name mapping from poppy to maxcdn will be a little tricky. 19:52:51 please explain 19:53:46 Also for logging purposes, since a poppy service's name can be changed by PATCH endpoint, tracking which provider (say MaxCDN) service belong to which user service will be an issue. 19:54:11 does MaxCDN generate its own service name? 19:54:23 so basically if i call my service "Amits Service" then no one else within maxcdn through my operator account can use that name 19:54:48 or more generically "My Service" 19:54:52 Right, since different users can have same poppy service name 19:54:56 yeh 19:55:15 so how about we generate a provider id (uuid) and use that as the servicename with the providers 19:55:16 but they cannot have the same MaxCDN service name in the same account 19:55:25 and we store that in our provider details ( i think we already have a field for it) 19:55:28 hmm..but tht is true for other providers too, rt? like fastly 19:55:31 That looks like a good idea to me. 19:55:33 Yes. 19:55:46 and so users of poppy can have whatever name (unique by projectid + servicename) 19:56:02 Same applies for fastly, assume we only use one fastly operator account. 19:56:04 and the providers end up have UUID as the servicename/pullzoneid/distributionid 19:56:29 +1 19:56:41 if a user patches the servicename in poppy, the provider id need not change 19:56:41 do providers allow different users to have the same service name? 19:56:47 no 19:56:56 well depends on the provider 19:57:11 if its a different account they can have the same name 19:57:16 but within an account it must be unique 19:57:26 in the case of poppy, its one operator account only 19:57:39 ok. 19:57:56 Almost all of the case we are only gonna have one provider service account. 19:58:04 ok so do we agree to submit a uuid as the name at the provider level? 19:58:26 agreed. 19:58:27 +1 19:58:29 i cant see a problem with it 19:58:56 the uuid may need to be custom based on name rules at the provider 19:59:04 but we already have a function to handle that 19:59:16 we just store whatever the id ends up being in the provider-details 19:59:27 yes. 19:59:40 malini: miqui: any concerns on this approach? 19:59:58 not atm... 20:00:02 hmmm..I am still hazy on the details 20:00:14 so no atm :) 20:00:15 we can discuss more in the normal channel then 20:00:24 time is up 20:00:28 thanks everyone 20:00:34 thank you!! 20:00:39 thank you! 20:00:44 see you all next week 20:00:45 and miqui, we will see you in a few hours at the tavern! 20:00:49 #endmeeting